Want to attend my Ted Talk on Tuesday at 2pm ET? You MUST be on my email list to get an invite for this private event (which we will send Monday morning). Sign up here now https://warrior.app/ted-talk-invite-april2022 to make sure you're on the invite list.

Hey, what's up everyone? All right? So um, I wanted to come on here and I'm going to take a couple notes. I want to invite you guys to ask a couple questions right here of things that you want me to include in tomorrow's talk. So this is going to be something that I'll be streaming. It's a beginner's guide day trading.

I'm going to be covering for you the seven steps I would take if I were starting over tomorrow. So the seven steps I would take if I was going to start over as a day trader, tomorrow that's going to be the topic of the talk. It's going to be a beginner's guide to getting started trading. So I want to see if any of you guys have a couple of last minute things you want me to add.

I'm working on my slide deck here for the talk. I've got some slides up here. I've got some more up here. Uh, this is on youtube, but I've got another tab out there.

So I'm trying to get stuff organized and I want to make sure this is a really good event and I'm able to answer a lot of questions that I know many of you guys have when it comes to trading. So if you do have some questions, make sure you put them down below because things aren't finalized yet. Those you guys who are watching this, you know after the events already taken place, you can still click the link below to stream the event so you can stream it live. or you can stream it as a replay after the fact.

So whatever works for you is fine. So right down below in the description, there's a link. You can click on it and I think I actually have. I can put it up here on my Um monitor so you can take a peek at it.

Let's see where it wasn't Uh, actually, I don't have it right in front of me, but in any case, just check it out down below in the description. I'll also append to the top comments so that'll be the link to stream both the live event or the replay. It'll automatically change to a replay of the live event after after tomorrow. So um, so let's see.

so question there is important to make trading. Um, like a trading setup? Um, or sorry. Look at Double Top. Um, so I will be talking about patterns a little bit.

So yeah, that that will be a Um. that will be a topic of conversation tomorrow. I'm not going to focus. I'm not going to spend a lot of time focusing on double Tops.

That's one very, very specific pattern. It's a good pattern to be aware of, but the goal of the talk is not to go into the nuances of every individual sub-pattern It's high level. This is what you need to do. If you want to start trading.

this is what you need to focus on. This is the way you should approach it and then through some of those steps. Some of those individual steps are getting really good with patterns and things like that. We'll talk a little bit about risk management because this is a concern.

A lot of traders have is, uh, handling risk and this is something that you know even for me. When I was getting started it was a big topic because everyone told me you're gonna lose my trading and so I came in with this mindset of you know, trading is risky, I'm probably going to lose money. how can I be more aware of that And even then even knowing it, I still didn't do as good of a job as I could have because I lost money. So I'll talk about what I would do differently if I was gonna start over today to try to mitigate those early losses.
Because some of it is beginner stuff. You're gonna have beginner mistakes and then the question is, how can you You know how how can those losses be as painless as possible? It's kind of the you know it's like the the stupid tax that people pay when they're learning something new. You're gonna make stupid mistakes and that's okay. You'll look back on it and be like wow, I can't believe I made that mistake.

But it's better for your first few trades, for the stakes to be low than for your first few trades to be super high stakes. Huge amount of money on the line because I guarantee that you're going to know a lot about trading six months or a year from now. then. You know here today.

So save the big size for down the road when you've got a lot more experience and you know you've got better intuition and you just know what you're doing. So um, you know, so that a 90 000 mistake. I mean I you know you see it all the time. and um, one of the things that you know you recently have seen Um on Reddit.

You know people who have been bag holders on some of these stocks like Amc and Gamestop and you know they're like, what am I supposed to do I I was up, uh, so much on it last year now and I'm gonna have to pay capital gain on that. but I I yellowed it all into the next trade and now it's gone. Or I kept holding and now those gains are gone. So risk management is super important and making good decisions is critical for long-term success and survival in the market.

