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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #trump #republicandebate #debate ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Reagan National Library Presidential Debate vs Donald Trump Reagan National Library debate and speeches live.
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Wow Wow. Wow. I Am totally surprised with the abrupt end of that second debate. uh, put on by Fox News They also copyright stried me for covering it the first time and adding my commentary.

but I'll leave that aside, let's give a as much as un as much as possible unbiased summary here of exactly what was said and what was talked about. These are going to be all of my thoughts put together, so let's get right into it. Uh first. I Have to say the moderation in this debate was terrible I like I I Understand it was in partnership with Univision but it was very difficult to understand one of the moderators for the first half.

there was an echo uh, it was not a very clearly structured debate I Don't think we got the questions people really care about honestly. I Think we need politicians to stand there and actually tell us directly. Not about things we've been debating for 30 years, but about how we're going to solve the problems at hand right now. We spent very little time on Ukraine we spent very I don't We didn't spend a minute on lowering people's taxes.

I mean there was a brief moment we talked about gas taxes, but that had to do with South Carolina not the United States Even though that's in Nikki Haley's plan that wasn't talked about, we need some more about what people are going to say to Jerome Powell or they're going to renominate Jerome Powell Do they agree with what he has done with raising interest rates to the level that they are? We didn't get that we talked more about Farmers than we talked about inflation and that's no discs to Farmers. It's just to say that because of the poor structure, we didn't get to what I think were some of the core uh, and very important elements of what matter to the vast majority of Americans Anyway, that was just sort of my initial impression. uh, and I kind of had that impression throughout. It was sort of shaking my head like, well, really? I mean there's more we could be talking about here, but whatever was my debate.

So uh, let's go through some of the commentary we got: I Really want to start with Nikki Haley so Nikki Haley She, you know without having a professional counter here. Just my impression got the most in not only did she get the most language in, but she was definitely coming across as the strongest in tonight's debate. If Vake was one of the stronger contenders. last debate, this debate.

everybody made sure to shut him down. They didn't give him a chance to talk, they cut him off, they talked over him. Nikki Haley uh but she made her arguments pretty clear. lower taxes.

She mentioned that never had a discussion about it, but she was one of the few to mention it. Tim Scott later echoed it as well. Get rid of the salt uh, tax deduction for blue States Biden's waving the green flag to invite people to cross the border. What this is really a reference to, by the way, is the Venezuelan work permits that are being offered to around 400,000 Venezuelans And it's really allowing the door to open up to people going to the Border saying yeah, I'm Venezuelan or they come to the border and say yeah I've been here since, uh, before the deadline because we had a July deadline that you had to be here by to be able to receive that work permit.
and the idea is that, well, if you know the US government is extending deadlines for those individuals, well, then maybe they'll let me in as well. And that's why maybe there's been a little bit more of an upsurge? Uh, maybe it's more than a little, but anyway, an uptake in the amount of border crossings and I Haley hits on that. She talks about how if Congress doesn't pass a budget, they shouldn't be getting paid. very popular sentiment.

Uh, she talks about how frustrating it is for law enforcement officers to punish individuals by arresting them, but then they get off and they don't actually get prosecuted, talks about supporting American companies, talks about making healthc care transparent, and then she gets into like really complicated programs and phrases like certificate of need programs and bringing competition back and dealing with tort law. And honestly, at one point some people were nicknaming her Wiki Haley because she sounded like she was throwing a dictionary at us I will say I understand what she's saying she wants reform and hospitals and medical situations in America there's nobody who doesn't It's just really hard to get any change done in Med It's not saying you shouldn't try, but we've previously tried getting the industry to go to transparent pricing and it's never gone through and it's really difficult to get that kind of stuff through. She is correct, by the way. Fact check this.

She is correct. More Americans are killed in America uh or sorry. more Americans were killed from fentol than Americans were killed during Vietnam Afghanistan and Iraq combined those Wars combined more Americans are dying to Fentanyl about 150,000 according to the CDC versus 65,000 and all those Wars combined pretty crazy. Uh, she does slam VI here she says every time I hear you I feel a bit Dumber I Think every single candidate came into this debate trying to figure out hey, how can we slam VI and that's what they were nailing, especially since we just had a Washington Post editorial.

