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Hey everyone welcome welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful weekend wow what a weekend it has been and uh what a stock market we have to get back to. It's always good to come back to work. Uh weekends are uh, are kind of boring without the stock market being open.

I mean there's crypto, but you know crypto's been kind of boring too, because it's just kind of been going up. You know, obviously, that's a that's a good thing: uh, but uh yeah. Look at bitcoin and ethereum straight up and let's go and look at futures as well and see how things are with our end of the year rally and uh. Well, there you go end of the year alley straight green right now, dow jones future's on point three, six s p futures up .17 nasdaq future is pretty much flat.

Uh. Then we go over to bonds. Oh my gosh uh. The 10-year treasury yield has dropped under 1.5.

This is incredible. It's almost like the market is uh is, is reducing its expectations and forecasts for inflation, rather than increasing them like we would have uh typically expected so uh wow, that's a little bit of a surprise to see that kind of drop in the bond yields right now. Yeah we see if tips went down as well say louis fred, uh 10-year treasury break, even if i search the 10-year treasury break. Even i basically know what tips have done as well, because if the 10-year treasury falls uh yeah and the trend and the tips uh.

Yes, your tip stay yeah with the spreads down as well. This is the spread. The break even is the measure of the spread between uh the ten year treasury yield and the tips the tips is uh is negative. So that's why the spread is 2.54, because if uh the 10 years at 1.54 and the tips is a negative one, then you have a spread of 2.54 and uh.

The spread has fallen with the 10-year falling okay. Okay, i mean it's pretty crazy, but uh inflation expectations really rotating down here, potentially as expectations are that once once we finally rotate out of supply and ship crises that maybe we'll actually be in an environment - and i know this sounds crazy to think about now, but That we could actually be in an environment of oversupply again. I know it sounds crazy, because right now everything is up like pricing, for everything is up, turkeys are more expensive. Beans are more expensive, they're talking about raising the price of baguettes in france, nobody wants to pay more money for a baguette in france.

I think baguettes used to be like 89 cents now they're over a dollar and - and you know you know, there's a problem with inflation when the price of baguettes are going up in france and and the french are freaking out, okay, uh, so uh wow all right! Well, uh, that's the 10-year 10-year break even down it's really incredible, yeah all right and and then of course, look at some of the crypto numbers that we have here so bitcoin's been interesting. It uh it rallied a little bit over uh 66 000 coming off of a low of about 61 000 on saturday saturday, we're at 61, 000 and and we're trending down and all of a sudden. We start rotating back up there. There were a few technical indicators for this uh.
Then there you also had the potential news that you know. So there was speculation that maybe elon would park some of his money in crypto. In the meantime, between taxes and things like that uh but uh, since then, things have taken off, i i did throw a bunch of money into crypto, which means i did go about 600k into margin again. So i just happened to yolo a million dollars into some crypto over the weekend, which uh worked out really well, because i did that about saturday, midday uh.

So i i still had to get a little bit of an entertainment fill of trading this weekend, and i do i don't know i had to uh. That is the nice thing about crypto. Is it gives you something to do on the weekend, so i really enjoy that uh. But anyway we got solana down a little bit off of its highs.

Uh still up 20 for the week, but down to 244. cardano back to 203 dogecoin at 27 and uh shiba inu down to about 56.83 right now. Some of the other exciting i mean plenty of these are exciting, but axi was up 11 on the week down about 2 percent right now and then you have decentraland. Where is it here? You go mana mana down 16 on the week, but this is, after almost three exiting so in fairness, a little bit of a pullback there, uh, okay, so yeah.

I don't know about the new york mayor, making this pump happen but uh. What i i mean, i know that he wants to take his salary in bitcoin, or at least a few months of which but uh look at this interesting cell volume that just came through here on tesla. That really just pulled us down right when we started the stream. We were really only down about four percent now we're back to about five percent down, but this is really a level where people have been buying the dip app and look at that bounce right off.

The v app here too yeah, so i expect anytime we get to the v whap we're going to continue to get bounces off of that. Er people are really wanting to buy the dip as soon as we touch that orange line. Basically line goes to orange people. Buy hmm, let's see how other things we're doing here, so uh purple innovation - oh, that has to be bad news.

I wonder if they reported this morning. Uh, oh inflation out, look hold on a second who's. This they didn't like it. They took it back.

Did they yeah? I said guys, i don't like this car, okay, we'll take it back. What do they do with it? After that? I have no idea. It's not like when you return something amazon, i don't know they're bantering again, all right whatever. So, let's see what's happening with purple because purple unless it's a glitch is down 7.69 percent and purple purple innovation falls as bank of america double downgrades on competition, ooh, uh yeah, that's not good! So, b of a to underperform yeah yeah! This is a bank of america downgrade here, leading purple to fall about uh 7.69 peloton down again about uh 4.69.
The uh issue with peloton is we thought kind of the the worst was over for peloton uh, but then whoa was. It was a peloton that stopped hold on a sec. I think it was peloton that stopped hiring, and that was that was some extra bad news that came out friday. After the close, you get a bunch of additional downgrades in terms of price, but let's see here there was where was it the higher the hiring freeze? I want to say that was peloton.

Let's just google, it really quick. Let's see what we can get uh peloton, hiring freeze, apollo, yeah, that's what it was. It was after the close, they announced a hiring freeze, and so, even though we thought okay, maybe peloton's at bottom nope nope, i had another four percent to go uh and a lot of that really uh. Because of uh.