Because trading to a certain extent is just about surviving. it's just keeping your head above water long enough to survive. So um, so cash or settlement. We will talk about that a little bit.

Um so like I said, I've so I've got my slides up here. Um I'm gonna do a lot of the talk is gonna be um you know, video So you're gonna be able to see me like this and I'm gonna have some slides that are kind of my notes to keep keep me on track because I want to make sure that I have my um, you know, the thread that I'm able to tie the whole talk through with. So keeping it focused on this is a beginner's guide to learning how to trade. For those of you guys out there that want to get started and you just genuinely don't know where to start, I want to be able to help you in that process and I'll tell you right here, this, this is my zone.

This is where I love to be. I was so excited to come over here and sit down at my desk this morning. I love being in my zone. I love trading and I really get a lot of enjoyment out of helping you guys and teaching you and sharing with you everything that I've learned in all my years trading.
So this is this is my zone. This is what I love doing so don't be afraid to throw some questions out there and I'll try to hit as many of my as I can tomorrow. The one of the last big events I did we had. I mean it was a huge number of people streaming so we'll see how many, uh, attend this live event.

By the time some of you guys are watching this, we're already talking. You'll be watching as a replay, but if we have a smaller turnout then that gives me more opportunity to do Q A. I know that the live event is going to be in the middle of the day during um during the week, so we may not have as good of a a turnout as I've had if I did an evening event or a weekend event. but uh, that might work out really well because then I can do some really good Q A with you guys.

So make sure you come with questions. Um, I'm gonna some of these questions that I'm already noticing some of you posting. I'm gonna be looking over for the rest of today. My afternoon for rest today is dialing in my talk for tomorrow and um, making sure that I have the bullet points of the things that they really need to hit on for you guys to, um, you know, walk away feeling really good.

I I think you know one of the big things for me is making sure I can get everyone in the same mindset when it comes to trading because part of being in this for the long haul is approaching it from the right mindset. And so if I can get you guys on the right page there from a mindset standpoint, that's going to be a really big accomplishment. So we're going to talk a lot about the way you approach this because so many people approach this from the wrong perspective and just like that, it gets them off too. They're almost failed from from the start because their mindset is wrong.

So you've got to approach this from the right mindset. And then you've also, of course, got the actual you know steps that anyone would have to take if they're going to start trading. You know, no matter what your mindset is, I mean there's certain things you have to do to approach trading. So so someone say they're 80 000 lost in one year trading, driving Uber right now? So I mean, I've That's that's a common story.

There's a lot of people that that's happened to, especially in the last couple of years because the market's been really crazy. And you know, I would love for every single one of you to stream this event, whether it's live or on the replay, to take the road map that I'm going to put out in front of you, and to apply that to your trading and have it dramatically change the game for you. But it's not going to happen for everyone. It's not going to happen because not everyone's going to take the road map even if I put it right on the table.

Not everyone's going to value the the two cents that I give you know you'll just say oh, that's that's his input. I'm going to do my own thing anyways. Some of you guys will try to follow the road map but won't have the discipline to stay on track. And if you don't have the discipline to stay on track, you're going to fall off the wagon.
You're going to make mistakes and you're going to have setbacks. And it's not to say that you know I'm not going to be talking about how to never lose money, I'm going to be talking about the very real fact that you will lose as a trader. The question is, how can you get better at losing, How can you lose less And how can you lean into your strength of what you're good at? So that's going to take some time to do some, um to put together a set of data from from trading and most likely for a lot of you. it's trading with real money.

but for some of you who are approaching this from a smarter perspective, it'll be from trading a simulator and trying to figure out through those that data. What do you have that's working right now? Do you have anything that's working? or do you have to go completely back to the drawing board? There's different ways to approach trading, but one of the ways that that I think makes a lot of sense is to look at someone who's already trading and try to figure out exactly what they're doing. What are they doing That works and this is the same. This is the same.

