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Welcome back to another market, open live stream. Today, we've got uh well another green market. It's kind of crazy. This whole end of the year rally thing is really uh kick and bought right now, uh, especially since uh tesla is up like over two percent again in the pre-market, the thing's almost at 12.50.

I don't really understand how somebody's supposed to buy the dip when there's no dip uh but yeah. It's it's pretty wild right now the market um. It makes me nervous, but the good news is. I have zero margin, so i hope you do as well uh.

You know when the market gets so excited like this. It's much easier to derail it remember. Folks, the more stocks go up and the faster stocks go up. The faster stocks can go down uh.

You know. People say that, like. Ah, what must go up must come down all that kind of stuff, but it's true, you know the more prices go up, the more your risk in the marketplace goes up uh, and so it's it's always worth keeping an eye on uh on your risk and your Blind spots because you don't want to get surprised, uh and taken advantage of anyway, all right folks, let's take a look at what's going on in the markets. Uh first uh crypto we've got bitcoin just under 62 ethereum sitting at 45, 40.

sallana. Look at this folks. Solana, just passed, cardano uh you, you used to have cardado here as the uh number three cardano's really slipped back and uh solana has take taken over. So congratulations to lana dogecoin, holding on to the number nine spot.

A shiba inu drops down to 53.69 little drops uh, drops here and shifts all right. Let's go ahead and see what we've got in stocks. So in the pre market for stocks, we'll start with. What's uh falling, we've got occugen moderna, both down 14, my goodness 14.

I mean i saw news that biden administration was giving uh hold on workplace vaccination rule released as red states prepared to sue uh moderna dive says 2021 vaccine forecast cut revenue misses oh okay, oh well, there you go. Uh ouch and uh merc pill gets uk nod growing german pressure, huh all right, so uh all right. Some looks like quite a few actual vaccine updates uh, whether it's uh on the merc pill, we'll look at these in in just a moment, but uh occugen moderna. Definitely getting beat up here: skills down nine point: nine: five percent sun power down nine percent roku down seven point: six wayfair drops seven matterport drops six point: seven remember a lot of uh.

A lot of momentum was built into matterport. I got a big position in metaport, but i sold a little fraction uh, not a lot. Actually, i sold maybe like what ten percent or whatever and when it was at. Like 24 50 i'm, like ah yeah, i'm gon na take a little bit of this juiciness and pay off some margin.

I'm glad i did uh but yeah anyway, yeah not so worried about uh about that. Can i remember folks matterport. They do two things they sell. You a service software as a service right and uh.

They sell cameras. There's been a lot more competition for cameras, so some of the product revs are going down anyway. Uh cheesecake, hey it's a deflation, two point: eight one percent on uh cheesecake to the downside, etsy 1.39 and coinbase 0.85 seems like it always moves with the price of bitcoin. Really, hmm all right now here, let's listen to this elmo jonah wow 150 people who were on placebo, died and 14 ended up in the hospital uh, and that was just the trial the face for from all new peer groups.
So you know, let's forget it is still out there and it is oh yeah quite dangerous. I mean one of my doctors had uh out for a week in tremendous pain, a 76er got it and very, very sick after a breakthrough. So there are breakthroughs, but yeah there are breakthroughs and i think back to moderna, one shot conceivably would be, will be more even more protective and so but a lot of people die from the flu. I don't want to say now.

The president again is saying here's a new group of people that has to get the vaccine. I think that there's tremendous tension, you mean kids, all right, i'm bored so uh back to uh back to weeble. Here we got qualcomm uh, destroying it up 11.68. Something that's worth noticing with qualcomm.

Is they really traded flat ever since apple dropped them for a chip provider and go to the day chart? Look at this they've done like nothing throughout the year uh. You know if anything, they're they're actually still negative on the year, because they they were trading around 150.. You know you dropped all the way down to 120 uh back in may and february may and march, even as recently as october 14th you're down at 122.. Look at that.

That's a solid support line uh right around here, yeah support region, we'll call that it's within two dollars: uh, but anyway, uh nice, nice, uh, nice recovery here on earnings, so good job, all right and then we've got exp up 3.35 lemonade's on the move. After being in the news for car insurance, lemonade up 2.97 percent back to 74. outlets up 2.92 neo. Finally, moving a little bit neo's like the slow, sleeper mover uh, it just slowly creeps up on you uh, but yeah slow is the way to define it compared to the other ones.

4258 uh zillow. Some some people buy the dip on the zillow uh. Where is it here? It is zillow up uh 2.49 to 67 tesla. This is insanity, uh tesla up uh to 1241 2.36 percent redfin's up a little bit lucid back to 37.20, pretty impressive, pretty crazy market all right.

Let's look at some of the indices, all right! Uh cnbc michael says i rewatched your cnbc make it episode uh. It encouraged me to get my wife up an extra hour early today to get the day going, exercising get yay encouragement hey if i, if we can encourage people to make more monies, that's a good thing so um! What's he gon na do oh here we go the indices. Uh dow just turned negative s. P is up 0.13 percent nasdaq futures up 0.34.
Let's go ahead and take a look at the bondos uh bonds. Wow, look at the 10-year 1.65 down uh. Almost all bonds are down one of the reasons you're seeing this, especially the the uk tenure down is because the uk was expected to raise rates today and uh. They did not, they uh.

They were widely expected to to uh raise rates and uh. Just all of a sudden they're, like yeah, no just kidding now it is worth noting they uh. They had a really interesting definition of transitory. They were asked about.

