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I have a long position in TSLA stock.
I have no position in RIVN and LCID.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom and, as always, first of all, we start this video with the bottom line. First, i know some of you are busy you got to do so, let's start with the bottom line. If some of you actually want to stay for the full video, we can do it later. So, let's get started with the bottom line.

First of all, we have a new target price for tesla from webbush. Then i've raised the starter price from eleven hundred to fourteen hundred dollars with an eighteen hundred dollar bulk case. We're going to be talking a lot about that. Speaking of tesla biden went on a rampage talking about how gm is leading the eevee revolution of the united states, which i thought was kind of hilarious.

I don't know if it's an april, fool's joke, he's legitimately confused or he's doing it on purpose either. One of these options is kind of not so good for biden we're going to be talking about that as well. Also, let's talk about the gme lawsuit actually getting thrown out of court. A few months ago, if you remember, i talked about a gme lawsuit gamestop.

The whole thing that happened with robin hood and citadel. They got sued. People are saying conspiracy, they hold the trading. So basically, the court said: hey not going to happen, we're going to be talking about that as well, because there's a lot of nuances there.

I want you to understand, also four they're, coming out with a very ambitious plan to go 600 000 full electric vehicles in the next few years, which is kind of ambitious, but also we have to remember that it's not the first time ford nor gm come out With this massive plans - and you know, talk is cheap, let's see what happens and, of course, we're going to be talking about palantir what the hell is going on with palutear down 20 in the last 10 days. So let's get started. Let's talk about tesla first and the new tesla target price from web bush now dan ives, the analyst from web bush has always been bullish on tesla, that's nothing new and recently he just gave a target price of eleven hundred dollars. Now he's raising it yesterday to fourteen hundred dollars with the bulk case of eighteen hundred dollars by 2022..

Now his logic is very interesting and i think we got to talk about this, so his logic is that this is a five trillion dollar market and the tesla will dominate about half of this market. Now, obviously, we're going to have to say half eddie i want half zebra blah blah blah now shout out to eddie murphy, so he's thinking half of the market tesla means about. You know fourteen hundred dollars per stock, maybe even eighteen hundred dollars - i'm not going to argue with that because i don't think it's far from the truth. I know people like to hate about tesla and say well: tesla is losing market share and i don't think it's very accurate.

To be honest, if you look at the data from europe, that is true, but the only reason people are buying more other evs and not tesla in the eu in general is because tesla can't meet demand. The only people i know who bought other evs that are non-tesla is because they couldn't wait for testa. The waiting was just too long, so they settle on the id4 or id3 or whatever garbage out there. So basically, all these people are buying these non-tesla evs for lack of choice, because why would you buy anything else? The range is better, the software is better, the full set of driving is better.
The infrastructure for charging is better. The batteries are better. Everything about this car is better than any competitor, and they just literally can't meet demand, and i think that's, what's driving a lot of these so-called fake loss of market share, once tesla ramps up production and able to actually provide the products to the clients, i think They're going to be back up there, it's kind of obvious to us, but it's really good for gordon to use in his arguments. Demand is persistent for lack of a better word now.

I do want to point out that i said in october 2020, and you can check me on this. The tesla is a fifteen hundred dollar stock that ain't, nothing new to me. We've been saying this for a whole year and a lot of our community actually made money on tests like ching and so far. We've definitely been enjoying the ride.

But i do want to clarify something, because i keep seeing it again and again and again there's a huge difference between the target price for the future and the current valuation of a company. It's completely different things. When, then, alex is talking about he's talking about the target price as far as where he sees the price of the stock fluctuates, which also includes you know, psychology, christ, ecology, hype and all that good stuff he's saying, i think the stock will be at 1400 by Next year it's an estimation of the trend of the stock price, i'm looking at it and i'm looking at the valuation. What would i pay for this company if i had to buy today, based on known cash flows today and in the future? So when i say fifteen hundred dollars, i wan na be really clear about this.

My target price of fifteen hundred dollars, which was available publicly another patreon. It was available publicly, it's basically for the value of the stock today. So when the stock was 400, i said it's valued 1500 and now it's at 1100, i'm still saying it's valued at 1500, there's still a lot of upside in the stock, so instead of hunting for other, you know quick gains and quick satisfaction like revivians and lucids. I think tesla is definitely the next tester, it's kind of simple for me, but guess who doesn't agree with me.

Mr el presidente, el honcho. He doesn't agree, i mean in fact i don't think he knows it. Tesla exists. This is the best explanation i can provide.