thing you would do if you were going to start. If you're going to open your own coffee shop, if you want to open your own coffee shop, you know what you should do. You should try to find someone who's already running a coffee shop and try to figure out everything that they're doing that works. Try to learn from the mistakes that they made, try to figure out why Is that business so successful? What has worked for them? Is it just the location? Is it the pricing? Is it the offering? Is it the fact that they also have some retail? They sell espresso machines, Or they sell French presses? I mean, what? What is it that's working and then you need to duplicate that for yourself? That's I mean.

this is always sort of been the case. You can either try to reinvent the wheel, or you can try to improve or essentially duplicate what's already working for someone else. And just like the coffee shop analogy, you can have two coffee shop shops in the same town. You can have thousands of coffee shops all around the world.

Just like trading, you can have thousands of traders all around the world who are trading the exact same strategy. There is no shortage of opportunities in the market, so you know it's not like I'm giving you something that is gonna. you know you're not gonna become my competition Like you could open a coffee shop across the street and they could both survive. And this isn't even like that.

This is. there's There's so much to go around so you know the fact is, the market's gonna be here and it's been here for a long time. It's not going anywhere. Day trading is at this point only getting more popular.
People are only getting more interested in the market. Access to the market has never been better than it has been today, and your access to tools and great software is only getting better. So you have so many advantages that I didn't have when I got started. In spite of those advantages, many of you will still lose money, and I think that there's a good portion of that that could be prevented by better understanding risk management and by better understanding the steps that you should take in order to get started.

Just like in today's day and age, there's going to be someone out there that goes and opens a coffee shop and they fail and that to me to a certain extent, should be a avoidable failure. When a coffee shop is such a proven business model that you just need to learn the the things not to do. How to avoid some of these totally rookie mistakes. And with training, I can tell you all these rookie mistakes to avoid.

I made them. And listen, I'm telling you this not just as like, you know, uh, like a professor who's teaching theory. I'm not someone who's like, you know, teaching writing, but who's never written a book. I'm someone who's teaching trading and is also trading every single day.

I also have my profits that back up that what I'm saying is real. You know this has actually worked for me. I'm not saying it's going to work for everyone, but doesn't it make a lot more sense to learn from someone who actually knows what the heck they're doing? And you might take that for granted because there's a lot of people out there posting videos on Youtube or Tick tock or Facebook or whatever. And um, you.

Actually, you don't know whether or not they're actually profitable because they're not putting their broker statements out there. so there's you. Know, there's not a lot of transparency, but you do, guy. You guys do get that with me.

Of course you know that. Uh, for those of you who've been following for a while, so thanks for hitting the thumbs up. I appreciate you guys tuning in today. I just wanted to encourage you um to stream tomorrow's talk and if you're watching this couple days or a couple weeks down the road, you can watch.

We'll let you stream the the replay of the talk. Now that's so long as my broadcast doesn't break during the event. This is one of the things that sometimes happens: If my broadcast breaks during the event, then the recording will stop right when my broadcast broke. So I've had that happen before and when that happens, then I don't have a replay for the event.

And so if that's the case, that's the case. But if this is a video that's still on Youtube uh, a week from now, two weeks from now, then it's most likely the case that the stream and broadcast went well and you guys can watch the, uh, the replay of that event And I'm excited. This is the first event that I've hosted in quite a while. Um, I, I haven't hosted one of these in a while, so I'm excited for it.
And like I said, this is my zone. This is what I love doing. I love trading. This is my passion.

I'm you know, looking at charts, working on this whole thing, and so to be able to spend a little bit of time tomorrow working with you guys. I'm excited to do it. And I hope that, uh, there's at least a few of you who take everything I share with you tomorrow and actually apply it in your trading that actually have the discipline to follow the rules and the natural aptitude to find success in the market. And you come to me six months from now.

a year from now, Two years from now and say, Ross, you literally changed my life. That's that's what I want. and that's there's. no testimonial better than that.

So that's what I would love. It's and you know it's selfish. I I love that because it makes me feel good and I love that because it's good for my business. And of course you know you guys know that You know Warrior, We have our software and everything else.