Well, you know, are you guys saying? Inflation is transitory and uh what what the response was was something the effect of well transitory, isn't something that's a matter of time. It's a matter of uh. What, basically i'm going to try to rephrase this? Basically, they were saying when you think of transitory, don't think about a specific number, a period of time. Think about whether it means the inflation is going to be here to stay or it's going to evaporate uh at some point in the future, and we don't know when that future is and uh, so they basically are trying to redefine what we think of as transitory Is not just a matter of uh time, but but really a matter of of what it is and and will it last structurally within our economy, and i like i mean it, makes sense, jerome powell kind of tried doing that yesterday as well he's like yeah.

We, you know: transitory, has many definitions, uh, we we don't think of it so much as a by by a specific set of time, but rather again also that structure versus something that uh that is expected to go away. So both responded the question differently, but similarly and uh it's kind of interesting to see how they're redefining transitory as like. Well, it is lasting longer, but basically they still think it's transgender uh. Well, she gets a lot of people very upset.

All right. Businesses have until the holidays to implement biden covet vaccine mandate. Kroger is taking on publix at florida without opening a single grocery store. That's interesting! Actually i want to see what that is.

What are they doing? Kroger is using a giant robot-powered warehouse instead of opening stores to break into florida wow, it will deliver online orders to homes and serve customers in new york and new jersey, connecticut and obviously, here florida for the first time wow. That's cool the amazon of food, which amazon is also trying to do anyway. Meme trade rival, avis, bed, bath, lead gains nice all right. Let's see, let's go over to bloomberg, see what other headlines we got as we get started here all right.

So bloomberg democrats face economic gut check after republicans, tap voters angst yeah. This was interesting, the republican flip in virginia. Let's look at this uh they're indicating a lot of folks are indicating this is uh. This is potentially a sign for joe biden uh.

That folks are not very happy with this: the state of the democratic party uh. So let's take a look at what this is. Democrats will argue for many months about what led to their defeat on tuesday, whether it was their messaging, their candidates or their president, but the consensus that the first step is to get something done. But there was a consensus that the first step is to get something done on economic issues, one day after an embarrassing loss in the virginia gubernatorial election and a de-spiriting.
A dispiritingly tight race in new jersey democrats from joe biden to moderate and progressive members cast passage of his infrastructure and 1.75 trillion social spending package as a panacea for further losses. Ooh really uh for many months. Centerpiece has been stalled because of infighting among congressional democrats, but party activists and strategists say democrats have taken action on so-called bread and butter issues like inflation. Oh uh say that have to take action on bread and butter issues like inflation education.

If they don't want to repeat the tuesday results, you know what's interesting. Is democrats have really taken the stance that inflation is transitory and uh? You've got uh at the same time, sort of less focus on keeping inflation in check and less focus on on on things. Like education and more focus on big government spending - and that was really popular in 2020, but now it's kind of unpopular, interesting, uh. Okay, if things don't change, 2022 is going to be very, very difficult for democrats.

I believe that i think democrats are going to lose congress almost certainly but anyway, we'll see biden. Speaking with the white house on wednesday, people are upset and uncertain a lot of things. Inflation covet. Okay, the election is a warning for all democrats all right.

Well, let's see here anything else: oh um, okay! Well, it is kind of a little reality check there, potentially for the big packages that are being talked about all right. Let's see here, china's developer bond slump deepens as selling spreads on shore. Oh take a look at this on uh evergrand here, i'm assuming all right. We got over here so here we've got the sell-off in the china property dollar bonds intensified on thursday, amid signs of cracks emerging in the nation's larger, onshore market who's.

This casa, queza group holdings led the decline in the nation's offshore bonds as a financial product. It guarantees missed a payment, ooh, more problems. China's dollar high-yield debt fell for the fell for the 10th day in 11. in 11, after yields, climbed 21 trading was halted.

So remember when, when people dump bonds uh, the price of them goes down because people are selling them like crazy and when bond prices go down, yields go up, so the bonds are cheaper to buy. So you make more of a return, but the problem is the yield as the as the price keeps going down, because people keep dumping them and there's less demand for them. Uh at some point, somebody's like oh, this yield is so good. You know i it makes sense for me to buy this because it's so cheap and i'll get like a 10 or 12 return, even though it's really risky and people, some people will take that risk, uh.
Think about like carnival cruise lines during the recession during the pandemic, they were paying like 17 at the beginning of the pandemic. Then they were paying like 13 and really, as the pandemic started, settling down a little bit uh their their interest rate that they were having to pay. Their market rate was was starting to plummet, which is good because it's really important for companies to be able to borrow, because our whole economic energy, an engine, is basically founded on debt, but don't have debt except for real estate. You could have real estate debt.

That's the only debt, i'm okay with there coffee is good okay, so china's dollar high yield debt fell for the 10th day after yields climbed to 21. My goodness uh. China's property firms are caught in a vicious cycle where surging borrowing costs make refinancing upcoming maturities prohibitively expensive, thereby triggering losses in their bonds. As traders, pricing, haircuts, a slowing property market and strict rules on leverage are adding to challenges, while credit assessors are downgrading the industry's companies at a fast at the fastest pace on record.