I don't think anybody told them about tesla, so he thinks gm and four they're innovating, because that's the only way to explain what just happened at factory: zero love the name factory zero, because this is exactly the amount of electric cars they have put out in the Last five years, excluding of course the self-combusting bolt and them killing ev1, which is kind of ironic, so you have gm pretty much. Inventing the electric car ev1 was amazing. They kill it because they become short-sighted and don't see the future and now they're dragged behind basically way after tesla 10 years behind getting punished for this primal sin of killing the ev1 and mary barra who actually added sent to sin by investing in naked level. Companies nicola mary really so now she's getting praised by president el biden, basically saying that she's leading the eevee revolution and good job gm for being the leaders in ev.
Now he literally said this: i'm not even making this up. He went and took a tour at factory zero gm. They converted it to electric vehicles, two billion dollars of investment good for them. By the way, the same is the amount of the deal they had with nikola two billion dollar deal, which i think is kind of ironic anyways.

He took a ride in a hummer or whatever the that is, and he basically comes out and says: well: yep, good job, gm good job, you're, leading the eevee industry you're, setting an example for us good for you now. Obviously he says no worried about tesla much like he did in the whole eevee convention. They did in the white house and forgot to invite tesla or even to mention this. So the question that i'm really curious about.

You know it's what the hell is going on. My initial reaction for this was like yo what the, but, since i you know, had a chance to drink some tea with my grandpa, i kind of came down and here's my kind of academic discussion about this. So i can't decide if president biden forgot about tesla. Never knew about tesla or he's doing it on purpose, or maybe he thinks this is april, and this is a good april fool's joke.

I don't know what's going on, but either one of these options is not good for president biden, i don't know if he understands how internet works these days. This is in 1974. We can't control the narrative by saying on tv. We have this little thing called the internet, something they invented when you were like what 75 and on the internet, people actually call it like, they see it and you can't get away with just ignoring tesla like this now, not to mention the fact that the white House has actively been helping gm and ford by reducing the tax credit for tesla, because they're not unionized, but that's old news.

What i'm seeing here is something really fascinating, so we have one team which is gm and ford losing to another team which is tesla by like 30 points. If it's a basketball game and now the referees are recruited to help the losing team, they're literally working with the team, to try and beat the other team, so we have the refs working against tesla and still tesla bidding them by 20 points. So there goes gm and ford wish them the best of luck, no disrespect, but you up now, let's talk about what happened with gme. So gme was a huge story.
Gamestop in case you forgot about it massive massive story. The main controversy that came out of it was what happened with the stoppage of trading, so we had citadel and robin hood in the mix and every other brokerage you can think of and the increased volatility that caused. Allegedly, all this mayhem basically caused them to shut down buying of gme, which sent a lot of people for their pitchforks and the flamethrowers and whatnot, and eventually, like always in america, this leads to litigation. So a suit comes out of it, a class-action lawsuit.

It goes to federal court and the federal court, even though they saw a what seems to be very clear evidence of communications between robin hood and citadel. On the eve of this trading of halting, which was, let's say, a little bit peculiar for lack of better words. Allegedly, and so the court basically dismisses this lawsuit, and the thing i want to clarify in this video is that that dismissal was very, very specific if you, unless you're a lawyer, it's really hard to understand what they said there, but luckily i did went to law School, incidentally, i posted my sjd prospectus. I was supposed to be dr tom on my patreon page.

So if you want to read about the tax reform, which i wrote in 2009, go right ahead to our patreon 40 pages of fun, if you're a hella nerd. Now that aside i'll tell you one day with the story, why i never became dr tom, i got greedy took a job in the city, oh rhyme. So let's talk about this, so the court basically said that um, i'm gon na put it in a non-legal language. Basically, we know you're up, we just can't prove it basically saying i know you did it.

Don't have enough proof much like denzel washington once coined. You know it's not about what you know it's about what you can prove it's the same thing here, the best example. I can give you is like you know when you watch the nfl and they challenge a certain play, and the referee goes to the booth to see. What's going on so there's two outcomes that come out of it right.

Basically, three one they overturn the play and then two which is the more important when they let the play stand as this. So if they say the play stands, it's very different when they say the play is confirmed if you follow the nfl right. So when the play is confirmed, it means that they looked at it and they confirmed that this is exactly what happened when they say the play stands. They basically say we don't have enough evidence to see what the went on here.