This hiring freeze, which is expect - i mean some folks, look at it as like a good thing, like oh great. That means you're not going to spend as much money. Other folks see this as like. Oh yep, not a good sign.

Let's take a look at trade desk and see what we have in trade desk. Okay, let's see here trade desk, so trade desk, individual company news, wow, okay, trade desk, came in with eps of 12 cents adjusted eps at 18 versus the estimate of 14. revenue came in at 301 versus 283. That's a big! That's a nice beat.

You know almost 10 percent there on a beat very good yeah, very good beat, and it looks like pre-market here. Trade desk is really taking off on that news darn it. I should should have bought more of the dip below 70. and i was looking at it too, but uh oh well.

I've got a little bit of a position in trade desk. It was one that i was. I was open to adding some more, but well also wasn't expecting to just skyrocket, 21, but anyway, good job trade desk 21 up at 83 right now charge point this morning. I thought it was a glitch when it was up like 10 percent in at 1am, but uh.

Let's see here, why is it bumping? I actually don't particularly see a reason. Maybe it's the infrastructure package. It could be that it could be the that's probably what it is. Actually, it's the infrastructure package passing that would make sense, see chargepoint and blink being up because remember, they're gon na spend like three and a half trillion or sorry three and a half billion dollars on uh on charging infrastructure.

That's probably why the chargers are jumping today, charge point in blank, so good for them and then obviously crypto's up because crypto this way or the crypto related stocks are up because well, crypto had a very good weekend. It's pretty much straight up from about mid-saturday matapor sitting up about 2.31 amc's coming up about two percent as well end phase and phase one point: eight one percent noise win resorts 155, pretty bullish market here, owlette's up 1.35, see what what else is losing tesla purple Peloton uh, let's see chip technology corsair. I mean these guys only down about half percent lemonade, that poor point four percent wayfarer down fractionally at .09 percent. I mean this this.
These are nominal reads here: pinterest is up about a third, also relatively nominal, although pinterest earnings were pretty good yeah, it looks like a firm's up again 0.85, what else sunrun 1.45 yeah and then and then the energy stocks. Okay, all right, so wow cool. Well, there's tesla yeah: it's really vacillating between this, this five and four percent range. So we'll keep an eye on that.

Obviously, but let's see what other headlines we have in the meantime and we'll keep an eye as well on peloton see when that thing's ever going to hit bottom, if at all, but in the meantime, let's go ahead and see what's news roblox tonight, oh yeah, we Do have some we uh yeah mondays. We get this probably more tomorrow, wednesday and thursday uh. Today we trade yes, but uh. Let's go ahead and look at after the market.

Oh amc, amc, paypal, roblox, clover, virgin galactic smile, direct lemonade, zanga in vitte wow. These are a lot of earnings today. That's all at the close, so we'll have to take a look at that uh at the close nvidia shares blow past targets and tesla like move yeah, that's true and nvidia is another one that pretty sure they're over 300. Again, let's see here, invidia nvidia, it's up one point: six: six percent of pre-market, it's gon na be pretty close at 302 yeah.

It is, and a t net for cloud flare is sitting at 195 down about 0.74 in the pre-market. Okay. So, let's see here getting fatter and falling on falling bond yields, us futures rise ahead of cpi. Well, cpi comes out wednesday right.

Let's just double check cpi calendar all right. Let's see what we got here, yep wednesday, 5 30 in the morning i'll see you there, then yeah neo tomorrow, neo always reports pretty late, because that's uh chinese morning the next day so uh, usually that's at like 7 p.m, or something like that anyway. Mm-Hmm whoa interesting lauren good call here, look at that piton to the dirt. Oh ouch.

They are scraping so hard for new members that they are giving away membership free for the rest of the year. Are you serious yeah? That's that's not good one peloton uh! Let's get this to load, i want to see that that's very interesting, okay, so they they got the cheaper bike. Price peloton wait, let's see here now free for two months. Oh, i guess that makes sense through the end of the year.

Okay, yeah peloton app. Two months free, there's a firm, wow, okay! Well, what else? What else? What else? I'm buying a tesla get a free peloton yeah all right. So then we have uh. Let's see here, purple purple down 7.69.

We saw this already peloton's, actually recovering a little bit. It's only uh, it's only down three percent right now. Yeah hud is going to be doing well right now because of uh. The rise in bitcoin price remember, hud, 8 is is really a hodler and that's one of the neat things is a lot of the miners.
Didn't used to be hodlers, but uh now are yeah and remember the blink and charge point really running off the infrastructure bill passing makes sense. Coinbase, hey! Look at this one here, lucid 3.4, it's good here on on a soft tesla day, yeah lucid going up all right. Let's see what else we have. Let's go hop in over here.

Take a look at the headlines, see if there's anything interesting to read today. You know when the market's just going green, it makes you wonder. Crypto world hits three trillion dollar market cap wow. Is that true? Let me see here.

Coin market cap usually gives us a total. Oh, it fell off a little bit. Look at that 2.856 trillion dollars. Nice all right, uh hold on - let's listen to this for a moment are very related.

If we don't do this, we're going to have problems down the down the road we're doing mitigations with water uh, you know we're quite intelligent now to understand where water is. I want to hear about inflation, it's going to be in the future and we're starting to the mitigation strategies around our farming and our facilities. But i think this is a major growth opportunity for pepsico. If i, if i ah boring all right okay financial times, then softbank unveils 8.8 billion buyback following investor pressure, tesla shares slide after elon musk's twitter poll.

