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Jim well well. Well, we've got some more pain in the good old market and it certainly doesn't help that now we've got the ppi. The producer price index that came in way higher than expected on a month-over-month basis we're expecting a 0.5 percent increase, which would be an annualized rate of about twelve percent. Instead, we got point eight percent, which is an annualized rate of about nine point.

Six percent uh. Remember we're measuring uh, the acceleration uh or the uh how fast we're driving not how far we're going. So you don't uh have to use compound math uh to take a look at that. You would just simply multiply by 12., so 0.8 times 12.

You get 9.6 to get how fast you're going uh and that is a 9.6 pace of increase uh in uh in the month of uh november. Here for producer prices, so uh we'll go ahead and take a look. I want to look at the breakdown of exactly. What's in our ppi this time, but uh worth noting that this comes just a day before jerome powell uh releases his uh updates on uh, how fast they're gon na taper, but also his uh, his talk uh his uh his speech on how important it is to React quickly to inflation, how important it is to uh respond uh appropriately to all of these high figures that we're seeing uh and this a lot of the speech.

Unfortunately, tomorrow i expect to be quite politicized and the reason i say that is this is going to be jerome powell's first speech uh, since he was appointed by uh biden for a second term uh and uh. I do worry that you're gon na get uh some level of uh sort of like all right. I always abide and show that i'm i'm doing a good job here, so i'm gon na be a good uh chairperson and i'm gon na make sure biden knows that. I'm doing everything great and i i really don't believe that jerome powell believes the inflation that we're seeing right now is anything but transitory.

He's retired. That word, because society has misunderstood uh what he meant by that which was uh something to imply that you know it's going to take we're going to go through this period of time, whether that's a year or two years where inflation is going to be higher. But that's going to be a because of base effects of comparing to the whole pandemic and b because of reopening spending, and then of course this has all been exacerbated by supply chain constraints. Uh.

I don't believe that his opinion has really changed on that, but i think his his uh outward appearance and the way he sort of acts and and talks uh to society will be a little a little more hawkish than usual, which unfortunately, probably won't be great for Stocks uh, but i don't think his action is necessarily going to match. Uh the the you know, his tone we'll see uh so um. In other words, you could see the worst read uh today and tomorrow before jerome paul talks, or you could see the worst read after he talks and uh. That's uh, that's, unfortunately, the uh a little bit of the issue that we're running into is we just don't know for certain uh or with certainty when you would see the worst threat and then there's always the possibility that you you wait to see the worst read Until uh, potentially rates actually start going up, who knows uh? You know we folks always look back to 2018 and see that 20 sell down in the s p 500 over three months and that three month recovery period great buying opportunity that ended up being uh and remember a lot of the money that has been created and Printed and this wealth that people have created, it's not like it, it's evaporated.
I mean a lot of wealth evaporates when stock prices go down, but not all of it. A lot of that money is available to re-enter the market. Let's go ahead and take a look here at ppi for a moment, so there's our 0.8 percent up and we want to see see if we can get a little bit of insight into uh. What's going on particularly yeah, it's not not as blunt as our here.

We go okay there we go final demand, okay, good! So these are our producer prices, okay, cool! So here on the far right side we could see october to november price increases and then that's seasonal, one month percent change and then over here you can see that 12 month change and you can see it looks like fresh fruits and melons got a little expensive There look at that up 20 in uh hold on. Let me let me go ahead and put this into a an app where we can actually just draw on it and that'll be a little easier, but we'll we'll go through this together in just a second uh. All right here we go there, we go so uh, but anyway keep that in mind about j-pal and his attitude and again that reiterates so we're probably going to see pain to some degree both before and after he speaks uh. I think there are a lot of folks who think that jay pal is going to tell us that he's going to raise rates a lot sooner than expected.

Initially, there was no, you know no liftoff really for rates expected until the summer, because that's when the taper was expected to conclude but jpow tomorrow could easily say hey, you know, since the taper will be done sooner, we'll be prepared to raise rates. If we need to uh, which i expect he'll say and uh, i expect he'll say that'll be sooner than expected, and on top of that i also expect that um, you know he's going to come out as pretty hawkish uh as again a sort of a thank You for keeping his job whether or not he believes that you know depends i mean we could. We could see some clues in whether he believes that, because he might uh, you know, we might hear him say: hey we're going to wait to raise rates until we actually see in you know an inflection point uh in inflation, whether that's to the upside or to The downside and then i would imagine he would say - and we expect that to be the downside - this might end up being peak inflation, we'll see anyway. Okay, so you got uh all right, melons, melons, up lots.

Lots of lots of price increases there on melons got it and we know meat's gone up made a whole video on meat. I mean look at look at uh beef and veal here up 40.6 percent year over year. That's crazy. Wheat, 38 processed young chickens, 26 year-over-year.
I think's definitely gotten expensive uh, let's see here, then you've got uh. Oh gosh, yeah fuel demand. Look at that liquefied petroleum glass up a gas up; 153 percent gas up a hundred percent. This is something that's definitely gotten more expensive.

Uh. Interestingly, though, you see actually a negative here in liquefied petroleum, so that started u-turning a little bit, but gas itself still getting more expensive diesel up 81 percent a little bit of a u-turn here, negative point, uh or two point: eight percent uh. What was here, iron and steel scrap up ten point: seven percent up: seventy eight percent in the uh year, it's worth noting that uh jp morgan released a piece on iron and steel and they expect that iron and steel is is going to plummet next year, so Kind of incredible - okay - let's see here part of that is because of that reduced real estate demand in china and they're uh, big producers of uh, well, miners of iron ore and producers of steel - all right just looking for some other big numbers here. What we got here - machine mining machinery, uh and they don't mean bitcoin mining, 5.8, transformers power, regulators 5.5.

All right! Some of these numbers are settling down a little bit. Well, this is interesting tv and photographic equipment. Negative 10.4. It's gon na be really interesting when at some point in the future we look in.

