Lets discuss Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio - and whether or not the US could risk losing its reserve currency status. Enjoy! WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/xguam0TKMw8 - Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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What's up guys, it's graham here so throughout the last week, there's been a new topic gaining a lot of attention with over two and a half million views over these last few days, and it has to do with a video posted by ray dalio titled principles for Dealing with the changing world order, this is a 43-minute presentation about the impending downfall of every major economy, as we know it, how these evolving cycles typically happen on a regular basis. Why the times ahead will be radically different from those that we've experienced in our lifetimes and how we can best prepare for what's to come, based on predictable events that have happened in the past. So let's talk about what this is, what this means for you and my own thoughts about the changing world order coming from the ceo of the world's largest hedge fund, with over 45 years of investing experience right after, of course, you change that, like button order by Giving it a gentle tap for the youtube, algorithm and subscribing if you haven't done that already i'll, also link to ray dalio's full video down below in the description for anyone who wants to watch that as well and now with that said, let's begin so. First, we got ta talk about what the changing world order even is because, despite what some people might assume, it has nothing to do with the great reset the russia, ukraine, invasion or even an event.

That's happened in most of our lifetimes, but instead a repeating cycle of rise and decline since the beginning of time that all starts with this. No, it's not benjamin franklin. It's the us dollar see ray dalio, explains that throughout history, there's a constantly revolving changing world order between what he calls the leading economy and the rising economy, both fighting for the economic superpower of being, what's known as the reserve currency. This refers to a currency.

That's commonly accepted around the world and since 1945 the united states has been the reserve currency with the dollar. When the system was first adopted, it was used as a way to keep the price of investments, commodities like oil and gas and exchange rates stable. Knowing that no matter which currency you had and held, its value is always pegged to that of the us dollar. However, as ray dalio points out, reserve currencies like this don't last forever and a change occurs in what he calls the big cycle.

This starts with the new world order, which last occurred in 1945, when the united states became the reserve currency after world war ii prior to then that title was held by the british pound, which lasted for 105 years following the french revolution, followed by the netherlands, followed By spain and portugal and venetian gold, and so on, with the understanding that reserve currencies have not lasted forever and about every 100 years, they change giving way to a new world order, with the transition that lasts anywhere from 10 to 20 years. So what causes this? You might ask well ray dalio points out that this could be summarized into three segments: the rise, the top and the decline during the rise after every new reserve currency, there's a period of peace and prosperity as people bet and borrow on that system. Continuing this is typically marked with strong education, critical thinking, character, building and work ethic that allows for new innovation, new technologies and other resources for a continual rise in productivity. However, in order to finance that continued push in productivity, there must be a system in place for borrowing and allowing people from around the world to convert their currencies into investments to share in the success of making that happen.
In fact, ray dalio points out that all of the most powerful reserve currencies followed the exact same path leading to the top at the peak. The growing consensus is that, while people earn more the more expensive, their time becomes relative to other countries who are willing to do the same work for less. On top of that, other countries have the ability to take the blueprints from the latest innovation and then replicate the same thing for less reducing the leading power's competitiveness. At the same time as people become richer, they tend to work less their values, change over generations and, as a result, they continue to borrow even more without contributing to the same innovation leading to a growing divide between the rich and the poor.

Over a sustained period of time now, even though ex's spending and borrowing is great in the short term long term, he explains that it weakens the economy because at some point it becomes unprofitable to sustain and the country grows deeper into debt. Potentially then, borrowing money from poorer countries who are able to save more. The tipping point, though, comes when people lose faith in the reserve. Currency refuse to lend more money and would rather sell than reinvest the profits leading to the decline.

