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Well good morning and welcome back to another market, open live stream. We've got some more red on the itinerary. For today, uh we do have uh jobless claims that came in slightly higher than expected, but those are unlikely to really be any kind of market mover, especially since, but during this uh this last week you get a lot of uh seasonal adjustments right around the holidays And it's kind of like yeah yeah no, and we didn't. We didn't really miss like more than about 10 000 on jobless claims today.

So not that big of a deal uh, the more important number is actually going to be in the catalyst really is going to be tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be the real one uh and that's when we get the jobs report, which is the unemployment report and uh we'll we'll get a new unemployment rate. Uh, that's gon na be pretty big as well as uh wednesday's cpi data release, which could be pretty nasty. The uh tomorrow's uh figures.

We are looking for jobless, claim or not javascripts uh tomorrow we're looking for payroll numbers of uh 433 000.. This is revised slightly up from 420 000, which is what the estimate was yesterday on wall street and it revised up because the adp numbers came in so incredibly high. They came in with more than a double yesterday. A really high read on jobs is just more of a signal that the federal reserve's job is mostly done uh in terms of price stability.

I'm sorry not in terms of price ability in terms of maximum employment. Price stability is where the problem is and that's why we're seeing so much talk about rate increases and running off uh asset uh asset purchases, but then we have uh also the uh unemployment rate, which is expected to go down 0.1 tomorrow. If we hit that about 433 000 jobs, obviously, if that beats double like the adp did, the unemployment rate could even go below 4, which would be incredible. I mean if we get a headline number like 3.9 percent uh, that that would be a very good strong sign for the economy, but it also be a strong sign that all right, let's just again reiterate - that we got ta focus on inflation uh, which uh is Uh less ideal for uh, for especially tech and growth stocks uh.

Now then, after this on wednesday, we get that cpi data and really for for, in my opinion, tech or growth stocks to really have a nice run. You probably need to have some form of a miss on either of these. That would be potentially less jobs than expected, which i don't think is extremely likely and in some form of a miss on cpi, but unfortunately, right now the estimates are that cpi is actually going to come in worse than last month. Last month we had cpi at 6.8 percent, we're now expecting it to come in at 7.1 percent.

So so the headline inflation reads going to be even more ridiculous than what we had last month so probably too soon to actually expect some form of an inflection in inflation data. So um, maybe it's time to roll some of those assets or some of those uh call options, but anyway uh yeah. Let's see they're uh uh, oh yeah uh, the 10-year treasury popped off to another new high, almost the highest point. It's been in about a year.
It ran up to about 1.75 before pulling back to just roughly 1.73 at 1.75. We go back out to a year here. Take a look at this. There you go there's the last high 1.75 back in march of 2020 is when we last saw uh levels uh.

Essentially, this high - and we briefly touched that uh this morning as well, so a little surprising that we've seen this this uh very, very strong surge here in the 10-year recently. But then again, if you align that with the federal reserve's action, it kind of makes sense. Looking at the 10-year, it's up a slight smidgen 0.86 percent also moving up substantially here recently. This certainly expected to rise more, as uh rates are expected to go up.

We've got uh about one in three americans, apparently going into debt by more than a thousand dollars for the holidays, wonder how much of this is related to buy now pay later uh sales were up about 11.5 percent for the holiday season compared to 2020. and the Average debt that people went into was about 1249 dollars for holiday spending holiday spending. Is it's it's really a cyclical thing that actually gets people into a lot of debt every year where you'll uh you you'll go into the holiday season, with no debt or little debt. Uh and then you load up on all this debt and it takes you until like march or may to pay it off or sometimes even longer, and then the cycle just repeats every single year.

I think it's a relatively bad idea to go into debt for for gifts, uh and and uh what we call in the course member lives and courses uh butter stay away from the butter uh, but anyway, so uh. Okay, broadly though, let's look at the indices, uh dao, futures up 0.23 percent, so dow actually moving green er s, p, futures up 0.01 nasdaq futures down 0.47. That's where your pain is uh and uh. This is uh.

This is expected at this point that tech is going to continue having this sort of pain, uh and it's quite possible that we that that pain won't go away until there's some form of an inflection in the uh behavior of the federal reserve. So that could be the it could be an extended buying season. Let's put it that way: bitcoin uh down at 43 179 down just down seven percent of the last 24 hours, ethereum 34 uh, just uh. It's been sitting under 34 for a little bit too solana.

149 cardano 123. I mean some of these really uh. I really shaved off some of the price i mean. Almost all of them are red here, uh, so you've definitely got some pain uh over the last week.

Here: lots and lots of red in the crypto space yeah. So let's uh take a brief look at the wall street journal and then we'll jump on over into the sticks. So uh, of course, front set here on the wall street journal tech stocks set for more losses, uh with bitcoin and ethereum falling. We already know that it is interesting that uh yeah at least i think it's interesting a year ago today i did a live stream and uh.
I know we should really look at here. Let me see if i can pull it up the livestream a year ago. Today, uh and i was wearing a green suit that day, i don't even remember why i was wearing a green suit, but i was wearing a green suit. Nonetheless, and uh take a look at this uh.

Okay, there we go. It was also the day that i uh that i predicted uh the the two, the two peaks close to the uh inflation days, uh for bitcoin, so that was fun and that was in the course member live, but take a look at this. This here is the capital lockdown uh live 10 hours and 18 minutes and uh. This was uh.

Oh my, i think that's the ashley babbitt here, but anyway, uh this. This is how it all started. It was so crazy. Just to throw back to this.

I was streaming with my broken headphones uh because i always during the election i stream uh both candidates, uh trump and biden. I was streaming this and i have to say that the rally was was like the same thing from the night before the night before he was in georgia. It's like the same talk, the same discussion, uh, and so i was kind of like really bored and tired, but i still, you know, hung out anyway uh and then we, when we went over to election certification, i'm like all right. It's it's time to end.