So what you really have is this this vortex of disaster? You have uh credit downgrades happening, which increases interest rates, which makes it more expensive for these property companies to do business. You got the chinese real estate market getting beat to crap, because china changed leverage rules and made it a lot harder for these companies. To borrow to continue to sustain their businesses, so the worst things get with bonds, the worse things get with the property market and the worst things get with the property market, the worse things get with bonds. So you've got this horrible, like vortex of a cycle happening here in china and their property market, that there are definitely uh still remaining fears of the potential for some sort of contagion essentially spreading over to america, especially in the real estate market.

Although our real estate market, you know - and i don't want to sound naive - but our real estate market seems somewhat insulated from the chinese property market uh in in that we do have a lot of local demand and uh a lot of borrowers extremely qualified. You know uh there. I always see it in the comments. People are like it's just 2008 all over again, and i always wonder if these folks actually know what caused 2008 at all um, because it's things are so not like 2008 right now, uh in in terms of quality of loans, uh equity, how difficult it is to Get a loan anyway, you still can't even get a heloc at certain banks.
It's ridiculous things are so tight. Residential prices fell for the first time in more than six years in september, while the rate of land parcels left unsold searched its highest levels in 2018.. So far, turmoil has been largely limited to china's offshore bonds and any evidence of contagion is spreading to the nation's 12 trillion domestic credit credit market and may prompt policy makers to take action to avoid a potential cash crunch. Central bank injected almost 156 billion dollars into the banking system.

Real estate sector is clearly not out of the woods. Uh. Okay, credit stress was a level six in october. I've never seen this stuff with the levels before, but i'm also not a bond trader confidence in the real estate sector by that by some estimates, account for nearly a quarter of gdp have been worn down by china's ever grand cash currents.

Chinese borrowers have defaulted on more than nine billion of offshore bonds this year with real estate firms, accounting for a third of that all right, well, we'll see we'll see how things develop. White house sets jan fourth, shots or tests deadline for workers all right. Okay, let's go look at the sticks again, so how are things developing here? Uh yeah, i see somebody's asking why roku's falling. I know they had earnings, i'm trying to remember what they were.

Let me pull it up. Um, let's see here, no all right. Let's see what we got so roku roku. This is one of uh kathy's faves.

Let's see here so roku price target cut uh at a few different banks. Actually, at like every bank, jp morgan, wells, fargo, morgan stanley, deutsche bank susquehanna, all of them cut price targets for roku; and that's probably because of earnings; q3 earnings jump a sales surge, but ah q4 guidance trails estimates. That's it. Roku's growth slows down wall street journal.

Article roku reported a slowdown in new active accounts for streaming services in the latest quarter and guided for lower than expected revenue for the holiday quarter as global supply chain issues have affected new tv sales, roku added 1.3 million active accounts in the third quarter, bringing the Total active users to 56.4 million analysts were expecting 1.7. Oh yeah, that's a it's like a 20 miss on guy or on new users. Here yeah shares are down about 5.5 for the year. Hmm, i wonder if that could also hold disney back.

You know disney's been stuck look at this crap. Why would i? Why would it? Why would an installed radon system in a home in brooklyn be a problem i mean like? If anything, it sounds like somebody added a feature uh. I already talked about matterport, so watch the beginning of the video uh. Would i buy zillow today? I don't know uh.

You know i was thinking about that. I'm still thinking about doing an analysis. Video on on the company wow nvidia holy moly. You can't stop this company honestly, it's it's really insane! You just can't stop them! Yeah, scary, scary, scary.
So, let's see here what else? Okay, qualcomm 12.5 percent exp is up. Three is the exp just bounced back after the whole zillow drama lemonade, two six, nine percent lucid two six one percent tesla dropped a little bit, but it's still up almost two percent. It's pretty crazy that that tesla is continuing to do this euphoric insanity who that hit 1247. wow.

You know i sold a put in my phone. No here it is. I sold a put on tesla, i'm really curious to see what it's going to look like, because it's a friday put and i sold it for twelve hundred dollars. I got a credit of forty one thousand dollars uh and uh.

That 41k is gon na, be mine in uh uh. Well tomorrow, as long as we stay above 1200., so that's cool all right. Let's see what has the news aza news? Oh yeah, this was big kathy wood dumped a whole crap ton of zillow shares. I was looking at her um transactions yesterday, i'm like oh my gosh.

I was just adding it together in my head. I'm like she sold over three million shares of zillow at the bottom. Basically, oh like i don't i don't know if i would have dumped it after the earnings like after it fell 27, it's like so so sold off, but uh, but it does really make you question management. You know, i wonder how arc's doing, by the way so how's the how is the arc? How are the arches doing arc k for the year so rk for the year should be doing better because the tesla right, i think it's still down on the year.

Let's see here: okay, that's google, google finance year today. Oh look at that. It's almost flat for the year it's down 0.04 percent year today, yeah, it's crazy. How sometimes the most popular etfs can uh can can be so hot for a short period of time and and then not see like compared to the s p 500 and the s p 500 year today is up 36.55 holy crap wow.

The s p is absolutely destroyed. Wow is that right, yeah year to date, look at that on the one year chart is that true on the one year chart the s p 500 is up 29, but on the year to date, chart we're up 36 wow very interesting. What about the dow? Let's throw that in here, oh dji, uh down come on oh yeah. There we go okay, dow's up 19..

We got nasdaq nasdaq 20 wow. The smp is what's destroyed it here, s p down nasdaq ross. Russell 2000. Yup! Look at that! Folks, absolute destruction by the s p 500, this year, 36.55 woohoo spy yeah, look at this nice little dip.