Ray dalio explains that during a downturn, if a country can't sustain its own debts, it needs to choose between defaulting or printing more money and they're always going to choose printing more money that devalues the currency. It raises inflation and since the 1990s the us had three occurrences where the central bank had to step in to finance an industry collapse from the dot-com bubble, mortgage crisis and coveted shutdown. Historically, it's said that when a government has difficulty funding itself during bad economic conditions and rising internal conflict, the rich move their assets to places, investments and currencies. They feel the safest in reducing tax revenue, innovation and productivity and giving way for other nations to eventually become the new reserve currency and the new world order.

Surprisingly, he explains that these events have repeated themselves since the beginning of the roman empire, and even though no two changes have been the exact same, they do contain a very similar blueprint that we could look at today to determine what might happen in the future. For example, france held the reserve currency from 1720 to 1815.. This occurred when france conquered the netherlands and then issued their own dominant currency. However, over time they began to run at a deficit where they spent a lot more money than they made that led to a lowering of interest rates and then eventually reissuing, even more currency when it came back to the treasury instead of destroying it.
Even though it was initially a boom to their economy over time, it devalued their currency and within just two years, their notes held only 82 percent of their original value from there within 10 years. After declining economic conditions, the world had lost faith in france's reserve currency and then moved on to the british pound, which held reserve status from 1815 to 1920.. During the time that france was economically declining, britain was quickly becoming one of the largest economies in the world. London was the center of international trade and, as a result, their currency was already being used around the world.

On top of that, even though the pound was directly redeemable for gold, they also allowed the opportunity to directly invest into london and earn an interest rate effectively. Making it a safe, stable store of wealth, although after world war, one, the uk went through a time of economic depression, slowing growth and deflation, eventually leading them to abandoning the gold standard and the eventual u.s reserve currency that we have today from 1944. Until who knows when see prior to then the u.s grew to the point to becoming the world's largest economy by 1920, during a time where other countries were abandoning the gold standard to pay for world war 1. by the time world war ii came around, the u.s Was in a position to supply weapons and goods that were later repaid back with gold, giving them the leverage to officially become the reserve currency is laid out in the bretton woods agreement in 1944., however, the u.s decided to sever its ties with the gold standard.

During the vietnam war, leading to a surplus of spending, borrowing and money printing that we see today and worrying people that maybe we could see a changing world order like ray dalio suggests, objectively speaking, i have to say ray. Dalio is a point when you look at this from his perspective. He explains that there is a measurable output for each country as a reserve, and in this case there are eight factors to consider: education, technology, competitiveness, output, world trade, military strength, financial center and the strength of the currency. When it comes to this, he alludes to the concern that the united states has begun to decline from their peaks since the 1950s and now is beginning to look less appealing, as china's economy begins to grow in its place.
This was even seen back in 2020 when china and russia created a financial alliance to reduce their dependency on the u.s dollar, with china, for instance, as you can see, since 2015, the number of settlements to the us dollar has been on a consistent decline, possibly as A result of increased tariffs on chinese goods. On top of that, the u.s has seen a slight decline in its reserve currency status over the last 10 years, and the billionaire jeffrey gunlock said that at the same time, estimates for when china's economy will be the largest keep getting pulled forward. Noting some economist projections show china's economy will surpass the us by 2028.. Now, when a charles schwab analyst looked at this even further, they concluded that still the us dollar is used in 40 of global trade in almost 80 percent of all cross-border transactions.

Overall, if there is going to be a new reserve currency, there has to be something better to take its place, of which there aren't many viable options. Even now, the us dollar has held roughly the same value since 1987 and even throughout international turmoil. It's continued to rise against other currencies as investors dive into safe haven assets. Now in the big picture so far, the decline that we've seen is still relatively small compared to the volume of transactions taking place in usd.

However, not everybody agrees, and even though it seems like being the reserve currency is the most sought after title. While the u.s is at risk, it might not be on the surface being a reserve. Currency means that the us could borrow from foreign nations, driving down interest rates and fueling more spending. But as a result, it's thought that our own products and services would be more expensive because the dollar is worth more will become in effect, less competitive and, as a result, unemployment will go up.

