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Hey everyone welcome back to a market closing livestream. Well, we continue to get pain in the market and we expect this pain in the market to continue uh, at least until jay pal tells us whether he's a hawk or is he a uh, a dove which we will know uh very soon. I guess i forgot to do a thumbnail, so we're gon na get to do a thumbnail, really quick together, but anyway, uh. Look.

The market is very nervous that jerome powell is retiring. The word transitory and they're, uncertain as to how quickly now j-pal is going to freak out and taper there we go and uh, that's uh! That's why the market's freaking out now. Can the market continue to fall? Can there continue to be paying the market? Absolutely i mean we could end up seeing a 2018 style 20 correction in the spy which would bring us back down to under spy 400.. I i don't expect that to happen.

In fact, we were just talking with course, members about what i think is going to be really big next year, uh in terms of which industries are going to be really big and i'm planning a bigger video for this we've been talking about this in the course Member live stream for a while now about uh over the last couple weeks about which industries, i think, are going to be really big for 2022 uh, and a lot of it has to do with changing consumer habits. I'll make a video on that eventually. So i'm not prepared to go through all that yet because i don't have all the answers yet, but uh but yeah look 2022 is going to be a vastly different market and uh. I think the things that did extremely well in 2022 - i'm sorry 2021 - are gon na have a harder time doing just as well in 2022, and i think that's because the market's really going to shift, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I mean this. Is normal markets evolve over time, but a lot of it is going to be predicated on what does jerome powell do? Is jerome powell going to turn into somebody who thinks we need to tighten as soon as possible end the taper as soon as possible and raise rates right after that? Or is he going to do what the bond market is expecting which the bond market? If you look at the bond market, it's very clear: the bond market is expecting jerome powell to essentially taper, but then act patiently in terms of raising rates. That means that jerome powell is expected to believe that we're at a precipice in terms of inflation and that as long as they taper we'll start seeing inflation rotate down down down down down down down and as long as it continues to go down, they might not Have to raise rates that would be the best case scenario is uh that they don't end up having to raise rates as quickly as the market anticipates so we'll see, but uh. That's that's.

What's creating a lot of fear right now, and so that's why we're seeing some of these sort of valuation shifts here i mean look at uh. Look at some of the the lows that we're seeing in the market uh so easy way to do. This is just go to the day: chart and uh. Look at docusign docusign 140..
It's low! Look at sofi 1460. It's below support it literally just today fell below support earlier. Today it was down at 14.. I bought some sofa earlier today.

I didn't get the perfect bottom, but i got lower than where it is now and then, as usual, i send out alerts in the stocks and psychology money group which, if you're not a part of yet there is an xmas code linked below in the description now. The price will go up after christmas, so uh, but we are seeing a really heavy hit on uh recovery stocks. Today, personally, i think it's a little overblown. It's not just the momentum.

Stocks like gamestop getting whacked here or amc getting whacked here, uh gosh look at it. We had a support line drawn for 28.81 here and it fell right through that. But anyway, that's not good that i think the next one's like 19 or something like that. But anyway, uh one of the reasons we're seeing so much pain in the recovery stocks.

Specif specifically, is because of this news about this first omicron death and if you haven't watched my omicron video that i just posted about the first death. Yet i highly encourage you watch it because, in my opinion, there's there's some really good information in there. That, hopefully, is is settling, but i don't think the broader market has that appreciation, uh and maybe i'm wrong, but you'll see when you watch it. But it's no surprise to me that you are seeing some things that are down like toast, which is obviously a restaurant product.

Dick's sporting express macy's. You know these are build-a-bear. These are the guys that are getting hit hard today, but then again so were some of the the higher risk plays that have sold off so you have or that have ran up. So you have uh retail selling off.

Then you have higher yield technologies or higher growth technologies. That, in my opinion, are creating nice discounts. I mean nvidia 284 golly, we loved it over 300. Well, i shouldn't say we loved it.

Over 300 i nibbled on it over 300., the markets loved it over 300. uh it. You know, i'd run like crazy and i'm like man. I really hope this thing falls substantially, but uh hey, you know now it is same thing with tesla.