The live was kind of my thought, uh and what was it it was somewhere. Where was it? Oh yeah, yeah right here it was so weird something about. I think this guy's talking uh and we won't spend forever on this, but just briefly this guy was talking. Let me see if i can remember this, and then he gets interrupted about them needing locked down or something.

This was so crazy need to do something. My challenge today is not about the good people of arizona and it will stand in recess until the call of the chair boss protesters are in the building. Thank you. Oh oh there wasn't anything to say this.

That's a security threat. Oh they just cut them off. They just cut them off because something's happening they're they're bailing out. Oh man, that's crazy! You know it's so weird.

Looking back at that because it it's like it's like really really creepy. It is it's just like. Oh, like whoa jeez, like with no freaking idea. No freaking idea uh what what uh? What was, what was gon na happen? That's insane uh and uh uh, and then there it is.

Then it kind of uh started: uh, the the the crowds uh, the locking down into the chamber, uh. What a standoff standoff in the house? Uh yeah! Oh my gosh, look at this! Oh wow! This is wild anyway. Uh shout out to this 10 hour live stream. Folks, from a year ago, uh yeah, regaining control.

I mean that was uh that was wild, so uh senate resumes. I mean we streamed that whole day that was wild anyway um whoo. That was crazy, so uh uh anyway, that was uh that was a year ago, so uh uh, wow, okay, uh next uh. Certainly, a lot has happened since then politically and with covid and oh, my gosh remember that was that was still the alpha surge, the coveted winter anyway, all right, uh, walgreens, post higher quarterly profit, raises guidance, ooh good for walgreens, probably getting all those booster people in There so uh, okay, let's go ahead and take a look at um.
What we've got in stock land over here uh, i'm personally curious about uh rotating some of my the positions into more concentrated positions. This is what i like to do anytime. The market falls. I sell some positions, even if i like them.

I sell some things uh that are down similar percentages to to other things, and i concentrate into things that i really like uh so we'll see what happens here, but we've got uh microvision at uh 10, a fall here of 10 10. Almost wow there's got to be some particular news on microvision. I don't exactly know what that is right now, uh. Let me see here and mike or mviz yeah one person died, yeah that is right.

Last year, uh. Well, multiple people died afterwards as well uh, either from uh. I can't exactly remember what they all died of some. I think a lot of them were suicides.

Unfortunately um okay anyway, the uh microvision. Let's see do we have anything on microvision. I my convictions are in aftermarket trading, microvision, inc investment, community and press webcast, so some kind of press webcast uh some sort of webcast. Yesterday, that's the only catalyst i see here.

I don't exactly see any kind of like news that came out of this uh, but that's that's uh, quite wild uh, ten percent, wow, okay, so uh netflix down two point: two percent clown flare uh, two, two percent: this is a drop in the bucket. Some of the negatives that we're seeing today compared to what we had yesterday, tesla down about a percent uh. So it looks like there's some form of relaxation here in the pain in in the tech space still got uh nicola dick's sporting. Some of these moving up to the green side, walgreens, even their good news, is somewhat tempered here, only two point: five, five percent up on on what appeared to be relatively good news, uh jp morgan's, still moving up, take a look at how they've been over the Last few days, yeah look at jp morgan during the pain here folks, during the pain really of the last couple weeks of the fed fears.

Here, jpmorgan has been popping off a little bit, we're almost uh we're almost at all-time highs on jpm, which was about 172. We're sitting about 163 right now, so a little bit of a excitement here to uh. Let's see - and someone makes sense too, when uh interest rates go up. Uh.

Oh thanks for saying that uh 14 incher wow 14 inch jeez uh, but uh yeah uh, six percent. In on your course very helpful, well worth it uh, i can't wait to get the other course. That's awesome. Thank you for for donating five dollars to say that that's super cool uh and face.
I love end phase, so i i think we're at a substantial support. Uh now uh, actually uh and and i've had these lines drawn for a very long period of time. Uh, i uh you know, unfortunately, when, when this dropped, like seven percent in a day over here around that 220 range uh, i did a little bit of buying the dip over here uh. I did sell a little bit, not a lot.

This is a large core holding of mine. I did sell a little bit at the top, so i was able to lower my basis by doing that selling here rebuying here, but um. It didn't time that that rebuy, as perfectly as i could have, especially since i had my support lines, but i don't necessarily think anybody thought when we were in december after december 3rd and 6th, that we would just keep going and going and just like we've been Leapfrogging down uh, but uh yeah, i mean look, there is still more downside risk. I remember when i bought, i didn't buy.

A 108 ran out of money, but i bought somewhere in may right. Around 120 over here, which was pretty close and end phase also started. Buying then, like the the the executives started buying, which was very interesting uh that so it gives you a little bit of a tell but uh here's uh we're not gon na. Listen to all of this.

Oh, not that those are some notes here. Will the people who's under assault the constitution, our constitution, faced the gravest of threats outnumbered in the face of the brutal attack, the capitol police, the d.c metropolitan police department, the national guard and other brave law enforcement officials saved the rule of law. Our democracy held. We the people, endured, we the people prevail so again we're not going to watch the whole thing here.

It's just worth noting that biden is uh speaking here, so uh, okay, let's uh but yeah anyway, so uh end phase sitting at a nice 155 ish it's at 157 right now, 155, in my opinion, relatively strong support line. That doesn't mean it's not going to break through it. I mean we've seen that time and time again, i kind of wonder how c3ai is doing c3ai yeah look at this i mean here was a company that had had a stronger set of support and it really played this line quite well for a while, and it Just uh, you could see that the market - just don't sometimes care, so you still got the substantial decline over here on c3ai uh robinhood sitting at under 16. Folks, it is uh, it is literally uh.