We had here in the s p, 500, and it's coming right back to this trend line. It's doing a perfect recovery here to this trend line and when we saw this dip this divergence here. This is why we went shopping like crazy at the end of september and first week of october, because this is when you want to buy when you get those whole holes under trend anyway, all right, a couple minutes to go until the open and fast, oh fastly. Five percent zillow 4.6 expi 3.18 nice little recoveries here, lemonade's coming up again a little bit and tesla's at 1.64.
Wonder how much tesla is is pushing up the s p 500, as well, probably helping wayfarers down about five percent; okay, so uh, let's uh! Let's see what we got over here, let's listen into jim for just a brief moment so to speak. Direct to consumer is the most important offering of many of the most of the content companies but roku it's you know. You've got any number of different ways that you can choose to navigate that the guy taking a selfie in the back ecosystem that one might never have imagined from simply selling a device. Well, look i i do i want to buy it here.

I mean it's been in that kind of terminal downturn of companies. Like you mentioned that are peloton, i mean we are back into that world of trying to figure out who is end of pandemic. The one i want to compliment is laura albert williams. Sonoma a lot of people felt that that was a pandemic story.

Take a look ever since time and property say good things. A lot of the mall base are going on and so and wsm is remains. My favorite very inexpensive stuff there's definitely a cohort of companies that benefited from people being home and some wan na do those people a little bit less. There's the opening bell and the cnbc real time exchange at the big board today celebrating its spin-off, as we just said, uh from ibm tech infrastructure, firm kindrel.

We just talked to martin schroeder at the nasdaq. It's autonomous funeral aurora how green it is a billion dollars in street. What is that? Like? 60 green? I mean i'll, take it uh, so yeah. I did didn't notice that here uh.

I had the wrong uh s p here, which makes sense it's. It is up substantially 25.94, but i was wondering i didn't think it was over 30. So i'm glad i'm glad this is this is uh more in line with expectation here, but the s p 500, still beating all of the other indices. For the year of twenty five point, nine four percent year-to-date arc up uh will actually arc down 0.04 every single other index.

Uh has killed it relative to this, but keep in mind. I have this little pie that i like to use metkevin.com basket. It's a pie of index funds. Basically, and this is the one year i wish it would show us the the year to date.

I guess i could calculate it really quick year to date on this one is it's not going to be? I don't think it's going to be as great as the s p, but uh 1, 13, 20 to 141.73, 140, 173, divided by 113.20 about 25.2 percent. That's not bad! That's that's! Almost in line with the s p 500, but helps with the other ones as well and and what it is, is it's actually a pie. So you have a pie of the s p, the dow, the russell and the nasdaq uh, and it's just an interest like people always ask me, like oh kevin, i'm going to buy a house. Where should i put my money while i wait or whatever i really like the basket, because it's this is just like the ultimate diverse pie, in my opinion, easiest way to start in the stock market, in my opinion, uh anyway.
So, especially when the market's high and there aren't necessarily like individual, like really good deals to find or whatever uh oh modern, are really getting spanked here 16, then uh, then it makes more sense to use indices so tesla 12 37. I feel like uh weeble's dragging a little bit. Usually we get a lot more uh drama in the pricing here, like a lot more flashing happening anyway, uh open door, four point: one: nine percent etsy! Oh there we go. Oh, my goodness! There we go! Oh aha! That's this is the flashing.

I'm used to look at freaking, etsy five point: three: nine percent, an etsy guided low, they guided low, that's insane! Oh my gosh uh wow. This is insane six point, two percent on what they're? How do they? How do they? They hid revenue, but they guided low. They fell initially after earnings, but now they're going up. Let me look at the news here that that seems odd.

Um. Oh price target raises mortgage stanley oppenheimer. Remember i still think etsy is your supply ch uh your supply shortage stock, like you're, worried about supply shortages etsy for the holidays, just just an idea, but uh. It's a big position of mine really really like etsy uh, oh neo, almost four percent: let's go! Finally, nia moves rising tide.

They all kind of go up together, tesla sitting at that 1.92 percent spot nice. What else we have here? A firm is sitting at oh we're, somewhere over here like one and a half percent a firm expanding to australia. That was really cool. We saw that yesterday, oh matterport 10, sun power, 10 skills, 11 there's.

Definitely some pain over here, uh cardano down 2.1 percent coinbase down 1.94 shift technologies down fractionally one percentage square, a little bit, not a lot. That's horribly to the downside. Here i mean certainly like she matapor moderna, some of these guys, but uh really, once you get past some of the ones that are losing and selling off a little bit, there's not much that's big selling off i mean one and a half percent for end phase. Uh end phase still sitting at 233.

It's actually not bad uh. You've got else. You have here, hmm a lot of stuff in the middle twitter twilio, google apple. These are barely up amd.

I know when video is but pre-market. Let's take a look at that and then we'll go look at some more headlines and oh my gosh nvidia's up 3.3. You can't stop this. One volume is so solid and it's just bye.

Bye, bye, really cool sofi is doing well a firm's doing well, tesla's chilling chillaxing a little bit. You know it went from um went from up a good amount to uh to now rotating down. Okay, let's see how that sold. Put is, i mean sure, probably looked right when the market opened, but it doesn't matter sold.
Put still at 28, 28k out of 41 has been realized. Already it's up 68. You could close it now and lock in that 68 you could or can watch it potentially go under 1200. Then you have to buy the shares wow matterport's getting wrecked.

