The 7 Must-Have Real Estate Videos of 2024 | Tom ferry Podcast Experience
“What are the must-have real estate videos of 2024?” That’s the big question agents are asking as we move out of the planning phase and into the action of this new year – because not everything that worked last year will hold up now.
That’s the question that Jason Pantana is answering on this first podcast episode of 2024! Jimmy Mackin and I are asking questions, dropping insights, and expanding on the strategies behind the seven must-have real estate videos for every agent in 2024.
But keep in mind, these aren’t just one-off videos that will launch you to local stardom immediately. Every one of these seven must-have real estate videos is meant to be on regular rotation.
So watch the episode, take notes, and then adjust your content batching schedule to include these seven videos!

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What's the longest amount of time you spent in the studio? Jason Jimmy Hector over there. Well for me it would be today because we've done. This is our ninth podcast of the day. So if you're one of my friends and you're following my podcast or checking out my content, get ready because here it comes.

All right. Number nine, Let's go When I did marketing Pro It was five straight days of 8 to 10 p.m. 8: a.m to 10 p.m. Like nonstop that was marketing Pro was the hardest exercise of content delivery I've ever gone through.

Uh okay yes I think going back like doing Breakthrough by Design 10 on hour plus shows and knowing that the first two sucked and I'm like it. we got to do one and two over again. that was in in filming I had to leave for a flight and I Fil I finished filming one minute before I had to go. Yes, like like got it done.

Let's leave all all right. Hey, welcome back to the show today! I've got Jimmy Mack and from curator Jason Pantana resident Rockstar Social media video coach here at Tom Ferry We want to talk about the seven videos every agent should have distributed in 2024. Uh so so Jason we're putting you on the hot seat. You're going to give us the ideas Jimmy and I are going to plus enhance question and and just try and think about how our listener is listening and try and get to what they might be asking you.

So what are the most important videos I need to be shooting in 20124 Yes, First House Rules House Rules are there's no such thing as one video unless it's an ad. It's a video show so the results are always in the repetition. So let it be said that any video in which we discuss in this show, it's going to be something you do on a recurrent basis. Now it's up to you and your coach to decide how what the frequency is and I can give some guidance.

But I think it's important because a lot of people are looking for that Miracle video and there isn't one and there isn't one. The video that works is the video that worked in that moment and then it's the next one and the next one and the next one. So really, this is like seven ideas for things that will help elevate your brand, get you more on the attention of people, and then we know there's so much action in Instagram Stories Reals, you know, polls. Etc So now that we've heard the disclaimer, Jimmy Yes, now that we've heard the disclaimer, there's another house rule.

Yes, there's another. A great yeah. It's always a great hook for a show. To start off with a disclaimer: Love it I Thought this was my show and there are no disclaimers.

You can. You can edit the video however you want. You can put the disclaimers at the end. If you're hearing that there was a talk of a disclaimer, we have edited out of the show out of the show.

Okay, so we're talking about vertical videos. We're talking about live stream videos. We're talking about long form videos. Anything goes.

And the first video out of seven on my list is Local Spotlights. Now, the reason why Local spotlights matter and candid. You can do a long form version of this for YouTube. You could go short form vertical for Tik to or fors.
but there's a couple of reasons why these are important. One, Doesn't it make sense if you're a local expert in your community to be all about that community and simply documenting and telling the story of your town and being the champion of your local city? That sounds frankly, fun from a Content standpoint, right? right? But there's a critical reason why it's important now. Algorithmically speaking right now, we know that Instagram is trying to be like Tik Tok Everybody's intimidated by Tik Tok Facebook too. We know that reals on Instagram and Facebook are the really the the response to the popularity of Tik Tok Yes.

and we know that they're being consumed more than any other content on Facebook and Instagram right now. And we know that just like Tik Tok, the way in which we as users of Facebook and Instagram see content has more to do with our interest than anything else right now. Yes, and so you're probably noticing when you scroll through Instagram or Facebook you're seeing a lot of stuff that's published by accounts you don't follow and they're total strangers to you. That is Facebook making inroads and Instagram making inroads to be a lot more like Tik Tok which is AI suggested content.

Yes, and the basis by which content gets suggested to you is your interests. Uh, Tik Tok's been said to be like a mood ring. It can read your mood, it can read your mind, and it shows you more of what it thinks you want to see in Facebook or Instagram are also getting remarkably good at that right now. And so you're seeing content that aligns with your interests.

So here's here's the trick. and so one of our Rockstar coaching clients: Ken Poek. He's done this at an incredibly high level. Super high level.

He's publishing a real every day and it is a hyperlocal reel. and the nature of the content is literally. If you don't live in Orlando where he sells real estate, you would have no interest at all in anything he's saying. However, if you live in Orlando and you have interest that align with living in or moving to Orlando, you're going to listen to every word out of his mouth.

And so what's happening is the algorithm is learning. Well, who are the people whose interest align? Oh, they're locals? Yes. And so we have a lot of rock stars in our ecosystem. Who are They're just dosing and dousing the algorithm with hyperlocal content and we're calling it vicinity virality.

It's the idea of getting a viral video that's viral in your local Marketplace relevant to your business and not views scattered Here There and Everywhere from a bunch of random people who are never going to enter into your funnel and they're going to confuse your your understanding of what is or isn't working. so it's local spotlights I Love this and Jimmy I want your take here on so many levels. First of all, like so we meet somebody and then what do we do we search them we we do a quick Google search and I see oh he's on Instagram I'm on Instagram she's on Instagram and I click on it and then I'm like wait a minute This person knows everything about South Orlando this person knows everything about de Mo and Iowa like of this is of course the person and I get to know you I get to like you and again we also talked about it. an earlier show uh which is now making one of their primary focuses in 2024 is hyperlocal content.
So home Shoppers can really get to know the area so you're playing right into their their hands or vice versa. Jimmy Thoughts on this the first thought that comes to my mind because I love the idea. Is it in in marketing Trust is transferable? Yeah. So if you are an agent who is not well known associating your brand with another brand that is welln that is well-liked that is respected can actually help you elevate your own brand awareness and brand.

