Asking Tanner Fox where to invest $100,000. I gave tanner fox the option of 3 different blue chip stocks to buy and here is what he decided to do with the investment. To make sure we mad an informed decision, I taught him the 3 stages of a reversal on how to buy a stock.
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All right, so, if i were to ask you and give you the option, if you could invest a hundred thousand dollars into any stock, what stock would you choose? What's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions? Um i found this guy outside of our hq. I don't know if you guys know him. I just needed some food. His name is tanner fox he's uh, obviously really big on all social media platforms on youtube.

How many do you have uh 10.5 million? Ah, okay, almost there um, but one of the things that i thought would be pretty interesting is uh. Tanner was actually uh. Sending uh sent me a message just uh. I would say like a couple weeks ago, where you were just obviously interested uh in the market.

Tanner's, obviously, someone that does really well, but not only just that, but he's always looking to potentially invest in other areas trading, is something that takes a lot of time right. It's a little bit riskier a lot more risky. But that being said, it's something that i didn't necessarily feel that was up his alley because, let's be honest, he's tanner foxy has a lot going on already, just like. Maybe a lot of you guys if you're in school, if you have a job, if you just have a busy schedule, trading is probably not something that is in your best interest.

But investing is something that can be a little bit more useful or at least understanding. How and when to invest, so i thought that i would make this somewhat interesting. Video asking tanner fox, where i should invest a hundred thousand dollars and giving him three different choices on blue chip stock. So make sure that if you guys enjoy this video drop a thumbs up and consider subscribing, if you guys haven't done so already, i just want to add yeah.

If you follow ricky on instagram, you guys will see his daily trades. Okay, this guy he's doing well for himself when you started trading, were you would you start trading with thirty thousand dollars at once? No, you know like i was. What are you, starting with? I think it was like 2500 to 5 000., so much much. The dollar amount behind the trades.

It's like with experience right when you were first vlogging. You were obviously filming with much lower quality equipment, but now that you have the confidence and the experience it goes hand in hand, you can invest the tens of or the couple thousand dollars into quality equipment. Your um, no given podcast, you know, would you have been able to do that when you first started right. Oh yeah yeah yeah 100, so it all comes with scaling scaling anything um over time as you gain confidence and experience you're able to tolerate not just the good days but as well as the bad days, and it's not that it's any easier to.

You know tolerate red days. You just get a little bit more comfortable, being scared, it's important to just come, learn and not just jump into doing it exactly to have a set list of you know best practices that you follow. So one of the things that i quickly wanted to at least talk about. It's one thing that i want to share with tanner is the reason that i'm making this video right now is, i'm sure a lot of you guys have seen if you guys follow the market.
Uh markets have recently pulled on back due to originally uh. First off being already at all-time high, so you guys could see this. This is ix. This is a nasdaq index.

This is the day chart. So this looks back for the past year. All i really focus on is you know you can see that from where we were a year ago to where we're at right now we're up and it's very consistent, even during the pandemic it sold off. Not only did we recover, but we continued to make higher highs and higher lows and it wasn't a perfect overall uptrend.

But there was these consistent pullbacks that kept happening as it's good for the stock market to correct itself from time to time, and it allows the market to breathe. We recently experienced a pullback due to this ever grand news of this company. That's you know nearly 300 billion dollars in debt and that's what sparked this kind of like downfall and this pullback again pullbacks are not scary. The only people that get scared during pullbacks are those that did not prepare, but people like tanner, and i we're always prepared just like you right.

So i wanted to talk about because the nasdaq market is so bullish and it recently pulled on back really really quick defined, bullish, okay, so bullish yeah. I guarantee there's people, because i only just learned this today, so bullish. Pretty much just means that you're increasing in value, so you might hear this a lot where crypto is bullish or something like that. It just means that it is indicating signs of growth and the nasdaq as other major markets.

S p, 500 and dow jones tend to be very bullish over a long period of time. On average, they grow about seven to nine percent on average a year which is great right, because direction is super important in companies that you want to invest in. You want to invest your money in companies that are showing signs of growth, therefore, are bullish, so because the nasdaq market is not only bullish, but it recently pulled back one of my favorite things is i like to buy good deals, of course, who doesn't yeah? Do you like to overpay no hell, no, definitely not and again the the most money think about it, even during like the real estate crash of the real estate bubble in 2008, when the market pulled on back. That was scary, and it was very unfortunate for those that could not prepare or that didn't have money left over, but for those that saw the deals present themselves.