We covered that this morning. If you haven't watched the twitter, video or the tesla video. Yet from this morning check that out, xi jinping lays the groundwork for a third term by adopting mao and dang powerplay um us hedge fund makes 400 million dollars from natural gas price volatility geez. Okay, what else there's really very little happening right now? It's crazy uh! It's just basically the stock market's up.

Look at that dow is up 0.4 s, p up 0.2 uh, nasdaq, mostly flat, though ethereum hits new all-time high. We saw that theorem's kicking butt, bitcoin is as well, i think bitcoin's outpacing ethereum for the week, we'll also look at volatility to see what kind of volatility we get. I bet your tesla's volatility is still going to be high, though, but we'll wait for the market to open to see that bitcoins trending down here a little bit. Look at this a little bit of a downtrend here on bitcoin yeah, a little bit of some gapping down here did run all the way up to about 66 four at about 1am, it's about straight up from saturday and uh.

Now we're rotating generally a little bit, see that, but that's pretty typical, have you. I've heard of some people expressed concerns about the infrastructure bill and its impact on inflation. I'm not so worried about it. It's ten years of spending yeah how many yeah it's a ten-year bill, but uh the hard infrastructure bill, i'm less worried about.
I think the social one would be the one to pay attention to a little bit more with inflation considerations, especially i mean yeah. Maybe what two a quarter of it is is probably paid for uh and another chunk of it. Maybe it's another quarter or a half. I'd have to double check the numbers, but there's another.

I want to say about 500 billion dollars is coming from unused coveted money. As well, some money that has already been spent, but not allocated so interesting to keep an eye on so covered money and then how much of it will actually pay for itself. Those two things will help temper sort of inflation and hopefully inflation fears along with it and as we see today, inflation fears are going down. We started this video talking off about how rates were uh.

The 10-year treasury yield was falling along with obviously the chargers and trade desk and tesla here, uh updates regarding those they're not falling they're, doing quite well purple down about eight percent peloton sticking under four percent down playing around that 390 region and uh tesla's also sitting Just just around five percent, not as bad as i thought it might be. Honestly, i thought it could be a lot a lot worse yeah there is actually i just so i just did a portfolio video. You could watch that and i show a spreadsheet in there that spreadsheet will be accessible to course, members today, so that way that they always get get updates uh. Whenever you want, you can kind of just go into that spreadsheet and see updates on it, but yeah again, i did just make your portfolio video.

Did you why you got ta flame robert, like that, so this by the way, is a reference to the tweet that uh, i i quote tweeted this guy who uh? Where was he oh yeah, yeah right right here right here, so this guy robert reich he's like tax elon, musk pass it along and i'm thinking to myself like really like i'm try, i remember being in kindergarten and they're, like you know, sorry, jimmy's mom smells past. It along you know like stupid stuff like that, uh or or you do like party games or whatever right. So i hear tax elon musk pass it along and i'm like super, so i say imagine going to this guy's house parties. If he even has any it's true i mean it's like.

Could you imagine like what was good your mind to say stuff so lame? Sorry it just it's very sad anyway, uh, okay, so relative quiet here with the exception, obviously of trade deaths going to the moon. But then again it was at these levels before it had just recently sold down, and this by this dip really just got bought up. See look at this we've. We regularly get these little channels, followed by breakouts channels, followed by breakouts just a little bit of a delayed breakout over here.

We still got it channel, breakout, uh and now, if you zoom in technically we're gon na see channel and then boop break out back to uh what 83 or something like that. Let me see where we sit pre-market. We sit at 84. yeah, so we'll see that shoot right back over all right.
Oh yeah, ribbians this week. That's right, we'll have to do a video on uh ron riven yet review. Uh is robin hood, letting you get into the. I don't know about that.

That's a good question. I don't think robin hood is doing anything special on that one, but i will check. I know if you pre-ordered a rivien, you get access to about ten thousand dollars pre-ipo. I did order a pre uh.

I did pre-order arriving so i have access to that uh. I don't know if i'm gon na, do it i'll make a video on it, but that that is definitely on my mind for this week. Let me see here all right, i'm just logging into a darn hood over here. Let's see if they have anything on it review now.

If you search search it in the uh app there's nothing yet on arabian ipo access, you go into ipo access uh. You could also turn on notifications by the way for robin hood. If you want that, but let's see here nope no indication yet on ruby in here all right. Any thoughts on coin earnings.

Tomorrow, yeah i mean look: coinbase is going to go through this transition, where their transaction revenue continues to decline, but you're you're really trying to and hoping that they start making money off other things. So we expect this big, like v shape in their revenue right. We expect their revenue to come down which could hurt wall street wall street, could get butt, hurt about it and sell off the stock. But what we're trying to see is when are we going to make that transition from that transactional revenue towards secondary revenues? Being being the killer uh, you know like the big win for the company, so those would be things like whether it's margin or credit card or savings, or whatever some form of of other revenue, rather than just transaction based now, because coinbase pro isn't that expensive and I recommend people use coinbase pro rather than uh.

Sofa is letting you on the ipo really i'll. Take a look at that. Actually, i don't think i have sophie on here. Oh no! I do, but anyway, uh yeah, okay, cool, so seven minutes to the market open.

So fi here i'll sign into so oh no, never mind, don't have the right 05 password, apparently so uh yeah, that's actually a good question. Who here thinks tesla might finish green today? That's a good question! Tesla. Could you imagine that you go from a five percent decline and people just buy the crap out of the dip? I mean really you at peloton down about five percent on news that they're freezing all hiring and they're giving away free membership for the next two months. It's uh, it's gon na be interesting shift earnings, uh yeah, i'm not very optimistic on shift because of the supply crisis.

