Here are the 7 income streams of millionaires, how to make passive income, and how to build your wealth - according to a study from the IRS. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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The first: EARNED INCOME from a paycheck.
This is where almost EVERYONE starts off, and it’s the equivalent of you working a “normal” 9-5 job, or being paid a salary, or working a commission as your main source of income. This type income is generally going to be your priority until…everything else starts making more money…
The SECOND source of income: DIVIDEND INCOME
This is probably the EASIEST “Second Income” source for nearly ANYONE watching to start literally RIGHT NOW. Here’s how that works: when you buy a stock, what you’re REALLY buying into a small ownership share of that company. Now that you own a small piece of the company by investing in their stock - some of those companies will pay you out a “dividend,” which is a fancy word for saying: they’re going to pay you a portion of their profits, because you own a small piece of their company by buying their stock.
This is what happens when you sell an investment for a profit - and when that happens, you’re taxed on “CAPITAL GAINS,” which is the difference in price between what you bought it for, and how much it was worth at the time you sold. This is ALSO another way you can make money by investing in stocks - because, unlike our second source of income - not ALL stocks pay dividends. Instead, many stocks are known as what’s called “Growth Stocks,” in the sense that what they DON’T pay as a dividend generally gets re-invested back into the company, thereby causing the stock price to go UP.
This happens when you keep money in a high yield savings account, or basically ANY bank account that pays you even a remotely small amount of interest - chances are, at the end of the year, they issue you a 1099-INTEREST form with the amount of interest that you earn, so you can report that to the IRS.
For most people who want to invest and build wealth, real estate winds up having so many tax advantages that make it REALLY unique - and profitable - for anyone willing to put in the time, and within just ONE property, you could have MULTIPLE income sources. You also have the power to LEVERAGE your money here, where you borrow MOST of the money from the bank. You can also DEPRECIATE the value of the property against your rental income, thereby reducing your taxes.
Working on ANY type of side business, that has the potential to grow completely independent from your main job, is not only a good way to make more money - but also, diversify yourself iN CASE something happens to your job and you have nothing to fall back on.
The Seventh: Royalty Income
With this, you get paid a licensing fee for selling the rights to a product, service, song, or something that you’ve created. You can absolutely work to create something ONCE, that you can then continually re-sell in the future as long as people will buy it. I know it’s WAY easier said than done, but things like online programs, e-books, YouTube videos, or blogs can often be setup ONCE - and then - over time, you’ll continue to make money for as long as it exists.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up, graham, it's guys here, so you know what's cooler than having one source of income, seven different sources of income and the average millionaire tends to agree with this too, at least according to their tax returns. Now seriously, the irs actually published their research on high income tax returns to study, distribution of economic well-being, or in other words, why some people are richer than others, and what they found was that the more sources of income you have generally the more money you make In fact, a separate study found that 65 to millionaires have at least three sources of income. 45 percent of millionaires have at least four sources of income and 29 of all millionaires have five or more sources of income and listen. I know there's going to be some math geniuses in the comments trying to call me out here being like wait.

A second graham 65 plus 45 plus 29 is 139 percent of millionaires. This has got to be fake because you can only have 100 of something. This is false, but remember statistics like this are not supposed to be added up. It's kind of like saying a hundred percent of you watching are human beings, but fifty percent of you smash the like button and twenty five percent of you get your two free stocks down below in the description, because weeble is giving you two free stocks with one Of them potentially worth all the way up to 1 400, so get those two free stocks down below.

So when it comes to something like that, those are not meant to be added up to 175, so there you go. There is your math lesson for today and i digress here's the point that i was getting at when the irs publishes information that says that two out of every three millionaires has at least three sources of income and then breaks down exactly what those income sources are. It's worth listening to and diving in deeper to understand exactly what those are and how you could replicate those for yourself and then one day the irs can use your tax return to explain why you became so rich, which obviously is because you subscribed and hit the Like button, because both of those are free to do so with that said, here are the seven different sources of income that the irs has analyzed and exactly how you can set these up for yourself enjoy now the first and probably the most common source of income For most people is their main job or, as the irs calls it their earned income. This is pretty much where everyone starts off and it's the equivalent of you working a normal nine-to-five job or being on a salary or working a commission as your main source of income.

