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00:00 The Failure of Meet Kevin.
05:10 The Last 18 Months.
10:05 The 3 Prongs going Forward.
15:30 Why Bother.
18:06 Sincere Advice FOR YOU.
This video is not personalized financial advice for the viewer. Read the Offering Circular before investing in HouseHack.

Hey everyone Me: Kevin Here Boy, if you are an entrepreneur going through a tough time or just looking for some motivation, this video might be for you in this video. we're going to start by touching on some of the oopsy dupsies and the end or cancelling of meet Kevin And then we're going to talk about how we're going to try to focus on the Big B I know not bankruptcy right? Ella Uh, so first, something that I find very interesting about YouTube that I found, uh is that your viewership can fluctuate a lot. It could go up and down. it usually does that in Cycles Your goal is to try to get the little dotted line Trend to be up over time obviously.

but the longer you're on YouTube so the longer time moves to the right, the more hate you get. even as a viewership potentially goes down. And that's mostly because everyone who hates Sonia wants to make sure they remind the world of of your oopsy dupsies and not of your successes. Uh, and that's okay.

Oh, as time goes on though, it's just. there are always going to be more scars. People will tend to make more oopsy dupsies, right? Ella You're a little frustrated about that too, but that's okay. that's Ella by the way, she was born October 26th with her twin sister.

Now let's get some of the oopsy dupsies out of the way so we can talk about the future because you'll find some of these things that we went through are going to be things that just lead people to give up. They kind of make you feel like why not just throw in the towel, sell everything, retire, be grateful what you have, Why be greedy and keep trying? You know those are just some of the comments that you get and I agree. I've definitely made mistakes I made a mistake promoting FDX I made about $133,000 from them. all of which by the way will either go to legal fees or what's left after that will go to charity for crypto I promised that on day one and that is going to be true, which just it takes years for these things to settle out so that's still ongoing.

Uh, but boy, that guy duped everyone and I have to live with that scar of somebody else being a fraud. So even though it's easy to say oh well, it's their fault, they're the fraud I will deal with it and I will accept it as something that I will always have to. I also effed around driving and promptly found out uh that uh Reckless definitely makes my insurance go up but all I could say to that is don't be an idiot, drive safely and do the right thing and I recognize I made mistakes and I regret those. Then I was also branded as a flip-flopper for selling stocks in January of 2022.

That ended up being the right move since a lot of those uh had or a lot of those stocks were smaller cap stocks that do great in a bull run as they did. but unfortunately as you go into a recession higher interest rate environment, they don't And so we saw that writing on the wall and sold. Uh, unfortunately, a lot of those stocks are now down 50 to 90% still today or they're bankrupt. Uh, I Have to live with the fact though that I once promoted those stocks even though it was clear that hey, some of these ones you don't want to own in a recession, there's never going to be a shortage of people who want to bag on these three issues and so I'll accept these I completely accept responsibility for these and I'm not going to quit and I'm not going to give up.
That being said, it has been very challenging whether or not I was in the right or wrong. Doesn't matter whether or not my Nike Swoosh the volatile Nike Swoosh thesis continues to play out as it has been. or no matter whatever successes or failures happen in the future for that matter, those things will probably always haunt me. That's just the nature of being on the internet.

So I've just found the easiest thing to do is just own up and say I effed up and try to to move on and so again, that's where people will generally tell you just give up and I will say there is a pleasure in just being able to say I give up I failed and then go crawl into a hole and just disappear. That's the easy thing to do. You know people love the quote Oh It's better to die a hero than see yourself become the villain. You know th those are things that people say and I think to myself, well gosh, just because attention might fade doesn't mean somebody has changed who they are.

That doesn't mean a hero has become a villain. It just means people's perceptions of the person change over time and that could be driven by outside influences. That doesn't necessarily mean the person me meet Kevin is any different than the person that I was in 2017 or 18 when I was jumping out of bushes making real estate content to making news content uh during the Co era to now also doing news content and sort of daily fed Finance Uh, Wall Street Analysis I enjoy this and so same thing I did then which is make content I Enjoy I keep doing that now. So the question is, even though the last period of time has been very challenging, what have I done over the last 18 months Because again, it's easy to just quit.

Well, fortunately, knock on wood that we can keep on this trajectory. But I built a team of 12 amazing employees and four absolutely incredible contractors. Individuals that work really and everything from software engineering to in-house legal work, deal analysis, research, accounting, you name it. In fact, what I've told myself is, rather than retire and just live on the money that you made, I'm taking every dime of it and just reinvesting it.