I mean you buy this stock and, like 60 of what you spend on it is going into cash, which is all basically going into a fire pit uh. So so uh, you know if you want cash on fire, you know here's! Here's that that option for you, but anyway uh it is continuing to to follow this miserable and ironic random line that we drew of a trendline to zero. You know we drew it as a joke by just going from the top to zero and uh. I i don't think i don't think the stock is treating it as a joke.
I actually think the stock believes that it must follow. Uh the uh uh, the trend line here anyway, uh all right. So, let's see here, green green, green bed, bat, oh bed, bath and beyond movement. Again, honest companies, two percent, not it's! Actually it's almost like the market's chilled out a little bit taking a little bit of a chill pill, uh, not that terribly much a movement.

Uh couple percent pluses and minuses and uh. Obviously that could change right when we open up, but i really think this is probably because of anxieties over um. Well, essentially, um uh. What am i trying to say? I don't know what i'm trying to say: uh! Oh, you get a big drop that the very next day you kind of chill right.

We we see that frequently, it's like you get a you get a big red arrow or a big red candle to the downside, uh and then you kind of just the next day is usually like, ah either soft bounce or uh or tentativeness, and it really feels Like we're getting some of that tentativeness today, so we'll see all right. So, let's see here, how are these futures doing all right, never heard of doma or rely, sadly, uh nasdaq, futures yeah? This is all relatively stable. If anything, the dao is just moved slightly more to the downside here, uh golly, that the chat here did really turn political after the whole uh uh. You know capital riot mentioned um, you know i i don't.

I don't necessarily think it's true that blm uh was ignored by the media last last year. Don't get me wrong, i mean there's, there's a lot of madness. That happened last year, but i pretty clearly remember in the summer the riots getting covered because i kept getting asked hey - are the riots gon na affect the stock market? And the answer was no like. Remember the meme of the kid on the swing with the with the fire.

In the background, like the kids laughing and on the swing and and fires are going on in the background everything's on fire. That was, that was the the riot versus the stock market was. Was the label it was like uh, the blm or you know, maybe not even necessarily blm, but just whatever the riots versus um resistance to stock market, because the mortgage was kept going green uh during the summer anyway. Hmm all right, uh! So, let's see here, you should oh my gosh, you got ta be kidding me right, come on nobody's gon na.

Do this, you should report your at-home covet test results. Experts say come on man, nobody and nobody gon na. Do that i mean sure, should how come on man uh. Let's see here, people should report any positive, at-home test.

You know you'd think if they wanted this, that you'd put some kind of like pamphlet or something into the actual test, uh. Okay. So how do you do it come on man? They they say, they're gon na tell you how to do it, but i scrolled through this. Here we go.
Okay. Here we go uh. Some local health departments have report, have have uh launched self-reporting portals okay. So not everyone ever some cities and some counties have them.

You know this is why government's so broken, it's it's like and all and it kind of bugs me a little bit. But when you got when you had biden, for example, say: there's no federal solution to this problem, it's like wait, wait a minute come on man. Can we put together one national self-reporting website? Can we get enough freaking tests before the winter surge next time? I really hope there is no next time but come on. I don't want to hear about it.

There's no federal solution. It's like most of these problems get fixed at the top. Send people n95s the good ones the american made ones to talk about the defense production act where, where are more of our honeywell filters? These are good they're good for construction too. If you ever work around, i probably wouldn't wear them for asbestos, but i mean i would at least wear it for asbestos as opposed to nothing.

Asbestos lead carpentry right, don't get that stuff in your lungs all right! All right! Let's see here, cnbc cover uh covered a new study last night that says the at-home tests aren't detecting omicron till seven days into the infection. You know. I have believed that i've known a lot of people who literally have coveted symptoms and they're just like negative, negative, negative, negative negative and it's like come on. That's stupid, too cnbc negative, omicron, detecting seven days.

Let me see if i can find that uh. No. What's what's the title of that i'd like to see that oh well, uh kevin, stop it the former guy ignored it too? Hey! Look. I don't really like talking about the past.

I like talking about what we've got going on right now. Uh y'all can have your debate in the chat over whether you like trump or biden. It doesn't freaking matter to me. I hate politics.

I hate it all because i feel like everything's like nobody seems to care about actually solving problems. The bottom line is biden's, the president right now we didn't get n95 mass and we didn't get enough tests. Okay, so you, like you, don't have to be a democrat or a republican to to feel that. I think we can all agree uh that that that was it was pretty predictable that we're going into covert winter.

We we should probably uh prepare, and i know that we've had some uh, some insane uh some surges here and just the amount of cases i i i do agree that i don't know that we could have predicted how many or how much of a surge we Would have i mean, i think we just we just broke like 700 000 cases or something like that. It's wild check this out. Uh. Let's see here, no we're over 700.

Something thousand now. I think that's that's the little day behind, but anyway so thoughts on pins pins, oh man, uh yeah, i mean it's gon na continue to sell off along with the other tech stocks. But if you know you like it, then maybe there's an opportunity for you to build a position in it. I uh i personally haven't uh.
I prefer etsy and phase a firm. You know some of my core holdings tesla a little bit more uh and uh, and it's during these times that that i don't mind selling uh just to pick up a more concentrated positions. So uh, okay, let's uh! Let's take a quick, listen here, uh just for another minute or so to abide, uh and then uh, then we'll go to the market open in a pandemic, somewhat grace great risk to their lives. They should be applauded, not attacked right now in state after state new laws are being written not to protect the vote, but to deny it okay.

This is literally just going to talk about um, now, fair elections and and uh voting, and that that that gets that gets real political, fast uh. Well, we're not going to talk about that. We're going to talk about a stock, something that could bring us bring us all together, like uh, losing money uh, it's it's been been pretty pretty wild uh, pretty wild 2021 and unfortunately, so far. It feels like that uh.

That sentiment is continuing for the time being. Uh, hopefully this comes to an end here, but uh, oh man. Why is this not working? I i wanted to log into my m1 finance, but i can't do it. I think i'm yeah, oh well, so uh.