Real estate is now even at a higher price or higher level than it was before. Therefore, because we're able to recover and take advantage of those deals at those lower prices, we're able to take advantage of that opportunity and ride back and profit from the recovery, and that's essentially what we're looking to do here with ix ic again, a nasdaq index which Has a big focus on tech companies? You can see that it recently pulled on back and it has potential to make a recovery, but the three stocks that i want to quickly talk about are the first one is amazon. I'm sure you guys have heard of amazon. This is amazon for the past year.
You can see that this is where it was just a couple months ago, but overall amazon recently pulled on back we're trading right around 3 200. A share trust me. I get it that it might sound expensive. It doesn't matter what the price per share is.

It matters how much percentage return it offers and based off of where we were before. So you could see this. We can use this little trendline tool on the weeble trading platform from 3200 to highs of 3700. That offers about 14 return and the crazy thing about this is like okay.

Well, you know you guys hear that crypto or a lot of other stocks can gap up more than 14 in a day. We're not talking about just a normal company. We're talking about one of the most valuable companies right now, that's publicly traded right now. This thing has a market cap of 1.66 trillion dollars.

So what that means is, if it's already down about 10 percent - think about that 10 of 1.66 trillion. That's huge and you're correct, it's only 10 to 15 that it offers for potential recovery. But this is amazon, a company that i personally don't see going anywhere no right and because it's recently pulled on back. It presents this deal if it were to recover.

But one thing: if i were to ask you: you know you're going to decide where i invest a hundred thousand dollars right. Do you think that i should buy a hundred thousand dollars right now at 3 200? No, how would you do it? I wouldn't i wouldn't buy amazon, okay uh, one of the things that i want to talk about. I don't know you would maybe i mean i don't i'm not the pro. No, it don't tell me if i was wrong.

No, no! No. I mean there's no right or wrong, it's all just dependent on what it is that you see valiant, but one of the biggest mistakes - and i don't know actually maybe i would because then it would pop back up to 37.. Do you see? Do you see the the previous pattern, the previous support, where it tends to find a support level right around the 3000 3100 to 3200, and then it tends to recover right yep, but what if it doesn't recover - and i go in with a hundred thousand dollars - have You ever bought in a dip on a stock or on a crypto, yes, and it still sells off okay, and this is why we always like to talk about the three stages of a reversal. There's the rejection phase, the consolidation phase and the confirmation stage, a very common mistake that a lot of beginner traders or investors make is during this rejection phase as something is selling off or dipping they go all in.

So an example is, if i again allowing tanner to decide where to invest a hundred thousand dollars, and if i had no experience, i might just buy the dip with a hundred thousand dollars. But what if amazon continues to drop? That's gon na be a little scary right. I'm not gon na be able to really tolerate that pullback. If it continues to sell off, i have no more money left over to buy more of so one thing that we always talk about with our trading group is instead of buying a hundred thousand dollars all at once, i can buy a percentage of the hundredth.
My intention is to go into amazon or whatever stock you choose with a hundred thousand dollars. That's my full buying power, but you're not going to just walk up and drop 100k. Not until i have confirmation of a reversal because at the end of the day, we want to put our money behind something we really want to step on the gas when it's indicating signs of growth. So it's during the rejection stage that i can buy 0 to 10 during the consolidation stage, when it's establishing a support level that i can buy 10 to 20 and when it's actually indicating signs of a reversal.

So what this would look like is last time right that it sold off. It established a support. I can have ten percent here, because if it continues to sell off, i only have ten percent of the hundred thousand it's ten thousand dollars. I have ninety thousand dollars more to work with, but once it begins to indicate signs of a recovery and begins to indicate signs of growth.

That's when i want to step on the gas, because it it proved to me that not only did i see that to be a good deal now, it's actually recovering so they're putting money into it. More people are thinking that too. So you know, you know even more: it's going to go up well, not so much about that. It's more along the lines of if it's indicating already signs of growth.

Not only are you still getting it for a good deal, but now the direction is in your favor. So now it's actually making you money so the more money you you fuel that position, the more money you could potentially make. So then, once it approaches previous levels, then you can lock in profit. So if we were to go into amazon, i wanted to write this down, or at least talk about it right now we're at my 10, so i could buy 10 and if it were to make a recovery as it breaks above you know, 3, 300 or 3.

400, i can add another 10 and then once it breaks above 34 3500. I can add the additional 80 70 and slowly add more to my position. The reason i'm sharing this is - and you guys can share in the comments section if you've ever purchased the stock or bought the dip. It is such a common mistake that you go all in at once.