A lot of people would say why you've got twins now you've got two previous, you know, two children already from before, that, an 8-year-old and and almost a six-year-old here. Why? Why take the risk and keep going? and I don't really know why, that's just me, but I'm going to. So we're throwing everything back into the strongest foundations that we can build. and we're going to do that.
Uh, whether or not people watch us on. YouTube We're going to just keep providing the same value that we can every single day. but it'll be agnostic of social media. Of course, it could be enhanced by social media, but think about this.

Some of the folks who started working for me at some of the lowest point point in my career like stocks are down, sentiment really low on me. Kevin Some people who started working for me started working for me for $4 to $16 an hour. That's it. One of the guys on my construction team started at like 13 14 bucks an hour.

Uh, one of the people, uh, who started out editing Tik Tok started out. you know, uh, you know, something nominal like this as well. A bunch of interns that were working with me started out at550 an hour and now I'm really grateful to say every single person who works for me makes over $90,000 a year. Some of them in fact, actually probably the majority of them make between $ 100 to $220,000 a year.

We're reinvesting everything into making sure that everybody who works with me can share in winning and keep winning and contribute to winning. And it's really exciting because again, you would go from such a low period of time which is right around the same time I launched my Actively Managed ETF In fact, the first time I met some of my interns in person was when we were ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange and we invited hundreds of course members to join me inside of that exchange KN on wood. As of the moment of this filming, we know the stock market can fluctuate on a daily basis, but for year to date you know it's Christmas Eve here. Year to date we're beating the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ 100.

Again, you know things can fluctuate and no guarantees. but we've got over 4 $4 million of people who have entrusted in that Asset Management which is really, really cool that it it shows just that even though we've had failures, we have successes that I think shine way louder. Starting with the team that we've built, it's an amazing success. The Actively Managed ETF An amazing success and we also launched something I've been dreaming about launching for a very long time a real estate startup called House Hack.

We've raised over $40 million. We think the valuation of that company is at least 50 to 100% greater than what it was. When people invested, that means somebody who invested $1 probably has a share worth somewhere between a buck 50 to $2 Now it means the company's worth somewhere between $60 to $80 million. So that means we have over 40 in an ETF 60 to 80 that we managing for in valuation for house.

Haack and we think we're just getting started. I mean over the last 18 months rather than crawling into that hole and giving up I doubled down and I've worked harder than I ever have before. It's weird to say, but I worked harder in the last 18 months during a period where viewership was declining then I worked in the three years before. that probably combined.
It's kind of crazy to think about I mean I ran for governor the three years before. Yeah, with the audience, we earned uh, nearly 1 million votes in California Which is absolutely while we had a shot. Anyway, over the last 18 months, I convinced Elon Musk at an annual shareholder meeting in person to start advertising I dinner with Kathy Wood I interviewed Barbara Corkin in person Kevin Oir in person I Confronted Peter Schiff in person at his home and many other people. Incredible opportunities that we've developed with Ben Malo or other wonderful creators on the platform.

and so now people wonder. Great that's great while everybody was busy hating on you. You? you've done cool things, but what's next? Ah well. there are three prongs going forward and I invite you to hold me accountable for these three prongs as uh, hopefully we can go on the path from you know, taking this over $100 million in assets and turning it into many billions of dollars.

Maybe that's delusional, but I think it's Let's put it this way: I've never felt as confident in the ability to pull it off uh, as we are now, so knock on wood? Not a guarantee. As you see, it's not a guarantee. Anyway, three prongs. All three that I call mirrors of a laser beam.

It's kind of like you're you're when you build foundations, you're working to set up these mirrors and the light comes in and you're trying to focus all of the mirrors on one sharp laser beam. And so even though some of these mirrors sound very different from each other, every single one of them helps the other one become better and increases the odds that the other one can make it across a B valuation, which is pretty wild. So what are those three laser beams myself and the team is working on? Well, first we have House Hack. House Hack is awesome.

You already know about House Hack. House Hack is going to go from phase one acquiring real estate to phase two. That's going to be the hardest transition for House Haack Getting to phase two is what turns House Haack from a 60 to 80 million company into a multi-billion dollar company. If we can pull off Phase 2, there won't be any end to winning, which is really, really exciting.

But we could fail. We could fail in pulling off phase two and that's why we need the other mirrors. Phase two, by the way, for House Hack has everything to do with mini funds and basically being able to create like a a zero fee way of investing in real estate. kind of.

Think about what Robin Hood did for commission free trading or Vanguard did for indexing. That needs to be done for real real estate and we think we found the way to do that. and again, if we pull it off, we think it'll be tremendously successful. and and we think we found the way to do it.