Right now, uh, i still hold about 150k shift, but i'm i'm expecting it to be a lagger until we get this car crisis over, because they need volume now they're able to sell cars with a larger margin, which is great, but i think the competition right now Is is intense and there just aren't a lot of transactions or there are the same amount of transactions, but i probably aren't but uh they're all sold out. You know so i i don't know like. I can't see myself being utterly super bullish, but hey. Maybe this will be the opportunity where they finally break out and that's when it's going to happen with shift see when shift gets discovered by institutional investors, because they realize it's a much better deal than carvana and vroom, then i think there's a good shot at shift.
Moving but until then it'll probably chill chillax and do nothing charge. Point 13 build-a-bear is moving up today, won't build a bear. 6.7 did build a bear report. What do we got here? Build a bear workshop uh, i think another stock split for tesla would come around 1500 um.

No, no particular news just um social media volume on build-a-bear all right makes sense. Yeah. Let's do a quick little stock. Twits, let's see, let's start will i buy nvidia.

I don't buy stuff when it's up at the top. I don't really care if, if i can't buy nvidia now, it's fine there'll be another opportunity future. Remember this folks. You know it's kind of funny, but when the market's zooming you're usually sitting here kind of like dang, i wish i could get a discount on some of these stocks, you're so expensive.

And so then it's like ah frustrating right and it feels safer to just invest because things keep going up right. But then the market crash comes right. Then you get the stuff between like what we had in february march may horrible months, second half of february and then you're like oh, my gosh. When is this gon na end? When are we gon na get a rally again - and i remember february march, and may i'm like i'm sorry - i think this crap's to keep going until an end of the year rally.

Now i ended up being right about that. I'm not always right, but was right about that one and uh. I just think to myself. I i think we we did the best we could, because we just bought the dip over and over and over again people like no, it's gon na crash more and i'm like not like those may prices, uh and uh yeah those those are the times to buy.

When other people are like, oh you're catching a fallen knife, it's gon na fall more. That's when you know you're getting close to the bottom. Usually did you see elon's cryptic tweet on roll, the dice or more like roll, your costs? Aha, i i saw the roll. Your dice thing, i didn't understand it, and i wasn't gon na speculate on that because i don't think elon musk is much of a option.

Speculator kevin. Should i take profit from tesla and buy back my average cost basis is 340. well. Why did you do that? You know, like all you're really gon na do, is pay taxes on that.
If you wanted to diversify your portfolio, that'd be one thing, but jeez your basis is 340 and you just sell it now for like 1200. First of all, congrats second of all, say goodbye to half of that personally. I'd rather not do that lucid is running by the way it's up. 4.2 right now.

It's really impressive. Lucid's been kicking, some butt, that's another one like watching. Okay, so uh going into the opening bell here. What do we have well trade desk and the chargers and crypto miners are going to the moon tesla's down six percent? Oh it just lost another percent.

Here we might get a nice solid dip here, see what happens. Kind of curious to see how this opens up this is gon na this is gon na be a. This is gon na, be a fun open to watch that i i just. I expect to see a very large red candle stick on tesla.

Just like push this thing down potentially to under 1100, and i expect it to just get bot bought, bought, no guarantees. Who knows, maybe it'll be the beginning of this falling under a thousand again, which that's what we're going to have much juicier pricing. In my tesla video this morning i went through the spreadsheet again, i'm like. Ah, the the conservative return is much juicier under a thousand than it is where it is now lemonade's down 1.41 as well yeah, no quantum computing.

It's not for me not for me all right. Let's see here test little 1k. That would, i feel, like be a gift if tesla actually went under a k, but we're about to find out. So here we go.

It's gon na be fun, but you know: did you think about landing a man on saturn? No he's just he has he you'll love his penis uh they're, a little late on the bell tonight: hey what next door is public next door got to bring the bell uh here it is here's that candle. This is what we're expecting come on. Let's see how low it goes, it's the uh, the institutions opportunity to dump so you're, really there's a fight going on here. This is interesting, a lot of volume.

I don't think you're speculating when you get compensated in stock options. That's very common in tech, dow just hit a record high by the way yeah. I'm surprised honestly, there's a lot of volume here on tesla, but it's it's uh. Oh there we go just got a little bit of a push down a five dollar gap down.

I'm surprised it's not moving more than this. It's really sticking at about 11. 42. 11.

41.. It's not bad the the more it shows resistance here to uh to falling through, or i suppose, the other way, the more it shows support the better, because this is a hard test for tesla and it's holding this that's so far. That's impressive! All right! So uh at the open we are evgo wow 25 on evgo, my goodness blink and charge point up 11 and 12 percent eleven yeah yeah eleven to twelve percent proterra marathon digital here, the miners kicking butt. Darden is up five point.
Seven five percent matterport is up three point: three percent noise, lucid group, almost seven percent y'all, almost seven percent on lucid, that's incredible, tesla tesla back to 1152 that we did not get a massive div, certainly got into peloton down about 5.23, definitely got a dip, but Look at that it is being bought up right away. We expected to see the arrow go down. We expected it to be, have a buy the dip situation, but honestly i was, i was a little more bearish there. I was expecting it to go down a little more uh, let's see here.