Affinity So that's the first thing comes to my mind. The second thing comes to mind Jason because I love this idea of of U leveraging the the work you're doing to generate more business. I'm reminded of uh Drew Houston who was the founder of Dropbox who originally when they rolled out Dropbox they got like a 100,000 people to sign up for Dropbox in the first seven days by basically putting up a landing page and kind of having a really compelling offer. and so the reason I bring that up is because I think if I were if I was listening to this podcast right now Jason the first thing I would do after I finished filming let's say the local doughnut shop yeah I would then go on Instagram and do a giveaway for the first 10 people to you know uh to that opt in or or like the page to get a free you know Bakers dozens of donuts as a way to support the business but also kind of like create some virality around it.

We know when it comes to promoting anything. This is true. If you look at how businesses or or media companies invest in marketing, they invest 95% before the launch. you know we saw I don't know Tom like a100 million in advertising for Barbie in the summer.

we haven't seen any Barbie in the fall because it was when they launch before they launched it. So I think the idea is great Jason I would just say spend some time on like the hyping it up before you release it. Don't just upload to Youtube and say all right great let's go on to the next one. I I I think that's a really good acknowledge that's really good to acknowledge I love that and I would take it one step further.

leave it to Jimmy always dat a CTA which I respect I know I love it to also take it one step further and I would email that piece of content to my database if I was going to say to the local donut shop I I don't know there's a fun fact I heard like the average American eats two Donuts a day and I don't think I don't think I've eaten one like 25 years. Is that legiate somebody's overdoing it on Donuts just saying. but I love the idea because I would literally do something like this If you come byy this doughnut shop Saturday morning between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock I will buy you you know a whatever I don't what dut do whatever you said like that Well Tom what Tom what you just branded is the is the dut open house is you just did right there? Yes the mega open donut open House Okay, video number two. What do you got for us? Uh, one more note and then I'm going to number two.
So one of the other aspects or one of the other benefits of using hyper local content is it's highly sharable, especially if it's newsworthy. So it's it's it's celebrating local businesses. It could also be hey, you've been wondering what they're going to do with that big plot of land over there. Well, here's the Scoop Yeah, and it's hyper local information that's very sharable.

And we know, especially on Instagram right now. that share button is their magic button algorithmically speaking because they are threatened by Tik Tok and the advantage they have over Tik Tok more than anything else is their DMS And so right now, the ability for people to share their reels with other people who would care and whose interest to line is the secret sauce of getting your post to go viral? Yes. So if you make Super Hyper local content that only locals would care about and only locals would share with other locals, it's going to be a net effect of more traffic, more visibility in your local. Marketplace.

So just tacking that on we got. we've got six more videos to do. Yeah, this that was a big one that was I was like holy crow this show the second one after we've done nine of these today. Yes, uh, well, you've done nine.

I've done five the second video is Agent behind the scenes and this is a sty video. It doesn't have to be a real, it could be in your stories. It could be long form however, and we talked about it in an earlier show as well. There is something magic about bringing the customer or the wouldbe customer into the Journey of buying or selling with you.

It's it's the idea of once again you you go into a restaurant, you smell the food and you think I wasn't thinking that but now I'm thinking steak because I smell the steak and it your mouth starts to salivate in the same way. Documenting the Journey of buying or selling a house or both and your stories and your videos is a way to get people who are on the sidelines having this dream of I wish I could but is it a bad? the headlines are so scary and then they see other people doing it I think it's an incredibly powerful maneuver in your content to do the behind the scenes of the day and the life of your buyers. Your sellers I would validate that only because a I do it and and people love it like where is he now my God you've been traveling all over the place. you right, you get the same thing but if you if you look at the the sort of phenomenon of the last 12 or 13 years of you know uh I I coached one of the first Housewives like in Orange County and end up coaching actually a bunch of them I Don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but shout out to all of them they were crazy and then Million Dollar Listing and then how many of these crazy reality shows? Well if you just if you just Googled right now how many shows are there around the world local and National and Global on looking at property, looking at houses houses for sale.
it's a lot. What that tells you is people set their DVRs to watch what's going on in real estate in Beverly Hills what's going on real estate in Chattanooga Yeah, why would you not pled that? That's understanding the Zeitgeist people love going to websites like Realtor and Zillow and Redf Fin and others and homes because they want to look at properties. Why would you not make that available? So I one th% yes behind the scenes but there's a hook yes you said showing other people buying houses I love that Yes, I think the other one right now, especially with you know the recent news in the real estate space is showing what you do behind the scenes to help clients. I'm on the phone right now making calls I don't like doing it but I've got this buyer.

They desperately want to buy a house and there's no homes for sale in the marketplace. so I'm literally going to make a hundred phone calls to see if I can find one seller for my buyer. Here we go and then I turn the video on and I do it on fast motion and it just shows me right and now they're like and it ends with you're not gonna believe it I Just found someone that I can show this house to right. Like showing people that you do the work it it adds credibility.

It shows you that you've got Sweat Equity you got something at stake Jimmy What am I missing here you the the the point that you hit on which is which is brilliant Tom and Jason I Love The idea is the biggest mistake we've made in this industry from a marketing perspective is we keep telling consumers hey, it's easy, It's fast. It's simple to buy and sell real estate and so what that does it. It devalues the services we actually provide. And so what Tom and Jason are talking about right now is this basic idea of show The Sweat Show The challenges, the the, the negotiations, the failures.

because what that does is it reinforces the fact that there's no better decision than hiring a professional real estate agent to help you when you're buying or selling a property. And so I I I think this. this is such a I think counter advice to what you would normally see in the market Tom which is like oh, it's easy. It's fast and simple.
No, it's hard. It's complicated, It's stressful, right? Thankfully, you've got someone like me on your side to make this thing go from A to B I Think it's a brilliant idea and the more agents who do that, the more of that credibility that we're talking about they're going to be able to build. I Love that. So I would literally just just to piggy back for the agent to make it very simple for you and again.