You have no money left over and then when it sells off, all you're praying for is for it to recover and it's one of the worst feelings, because it's an emotional rollercoaster and then once you once it recovers back to previous levels right so once it recovers To the previous price that you bought at because you went through that emotional rollercoaster, you tend to just end up selling, so you no longer have to experience or tolerate that, and then it makes a full recovery. And then now you feel, like you missed out on it. That's what i'm here to avoid that same mistake of feeling, like you, missed out on something or feeling like you were robbed, because you put yourself in a very bad position at first, so this was amazon right. You call this technique again, then the three stages of a reversal - yep, it's just waiting, yeah - how throw it out the next one that i wanted to talk about is apple.
So that's a good one though i didn't never. I would never have known that. That's really good too. It's it's just talking yeah, it's just talking about like to do something in a tasteful way, yeah that to not rush into it.

Yeah, it's like buying a car and not test driving some before you just walk up and purchase it or asking specific questions right that that might allow you to manage or mitigate risk uh when it comes down to apple apple. Obviously again, one of the most valuable companies two point: four three trillion dollars. I got apple yeah yeah. I have a because i have like a like a dude that do that.

I don't do it myself, nice well, but i got some apple stock. It's it's a good company and it recently pulled on back right, so it has pulled on back 10 percent. Okay, so it pulled on back 10. But the great thing about this is that you can see that apple over time tends to find us.

This is called this sma, so it's a simple moving average. It's just an indicator. Indicators are to be used as a reference, never as a sole reason on why to take a trade, but because apple right now is right around 141 dollars. If it were to make a full recovery to previous highs, that's a little bit over 10.

So i can make ten percent as apple simply recovers, to where it was just a couple weeks ago, you'll make 10 of whatever you invest, uh yeah! So that's the goal. I mean apple can still continue to sell off right, but it's the same thing of the position size. So it's not about blindly buying 10 100 000 right now, but i can buy in right now with ten thousand dollars. It breaks above ema or begins to indicate signs of an uptrend like it has before.

This is when i want to step on the gas when it's indicating signs of growth. That's when i want to go in with 20. 30. 40.

50. 60. 000. Let's say here you put 10k in because you're just like feeling it out.

How often are you coming back and checking this? This is the great thing about sending alerts. So it's the very simple things in life that people tend to over complicate and with the stock market. When it comes down to a position that you intend to hold, do you want to watch it every minute of the day as it's going up or going down? No, no you're trying to invest 100k before it hits the bottom correct. So what i was trying to say was that it wouldn't be in your best interest to watch it every day.
It would be in your best interest to set effective alerts if it breaks below 135.. If it breaks below the estimate line, i want to get alert. So what i do is i right click i click create alert and then, if it goes below that specific price, my trading platform yeah, it will alert me right. So it's like when people subscribe to your channel and they want to be alerted that you go.

You know you dropped a new video, they turn on your post notifications, the same thing when it comes down to if it begins to indicate signs of growth. I already have my alert set here. So if it breaks above you know, 146 i'm gon na get alerted and that's when i can follow up with it's, not that you have to do anything. It's that okay, i'm gon na, follow up with it and then come back to my you know.

Decision of do i want to buy more now. Do i want to wait? Do i want to reduce my position size, there's, never a right or wrong, it's whatever you feel most effective, so this one offers about 10 to 11. If apple were to make a full recovery again, this is the past year of apple, and you can see that even during one of the worst times during it when the pandemic hit in february march, it sold off, but it only took a couple months for it To recover and then completely annihilate the previous high, it went from 79 all the way up to highs of 137 and then guess what it became. Super overbought it corrected itself and then it recovered it corrected itself and then it recovered it corrected itself and then it recovered.

Now it's correct in itself. So now we're waiting for the recovery right for sure yeah. It's going to so the last one, i'm not sure. If you guys have heard of them, it's called facebook that people might not know yeah they own instagram, but uh facebook has been absolutely killing it.

This is the past year and you'll see there's three main things that these past three companies that i've shown you have in common, the the biggest thing is they're bullish and the direction is in your favor when you want to invest in something you just need to Make sure that it is in your best interest to allow that direction to be in your favor. So, just over a matter of time, it will make sense that they will continue to indicate signs of growth, even during you know, even if you bought at the worst time at 384, and it recently pulled on back, i wouldn't be super scared or super devastated. Yeah you're down a bit but the grand scheme, but the grand picture is that it's bullish, it's a great quality company and you need to understand what you're investing in. So we go back to the technicals right now we're looking at 345 if they were to make a full recovery to 384.
That's 11, nearly 12. So not bad! You could see on average these companies offer about 9 to 11 for roi market cap right under a trillion dollars. So this is 971 billion. Poor mark zuckerberg doesn't hasn't hit, hasn't hit a trillion yet right, poor guy so um, but it's still a good deal.