Most of these numbers are negative, so the numbers they can't keep going up forever: 12.1 percent there on airline passenger services arrangement cruises and tours down three point: seven percent still up year over year, though, but you're comparing from the whole passenger car rental service up thirty. Five percent point: eight percent month over month, hmm final demand. New construction construction seems to be a little bit more reasonable here, somewhere between 10 to 20 year-over-year i'll, also again, comparing somewhat to the whole okay. This is pretty pretty similar so far, a lot.

A lot of commodities that are up whether that's uh, lumber or metals uh and we've started to see an inflection point in those in a lot of them. I'm gon na look at oil uh, look at um, not necessarily oil. I mean that's down a little bit but aluminum look at lumber uh, although i do wonder if lumber started rotating back down again. Let's pull off of this here.

Let's look at the lumber here, so lumber price. Here we go okay, so that's that's still running. Actually, okay, let's see yeah look at that, so this one's not so ideal. Look at uh lumberers lumbers price! There we have this insane surge in in the summer, uh really wild surge of uh lumber prices going to the moon uh.

You know over uh over sixteen hundred dollars there for a period of time, uh just closed at uh 1069 for their unit of measure. Here yeah. We really came out of this. This lull that we had in the summer.
What's really interesting is when we started reopening after the base effects of comparing inflation march april may this and the explosion of demand we saw prices come down even in cpi right inflation came down in the summer. Nobody was really worried about inflation in the summer, and it was also very interesting that while nobody was worried about inflation in the summer, bitcoin prices had fallen substantially over here in the summer. It really wasn't until the delta variant freaked everybody out that we started seeing all this inflation again kind of incredible. Let's see if we can get uh.

Let's see uh cpi chart uh, let's see if saylor's friend has it, let's see if they have it. I don't know if they do on a month-to-month basis would be nice. They do. Okay, let me see if we could see this summer here.

Oh see that slower pace right here. That's really interesting. This slower pace would be very similar to what i was talking about with the lumber prices there, where, at the beginning of the year, you had the fast pace and then it's kind of like somebody took the foot off the gas on inflation, and then you had That acceleration again after delta, that was pretty interesting uh. So you know now we're hoping to see, of course, not only just a flattening but a rotation down.

I mean now. You know now it's high time, like jan feb of next year, high time just start seeing uh this start inflecting down. Hopefully it inflects down before the taper ends. That's the big key.

If inflation can deflect down before the taper ends, then that'll give jerome powell ammo to say: hey, you know what we we got to give this a shot. We got to wait a little bit. We got ta wait a little bit before we uh we raise rates because inflation's finally trending down uh, but if it doesn't, then you know what's happening to rates it's going straight up. Speaking of things going up, you should check out the uh beautiful christmas coupon code on the programs on building your wealth because there's a good chance, i'm going to go into margin, buying the dip, and if you want to see exactly what my thesis is all my Buy sell alerts and everything check out that stocks and psychology money group get lifetime access to it and you get some sick other benefits as well.

That probably pay for the course for you: yeah not just live streams, but big ol, big old partnership with coupon. For that partnership and uh yeah love to have you there check out all the programs as well there's even a new course path. Course that comes out at the end of january, check that out as well. You can bundle them together.

The bundles are pretty cool a lot of people taking advantage of that bundle anyway, check that out christmas coupon code, and then pricing will go up again all right with all that said, let's go ahead and take a look at the drama of the day, which is Obviously, the market having a little bit of uh pain. You know it's surprising, the the indices, don't move so terribly much. I mean a quarter percent on the dow point. Six percent of the s p one percent on the nasdaq.
You get much more pointed pain on on individual stocks. Uh i mean look a firm at 105 uh d-wack and that's down 4.5 percent d-wack down five percent game. Stop down. 5.6 percent apiton was up seven percent yesterday.

It's basically giving it all up right now. Six point: one: nine percent down cloud flare was up three point: two percent yesterday, while everything else was red there, it goes down. Seven percent. Look at that.

Amc was down like 15 on friday, 15. Yesterday, it's down another 20 right now, yeah! Oh my hair's. A little bit messed up. Oh there we go that's better yeah.

Who cares? Oh yep? No! That's that's not good! Oh! I really screwed it up now, yeah whatever. Who cares all right? So uh, hmm yeah, there's some there's some good old pain that you've got uh on this upper side. Here there's four point: three percent on neo i mean we're almost getting back to that that bloody monday pricing that we had uh, where uh prices were just getting so low, where a firm briefly dropped under a hundred. You look at that matterport sitting at 22..

Roblox 107 roblox getting ready to go under 200. end phase is ready to go under 200. redfin's been spending some time under 40 for quite a while trade desk under 90., nice good setups for next year. Oh, look at that nvidia and even nvidia's down nvidia's down at 272 expi, three percent of the outside lucid three percent tesla, three percent uh etsy down a good three percent here lemonade.

Oh there's some there's some good pain over here and, interestingly, though bitcoin not having as much pain today, we've been playing this line. Look at this, our our beautiful peach line here, peachy line here we have really been dancing on this line. This is on the one minute chart: let's go to the one minute of the one hour chart and yeah. Look at that dance.

We've been playing on the line here. It's a very strong support line. You do have some concerns. Uh that uh potentially uh bitcoin is.

Is setting up for a larger rotation down, let's see here there we go so sitting at yeah. The support line here is at 46. 794.. It's basically 80 bucks away from where we are right now on on btc.

So a lot of eyes can be on this. Let's look at aetherium see how look at that same movement on ethereum here straight from 4 to 37 64., and these lines haven't moved they've been sitting here, which is very exciting that uh the lines work, but it's also a little nerve-wracking because the next ones, you Know we don't really start seeing until like the 2500 range again, at least from from my ta on ethereum. I know there's some stops in between and i believe 37 would be next stop on btc! Yes, 37.5! Oh okay! Okay - let's see here, okay, so what else ada down at 122. yesterday was almost down under 120..
Today's really not bitcoin or crypto, sell-off day day, today's more stock sell-off day vixx. You know vic's, not quite back yet to that severe pain that we had. But, interestingly, a lot of stocks revisiting some of the prices that we saw on uh. What was it? The sixth, the third, the third and the sixth? Those were your pain points.