One of the ways though, that we enhance that laser beam is actually by launching a broker dealer. Now this sounds also very insane. but basically think literally Robin Hood and I'm talking about everything from Trading to clearing to Market making to algorithms to authorize participant work. you name it, that's required me get like every license under the sun in terms of Securities and there are still some more to get but that aren't High priorities right now.
Probably get about a year of a break before I have to think about licenses again. But I Got the SI, the 65, the 63, the 7, the 24, the 14, the 27 all done Those basically. Let me just in case you're wondering what those are, they let me run a broker dealer. They let me sell Securities They let me supervise the the sale of Securities They let me be a Financial Operations principal to make sure the finances for a broker dealer in line.

they let me provide licensed Financial advice. They let me sell securities within a state. All of these licenses have very specific purposes and they're like unlocks for letting me do various different things and some people might look at this and go how. what does that have to do with House Hack Phase 2 Well, if you think about what I said, house Hack Phase 2 is you might start realizing and waking up to oh, those are securities, see how it relates.

It's all part of of of this laser beam that we're really, really excited about. Yeah, so stay tuned and it might even maybe involve uh, some uh, uh, clearly regulated, uh, crypto opportunities as well. though that is a little bit more down the road, so buckle up! We'll see how our ETF approvals go here here. or the world's ETF approvals go with BTC Uh, then there's the third laser, which obviously has gone through its fluctuation of time, but uh, it has to do with Finance news.

And the the best tool that I found so far has been providing incredible value at and it's really just trying to encourage everybody who used to watch me that doesn't have as much time as they used to have to just follow my opinion, the news that I'm paying attention to, and the distillation of the news that I'm paying attention to at It's a really incredible website. Uh, and it links our sources. It it links exactly what we're doing and it separates what I think every News company should do fact from bias. That's a big deal.

and so, uh, we're going to be double tripling down on this. maybe not necessarily through these holiday days. Here we'll post a little less, but uh, as we go into 2024 in the election cycle. All three of these actually enhance each other into what we think will be a multi-billion dollar laser.

Uh, very, very powerful laser and uh, to hopefully where all three of these can individually cross that. Mark Now there's a lot of risk involved in this. A lot of risk. Uh, the expenses uh, that I'm exposed to today are the highest that I've ever had in my life.
now. I Think that I'm in a place where I can, uh, use the money that we've built and reinvest into these opportunities. Some people will say Kevin why is it that you would want to spend all of this money and uh and and risk everything that you've built, why would you do that if you could just rest on those Laurels And it actually doesn't have to do with money. money is cool and all as like a a measurable goal.

but I actually think it's much more than that I Think life is about building successes and yes, there are going to be failures and scars along the way. I have scars on my body too. So I have scars physically and you know, mentally and and in and in social media. But I believe the worst thing and it would just kill me from the inside out would be to give up and stop because I think what we can build can create many millionaires, multi-millionaires not just with the people who invest with us, but also the people who work for us.

If you ever want a job, send us a a resume at Jobs from Accounting Financial Analysis if you got Wall Street Experience Software Engineering experience. whatever we need it all and uh, I'm committing to take all of the money that I've built up and just make sure that everywhere I need to I'm able to throw that money and go we are reinvesting. That's just that's my commitment and so some people will look and say okay, well some of the things Kevin that you personally choose to spend money on like how you travel or whatever. You know that's stupid.

it's a waste of money or whatever. and that's okay. people can have whatever opinion they want. For me, it's all.

Everything that I spend money on is a tool to make sure that I can make all of these laser beams operate as efficiently as possible. And it's really hard. It's really, really hard. It's hard to have the time to make sure every single employee is able to fire on all cylinders, to make sure that I'm involved and understand what's going on at every single layer of the organization, to make sure that if somebody needs help, they get the help that they need.

If somebody is confused about how to do something, I'm there to be able to help train them and make sure that in the future they are able to train other people like I'm able to train them and it's challenging because there's so much to do. but maybe I'm a mad man, maybe I'm crazy. but I absolutely love it. I Love absolutely everything that we've built and what we are building.

I actually feel like we've just put foundations down and we're just getting started which is really, really exciting. and so I think zooming out uh uh for for everyone for a moment if you're an entrepreneur or uh, if you're somebody who's you know down in the dumps or you're facing depression or things just aren't working out right now. I Personally have found one of the things that helps me the most is pretending like I've been reset to zero. pretending like everything's bad.
everything's the worst it's ever going to be right now is kind of like like I'm just get to you example, like you shave your head or what. whatever whatever gives you a symbol of being at what you feel like is a very low point and when you're there, it's very important. you surround yourself with people you love right? But everything that you do after that every new project you start working on, every new commitment you make that you start fulfilling and and committing to actually starts feeling like a micro win. And then you take your experience in those micro winds and you let them start compounding.