Finally, getting tesla consistently under a thousand again, which, in my opinion, is just an opportunity to actually get in on on some of the most amazing growth companies that we're going to see this decade. I mean it was just a few weeks ago. Tesla was going to the moon. Nvidia was going to the moon on metaverse right and now we're getting these beautiful opportunities to go shopping at at lower prices, and i do think that these lower prices are going to remain a uh.

Something sort of on on the forefront over the next 36 hours, so i think well, look it's possible! We'll have a bounce, a positive bounce tomorrow on tuesday, because usually after a big red day, you tend to have a little bit of a green day right. But i wouldn't be surprised that wednesday morning, right before jay pal talks, i would not be shocked if we end up having the lowest prices wednesday morning, because i think that's literally when every headline is gon na be what's j-po gon na do what's j-po gon na. Do and it's gon na create so much anxiety, oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god, uh that personally, i i think there's a good shot. We could have the best pricing for buying the dip right before j-pal speaks.
Now, that's not to say that you shouldn't buy the dip now. I did a little bit of nibbling today, not a lot, because i have to move some money around, although i think some of my money's already moved around uh but uh. I i got ta check while i'm at it, but anyway uh. I do think that there are some some gorgeous gorgeous opportunities here and i do in just a moment want to go through what i think are some some relatively low prices again quickly just want to see uh what we've got here.

So, let's see here, okay, so i pulled the okay all right good! Oh! I like it okay good, so i just wanted to double check that okay, good! So um, let's see, let's look at pricing a little bit, let's just sort by name here, rather than winners or losers, and let's just understand for a moment where some of these prices have gone so autodesk 270.. I can't recall no autodesk. I mean it's down from some of its high levels, but uh, it's not like autodesk, is in substantial pain. Right now certainly come down arc at 94..

I mean this is this is almost heading back into the 80s, which is really depressing for for kathy. I mean this is a solid trend line down here on uh on lots of powell fears a little powy nah, that's not the best trendline i can draw that's whatever we'll just leave that for right. Now, i'm gon na get rid of that. That's such a crappy line, uh, but anyway i mean it's obvious right now.

It's just pain over at arc so and i generally don't like drawing trends on on etfs, but sometimes you do. I mean that'd be similar to like calling it an index like the spy. I mean we draw lines there anyway, uh google, it's not 29.47. It was over 3 000..

It's not far off of its all-time highs. I do think google is going to be a big winner in 202.. I'm keeping an eye on that one apple. Finally, reversing off of its all-time highs, but that's not particularly juicy amc, you're you're, getting the complete momentum extinguishment at amc, which uh all of the apes and the diamond handers and everybody who thinks you know they're a tough guy.

They just end up selling uh. It's sad, i'm i'm still hodling so uh amazon, 34 and i'm not sure we're super excited here. Amd 133, i mean i'd love the opportunity to see amd under 100. Again it sat under 100 for so long backed holdings.

You know this goes back to 10. Folks watch this one. Okay, i would write this one down backed goes back to ten dollars. That's like that to me is more of like a no-brainer uh, but you know watch my video, i'm back bakkt watch my video on that.
I still think their valuation at even ten dollars is a little kooky but i've. I would watch that one, because there could be a trade potential in a scene backed move but more of a trade potential. I don't know if i would huddle them, especially in this environment. The money losing fintechs are a little scary right now, ooh cardano's, almost down under 120.

corsair gaming chilling out around 20.. I mean this is just at all time lows here between 20 and 21.. Of course, they're gaming, i actually like uh i've - got some options on them: core uh cloudflare up about 3.8 percent sweet. It's one of the very few greens we've got today: uh, okay, okay, so then we have.

What else do we have okay, coinbase down? Two percent? Dick sporting, where is dick's sporting relative to where they had been, let's take a quick. Ah, it's actually not that far down, i mean you're, like paying july prices for dick's sporting right now, right uh, you know so. You've got delta and omicron that have really watered it down a little bit. Ccl would be interesting, where's ccl carnival in 1844.