Oh okay, let's see that's pins piano, okay, just looking at some options that we have yeah options on tesla definitely definitely shifted a lot. I've closed the vast majority of my tesla options, but i had tesla option: i've uh two left. So i've closed like 10 of them and boy. Oh boy, yeah, one of one of them's gains, got cut in half on today's fall, but look at the green coming back here on tesla.

This is just pure by the dipping is what you're getting here. It's kind of incredible all right! It's not bad! Honestly! 5.2 percent uh not bad, probably buoyed a little bit by those china, chinese reportings that uh or the reporting of how many vehicles trying to manufacture and and uh sold in china for uh october really good, especially since there was a holiday. There was a sixth day. I should have mentioned that in my morning, video this morning, but uh six day, uh days of shut down in china and uh tesla still during a supply crisis, delivers a record number of vehicles.

It's it's uh, absolutely shocking in line with last month, but the fact that it didn't go down with six months six days missing from the month: shocker total shocker uh. Okay, let's see if there were any opportunities here. Tesla is just continuing to move. Let's see here, peloton peloton is trying to pull a tesla and go green here, tesla's going green, it's 1160 right now, let's see if it goes green on the day that'll be nuts that'll mean you've got the biggest by the dip culture in tesla.

If tesla ends up going green today, it's got four and a half percent to go. It's entirely possible. She is dropping about five point. Five, eight percent you've got uh dave and busters really was looking for this one to fall.

But after that, that uh not only the merc pill but uh the pfizer pill, the one everybody calls pfizermectin after that that emergency covert pill, you've really seen recovery have a nice solid boost here. Net is another one of those i'm looking to get into down about a half percent. Let's go to the top of the chart again: chargers, miners and lucid chargers, miners and lucid up a loose hit up five point: one two percent wow gevo is even up a firm is up. How is how is a firm up? Three percent? We are literally about to hit 170.

look at that folks, we hit 169.75 on a firm er. This is this is ridiculous. I mean this is by the way, one that i banned myself from ever selling calls on, and i'm so grateful of that because i i just kept, i got screwed twice on it: uh, obviously i'm very profitable on a firm, but still like those two moments there. Oh somebody put in a market order and got executed at 170.
17. nice. Nice, 170. 17 there for a firm, that's a record intraday all-time high um, very nice uh tesla uh, i'm honestly, i'm blown away it.

It continues to run here. If this trend is correct. Uh and so far, tesla has a very good shot at closing green today, which will honestly be uh, mind blowing, there's no way. I think peloton is going to end up closing green today that i don't think tesla tessa's got a chance.

Trade desk selling off a little bit was up about 23 there in the pre-market charge point of nine percent very nice. How would how would i hedge down, swings in the market? I would be out of margin and i would start raising my cash position. I would close options and set aside as much cash as possible. If that meant trimming a little bit.

I would do that. I generally don't short the market uh generally, not because uh, the the market i mean you're, you don't have the wind at your back. I'd rather just put money in cash. Sometimes, what i'll even do is i'll put money into um, something like medkevin.com basket and see the reason i put something into medkevin.com basket.

Is you get that that pure diversif? Well, it's not really pure, but you get a really good amount of diversification and the return for the basket here. The basket is a mix between the russell uh, the nasdaq, the dao and the s p at allocation weights. That i like, and its year-to-date return is, is surprisingly similar to the s p 500, except you have, in my opinion, more downside diversification, because you're spread into multiple of these different indices. Here it's just an idea.

I don't use this, but there have been times that i have used it and it's usually those transition periods of time where i'm looking for something to do with my cash, i'm waiting for a dip opportunity because think about it. This way, if, if the indices are down five percent to certain tech stocks, you know are down 30, so you may as well like park your money, and this we talk about this by the way in the stocks and psychology money group. All the time. You all know, there's a course: coupon code down below the price does go up every every so often uh and uh.

So before this one expires check out that coupon code stock doc is the code and get yourself the best current available pricing. But anyway, one of the things we regularly talk about there is how, if, if you're waiting for to buy a house - or you don't feel comfortable in buying something, you can't find any opportunities right now go for the pies uh medkevin.com basket. If you really want there's a lot of diversification, maybe met kevin.com pie. If you want uh something a little bit more selective but modify things right, not financial advice.
Anyway, let's uh, let's go ahead and see what other news we have so uh. I have to say i'm very impressed with the tesla move, although it's starting to flatten a little bit holy smokes look at that there. For a moment. We had one 1177 there and now we're reflecting back to the downside, but a lot of by the dipping happening happening here on tesla, very, very impressive - that uh that you're having this it's down about 420 right now, peloton about 5.8 sheba 55 5586, see what else Here, purple's down six on that double b of a downgrade zoom down 1.77 dominoes down four point: uh down, i'm sorry uh one point three: four percent square down about point: eighty: seven tattooed chef down about half percent apple down about half a quarter of a percent Sitting about 150, robin hood - almost 37.

- you know that was at like 34 last week. It's crazy, don't tell me a firm's running again. Let me see here lucid's at six percent and so is a firm. Oh, my gosh uh, oh my gosh.

A firm is now at 174. This is insane it's just. It's absolutely insane holy smokes. It's now, at 176., or at least a brief market order, went through a 176.

wow wow. That is really something airbnb too. Look at that airbnb run folks. Another four percent over here at 210.

- woof - not in here these - are some big moves. Bitcoin selling off a little bit gave up about a thousand dollars in the last couple hours here, ethereum as well a little bit if you're ethereum was knocking on the door of 5k. Folks, that's gon na happen soon. My guess is 5k.