Well, okay, fine! Then that's kind of annoying! I did. I think i did initiate a brokerage transfer, i'm sure. Actually, i'm pretty sure i did, but i thought that i didn't think it was going to go through yet oh wow uh i've been transferring a lot of my stuff over to uh jp, because then you get a bigger, bigger credit line. Uh not that i really want to go more into margin uh, but uh.

It's it's one of those things where it's like better to have and not need than to need and not have you know kind of like what they say about guns, but that that also opens another political can of worms yeah. No, i apparently cannot do this today. Oh well, well, i guess that's not gon na happen, uh all right. Let me try one more and then we we will go back to uh news, especially since we're two minutes away from the opening bell.

I hope they cover the bell. So yeah, no can't do it all right, whatever, whatever okay. So, how are we doing how's the spy doing now that biden's talking um? Well, it's going down kevin mentioning all of your political, hot buttons. Today you know politics is so funny.

I really think probably 95 i'd like to say more but probably 95 may. Okay, maybe 98 of us can all have a beer together and have a good discussion about. I don't know whatever it is in your world or the stock market or whatever you can't on freaking, twitter and the internet, everybody hates each other. Oh my gosh, it's dirty man, the internet's rough, like how's, the metaverse gon na, be any better.
I mean it's gon na, like i will you know what i want to see. I want to see metaverse fights like metaverse fist fights, look, go settle your disputes like a man in the mid-verse, all right, let's see if they actually cover the bell come on. Give us the bell: those results are accurate on the same ballot. Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding really is this.

Is the biden talk really really that exciting right now that they're gon na skip the bell really like at least go over the bell for a second come on man? Ah jeez? Oh all, right! Well, whatever um, here's the s! P! 500! Oh look. There's hope. I see hope folks hope. Oh, my gosh uh jimmy z, says kevin after yesterday's report.

Have you changed your mind about inflation? The answer is absolutely not. My opinion has been the same at some point. Inflation will go down, unfortunately, that some point is just taking longer to get to, but that that inflection point will come. I'm not optimistic anymore that it's going to be january, though i worry that we're going to have to wait until, like march or april uh, which is unfortunately going to coincide with when uh rates are likely to to move up so uh.

I expect more drama in uh the markets wow robin hood is now at 15. 38.. Oh gosh, it's just you! You can't you just can't pick a worse stock. Oh, the thing is going to go to zero get out now before it burns down lemonade 2.6 to the downside it's at 35.

Like all of - and this is the scary thing folks all the floor. Almost all of the floors we've been talking, we're talking about uh and uh. Now, okay, all right all right here we go faded polo says: i'm a i'm a clown now! Well, first of all, i when, when have you ever considered me not to be a clown? I mean have you seen my hair and the hats i wear, but anyway, uh kevin is a clown. Now guys, inflation, one america, one america.

What the news network uh has never went back down shake my head fully delusional um, yeah, okay, all right so uh fully delusional, let's see here! So if we go to uh inflation, cpi, saint louis fred in the united states. Let's look at what fully delusional looks like uh, so this is this: is your your nominal cpi, let's edit this graph and go to uh percent change from a year ago? Okay, how do i there we go - and let's see here so this is this - is inflation over our history? So i think it's interesting that you would say that inflation has never gone back down, because if you take a look at this line right here, uh this this over uh, the um. This is the monthly chart. Let me do a year a year ago, hold on percent change from a year ago.

This makes it look a little. This makes there you go there you go. This is a little cleaner, rather than monthly uh. So here here are your high inflation periods.

Apparently, according to the person who's calling me a clown, inflation has never gone down, but when i look at this chart, it seems like high inflation. Is the abnormality instead of the norm? So you know, i think, when we look at logic, uh uh, we we have to look at statistics and realize that painful periods can feel like they're going to last forever, and these are usually the the most opportune times to set yourself up for for substantial wealth And success in the future, but oh well, uh, oh well, uh! You know. Sometimes it makes more sense to lash out at people than it makes sense to use logic. And so that's it's! Okay! Uh! All right, no worries! I got my coffee, so it's all good.
All right, so i'm actually surprised that we're not deeper in the red here uh three percent is, is the biggest losing stock right now, it's not that bad uh, and i know that it's kind of sad to say. Like these days, it's like oh, my gosh something's. Just not that bad uh but uh. You know it's true, 30 percent to the downside, just ain't that bad uh, so we've got nicola.

You know what's funny about nicolas is it it keeps going up and it keeps coming down it's it's um. It's kind of one of these that, like people, keep going like yeah, it's up ten percent, but it just always seems to come back down to like ten dollars. Uh, it's it's kind of funny. So let's see uipath look at that software coming back holy moly check! This out, uipath folks, oh my gosh, so this is one and you know honestly.

I just feel bad for somebody like kathy wood, who's who's all in on tech, oh wait! So am i, but somebody like kathy wood who's all in on cat on uh, not just tech, but also heavily smaller caps and uh, and bought the crap, for example, out of ui path consistently and uh. I mean it's: it's a terrible feeling when the stuff you buy is down 50 freaking percent. You know it just kind of makes you want to go eff, it just just sell everything and invest in the s p, 500 and call it a day. But ironically, if you did that now you sold out of some of these things at the bottom.

Now, uh and and uh. You know fold it over to the s. P 500 you'd probably be signing up for uh, potentially a negative s, p 500 year or or or a slight gain for the next uh. You know probably more on the slight gain direction for the next four or five years in the next four or five years.

You could look at uh, you know three, four, five exers on on some of these stocks that are just devastatingly cheap uh. So i i do agree in some part with with kathy's deep value argument. Uh, you know i mean like matterport sell-off yesterday to 15 was uh was was quite insane, so um anyway. It just is what it is.