It tends to hold very well above the sma line patterns tend to repeat themselves, they don't always have to, but it's oversold so again, if i were to ask you for both facebook, apple and amazon, what stage out of the three stages is it is rejection. Is a consolidated meaning that it's no longer selling off, but it's not indicating signs of growth or is it confirmation so one two or three which do i think yeah so for amazon? What stage is it in that is, i think, closer to two it. I would say that it's closer still to one, because it's still consistently selling off another line, i'm looking at or not not the blue line. I would be looking more at the candles because closer to closer or two would be what it did here, where it was selling off and then it began to consolidate.

This is the not so pretty picture you want to see like yes or you don't yeah. You want to see where it's no longer selling off or making lower lows, because again you're trying to put money into something right, so you got to see more of a little flat line, so you need to start seeing it um like potential of it. Establishing a support level where then it's going to recover, you don't want to put your money in something or go aggressive into a position where it's still aggressively selling off. So i would say this is more in the stage one and you can comment down below what you think apple.

What would you say so apple's difficult because it could be in the very early stage of stage two. I think it's in the early early stages of stage two, because you see how it's sold off, but now it's trying to recover like longer well. This is because this happened over a period of time right, so each candle represents four hours of or no this represents. One day, but looking back, you can see that sometimes it does take a week or two weeks for it to establish a support level and then it begins to indicate signs of recovery.

I actually think it's still in one. I feel like it's. It's got to dip more yeah, it's i mean it's still, selling up. It's still trading below ema, it's still making lower highs and lower lows.

So it's in between one or two and the last one is facebook facebook. What would you say? I feel like? That's still like beginning two or end of one yep, i would say it's in between because it could still sell off right could still make new lows. The previous lows is right at uh 337, but it's indicating signs of a potential uptrend where, if it continues to consolidate, then that could be stage two. So these were all the ones you'd put like a like 10k yeah.

So i wanted to provide a little plot twist because i told tanner i was gon na. Let him decide a stock to invest a hundred thousand dollars into or if i were to say i have a hundred thousand dollars to work with. What do you want to just focus on one stock, or would you want to put a certain dollar amount into different stocks yeah each of the three yeah? I just feel like amazon's kind. Well, i guess amazon could still bounce back, but it's not as big of a jump as other ones.
No, they all offer about the same margin up for roi. They all offer about anywhere from like nine to eleven percent, but even at nine to eleven percent. In a perfect world, my goal isn't realistically right because, if i'm averaging up until something you're gon na trade, this like when are you trying to make the profit from it like? How you know what i mean? Oh over a period i'm gon na buy today, i'm gon na buy before this video is uploaded like this video will show. I think we should put a third in each to be honest, a third in each, so you want to not go with 10 percent, but 30 percent um.

Oh wait! So then we would do a portion of the money today you're correct, so the three stages of a reversal right. So i want to go in with about 10 now right, but i will go in if you want to go into facebook apple and amazon i'll buy 10 000 of each one of them. Today, i'll set an alert on where you think, then i should buy an additional ten thousand dollars and then i'll have a final ten thousand, so on average each one will have about thirty thousand dollars. I think that's smart yeah because they'll all bounce back above where they are now so yeah.

I think ten thousand in each one now, because we're not going all deep. Yet no we're not going to leave yet now so yeah we'll do that and then we'll come up with that. What you just said: okay, all right, so you guys can comment down below what you guys think uh. Do you think this is a bad idea? No, i mean i i i like all three companies, which is why we're talking about them.

I view them to be all three blue chip companies very bullish, very consistent, and i view them to be very cheap. I wouldn't mind holding them for weeks or months. Yeah. That's what i mean, i think it's gon na work.

I would just like to see which one you make the more money from yeah. They all offer around that nine to eleven percent and how you average up. They make a bet of which one will make the most money and then the loser. I think it will be facebook.

I can, i would say, facebook or apple. The only reason that i think that amazon can make a recovery, but i don't think that i think it could exceed previous highs is because we're entering um the holidays, but this won't be released really till q1 of 2022. So i think that amazon is going to have its biggest q4 for online shopping and then q1 of next year, they're going to release that data, and that will cause amazon to do well. But you want to hold that.
I think facebook is going to do. Well sooner because advertisers begin increasing their marketing now leading up to the holidays, where they will see a quicker return and facebook is the platform to market all promote correct, so they would make. But then apple is apple apple and it's more valuable than both of them. So so i think all three are a good move.

