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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #cz #crypto #fraud ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Binance's CZ destroys himself in an extended CNBC interview. That issue got WORSE today with Mazar's bailing.
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Things have gotten worse for Binance today and it doesn't look good. Hey, everyone meet Kevin here yesterday. I Covered a Binance interview a CNBC Binance CEO interview. Where the CEO let's just say had some embarrassing moments in addition to refusing and dodging the question about whether or not they have ever used customer funds to make investments like potentially a five million dollar investment into Twitter Where did they get that money from and refusing to acknowledge that if they have so much money they say they have 62 billion dollars of assets, why then are they unable to commit that? If they needed to make a 2.1 billion dollar payment, they had sufficient liquidity to do so.

Now of course, anytime a negative piece comes out on Binance, there's an army of Binance bots that I think are just scripts that come out to suggest that either the interviewer or the person covering the story has bias or whatever. Even though when you just look at the interview yourself, it's like hmm. why is the CEO being so dodgy? It should be simple to say no, we don't use customer funds, but they don't do that. It's also really odd when we hear the CEO say oh, we don't owe anybody money, we don't owe any company money, we don't have loans and then in the same interview, the CEO says yeah, we're working on doing an accounting of our liabilities.

This is quite odd, but it's no surprise that after yesterday's disastrous interview, what happened today, well, I'm going to reveal that right after giving you a bit of context. So there's this French accounting firm called Mazars. They're an accounting firm that actually does the accounting for companies like Crypto.com Kucoin, and Binance. And when I say accounting I want to be clear, they do what's known as a proof of Reserves disclosure accounting.

This is basically something that just shows how many assets they have. It's not really a full audit, and even though all of these companies are like oh, don't worry, one day we'll do a full audit, Nobody in this tough environment wants to do a full audit right now, probably because they're worried about being really exposed. We also really question how much revenue these companies are able to bring in right now since crypto volumes have substantially collapsed. And so this creates a concern that if there are revenues, that crypto companies are collapsing and potentially they are somehow through loopholes or otherwise leveraged, Because like the CEO says, oh, they don't owe somebody money, but they have leverage.

Okay, so so you do have liabilities, but you don't owe somebody money. Maybe maybe you're pledging customer assets and so technically you don't have a loan, but you're borrowing money by pledging customer assets. So it's actually your customers assets who have the liability against them and you're using that to go make other Investments whether it's in crypto, venture capital, or speculative Investments to create a yield for yourself, We don't know. And the scary thing about the crypto industry is just that it's one that says it's transparent.
But then when companies or people request audits, the crypto exchanges say we just do proof of reserves. We'll just tell you how many assets we have. We won't tell you how many liabilities we have. Take a listen.

Now that you know a little bit about Mazars, the French firm that does these sort of proof of reserves, accounting or disclosure reports listen to the reference from CNBC yesterday about Mazars and then I'm going to give you the update of what happened today. But even the audit that you're not I shouldn't call it an audit. Even the disclosure that you're doing with Mazars is not I mean you're setting the rules for this. It's not a real audit.

You're telling them what you'll share and you're kind of setting up. They wouldn't call it an audit. So what happened with Mazars today? Well, today, Mazars quit. literally the one company CNBC references as the one company providing any kind of disclosure into binance which we know is also a company that works for Crypto.com and Kucoin has decided they're quitting this French firm is quitting because of indications that markets haven't been reassured by the proof of Reserves reports they have published thus far and therefore they're quitting the entire crypto industry.

It just makes you scratch your head and wonder are things that bad in the crypto industry that the one company doing proof of Reserves reporting has now quit? Of course, many folks in the comments section say ah, CZ and the CEO of Binance is an OG Oh, you know he doesn't have to answer questions. Oh the questions that are being asked are Binance Oh somebody uh or or biased to not buying a finance bias whatever uh or or buys. Oh, you know, somebody reporting on the issue is is, uh, not fair to say anything bad about Binance because they're perfect. You know, like the amount of those sorts of comments are are at bot levels.

It's really weird. and when I look at my YouTube analytics I see at a certain time stamp these interesting spikes in externally sourced views and their views that on average have about a 20 to 30 percent shorter view duration. So I wonder if my videos on Binance or or certain videos catch on? and then somebody like turns on the Bots and all of a sudden we get these external viewerships that aren't actually watching the video as much as normal viewers are potentially humans and they're just leaving spam or hate to try to manipulate the audience's view. The public perception that oh, the creators are wrong, the media is wrong, the interviewers are biased when the reality is, maybe we're on to something I'm a big believer in when there's smoke, there's fire and it's not to say that Binance for sure is going down.

But let me just put it this way. there's a famous saying in Crypto that we've all become very used to Where And it's very simple: It's not your keys, not your crypto. And I think the best recommendation in the crypto world right now is get Off exchanges. We've been saying this since before FTX collapsed.
Been saying this since before Voyager collapsed. The amount of warnings on the channel, as have always been get off exchanges, use the exchanges to buy, but get off soon and stay away from stable coins because that means you're stuck on exchanges and sometimes you're locked up like Crypto.com locks you up for potentially three month increments in stable coins. And now, while that's nice to be able to farm that sort of yield, it might make a lot more sense to farm yield on Treasury Sitting at three and a half to four percent right now, then it might you. Could, you know, farmyield.treasurydirect.gov And then of course you're going to get a bunch of Bot comments they're like, yeah, government Bunch Chill, It's like let's see risk-free asset fully accounted for versus crypto exchange that just lost an accounting firm and they're leaving the entire crypto industry when their only job was to tell people what the assets were, which is also misleading in the first place.