Well, we were just able to pick it up at 1790. Not that long ago i consider re-entering sub 18 again ooh expi there's another one. That's uh yeah under a longer term support line here i this is one if this one drops under 30 again, so it's getting a little juicy again too. Hmm, let's see here faraday futures under five dollars for faraday futures.

Oh, my gosh uh uh, okay hold on okay, sorry, okay, what else gosh gamestop 136.? I mean this is a long and i i have not drawn support lines for gamestop in a very, very long time, like probably since january. So some of these lines are probably taking us back to jan time and we just broke past the 142 kind of heading towards that 124.. It's not so ideal for gamestop doesn't necessarily mean we'll go down that way, but uh with the fear of the market. Right now, i look at some of these stocks here, just absolutely obliterated.

Uh hippo obliterated home depot 406. Look at that, though home depot is just holding on strong, really impressive. That's really impressive! Okay, let's keep looking here. Somebody mentions apple and apple, seizing production.

I didn't hear that let me see that apple sees production, i'm gon na pull that out one second here uh, oh, this is from last week huh stop the production of the iphone ipad because of ongoing uh shortages, but we we kind of had already known about These supply chain issues - i don't, i don't see that as something that'll be anything more than a temporary issue for apple they'll. Come back. Fine lucid, i think, still has a little bit of pain ahead of it. Forty dollars, uh, don't get me wrong, love the company.
I think they're, a great competitor tesla, i'm very curious to see how their vehicle actually competes against tesla, certainly against the newer models of tesla's uh lemonade above 40. Still money losing company, though so you got ta, be careful matterport under 23.. See now that's starting to look nice again. That already looks nice.

Let me go a little faster here. Mine medicine is sitting at a buck. 75. That's crazy! It's one of kevin o'leary's, faves, nvidia, 285 uh neo.

I still think neo has a good shot of going under 30. If this sort of pain continues over the next couple days, no guarantees - and i don't want to discourage you from buying the dip. I bought the dip already a little bit this morning and i'm ready to buy the dip some more surprise with pellet on seven percent move, though pinterest continues to evaporate. Redfin stuck at 40.

roblox got lower earlier today. I think they were like a 108. roblox really has got to go back under 75.. Then then, then you'd have a little bit more juice in that that was sort of right after an ipod.

It was stuck in like the 60s. Remember that darn roblox, it did so well that'd, be nice, another opportunity to look gosh, but look at toast. It's almost down 50 from its all-time highs. Yeah, that's crazy! It's over 50 from its all-time highs, wow, and that was recent too.

That was just during the euphoria of of november, the end of the year rally right, uh that just got smashed. If you didn't take profits, very good food companies at 85 cents, trade desk at 92., okay, trade desk has has traded. You know i mean it was under 70, not that long ago, so i mean trade desk. I think there could be still a little opportunity to wait a lot of a lot of crazy deals.

I mean a lot of things just getting really low in price. Let me see: is finally chillaxing a little bit. This had such an insane euphoric run. We're almost back to ipo prices, though i mean ipo price is around 180 and the things that 272.

never mind. We still got a little bit of room to go, but we're trending in that direction. So don't get me wrong, like i know the red sucks and the pain sucks and there's a good chance of it continuing at least for the time being, but uh there. We go uh, there's a good chance of that pain, continuing for the time being until we get jpow coming out, and i have a feeling if the market continues to be red today and tomorrow that j pal's gon na be a little dovish on wednesday.

So i'm bullish on that buying dip beforehand. That's my take we'll see could be wrong and if you're wrong, well, then the market crashes and you go into margin and try to buy at the bottom or you go bankrupt. I don't know. One of those will happen anyway: uh wow ethereum at 37.26 - lots of uh lots of unique pain.

Here. Look at that bitcoin 46.5 continuing to bleed down lots of blood lots of that okay. So let's take a look and see what else is going on here. Let's see you feel, neo will jump this week around neody.
No, i don't think neoday's going to do anything for neo. Honestly, i think it's the broader market, that's going to move all of these here, cheesecake yeah. I wonder how cheesecake has been doing. Let me see here just looking at some of your comments: cheesecake uh one point, uh yeah, i mean cheesecake's been bleeding down.