Any any any professional, you've got a morning routine, you've got daily habits in the morning. Do you? Do you check the hot sheets every day and if so, do a video about that. Do you do phone calls that day? Do a video about that. Are you sending out an email? Talk about the email, Why you're sending the email, what the intent behind it is, and what you expect, and then maybe the end of the day.

Talk about the results you could literally document throughout your entire day. People, people get obsessed with people and there's like if you show them what you do all day long, it is. It's like HGTV it's like million dollar list. It's like buying.

Beverly Hills and all these different shows. they are your tribe. Give them what they want. Yeah, yeah and and it's brilliant stuff.

I Love the idea of not making it look easy. uh on coaching sessions I've been working with several of my clients to say hey, what's going to be the fact toy that you talk about in terms of your value prop as a buyer agent as a listing agent right? That immediately causes that consumer to recognize I need to do this with you Yes and you immediately get and and I think documenting the process is how you do it and I would just play off that really fast. Every single person watching you should do a show on the seven ways you do risk mitigation for your buyers. I Love that.

What are the seven thing? What are the seven mistakes that buyers make that you were able to mitigate Because when you look at the most recent survey from Thousand Wat, shout out to Thousand Watt and all the gang over there surveying a thousand home buyers. One of the standout points inside this beautiful, beautiful survey piece was buyers you behind the scenes. All right. What's video number three? Segway Well, that was yeah, Number three.

We're on number three, which Segways perfectly by the way, showing your value proposition, demonstrating your expertise. Video Number Three is what we call talking head videos Yes, and is simply you talking directly to a camera Again, whether vertical, whether long form, uh, whether short or not, it's you talking to the camera demonstrating expertise. However, with a caveat: it doesn't need to be boring. It doesn't need to be.

Let's talk about boring terms in the contract. There's going to have to be a level of research on your part to pay attention to what are the questions my buyers have right now. What's happening in my current escros? What am I What am I Learning from my followers, we've talked about this where you're asking your followers' questions and your polls and the broadcast channel. We talked about that earlier today.
It's you. It's you proactively determining what's on the mind of my buyers and sellers. and then what's really behind that. And how do you speak into that with expertise? Yeah, because I ask a question pretty often when I when I do events, I ask agents what do you sell It's designed to be a provocative question.

Most agents say I sell myself and I'm like H that's not very specific or they say I sell real estate and I get silly about it and I say, well, technically it's somebody else's real estate. Yeah, and you're just providing The Brokerage transaction service aspect of it. Fundamentally, the reason why people hire you is they know you, they like you, and they professionally trust you. It's a product of your expertise.

And so I asked the question. Imagine an agent who made a video every day that was simply offering the most pertinent information demonstrating expertise to their consumers every day. Would anybody call them salesy? The answer is well, no, they would just call them because day in and day out. This is the person who shows up and gives you the information and and the other.

The other point to consider is that hey look a buyer and a seller can't make an informed choice if they aren't informed Med or if they're misinformed and so it's on you videos. I Love this on a lot of levels and all of us have you know made a recommendation around this and for my friend that's watching right now, maybe you've done this I think I think to sitting in a room with Jay Abraham right? many many years ago with some of the most extraordinary agents on the planet. we had this like very expensive Jimmy Mastermind to hang with Jay and I go to my house, drink some wine. you know, have some fun.

But it was really about this two-day immersive experience with like 36 of the brightest Minds in the business and one of the examples I gave them was so again this is 2018. I think around there and and I said so I looked at my buddy Kirk Kessle shout out to Kirk and his partner Dwayne who were not doing video and I said fellas how long have you guys been in the business combin now and they're like uh man, like 62 years I'm like 62 lessons about what we've learned in 62 years of selling real estate. It is one of the easiest things for them to be able to like. Go! Oh so they they go on a journey of doing 62 videos was teaching 62 lessons to this day.

They say to me we still get more phone calls from those videos than anything else we've done with. you know and they do a lot of video now like you, you've trained them well right? They do a lot of video they do but what it does is is you could even start a your video give like a little. Phil Jones Shout out I'm not sure if this is for you, but if you're ever going to be in Market to buy and sell real estate over the next one year, five year, 10 years. in my 22 years of Selling Houses I've discovered there's 14 classic mistakes and there's eight bulletproof things that allow someone to buy right to sell right? yada, yadada yada.
So over the next few weeks I'm just going to unpack these lessons and I hope that as I'm sharing it, you get some insights. You share it with some friends because if you know somebody to send Market there's just a lot of mistakes that people make. So number one is blah blah BL blah and then and every week you publish one of those videos and I actually like the field I'm not sure if this is for you Yeah, I'm not saying if you're watching this video right now and you have no interest in buying selling real estate in the next like 36 to you know, 60 months, you can just scroll right past this. but if you know someone that is the number five, mistake that I see is Boom But remember, the algorithm is now primed to show people whose interests do align with the nature of your content and more and more.

Instagram And these platforms are getting better at recognizing the keywords in your transcript and elsewhere. I Would also add this is interesting I would add this too if you look back at National Association of Realtor data from the 2000s. One of the data points they track every single year is the utilization of an agent. Did the buyer? Did the seller hire an agent to facilitate the transaction to be their agent and they look at that and I often ask the question like, hey, do you think that number that percentage has increased or decreased in modern society where information is at the fingertips of every buyer, every seller.

They can find so much more online now than they could like in the 2000s. Do you think it's gone up or down in terms of using an agent? and most people would say it's probably gone down because the consumer can do a lot more themselves, But in fact, if you look at the data, it's gone up by over 20% It's gone up dramatically since the 2000s compared then to now, and the argument for why that is is explained by the notion of analysis paralysis. I would say decision, decision fatigue. It's the Paradox of choice.