Proof of reserves nonsense. We got to know what liabilities are. We gotta know what the Leverage is, You can't You just can't trust it otherwise. And so it's really, really scary to see.

Uh, the the amount of backlash that is sort of being programmed in social media commentary in comment sections. but I strongly believe the vast majority of those uh uh, you know saying oh, you know this is just fud or just Bots manipulating markets so be very, very careful. and uh, look I wish you the best out there. Not your keys, not your crypto But it's definitely a scary moment when you see Mazarus the One Farm doing this, quitting Kucoin, Binance and Crypto.com Good luck out there.

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36 thoughts on “The binance disaster just got worse.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Rüttener says:

    BTC schwankte in letzter Zeit und dies ist wirklich die Zeit, die wir brauchen, um von professionellen Brokern herauszufinden, was unser nächstes Schicksal sein wird.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Kutadgu says:

    Thanks man by fighting against that chinese. I have been banned on Bitcoin and Buttcoin because of the my observations about ftx crash. Chinese’s bots attacks on me.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orange Man Bad says:

    The reason he said lawyers would get involved in the 2.1 billion is because CZ doesn’t believe it was illegal or wrong and he doesn’t intend to give it back.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADMIN says:

    say the ftx clown

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Z says:

    Instead of blaming Binance,talk about O’LEARY. Looks like you got your cut from FTX too)))

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan Elite says:

    People saying Binance is perfectly fine… how the fuck you know??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gargamel And Rudmila says:

    Blockfi is dead as a doornail.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solenya says:

    The whole thing is gonna collapse. Hilarious since he was the one that initiated ftx collapse.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hahah says:

    Hahha careful people scammer ….hope they need people get their regulations in place to protect society from being scam…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SB LIVE says:

    Kevin is trying to pretend all his hate comments are all just bots, no Kevin these are all real people, real viewers who are pissed off that you pushed and promoted FTX to your subscribers!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kiril kiril says:

    Who hurt you?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lucky Dee says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mbanza1 says:

    Your not that guy for this topic

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Miller says:

    Dude 25!seconds and instantly ADS!! 😡 So ANNOYING!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto holica72 says:

    kevin as usual is full of crap

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Superack says:

    Customer funds or crypto is what cz means when he says liabilities.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrZippythesquirrel says:

    I was not aware of Kevin prior to today. Unfortunately, I am now aware of him. Kevin is a neophyte who wants to desperately appear as an expert. His financial advice appears to be tragic (buy Tesla at its peak, sell at the dip, FTX is great, pay me and I will show you how to become rich). Hold on to your wallet around this guy.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martins Badejoko says:

    I think you are a fan SBF, you are just talking with no substance, and your title is rubbish too. Go back to the drawing board and start again.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liquidlife777 Justin says:

    $BNBC is about to take off!!
    1 year locked!!
    Supply shock incoming 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glen Garbera says:

    Mazers is the most corrupt accounting firm in world. That's why trump used them. And I would as well if I had to hide something or misrepresent something.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timethy B says:

    Kevin o'leary is a liar, and meet Kevin is a retard

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Bit says:

    I can always count on you to see only the neg in crypto. You act like the dollar doesn't have any issues, yeah issues the public doesn't know about. What happens when cash is no good anymore? What if they start demanding that some other assets are required to buy oil.? Its just growing pains. You can't stop crypto.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Unknown 009 says:

    Love the content Kevin! I watched that interview and I did form my own opinion and I agree with you. He was answering questions like a politician. Also, his expression and body demeanor you could tell he was in the hot seat and not answering truthfully.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Al says:

    The audit firm bailed on the industry because of the liability exposure when these exchanges blow up and go bankrupt.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lars Lover says:

    Cz is so screwed and he probably knows it

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert King says:

    it wouldn't matter if any ceo of any crypto company told the truth because all of them do the same. they do not need to tell the truth or want too. i look at it this way giving potential random degenerates money and trusting them with it in any capacity is bad hold it yourself.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mijael Soto says:

    Why I unsubscribed from Kevin. Flip flopper to the max. Was lenient on FTX but is going harder on Binance. Wouldn’t be surprised if just like Kevin O Leary, Kevin is being paid.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tio Swift says:

    All these scumbags need to be jailed and their exchanges shut down immediately.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew valdivia says:

    I watch the whole interview Kevin you’re so full of it. Did you watch the same one? The way I took it was he was being reserved with his comments and not contradicting himself especially with all the stuff going on with Sam Bankman Fried. He did say that he was able to pay all investors at one time they are 1 to 1. And they make the revenue off of trading volume. Everything you said he avoided saying he totally described on how they do things.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anikats says:

    You're biased and a racist defending SBF and O'leary. You probably lost big in FTX and now going after Binance. Sore losers playing the blame game. O'leary is a hypocrite.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy dunn says:

    Meet Kevin= Kevin o'Liar😂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H T says:

    You have zero credibility, Meet Kevin. Go profit off your listeners some more and stop your baseless fudding

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ale B says:

    Dude didn’t you promote FTX?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles says:

    SBF was wayyyyy dodgier. All of a sudden, you have a high standard.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DENNIS Ams says:

    Kevin you promoted FTX. Of course you are going to spread fud about binance

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ac Gisele says:

    That’s why I always watch videos in their entirety and form my own opinions before I look at comments if I even do.

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