I i don't know how enthused i am to buy cheesecake unless it was probably in like the under 25. I don't know i hate owning. The restaurants. Honestly puts are an option.

Well, that is true, puts, are an option if you did think the market was going to continue going down by the way in case you're ever wondering how i can put these comments up on screen, uh check out stream yard, go to, meet kevin or go Go to meet kevin,, streamyard doesn't matter, met kevin, streamyard and check out stream yard. It's a really really good way to create professional, live streams. Uh really convenient, really awesome. You can multi-stream to like twitch and other platforms and facebook streaming.

It's awesome so check them out: uh facebook, youtube, twitch, twitter, linkedin, awesome platform and so uh we can say it. The video is sponsored by streamyard, so go to meet kevin or streamyard doesn't matter, but that is what i use to throw up your comments and uh and to do all my streams, i like a farm. I do think that a firm has a really good shot of heading back under a hundred over the next couple days. No guarantees again we could get a nice little bounce tomorrow and then that bounce could continue before the fed runs.

So i wouldn't squand like look. I always say: don't squander a red day: okay, don't squander a red day means don't miss out on the opportunity to buy just because you're waiting on something uh, i uh. Well, if you have cash available, of course, i'm waiting to have my cash available. I wish i had done these transfers last week, but i didn't so now.

I'm transferring i'm moving some money around and uh tomorrow i'll be ready to buy. I do think again. We could have a small balance tomorrow, maybe some more red wednesday morning and that's ideally where i want to shop. I think jerome powell is going to be a boost, not a pain, but i probably won't go all in because it's always possible that jerome powell ends up screwing.

Us don't rely on him to bail. You out reason for that is uh jerome powell screwed us in february. Remember when we had the big dip in february and then he uh, he started talking and he just made everything worse so yeah stream yards great awesome will thanks for reiterating that everyone's waiting for the fmc for sure a lot of people are i'll, probably buy right Before the fomc meeting, look at the spy, the spy's been doing great. The spy is just but absolutely incredible.
Uh, oh it does look like it might be rotating down on the minute chart. But in terms of the day chart i mean oh whoa, look at that institutional selling! Oh! Yes! Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! More selling! Going into powell! Yes, all right! Let's take a look at apple there. It is the end of the day. Institutional selling, let's check out msft microsoft as well, adobe, yup same thing: tesla, less obvious, amazon, yep same thing: this yep same thing, nvidia pretty much the same thing: dude 6.4.

6.5. To the downside. I love me. The end of the day sales uh who's got my money.

Yeah transfer some of this yeah one more transfer. Oh, i kind of want to buy something. I don't know if i'm gon na have enough time. Let me try.

Okay, if i do a transfer transfer money. Okay, i need a transfer money troll for which one they make it so complicated scheisse. Oh there we go 42, okay transfer transfer one! Second, please please! We must. We must make a money move, move this to this, and then i multiply this by this and then i hit extra and then i do say next and then i do the next again uh.

The problem is, i don't think it's available right away, darn it! It's not so annoying man, oh of course, now it's you turning again see. Look at that the end of the day, nvidia dip darn it. This is why get your money transferred and ready? It's all that pain market. Now, whatever all right, somebody wants to know.

If i bought any crypto well, if you were part of the courses, you already know the answer. It's worth it folks, you pay once if you miss the other sales check out the xmas coupon code link down below you, get lifetime access, it's kind of cool and we recently had a really big partnership come back alive, which is cool. It's not even it's not even sponsored like i don't make anything off of it, but uh. A lot of people in the course are like.

Oh, my gosh, i'm saving so much money, uh at a big old box, store that pretty much everybody shops at they're like this. More than paid for the course just that one coupon that we can get with you and uh and and then you get all the lectures basically for free and then buy sellers. It's amazing so just so check that out uh link down below use that xmas coupon can't believe christmas is coming up. It's crazy folks, crazy beans, maine says a hundred percent worth.

