It's important to take care of your body... Tune in as Bryce explains how you can do so.
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Trader bryce here for tui tip tuesday today's tui tip is to take care care of your body. And i don't mean that like oh you need to lift weights or you need to go work out like i don't mean it like that i mean take care of it in the sense that the example being yesterday. I didn't need enough food. I did a lot of working out.

I played a lot of basketball and i i hardly ate just because i was i forgot um. And today. I'm feeling it right. I'm feeling extremely exhausted out of energy.

Just not feeling great not in a great spot to be making trades. And fortunately. The market wasn't like crazy hot or anything today. But had it been i would have probably either one missed out on a lot of opportunities.

Because i would want to just go like lay down and relax instead of staring at my screens for eight hours or two um. I also i might have just been sloppy and i don't want to be sloppy. I want to be fully aware fully alert and fully ready for any trade that comes my way. And i wouldn't have been today because i didn't take great care of my body.

So just like stay nourished that's really it guys i'll see you back here on thursday for two tip thursday.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Take care of your body tuohey tip”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NaptownMinstrel says:

    Right on time, sir!

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