So the ruling on the field stands, which is exactly what the court did here. They said we don't ain't, got enough evidence for this get the out. So does it clear robin hood and citadel from all the suspicion, not really in my opinion, but then again it's my opinion. It might be an accurate might be wrong.
Might the realm is a madman you got to do in research. You got to find out for yourself because i'm not a financial advisor. This is also not legal advice, so go read about it, educate yourself and see what you come up with and now. Let's talk about ford and their ambitious prediction for 2023, so ford, ceo, jim farley, just came out and said: hey we're going to make 600 000 electric vehicles all electric by 2023..

That's right around the corner and he also said we're going to be the second biggest eevee producer in the united states behind tesla. Now there's a few things. I want to comment on this and one being the fact that i don't think jim finally knows math. I mean no disrespect to you, but i mean have you seen about what gm are saying.

So gm are saying they're going to make 1 million of full evs by 2025. So that's a little bit hard for me to grasp it's either. He doesn't believe gm or he hasn't heard about this number. In both cases, i think both of them are full of.

Let me explain: it's like this game. When people are bidding on monopoly money, we're gon na make a 600 we're gon na make a million we're gon na make two million we're gon na make and we're gon na make and we're gon na make you know, talk is cheap. The thing is, how many vehicles did you already make and that number ain't so high, even if you include the ev1 which gm killed so talk is cheap. Let's see what happens, but i guess this literally goes against what everything about the market right now says because, based on this market, maybe instead of 600 000 vehicles, he should have said 12, because if you can make 12 vehicles you're going to be valued 90 billion Dollars more than ford, so maybe he should say 12 vehicles.

At this point i don't even know, but what i think will happen. I think the 25 000 car of tesla might get a new name and i know elon loves trolling these companies. Maybe they call it. The musk tank, the 25 000, the musk tank.

What do you think about it? I think it's going to be really awesome to have a really laugh about the way. Ford and gm are basically talking in imaginary numbers, while tesla are putting a million vehicles on the road this year or close to a million. You know it is what it is now. Let's talk about palantir, so palantir is going through a rough patch.

Let's put it this way for the past 10 days, this stock plummeted, 20 percent. So what the hell is going on. We have amazing numbers. The company is producing 190 million in cash flow 30 q over q revenue growth they're producing about 30 next year for revenue growth, i mean what the hell is going on.

Phenomenal numbers just came out 10 days ago in the financials and the stock dropped 20. Now what i want to explain here is, i think, we're going through a life cycle which every stock goes through and because you know pilot here just went public. A year ago, people tend to forget what happened with tesla for a long ass time. So you have these stages that you go through with you know, initial excitement and then euphoria and then a little bit of an anxiety and then it goes back up full depression.
Then a little bit of an optimism then again and just a wave. It goes up and down. The thing you want to take a look at is the trend when in doubt, zoom out so zoom out to the beginning of the year when actually they went public, i think they went public late 2020. If i'm not mistaken and look at how much the stock went up and you'll find that they pretty much doubled and more in size, so these little fluctuations - and you know valuation - it's just normal market behavior and i will grant you that planeteer has a higher percentage Of speculates short-term day traders swing traders that fuel this volatility insane volatility, but eventually they'll move on to something more interesting, more hypey, and then the only people who are going to stay in there.

The people actually believe in the stock and the stock is performing great. I'm not even worried for me 21 and a half dollars, which is the current price of the share, is a gift i'm gon na be buying as much as i can, and i can only tell you that kathy wood is doing the same thing over the past 10 days, while it dropped 20 percent kathy wood bought 2.5 million shares. It's a whole lot of shares of palantir. She actually is buying the dip as heavy as one would expect, but then again let me know below what you guys think about it.

I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to just enjoy it. Don't click, nothing, don't smash nothing. We don't need that. Thank you so much and a huge shout out to the channel members and the patreons for supporting this channel.

You guys are amazing. If you want to support the channel it's five bucks per month, it's not mandatory. All the content is free right here for you anyways, but if you want to be a supporter, the link is below more than welcome. Join our zoom calls have fun, we'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Tesla is about the explode”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmy nguyen says:

    He went straight to the point. You just can't hate this guy.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheHobbyist says:

    A couple of facts from a European here. First, the Europeans don't like EV's yet. Europeans tend to go on holiday from the North (The Netherlands/Belgium/Germany) to the south (France/Spain) with their car. They HATE it that they can't do this in one go with 5 minutes in between to fill up the tank. Also, the demand for Tesla is not there as many consider it a very ugly car compared to BMW, Mercedes, Toyota etc. Quality-wise Tesla can't compare to the likes of BMW, Mercedes, Renault, Citroen let alone Bentley, Maserati or even the current Alfa Romeo. The EU is pushing to only sell new cars which must be EV's by 2027. Third, the software is indeed way better in a Tesla however if you drive auto-pilot, it is illegal in Europe. If you have an accident due to the auto-pilot being engaged, you won't see any money. Fourth, the Europeans, including myself are very hard to persuade buying something else than their favorite brand. The Germans have BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, Mercedes, the French have Citroen and Renault as their favorites, the Italians, Alfa Romeo, the Spaniards Seat etc. They are very nationalized on driving the cars their country makes. Then, the used car market in Europe is very thriving but many don't want an EV where the battery won't charge to its full capacity after 5 of so years unless they can swap the battery. So, good luck for Tesla to enter the European market. It will be a cut-throat market fantastic for consumers for sure. In the mean time, every incumbent in Europe is still selling iCE cars and some EV's and their quality is increasing from good to great, consider the Mercedes EQS range. It's a phenomenal car with quality far superseding anything Telsa can offer (except for the software and range) but that is just a matter of time. I know many car manufacturers are working together on projects for self-driving cars using either Lidar and/or cameras. Software isn't the problem anymore as many engineers can do all that here in Europe too, the problem is the adoption and the change of mind-set customers must have. Many people can't afford new cars anyway and buy used ones. Then there is this trend towards working from home instead of driving to the office. We will have fiber to the home in Europe in 2 to 3 years. You will use the car but it won't be every day, so why buy a Tesla if you drive from home to the store? There is no point. The whole car-industry in Europe is changing at a rapid pace and not only towards EV's but just not being that interested in cars anylonger.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Hanna says:

    Nov 10th was the last time Cathy wood bought PLTR. She has not bought the recent dip.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stonelane1827 says:

    You can tell who paying Joe's wages that's for sure.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Lake says:

    Tom your my kinda man, tell it Ike it is, screw the politics!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Pittman says:

    UAW. Plain and simple. That's the only reasonable answer. Unions are great until they do more harm than good.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gatsbyofhouston says:

    The only reason Tesla is thriving is because of its Cult followings .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Greig says:

    How about calling the model "2" the Musktang Jolt…???

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel N. says:

    Another great video. Really like these investment related news video style format.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flavius Buda says:

    Palantir is good news, let's buy more , we will appreciate it in 2-3 years πŸ˜€

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Fernandez says:

    Biden mentioned to buy union EV company is part of his plan..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lesley Heselmans says:

    You or still the dokter for me Tom πŸ˜‰ thx for the clarifying. ps Tesla pay's bilions of tax's en Gm and ford gets tax's

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quintino Zaccardelli says:

    He has to say that. He’s at an opening of a GM factory, aka more jobs. Don’t be a fucking fool.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeastMode24 says:

    Tom, what do you think about the chinese EV company BYD? Its looking good for the past few months, can they continue their growth?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Sandoval says:

    Thx for keep talking about PLTR! I’m at 2k shares and still want to keep buying! Videos like these keep me bullish for years to come!!!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reid Lai says:

    Tesla is not targeting EV market….sustainable energy, AI, and robotics are their target

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andr says:

    I don't plan to sell Palantir for at least 5 years (possibly 10) so I am not worried about this deep in price. I am sure they will produce a lot more of AI driven software that will be very successful in the future – and the future is AI.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex McAuliff says:

    "Self combusting Bolt" πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚

    So, Tesla is making self-driving cars. Meanwhile GM is leading the way in the self-combusting cars… gotta be a leader in something, right?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edith says:

    PYPL, INTC, and PLTR were all pretty bad bets in the short medium term. Not a good track record. Long term most stocks go up so let’s not go there.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Youtubers Behaving Badly says:

    Tom can you please do another video on Wish as a follow up?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lewis Moten says:

    This reminds me of how rockstars visit every city and say how each one is the best one.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nate lambson says:

    There is a "meaningfully above zero" % chance that Biden has never heard of Tesla or understands anything about EVs. Not a good look for us Americans to not know if he is scheming or capricious and or just dumb.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Makavelit0t0 says:

    not worried one bit when it comes to PLTR, been holding now for a year. this dip is nothing to the 18usd dip that i even bought at couple of months ago

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul Rampersaud says:

    Biden is a fail president
    Failing to acknowledge what Tesla has done is a disgrace
    Same he fail to recognize space X did the civilian mission accomplishment

    FORD CEO have a Brain 🧠damage

    VW CEO know the value an the state of power Tesla is in acknowledge Elon as well

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Munson says:

    Nash, hope you are well. Can you review BNGO for all the fans of this stock? Thank you for all you do!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battalon says:

    Great insight as usual!
    I will consider buying Palentir!

    And finally no reminder to smack the like button… and still the viewers are liking 🀯

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