Thank you for saying that appreciate that all right, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah, all right. So, let's see, if we're still getting the spy rotation down here in the last minute, did my money ever show up stupid thing? No, whatever, i don't think i'm gon na be buying today, no i'm not tomorrow, but look at that spy sell-off into the clothes that institutional selling expect that. I honestly expect that to continue tomorrow. I could be wrong because i do think we'll see a bounce tomorrow, but this is uh.
J-Power's got the market on pins and freaking needles, people, hate uncertainty, people like oh, my gosh inflation's, going to the moon. This guy's going to tank the market he's going to ruin everything uh and so look at that classic sell-off into the clothes there. Visa paypal, some low figures here, look at that poor old shift technologies, nine percent today omg - i don't own any anymore, but i do i do like shift as a company but boy, oh boy, let's listen to the clothes uh, and so there we have it. I mean we've been talking about uh, some of the stocks that have been under pressure.

There are some tech stocks that have been holding up relatively uh well, but you know uh. It's been rough, particularly for growth games like nvidia uh names like snap airbnb, we'll see where that goes, and now uh all right. There we go. Dow is down point.

Eight eight point: eight nine percent s p down point nine; one percent nasdaq down one point: three: nine percent russell down one point: four: two percent uh shout out to those of you in the comments here jess. Thank you for saying that i got a shout out here. The stocks and psychology of money course will make you more money than you paid for it as fantastic ideas on business, finance and stocks. My favorite investment this year.

Thank you and i didn't pay jess to say that. Thank you so much for saying that, though that's super cool i get to press when kevin is around course is definitely worth it. Oh thank you. 100 ml worth it oh you're, so nice, oh, this is hilarious by the courses.

I went from broken homeless to rich and homeless. That's hilarious! Uh! Thank you. Uh! Keep in mind! This video is sponsored by stream yard, go to doesn't matter, they all go to the same place, check that out to learn more about professional video streaming at streamyard and, of course, check out the links down below for the programs on building your wealth. Use that code xmas you get lifetime access and a course member live stream access as well.

You hear all my ideas. First, there, okay uh somebody here is asking me kevin. Do you believe the cpi numbers have been accurate, i'm most interested in rent and housing prices? I personally think they're way off the actual numbers or trailing far behind uh, so uh. The second part of what you said is actually 100 correct: the uh, the numbers of cpi read for housing or are almost designed to lag.

They have about a six-month lag built into them, so we're actually expecting inflation to rotate down this year, but then get propped up by higher housing prices and higher inflation prices, finally being realized by cpi. So, yes, you have uh you. You do have an issue with the way the current cpi is is calculated, but that is the way it's calculated. So as long as you know that that that's still coming that, i think, is important for you to consider as an investor.
So, let's see here, oh welcome online, rob thanks so much for joining here. All right see how some things ended here. Oh look at the d-wax sell-off there right into the clothes. Oh yeah! Look at that sell-off on d-wack that dropped 10 right into the clothes see that right there is called a whale coming into dump darn all right, uh, let's see how it might be too early to see anything, and i don't think we have any.

Let me see if we have earnings today, i don't think so. I'll check welcome hustle smart. So today nobody worth talking about in terms of earnings no offense to those companies. It's just small uh smile direct club sold off a little bit more into the clothes there.

Unity up a tiny little bit in the after hours. Let's see here, emren down to two down about 2.6, nothing major happening in the after hours. Yet it's obviously a little too early to tell. Let's do another look here at btc: usd pull up the vic, so i'll pull up the vix hold on we'll.

Do that? Let's get my coffee, uh bloomberg's, still uh bloomberg bitcoin hold on uh um, all right, whatever so, okay. What else do we have so? Bitcoin drop drop: dropping 46 six: oh yeah, we're gon na look at the vix. Oh my gosh amc down 15, so the volatility index. I mean relative to what we've seen you know.

While when i went on vacation, it's like the market was most red. When i went on vacation and then my red hair faded turned into this pink color thanks to the cabo beaches and um yeah, it's rotated uh rotated a little down here, uh, but still seeing a lot of pain in the market, not so much on the indices. Just on mostly individual stocks, just getting murked uh and individual cryptos, of course, but hey golly, amc 15. That was the biggest loser on our list today, followed by next door gosh.