Think of this one as no different from you going to a job during the day and then coming home to watch endless hours of youtube until you fall asleep at night. For most people, this just becomes the cash cow that brings in the most income and that funds all the other income sources. I'm about to mention in this video and for me initially, this was working as a real estate agent. That was my main job for almost a decade and that made up the majority of my income until really just recently, but if it wasn't for that there would have been no way.
I could set everything else up like i'm about to mention. So my recommendation is to think of this income source, just as a launching pad to set up everything else up and as long as you have this one taken care of everything else can fall into place. This income source is going to be your biggest priority until your other income sources start bringing in more money, and that brings us to this enter now. The second source of income dividend income say that five times dividend income income never mind anyway.

This one is probably the easiest second income source for nearly everybody watching this to literally start right. Now, it's really as simple as this go to any free stock trading. Brokerage like weeble, where you can get two free stocks down below in the description, then go and invest in any sort of dividend, paying stock out there and bam you're done, and now you officially have a second source of income. Now here's how that works.

When you go and invest in a stock like this, what you're, really investing in and really buying into, is a small ownership share of that company. So yeah, if you want to be that guy, you could go and buy a one dollar fractional share of apple and then claim that technically you own a small portion of the company and by small i mean one two trillionth of it. But i digress now that you own a small piece of that company. Some of those companies will pay you out, a dividend which is a really fancy word for just saying, they're going to pay you out a small portion of their profit, because you now own a small portion of the company by buying their stock.

Now, with their apple example, they're going to be paying you a 0.65 dividend annually, which means for every 100, you invest they're, going to be paying you back 65 cents in passive income. That also means you'll report that to the irs, so they can make a survey about youtube. Okay, but jokes aside, plenty of stocks out there pay a dividend and they could range anywhere from next to nothing to weigh over 10 percent. Like here's just a few random examples, we have simon property group, which is a company that owns and manages retail space and malls, pays you a 7.87 dividend on your money.

Exxon pays, you 8.67 and 3m pays you 3.57 and so on. The possibilities here are endless, but this is something that you could set up literally in just a few minutes and even something like an s p 500 index fund, which is something i mentioned here all the time on the channel, is something good to invest in that I invest in pays a one point. Seven four percent return on your money as it stands right now, so for every hundred dollars you decide to invest here, you're going to be making one dollar and 74 cents every single year in passive income as a dividend, and you get to report that to the Irs as of course, your second source of income, the third source of income is tied pretty closely to the second, and that would be capital gains. This is what happens when you sell your investment for a profit, and the amount you're taxed on is called your capital gains.
It's pretty much the difference in price from what you paid for it, versus where it was at by the time that you sold. For example, if you buy a stock for ten dollars, and then you sell it for 25, that 15 difference in profit is what's called your capital gains, and the irs calls that another source of income that's also another way you can make money investing in the stock Market because, unlike the second source of income, not all stocks pay dividends. Instead, many stocks are what's known as growth stocks, in the sense that what they don't pay you as a dividend just gets reinvested back into the company causing the stock price to go up. It's kind of like buying a hundred dollar stock and instead of you getting paid a five percent dividend, the stock price just goes up five percent a year.

At the end of the day, it's pretty much the same thing except you're not going to be taxed. On the value of that stock, until you actually go and sell it unlike dividends, where you're going to be taxed at the end of the year, depending on how much money you've made, not only that, but the capital gains tax rate is generally significantly lower than you Pay on dividends when you've held that investment for longer than a year like just take a look at this. If you're single earning less than forty thousand dollars a year, you're going to pay nothing in federal income, taxes for long-term capital gains after that, there's just a flat 15 percent federal tax for capital gains when you make above 40, 000 and then just 20 from making. Above that amount, on the other hand, when you hold an investment for less than a year or you have an unqualified dividend - payment you're going to be paying taxes at your ordinary tax rate, which is significantly higher.