You know i wanted to do a little bit of uh rotating in the portfolio, but again my i'll probably do i'll. Do it later and i'll send the alerts uh in the uh course member live uh or about whatever, if i trade before that i'll do that before that, but uh, basically, i'm not gon na say exactly what positions i was going to, because i just haven't made Up my mind: yet either we talked about it a little bit yesterday but uh. Basically, my belief is that when - and this is you know something maybe to consider about your portfolio too, when the market it turns red and everything is losing money. In my opinion, it actually makes sense to concentrate your portfolio, uh, uh and and here's why? Okay, when the market goes up here, it's it's easier to just visualize this and we've talked about this before, especially while the market was going up.
We talked about this a lot so when the market's going up uh, what? What do you have folks? What what? What does it mean when all of a sudden your stocks are going parabolic? When you know a firm's like 170 end phase is like 280 and etsy is like 240.? Does that mean you're you're, a brilliant investor? I mean look. These are great companies in the long term, they're going to do these things uh, but in the short term, what does it mean when your stocks are going parabolic? Well, the number one thing it means folks is: this: is your your risk threshold? It's the price in the short term is really just the threshold of your risk, so the price skyrockets your risk goes up and, in my opinion, if, if you're, writing sort of your risk going up, you should probably be considering diversifying your portfolio into into many different Stocks and avenues so that way when this comes down uh, hopefully you you're, diversified and somewhat insulated against that risk. Alternatively, when uh, when markets fall and and you hit bottoms or sort of you drop off a cliff which you get sometimes in my opinion, these are opportunities to concentrate and actually let's say, if you add 20 stocks over here, maybe you go down to 10 stocks Over here your higher conviction, higher selloff names, because i believe you get you get much more of a uh of a substantial upside in doing so, that's not necessarily always going to be true. Uh i mean who knows, you could end up concentrating into a company that just goes bankrupt right, so there's there's definitely a risk of that.

But uh am i looking at gold coins now come on man every day. I look at gold coins, except my gold coins are nfts, not real gold, no uh, joy thanks! So much oh. I appreciate you saying that. Thank you.

Thank you. Uh yeah, 99 cents awesome, never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience uh the irony, the diversify out of tesla yeah when the market's high, but actually you know tesla, is at highs. Yeah yeah, actually you're, not wrong.

Tesla is at highs, so uh tesla's tesla's. The problem, the r and the reason why i'm like 42 percent tesla is, i just uh it is. It is just by far the highest conviction stock that i own uh every time i think about diversifying on a tesla. I do my fundamental analyses and i'm like no.
You know what i'm good still good uh. It's it's been a while right, uh anyway. So what what's happening here in the market? Uh, let's go to cnbc tesla's, an etf! That's right! That's right! I really believe this. I know people say this is crazy, uh that uh, how could one stock be an etf? But you know when you think about it.

It's like oh biden, okay, i was wondering why was he walking away so slowly? He had to get off a stage and he's still kind of walking away a little slowly anyway, uh, oh, i don't even have it on the screen. Now, whatever doesn't matter, but anyway, um yeah, i mean so semi trucks, one segment, uh, energy utility grade energy, another segment, home batteries, another segment, home batteries and inverters. That's end phase, you know, envy says a whole business around home batteries and inverters. That's just one of the things tesla does nicola trying to do semis, just one of things: tesla's doing store pickup trucks.

It's like what ford's doing uh, you know the the the sedans and the suvs uh. You know that that just competes with everything, uh toyota, you name it the potential for a 25 000 vehicle uh tesla, solar panels. I mean a tesla insurance. It's it's honestly insane.

How much they're like they've got that like how many different hands they have in different cookie jars, uh and it is wild and uh. You know it's. It's not a perfect company. Don't get me wrong! Uh, like my tesla, i still don't have a safety score.

It really pisses me off uh they're they're. You know, there's so many things that they could do better and more clearly they can communicate better uh. But you know it's. Okay, it's all right! That's uh! You know when it's perfect, that's when i sell that's what i've decided when tesla's perfect, i sell when uh uh, when my father-in-law buys a tesla.

That's when i start selling tesla, because just so you know, my father-in-law is somebody who um really loves uh uh. You know keeping a car for 15 years or so, which i really admire, really respect. I think it's very smart. I think new cars are a waste of money uh, but will not buy a tesla because consumer reports says they're at the bottom of reliability and anytime news comes up about a recall.

I hear about it, not from the news, but from him so uh anyway. All right so uh, let's, let's see folks, come on come on where, where are the deals today? What are we gon na do today? What are we gon na do so i'm gon na here's? What i'm gon na do? Okay, i'm gon na make a list. I'm gon na make a sanding claws. Santy claus shopping list because uh, you know what good is christmas without a good discount like the birthday coupon code, on building your wealth with the programs linked down below all right.

You know, honestly, i think one of the big things about my course. Member live streams is it's almost like. We have uh therapy sessions when the market's green. We don't go euphoric when the market's red, we we don't uh, you know panic and and lose our minds.
It's uh. It's it's really! It's a really good group anyway. Let's go find some deals. Okay, so i have to say: alibaba is, is on a little bit of a breakout here: okay, uh! I like this.

I like a lot. I really like charlie munger uh. I so i i like what i'm seeing at baba, i'm still nervous about the chinese consumer, but i'm curious if we have hit uh bottom and uh this. This is an interesting one.

I'm i'm writing this one down. Okay, so i'm gon na write down the babas. I i'm not touching nicola, i'm sorry robert, if you're watching this, i'm sorry, i just can't do it uh. I do think it was smart that they dropped the tesla lawsuit, get get out of tesla's face uh mp, materials.

Okay, wait a minute materials was at 52. What happened? Yeah look at that mp material was at at 53 yeah. Look at that right up to 53, it's down to 47 right now, probably won't buy mp material, but i'm gon na i'm gon na do a fundamental analysis on mp. So i'm going to write that one down so then we've got uh xsping motors three percent: okay rocket lab: where are my opportunities? Carnival's back to 22? Don't really care dave and buster's almost at forty dollars, my goodness uh, let's see here ubiquity how is ubiquity during this tech selloff still at three hundred dollars.