I wonder if there'll be a option opportunity here. Let's see here matter: poor matterport, okay, historic volatility. So it should be way up. Yeah, it's pretty high right now.

Okay, oh and i don't even have data yet from from the fourth, so it should be should be really high up on volatility. So, let's see here, what do we get paid if we sell some puts see here? Matapor is somewhere at 2085., so you saw some puts yeah that's for next week. We'll wait for some of that. I think the pricing and volatility to update, because i don't think the volatility is updated, yet all right, we'll come back.

So all right, we talked about the indices, talked about this. Let's look at financial times, uh yeah real estate stocks recovering absolutely so that okay j-pal urges patient approach to rate rises as taper begins. U.S companies given two months to implement coverage vaccine okay, oil price soars even as world turns against fossil fuels. Okay, us tries to overcome apparent skepticism about rollout for vaccines.

You know last time we did a poll and i asked how many of you would uh consider giving the vaccine to your your child like or would you yes or no, and it was like 60 percent of you said no, it's crazy, um like i, i was Expecting it, i was expecting 60 40 honestly, but i was expecting it to be the other way around. I thought, like 60 people would be like yes and 40. People would say no, but it i was. It was a flip-flop redfin, 3.74 etsy outlet, these guys killing it geez lemonade's, hitting at three percent tesla tesla hanging out at 12, 33.

It's so nuts all right. What else, then? We have all right bank of england backs off from immediate rate increase. We saw that u.s law banning anonymous shell companies delayed a treasury. Facebook removes posts by someone out of ethiopia.

Okay, let's see ibm sheds 25 of its business in battle against decade of decline. Oh it sounds a lot like zillow cutting out 25 of their business. Okay. Let's do quick little industry check dow's down s, p's up nasdaq russell up, although russell hasn't updated, yet all right what else ford to repurchase up to 5 billion in junk bonds? Well, that makes sense.

So the way that works is if, if you end up having a uh, some high yielding debt that you're some debt that you've borrowed at very high rates essentially and then your economic condition improves. You could essentially refinance and uh get a lower interest rate. It's a cool thing about debt. You can always refinance unless of course, you're going bankrupt, then you're screwed.

She is really hurting here. I'm looking to kind of uh gap down to the different levels on the fib. Here: let's go to the 30 minute yikes uh down 51 right now. So next stop if it does blow past the 51 level here, which is where we have a support line, probably be 42.
Hopefully not, but there's there's not a lot in between here. Maybe there's a pit stop at 45.. You just hope the downtrend stops. That would be ideal.

All right. Let's go barons. Let's see what we got over here. Somebody says crypto's dead, yeah.

I don't know about that, not not dead yet yeah. How is, how is the float? You know they always advertise on every almost every post i make uh they're advertising like crazy, uh yeah. It's actually pushed up again a little bit since uh yesterday evening was sitting around 27 28 uh and uh now sitting in about 33. Some additional little push here.

It's getting more attention all right. Let's see what baron says peloton to report earnings. Can it withstand the reopening? Oh that's a good one, so let me see when they report helicon uh. I think their guidance is not going to be great just based on what what i'm hearing from people but we'll see here october was pretty slow okay, so they report earnings today at the close they're, expecting 808 million in revenue for the quarter and a net loss Of 324 mil remember, they lowered their price.

They launched a lower price treadmill. They got rid of the cool treadmill. With the big like tank tracks, robert frost wants his long-term stock draftkings pumped go draftkings, olo, no idea what that is. What is this thing? Somebody's asking about olo a software solutions company never heard that before cloud-based, on-demand commerce platform for multi-location restaurant brands, olo serves customers worldwide, olo um.

Let's see olo uber tests, alcohol delivery with olo widely available in 2022. That's cool uber integrates uber direct with dispatch delivery program. Nice, it's pretty cool uh is that on here, oh yeah olo! It's right here! What's up a little bit, okay, good! What else so modern oncogen skills? Metaphor! Oh! Did our uh did options pricing at update yet not really see if that volatility ever came back? No not yet usually takes about 15 minutes for the charts to update for uh options and volatility uh. How do you join the option? The chat here you have to join the you press, the join button on youtube.

It's a separate membership, see corey, just pull it off uh. You click the join button, it's next to the subscribe button, but you won't see it on the iphone or the ipad, because apple wants their they're cut and youtube's like well. Fine then we won't let people sign up through apple or ipad, so you have to go to computer whoa, owlette whoa slow down there owlette slow down a little bit there. Eight percent on outlet whoa whoa.

There mister see here news on outlet not really no real news here: uh voozie woozy's up six percent here, etsy six point: five percent open door comes back: five percent silo coming back at four percent nvidia, almost four percent backed holdings comes back again, can't hold backed Holdings down or affirm, i think this is an all-time high for a firm folks, 166 omg. Let's see here day, chart oh wow yeah. We hit 168 54 today intraday all-time high wow we're gon na be over 170 soon on a firm, that's insane touch. Bros is almost going to be over 70 again.
Uh did run up to 80 there. For a moment, nano dimension. It's trying to get a little bit of the love as it scrapes along the bottom. Here up work up a couple percent lemonade, all right: where's, tesla, tesla's still sitting at 133 or 12 33..

It's also pretty nuts, all right sheep's continuing its decline right now. It could be that you have people moving over to uh. What's it called um floki finance says it's investigating the squid crypto crash finance, the world's largest crypto exchange, says it's investigating the squid game, token debacle aiming to recover lost funds and turn over its findings to law enforcement officials. Yeah no kidding the rug pull scheme.