Well, it's a Washington Post opinion piece. It's basically a hit piece. uh I Haven't been able to fully corroborate everything in this, but I did a little bit of work I'm going to give you the gist of it here. Here's the Washington Post piece basically talks about how Viv received uh or was in partnership with Chinese companies to build his uh um real Vant business which is his pharmaceutical business which has many other sort of vants under it which are like little subsidiaries of it.

uh and there. through this there were connections made to Hunter Biden and funding for Hunter Biden Uh, this again it I was I Didn't go as far as being able to corroborate every detail in this piece yet, but what I have done is I Went to the investor relations documents of Riant and you can find a link between Riant selling a lot of their Partnerships and subsidiaries to Sumo Sumomo. Sumomo Pharmaceuticals is a Japanese company with a headquarters in China so really big Chinese corre connections actually there and this led a lot of people on stage especially Nikki at one point to shout uh at Viv Nikki specifically saying we can't trust you That was a probably a big moment there for for Nikki uh She talks about how a win for China is a win uh or a win for Russia in Ukraine is a win for China Uh, this is why she says VI wants to just pause where the war is right now. It's worth noting that there's been a lot of talk about this with Ukraine Why do we think Russia has built mine fields and trenches and anti-tank Uh, you know barricades the Dragon's Teeth Why have they built this around the Denero and Denque region? Well, that's because that's where 90% of the oil and gas production is in Ukraine which is basically what Russia wants anyway.
Nikki goes on to talk about using Special Forces to go after Cartel. She talks about going after China Uh, who's uh, you know. basically uh, who's sending the Fentol in the first place Talks about 67% of our eighth graders not being proficient in reading and math. This is true, by the way, there was a fight between Haley and Scott.

For a moment, basically Scott was alleging that she spent $52,000 on curtains at a United Nations office. She says while she was there, those curtains were already there or that spending was already approved. Scott Who was appointed by Haley which is kind of like this, right? But anyway, Scott argues. She says now she wants to to eliminate the gas tax, but actually voted to raise the gas tax.

That is true, by the way, she did vote to raise the gas tax. however, she only voted to raise the gas tax over 3 years by 10 cents if the state income tax was reduced from 7% to 5% over 10 years. So she saw that as better for her constituents. Going on to Uh Tim Scott And then we'll get on to VI Uh Tim Scott Big, very big focus on slamming on Biden about how uh, his bills that he passed when he got into office were all basically bailout tools for unions.

He says, we need to restore the wall. finish, building the wall. Restore hope. He argues that Biden's plans are build back broker and he was actually the one who brought up that VI is in business with the Chinese or at least was Viv actually responded to this and says yes he was but he didn't like them and that's why he got the hell out of China is what he says.

Uh, Viv argues that he's not a big fan of Union boss but has sympathy for union workers. We'll talk about what Trump has to say about this as well because it's pretty important. Uh VI once again repeats some of the things he said before like eliminate the Department of Education drill F Frack Embrace nuclear energy Uh, he is a big fan of also. uh, let's see, we're sending the Uh the majority of constitutionally, uh, disallowed federal regulations that are hampering our economy.
Anyway, he's all for like, deregulate capitalism. First fan of Trump argues that Trump was a great president. He wants to pick up the torch I Thought DeSantis actually had a good point here. where Dan Santis is like, you know, like if you get a new president then you could get somebody who's actually going to be a two-term president.

And this is obviously a slam on Trump because if Trump comes in, he could only be a one-term president. Of course, there are some Democrats who argue that if Donald Trump comes back in, we're going to end up having like a Trump monarchy and then it'll be Trump Jr and other trumps will take over and we'll never get rid of. Trump is is what some on the left are arguing. it's it's kind of kind of weird because it just seems like every election cycle somebody's like elections are going to get rigged and something's going to be whatever.

Okay, so uh, then we've got uh from VI we've got talk about how is he going to solve the Fentanyl crisis. His biggest argument for solving the Fentanyl crisis is sealing the southern border. He calls it a Swiss cheese a southern border. He didn't really give a clear definition of how he would actually uh, solve the Fentanyl crisis.