That's kind of impressive nvidia nvidia held firm folks did well 281 held quite firm during that pain that we had yesterday in the end and a few days before so uh, i do need to increase my nvidia position a little bit. Uh, probably not much, though one of the one of the downsides of nvidia is when a stock rallies like 120 percent it. Usually your next year is not going to be as juicy no guarantees. I mean if you, if you said that about tesla you would have missed out on on gains but uh.

You know oh well, so uh. What else do i want to touch here? Uh win resorts: where are they there? We go 85 dollars for win. I'm surprised, they're still so low and uh wayfair. Honestly wayfair is probably worth a little bit of fundy looking at so i'm gon na write that one down in terms of fundies see the beautiful thing is when we get these big sell-offs.

This is when fundamental analysis is more fun because everything's freaking cheap again, you know that's gon na change a little bit over the next days and few hours, but don't like if you're doing fundamental analysis, don't get impatient over like one or two freaking percent. Here there. I'm not buying stocks for five or ten percent. I i'm buying stocks for one two, three four hundred percent over the next.

You know five years here, right uh and i do think it's interesting that lemonade, docusigns uh lemonade docusign did a docusign. I know lemonade broke hold on. Let's quickly, look at floors, uh, it's it's probably honestly worth re-looking at lemonade, but it is a profit, less company. So you, you have high risk here.
Profitless companies are the easiest to sell off algorithmically and remember. Most of our trading right now is algorithmic. Oh my gosh. So far broke 14.

Oh man, i'm gon na write that one down so far under 14., that's nutty fintech has just been getting smoked beyond meat. Uh beyond meat also broke the floor. Jeez man. The amount of companies that broke floor is insane cloud flare.

Look at that 105, oh man. I think we're going to look back at some of these prices. You know what happens like it's. It's so crazy, and i say this all the time i'm like you know the time to buy is when the market's red and then you know what ends up happening without a doubt.

Tesla ends up going up 13 on one day, and then everybody comes out of the woodwork with guess what the question is it too late to boy? You know where were you on the red days? Where were you when it was 8.86? I bought at 8.90. You know it's it's wild uh. What else is wild is we're about to go under 15 on robinhood robinhood's, not one that you could really buy right now, because it just keeps going down uh mttr, uh, matterport's, flat wow it. Actually, it moved up over 16 again, but now just pulled right back.

She whis piton uh wow yeah. I don't. I don't know that you could really go and probably stand by on piton myself, where's where's, my other ccl uh, oh how's, the firm doing that's another! One we got ta write down, uh yeah, i still own sofi and i do think it's cheap, oh man, seventy nine dollars for from uh. From i mean this is you're really like eradicating a lot of the uh, the big partnerships that were announced with the firm that that should blow up some of these earnings toast at 27.

You know it's, it's worth doing a new analysis on uh. This is really incredible, so, okay, what what other so tesla 1069, not not like a substantial discount there at tesla, the alibaba one makes me curious uh. I don't know if it's at a level where it really protects me against my concerns over the chinese consumer, but uh you know it's, it's uh, it is rebounding. You know.

Maybe that's when you go in with a stop-loss set, looks like the pain really leading uh. Certain stocks down here - oh my gosh, backed holdings folks, fifty dollar stock, turns to five dollar stock. I mean you wan na look at 90 percent sell-off. Just look at robin.

I mean um backed holdings. This is insane uh, wow, 50 to 5.. What a burn rivien uh falling more back to lowe's here man, i got so much hate, so much freaking hate. When i said i was shorting rivian and lucid uh and when this thing ipod, i'm like nope, nope nope, and it's so funny, because you know in the short term, everybody's an expert uh.

This thing i made a video saying i wasn't buying it. I thought it was overvalued at ipo price, like it wasn't, even worth the ipo price for me and it opened up at like uh what 90 or 100 or something like that and uh. I got all these comments from people, the the brilliant, the brilliant minds of the comment section. Well, this aged well, oh my gosh vivian said 150.
Now your video aged real. Well, that's like well, just just wait. It's like, usually usually long-term fundamental analysis, wins uh, and i think that also gives you the confidence of uh and, i said the same thing about backed holdings, both rivien and back holdings. I made videos about saying basically or don't buy them, they're uh a bad deal.

Uh, but no you say something bad about a stock people freak anyway, uh upstar, where what i've started to go up starts at 119 holy moly. I mean that is that's a low yeah. It is oh, it's out of support. Look at this.

We uh we front, ran bounced in case you don't know what that means front run. Bouncing is when you have a support line drawn, but you you have a premature bounce right in front of it. Uh that happens as as people are like. Okay, we're probably gon na bounce at that support line, and then so you get that buying right beforehand, uh so uh yeah, that's that's great uh! Let's see here is shift a buy ooh.

You know. I should write that down on my fundy list too, because it oh, i was just gon na ask - is it under three dollars? Yet i really like it at uh at this lower support line. I sold all of my shift. Uh and i've been wanting to re-buy.

It three dollars. This is where we balance the last time i'll i'll do a fund. You know what i'm going to do. Is i'm going to put it i'm going to try to do this today, i'm going to put together a a i'm going to call it a quick fundy test, a spreadsheet and i'll i'll.

Do uh i'll do a breakdown of some of these and and we'll see where the, where the juice is uh and and where the real fundamentals are because this this honestly is the time to bunker down and if you have not done any fundamental analysis for the Past year now is the opportunity to do it, because prices are low, like the worst time to do. Fundamental analysis is when prices are running uh, because nothing makes sense. End phase is now down three percent. By the way, that's a good one, all right, brian lewis, a hats off to that one.