When you give people too much information, they don't know how to make a choice. It's like if I go into the grocery store looking to get a bottle of ol' olive oil and I'm overwhelmed by my choices. I start looking for the guy with the name tag who can help me figure out which one to get. You start looking for that expert and so I would invite anybody watching or listening.

Hey, how can you position yourself as that expert through videos whether vertical or not, all the time that offer substance and offer value. And they're not just phoned in, but that's real. it's real information. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, yeah yeah.
Just to add to what both of you are saying here, let's let's make it really practical. I'll give you a quick Pro tip. At the time of which we're recording this video, you know last week interest rates were around 8% and for the first time in 3 weeks, interest rates actually began to creep down. I Think they're now like in the mid to low sevens and so this idea of talking head videos you can go back and like Tom suggested you can go back and look at your history and all the lessons you've learned.

and now you've got some really really like Evergreen content that will just pay dividends over time. Y In addition to that, you could also look at what's timely and relevant happening right now now. Tom and I and Jason we consume content like nobody else. We're on X We're on Instagram we're on Tik Tok We're on every channel thread.

We're even on threads, right? What are people putting out there right? Yeah, and so what I would do. And this is just a really simple Pro Tip is if you take a recent event that just happened, give some interesting insight about it, and then ask a simple question to engage them in a conversation. you can turn that kind of talking head video into a lead generation machine. So an example you could do like this is we'll give a real world example.

This is a script that we wrote up for the Ecosystem which is after seven consecutive weeks of rising rates, the average interest rate for a 30-year mortgage just dropped to 7.76 Here's the question: Should I reach out to you if rates go under 7.5 and then just you can have a poll? Yes or no Right A way to engage them. So I I'm you know me guys. I'm like always trying to get that conversation trying to get that appointment right. If you take that timely and relevant information because you follow really smart people on social media, you can turn that into a talking Head video that becomes a lead generation machine for your business supplement.

With what Tom just said about Evergreen stuff and you've got a killer video strategy. I I Definitely think and using the green screen features on on Reals and Tik Toks and YouTube shorts is a great way to do it. Another trending piece of news that a lot of our coaching clients capitalized on is a couple weeks ago we had the highest rate of cancellations like ever and so being able to talk about that and say hey, maybe you're in a position where you think you can't find the home of your dreams, but the backup offer could be the better offer and so selling that as a value prop, reach out to me with the Ctas to get those conversations started. I think I think I Think Jumping on the trends in the news through green screens is another version of these Talking Head videos for sure.

Yeah, love it. And I think one of the things that you do really well and the team does really well within the ecosystem as well is you guys never really necessarily have a strong opinion per se. You open it up as a discussion. So I think it's the mistake a lot of people make.
They like they, they make it so declarative and you guys are always like, what? what? What do you think Because social media is designed to be a two-way conversation. So I think that's a just a little bit of a pro tip when you're putting these videos out there, you don't always have to take a stance on something that's actually a really big Pro tip there. There are a lot of people out there who give the advice to be controversial on purpose and to be click baity and I fundamentally disagree with them and I agree with you Yes I think anybody that should be underlined in the transcript, that's an important Point boy, especially when you talk about like the hot topics of like you know God Bless people right now. Peace and safety, Everybody in a war, right? And what's happening with Theon Economy Politics the number of the number of real estate careers that I've seen destroyed because they took too strong of a stance.

and I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a stance. people should believe what they believe. but when you're talking about your brand You Gotta Be You got to be mindful of like do I want to die on this sword and so just you know just Pro tip like I have opinions, everybody does. but there's certain things that if you put it out on social well, you're going to own that for a long, long time, right? And not to mention to Jimmy's point and I'll move on to the next video.

People love to share their opinions on social media, so by asking people to share their opinion, you were inviting the ultimate CTA to get more engagement. And guess what algorithms really like engagement. So it's Brilant strategy. It reminds me of the great Michael Jordan quote which is Republicans buy sneakers too too I I 1,00% Yes, he's like why AR Why don't you talk about politics cuz Republicans buy my sneakers too All Right Video Number four All Right Video number we going to make it to seven I'm not sure if I'm going to make it Podcast number N I saved the best for last.

So the last one is I I'm going in order here. Yes uh. this next one is on the heels of the last one, so we talked about Talking Heads This next one is what I've dubbed search Magnets it's specifically for YouTube Yes, YouTube is owned by Google It is a search engine, not a social network. The dominant way in which people are going to discover your videos on YouTube is they're going to search a topic and your video is or isn't going to rank and so this is more Technical and it's going to require some work.

But what a lot of our coaching clients do is they determine what are buyers and sellers in their local. Marketplace searching on YouTube They use a tool like tubebuddy to figure out those searches and then they Supply the demand they go make the video. Pros and cons of moving to X area. Uh, cost of living in this neighborhood versus that neighborhood right? Four bedroom homes in Dallas under $500,000 Yeah, what can you get for under a million in Dallas These types of search magnet questions where the the dominant question being asked in the search phrase is in the title.
The Video Simply Supply The demand on YouTube and you watch people will watch one and then another and then another and they will serve like lead magnets because the benefit of YouTube Compared to social media like Instagram is the life expectancy of your real on Instagram is about a day. It's like the life of a fruit fly. You publish it, it burns through the feeds, and then it's into Oblivion until you either repost it or repurpose it. But on YouTube because it's SEO because people search for it once your video starts to rank, so long as people click it and watch it.

That only further incentivized YouTube to keep ranking that video over and over and over again. And so I often call it a YouTube video Army because every video becomes a soldier in your army and it's a potential entry point for people's attention. So you and I have talked about the strategy for a long time and I guess the only question I would have for you and maybe for both of you guys is do I do a super short form right? YouTube shorts and a long form. Do I Do both? Do I Do one or the other What? Say you now? Uh so I'll jump in first I Say yes.