Before the end of the year is is like almost in the bag, i don't know if we'll run to six six or seven somewhere around there. Maybe maybe uh do i think, we'll get to 10k this year on a theorem, probably not probably not so loose. I mean not bad either. Look at this loose! It's 7.3 right here, very impressive as a firm sitting here at uh, 611 and matterport sitting at only 2.5, along with tesla tesla, of course, wow.

It's going back up again! Look at this! Oh my gosh uh! You! You can't keep it down folks it just. It is pushing uh only down about 3.9 to 4 right now, hey c3 ai is running. Let's go, let's go c3ai up 2 and phase up 1-5 at c's. Up 1.75 can't stop etsy.

This is going to be the year of etsy right here. People buying unique things not running into supply chain issues with for the holidays, ooh right when i say that uh that c3i is running, you get this big red candle. Stick that shows up it's kind of funny how that works. That's all right, tesla still recovering.

That's so shocking! All right, let's see what else we have here. Let's go to bloom. Let's see any news other than record highs. Do we have any actual news? I don't really think we do.
Ethereum hits all-time new high okay, we saw this aging baby boomers risk, raise the risk of long-term care crisis in the uk. Well, yeah! That's sad! Look at all the indices, all of them up a quarter of a percent. Now it's impressive okay, we looked at bloomberg. Let's try the wall street journal.

Oh, is gon na make me sign in no okay good, let's see here, soft bank millennials chinese junk bond yields top 25 percent. Is property market strains intensify? Well, that's. Never. Good manufacturers expect infrastructure project to boost sales and ease transport to startups.

Oh really, let's look at a couple of these things now. This is interesting. Manufacturers expect the infrastructure project to boost sales and ease transport snarls. Now it makes sense, but the infrastructure plan is a 10-year plan, so i wonder what part of that 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure plan they're talking about as potentially helping supply chain issues get eased.

U.S manufacturers said the new it's about a 1.2 trillion dollar bill will support years of public works projects that will create demand for maintenance, equipment and construction supplies and potentially push prices higher. Oh manufacturers are also expected to benefit from having refurbished expanded ports. Airports yeah see consider this folks manufacturers, adding efficiency, adding a machinery line, adding sorting, uh facilities, you're, adding more uh capabilities to airports, ports, roads, everything, everything's, getting more capabilities because of the supply chain crisis, and it's about to be really efficient. It's going to be nuts uh, microsoft, bill gates may have become musk, plus bezos rich, oh bill gates might have ended up richer than elon musk and bezos, combined by hanging on to microsoft, rather than selling gates had the equivalent of 2.06 billion shares of microsoft.

In september 1998, when the software maker became the most valuable company in the world, wow gates's 1998 holding would have been worth 693 billion, topping musk's net worth of about 340 billion and bezos had about 200.. He sold the vast majority of his microsoft stock before leaving the board in 2020. wow wow. That's incredible! All right! Well, that's what happens when you paper hand, uh tesla rotating back down sitting at about 11 65 right now, whoa lucid keeps going.

It is at 8.5. Now this is incredible: what a run uh firm at 5.49 percent - really really good airbnb is up three eight wow. This is just uh, it's just euphoria time and really there's little standing in the way right now i mean it always does fall, but the question is when, when, when, when c3 ai rotating nicely higher voyager digital rotating higher by a couple percent, i saw neo get Shouted out, how's neo, doing yeah two percent, all right, yeah tesla with that rotation, all right so which makes surveying equipment and construction software. So the bill would boost the company's long-term outlook and start to affect results in 2023.
Wow take a while to really affect results that makes sense, but you're gon na you'll start excuse me, uh you'll mostly start seeing some of that get priced in uh, usually about 18 months before, although i wouldn't be surprised if it's up today, trimble is trimble tremble, Where is it oh here it is yeah. It's up a couple percent. Okay. I mean nothing like the chargers or lucid the chargers and lucid are just the ones that are are running the show today: chargers lucid and crypto uh trade desk on earnings; okay.

So how would i, how do you diagnose beyond meat, yeah, yeah beyond's, an interesting one uh? I i liked beyond for a period of time, yeah yeah now now, after the pandemic, it is, it has just been uh, mostly after the pandemic. It's been a little bit of a lagger and it's because it's relatively expensive, let me pull up the fundamental. I don't even know if they're profitable yet, but i think they're probably going to be profitable next year. Let's see here all right, so yeah a good entry point for loose head.

You know i don't invest when it's skyrocketing so expecting to be profitable. Actually, in 2023, on beyond meat, currently selling for about 30 times 2025 net estimates, you do have a nice margin of about 30 percent yeah, but obviously net income is still negative right. Now, growth is expected to be strong. 23.

This year, 25. Oh sorry, 50 next year, 27, 18 39. It's getting juicier but who knows beyond me could continue to sell as remember you still have swing traders in a lot of these coveted stocks. Thinking there's a chance that there's a chance you're going to see another winter wave.

Coven, a lucid now of almost 10 percent. Congratulations, lucid shareholders! This is an absolute crush right here. Very very nice, 5.4 to the downside on tesla tesla, really struggling to get out here. Uh peloton is evaporating.

Peloton is worsening now peloton now down uh 7.3 percent to 51.55 as uh, not only they, they freeze hiring but are now giving away two months of uh the peloton membership, yeah tesla semi's being delivered to pepsi and q4 wow yeah. I hadn't heard about that. Actually that that would be interesting, maybe some prototype vehicles, but i don't i couldn't imagine. Mass scale would be ready.