That's a good one! Uh just out robin hood to sell more shares and we'll announce buybacks of one dollars at one dollar dude. One dollar is overpaying for robin hood: 69 cents: oh man, prices aren't low for ets, though then don't buy them trade desk. I love trade desks. Let me add that actually to my list, i want to do more.

I want to do more now. Oh wow. 78. Let's go yeah, i just bought more trade desk uh.

Was it yesterday or something like that? I don't know. I don't remember when i bought it, but wow everything's sparking down again. This is so depressing and honestly, quite exhausting uh. If you want to uh like if, if you are having a really good time in the market and you're you're in the indices or you're, in something like metkevin.com basket, which has been doing extremely well uh, which we talk about in the course all the time check Out the programs on building your wealth down below get to that next level of wealth, uh or, if you're, miserable and you're, losing your pants and and all your crap's going to zero.
Also check out the programs on building growth. Because i think the psychology of money aspect is so important at times uh like now and there's so much more uh than than just you know, up by the dip right like you're gon na, be careful always just buying the dick, but there's so much to uh. To investing - and these are really opportunities for for investing and uh and uh being risk on being greedy when everybody else is fearful right, uh everybody says that quote, but nobody actually does it. Well, i shouldn't say: nobody actually does it very few people actually do it and so uh who remembers when we were going through, like the euphoria of of markets in november and uh, the markets were just going straight up up and up and up and up and Uh and during during these times it was kind of like oh wow, you know investing is easy, everybody's happy i wasn't buying.

I was selling uh and uh. That's that's really. The mindset that you want to get into is okay. Who cares? Prices can like when prices fall, prices can keep going down, but the more you fall, the more resistance you have to the price, actually going down even more uh.

So it's it's, the the more the price goes down, the safer investing actually becomes, and so i that's why i prefer picking up uh uh lows: look uh! I okay about um is who to buy now the problem with hood. Is it just keeps going straight down? Uh and i think you have a lot of institutions that are uh just straight selling this thing because it's been working, it's worked extremely well, uh and so uh. You know. If, if you look at the fundamentals of robin hood, the price is ex like ridiculously low.

I mean robin hood is at this point a better deal than sophie uh, probably by by a factor of two, and i know that sounds crazy because a lot of people like uh sofia, i like so fun. But but i do think that, and i know a lot of people hate robin hood's guts and i do think that is a problem with the retail community, uh and and uh. Robin hood has a lot of reputation, repairing to do which, which is a big issue, but um. You know what are you gon na do right, uh, so kathy's been buying robin hood.

That's true! Shorting! The hood is working. This is true. Ironically, though, the shorts on robin hood are not not that high. Ironically, it's like seven percent sure uh, it's in fact here i'll i'll pull it up.

Really quick. Give me a second uh, but that that is oh, let's, let's actually do that, we should look. This is an important thing for us to pay attention to folks. You got to pay attention to the inflection point in shorts because i believe the inflection point, in short, is potentially going to signal a small cap rotation, and that could be your potential signal.
Thoughts on visa - at this rate i bought at 200, wish i bought more uh, it's funny. You know i i um i bought visa at 190. I think i i actually sold at about 200 because i had to uh. I bought something else: uh and uh.

You know that was one where i'm like. I yeah. I could probably huddle that one but uh yeah. I you know it's it's not something that i'm super jazzed about, dump uh, jumping in on right now, more of i'd rather get something else.

That's more discounted! In my opinion, but i i don't think the financials are going to do poorly in a higher interest rate environment. Don't get me wrong uh, so i i wouldn't bet against visa or the banks right. Okay, so take a look at this uh. This is uh.

The short interest on robin hood 7.73, so it's actually ticking up a little bit again. That's because the play is working so well. Tattooed, chef, 33 percent short that is stable, corsair 30 somewhat stable lemonade is sitting at 38, also somewhat stable. Uh, a firm is only six percent sure wow uh, so so still no inflection point on the shorts shift.

Technologies. We're at 28.7, still too early to tell yes or text, is a good website for this data pay the money, it's a good one. How much lemonade am i holding? I, i think less than ten thousand dollars. I thought i completely sold out of it, but i think i still have a little bit of m1 finance uh.

Oh ust, okay, i'm not going to do a bunch of tickers here, but that's at 9.3 nvidia all right! Let's go back to the sticks here, oh, i will look at sulfide in fairness. I do want to look at it so fine arc. Those are good ones to look at yeah, see the shorts on arc are actually still going up. Uh.

You know that that inverse etf sr came out at a pretty good time. People got so mad at me. You know people were unsubscribing to me because i said i was shorting arc at a hundred dollars. They're like kevin ark is at all-time lows: it's a hundred dollars.

How could you short it at a hundred dollars? That's so stupid, i'm buying more, and that was like right here. Meanwhile, it's like and now it's at 84. uh, whatever you know. Unfortunately, i let um social press pressure, get the best of me on that one um, oh well, whatever uh whoa, whoa rivian's down like nine percent, all of a sudden holy moly.

Oh my gosh uh, sophie at 13.50 and phase is about to break under 150.. I mean the discounts we're getting now are quite incredible. Back under 29 for neo under almost 77 for a firm uh, uh golly, i am so tempted to just go all in on margin. It's scary, but uh.

I i don't know it's very tempting uh going on margin set some stop losses, um boy, oh boy, uh or or or even buy. You know some longer dated calls uh. They can really bleed, though, but uh some longer dated. I mean like how much, how much are you possibly paying for options right now, uh like what's up what's a ten dollar option, gon na actually cost me for february on uh on the rh uh? Let's, let's get to the hood here, not the mps! So what what what am i gon na pay? Or you know what come on mp, weeble you're pissing me off? Okay, i was trying to click on an option for robin hood.
Dude come on man uh. This is quite predicted there we go okay. So let's look at uh ten dollars, i don't know: let's, let's go to like may uh it's a little little further out, but just for gigs is seriously nothing in a load. Now there we go okay.