Nikki Haley jumps in here and says hey, like we need special operations, crossing the border and taking out the cartels. The says that Mexican cartel members have tunnels the that could drive semi- trucks through them I couldn't find any stat for this I could only find something that Minecarts basically can go through these tunnels but not semi-trucks uh Viv goes on to argue now that there should be no addictive social media for people under 16 years old. uh argues that uh Tik Tok is a form of addictive social media but then he got slammed on stage by others who were like well, weren't you just on Tik Tok with Jake Paul and then VI's like well, we want to reach younger voters and we should all be focusing on getting a republican in office because Democrats suck is is a gist of what he was basically trying to say. uh, he says uh, hey, you know I don't know everything but I'll have the best advisors and uh, we should, uh, we should start budgets from zero and build up what we actually need from there.

Okay, that's Scott Haley Gr Swami Pence talks about uh, Joe Biden belonging on the unemployment line he talks about Biden Nomic Failing that wages aren't keeping up. This is actually not entirely true. Wages did not keep up during the inflation we saw, but now real wages are actually above the rate of inflation. Again, that means things are still more expensive today.
But it does mean that things are catching up again. Hopefully where people are finally making more money again than the rate of inflation. Hopefully that continues because we want people to make more money. 41 million? Uh, let's see here.

Okay, oh sorry, this was 41 minutes in VI Um, we've got what? Sorry I can't read my notes correctly here. Okay, yeah. VI pulling out of China Oh yeah, this was a line. Okay, so uh Pence here says uh wow VI pulled out of China in 2018? This must have been around the same time you actually started participating and voting in elections.

This is just a slam on VI in that he hasn't previously voted in. Uh, you know, in in as many previous elections as you would expect for somebody who ended up wanting to run for uh president? uh, the audience didn't seem too optimistic about that I think the audience saw that is a little bit aist. but whatever. So uh, Pence continues with make the government smaller, bring Obamacare back to the States, bring housing back to the States, and bring Health and Human Services back to the States as well as shut down the Department of Education which is interesting because that's a ram Swami line.

Okay, continuing on. Then we've got Uh, we've talked about Nikki Bergam. A lot of talk about how hey, we're helping the fight on the border. We're sending helicopters over.

uh, we are a productive state, but we need to be careful how we allocate subsidies because subsidies are being allocated poorly I think BMA has good ideas. In case you don't know, he's the governor of North Dakota but I don't think they come across this clearly to the average voter. So I think sometimes some of the things he says gets, uh, get lost, You've got uh Chris Christie coming out with the Trump insults again saying hey, we we don't have Donald Trump we have Donald Duck because he's not here actually participating in this debate. Although many would argue Donald Trump doesn't need to be part of this debate because well, like basically, Donald Trump's argument all along has been like what do I need to debate them for? You know my record.

I'll just tell you what I'm going to do and then you can look at my record. What do I need to debate them for to get a platform? I have a platform. He literally does Truth social. but then he also gets a lot of media attention.

Uh, anyway. uh National Guard Coming to the border to stop the Fentanyl crisis is one of Chris Christie's argument. He uh, complains that other people on the stage don't have foreign policy experience but he doesn't technically either. People in Washington uh, what? right? Then we get, um, then we move on to DeSantis DeSantis The argument here from DeSantis is people in Washington are shutting down the American dream Trump should be here.

We need hard power around China to limit the expansion and growth of China Hard Power is by the way, different from soft power soft Powers deemed to be diplomatic. Hard Powers like you put military installations in, you put uh ships in, you put missiles in Taiwan uh, you know you put defensive weapons in Taiwan But the the that's hard power versus soft power which is negotiating. Speaking of which, I am teaching negotiating and how you can learn how to negotiate. In my Noob vers Pro crash courses see those at Meetkevin.com we've got a price increase coming on Friday They're on pre-sale just 79 bucks right now for all of these uh, crash courses.
There's smaller, more efficient, but very high value courses and we are raising money at that one toone valuation for house hack my real estate startup we're calling the Vanguard of real estate. Okay, continuing on, we've got Dan Santis talking about going after Mexican drug cartels bringing chip manufacturing back to the US. The irony about that is Biden is actually and and you know, I'm not here in the Republican debate summary to talk of Biden but Biden's bringing back a lot of Chip manufacturing to the United States via either the chips Act and the inflation reduction act which is definitely not the inflation reduction act. it's definitely going to increase inflation.

well, my opinion. But anyway, you've got massive expansions coming from semi Taiwan semiconductors. Intel Uh, you've got um, you've actually got cell which is a German manufacturer of solar panels coming to Georan to grow Crystallin for solar panels in America because of all the subsidies that are going to these now In Fairness, these subsidies are going to Green rather than you know all sorts of manufacturing which is a big problem that Donald Trump has. D Santis calls for lowering gas prices.