And so for people that are, um, looking at that, to be able to see these testimonials of people who have gone through and are using the software every single day is is a Huge. It's a huge plus. So I'm putting a lot out there. I always put a lot out there for folks on Youtube and you know these workshops are free.

These talks are free so enjoy it. get as much as you can out of it. If at some point you decide hey, I actually want Ross to be a mentor, I want to work with him more closely. I gotta surround myself with the type of people I wanna become and I wanna become like Ross Then we'd love to have you, um, you know, as part of the community.

I'll tell you as always that and this is something that most people won't do. I'm gonna tell you right here right now that this is difficult and this is not for everyone and I'm okay with talking some of you guys out of trading for some of you. I'm going to say this isn't going to happen. It's not going to work for you.

This is going to be. You're not in a place where you're going to be able to make this happen. You're not going to be able to dedicate the time to it. And I don't mind talking.

Some of you like some of you guys out of this because it is hard. All right. I'm going to tell you the truth. It's hard.

It took a lot of hard work for me to get to where I'm at. So you know if you think you're going to get to where I'm at, you're going to have to work probably as hard, if not harder because you know I did. I got started a long time ago and in some ways things were a little easier then they're a little bit harder Now in some ways, you know, in other ways maybe you could say you have better access to tools and software, so that gives a little bit of an advantage. But uh, but it's hard.
So you know I'll put that on the table and tell you that you've got to be willing to pay your dues. All right. But you know, if you're streaming this and you want to learn more and you want to keep studying, check out the stream for tomorrow. Uh, again, either.

For those watching this right now, live register. Um, we're gonna send an email uh to everyone with a link to the broadcast. So we'll send you an email link to that broadcast. So that'll be tomorrow.

But if you want to stream this, you're watching this a couple days down the road. a couple weeks, whatever it is. Couple months, stream that talk and learn as much as you can from it. All right? So thanks for tuning in today.

That's all I wanted to say and I'll see you guys back at it first thing tomorrow morning. All right morning show at 9 a.m See you then.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Stream the beginners guide to day trading / ted talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jose luis Roma says:

    We can only give you immense thanks for everything you give us to be able to be profitable in this hard career of being a trader

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wade Youngblood says:

    Ross, I have been trading for 3+ years. Started off swing trading on conviction growth stocks. last year I started part time day trading . I am in the green overall but took heavy losses the past 6 months, from not managing my losses responsibly. Do you think a person can do a combination of swing and day trading ? Or should all focus be one or the other ? Thanks for all you do.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P N says:

    Ross I hope you see this message. I have learnt a lot from you, I have tried everything. Recently I was swing trading blue chips until hell broke lose and one morning I woke up to a huge loss as Netflix had gone down $40. I was devastated and I didnโ€™t know what was gonna happen after that as Netflix has lost a 100$ in a day before. I went back to the drawing board by not trading until when I watched your YouTube video last week when you were in NYC. What really caught my attention was: โ€œfocus on what you do rightโ€; men that caught my attention, as I always focused on what I did wrong. I am very happy to report that yesterday I did great and today was my best day of trading ever. Thank you for your teachings.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Igor Igor says:

    Hello !
    May I ask you please , to recommend me a reputable and reliable stocks trading platform…?!
    Preferably one which have consultants for their clients…
    I'm living in UK , if this have any relevance…
    Thanks in advance !!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john kerr says:

    hi Ross, student from Brisbane Australia and been following you daily for a couple of years…love what you do mate!
    i may struggle to watch the entire roadmap later today and am worried i wont get to stay in the podcast as i have to work today- mortgage kids billss etc..
    will this be broadcast later on youtube for us to review again ,,,p l e a s e?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shakeddd says:

    can you talk about realize gain too soon? when to hold and when to sell. thanks if you can and thanks if you cant <3 much love

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golstog Golstog says:

    I tried to figure out how much will cost me level 2 real time data in lightspeed, but in their website there are a lot of subcategories, I can not have a proper idea of how much will cost it. Can you talk about that as well in Ted o answer it here. Thank you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teri says:

    Ross is like a modern-day Jesus of the day trading world. He and his disciples lead us into the light of an epiphany. When you will discover that you have crossed the Holy Grail of day trading.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MONARCAS1 says:

    Thanks man you are right i am going to apply what you offer i am a lyft driver for a source of income i will save to get my trading account im suspended from trading til july because i over treaded because i needed the money to day trade and bills

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Kramer says:

    Had to comment to make it 200 comments lol. See ya in the AM brother. Looking forward to the afternoon Ted talk. Try and talk me out of it! Lol you would be the 1st to succeed at that. I appreciate you and want to help others myself. That is my main passion. I also am very much finding trading is my passion and learn more everyday. The muddy waters are getting less murky if that makes sense. I'm almost ready to hit the throttle. Once able I look forward to joining the Warrior community bro. Great video ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Š

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    I miss out on this and last live stream I was at work. But I'm catching up watching them good classes you teach good stuff
    ty Ross

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enchmanauis says:

    thank you ross for doing this, i will definitely look forward for your roadmap. twice i have blown a small account. need to know more to protect a small account for a winning trading journey.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Rathburn says:

    I would jump at the opportunity to join the warrior training if I could afford it, I know when I can afford it I will be joining
    , your a great teacher and you seem like you really know what your doing! thank you for your videos

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Adams says:

    With SO much that needs to be known and Learned it can be EXTREAMLY overwhelming for a new student.
    If you could narrow down key parts of your class to what needs to be known to start trading what would it be?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Bluemel says:

    Why does light speed lock up hot keys. They've been doing it to me for 4 years. It's hard enough to trade without your broker giving you a huge disadvantage. I've called them out on it but it doesn't change. What should I to?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krops23 says:

    Learning trading isn't measured in years or even days, but hours. It takes a lot of dedication to learn and will take its toll, but it's also something that will make you happy to go to work every day.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Freeman says:

    Q: You've mentioned that before becoming successful, you've tried many different strategies and said that patience and discipline to stick with the same strategy are key to become successful traders… How did you come to choose your current "momentum" strategy? How can a trader find the best strategy that suits his(her) personality? How long should you stick with one if it doesn't work? Thank you !

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendy J. says:

    Thanks for your informative videos. I would like to learn how traders know when they say the stock should get to this level or once it gets to that price it should break through and run? Key levels and prices. Thanks again!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikho says:

    Ross is legit he is one of the best teachers I've ever had, if you buy his course make sure you listen to ever detail he usually repeats the important things for a reason

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gulab Singh says:

    hi ross, i wanted to ask you, the trading algorithome has remained the same since you started or there have been some variations.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Wade says:

    Would you trade in a sole member LLC, S-Corp, or as an individual? What are the strategic advantages of each? When you trade in your retirement account, is it your businessโ€™s retirement account (Warrior Trading) or a personal IRA? Thanks, Ross!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    how psychology can effect your trading ….. Raw Raw stuff ( it's lambo money) verses actual talk that makes a trader think for themselves … I have a rough time putting what is in my head to paper so I hope you understand what I mean.
    Keep ER Green … Always Thanks for you being a mentor to many

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hoodooguru9 says:

    Can you please speak to position sizing in relation to account size, including suggestions for using leverage (if available)? Thanks!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drumminbeatz says:

    Hey Ross thank you! I signed up for the email list but did not get an invitation yet today for tomorrow's event. I signed up on Sunday. Thanks much for all the great videos and time you put in. Cheers.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jose luis Roma says:

    I'm pr I am deeply grateful for every class you give us for the new ones who want to learn how to do well in trading. Thank you again

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Louise says:

    How do you determine a feasible number of stocks to trade pre-market? Is there a good cut off time to stop trading pre-market?

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