This was a momentum one there for a period of time when they ipo'd. Let's take a look at the day charter. Oh my gosh yeah, that is a disgusting chart. I mean nothing holds a candle to how nasty robin hood is you want to see a gross chart? It's that one.

I mean look at that flag and by flag. I literally mean the ipo hype and then the floor of zero connected by a diagonal line. This this is this is what we call the zero flag: how to go from hype to zero from hero to zero in the stock market, yeah oops. So what else? Let's see here, build-a-bear hud-8 with a miner selling off, that's not a surprise, with crypto sell down you're still falling on nvidia here, you're now down at 281 kind of flat in the after hours, but still getting that discount on nvidia.

I think it's an opportunity, but we just don't know how far it's going to go. I for me again. I hope i'm not reiterating it too much. I'm looking for right before powell speaks for just mass uncertainty, although i'm worried that you're gon na get a lot of by the dippers right before paul speaks so who knows could be maybe later tomorrow or very early like market open wednesday.
So i'm kind of like getting money ready for then do i think robin hood's gon na get bought out um. No! But it's an interesting concept, because if i do a quick little uh, if i do a quick little look at their market cap good stock, their market cap, dang, 17 billion dollar company holy smokes, they've, gotten they've really shrunk, wow. Okay, all right! It's a lot of pain. Somebody here says they bought arkan vest at 146 and you're still holding you, sir, have diamond hands.

Um yeah, who would i do think, is actually juicy. I think the reason why usd strength relative to the rest of the world is holding up because other countries have also devalued their currencies. I know we were saying with stimulative efforts, but you know you're still suffering from low inflation and basically deflation over in japan, and i don't think you've necessarily got currency devaluation going on over there um. So i don't know about that, and i don't know if we can directly correlate inflation with devaluing that's a complicated one.

Yeah thinking about that like on a global perspective, i think, is quite complicated and then a little asterisk. I think the value of usd should be valued against assets. Well, so what you're saying is backed by like gold? It's never going to happen again, um purchasing power in general yeah. I understand where your frustration comes from.

Let's see, oh, my gosh. Some of these comments are hilarious: oh yeah, yeah, yeah, all essential food. Oh my gosh. Meanwhile, kathy wood is into christmas.

Booze early trader, jeff free says you picked up end phase at 208. That's not bad dude! Oh you! You put. You had a limit on that. Didn't you, let me see that, oh no, you didn't, i mean that's incredible.

You had to have like a 109 or something limit on that uh and and then you, you picked it up right as it was falling. That's good! Lucky you i mean look the difference between that and this we're talking about like two percent, but it's still like that's cool like good for you, that's that's a good buy. Today we should do like a thing who had the best purchase of the day. I like that one, that's good sonny, says kevin.

Just lost lots of money, yeah yeah, that that is true. But you know what i didn't lose is shares. Uh such an old saying you, poor, kevin, just lost lots of money. That's right make sure if you're buying the dip that you're also buying the dip in kevin's courses using the christmas code down below.

Oh my gosh yeah 208.60. Nice job. That's awesome! That's awesome! Yeah! I did see that about kathy woods, saying she's soul, searching yeah. Where can i get the giant charmander? You know it's funny, so i was debating whether or not i should spend 25 000 dave buster points on this thing, and so i was googling like 50-inch, charmander, uh, plush, plush thing or whatever.
First of all, it ain't plush the thing's hard like a rock and uh of all. I couldn't find it anywhere, it's actually a 45 inch. It says 45 inch charmander. Maybe you could find it, but i tried googling it and i couldn't find it so uh yeah.

You know because you could buy like like why am i gon na spend my dave and buster's points on something else that i could buy like? I couldn't find that anywhere else and look he's holding out my monitor for me. Like he's so nice, he actually serves a purpose. You know, and then we gave him like a little bit of red light from underneath to make it seem, like he's, got a tongue or something there like he's, like he's actually alive. Um kevin should interview kathy to cheer her up.

Oh gosh chargepoint gave you green today. No way, let me see chpt. Oh my gosh charge point hey. This is a long-term support line right here, uh 1970..