Okay, so you guys should actually see it uh by the time that this video uploads, i would have bought in ten thousand dollars of each position. Uh, you guys, can comment down below. Do you think that he made the right choice, putting ten thousand dollars or ten percent into each one of them or which one out of the three would have you selected? If, given the chance, let us know let us know man, it's my first time, but tanner already has apple right. So maybe i already got apple.

We should have gone all in on apple. We could still no it's a done deal, i'm happy with it. So i really do appreciate you guys this time. I hope that you guys enjoyed this video uh, but again, the whole purpose of this video was kind of just to provide an entertaining way of showcasing.

Why it's so important to watch your position size it's great when a trade or an investment goes according to plan, but it sucks when it doesn't, and it's always the planning before the trade or the investment. That really makes the difference and position size has a lot to do with it. So if you guys want to join our free facebook group, we have over 300 000 members, it's absolutely for free and it's the first link in the description make sure to check out tanner. If you guys haven't done so already on youtube and instagram and those links will be down below but like always, let's make sure that we end the year on our green.

Now, don't be lazy, go click! The link go join the facebook. I know you only got nothing to do sitting here on your iphone watching this youtube video get off and go learn something.

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27 thoughts on “Teaching tanner fox how to invest $100,000…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Pedrozo says:

    So would you say webull is fine for long term investing or only for daily trading? What app do you recommend ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Luder TV says:

    Nice AP watch!!! I love watching the vids good stuff man

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Campbell says:

    the mic no mic dynamic is killin me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Hello says:

    This isnt investing lmao this is swing trading. U shoulda been teaching him fundamental analysis,

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randyyoumm says:

    Bruhh he is screwing tanner fox now

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederik Witte says:

    I'm not sure "investing" is the right title for this video? Holding something for weeks / months and doing a technical analysis like that still sounds more like trading, because you are looking on a really small timeframe for your invest. What most people probably want to do / are more successful with would be investing 100k in solid ETFs / stocks which promise growth over 10+ years. And if you look at 10+ years, the timing doesn't really matter that much, as the highest high of all the big stocks were higher 10 years later, meaning if you put 100k in today, no matter the stock price, historically speaking it would be higher in 10+ years.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Finmann says:

    For a novice, it can be intimidating to invest. There's the anxiety that comes with taking risks and knowing you may not get all of your money back. That is why I got the services of a pro!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josiah Marin says:

    I need things dummied down for me and you guys did exactly that. Keep them coming

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skateskrt says:

    what software does he use to trade

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Value says:

    This is more like swing trading rather than investing

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Lopez says:

    In three sentences or less, if you're a millionaire why sell a course

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Reynolds says:

    Literally put all in at once and def regret it. All a learning process tho

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aidan Holl says:

    Was very beneficial for me to see another beginner learning and asking questions that I wish I could ask. Also nice to see that I've picked up a few things from this channel and to compare myself to where Tanner is with his knowledge of the market. Great tips at the end mentioning FB advertising and Q1 amazon potential. I will definitely be taking a position in both companies by the end of this year. Very helpful video, and I have been watching Tanner for a while, nice to see you guys working together! Thanks Ricky!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CRAZY THINGS says:

    Tanner needs to sleep, too much work, i understand

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agito24able says:

    Yes because at lest he sees how the growth of the position of the sticks could change at same time alerts do help

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Its Cal3b says:

    Tanner fell off when he said he can’t fight in his boxing match like a puxxy

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GioMakethemniggasrun says:

    More money in 3D printing than he invested today

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GubeTube19 says:

    So you say this is investing for Tanner….. Yet no fundamental analysis and little to no diversification….. Wow

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan P says:

    should have done 3k in each Apple and Amazon plus 6k in Facebook when you feel it's the current low, then the same again when you feel the consolidation is coming to an end then 35k in Facebook and 20k in each Apple and Amazon on the "reversal confirmation"

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CC 420 says:

    I hate Apple, interesting video tho

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony says:

    Great video, does anyone know what app or website he was using to show Tanner the stock information? Thank you in advance.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swedy says:

    Really entertaining video Ricky! Try to do more like this type 😀

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Dovgalyuk says:

    How to invest $100k? All you did was look at stock charts and didn’t even look into other investments like real estate. Awful video and click bait

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taranpreet Singh says:

    My man put floor wood in the back wall, looks good but I hope u paid them less!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Jacome says:

    Ricky´s like the warden at the gate and Tanner is the Lunatic who knows he´s a lunatic and needs that warden

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Powell says:

    This is called speculation, not investing..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pulse the Trey says:

    What kind of watch is that, Ricky?

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