Herbert Diess, Volkswagen Group CEO, said: "we have to accept that Tesla sets the new benchmarks on the EV side, “Not only technology wise, but also when it comes to productivity, speed … I think it’s always good to have competition.”
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom, welcome back, and if this is your first time here well, we only have one rule really: don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing! Just listen! That's all! I got for you so check this out in today's video we're going to be talking about a lot of stories, but the first one i want to start with is herbert d's. Yes, i'm not telling you nothing, i'm not pitching nothing! I'm getting straight into the news. How about them apples so herbert dees, the ceo of the volkswagen group, now actually continues his bromance with elon to a new level. It's becoming a gronk tom brady relationship at this point.

After herbert this invited elon to participate in his executive meeting and actually be a keynote speaker in it, which is kind of a slap in the face to his own executives. But you know so be it now. He came out and he said that tesla is leading the way in pretty much everything starting from logistics engineering. Basically, anything that's eevee tesla is the leader and they got ta follow suit and i think it's an accurate statement.

Don't get me wrong, but you have to understand why herbert dees is saying this and there's two reasons that have nothing to do with each other and both are equally hilarious. So the first one i think is herbert. This went through the five stages of grief, and now he arrived to the fifth sage. Acceptance and that's fine acceptance is part of your grief stage.

That's fine, so he admits that he lost now what's more interesting. Is that not a lot of people are aware of this, but elon musk actually offered her buddhist, the tesla ceo job five or six years ago and her buddies didn't have the cojones to accept it. He actually chose a company that lied and cheated about biodiesel. Instead of an upcoming eevee company, which was not such a good decision for him, i'm sure he's questioning the decision in 2021 and yet i think, he's already lobbing for his next job.

How about that? We know elon likes him. We know if we're not even elon, offered him the job already, and we know he probably wishes he could have that decision back so doing this bromance with elon makes a lot of sense for herbert these. If you actually believe that elon won't stay as the ceo forever, which actually is a normal progression, i'm sure that at some point, elon will move up to be the chairman and he's going to hire a professional ceo. I think herbert this is making a play for this, which is a personal play, and i'm not sure that the volkswagen people appreciate it, but it is what it is now.

Another ceo that was complimenting tesla is actually jim farley, the ceo, not the actor, the ceo from ford, so jim farley, the man who tweeted in april the hit job by consumer reports about tesla driving itself without nobody in the car seat. Remember that so he retweeted this basically saying some nonsense. Go click on twitter. Now it seems that he came full circles with all the tesla players.

Basically saying thank you elon for leading the way now. He already also again accepted the fifth stage of grief, which is what every oem executive is going through right now, but in jim crowley's case, it's actually very interesting because elon actually took a shot at him and jim farley misinterpreted it as a compliment which actually allowed Him to compliment elon back, but i don't think elon was complimenting him so ellen tweeted. Basically that there's going to be a lot of eevee startups in the eevee graveyard in the next few years and there's already quite a lot of them, which is actually true. Nikola.
There's plenty others lordstown there's going to be more and he basically said well. The only two car companies that have never went bankrupt is tesla and ford taking a shot at gm. Obviously they went bankrupt as late as 2009, but basically jim farley took it as a huge compliment, basically saying: well, it's us and ford against the world, but you finally completely missed the irony of this tweet, where elon is basically saying well you're the next company to Go bankrupt and tesla's gon na be the only american company that has not he's basically taking a shot at ford. Saying, hey, you're gon na go bankrupt now.

Will they go bankrupt? I think the answer to this is not really dependent on their competition with tesla. I think ford makes its money mainly from the f-150 line, which is one of their biggest assets, and i think their main competition, as it seems right now, is actually rivien now reviewing put out a truck that basically wins in every category. It's an electric truck, the performance is insane. The off-road performance is insane, it's a premium vehicle 80 000, all spaced out.

Now it's not as cheap as the f-150, but when the electric f-150 comes out and that's gon na be the battleground, i think rivien has put forth in some deep. I don't think tesla is seriously thinking about competing in this category. I think with the cyber track. I don't know when it's even coming out.

I don't even think that tesla is supposed to be a huge competitor in trucks. I think it's more like a vanity play, but i do think that ford needs to be reviewing, and at this point it seems that riven is definitely way ahead. Their product is phenomenal, they're, backed by jeff bases and amazon, which means they have deep pockets, essentially endless resources, just as big as fords. So it's going to be a tough battle for ford, not necessarily because of tesla.