These type of scam projects have become all too common in the d5 space. That's sad! The rug pull that's scary yeah. That was. This was like an insane one though i covered it twice, and it was just well anyway.

All right, stay at home stocks have fallen from their pandemic highs, chag, peloton, roku, yeah, no kidding uh roku earnings, disappoint, it's another stay-at-home play that came up short. I've mentioned this quite a few times. I really think the stay-at-home stuff. You still have people in it.

Thinking there's going to be a covid wave here in the winter and if it doesn't come, i think those stocks are going to keep getting hurt. Let's listen to this qualcomm self-driving dude new vectors of growth for the company, especially on ar vr we invested early, and that is the reason that of the 50 devices that exist today, all useful all right. I want to talk about both of those things. Let's go back to autonomous for a second cristiano.

Obviously you see it as an opportunity. You've just indicated that the veneer acquisition key to that as well, but we were sitting at this desk five years ago, talking about autonomous fleets of vehicles that were soon going to arrive with the advent of 5g. How many years away are we from what seemed like it might have been a lot closer than it really was sure the way we're thinking about this david is. I think that when you think that uh, let's talk about adas for a second before we go to autonomy, a desk level, two plus and three is likely gon na be as pervasive as abs, seat belts and airbags.

I think every car right is likely going to have it and we're taking the same approach. We took to the mobile industry to alto. Can we make this scale and that's what we're doing with the viewing acquisition give a couple examples. It's already happening on the autonomy front.
With your question, gm uh recently announced your ultra cruise. That's polka, that's qualcomm silicon on it and we're getting a lot of interest from the automakers about the ability to scale a dash and to answer your question is the menopause it. It seems to me like uh qualcomm could potentially move just off of the uh. The incredible uh moves that uh nvidia is really making.

I really believe that uh, oh honest company, right back under ten dollars, this one uh gosh this one just cannot cannot get back over ten dollars, not in it. But uh i've been watching that one trade desk sitting at uh 387, a cardona 201 doge, 26 - hmm uh, oh c3a. I fell a little bit today, one percent, don't they have earnings soon hold on. Let's see here a i c three, a i see, c3i just can never get it up.

Earnings estimates. Let's see here, c3ai reports. Oh december 15th. Oh we got a while okay yeah.

How is etsy up 9? Are you serious, holy crap? 260.? That's uh! That's an all-time high. Oh my gosh. Don't bet against the etsy wow wow! That's cool solo's up five percent nvidia nvidia is also up almost five percent. That's just insane uh that one keeps stretching forty three dollars here on neo affirms at 166..

It gets scary when it all when it's all doing so. Well, ah, stop it tesla, tesla 1237.. All right see what other headlines we got, but not just headlines news well done. A full short hmm travels back per brookings shiba inju inu plunging yeah.

So it seems like a big catalyst by the way, for why sheep is falling is really the headline we see here from behrends. This is really the account remember the account that turned eight thousand dollars into like 2.76 billion dollars. Well, that account now considered a whale uh is uh has has moved their 2.76 billion dollars to four different wallets with no previous history and that's uh, leading to some concern that potentially potentially uh, they are getting ready to dump uh their their shiba inu, and so This is uh. This is really making folks a little nervous about sheep.

In fact, you go over here to bloomberg. Let's see here, uh sheba whale wallets with billions raise alarm of crypto sleuths. Let's take a look at this uh, so we have the total market value of the token soared to more than 51 billion leap, frogging over dogecoin and putting it amongst the top 10. But the frenzy cooled off in recent days, yanking the coin's market value down by about 31.

The attention has been fixated on a handful of whale wallets that control most of she there and there's unsettling news for all the new minnows who bought shiva in you and are sitting on paper gains of a lifetime. One of the whales has been moving coins to different wallets, raising concerns that the holder is about to sell the dog coin drama is the latest episode that highlights the fact that, despite an abundance of transparency in a market where every transaction is recorded on a blockchain, The anonymity of players involved, including in the case even the creator of the coin, leads to a house of mirrors effect, because no one really knows exactly who is doing what that's a good point, even though it's so transparent. It leads to leads to more speculation and concern because it's so transparent, that's uh, that's interesting! The sheep oh see, look at this here. Block works reported the sheep owner that turned 8k into oh 5 billion.
Oh, i didn't know they turned it into that much uh. Just removed 2.9 billion worth of shiba tokens from the original wallet wow, okay. I thought it was 2.76, but i guess it's 2.9, but then again, that's crazy. Anyway.

Shibaini was not the first coin. To trigger concern about high ownership concentration, initially, bitcoin and ethereum were highly influenced by whales whose trades could swing market prices, their ownership concentration has since declined as more institutions and retail investors jumped into crypto. That said today, about 2 000 addresses own more than 40 percent of all bitcoin. There are many packets of the crypto market where coin ownership is highly concentrated.

Many of the smaller of the more than thirteen thousand five hundred cryptocurrencies are majority owned by a handful of wallets in defy apps, which create their own tokens to let people trade land and borrow from each other. A small percentage of users control everything between 20 to 50 crypto trading firms are pushing most of the volume in crypto wow. I don't think it's totally see this is this reiterates to what jp morgan reported, that 70 of crypto trading is done by institutions, and these are institutions with with just billions upon billions of dollars and they've got massive power to move the market. My expectation is if we ever get a substantial market correction again in the stock market.