That's the reason why most wealthy investors prefer growth stocks, because not only are they not taxed on dividends every single year, but they can also have total control about how much they sell and when they sell. So they can lock in some of those sweet, sweet, long-term capital gains tax rates. After that we have another very common one that almost all of us have. If we have a bank account and that would be interest income.

This happens when you keep your money in a high yield, savings account or basically any bank that pays you even a slightly remote amount of interest. Chances are at the end of the year. They give you a 1099 interest form with how much money you earned. So you could report that money to the irs.

This one is not just limited to savings accounts either. This could also be from buying into a cd a bond or just lending someone money and getting paid back with interest. Now this one is different from dividend or capital gains income, because interest income is generally taxed at your ordinary tax rate. So you don't get any special tax treatment for holding on to your investment for longer than a year.
We're putting more money in the bank account and getting paid more interest when it comes to this tax is tax, but technically this one is another source of income, and most of you watching probably have it. If not, and you don't have this source of income, then i would highly recommend you open up a high interest savings account with anything like ally, bank discover, bank redneck, bank amex savings or cit bank, or anything. Basically, that pays you more than a point. Seven percent interest rate on your money at least, then you would be making something, whereas otherwise you might be making nothing.

That also means that very good news, if you have a job, if you have a savings account that pays you interest and you invest in stocks, then technically that means that potentially, you might have four different sources of income already. The fifth source of income is something very close to my heart, and that would be rental income. Personally, this one is my favorite one on the entire list, and i've spent the last eight years using pretty much all of my income to buy properties and then rent them out for long-term cash flow. For most people who want to invest in builder, wealth.

Real estate has some really unique tax advantages and it's very profitable for people who don't mind putting in the work and just buying one property could have so many multiple sources of income within it. For example, if you buy a property and it goes up in value and you sell it, that could be long-term capital gains and then, if you rent the property out for profit, that would be rental income and then, of course, you could just reinvest the rental income Back into the stock market to make even more money, you also have the power to leverage your money here, which is where you borrow most of the money from the bank to buy the deal. For example, if you want to go and buy a million dollars worth of tesla stock, unless you're buying with margin, you're gon na need all one million dollars available. But if you want to buy a million dollars with a real estate, you'll only need about 200 000.

As your down payment and then a bank is gon na lend you the rest using a mortgage you're, also able to depreciate the value of the property against your rental income to reduce your taxes, i won't make it too complicated, but here's just a quick example: the Irs says you could depreciate the value of the house over 27 and a half years. So if the value of the house is 275 000, the first 10 thousand dollars you make every single year in rental income is pretty much tax-free. Of course it's going to be taxed when you sell the property in the future, but then you have what's called the 1031 exchange which allows you to indefinitely defer paying taxes by exchanging one like property for another. I've also seen articles that claim, 90 of millionaires are invested in real estate and even though i can't find any actual studies to back this up, it does seem pretty believable to me that so many millionaires would have their money tied up in real estate.
Just to protect their wealth from inflation, so for anyone looking to get started, i would highly recommend you begin with house hacking, which is where you buy a multi-family property where you can move into one of the units rent out the others for cash flow and that Pretty much allows you when done right to live for free. That gets you into the game. It gets you a free place to live, and potentially you could even make a profit on top of that, and then you just repeat that process over and over and over again getting some of that sweet, sweet rental income. Now these last two are a little bit more specific, but number six is profits from a business they own, and this might also include having a side, hustle or a second job, because you don't need to own another business to make more money.

I seriously think this is probably one of the most under utilized income sources that people just don't take advantage of, and that stops today working any type of side. Business that has the potential to grow completely independently from your main source of income is not only a good way to make more money, but also diversify yourself. In case something happens to your main job and you need something to fall back on. I just want you to think of this and ask yourself the question: what do you do every single night between 6 pm and 12 midnight that's six hours a day or pretty much an extra full work day, every single night that most people don't take advantage of? If you want to get ahead or you want to make more money, make that time count and put it towards another project or a side hobby, or that business you've always wanted.