That's why i also think jim farley is heating up towards tesla, because they're starting to realize that his competition is actually amazon and no tesla with the rivian car. But let's see what happens now in other news, i do want to talk about hertz. The hurt ceo actually went on tv again interim ceo by the way mark fields should point this out and that say, mark fields went on tv and spoke about hertz deal with uber that can potentially go from fifty thousand to a hundred. Fifty thousand vehicles essentially raising hurts order: vis-a-vis tesla to 200 000 vehicles, basically doubling the order.
Now. I think that a lot of things might happen. Obviously this is an option agreement with uber and hertz a lot of things. I mean this is 2021.

Anything can happen, but is it probable who knows? I think that mark fields is actually making a play for the full-time ceo of hertz he's now the interim and i think, he's making a full play with this whole pr stunt. Obviously this is a real deal. Obviously this is going to work out, but it's all 100 to 200 000. Within a day it seems a little bit fishy.

It seems that, basically squeezing that juice all he can from the tesla pr, because, as my good friend patrick boyle said, the test of a good company in 2021 is whether elon musk tweets about it or it had anything to do with elon, musk or tesla. And at this point he's definitely squeezing that lemon all he can out of this free pr deal, but to be honest, mark fields deserves a lot of credit and i think he actually deserves the job, because on his first task he definitely proved he can get hurt. A lot of pr put them in the front of the media and do it for free. Basically, all he did is sign an agreement with tesla and now he's in the headline, so good move by mark fields.

I think he deserves the job and the next story is actually very interesting, so they buy the administration, actually confirmed the built-back, better legislation, this whole twelve thousand and a half dollars in credit just to save ford and gm. I think they should name this legislation. The save for and gm law, but basically it doesn't matter now. A lot of people in the tesla community are going to be upheaved about this, and i understand why rightfully so i mean that's not fair.

The problem is for ford and gm. That doesn't matter because think about it. This way these credits are designed to create one thing which is to create demand if you lower the price of any goods, the demand goes up. It's just the principle of economics.

Now the demand for tesla is right here. The supply is right here and for gm ford, it's pretty much vice versa. The demand is here. The supply is here so okay, so they get a little bit of a of an upside because of this four thousand five thousand dollars.

So they get a little bit more demand. But basically tesla is up here, so they don't need more demand. So this credit won't do nothing for tesla people will want the same amount of teslas that they're paying for today. I think the problem of tesla is the supply.

They can't make enough this, because people want more, so these credits will slightly help foreign gm. But for me it's like giving an aspirin to somebody who just lost a leg. I mean it's gon na help, but will it save his life or leg? Who knows at this point? So i'm not really stressed out about this legislation. What i am stressed out about is that i didn't get in on the latest squid games, cryptocurrency that flew up 2400 in 24 hours, and i missed it by the way, according to the website of this new cryptocurrency, which i'm sure is not the scam.
Of course it sold out within one second. How can these sell it out in one second, i mean: did they have a bunch of people just sitting click what it's easier to get a ps5 this cryptocurrency i mean what's going on so basically, this cryptocurrency is now market capped at 180 million dollars. Shoot me please and what it gives you is the right to play real life squid games. Why would somebody want to pay for this apparently non-lethal, but yet you have to buy some nfts to participate, even if you have the token, which will cost you another 17 to 33 000 just to play this game what's going on in this world? Is this a sign of inflation or stupidity, or maybe both at this point i just give up, i don't know i wish i would have gotten in on this squid game thing for real for real.

This could have been a lot of fun just to see what happens and make a video about it, but can't get any just a quick shout out to the channel members and patrons you guys are awesome. We have a call coming up this sunday, a zoom call and it's going to take place at 7, 00 a.m, eastern and at 1 p.m. Uk time, if you join the patreon or channel members, it's five bucks a month. You can participate in this goal and going forward i'd love to see you there.

Thank you so much i've been tom. You've been you and i'll, see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Tesla: herbert diess [volkswagen group ceo] admits defeat, credits elon”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Kleinfelt says:

    Tom, Love your stuff and Go Green beat Blue, but according to CNBC "It [Rivian] operates a vehicle assembly plant in Normal, Illinois. Amazon and Ford each own more than 5% of the company." Ford is fine with Rivian taking upscale market as their truck is designed for off-roaders, not contractors and everyday folks like the Lightening will be, different markets. If Ford really wanted to own Rivian it probably could have bought a bigger portion. I think that Ford was smart to make the investment rather than outright purchase Rivian as the UAW would freak ect ect. The benefit that the new auto manufacturers have over legacy is that they don't have the pension obligations, AUW issues, and are able to build up from the ground rather than retool factories.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Srsly Brah says:

    I put 5k into squid game token. To the moon 🚀 🚀 🚀

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Hartley says:

    Hi Tom, the UK clocks go back an hour for the end of daylight savings on Sunday at 2am, so the call I don't think 7am Eastern will be 1pm GMT on Sunday, as US Clocks dont back back for another week or so

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis Fukuyama says:

    Competition for Ford's F150 ICE truck isn't Rivian, it's Ford's own F150 Lightning EV, which is cheaper. Thus Ford disrupt and compete with themselves. Bankruptcy looms.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mighty Tiny says:

    I don't think Elon will give up the CEO spot in Tesla anytime soon. If ever. I hope not. If the Herbert dude gets the job, I'll most likely sell my shares.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Harrison says:

    This is speculation on my side, however I believe the Cybertruck is very strategic as it could be the base skateboard for other utility or multi-person vans. I also see that one of Fords biggest competitors may be themselves. i.e., do I as a consumer of the F150 buy the (more profitable) ice F150 or the (less profitable) electric F150. Put a dealer in the middle and you get great confusion and self interest. I’d be keen to hear your thoughts. Also, your content, views and humor makes your channel one of the best. Thank you for all your content.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue Marshall says:

    If they can't get chips, they've got no chance

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee U says:

    I disagree, I think Elon was paying respect to Ford because the rest of the automatic is in the USA are punks. Ford runs a profitable business, believe me ask any tradie day will pay premium for a Ford truck. Ford did not sell their reputation lucky other us automakers. Please understand the contribution margin for automakers is insane right now. Ford is making a killing in cold hard cash'

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garfield Grant says:

    Brah I just smashed the like button too late lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pierre A. Larsen says:

    I wonder if Rivian is a competitor to F150 as it is smaller vehicle and is not utilitarian. OTOH a lot of people drive trucks without ever needing a truck.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassan & Investing says:

    To be fair, this is more of a PR move from them. Admit defeat, but then trick investors/governments that they're going full EV. In reality, they don't have the infrastructure or headcount to really sustain a full EV shift. They will keep pumping out ICEs, while cashing in for their retirement. My goal here is not to be pessimist, but just let the viewers know the reality. This is why $TSLA is light years ahead.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anthony James says:

    Hopefully Diess is never the CEO. He showed he can’t get it done with VW.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muka Zero says:

    I think, Herbert Diess faceing a lot of resistance inside VW, unable to push his EV agenda through. So he is trying to make make people of VW understand that they are behind and will not be survive if they refuse to change.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RunningMan says:

    Rivian is making about a car a day at present. They will have to ramp a lot.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henrique Moreira says:

    Hi Tom, do you know UI Path, what are your thougts about the companie? Keep with the excelent job that you are doing

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Fung says:

    I would not be surprise to see Diess somehow be working for Tesla in the near future…very near future! Tesla buys VW and dominate the entire EV market? I don't think that would happen, but would be funny!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve EZ says:

    One of the best Tom nash quotes "competion is coming, coming where motherlover? Coming to terms with their losing." Good vid Tom

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cliff says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChessPoet1 says:

    Tom, I have a question. If you are getting right into the news, why do you continually say, "Don't click nothing, don't smash nothing, and I'm not trying to sell you anything"? If you really were trying to save us time, wouldn't you just report what you have to report?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Tanner says:

    Who knows if anyone else could have done Elons job the way hes done it. Maybe if Herbert accepted the job, Tesla wouldnt be the same company

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qudizzle says:

    Many will be called, only a few will make it🙌 💎🦑💎🙌 … 🚀🌙

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike F says:

    Tom point of corrections, F150 is a workhorse and Rivian is rich toy.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Daniel Nagy says:

    Think about those poor people who work for GM and Ford. Tesla is going to wipe out their jobs. Can Biden let this happen?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    I put 26$ in it and I’m up like 400$ but I can’t sell.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Heider says:

    Sounds to me like dietz got some pushback from his troops, so he wanted to scare them with the future with and without him.
    Absolutely genius. He would be a good Tesla ceo.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayrodathome says:

    Tom breaks the news that vw and fords ceos are going to have a boxing match for elons position at tesla. 🍿

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Desislav Petrov says:

    2021-Markets went from economy indicators, to – biggest casino on the 🌎

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Lapomarède says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Nash says:

    Make your suggestions for my next clickbait thumbnail. Make it as crazy as you want and I will use the craziest suggestion.

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