In 2016, the federal reserve chair ben bernanke said the nation's declining share of a growing global economy and the rise of the euro and yen means nations other than the us could also borrow at low rates. But the rising wealth of other nations doesn't spell doom for the u.s, it doesn't mean the us is getting poorer, just that other nations are getting richer. That was followed up by the council of foreign relations, who wrote that absent to catastrophic us policy error? I would expect the dollar to remain the most powerful reserve currency for the next several decades, although what i did find interesting is that senator rand paul suggested that bitcoin could one day replace the world's reserve currency. If people lose faith in government institutions, even now, bitcoin has seemed to become the default digital reserve of cryptocurrency, with nearly everything being linked back to the value of each satoshi and countries.

Like el salvador who have adopted it is their own legal source of tender. However, others counter this by saying that, even though bitcoin is decentralized, creating a reserve would elevate the importance of miners, the developers and disruptions of protocols if there isn't a clear legal recourse. So, even though it doesn't look like bitcoin is going to become a reserve currency. Anytime soon, if you are interested in digital currencies, ftx is a place where you could buy, sell track and trade a multitude of different cryptocurrencies and nfts all in one place right from your phone with fees that are up to 85 less than their top competitors.
They have no fixed minimum fees, no ach transaction fees, no withdrawal fees and their crypto debit card is accepted throughout millions of merchants worldwide. So, if you're interested feel free to use the link down below in the description or download the ftx app using the code. Gram to get free crypto on every trade over ten dollars, just like when i bought bitcoin the other day, and i got a totally free dogecoin, which that's kind of neat anyway. In terms of my overall thoughts on the changing world order, i see his point and you can't argue with the fact that so far, we've seen a drastic change in power every 100 and 250 years since the beginning of the roman empire.

I think it's an incredibly fascinating topic with a lot of moving parts that make it very difficult to determine whether or not this is something that could happen in a lifetime. If it's going to be gradual, if it'll be sudden or if we could even ever see it coming, you know. Obviously the fact that 80 percent of all us dollars were printed in the last 22 months, combined with 64 percent of americans now living paycheck to paycheck. Well, china's economy is poised to outpace the us by 2030, isn't exactly confidence inspiring, especially when high energy prices increase the risk of an upcoming recession, but by and large a lot needs to happen first, if and when there's going to be a new reserve currency and Not withstanding a massive black swan event that undermines the united states role in worldwide trade.

It might not happen, or it might not happen in a time that we could ever reasonably predict. In fact, in physics, there's a term known as the observer effect, where the mere act of observing something or being aware of it diminishes its power and accuracy, because you can now act on the signals. So in essence, we can now see the forces that led to the previous demises of previous reserve currencies allowing us to act in a slightly different way to prevent that same outcome from occurring. That's why ray dalio makes the mention that history doesn't always repeat itself, but it can rhyme alluding to the fact that, even with all of this previous data, we have no idea what's really going to happen.

So as much as i do think. This has merit over the next 100 years realistically, in the short term, it's better to focus on what you can control by getting a free stock down below in the description. That's worth all the way up to a thousand dollars when you sign up for public using the code gram, making sure you save your income having a diversified portfolio, keeping a stable career and investing consistently, regardless of what happens that way, you're not going all in on Gold for 20 years, while significantly underperforming the market, but you still get to enjoy the appreciation of a global portfolio. That's the reason why i've been allocating 10 of my entire account to an international etf and another five to eight percent in both bitcoin and ethereum, because we don't know what's going to happen.
Another economy could very well surpass the us and at the end of the day it's anyone's guess so. Yes, i do think it's something to be made aware of, but no, i do not think it's something worth worrying about and for anyone curious, i will link to ray dalia's full video down below in the description for anyone who wants to give it a watch. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe. If you haven't done that already also feel free to add me on instagram or on my second channel, the graham stefan show i'll have all the links down below in the description.