Chinese junk bond yields top 25 is property. Market strains intensify the biggest sell-off that uh china's international junk bond market has ever seen has wiped out around a third of bondholders wealth in just six months. The steep and rapid decline shows how regulatory curbs on borrowing extremely dislocated credit markets and slowing home sales have provided. Pressure have combined to pressure more chinese property developers which account for most of chinese.

High-Yield debt issuance okay market sentiment is still very weak. I mean i've. I would bet on that as well that you're not going to have a very quick recovery in the real estate market there in china. No, no, i haven't really been finding any kind of signs of a potential concern uh for the united states here, peloton free falling.
Basically, down 80 right now: okay, what else wow look at lucid? I mean this is just killing it holy moly, 11.8 percent on lucid right now, wow wow lucid, is killing it uh 11.4 percent right now, absolutely crushing it, and this is a it. Is your ev rally? Oh my gosh. It's your everything rally because look sun runs up 7.6 of firms up 7. The the blockchain ones are up because uh crypto shot up matter poured up three point: seven percent again coinbase three five end phase is up three point.

Four, you can't keep this rally down. You get a sell-off on some of these. You to buy the dip. You better be fast on buying the dip, because it's going to be gone the next day, that's crazy, with the exception of peloton that one just keeps going down.

Uh tesla, though, struggling to really stay above 170 worth noting it's struggling at that 170 level, okay. Otherwise, relatively stable, wow, here's next door 22. Did they just list? No they've been open for a while. I wonder what the news was on next door, but anyway, yeah neo's, definitely lagging behind, could definitely do a lot more uh or have a lot more of a run, especially if, if lucid's gon na skyrocket and if uh, what's it called uh rivien's gon na skyrocket, Neo's got ta catch up, rising tide, hmm, okay, well relatively stable here is uh is palantir mooning as well.

Is that true, yeah peloton's up 3.5 percent? It's amazing, 26.93 wow! I have a line drawn by the way at 2706. peloton's now down 8.3. Oh gosh! It keeps bleeding it just gets worse and worse and worse, no, no talk about legalizing marijuana in the senate uh. I have not seen that anywhere.

You might be talking about a house bill. That's passed like three times before all right: nerd wallet rotating down about five percent, as momentum starts to fade, not uncommon at all. Yeah and trade desk just killed it with their earnings all right. What do we got here? 10? On lucid, it's really incredible a firm! I mean you, you just can't keep this market down.

Let's type in, let's see here: spy oops there we go. Oh yeah s, p 500 on the day right here had a little rally softened we'll see if we end up pushing past that yes draw the line higher unbound here, i think i might actually have another one, but anyway all right. Let's take a brief. Listen to this here, hi on nextdoor people come with high intent and they stick around.

We are best in class in terms of people who come and are still there. Two years later, we literally are best in class. At that point, international growing faster than the best international growing faster because, as you said in the us, we're already in one in three households in the uk, we just hit one in five. But we know that everyone in the world is a neighbor.
The tam is global, and so as we're going around the world, we're learning, so our playbook gets better. Oh she's good at pitching the tam is global. I can't stand next door honestly, like you go in there and it is a complaint fast of your neighbors. Oh, my gosh, like you, want to have an hoa without having an hoa next door is for you uh, but anyway, obviously they did a good job, lucid killing.

It very impressive, not much news. I i'll tell you it's kind of boring, like the numbers are great tesla's in the grand scheme of things tesla's, not really down that much 4.3 percent a little give back like we could have been down 4 and not even talked about elon musk, potentially selling. You know well how's ai, let's take a look at that. C3 is goi gevo moving too nice yeah there we go c3a.

Finally, good almost up three percent: let's go. This is all stimulus, pumps right, basically, uh see every time i talk about it. It goes down that one volta, oh my gosh, volta's up 11.7 percent wow. That's all you could say right now.

All you you get! The market is just killing it. I do want to see lemonade's earnings, that's going to be interesting. All right come on where's. Some news, aluminum studies as china, auto sales drop well, not for uh, not for tesla tesla, killed it in china.

All right, there's got ta, be something um, oh really, gosh yeah. If the wall street journal doesn't have anything oh yeah yeah i mean we've gone bearings. Financial time cnbc wall street journal, here's the new york times, which i know everybody loves new york times, but we could go to the business section oops there we go: um heating bills, payments company, oh here's payments company, that's interesting! What company two and a half billion dollars amid india stock boom? Oh my gosh, all right, okay - is that true reddit is turning carbon points into crypto, ready to tokenize, karma points and wow that that could be a an income stream for them. Wow may soon convert karma points to ethereum based tokens and onboard 500 million new crypto users in the process.

Wow 500 million jeez. Hmm all right, all right, all right! One more check here, let's see here, tesla 4.5 to the downside, pretty stable there right now. Oh my gosh, as soon as that lady started talking about tam being global boom, explodes just went from being up like 20 to being up 50. That's crazy! Next door kills it that's, actually a good sign for rivian, because you've got a lot of euphoria on the market right now and when there's euphoria, the ipos do great see.

There was not a lot of euphoria when robin hood ipod uh, it didn't do well. The first couple days that it was listed, i think it was a third day we had a little bit of a momentum squeeze, but that was temporary. So this was uh. Let's see, tesla tesla's still still uh flat here at four four four to the downside else.
Did lu said that ten percent wow whoa matter ports coming out of nowhere matterport up five percent right now with uh a firm up five, all right, ah, did ai dump really hey. I oh well, that's not! Ah that's just a normal fluctuation. That's not that big of a deal the thing's still up yeah. It's still up one point: seven, six percent, so i lost a percent.