Hmm, let's see here so yeah, take a look at the pain on, for example, cloudflare. Just to compare so you know, cloudflare actually hit its low on the 10th, which was just uh this friday and then, of course, in october october, was down to 108.. So maybe we will end up falling to that. Trendline lucids bouncing right around our support line over here, although my support line's sitting at 36.94, actually that's about where it is right now, that's at 37.94 ish right now.

Okay, then, we've got charge point sitting at about 20 in the pre-market backed holdings getting trying to get back down to 10, there amc still holding on to 20 but boy, oh boy, this one's just gotten smoked here, uh and uh broken past all of uh. All the support lines that i've drawn monday - 3.6 - that's uh, 260.. That's still a little elevated here shift tech sitting at all-time lows. Here: 3.58.

It probably means robinhood. It's got to be like 18 or something now so yeah, oh yeah! Well, 1915. 1930! That's where it's sitting right now, etsy still 215 matapor 22. Just looking here at the order book to see it, palantir saw them running some ads.

This morning, oh wait yeah last night, rather uh 1789. This is a bagel by the dip one by the way uh. I mean there was some huge huge by the dipping on palantir when palantir first had its big move down over here, huge retail by the dipping, not necessarily institutional, a lot of retail by the dipping on palantir. Of course, they are continuing to hit all-time new lows.

Nvidia has, of course, come off an incredible run, so you know not not much of a sell down here, but hey you've got you've got quite a way to go. If you wanted to upstart. Finally, eradicating some of the insanity of almost back to 1 30.. I've been waiting for this to get back to 130 120 somewhere around that range.

It actually is almost back there. It's kind of crazy adobe selling off about 3.3 percent. I'd be an advertising partner right there for 2022.. Hmm, solar industry actually had some, not so great news that uh solar was it.

Let me see here i have the note on it. Um um. I did not see that report on roblox thanks to opsar for mentioning that some, not so great report there, apparently but uh. Where was the solar? Oh yeah, here we go.
The trade group s-e-i-a reduces full year forecast for the solar industry by 20 suggested or 25 percent suggesting solar installations could fall 15 in 2022, thanks to supply chain issues. Juicy got ta love it when that solar industry gives you a discount, but in the meantime, meat's doing well like meat prices, so much pricing power, everybody's raising prices. When it comes to me and remember, somebody left a comment about this. I thought it was really incredible.

Somebody said uh kevin remember when you cover chipotle earnings, they said in their earnings, call that the prices of their their inputs weren't going up, but they were raising prices anyway, because they could and and then it made us realize, like wow. These companies are taking advantage of inflation uh to to just raise prices and pump their margins. Now uh, that's crazy for stuff like like chipotle, you know they don't need to raise their prices and they are anyway. I guess it's just pumping the stock.

It's just. I guess you can't blame the stock, it's done quite well. If i haven't looked at an oil yeah, but then then that makes me feel bad because we always we just have this pattern of, like my course. Prices always go up, but that's irregardless or regardless of whether there's inflation or not, because i don't want anybody who had previously bought it to be getting a worse deal right.

That's always been the thesis. That's that's. Why there's a linear progression to the course pricing, uh and hopefully an exponential uh increase to the value? That's provided to you, but uh yeah. That was really interesting to see chipotle move on that that pricing power uh.

Although you have seen the second week of november a little bit of a sell down here at chipotle kind of interesting gosh, they were almost at two thousand dollars, that's incredible! They have run so much during this pandemic. Go back, go back to where the pandemic began. Where was it here? It is before the pandemic began. It was still a 900 stock which is crazy, fell all the way down to like 400 uh and then really took off again kind of incredible all right.

What else we got here so t-docs 92 lemonade, lemonade's still hanging on above 40. There ark a lot of retail buying by the way going into ark. I thought that was really interesting. I was doing some research on this.

In fact, let me log in again here and pull it up. Oh, take me a second hello uh. It it looked like recently. People have finally started buying ark again.

I thought that was really interesting. Let me see here uh a lot of retail arc. Okay, there we go. Sometimes i lately i've been writing that with 1k and two r's, maybe that's because everybody's a little more grumpy, yeah, okay retail buying - i can't show it but retail buying uh - has has really exploded relative to its uh to so retail.

Investors sold ark between november 16th and october so november, 16th and october so like here to here this sort of run people sold ark a lot, a lot of retail selling of arc and recently, as as we've hit this sort of bottom over here, retail's been going. Nuts buying arc, i thought that was really interesting. I think it's because people think hey buy the dip, can't keep going lower and then it unfortunately does but yeah biggest retail buys recently s p 500 can't blame that it's done so well apple. Recently, nasdaq nvidia ford, lucid tesla, sofi, uh amc.
Surprisingly, a big step up in amc buys uh, maybe unsurprisingly, uh but like nobody was buying amc between october and mid-november, and it's really picked up in the last couple weeks with the sell down and then you're still getting retailers buying, peloton boeing bank of america. American airlines and amd and uber and qualcomm some of the big ones. Let's give you kind of an idea where uh, where retail is i'm buying, calls on kevin's course. I appreciate that.

That's a good one yeah i don't know if chipotle's always being empty is necessarily a bad thing. Uh, ironically, like people grab and go, the chipotle lanes were incredibly popular. I personally look i've had my gripes. I've never invested.

Actually, that's not true. I haven't before invested in in chipotle, but i i don't love like i've gotten sick before eating at chipotle, and i straight up blame the store uh. It was the only thing i had eaten uh and it wasn't like it was late. In the day like i starved or whatever it was very obvious, yeah food poisoned by chipotle anyway, i could see i remember looking at it too, like i'll.