The answer is yes, Yes uh. So we do know that YouTube shorts are ranking in search results. YouTube shorts are interesting because you'll get that initial burst of views that happens in the feeds and then it will die off the feeds. But I have YouTube shorts that are still ranking and getting thousands of views a month every month for years? Yeah, and so you have the ability.

If you can make it a short, make it a short. Um, this is going to come down to what's your best style of delivery. Are you better in a short form? Are you better in a long form? Pick the one you're better in and roll with it. Yeah, yeah yeah.

One follow on question there. Jason I Want you to answer as it relates to taking long form videos and turning them into short form videos via AI by AI because I want you to share that that resource. but before I do before I ask that question. Um, if you're looking for a great example of this, this the strategy I think Jeremy Knight in Austin does does a killer job with this strategy.

So if you if you want to sort of take what Jason's talking about here and have a good example of like kind of newsjacking Google or YouTube in this case Jeremy Knight just kills it with like you know, yeah, best ranked neighborhoods right? 14 Reason why people are moving to Austin Like this is a I Think that if you can build a channel like his Jason I mean that's just that's just gold. you? yeah his Dan Parker KD day Ken Poek Um, there are uh Ian of Austin they're all following. It's the same. like it's like you said, they're just what are the searches and they're Trend jacking those.
Um, and they're going after it and it work. Whether it's long form or short form I It matters. but it really doesn't matter. It's about being consistent, right and and picking your path.

that's the most. So come back. Yeah, yeah, Come back to the question though. which is if you short shoot a 15-minute video and you don't want to cut it up, What tool are we can't not have a podcast Jason with you and not talk about AI here.

I'm sorry, but like, what tool would you use to basically cut that up? Interrupting my own show with a quick little announcement. If you're like me and you recognize this is the time of the year when we've got to make decisions, we got to look back at what's worked in the past and decide what we want to have happen in 2024, then yes, it is time for you to get your plan together. Now if you're one of my coaching clients, you know you just go inside a loom. You download the 2024 plan.

You and your coach work on that together. If you're not one of my clients, go to There's be a link below. Download and copy the plan, get to work on it. Use chat GPT and other resources to answer the tough questions about the strategies you need to implement to ensure your success in 2024.

So Tom get your business plan and let's get to work. Now let's go back to the show. Uh, there are several AI so they take a long form. YouTube Video: Maybe it's a 20-minute video and they will automatically identify the most important moments based upon the Ai's interpretation of that video and put together a coherent segment.

Or we call it a chop. It's a chop or a clip of that video. They automatically put the person who's talking on screen. They automatically put the person in the center of the frame.

They automatically add the subtitles. great, but it took me like 10 seconds. Oh my. God It's literally upload this and and I just have default settings and I say go yeah and then later I get an email that says here's like 15 new videos for you to post.

I was like thank you. That took me no time I'm on the road, had no time to create new content. Boom And the default said that you talk about are: What's the color of the subtitles? What's the font of the subtitles You can you can, yeah, all those details. The other option is if you don't want to use AI Fine.

The cost of hiring a video editor through a virtual assistant is still remarkably cheap. You really have no excuse. except except today, a virtual editor is going to do what run it through. Here you go.

So hey, yes, all roads lead to Rome Here it's going to be an AI doing it no matter what you do. All right my Producers Walking out one of my best editors. He's like, what do you call me out here man, you just figured out my secret saws. All right.
What's video number number five is easy. It's a it's a quick one. It's live streams. Yes, live streams are real, still relevant.

Uh, platforms like Instagram are valuing when you use all the formats and so going live every so often they appreciate it. Leveraging lives on. Facebook It still works. We're talking about the strategy of walking the streets around your listing and live streaming.

It's basically the auctioneer trying to find the buyer for the property. But it still works. And so the general topic here is the power of live streams. Yep, the only thing I would say is uh, know your audience know what matters to them and don't like I remember I'm dating myself I remember texting Gary Vean saying dude I just got this this app from Facebook I swear I think it means I can go live on video and talk to people and his text back was start immediately and I was like I was like live you're hey this is and like I remember just thinking I'm now talking to 10,000 people, 15,000 people in real time cuz it was brand new and nobody was doing it and I was so stoked.

Thank you Zuck and whoever else right for giving me access. Yeah it was such a game changer. The thing I would tell people now is rather than just do random lives yes, I would go back to what we did during the pandemic. create a time where you go live every single week or right or like your own show or send it email to your database and post a social thing saying I'm going live at this time on this topic if you were someone you know is interested in learning more about X join me here right? Yeah, and and like actually create engagement automatically through your email through a social post through you know whatever you want to but like let people know because the reality is lives are really down right now in terms of like the amount of people that show up I don't I don't mean that they're not bad or I'm not saying that but you I think you have to force engagement, create engagement through other vehicles, other points of distribution and then your lives can be bananas.

Yeah, and then I think you because like part of the benef part of the reason for doing the live is paying taxes to Instagrams once you know what I mean like they want you to mix up your mediums I love the idea of pre-promotion time and they about the news hold on I'm starting so whether it's done on mobile or desktop like Instagram now has their live producer tool so you can actually get the full setup if you want to do like a quality live stream. um I definitely agree with uh have a scheduled time and have a purpose of the show so it's not just random per se. Love y So Tom a quick follow on question there I know we got we're got to rush here through the rest of this but quick follow on question you you do something really interesting that I've observed when you've done live sessions. Whether it's it's a live stream or it's a let's say a live show in person.
Yeah, you tend to have uh this like need to bring people in to engage people and I think if you're recording a video for an Instagram real, you're broadcasting that message to a larger audience. If you're doing a live stream you're you're trying to actually Engage The Audience that's the benefit of being live. You don't know what's going to happen next. what would be your advice in terms of like just pre presentation advice, communication advice for agents who want to go live right and or maybe want to get the most out of it, want to engage the audience because you do this so well and I think it comes naturally to you after doing this for a long time.