To start like on my second channel, the gram stefan show, i probably interviewed hundreds of people at this point and anytime someone tells me they don't have the time to do something we get down to what they do between 6 p.m and 12 midnight and most of The time it's hanging around doing nothing, productive and all of a sudden. It's like there, you go there's your time or as another example. This channel that you're watching right now was my side hustle between the hours of like 7, 00 pm and 1am, almost every single night. I did that for two years, even though on youtube, i was only making a fraction of what i was earning as a real estate agent, that was until youtube took off, and then i flipped those around and then worked youtube during the day and then would do My extra real estate work at night, but that would not have happened at all if i didn't end up using my nights productively or work towards something that i was really passionate about.
So i encourage you to do the same thing as well. Start a side. Business. Do a side, hobby or anything separate from your main job to make money like it's, never a good idea to place all of your eggs in one basket just like it's, never a good idea to place 100 of your income on one income source and finally, the Last source of income according to the irs is royalty income, and no not that type of royalty.

The royalty is in. You get paid a licensing fee for a product or service that you've created once and then you get paid on it ongoing in the future and fun fact. When i was 17 years old, i was a drummer in a band and we got some of our music played in a few tv shows, like the mentalist house, and a few other shows that were back in 2007. and for a while i was receiving royalty checks.

Every time our music was played in these tv shows first, they were coming in at like 10 to 20 dollars every few months, and then they dwindled down to like 10 to 20 cents and now they're like a few cents, maybe every year or so anyway, the Takeaway from this is that you could absolutely create something once up front that will continue to make you money as long as people will buy it and as long as it sells. I know this is way easier said than done, but things like youtube videos, ebooks blogs, websites, merch things like this will continue to sell itself as long as it exists like most of my youtube. Videos are situated in such a way where i can make a video once like how to invest in a roth ira and as long as people type in and search how to invest in a roth ira. My video should come up on the first page and then every time someone clicks on that video i will make anywhere from about one to two cents, depending on how much of that video they watch.

So that's a good reminder for everyone who has not started up a roth ira yet make sure you watch that video and start up a roth ira. All of this is really just about, starting with one main income source like your day job and then using that to funnel towards building everything else and parlaying that into something bigger and bigger. For example, right now, i probably have like 12 sources of income that all started with me, working as a real estate agent using that money to buy rental properties and index funds and then working as side hustle, making youtube videos talking about working as a real estate. Agent and investing in rental properties and index funds, which eventually led to creating multiple channels.

Two programs affiliates a mentorship group, probably too much to count at this point, link's down below in the description if you're interested. But all of that just began with one income source and over time it just expanded, and now my income is fairly well diversified. That way, if something happens to one, i would have a multitude of other things to fall back on and i highly recommend you do. The same the whole point of this video is to get you thinking about the next step, and once you understand how the process works, you could begin working towards it and, of course, smashing a like button for the youtube algorithm.
So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it make sure to destroy the subscribe button and the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i post it pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there, as in the second channel. The gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here.

So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you guys want two free stocks, use the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you two free stocks when you deposit 100, on the platform with one of the stocks potentially worth all the way up to 1 400. So if you want those two free stocks use the links down below, let me know which two free stocks you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “The 7 best side hustles to start asap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keifer says:

    Liked just for that opening line. What a fucking line

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars follow Dillion_1uptrade on instagram says:

    If you allow your vision to only see, where seems possible or reasonable, you limit the true potential of your success. Open your eyes ??We all want to get more money and want to be more successful but fail to do the basic. If you want a change in your life and standard of living, follow above name.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Pearson says:

    Did YouTube Unsubscribe me from your channel? I had to subscribe again.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TN Guard Guy {ret} says:

    The eviction moratorium screwed up rental income for individuals who only have one or two properties. Big rental companies can weather it but individuals can't. An Army buddy invested his life savings only to lose his only property due to not being able to evict a tenant that said he didn't have to pay his rent. I don't know the details but the renter is gone and the house is now sold. Sad.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Somir says:

    Do I need to have a diploma for the tutor thing? I quit high school that’s why I’m asking… i just need a side hustle to start working part time so I can work harder on my brand.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicken Khazar says:

    how is your earned income a side hustle bruh

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rigrimo says:

    This guy looks like tom cruise got gene spliced with ben shapiro

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enlighten The Below says:

    The average millionaire focuses on one thing and when that is successful they diversify.. you should know that

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mani says:

    Great video but it get's really annoying when you say "pls subscribe". Its ok to say it once but please don't say it every other minute

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pamela Caballero says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Magdalena Ferguson, her skills set is exceptional.