I mean that's very, very normal. I i wish there was like something to cover here, but uh i mean. No news is good news. I suppose that's the way to look at it test stock.

Slides i mean it's. I mean i guess the slide is an okay way to put it four percent. It's really wow. You know if, if you were um, if you're in crypto, you look at four percent as like ha that's it.

I don't even get up for four percent uh. Can you do an exposure salon? That's interesting! I didn't hear about that, but i'll write that down. Okay! No news but yeah i'm not going to do a fundamental analysis. Oh my gosh draftkings, for example.

What is draftkings at draftkings yeah draftkings, i know, fell and they had some price target cuts after their earnings draft. It's still green 0.29. Today, lemonade's up a quarter percent right before earnings tesla's sitting at 471., peloton 8 and a half to the downside and c3ai up about 1.3 now gave up another half percent there open doors, i'm sorry next or not open door is the one that's running along with Lucid cryptominers, firm matterport and some of these other tech companies overall, pretty incredible uh market yeah and unfortunately, with with very little of anything to cover, we do have uh 10-year treasury yields falling more. All the indices are green 10-year treasury at 1.481, very, very low yeah ragnar.

There's a button that lets. You join next to the subscribe button, but you can't do it on the iphone or ipad, because uh apple wants their revenue, all right cool. So we're going to be going to the course member live stream here, soonish uh within the next uh, it depends depends what, if the kids are awake, we'll see, but anyway, uh stay tuned for that alert. If you want to join and and join in on the course member live streams, definitely make sure you check out the link down below use that coupon code stock doc thanks so much for being here, i'm gon na make some more coffee and uh wow, not as Bad as expected for tesla, so good news and uh, otherwise, not a lot of news there in the market kind of crazy anyway.

Thanks so much for being here and we'll see you next, one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Stocks – wow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnold Farias says:

    The people saying Tesla is a buy at $500-700 Lmao. Yup and bitcoin is a buy for me at $30K

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnold Farias says:

    If you watch his videos make sure you are a course member or you won't know when he sells and you will hold the bag: purple, hellion, Nikola, workhorse, peloton, etc.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craneman87 says:

    How was that SDC promotion working for you?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura WrinkleBrain says:

    AMC is on 🔥🔥🔥. Not Leaving! Buy, BUY MORE AMC shares and Hold until 4 or 6 digits. Pretty simple!! 💎💎💎
    POWERS in NUMBERS. RETAIL is the NEW WHALE. Tell your friends, coworkers and friends, if you care about them.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHIBA INU CRYPTO says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHIBA INU CRYPTO says:

    You missed shib. Let's go to mars with Star Atlas. Remember to take POLIS on the trip, maybe 69420 tokens…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHIBA INU CRYPTO says:

    You missed shib. Let's go to mars with Star Atlas. Remember to take POLIS on the trip, maybe 69420 tokens…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHIBA INU CRYPTO says:

    You missed shib. Let's go to mars with Star Atlas. Remember to take POLIS on the trip, maybe 69420 tokens…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Adams says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Esther Rage says:

    The stock market is still one of the most potential places to invest your money, if you can manage the risk then you can take advantage of the stock market to secure your financial position and earn money.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harsh Gupta says:

    Rivian Stock IPO place make a video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Childs says:

    Lost some respect you showing your 42 million holdings. Boasting bad.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timobili Parkovich says:

    There are no speculation of elon buying btc beside from u!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AW says:

    I'm sure Lauren agrees that weekends are BORING =(

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameh Abuerreish says:

    Kevin thinking like a billionaire. Worried about the “social” bill.
    The slavist mindset of America is hard to kill 😄
    Decades of poor wages and debt shoved down the throats of the majority of blue collared workers in my opinion is a debt owed by the very wealthy . Sorry Kevin.
    If Elon did not go out and cry because he has to pay 10 billion in taxes out of 300 billion , he would not have gotten this much attention .
    Man up and pay .
    Tax Elon and Tax you too Kevin 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel oh says:

    Forever guarding her cub ALONE…!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katelyn Moore says:

    FCEL, PLUG CHPT, EV's and Energy stocks will continue to go up! Its their time to shine!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared says:

    $INTC going to make a turn. undervalued at present.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RMA Studio says:

    People said amc and GameStop were dead…. Lol nope. Shorts haven’t covered so same play as always. Earnings report today for amc after hours. It’s running 🚀🌙🦍💎👍😎🌙🚀

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Intrepid Razor says:

    Beer Nuts are $1.50 and Deer Nuts are under a buck.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben W says:

    RH adding crypto wallets. Waitlist is online

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hangender says:

    stocks 4 lyfe. crypto and bonds are for boomers.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oran Grundy says:

    shiba inu was advertised for this video on coinbase😀

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Barajas says:

    Is Robinhood or kraken listing shiba inu anytime soon?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars susan wolf says:

    I am glad you are talking more about your buys.ThanksGreat job!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doge from the Future says:

    i got your cheap baguette right here

    lil small tho

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Hale says:

    You are always in a good mood, makes my day!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katie Lopez says:

    Cathie wood barely realized all the printed money went to assets

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Finkle says:

    Gates would've been worth $698 Billion… Ouch! I'd want to depopulate the world, too.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars methos payne says:

    I loved when he said there was speculation about Elon putting his money in btc….bra….I watched your video…YOU SPECULATED THAT 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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