We basically fell to that. Again, i mean these are the kind of levels where it's like. Oh, how could you not just buy everything i mean not everything's a good deal like i'm, not going yolo on apple right, but there's so like. Oh man, people got so mad at me, so mad at me when the market was zooming.

It was doing this and i'm like i'm selling, i'm selling some stocks, i'm taking profits and everybody was leaving me clown, emoji and paper hand emoji and they're like how come you're not buying. I just bought this and now i'm up 10 and i'm like whatever yo. I'm waiting for the dip. Now we got the dip now i'm buying the dip, and then you buy the dip and the dip keeps dipping people like.

Oh my gosh that i bought because you bought it now it dipped another ten percent like well. Where would you rather have bought here or there? You might be down in both cases, but where would you rather have been down from, but but that's just classic investing and the psychology of money right is. Is that who cares like you want to use these pain opportunities to invest for the next 10 to 20 years? You really think nvidia in in 10 years is like we're gon na care about these stupid candlesticks in 20 years. Uh like these little fluctuations here - oh, but if you can at least time your purchases to periods of pain, look anything you're buying right now is is down uh as the entire market's down, like you know, when you're you're, the ultimate loser is when all of this Stuff is green and let's say you bought amc yesterday and then it's down 15 and literally the entire market is green.

That's when you feel like crap. That's that's when you're literally in the house of pain like that sucks, but if everything's down no, who cares? It's just a discount sale, the exception of some of the stay-at-home stuff. Hey look wayfair actually went back up over 200, oh my gosh. Now that is one.
That is one i think is really interesting. Why why why why why why wayfair went down this low uh to 197.? Look at that pain chart right here, uh! Well, yeah! That is true, will about the tornadoes, but unless you, if you hit in the bathtub, i guess you're, okay, rents are going up faster. The new properties can be built that is true, uh couldn't apple, get in the game by buying robinhood yeah totally the 45-inch charmander is selling for 400 to 600 on ebay. Oh, my gosh nft charmander will cost more than a 45-inch real one.

Imagine 45 inches when kevin grabbing some pound to your dip, uh yeah, probably not anytime soon. I i think pounds here is this phenomenal company uh. I do get very nervous, though, about how broad uh their their tam really is, and maybe because i'm not a user of the product. I i misunderstand that, but that is something that concerns me uh.

There are various different reasons for that, but but whatever i did sell my my palette here, uh tattoo chef screen, that's good uh! Let me see hey was that 1481. Not that long ago, did it actually go green? Today i mean i i believe you i just. I want to know how much let me see here there we go wow up half percent today on on tattoo chef. Ah, that's cool future collectible future of collectibles is interesting.

Will physical collectibles become more valuable as digital assets become more mainstream or will new generations not care about physical collectors? I personally don't love physical collectibles but yeah lying flat movement to understand. What's going on in china, you know i've read a little bit about that already, but i'm going to write down to do a little bit more. It's a good one! Uh, okay, cool yeah, lucid, went green today! That's true! Do you hear about a board? Eight nft that sold by 3k for 3k instead of 300k by mistake, nope but good for whoever got that deal. They just made 279 000 or 297 000.

On a mistake, that's hilarious! Okay! I think we did good. I appreciate you all being here. Hopefully this was uh insightful. I wish you all the best out there and uh always remember kevin just lost lots of money, but don't let that stop you from buying the courses link down below because you can take advantage of the price before it goes up after christmas.

So uh, that's where we have to where is it oh gosh? I can't find it. I can't find the buy button. Bye, bye, bye, yeah, that one uh and then you'll be really happy yeah and then we'll go to the horse race together. I.