What would be maybe your one or two pro tips to help people like get more comfortable get into that Rhythm when they're going live, it's gonna sound funny, but uh, know your outcome. Like why am I doing this? What is the outcome? What is the result? I'm trying to produce number two, who is my audience, What matters most to them, right? So make sure you're speaking to your audience about the things that matter most to them, which probably has little to do with with you. You're just a conduit to help them get what they want and number three is whether it's polls or asking questions. or hey, can you guys in the comments really fast.

Let me know the answer to this question and watch how the comments start to fly. And then the secret thing that I do which should it be obvious to anybody that's paying attention is I have such an enormous capacity to care for people and I remember people that I literally go Jimmy Mackin just Jimmy used to live in Boston now he's living in New Hampshire which by the way, that's where he was born. He decided to raise his family there. his mom lives there Jimmy Thank you so much Jason Pantana just jumped in and and what happens is then people comment more because they want to hear their name called.

It's the same thing what I got on the pelaton bike and I'm like riding and I'm like on this like live show and all of a sudden like someone that I know gets called out congratulations Tom Tul on your 100th ride I'm like okay I'm at 92 I got to hurry up I Want to get my shout out So so it's know your outcome which also means be prepared. Yeah, be prepared to deliver. Um, who is your audience What matters to them? It's not about you. this about the audience.

Ask for engagement, ask interesting questions, give people shout outs. But the real Secret Sauce to a live show is to acknowledge that when you start by the time you're five minutes in, there's an entirely new audience y So you can repeat the same exact thing. And you know this because I have a 96-year-old that watches the news all day long in my house and I I I find myself walking into the living room and looking at her saying God bless you you little 96y old like you're watching the same thing over and over and over. but what What do the news Cycles Know New audience, new show, new talking head.
same exact message. So so repeating the story a few times in the first 15 or 20 minutes is 100% Okay, just bring in something new. You know I mentioned this five minutes ago. but what I didn't tell you was a B and C.

The thing I forgot to bring up was X Y and Z. So I'm curious now, especially if you're just watching me live now. Do you have an opinion on this? What do you think about X Y and Z versus A and C give me your comments below and then the whole thing kicks in again. Yeah, did that answer the question? No, it it did.

I think that this is maybe one of the most important? No, it it did. No, it didn't. It did hang with yes, yes it did. and well you got something wrong.

I I didn't move to New Hampshire because I wanted to I moved to Hampshire because I was forced to So I just want that's all he's thinking about right now. He's like man. come on come on. Tom We're friends.

You know the truth, You know the truth. but no there is. There is this uh, this thought that goes to my mind which is when you call people out and you engage them. it's what's the greatest word in the English dictionary.

Your name right? You hear people say your name and I think that's just the the small little difference of live stream versus traditional broadcasting and podcasting or pre-recorded videos. And it's small but it makes it makes it. You make you feel so much more comfortable when you do it. I Think is the point of all this? Yeah? cool.

May I give I'm gonna give one little piece to that. It could be possible that you get on a live stream and you are the person. there's nobody there. yes and you're alone and you have nobody to call out I would encourage you to be prepared to say you know I was having a conversation with my buyer client about X Y and Z the other day and be able to talk as if you're talking about somebody even if you don't have anybody there to call out per se to create it more conversational because you're going to get that replay.

It's not just about the live stream, it's about the replay too. But this is why I'm so against just the random going live I Want to create an audience I want hey every Wednesday at five o'clock we do the show or I'm going to email my database and say it would mean the world to me if you would pop on Just for 15 minutes at this time I'm going to discuss what I think is the three hottest Trends in home buying and selling in 2024 and my prediction for where Costa Mesa real estate goes in the next 24 months. So if you're interested, pop in 5:00 this time on my Facebook page. here's the link.

Go you with me like I'm just gon to make sure I I I want to force because there's nothing worse than going live and I've had it happen before I found out that I was on the wrong channel. that was really fun I was like I was like how can I have like 400,000 followers? how come I have nobody on the show and the show ends and they're like sorry we actually logged you on to like the inhouse What? I'm like the demo account. Thank you So thanks for that 45 minute live show I did with no one. thanks for not telling me when we were 32 minutes in? Exactly? Yes.
All right. Oh right. All right. Speaking of 32 minutes in or whatever we are right now in this recording.

Uh, I'm going to combine six and seven together because they go together like a Yen and a y. Yes! So they go together and I'm going to argue that they are perhaps the most important video or videos you're going to produce in 2024 to build your brand on social to attract more business and it is effectively the listing video. So the first it's an A and A B it's listing video. He just did an he just did an Opus clip right there Opus clip is going to take that and that's going to be the setup.

All right that will. So listing videos Yes! So one of our Rockstar coaching clients Shannon Gillette She was interviewed on this week in marketing several weeks ago. She made a comment and it was. So it just it rang true.

She said I Believe every listing deserves a listing video. It's single-handedly the best form of marketing you can give to any listing. We talked about the data from Thousand Watt earlier on where the seller acknowledges they believe that social media marketing is more important than Zillow and Mls in terms of marketing their listing and so therefore it's incumbent on every listing AG to create AIS video. But theck is they need to be in the listing videos.

You want to be the host introducing your new listing. You want to be getting the association of that listing and then showing it in its most optimal light, telling its story, taking the time to ask questions of the seller about. hey, walk me through why you bought this property, what you love about it, What's your dream? What do you imagine the next buyer is going to do and really being able to tell the story of that listing whether it's short form or long form. Uh, Brad Mallum, one of our Rockstar Coaching Club Al Hein ridiculously quity High quality property tour videos and his listings and people watch because his show is better than HGTV because it's like HGTV quality.