Never forget. I was looking at the meat i'm like oh man, that looks kind of old. I remember thinking that too. It's like you know how sometimes, like you have this thought.

Like man, i think somebody's gon na knock that cup over or something right like man. I think something's that, like that, that doesn't look good and like you're thinking about how something bad is going to happen, and it does and it's like damn it. It shouldn't pay attention more, but anyway um people hate, cilantro, well, yeah. I hate cilantro too, but anyway i do think the company in general is still doing very, very well uh, so i'm not so terrible.

Oh we're already at market open, i'm not so terribly worried about that. But but i don't i don't invest in them. I don't invest in restaurants, he's just saying: listen, all these, they jump the star. Now this is the guy.

He covers application security, cloud security, data security, identity, access management, infrastructure protection, integrated wrist magic. Oh jim, stop screaming all right, so we're over 80 red. Let's see how the the market's opening uh i'm very, very curious and also kind of tempted uh, i i would love for weeble to freaking load like that's dumb, it's not giving me my charts. What, as soon as the market opens, you take my charts away.
Jerk uh, okay, let's see here next door, oh my god, whatever okay, let's see what we got so amc seems to be recovering. A little bit cloud flare seems to be going down a little bit more neo's, going down a little bit more matterport's, going down a little bit more end. Phase is going down a little bit more and we've got expi is almost under 30. Lucid is also falling.

I'm trying to find a firm there's, a firm 104. I would really really love the chart right now hold on. Let me try something: there's no way, there's no way we lose the chart right at the open. That makes little common sense.

Uh. That's all right! We'll get we'll get to the bottom of it. That's i! You could just rely on weeble to take your charts away right when you need them, but anyway, a firm continuing to drop it's down now. 6.1 percent and uh looks like amc continuing to somewhat recover here.

In phase sticking with that five percent down matterport's under 22. where's tesla see if we can find tesla here, uh. Okay, a lot of you were saying that weeble's not working, oh good, job, uh, good job weeble. Oh my gosh, please close some of these crazy tabs.

All right, fine, then we'll do it the old-fashioned way. For now there we go okay, a firm uh now down almost uh, almost six percent. Well, we can see the percentage over here 5.5. This is more a little bit live here.

It's too early to really get the chart here. I'll go to trading view; okay, it's just slower to move around on trading view. So let's try tesla all right what we got over here. So we have we'll go down to let's go here and i want to see the minute chart.

Well, not that close there we go all right here. We go there. We go so now we're on the minute chart. We're on the average candlesticks.

We're on the minute chart and looks like the lux algo is telling us to go by ah come on should be like a little default like a rubber band back to where we want to be uh, but anyway, okay, so sitting at uh 9 45. Here on tesla, hmm adobe's down a good chunk as well. I'm surprised amc amc's recovering very nicely. So that's that's very nice to see.

I want to look at. Let's look at the spy, then we could see if the broader markets were covering. Oh, it's so much slower on trading view: okay, here's the spy, okay breaking past, a higher level of volume sitting at 463. Let me keep an eye on this.

Oh there we go so here's amc's chart back up. Okay, so amc is recovering well, so this is so much easier there we go. Okay, good cloudflare's, still dropping so i'm gon na cloudflare's got a handsome valuation. No, don't forget that when, if you buy the different cloudflare, don't get me wrong, i like cloudflare, you know i i have them on my buy list.

I think cyber security is critical. They're doing some great things, especially with the uh. The latest drama we're seeing with uh java i'll probably make a video on that explaining that uh right after this live stream actually but anyway, end face. Look at that in face under 200 continuing to drop.
So i'm gon na put this on i'm making a little santa claus list right now, especially since it doesn't. I don't seem to have a rush to purchase right now. Uh, since things continue to fall, dq is rotating up again. Cloudflare is at eight percent purple.

Okay, all right what about a firm, a firm's really stagnating here at 104.? Okay, i have them on my list, really love them uh, it's probably too much, but i do uh a firm mind. Matt upstart adobe adobe such a great company here too good a little bit of. I would love to see a little bit more pain honestly on adobe. It's just been such a freaking killer of a company been killing it i'll, write them down, uh i'll, put them under the maybe adobe uh another one that's been destroyed is wayfair, and i still quite i can't quite grasp why wayfare is doing so poorly, but then You've got uh, what's what's its face, doing so: well, uh restoration, hardware, that's shocker! Okay, now you've got tesla at 936.

Also rotating down. Remember: you've. You've still got what four or five days of of uh. What's his name selling elon musk? So i think that means this is gon na stay for a little longer, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're not gon na get a nice potential powell bump.

So i'm gon na write down tesla here: okay, a little bit of a bump coming back here to uh tesla looks like we had a little bit of a bump back here, end phase and cloud flare and a firm so you're getting a little bit of a Bump here maybe that means it's time to buy. You know you don't have to be perfect unless of course you're perfectly trying to day trade uh. Then then, obviously every penny matters, but if you're looking to buy longs, it matters a little less. But i am going to buy some enphase right now and i'm probably going to buy a few more things.

I'm going to send out these alerts for anything that i buy. Obviously in the stocks in psychology money group and let's see here what else do we have? Oh look at robin hood: uh, it's dancing under. I remember what it was like 1992, like not the year. I was born, but like a couple uh couple was it a day ago or yesterday, or something like that, like oh wow, look at look at it under under 20..

I wonder if it's going to go to 18 and it did now in fairness. I have been saying that i think there's a good chance that this company could go under uh uh 20 to that 18 range. Now i don't forecast that it would go much further under 18, but uh there's nothing to say that i have to be right about that. So we'll see all right.