He was hit for by Nikki Haley Actually hit for wanting to ban fracking. You want to look up Executive Order 1912 achieving more Now for Florida's environment. This is basically an Everglades restoration Executive order and he actually campaigned for this. basically directing agencies to oppose offshore oil and gas activities off every Coast in Florida and ban fracking in the State of Florida.

He does go does go on. Excuse me to argue that polls don't elect presidents and don't worry about what the polls say, we're going to keep fighting. So this, uh, this gives you an idea about the debate. Overall, there was a comment about Trump's border wall I Want to add a fact check here: Chris Christie says Trump only Built 52 mil of a border wall.

This is not the stat that I found I Found that Donald Trump built 80 Mi of new wall and 452 Mi of total wall exist much of that which was deemed by Trump to be worthless and trivial and therefore rebuilt by Donald Trump. So the absolute exact total of what Donald Trump built via the wall is probably to the tuna somewhere around hundreds of miles. It's just that the new section uh was only about 80. Mi and then many, many more miles were actually rebuilt old portions where there were existing barricades or existing walls.
Keep in mind that Donald Trump did also debate. well, didn't debate. he had a speech this evening. Donald Trump Made it extremely clear in his presentation to an auto parts manufacturing company that with Biden Biden is selling you out to China that Biden is trying to kill the electric or trying to kill the Auto industry in favor of a Chinese made electric vehicle industry.

No talk about Tesla here, but argues that basically Biden is killing the US Auto industry and United States Auto Workers should vote and endorse Donald Trump vote for Donald Trump and endorse Donald Trump Because. He believes he's going to make sure that automobiles will continue to be made in the United States and not in China. He wants vehicles to be made in America. He does spend a lot of time bagging on EVS but does walk that back a little bit by arguing that look EVS are great for some people, maybe those who want to drive shorter distances.

Ultimately, you should have the choice to buy. If you want a gas car or an EV, that should be your choice. But our goal in America is to be energy independent and build vehicles with Americanmade labor and well-paid labor. He also argued that he didn't see anyone on stage of the Republican candidates who was a VP style candidate.

He says the Radical Left is trying to destroy internal combustion engine vehicles and then he kind of goes into some history about talking about his how he was able to negotiate discounts on the Air Force One how he wants to ban sex changes for children, How on day one, he's going to make sure vehicles in America are made in America Again, never a mention of Tesla although Tesla does manufacture a lot of vehicles in China. Got some pretty big facilities up in Fremont County and Austin Giga Texas as well as uh, some of these solar Fabs and Battery Fabs that they have in America as well. Not a lot of mention though of Tesla at all from really. Anyway, not advertise these things that you us here I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes.

Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you people look up to you Kevin Paffrath there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

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33 thoughts on “Summary: donald trump speech republican presidential debate #2 reagan national library”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    Wow, that debate had a lot going on! It's important to know what the candidates think about different issues. As a real estate investor, I know how important it is to understand these things. Talking about it helps us make smart choices for our investments and our community. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amt09121 says:

    I disagree. Nikki was so annoying and was picking up fights with everyone like she was in high school. Everyone does business in China, even Trump. All those senators and governors on stage also receive Chinese money indirectly. Vivek is the only real candidate worthy here, let’s get real. She wants to keep in sending resources to Ukraine so that pretty much puts the final nail in her coffin.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugo Estrada says:

    A question Kevin
    How would you stop the drug addicts in the USA?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars araldo cattolico says:

    They only one difficult to understand is you Kevin! Language and accents are used for racist & discriminatory commentary about "other" people.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lox says:

    I feel like, in terms of swaying people away from Biden who would still vote for him, Nikki would actually be it. Just saying.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Revan says:

    You got copy strikes but not the liberal content creator. Hmmmmmm

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Vu says:

    Can anyone fact check Tim Scott that 90% of ukrain aid are loans and not donation? Is this true?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg heller says:

    You really seem to be pushing Haley. Remember Trump is leading by a huge percentage. He had an awesome speech last night. Also Trump only has one termeft so he can actually get things done without having to worry about how it will affect his next campaign.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor says:

    It was like listening to Vivek debate a bunch of Democrats

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. Serrano says:

    I cant believe the democrats are still not debating.they would rather indict their opponents.They Are Communists!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OG says:

    I agree it’s kind of sad how the Republicans dive in the clown world. Let the Democrats do that.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandra Mangasa says:

    I agree, not the best debate. I felt like nothing happened here. More time to them or less candidates on the podium.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Polio says:

    Glenn Youngkin is the smartest candidate he ain't even running but building a track record to drop facts in 2028. Let's be real this is a Trump vs Democrats 2024 election

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FoolishSnowboarder says:

    Idiots are taking over…NOFX

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deva S says:

    Vivek Outclassed everyone on the stage again 😅

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GetSomeTots says:

    Each time they spoke of Ukraine….the WARMONGERS surfaced. Vivek seemed like the only open for peace talks and ending the conflict. Others appeared to want to keep the U.S. tied into an endless proxy war and continue to fund it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kommandant Karl says:

    Funny how Fox copyright cockblocked Kevin; however, all leftists live broadcasters were fine broadcasting completely undisturbed.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p83otfan 09 says:

    You said paychecks are catching up with inflation and that’s a good thing. A lot of elderly are on fixed incomes. Apparently that’s acceptable though. You young people only think of yourselves when the older people sacrificed their lives to raise you and change your diapers and teach you how to talk and read and prepare you for life. Your part of the problem.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ravenell says:

    Whoever become the president will be bullied on Social Media.
    That a promise, we don't care anymore..!!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus J. Chess says:

    Trump 2024

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Smiley says:

    I agreed tell us righ now how you going to clean up the mess not 🦀 n your views and what you going to do w it . All of them Sox 😅

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Komar says:

    It's incredible in your podcast how much time you allocate talking about dumpster and giving him soft landing on all of his tweets. It's getting more unbearable listening to your show but I just have to see how much you endorse Authoritarian dictators. It's kind of like you're becoming a car crash I can't look away from

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Cat says:

    Your summary of the debate is spot on. It was bad. And the question regarding who would be voted off the island? Embarrassing, and a waste of a question.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Sounds like there's been more digging into Vivek ties to hunter and China than on Joe (or even hunter himself).

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Komar says:

    I think your father-in-law is correct in your bias to Donald duck. You mitigated Chris Christie's comments which were very poignant and proved that Donald duck admires and has ambitions to be like those despots in Russia, China and North Korea. He is truly serving to be the most viable candidate for the Republicans and it looks like everybody wants to mute him, especially you and your podcast. Your bias is very obvious. Sorry, nice try

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Ringwelski says:

    lol Ofcourse they don’t want the warmongers talk about Ukraine. Probably board members of Raethon, Lockheed, and Boeing sitting in the audience

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Smith says:

    They all got no where. Chris Christie says Donald Trump will be called Donald Duck. That line was by the Democrats is 2016. Jesus Chrispy Creme get a new line.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AcesFull Mike says:

    Beyond excellent summary of a debate filled with irrational and unworkable ideas. Invading Mexico, oh that is a good one???? Ramaswamy's ideas are so far out there that it is like he came from another planet. But why waste time covering what's his name, he wasn't even at the debate. That guy makes no sense at all. Oh, right, EVs will be less expensive to make, less expensive to run, last longer, have fewer moving parts, be more dependable. But people will still want gas cars because they like the fumes, I guess, and don't care about how much more money they cost or any of the other advantages. Right. Consider this, the Chinese are not slow or dumb, they are backing EVs for good reason,. Betting against EVs is a terrible play. But as is now clear to everyone that guy is a loser.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars donlee37 says:

    The debate was setup poorly both times. They need to cut off microphones when its not their turn. People wont stop talking because they want the airtime.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wall Street Charts says:

    Hello everyone! I post daily videos with stock market analysis, very accurate setups for trading! Hope you enjoy👍

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kam White says:

    Vivek is the best choice… the old baby boomers hate that but they had their chance. A vote for Haley is a vote for American kids dying in WW3

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars voltron69 says:

    Doug won that one!!!

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