You'll see a lot of the trading firms, uh pull money to the sidelines and and you could get sort of an exacerbated, uh crypto drawdown uh because of institutions, and that would be expected. I mean if institutions pull that, sometimes that's a great time to buy the dip, because institutions have such a disproportionate impact on the market. Anyway, i don't think it's totally different than the way things work in traditional finance. Yes, exactly still, a lack of regulation and official market surveillance leaves meme coins like shiba inu vulnerable to suspicion, even as its price surges.

All right, legitimate crypto has a solid underlying economic economic case. Its value does not depend heavily on who holds how much of it ads brown, but for crypto with no underlying economics whose value is determined only by speculation. Concentration of ownership suggests a rigged game. What a way to end that article.
So then we have uh. That was uh, that was the barons version. Here's the i'm sorry that was the bloomberg version, here's the barons version and the they, i believe. Also, let's see here.

She's tumble coincided with the movement of significant quantities of coins across the blockchain. The decentralized ledger tech that underpins cryptocurrencies to other wallets, more than 40 trillion coins removed wednesday from the wallet of a shiba inu, a whale yeah. Look at this when you look at the block works pick. Ah they don't show it on.

Here i looked at it and it was four transactions of 10 trillion coins each. It was crazy, uh to just see the amount of movement, but anyway, that may have spooked individual investors and prompted the sell-off and when holders of large quantities of crypto jockey their coins. Around it is indicative of a possible future sale that can prompt sharp price movements, especially in the likes of shiba inu, which has a particularly concentrated ownership. Now i know we've got a pretty large burn wallet in shebs, so i wonder if the reporters are reflecting that properly, but if we hop into sheep we've, definitely oh gosh yeah i mean we keep breaking through fibonacci support levels.

Here you can see we, we definitely had solid bounces here off the 58 level we broke through pretty immediately through that support. We did come back, but this was really foreshadowing. The pain that was to come, and - and this is happening right now - live here on the 30-minute chart, we're seeing this decline on the one-minute chart. We're also seeing this decline here, sitting at 48.73 right now and uh yeah.

It really is coming off of these fears of uh of these whales moving money around so we'll see uh how long this pain lasts, particularly here uh. I suppose it. It depends what uh, what some folks do with their coins, but i can imagine if you i mean who knows maybe some of this, this falling is uh some some accounts starting to sell, i mean, obviously some accounts are starting to sell, but then again, if that Whale sold, we would have probably seen some movement there already uh. Let's see here, let's go to block works, let's see if we can go to the account, so the block works covered.

This block works, dot, co, so block works. See here i knew it was 2.76 see somebody it's just the the valuation changed. Maybe i was. I thought i was right about the 2.76, but anyway here we can see the the account see look at this uh.

Where was it there there? There look at that out 10 trillion coins, 10 trillion, 10 trillion, 10 trillion 10 trillion and then what we could do is we can look at the 2 address. Let's see two two two two, let's see how these guys are doing so these, so it looks like they're consolidating some money over here. Look at this: the dogs of elon, kisha, inu, kishu, inu uh, so a bunch of transfers in a bunch of transfers in in and in alchemy as well. Very interesting.
I mean this is uh. It's pretty crazy. It's some pretty crazy amounts, but yeah you got these four wallets over here, uh and so so far i don't see any selling from this particular account, but anyway it's the fear of that. That's leading to this rundown in sheep, and i think, maybe, when that fear subsides, sheep can can run back up.

We did also have a little bit of uh trend pressure, though uh that we were really having trouble breaking above uh the uh the line over here. Our our trend line so keep an eye on that anyway. That's cheap cool. So let's move on.

Let's see what uh, how uh, how else we're doing here with the sticks? Okay, so uh qualcomm 13 etsy eleven percent - oh my goodness, open doors up, eight percent recovering after the zillow madness, expi recovering after the zillow madness up. Four percent nvidia is up five percent. Now! Congratulations! That is amazing. Uh backed holdings 3.4, a firm sitting at 166.

Still up three percent lemonade's, almost up two percent uh tesla rotating down a little bit sitting at 12, 28 right now, but uh still still green on the day. Looking at the downside, occugan modern are the ones getting burned along with skills and roku. Although roku and matterport recovering here only down five and a half to six and a half percent were down more sun powers down a bit too amc down: 2.54 percent peloton 2.11 gamestop 175. So a little slow down there on some momentum place bitcoin sitting at uh somewhere around 62 in ethereum sitting at about 45 still all right.

Let's see what other headlines we got. So, let's find out here top all right. So, on the top news here, we have sec, pierce, warns against making investing boring uh. What, ah, that sounds great okay, tesla and hertz are in talks over how quickly new autos will arrive ooh.

What is this with tesla, because we do have a tesla on the move today, mostly to the positive side here, tesla up to 11 or sorry 1229.. It is suffering a little bit of a bleed on the day here: uh intraday, but uh still up about 1.3 tesla and hertz are negotiating over how quickly hertz will receive deliveries from the bulk order of 100 000 tesla electric vehicles. This is a dow jones article here hertz on the 25th said it had placed the initial order, but then remember: elon musk came out and said that no contract had been signed. Yet the two companies are apparently hammering out the details of the deal that would specify the timing of deliveries.