What else do we have here? Okay, so oh here's tesla yeah tesla's recovering a little bit as well. It's interesting okay, uh there we go okay and post a couple alerts and uh etsy is another one. I'm gon na keep i'm keeping an eye on this. One keeps slipping a little bit.
A little bit of a recovery on some of these that have sold off this morning, uh going shopping all right. What else do we have oh square uh squares? Look at it! Look at how quickly we're recovering here kind of interesting, uh, amazon down a little bit. Goog goog under 29, and what else when where's wynn resorts these days 84 for win spy is only down about half a percent. Remember that it's it's not like! We've we've like gone into a dramatic sell-off here, but you are definitely seeing the spy recover right now.

So you've got sort of this brief little morning dip here that uh kind of looks like it's evaporating, okay and do a little more shopping. Let's see here, oh yeah, there we go: okay, hmm, okay! So personally i know a lot of folks are: are indicating hey! You know you should be waiting until after jerome powell, i'm gon na keep posting here by the way i should be waiting until after drone powell speaks. But if you watch the beginning of the video you see that my mindset is leans towards the opposite. That's not to say we can't have a broader sell-off.

We definitely can so i don't want to get excessive or or silly, but i don't mind spending a little bit before here. Well, in my opinion, uncertainty is is uh at its highest point. I like shopping. When uncertainty is high, when there's when there's fear in the street uh blood in the street, so to speak, so it's it's um.

In my opinion, the easiest most comfortable time to buy, even though sometimes that means the dip keeps dipping right. But i'd like i said, i'd rather buy in in dips that keep dipping than than buy at the top. When you've got euphoria, remember when we had this end phase run, i mean how how many times have we talked about this in um? What's it called um, you know in even these live streams here, even outside the the course member live streams right. How many times have we talked about? I don't buy when things are going nutty you know, and then then people like? Oh no problem, i'm a diamond hander, i'm just gon na dca.

If it falls, you know, but then they're crying, because their cost basis is like or or something really high. Who cares nibble a little bit over here at 225 nibble a little bit now at 200, and i'd rather do this and be buying here any day of the week? I'd rather be buying falling knives, as people say, then they're not taking advantage of uh the blood. The blood splatter how's tesla, okay, 2.52 to the downside, so not as painful as we saw a little bit of a recover here, which that's nice still got, selling pressure coming from elon, though arc down to about 92 trade desks sitting at about 90.. Let's see that nvidia bounce somebody donated five dollars to say, look at that nvidia bounce! Oh yeah! That's nice! Yeah! This morning we opened up around 272 nice bounce here back to about 280.
honey mining, actually going green. Let's take a look here at btc for a sec btc usd yeah btc is not showing a similar amount of pain, uh j pals tomorrow, apple's back up, yeah apple, moving back up, let's see here, going back to the upside volatility, has already fallen. A good chunk. Uh we were at eight or nine percent and uh we've already come back down.

Ah there we go uh, we're still at seven point: eight percent: okay, look at dogecoin all of a sudden dogecoin up 20 out of nowhere. There may see some of the recovery stocks coming back. They had a lot of pain yesterday. The recovery stocks carnival cruise lines yeah definitely a lot of pain yesterday and and even the airlines.

Those are coming back now, dutch bros, and that how so embraer's coming back how's etsy - oh, did elon pump. Doge, let's see here someone's like did you not see elon's tweet um? Is that that obvious? Obviously i haven't, let's see tesla will make some merch bible with doge and sierra goes. You know if you watch the times interview the uh time.com interview, he talks about doge being better than bitcoin as well in the time.com interview here. Let me see if i can pull it up just for giggles.

It was a good interview. Um, let's see, he thinks it's better for transactions he's mentioned before uh history, history, history: here we go such an underrated video. It's only got like 70 000 views all right here we go hold on a second. Let me find the uh part where it is talks about how we here we go.

Look at that doge hold on. I can't hear anything: oh yep hold on one sec. That's not good, definitely can't hear anything. You can't see that going anyway.

He talks about doge here, uh, it's not on mute either. Oh that's weird! I should be able to hear this, but i can't oh well uh. So, whatever uh someone who, okay, let's just i'll, read the transcript, really quick as someone and someone who has taken uh invested in bitcoin nature about money, played a significant role at paypal. So he talks about how he knows a lot about money and detailing the mechanics of money.

He says bitcoin is an interesting example and a prime mover, but the transaction value is low and it's really a way to transfer value like transferring a store value. It's not good for transaction dogecoin is better suited for transactions. Why is that? And then he says, the total transaction flow that you can do with doge is substantially more than like transactions per day is much higher and has much more potential than bitcoin. It is also slightly inflationary, but that inflationary number is a fixed number as opposed to a percentage.

So that means over time its percentage of inflation actually decreases. So it's good because it encourages people to spend rather than huddle anyway, that was uh. That's that was do uh elon yesterday on doge, not entirely sure why i can't hear uh today but um. Oh well, oh, wait! No! Okay! That would have been too easy all right! I got.
I got some figuring out to do, but anyway, that was uh. Elon's. Take on doge in case you were wondering, and then so. If now combined with his uh tweet uh, suggesting that he's going to uh accept doge, it kind of makes sense that doge is running up about 20 percent, very cool, very, very nice.

All right. Let's see if there's some more buying to do, let's see what else is selling off here. Canoe neo neo is about to go under 30. uh end phase, almost under 200 again and a firm i mean some of these are these are decent prices? You know what now i i know there are always people that are like.

Oh i'll, just wait for for the the fall to be over i'll. Just wait for the perfect bottom. You know every time i hear that it's a sign to me that i'm doing the right thing like when people think that they can perfectly time the bottom and those are the people who are the same people who foam will buy. You know at crazy, high levels.

Now, if, if you're unwilling to buy when there's pain, you'll, almost always phone will buy so uh like and and by the way, it's worth noting the worst thing that you could do, uh in in a time like this, in my opinion, is look at your portfolio And go oh, my gosh. I've lost x dollars. Now i have to go to work and and work, but i just lost all your money and it's like i'm working for free. That's like the worst thing that you can do, and that leaves a lot that shakes a lot of people out of the stock market.