Thank you again for watching and until next time.

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25 thoughts on “The changing world order has just begun how to prepare”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tdip says:

    So like when are we gonna acknowledge the New world order and their impact on the financial system in every way?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Oloteo says:

    Technically Ben Franklin did help to change the war order by overthrowing Great Britain

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Leung says:

    Finally a good video I hadn’t watch some of your videos for some time By the way been a long subscription since 50k

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix Berry says:

    Hard times make strong men. Strong men make easy times. Easy times make weak men. Weak men make hard times.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy says:

    US dollars are based on war and violence (petrodollar) and fraud (Eurodollar). There is literally nothing that can replace it other than commodity money.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrfindell says:

    Dalio's work is very insightful and a fair prediction. Graham, do you have a video where you talk about how our investments or companies are reliant on China's supply chain? Or make a video of your insights to hedge against a market crash where a conflict with China's move to the top of the next world order could undermine our stocks/company values?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juul Smets says:

    As a Dutchie it's nice to hear someone say the Netherlands instead of Holland. Great video btw

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Comment Chameleon says:

    I’m just waiting for the Metaverse to trick my brain into a good life so I can feel happy and experience the pleasures I so desperately desire.

    Then again, if it’s full of DLC/in-app purchases that mimic real life prices, it might just be a new prison.

    Drugs will probably remain cheaper. Death will be free………


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milton Bates says:

    The post-WW2 Breton-Woods Agreement effectively made the US dollar the world's reserve currency, backed by the gold in Fort Knox. It was the Nixon Shock of 1971 that decoupled the US dollar from gold, and its been a wild ride ever since.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Marki - Warren Buffett Style Investor says:

    Based on these revolving 100 years' worth of reserve status patterns, it looks like the US should get to keep its currency reserve status until at least 2040-2050

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Art of KAS says:

    Leave it to Graham to give us a title and video content that leads us to a strong conclusion to just continue to invest. 👍. I approve this message 😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salem Smith says:

    Wow I can't believe yt fact checked this video with their little explanation blue box…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the mista milla says:

    I feel like all of your content is just negative news nothing to actually improve anyone's mind

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raul martinez says:

    Call it like it is
    THE NEW WORD ORDER Antichrist Government
    Dont be a punk 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Marki - Warren Buffett Style Investor says:

    Just don't move your assets into a yacht because those can be hunted down

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Vigil says:

    Be careful when using the term “New World Order” really great way to get people to label you as misinformation and/or cancel you. Also, Thank you for helping so many of my friends and myself build our wealth and make better decisions with money. Got us above the poverty line and out of debt

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MurkedStat says:

    The dollar being the reserve currency for the next several decades……….WE ARE IN 30 TRILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Marki - Warren Buffett Style Investor says:

    Maybe some of Dalio's research explains part of why Charlie Munger is so bullish on Chinese stocks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROXAS-AS ME (Roxasme) says:

    SHIBA INU!!!!!!🚀

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wnc817 says:

    It is not a natural cycle, but a pre-planned event. China was built at our expense, by means of the half trillion annual trade deficit and 300 to 600 million annual transfer of technology. China itself is an Askenazi communist construct, from which they intend to project power is outlined in the one belt one road plan. The implications of this go well beyond simple trade policy.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flyrodu says:

    Not even going to see the video… fear mongering thumb nail and title. The more of this i see the more i unsubscribe from these type of channels. Same goes for Tom Nash and soon Kevin P.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Marki - Warren Buffett Style Investor says:

    I heard from his latest book, Dalio attributed a significant possibility to a civil war. I hope this doesn't happen 🙁

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Goodall says:

    Please add a short list of the important sites you use to find this information 🙏🏻 love your work

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rony Ron says:

    As the world develops the world we know it will change.. all facts

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Karney says:

    China cannot innovate their way out of a paper bag. No one will trust them nor will they let them be in charge.

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