And sometimes much like compound interest, it could take a really long time for you to start seeing the exponential portion of that compounding. and that's why I Purposfully like the idea of what can you do to mentally reset yourself to zero so that every bit of those little successes which could be as simple as I'm going to commit to exercising every day. I'm going to commit to waking up early every single day I'm going to commit to having a checklist and making sure I get a little bit of all the things on my checklist done every single day. So I'm touching everything daily to where I'm not leaving things behind or letting things fall through the cracks.

Or it could be as simple as I'm going to clean the garage I'm going to clean the closet I'm going to clean the office I'm going to finish those projects I've been waiting to finish. Great time to do that. By the way, at the end of the year now every day you can look back and go damn that looks clean. Wow.

I'm actually not behind on that. Wow! I'm actually getting done done What? I committed to get done. Wow For an example for me like I'm going to go back to doing Market Open live streams every day every single day 525 sharp to 6:45 Live stream Live stream Live stream live stream on the meet Kevin Live Channel Course member live streams right after that. every single day, You know? Obviously, we've got more lectures coming out for the Gold course.

So if you want sort of my perspectives on building your wealth whether it's real estate or stocks for 2024 or otherwise, check out the Gold Course. It's the best thing we've got right now. It's also the most affordable way to get into the course. member.

live streams that's linked down below. price will go up at the end of the year, uh, on on the first of the year. But anyway, we we look at being able to build uh and look back at these little winds and go. Okay, this gives me the fuel to keep going.

It gives you the fuel to look and go that's cleaner. That's better. It's working. Better to know.

Okay, if we could do this now daily for a long period of time, the exponential gains will come. It's just a matter of patience. Um, obviously a lack of patience can lead to rash decisions. And don't get me wrong, I've made some rash decisions as well, but they're always in the spirit of trying to find what is the best possible way forward.
and I kind of like this book it's called good to great. They talk about being on a bus and it's kind of like you want to be driving the bus. Uh, if you're the entrepreneur or you know, CEO or whatever, you're driving the bus and your goal is to get the best possible people onto that bus Because when the best possible people are on that bus, we might be like all right now we're going to do this. Oh nope, that's the bad way.

Okay, now we're going to go this way. Oh no, that's even worse. Okay, we're going to go this way. Okay, this is working.

You know? we're on that bumpy, clunky bus together. If you got a good team, it's all the easier to transition and flex your way through. Really an Uncharted Territory And for all of us, our journey is Uncharted right. It might feel like oh, people have done my job before.

Whatever, but your life is Uncharted You have to figure it out and when you're going down a path that you know is a bad path to go down, you got to change, you got to flipflop as people say and every little turn you make there's always going to be somebody going haha I knew that was a bad move haha look at you loser. your bus is zigzagging like crazy. Well at least we're on a bus unlike you in the swamp being a hater. So anyway, uh that's my Christmas Eve message and those are my thoughts.

Thank you so much for watching and the support. Uh, remember if you don't have the time to watch all the videos that I make if you want to wake up with me, have some coffee with me, watch the market open Live Streams 2024 is going to be all about executing on all the cylinders we have, so expect more content, better content I Love y'all If you want updates on House Hack, go to the House Hack channel. Uh, we're going to post it before and after. my goal was to get that out Friday uh Christian Still got it in editing so we'll probably get it out uh by Tuesday if if not, maybe today.

But anyway, thank you so much. we love you all and we'll see you soon! Thanks bye Cann Not advertise these things that you told us here I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll we'll try a little advertising and see how it. Go Congratulations man you have done so much. People love you People look up to you Kevin Pafra there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “The cancelling of meet kevin $100 million to billionaire.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TSLAfan says:

    Some wanna be, others are…. You Really Are Kevin 🫂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Stocks-px1pi says:

    What did you say? I was totally distracted. 🥰

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ServantOfYHWH says:

    Kevin, you are such a great person. God bless you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brandon_youtube says:

    Kevin is 100% right. Doing and completing actions is so important to do. I would also add learning and reading information to grow your understanding. Doing those two things creates a platform for moving forward!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @travelwithjustin says:

    Liking ehack, lots of value there. Keep going, forget the haters!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @starkymike says:

    Now would be a great time to repost your factory reset video from a few months ago that you took down. I was actually using it to help save someone by just having them rewatch it as a reminder.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @plantmanstudios says:

    Whatever happened with househack, is it ever going to launch? Or are you still struggling to buy your 5th property?😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @blairstevens6520 says:

    hi Kevin, no hate just observation and feedback as a previous paying customer – you charge money in exchange for advice, then do things like buy a jet for $10 million dollars….not exactly smart money decisions, so you should be expecting some negative feedback for moves like this, we all mistakes tho, no one is perfect

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jackhood4448 says:

    Those 3 laser beams are sharks with frickin’ lasers on their heads

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-wp6ds5vn5t says:

    congratulations on the birth of your new baby! What a wonderful Christmas gift. God is good!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JoelyCannoli says:

    Forget the haters. I’ve learned so much from watching your videos over the last few years. Very thankful for you, this channel and your full transparency.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @giancarlosarmiento5345 says:

    You bring perspective and information. Stick to it. If these people can make their own interpretations and prefer to play the blame game, that’s on them and shows their inability to process things themselves. Keep going. You are a new era of news. I’ve watched almost every episode for 3 years. You’ve given me perspective and education I would have never gotten prior.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nobody.37 says:

    The problem was not that you made mistakes. And I don't count flip flopping as a mistake. If anything it's a necessary move that shows you're intelligent and can read the signs. The real problem was with those more humane eff ups that you tried to 're-interpret' let's say, and spin a false narrative. You should have known better, especially being a somewhat public figure. But hey, nobody is perfect, and we all live and learn. Hopefully. It's good to admit wrongs.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dicontabeis83 says:

    I think you worry to much about what people will said about you. Be you and you will be fine.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @banananutttt says:

    Awww baby girl so adorable!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MichaelDillin says:

    It’s obvious to me that YouTube has shadow band you I used to get you in my feed all the time and now I get ABC Fox, Forbes, and everybody else that I’m not interested in, including NPR! crammed into my feed. I never see your videos in my feed.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @benjaminsatchell9216 says:

    Thank you for the encouragement I needed it. Keep being awesome Kevin.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @deadeyeridge says:

    Remember Kev, financial foundations and security are good, but the firmest foundation is Jesus Christ on which everything else must be build. Otherwise, everything else becomes vanity

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gailsimmons2439 says:

    Great job Kevin! Blessings for a great new year for you and your team. ❤

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NoHarmDunn says:

    I’ve seen a few vids on the DUI and people basically using that as a way to attack to say you’re just a generally bad person and bad investor. Kinda harsh IMO

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FilteredInc says:

    Once again thanks for being so honest and transparent and sharing so much information! Happy New Years!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johanna_gardner says:

    I admire you Kevin. Your consistency is admirable. I’m a past investor and lost my mojo due to 2008 crash …getting back up, and staying up is the hardest thing a human can do. Keep staying positive, after watching you for many years, you’re a powerful inspiration not just as an investor, teacher, father, husband but as a human. A sincere Thank you for all your tenacity. You deserve every success. Much gratitude ❤

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Kaidensmith-ox8mj says:

    There are several ways to make money especially by investing little and making profits in the crypto market. I'm shocked a lot of persons still hold

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EagerBoaSnake-mr5ls says:

    Uuuuh its a little baaabyy and keep going means its you passion

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johnpearman3330 says:

    Did anybody hear that sound. It’s like an “echo from above” coming in…. Hmm maybe it’s just noise

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hoffman164 says:

    The “you” in this is certainly not universal. It’s mostly just true for people like meet Kevin who flail to beg for viewership and other people’s money in a shameless way that tend to be hated over time. Big surprise. Maybe your experience told be different if your approach and obvious motivations were different

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aijcr says:

    It would be wise to add crypto into HouseHack in the near future. Eventually even the traditional stock market will be tokenized.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @saibtsheb5590 says:

    Haters gonna hate Kevin. While they pray for you to fail, a lot of us will pray for your success as weve learn a lot from you; free or paid. I believe positivity and setting the next goal post will always trumps the villages petty talk. Just continue to do you. Its not about measuring yourself to the best of us but always about measuring yourself to the best of yesterdays Kevin. Keep up the fantastic contents.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mnpreston3137 says:

    It is so dumb that you get 55k views on this video! This is stupid. We actually learn something in your Dailey live streams and they get what 10k -15k views!? Why why

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fenkellmoney8034 says:

    Kevin are they shadowbanning you? I haven’t seen your content pop up for more then a year 🧐

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @markberlanga6375 says:

    So how can we invest in house hack? And about how.much would the min investment be?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Million_Monkey says:

    I became a millionaire in just 12 years!

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