You know, unfortunately, stocks aren't easy and they don't always go up. I mean look, for example, the s p 500 last year, and this year had a great year. It went up 16. Last year it went up 24, this 26, whatever percent this year, that's great, but look at for example, arc.

The thing goes up 150 last year, which you probably wouldn't have ridden the entire wave on arc going up 150 because you probably didn't know about arc until it already started, having superior returns. Probably you know october of last year somewhere around there uh it and then your upside was really from like 90 up, okay cool. So maybe you almost got a double, but you gave all that back. So it's worth keeping an eye on on on that relativity.

When people like, oh i'm in ark and they're, like oh man, that went up 150 last year, yeah well probably most people you know, did not capture that full 150 percent and you certainly gave up most of it. That's not a diss off arc. It's just to say, strategies that are hop for a period of time aren't always going to be hot, and so i wouldn't be surprised to see underperformance in in some things that were really hot this year, specifically like the indices and potentially more choosy buying outside of The indices next year, no guarantees, of course, no guarantees we'll see. Then the question becomes what choices you want to make.
Okay, so tesla also still recovering almost back to 9.50 good uh, google's almost google's still falling. That's i'm watching this okay, good google. My coffee got cold through all that dipping that's gon na help. Weigh the s p down, though, which is very nice, is that that creates a little more fear in the market and then other things sell off more okay, good, so uh cloudflare, still hanging out at these levels, affirm and phase where what about etsy, hmm etsy.

So far is at 1440, not bad. What about etsy and nvidia? Let's see 213, what about nvidia? The nvidia is starting to rotate back down a little bit somebody's wondering if neo is ever going to go above 60. Again, i don't know you know, that's really an expectation that you're going to get some big momentum coming back. I mean i'm sure at some point in the future.

Neo has that possibility, but uh yeah you've got a lot of pain in the solar industry today uh, but then again you know we just had estimates come out that solar industry might might slow down next year, which i think is wild, but anyway uh - and this Is why you really? This is why i purposely focus on end phase, because, even though yeah they're affected by the chip shortages as well, uh you're, not as affected by panel price compression, which, which is very important but yeah when is uh. What's it called neo going to go back? I have no idea. Oh look at that amc! Bounce! That's really! That's a solid bounce off of 20! That's really nice, but yeah um, neo yeah! You know i i can't i don't know. I i neil ran.

I feel like much more than some of the other avs, but i don't know if that's accurate, let me see finance, let's compare here. Let's just do a two-year kind of relative look here. I know this is one year, but let me go to uh. Let's include expev yeah, there's that underperformance by neo this year see x-bang's flat this year and neo's down 40 percent.

But if i go to five year, neo's up 218 percent and x brings up 90, so neo just substantially outperformed, the others and, and so now, you're getting a little bit closer to parity. So i think that's what's happening here is uh neo's out performance is, is basically being um uh. How do i wan na say pull down while, while x-bang has a chance to catch up? Okay, a little bit of red here again on tesla on google, continuing to rotate square 171, robin hood sitting at that 19 level loose at four okay. Let's go look at a couple headlines and then we'll come back.

Oh look at that. Another little end face pop down good, more discounts, all right. Let's see here, okay, remember folks: lifetime access check out that program down below the time to check it out is uh when the market's tough and you want more insights, check out stocks and psychology and money group or all of them, i mean, i think, most of People watching this - and i know that most don't, but most people watching this - should really consider getting into real estate uh. Not not because i'm saying like oh stocks are bad because things are dipping or whatever, just as it's as a very easy way to diversify, like if your only investments are stocks and crypto, and then you have these red seasons.
You lose your freaking mind, you know, and then at least, if you have some diversification with real estate, whether that's buying your own home or rental property income property, whatever at least get smart about. Taking advantage of some of the money you can make in real estate and the the thing is it's so unique to each individual person in that you can do a better job yourself than a fund could do for you. I know a lot of people. Don't have the time the patience or the money or credit to do with themselves, but i i would say the vast majority of you watching could could easily get into real estate much easier than you think.

Anyway, uh okay stocks drop with inflation running hot before fed markets, wrap yep tesla to accept doge, very, very cool uh. So, let's see here slump in macau casino share adds to hong kong stocks. Many woes bitcoin jab's, a key support level after slump from record yep. This is important because this next level uh determines, if we end up going down to 40k or not, let's see here yeah, but by what metric is real estate in in risky bubble territory? Is it is it because rates are low? Is it homeowner equity, which is uh? You know we with the lowest amount of folks who are upside down on mortgages uh in in history.

We have the highest credit scores for individual borrowers, with the ability to repay loans than we've seen in history. The average credit score of somebody getting a mortgage or refinancing is over 760, which is very, very strong. It's very difficult to get a mortgage yeah. Of course, there's always an interest rate risk headwind.

But if you look at the bond market, how high do you actually expect interest rates to go, including the bond market, not much we're capped in terms of how high we're going so sure, there's always going to be an interest rate headwind, but but uh to suggest That real estate's in a bubble, i think, is uh wildly misguided uh. Will there be headwinds from interest rates, of course, but to suggest that we're in like an 08 bubble is, is statistically flawed and entirely wrong? Uh, that's not to say i won't gladly pick apart. Any of the data that somebody provides me and i'm willing to be proven wrong if somebody actually gives good data, but so far all the real estate drama that you see on youtube is a bunch of garbage yeah. Well, charles! That's exactly why the fed is tapering, because they're going to stop buying this many bonds right, apple's going red while bob was going green.

Really, let's take a look at that yeah! There's not much move here to see here, other we'll go we'll go there in just a moment and uh. Oh that's interesting! How they're rephrasing this now look at the rephrasing of this two pfizer doses gives 70 protection against hospitalization notice, how they didn't say from covid. That's because the two-dose pfizer only gives like a 23 protection against actually getting coveted kind of incredible. Only people that don't own real estate think are in a bubble.
That's a good one. Well, they want to buy the dip. You know, and i don't blame that i i really don't uh it's just you know whatever. I don't need to really get real estate here in this video yeah.