Tesla is still expected to supply 100 000 vehicles at list price to hertz, with the timing of deliveries being a key issue. So then we have tesla's elon musk raised the doubt that the deal raised doubt about the deal when he tweeted that no contract had been signed. Yet hertz said tuesday that it stood by its prior pronouncements. Hurts customers already have the option to rent a tesla model.
3. rental fleet buys often continue to be negotiated by the automaker and rental car companies. After the initial order is placed once the rental car company's order is locked in the automaker's production schedule. A contract is typically signed shortly after hertz exited from bankruptcy.

In june, representative of hertz's, new owners began negotiating with tesla, oh they've been negotiating since june. Mr musk was not deeply involved in those hurts negotiations when the bulk order was announced by hertz shares of both stocks jumped amid news that investor optimism about the rental car company would get more tesla's out on the road all right, so basically still waiting for that Hurts deal and now waiting for the timing of uh when these are going to uh show up how's pounds here, penaltier up uh, one percent looks like it had a little bit of a roller coaster right here: voyager where's, voyager digital voyager digital. Here it is oh up, another three percent. 17.

That's great wow. 1725. I started a big position in this one uh. I went a little too heavy at first and then i used a bit to pay off my margin after i got some gains, but uh still have a big position left in it.

So this is great. I got ta. I can make my video on them. One of these days, someone done that anyway, 11.26 on etsy, now kind of flattening a little bit.

Oh. Can it get past 269? Oh uh, all right yeah is that 268 right now so we'll see matterport's only down 5.68 percent here so yeah that option pricing. It's going to shift right. What else is there anything else, charlie? Let's see? No, no! No! No! No! No! We've gone through this all right.

Let's take a look at the top page of bloom and barons. Bloomberg white house sets jan fourth shot. Okay, we saw that, what's behind the rise of solana, let's see what's behind the rise of salana, all right, let's see after the summer of solana, here's how one of the busiest coin stacks up against uh, bitcoin and ethereum. You know, bitcoin odds, are you've heard about ethereum.

What about solana? It's now a 72 billion dollar market cap, a cryptocurrency that runs on the solana. Blockchain, is being talked about as a potential long-term competitor with ethereum. That's because it's more than just a coin. Solana and ethereum, by the way i have a solana etf, it's the owner, nft, not etf, nft, it's the only nft.

I have anyway jungle cats, let's see developed amongst the coder communities who have built functions like smart contracts and nfts. Okay, salon is relatively young, published in 2017. One key advantage: transactions on the solana blockchain are extremely cheap, relatively the miners who validate the transactions on this on solana, charge much less for those on ethereum, because solana's tech allows uh many many more transactions per second yeah. That's because of the the proof of history element, we get a timestamp to speed up the processing of these, but anyway, ethereum is playing catch up here.
Yeah, it's been for a while anyway, uh coin runs on the solana network. It's been doing amazing case for buying. If you like, smart contracts, if you have a needs for speed, if you're cost sensitive yep, look at that less than that's one quarter of one tenth of a penny in gas fees. Meanwhile, ethereum's gas fees are 53 dollars uh.

What's this a lot of blockchain come, it came under scrutiny after oh, this was the okay. I covered this already, though, in my salon, video, she checked said. This is a really deep article, though on solana. That's really impressive.

Bloomberg did a whole piece on this. Very, very cool, very, very cool, all right, uh wow etsy's, almost at 13. Now nvidia is 6.7. You can't stop him.

Etsy and nvidia today are just taking over fastly five percent. Today, neos almost at five percent 43.50 expi, five percent upward three wow, there's some crazy numbers here: tesla 1.21 still sitting at 12 28 and looking at the downside, yeah sheep, now sitting at 50, manafort 6.7 rotated down again a little bit. I wonder how those sold puts would look. So if you go to 2250 sold put me for two weeks from now.

All right, we'll see all right: honest company, wayfair trade, desk, crisper, embraer, okay, crazy market, that's incredible, all right, so uh alrighty! So what else here? Well, good day for etsy and nvidia owlette open door well, open door is really just recovering. Look at this nicola nicola just reports, some news, nicolas nicola, individual company news. We have nicola c's 125 million dollar fine as it discloses deal with the sec. This just came out within the last five ten minutes here, so it's skyrocketing on a deal with the sec wow 125 million dollars to settle alleging fraudulent statements by trevor milton to investors, uh-huh wow, that's kind of interesting how they're just gon na straight up settle.

I mean that's good news for nicola, but it's also kind of disappointing, because so much of that was so fraudulent and then now they just settle away should be that you can't settle being a criminal with the sec. Just screwed a lot of people out a lot of money now. Well, that's the sec for you! Here's your little slap watch. They just end up selling stock and covering that 120 mil.

Now that it's up 10 on the day, probably could honestly hey. What's the market cap in nicoletto nicola, let's see here, yeah nicholas a 5.6 billion dollar company, so at 10 they just their market cap. Just went up 500 million dollars on news that they had to pay a 125 million dollar penalty yeah seriously. The rest of us would be in jail, so i'm saying like really that's sad uh i mean whatever i guess it gives nicola a chance, but it was really fraudulent.

Fraudulent got away with a wrist slap. Basically, oh well: okay, peloton one and a half percent tattoo chef huh, all right, okay! Well, oh redfin, six percent! Anyway. I think that about does it. Thank you very much for being here.
Folks appreciate, y'all and uh, we'll see y'all in the next one. Go uh we'll be at the uh course member live stream soonish. I think i'm gon na check on the kids and then uh get some more coffee and we'll do the course. Member live stream all right folks, thanks! So much we'll see you next.

By Stock Chat

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6 thoughts on “Stocks go”
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