So if i go, i mean i guess i can't really get the flow data. Oh there we go good, so may 10 bucks oh hold on. What's the breaking news december economist had been looking for a reading of 66 8 um, we'll be paying attention to some of the prices paid in the employment components jim, but it's all leading up to the big daddy of data tomorrow, oh certainly, and that data does Matter, uh, i think i've done a lot of research over the years. Okay, u.s factory orders, 1.6 percent november consensus was 1.7, okay, all right uh, and then this pmi all right, we'll come back to that.

So anyway, uh look at this option here. So if i go for a ten dollar, i've got a decent amount of open interest. I go for a ten dollar buy on on robinhood yeah a little bit. Well, actually, that's not that bad you're paying about a dollar for the option to get you to may uh.

You know in extrinsic value. That's not that's, not terrible uh! You know so i mean some of these are getting to to such lows, to where i kind of it's to me, man, i i don't know, options are so. Oh the problem with options is uh. You buy options, price keys going down.

Your portfolio looks like crap real fast, and it doesn't help you offset margin like you can't get margin on uh, but most brokers, at least on uh on options. You have to be a little careful there, but uh the lower. This crap goes the more interesting uh. Some some uh some stock options actually look to the point where i'm almost tempted on some of my positions just to take 20 out of the position, turn it into a long option uh.

But i hate that because of theta decay, because you do that when volatility's high you could get volatility crushed. Let me let me read off the volatility for y'all. Really quick and i've. I've gone down this road before uh and uh.

You know it can work out, but uh. Let me look at the volatility here. So what what you want is you want declining prices and declining volatility if you're gon na go for call options, so robin hood's volatility actually hasn't really spiked that much that's actually a good thing. We're we're a little bit elevated for robin hood for a firm yeah.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Stocks just keep going down”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Rappaport says:

    Haven’t been able to buy anything since September last year. I’m here for these lower priced stocks!! Or rather, I will be next Thursday.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3pharaohstowers says:

    Never trust Metaverse
    Just more privacy violating profiling facebook, just now they can scan and know your house too so they can track your home interactions and advertise the home too. So if only 1 of 6 is in metaverse then all 6 can get targeted ads to force them into addictive spending and indefinite debt.
    Facebook and metaverse is a danger to youth and vulnerable specially from pedos facebook lets target your kids and teens.
    We hate facebook so much
    How has facebook not paid fines all brexit for cambridge analytica

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Funez - says:

    Kevin is wojack he probably sold at his stop loss and missed the run 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domino Five says:

    MAX'D OUT!!! Now it's ride or die

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymeson Mowdy says:

    No fed meeting next month right? Prepare for a “green season” 😂 then we’ll be back to our “regularly scheduled” market crash

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sather says:

    Why shouldnt we go into debt over presents the fed does it all the time ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jahangir Hussain says:

    Long story short not only this year all the coming years going to be tough for stocks simple

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madman0001 says:

    Only down 2% with stocks and likely will be back up by next week. My crypto on the other hand is down 7% :(.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Alberto Jimenez Contreras says:

    Why the hat?you shaved your head? Crypto is. downnn

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Farrell says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo,

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IT's Time says:

    Att doing well and maybe still swing up for another week

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Nallan says:

    Bull fucking shit. The greatest threat to our democracy is happening now. Not a few idiots trying to take over the capital a year ago (very convenient to the politicians btw. so wonder how the riots got that far – if that was a bunch of Arabs they would have been annihilated even before getting to the door).

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Anthony Thomas says:

    After a crash like this, how long does it usually take to go back up?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Rico says:

    I can’t believe Kevin still values Cathie and her Traders of the Lost ARKK.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Yocom says:

    They will keep the rumor going then reverse all info on the 12th….. Just controlling the market again with gonnadoos………..turnaround after 12th

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blacks WakingUP! says:

    ID to get credit card!
    ID to get a basic Bank Account
    ID to cash a check
    ID to even get a credit card
    ID to buy Alcohol
    ID (multiple) for passport
    NO ID to elect those who determine rules for our whole lives!
    Try going to ANY Country on the planet and TRY to vote in their election! Are the Democrats Truly trying to RUIN this country! Or Continuing their Play to buy votes! By allowing Voter Fraud and Voter Cheating and calling it something else?
    And why do they FEAR common sense Republican “Fair” voting laws

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Smith says:

    Ms Susan is legit and her method works like magic i keep on earning every single week with her new strategies.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samy N says:

    You are paying this guy…remember that he feeds on poor peoples hope. Scam artists

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R Littlefield says:

    You must be trading a different market than I am.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars leigpx says:

    2 days off all time highs on SPY…you know it's ok to diversify into stocks like UNP WM PEP PG, maybe this game aint for you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B KL says:

    I've learned a lot from watching this channel. Wow, Tesla is awesome.
    Now I'm motivated to come up with some dry powder … extra income coming in… {more than enough} seems to be key to this investment thing.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    I'm tired of these gays butting in yours and my conversation boo boo, what's wrong with these gays, boo boo you know that we've known each other for a long time, and it bothers me that people can't except how life really is, anyway love you boo boo!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hansbarger says:

    It’s funny that my stocks aren’t going down

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armyfazer says:

    ID needed to vote: Racist. ID needed for covid test: crickets….

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hansbarger says:

    If you want something that will go up double or triple in the next year, you need to be looking at DMTK

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil H says:

    No more video games and we all now going back to work?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam G says:

    Keep holding bag holders, you can sell it lower

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Collin’s gang says:

    Oh no!!! We are playing Halloween again?? Cmon man. Lata

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John jones says:

    😃😆😂Mario saves the stock market; stockholders from King Koopa's spell of ignoramus.!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris L. says:

    How can anyone take a grown man who's wearing a Super Mario hat seriously?, and then decide yeah, this is the guy I want to listen to when it comes to my financial future.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E&S Family Kitchen says:

    Who’s staying strong and holding on to their stocks with out selling?

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