    Trading with an expert is really beneficial this will help you avoid losing your money on the trading market. I also trade with Mrs. Magdalena Ferguson and my portfolio has grown tremendously.

    A wise person should know that in order to build success, you should invest wisely and have proper knowledge or guide in the finance market.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nita V.Kapadia says:

    Thank you Graham, can you add more bdetails about Royalty Income? How to get started?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claire T says:

    Side hustles are for poor people to get ahead; this is more of “how to make more money with your already significant amount of money”

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khalifa Al9y3rixo says:

    the bad side of webull not open globally only certain countries

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kane says:

    Can anybody recommend a good book that goes into more depth on the rental property tax depreciation info? or something that goes over most of the terms and explains it in a long term?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke says:

    What about money earned off post hair-transplant YouTube marketability? (Cough cough, nudge nudge)

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fox's Den says:

    Come on, dude. Webull isn't free, their main source of income is Payment For Order Flow (PFOF). A hidden fee which rips traders off in the industry to a tune of around $1bn per annum. You might want to mention that to your viewers before telling them to go sign up for it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Johnson says:

    This guy is pretty sharp. I think he said hey Graham it's guys here just to boost video ranking by making more people comment on it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale says:

    "Just buy a multi-family property where you can live in one of the units and rent out the other units for cashflow"

    Ah yes… because most of us just have access to the million+ dollars required to buy such a property. Oh wait…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HBK Edwin says:

    hey when you made all your side hustles did you focus on them one by one or did you go all out and out on them at the same time

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatSanginMan says:

    bro hearing you talk is like listening to a drum solo lol, good tips though

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Masha L says:

    What about billionaires ? How many sources of income do they have? Because that’s what I am planing on being.. you only got one life so I prefer to be a billionaire instead.

    And I even have a plan how I’m gonna do it. First I will become a millionaire then I invest that million and wait for that money to multiple hehehe

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Laray says:

    I tried to purchase stock on Webull but it says my buying power is insufficient, what exactly does that mean and can I fix it

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Kirk says:

    at what point do you decide you’ve mad enough money? seems like you have enough passive income to live comfortably for the rest of you life. so go live your life dude, you can stop working lol

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kawntent YT says:

    "What's up Graham it's guys"

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia Nam says:

    This is the least informative video loaded with ads at every other sentence. The greed of this guy knows no bounds.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert George says:

    Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VinTech says:

    what he didn’t tell you is that he invested 10 cups of coffee for this video

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stormly715 says:

    So borrowing from the bank means less tax but aren’t you in debt? Or owe the bank and once u pay that off do you still get tax then? Losing overall or?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robyn Sundelius says:

    Would you mind private video chatting me so I can set some consistency in my life

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MelodicTurtleMetal says:

    Oh man… This is levels of douche above what I can handle, even though it is very informative. It's this what you need to do to get views now?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tica Anderson says:

    What about taxes on house hacking? If you buy a home and live in it, but rent out the other rooms, do you have to tell the IRS?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryptoMasta says:

    The assorted attention genomically reply because goat cosmetically heal apud a enchanting ashtray. lying, absorbed cod

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enoch Shawn Chen 陳 頌 恩 says:

    Can we sign up for webull if we are living in a different country? I live in Taiwan

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivian Longman says:

    The best thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different stream of income that doesn't depend on government especially at this time of this pandemic.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jashwin Reddy says:

    so thw windows operating system would be a main source of royalty income for Microsoft to license out to most co puter companies?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cinnreds18 says:

    Amex savings is the best. I have saved almost 25 dollars in mine!

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