Shout out to Brad it's so good and you have to be cognizant of that because YouTube especially for long form YouTube You know you can get I'm G This is may be controversial. You can get away with just using your phone when it comes to short form. videos on reals and Tik toks and YouTube shorts and platforms like that you can live stream with your phone. Most videos you can get away with using your phone if you want to dominate long form.

YouTube You're not going to get away with just using your phone. You're going to have to invest in a quality strategy because it's a search engine and people are looking for Quality content and you're up against other competitors and so quality. there's going to be a flight to Quality at the top of the feed. In terms of videos that rank this, we're talking now.
like the eye, the angle, the lighting, the music that gets added in like you got to Captivate people like you could be in the video but you need to fade out of the video when it's time to show the or the back. it doesn't need to be you all the time. Um, shout out to people like I'm going to say this like old school like like Kristoff cheu yes Tim Smith Timmy I Played this video the other day and do and he goes well you know me I've got my idea file I've always wanted to rap and I was like well you know white dude from you know Utah like born and raised Mormon sure yes you should rap I'm like but like and I'm laughing with him right? because we're gigg and we're friends and you see Eminem's an awesome you know white rapper so it's all good but I literally just said to him like okay well what's the concept and he's like I want to show and he describes the video to me and I'm like you should do that Now here's the interesting part. He ends up doing this video.

it takes 24 hours to film. The seller had never seen the video, the seller had never seen the video. Not only did it ring up millions of views, it got two buyers right that ultimately bid on this property. He had one that he could have double- ended the deal and another buyer came in with another agent ultimately bought the house.

But to this day the poor owners of the house at least five times during summer people cruise up on their Duffy Boats and go Teach Me How to Duffy If you have a video that a a one of the local restaurants now has a drink named after the Teach Me Out a Duffy video, there's a meal named after the Teach Me Out a Duffy video and the poor homeowners of a $42 million house now get tortured over the summer with people screaming the Duffy h That's when you know you went viral. That's when you know you have a good listing video Everything less I don't know I I I agree I Think that's the bar I mean Brad Macau Is that like I Say repeat too. Go for special, go for special I Guess that would be my point. Remember you guys remember the video a million years ago I Think that sparked a lot of people's imagination.

It was done in Australia in a highrise and the highrise? Do you? You know what I'm talking about I Want to be very cautious. like there a woman dressed provocatively tied up and like the agents had to break into the condo right, helicopter in, break in to save and rescue this gal. But it was really just this big farce to show this spectacular home right right? And a highrise right? right? But again, I think there's something to Sensational But also I pause and say know your brand Yes, Know your audience. Yes, probably not going to do that for a no bedroom, no bath.
Win Aago off wheels in a parking lot Zack F Did it remember the this house has floors? Yes, that was a spectacular video as well. I I Think we almost need to publish like the craziest, the top 100 craziest videos. Crazy meaning spectacular Crazy meaning I Can't believe they did that I Know I Think it'd be really fun for people. We should do that Fairy Film Festival Fair Film Festival We should do it I've been telling you I've been saying it for five years The fairy Film Festival Fivey Year fairy Film Festival There's a lot of Fs in there I know Five Year the inaugural Fairy film.

Okay, we're getting in trouble. Nine hours of podcasting Jimmy Yes Jim Yes So the the thought that goes to my mind here as it relates. Tom and Jason Crazy Yes Tom and Jason are totally crazy and I Love the fire Festival 2.0 You guys are planning with the videos Yes uh the uh. the thought that goes to my mind is there is like the the Sne We We know there are certain parts of the listing promotion process that yield such great results yes that you can insert video on.

There's an agent by the name of Julie Chang on Twitter it's Julie Chang Re she's a San Diego agent. We both we all know that getting lots of views on Twitter is is remarkable because so our ex should say because so hard to reach you know the consumer audience. She has a video that has three million views. It has a one you know 13,000 likes, 200 retweets which is outrageous, 600 comments and what she did and we'll share this in the show notes after the video so you can watch it.

She basically took like a drone or she's actually in her car the phone and she just drove down the street right and the houses were sort of passing by and she said like what do you think of the architecture of these houses and people were just responding because they kind of look like prison sales. Honestly, million dollar prison sales. So what was interesting though is I if I was going to shoot a listing video, I would go around the neighborhood I would record all the homes in that neighborhood like driving by I'm about to go on a listing presentation for one of these properties if you're interested in learning more about it like comment below I would take like that Direct respon angle and I would capture the pre-listing appointment, the coming soon, right? the or the soul like just get Clips not just the full walkth through and use that in your direct response advertising to get inbound leads so you know me I Want to get leads I want to get conversations I love the videos but like turn that corner Okay so Jason's gonna change his last name to Ai and you're gonna change your last name to CTA Jimmy CTA Jimmy CTA Okay so I want to plus an enhance that I think one of the alltime spectacular moves on video Kristoff Chu Driving through neighborhoods, driving, neighborhood and literally neighborhood home tours. That's one that made him so much money.
Big shout out to Kristoff Yeah, the other one is my longtime client Dan Blackwell who so Dan is a multi uh, multif family broker in Orange County uh for CBR specializing in 10 to 20 units. So when he he and I first started working together I'm like, wouldn't it be nice if one multif family broker at actually went out and filmed every property in Orange County for sale or not? so so at least there's just one place that I can go to look at every single and he's like well, no one in commercial real estate does that I'm like well that's exactly why we should do it. So he starts out on that journey and to to say that he cremated it would be an understatement. Literally he went from that to Jimmy The pandemic hits and he calls me he's like well, I don't feel I it's safe or it's comfortable I don't want to show people I'm like hey, no problem, you know what we should do, We should do a rent control video.

Let's see how much rents are being collected because remember during the pandemic, suddenly no one's going to be paying rent So he parlays hey I'm I'm going to document all the properties in the marketplace so people have one place to go to see the video of all these products. 99% of these deals are 1031 exchanges. they're looking online, they're searching for properties. Then we did a rent video.