By Stock Chat

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28 thoughts on “Stocks crypto bleed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i recommend BITFXTRADING on telegram says:

    🖕🖕 really appreciate you for your helping I got my account unbanned you are a pro

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maddie Koval says:

    after watching so many YouTube tutorial videos about trading I was still making losses until Mrs Olivia started managing my investments now I make $21,560 weekly. God bless Mrs Olivia she's been a blessing to my family.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian beisheim says:

    I wouldn’t be buying anything tomorrow morning before J-POW speaks, dip or no. (Except maybe a morning only day trade, out by the afternoon). When he speaks, the market tends to bleed. And the Fed is under a tremendous amount of political pressure right now to tackle inflation, especially as we head into an election year (mid terms). Probably best to be flat going into tomorrow afternoon and buy the dip (or go short) after he talks and we see how the markets react aka. wait and see, as opposed to guessing and drinking the hopium

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tanner Rhodes says:

    Great video like always man! Wonder when you can make a video review about $PINKPANDA. It's the next big thing…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Mahler says:

    Kevin, great video. A lot of stuff to keep an eye on for Wednesday like you said.
    Any thoughts on SEV coming back to anywhere close to the upper 20’s where I unfortunately bought in at?
    Thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mobileZ50 says:

    ​SHUNA Inuverse (SHUNAV) is a true hidden GEM!!!! Do not miss this FAM!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demetrius G says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demetrius G says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Becker says:

    Bro transferring money to webull is fast almost instantly after the first time

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Becker says:

    New law banning the use of forced labor product from China thats Apple Asus Victoria secret hp and many more. All use forced labor of china's Muslim population. Apple has known for a long time and refused to comment or acknowledge the situation. Investing in Apple is investing in slavery. That why I buy no Apple products or invest in it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J M says:

    “The stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient.” – Warren Buffet

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin S says:

    Again extremely bullish on pfizer. These dips have barely affected the stock. Made 500% on calls today.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike D says:

    I'm bleeding out. This was a bad year to become a new investor for me…😩

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scottyo says:

    You were so right about Solana coming back to $150. Well done. Bought a little.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Truth says:

    who told you apes are selling? lol…cmon kevin, you are smarter than that, how did you come to that conclusion "tough guy" haha.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max omus says:

    Jpowell!! Sold out his dovish !! To keep his job.. jmo. YELLEN AND THE BIG MAN,!! SPANKED HIM IN A ROUND ROOM. RESULT, POWELL SUBMITTED. KEPT HIS JOB. Wednesday will tell it all

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max omus says:

    Look at the entire market, seems They are placing Alot of stocks back to EOY 2020. De ja vue ALL over again. (Fluff sticks down, and the 2021 loser up) jmo. KEVIN SHOULD DO A video. On that.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars giedryztube says:

    So is this the end of a beautiful AMC story? I mean it’s truly remarkable that it lasted this long yet still sad for the movement..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olly Waind says:

    Kevin, please talk about ARVL. Every time you are about to you always get distracted 😂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Simmons says:

    Been in crypto for years, gotta say, the way things are going now feels a lot like the beginning of a true bear market rather than just dips that'll level out over a month or so. If I had to guess, I'd say we're headed way way lower in the coming year. Tons of people will be shaken out and BTC will likely be a steal. Could be wrong, either way I'm great because a crash means more stacking and a pump means more green obv.

    Hope everyone is doing aight

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timotheus Angaleus says:

    It’s real simple, stop buying and holding in start day trading momentum. You get out clean every night, you don’t have to worry what’s going to happen overnight because you’ll just play the next momentum stock the following day and most importantly you win a whole hell of a lot more than you lose.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaHumAn says:

    lol those selling AMC are definitely not diamond handing, that's for sure.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Rodgers says:

    I completely agree with you Kevin a tentative sideways slight green day tomorrow and panic on Wed morning. Great buying opportunity there.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somethingg interestingg says:

    Can you do some give-away events for courses?
    Wouldn't cost you anything and would increase engagement

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.Brown Plumbing says:

    This dip has been gobbled up. Let's not be fooled. Kevin will be wrong about nio on nio day. History repeats, nio movement is insane.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Rodgers says:

    Nvidia might go to 250. If so I'm buying. I'm glad I waited a bit longer. A great opportunity is ahead.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ol_DirtyMooser says:

    Amc fundamentals have fallen through. Theres no reason to hold it anymore. Adam aaron declined the NFT idea and then sold like 80% of his position lol GME is the ape play. AMC is media pump&dump

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dirk Diggler says:

    Double down , buy the dip, Elon Musk is the greatest man that ever walked God's green earth, and DOGE to the MOOOOONNNN!!!!

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