I don't watch what other youtubers really think. Uh, the metric to show real estate is in a bubble as available homes for sale. Supply is limited due to eviction, ban and landlords will need to sell okay. So let's make this very simple.

First of all, why do landlords need to sell when a they have? The highest equity that they've ever had before, so that means they don't need to sell and b landlords, would love to kick tenants out right now, because you can adjust rents way. Freaking up we've got people renting places for twenty eight hundred dollars and they should be paying thirty five hundred dollars. We could raise the rents seven hundred dollars if these people would just freaking move. So landlords are in a beautiful spot to milk additional cash flow and not sell.

So that's wrong. Supply is also not limited. Due to an eviction ban. Supply is limited because less people are selling because prices have gone up and it's harder to be a buyer.

In this market, so instead of people selling they're taking the increased wealth they have and they're buying second homes, that's what we saw a lot of during the pandemic. People buying a lot of second homes and that's come down. We've seen less people buy second homes, but now people have a lot more second homes than they ever had before. What you have is wealthier people getting wealthier, investing in assets and not being afraid of the markets uh and and that's just consistently what you see and then, of course, you have horrible governmental policies that make it impossible to build new housing, especially in california.

I mean you've got a moronic government in california. Don't you start about? I watched my california video yesterday. If you want to see moronic california government, but uh boy - oh boy, no, i i think you couldn't be any more wrong on that. Unfortunately, i don't believe at all there's any rationale that landlords have to sell, uh and and certainly an anecdote that and that supply is tight because of the eviction ban, which isn't even true anymore.

The eviction bans uh been lifted in almost every state, at least that i'm aware of um yeah. I don't see it anyway, so uh, okay, beyond meat's, up six percent beyond meat's, been one of those. That's just been getting destroyed. Let's see here, zoom out, yeah.
Look at that beyond meat's, basically sitting near all-time lows. No, i wouldn't say all-time lows here: we ipod ipo at 57. Oh, so we're actually still a little bit above ipo price, that's crazy from 2019 wow and i remember when they searched to 200. That's so crazy! Okay rocket lab six percent gamestop.

I love this recovery in gamestop and amc. This is really good a lot of retail buying there for sure, and we could see that as well in the statistics solana coming back up, so we're seeing a nice bottom in in a lot of different coins. Right now, because yesterday we had more pain in the coins. Yeah look at that we're definitely yesterday yesterday and and even on the 10th, some more pain there on the coins and we're coming off of that.

That's nice to see yeah even bitcoin, riding up a little bit good, a little bit away from that lower support line. So that's good! So well! It's already 7 a.m. Wow! This time flew okay, cool! Oh! Look at that. We've hit the trend line on cloudflare uh.

Everything, you just said falls on its face when supply hits the market yeah. You give provide some statistics as as to why and when supply is going to hit the market. Rents come down with excess supply. Um rents come down with excess rentals, but you're conflating things.

I mean now now you're conflating housing supply with rental supply. These. These are very different things. You know, society has has changed where, where it's living and how it's living and the value that it places on on larger homes, thomas mueller, says greedy landlords.

That is all that's all it it is. I mean i i disagree with that. Most most of your home purchases are still being conducted by home buyers, uh substantially 75 to 80 and many cases, 85 of housing markets are still seeing. Homes sell to home buyers.

Okay, a little bit more pain here on uh end phase, a firm staying, stable, cloudflare's staying stable, roblox sitting at 107. still waiting for that one to get under a hundred it'd, be some such a treat. Google's falling more google keeps going it's down now, 2.6. So nice little turn here on.

Google tesla's only is tesla's sitting about 950. yeah apple's got a nice little u-turn. Here, nvidia is barely down now matt reports above 22, again sitting just under 23 pounds here above 18, again paypal's, actually green uh um. I still i i like these prices, and so i think the question that you've got to ask yourself now is: do you think that things are going to be worse after jay, pal or better? That's the big question: ooh spy rotating down? Yes, okay, i'm gon na watch that i think this might be getting dragged down a little bit by uh google, google.

Let me see what the bigger ones are doing here: micros, not micro strategy. I see microsoft yeah, look at that microsoft's down about three percent google's down about two six apple apple's still staying up, but also rotating down as they not rotating down as much as the others. Okay, i like this. Okay, let's see here, see what else we have.
No china initiative sets out to catch spies. It didn't find many. No that's funny. Red hot ship stocks are cooling, i think they mean the big ones.

Oh, they mean actual. I thought they meant blue chip stocks. They literally mean chip chips like amd, uh, nvidia and so on. Uh yeah, of course uh evergrand is, is absolutely another thing.

That's going to lead to some more risk off money coming out of safety prepping for buy. I agree with that uh, but i yeah. I do believe that yeah, i don't know much about prague and what's that, isn't that progenity, whatever raj virginity progenity yeah - i just don't know much about this one but yeah a lot of people keep mentioning it, but yeah definitely penny stock. I know nothing about and i'm not ashamed to say, hmm looking at the sparklines, it looks like blue apron selling off more trying to see if there's anything super sharp here, uh, microsoft and google that's an opportunity, in my opinion, by the way i love the big Ones, but i love them when they sell off so fine.

Okay, all right, probably gon na go, do a little bit more shopping elarian. Oh my gosh, this guy's, the biggest inflation buff. I mean he's he's just as bad as the gold sellers and don't get me wrong. It's he's.

He gets all the news coverage right now because he's uh, you know over the last uh uh six months he's been screaming about inflation. Inflation's, going higher has been going higher and uh he's been screaming for the fed to change course and and uh he's using them dropping the word transitory as evidence that uh they're changing course. A lot of that, i think, is politically motivated, thanks to biden, probably threatening powell on reappointment, like you got it, you got ta deal with this, make sure the market knows we're dealing with inflation and powell's probably like, but it's going to go away, it's temporary! Well then, just at least stop saying it that's kind of my take, but i don't actually believe that powell thinks that inflation's not going to go down uh in in the coming. You know a year or two uh.