The Rent video. He interviewed a mega successful, someone that own like a thousand units, someone that own like 500 units or 40 units, and then somebody owned like 10 units and ask them all this question, what percentage of rents have been collected this month and he did that every month during the pandemic that put his brand on steroids. How bad? Yeah, how bad. There's just so much to do on video.

There's so many options. I I Think one one last one to add here before we wrap is and just going back to one of the very first lessons we shared in this in this podcast was show The Sweat Imagine if you're doing a staging video where you actually give the consumer the person who's watching the video the option to choose which sort of staging you know approach they like better, whether it's a couch or whether it's artwork Like A or B and you're kind of showing this in the moment. I Think there's just so many ways you can use like it doesn't have to be a 15minute video you can capture the moments involved in, you know, going to an appointment going on, the you know, actually listing the property. Prep that video right now I would say they aren't necessarily his listings, he has the proper consent to be in there, but it's do.

It's bringing the consumer into the property and of course using the right kinds of prompts and Ctas to drive the dialogue cuz so you can get the inbound on that. Okay, I'm going to space on the G's name and if you're watching this video right now, the next time I see you in Houston You can punch me in the head. uh her first year in real estate she sold like 27 houses. you know what she did.
she only went to new construction new builds. You remember this and she said like we put her on stage of the summit I'm so I'm embarrassed because I'm so good at remembering names She literally said this is what I did I would just go live on Facebook and say hey I'm at this new construction development how much do you think these homes are going to sell for? let's go walk through them together and people would liter be like he hey if those are selling under $300,000 I'll take one like now of course she She goes to all the the builders and said this is what I'm going to do of course what did the Builder say yes please promote my product, Go right ahead and it blew up and she did so many buyer transactions the first two years just from that strategy alone. So the modern version of that might be to you know HGTV style film it or go live do a little combination of all that stuff. but I love it.

Yeah and what Kyle Dor is doing and they're getting the the little selfie gimbals and they're walking through and they're using apps like Cap Cut to streamline the editing and they're doing a voice over where they talk about the house. There's so many modern Trends and and Shawn Gerald also crushed it. Yeah with the live stream. here's a new construction house under X dollars and invite the conversation.

Let me let me Pitch you guys real quickly on this idea and you tell me if you love it or hate it because it just you just made me think about like if we're if we're gonna, if we're gonna introduce a category of things to do that no one's doing yes right. An idea that no agent has ever done before and and could and but works in other mediums. Why hasn't anyone ever done a reaction video in the sense where if you have one of the mega open houses that you guys coach on right and you've got a ton of people going in as people are leaving hey Tom real quick I Just want to capture this moment. you just T the property.

What do you think of the home and just like a 15sec on the way out the door? Well I think it's a spectacular home was your favorite feature. What do you love about it? Like if for no other reason. It just makes the seller feel amazing that you're doing this work. But as idea of getting the consumer reaction to the properties you're listing as a way of like I I don't even really know what the benefit of that would be, but it just so different.

like I've never seen that done before. Terrible. It absolutely should be tested. It should be.

and it could be like a man on the street styled shooting of the videos. potentially. Yeah, yeah. I love that idea.

Sign the consent form hey, give us your reaction. what thing about the house and and as I I understand your last name is CTA but sometimes it's okay to position and sometimes okay to attract and to build a brand. that that Segways into those opportunities and this brings people into the conversation a little bit better. I am gonna I'm gonna text Tim Smith when we're done and ask him if he can write a rap about Jimmy CTA Jimmy CTA Mack Ladies and gentlemen, no no, just Mack's gone.
it's CTA now it's just Jimmy and Jason AI right? I'll just go with mine. may be harder to get the domain name for. That is probably true. Okay, we've officially been podcasting for nine hours today.

or at least I have for my friend listening. Um, you know, please don't take any of our goofiness as anything other than the three of us really like each other a lot and we love what we do and we love that. We love the fact that you are willing to sit and listen and watch and observe and most importantly, take action on the things that we're discussing. So I just want to say first and foremost to my my partner in crime over there Hector right? Hector Who's my producer Who's been grinding with me all day long Hector I Love and appreciate you Idris Who was here this morning? then to go do a bunch of other filming stuff.

But most importantly I Want to thank you for watching this stuff, for sharing this content, for being a part of my community and just wait. I'm going to be making an announcement in a couple weeks I'm going to help every single person in real estate add 15 more listings guaranteed to their business. so make sure you watch out for that announcement coming soon. Probably an email definitely on DMS All kinds of different ways, but that's what it's all about right now.

Whoever lists most houses wins in 2024, 100% Thank you, thank you and thank you guys! We'll see you on the next show. Take care.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “The 7 must-have real estate videos of 2024”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DianasReviews says:

    Thank you 😊

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donthe_210realtor says:

    Is there a reason why all of your YouTube videos freeze at one point or two?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @devild2269 says:

    Is there a smart trick to why the video freezes randomly? Boost engagement with people clicking

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NathanPoeRealtor says:

    In reference to video number two. I did an Instagram poll for what my followers wanted to see more of. The choices were info/education, entertainment, home tours, or a day in the life. 75% voted a day in the life.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @plugandplaysm says:

    @Tom needs to try Hurts Donuts in Frisco

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RealEstateCEOs says:

    Great Information here!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KimSellers says:

    Great content

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kauaiwithanne3134 says:

    No, Jason. We're not just handling the brokerage transaction process. We're putting Buyers and Sellers together just like anyone else selling any other product. You don't have to be the owner of a product to be a seller of it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BethScharwath says:

    Tom, if you get Jimmy, Jason, and Will on the same podcast I can die happy. ❤😂🎉

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @carolchartier says:

    Do you really have to talk with such a filthy mouth?

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