Hopefully we get a large inflection back down here. In 2022, we actually have uh. Current estimates are that uh wall street consensus estimates so that cpi is going to go down to about 2.8 by november december of 2022. One of the big things that's actually expected to keep inflation propped up, though, is housing inflation, and that's because you have this massive lag in how long it takes for rents, to uh, to go uh to for rents, to a go up to actually go up, and Then b for them to actually be realized in cpi, so uh some big movements there to consider that scene.
We see here - etsy, etsy, 2, 14. yeah see here. This is literally when i know it's time to buy sorry jimmy i'm making an example out of you, but when people ask me things like, i saw it earlier too. Somebody's like how low can tesla go and uh people calling stocks that aren't penny stocks, penny stocks or lines like i'm thinking about selling everything and buying a lottery ticket like that? That's when you know that that pain level is going up.

That's that to me. I i appreciate you thank you for saying these things, because it just reiterates to me i'm doing the right thing buying. Let's look at the fear index, i think cnn as much as i hate cnn uh. They do have a decent fear index, whereas then sphere index, because there's one for crypto and then there's one for stocks.

What can i find they keep giving me their main page stupid? No, oh there we go see it's these things. I like look at that net. New 52-week highs and lows on the nyse uh updated december 14th. Extreme fear! Yes, yes, yes, i love it uh.

What do we got over here? Look at that! This is extreme fear and greed over time. This just looks like it almost follows. The volatility chart substantially lower than where we were just recently here. Uh there you go, i can see it a little bit better here.

I did actually see lumber. We talked about lumber a little bit earlier in this live stream. It's wild uh that that it's recovered.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Stocks are bleeding – red”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aryan knowledge Seeker says:

    Meet Kevin meet a young boy who has lost all his dignity to dollar bills.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Franklin says:

    It's no surprise. This is the bear season. It's bleeding so it could blossom early 2022

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Rowse says:

    Good vid 🤙 Cheers mate.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial FUNdaMENTALs says:

    You should record that sound bite:
    "I'm going shooopppinggg!"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dymenchuns says:

    Get AMD while it's still at a bargin.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim K says:

    I thought you were a realtor!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lovelymme bey says:

    Kevin the attention seeker😂😂😂this is why he dye his hair🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoeZ says:

    after listening to that dude explaining the I*diotic reasons for why his course prices rise each month…are people still buying that crap? 😀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Desire says:

    Kev, why do you HODL Affirm? When will they be profitable? I suggest a video where you go through your stock portfolio and your thoughts about those stocks. Would be great value for your subscribers!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Harson says:

    Stupid the fed is coming to the rescue of one the most overvalued stock markets in history, rates are going up starting in March guaranteed

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Navar says:

    Real Estate is in a bubble bc the US population is not growing, not enough births vs deaths

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dean wolfe says:

    I hope he washes that sweater. Too many days in a row imo.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Joe Pavlic says:

    Really appreciate your rant on real estate and the bubble. How about a state of the union on real estate video?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    My webull crash for 5mins this morning too. Messed up my morning trades smh

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steplaland says:

    2021 was the year the index destroyed you stock picking geniuses who came out of 2020 thinking you were the next Buffett. Humbling, how the market does that to you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Mejias says:

    It’s called American Greed

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pink gandalf says:

    The fomo people chat index is fabulous! Very nice very nice!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dru gonzalez says:

    Make a BABA video !!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dayleon hentzbellard says:

    I agree with fadedpolo as far as PSTH+ warrants.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby M says:

    Bottom line is interest rates need to be jacked up way higher, who cares if the market crashes. We need to fix inflation, this is ridiculous.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jen Sturgeon says:

    Dude wtf are wearing

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Analdo Moreno says:

    Kevin when will u do an update on $HOOD?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SMAC 007 says:

    I ate twice at Chipotle…got sick both times…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Justin Victorino says:

    Who's been picking up FORD stock? Looking bullish with the direction the company is moving.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RTheBruce says:

    Inflation will be fine: The supplychain issues will be resolved, the chipsupply is improving and commodityprices will reach normal levels again.

    The tech and cloud selloff by institutions has more to do with the fact that the covid pill is 90% effective at prevending severe symptoms and death. Moreover, vaccins are 70% effective against omicron hospitalizations. So in the end, next year will become more normal again. Institutions are just rearranging their portfolios a bit. Cloud growth might be lower than expected

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Vacario says:

    I should’ve just purchased Berkshire stock instead , there is a reason Warren is the greatest investor of all time

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken zhao says:

    everything needs go up at least 20%to support great Americans paychecks, cuz look at history pay rates never goes down~

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy James says:

    What's with the pink hair? Are you hosting a children's party after the close? 🤣

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trucker2b says:

    dam yall invest so much in each stock …so a little decline hurts… yikes ima pray for you… im doing just fine…spread the 2k in many stocks.. 100 a pop only lost $150 so far…

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusty Mirror says:

    Kevin, much of the inflation we’re seeing NOW is due to China realizing if they bottleneck the supply they can still make about the same amount of money, by raising prices (on goods & shipping)due to the demand remaining the same or even higher. At this point much less to do with Covid scares. Inflation will remain until we start sourcing heavily from other countries that can supply cheaper goods. Even if we start producing more goods in the US, due to higher wage demands, prices will still remain high. It’s going to be a “minute”

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymeson Mowdy says:

    Finally it’s consistently red, I can be comfortable now

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braxton Williams says:

    This man gonna fry his hair out

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sianklim says:

    Hey Mr. Financial Adviser, how can I become a millionaire starting with 1800 dollars this year

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Spelman says:

    Days of easy money are over, going to have to work for it now. Cathy Wood should retire

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