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Hello, welcome back to another market. Open, live streams. Take a look at how the market is doing today. It's uh, pretty incredible.

They actually interviewed by the way somebody else for potential federal reserve chair, i'm kind of shocked. I thought uh. This was going to be a slam dunk that uh jerome powell was pretty much uh pretty much had the the nomination in the back from joe biden, the fact that they've interviewed one of the other board members for jerome powell's seat, that's crazy, uh, now uh, it's Uh, it's it's um, not not too terribly much of a of a shift away from jerome powell, but but but still uh, it's uh. It's a shift at a time when i think nobody was really thinking uh.

It was time for a shift uh. Oh, you know some folks are saying: oh you know, this is uh uh democratic optics try to get a woman uh. Some folks are saying no it's just time for a change. Others are saying: hey it's just an interview.

Don't worry about it. So it'll be very interesting to see uh where that goes, but uh yeah, replacing the federal reserve, chairperson, is uh, definitely something that could create a lot of anxiety, especially during a time like this, when things are so on uncertain and up in the air. But oh well didn't think uh biden would uh try to throw a wrench in already broken years anyway. So take a look at indices today, dow jones industrial up 0.29 s, p 500 is uh up uh 0.09 and we've got the nasdaq uh a 0.07 with the russell russell actually just reports.

Last last, the when, when the market closed, that's the data that we get uh from the russell, so we'll see the russell when uh, when we actually open uh, okay, then uh so we're all green across the board. Again, let's go bonds. Here we've got the tenure again sitting at that uh 1.448 level. It's really incredible, honestly that we've gone under 1.45 right now.

Uh the the stock doc is very happy about that uh. We uh. We really look. So many people have been talking about the 10-year treasury bond going back to a two-year yield at some point, however, with sort of the deflationary trajection that uh our economy broadly has been on uh, it's made sense that the 10-year treasury yield has come down over time Of course, now that's shifting a little bit because uh we have, we have serious inflation at the moment at the present.

So of course the question is: how long is this actually going to last but uh yeah? Let's take a look here, i mean go zoom out on the uh on the 10-year treasury here, and i mean this like you, don't have to be much of a chartist to know what the heck is happening in this chart here and what the pattern is. It's just pretty remarkable that when we zoom in to year to date, we get a lot more volatility in that chart right which we would also expect right. You know it's it's kind of like when you look at the s p 500, here spy stock and you look at it on a five day period. It's sometimes maddening you zoom out and look at it year to date it starts getting a little flatter.
You look at it over time and it's actually not not like that. I mean the pattern's pretty obvious here. If you were to again draw a pattern here, just like you would, with the rates it'd be pretty darn obvious uh anyway, uh, okay cool. So then we've got uh.

Let's uh, let's see what we got uh, let's go! Take a look at some crypto coin market cap, so uh we've got bitcoin uh sitting at a new all-time high uh sitting right under 68k. Here you've got ethereum at 48.. Cardano really popped off this morning. Look at this up: 16 percent up to 2.36 cents here you've got a salon at 244 sheep at 56..

Then, let's see here, we've got uh. Axey 153's also had a very good uh week. Look at the crypto.com coin. By the way, uh interesting have uh 54.9 in the last week here, uh, so wild some individual coins just running uh, then decentraland still melting a little bit down 257 here or i should say two uh, two two dollars and a 57 cents.

So here we go all right: let's go ahead and take a look and uh see how some of the socks are doing. Yeah, keep in mind that uh at least. We may as well mention that if you can get, if you want to get life insurance in as little as five minutes go to, metcama.com life met kevin.com life and you can get life insurance in as little as five minutes and you can apple pay. Your android pay for it.

Okay, so here we go uh we're gon na pull up the term here to figure out exactly why some of these are having the catalyst of running like crazy. Here laser going up, 35.8 percent, that's wild, but uh roblox, here, roblox 32.73. On a crushing earnings yesterday, there were so many people expecting roblox to have a post covered bleed out that their user growth would uh, stale, basically slow down and or flatten their all of their growth. Metrics would essentially slow down as less people are potentially at home.

Playing video games well, apparently not, maybe people are playing more now that we're going back to normal than we ever have before, and so roblox kicking butt, beating expectations across the board up 31.58 atr missed terribly yesterday, and now it's up 30.34 percent makes a lot of Sense if we uh go to the losing stock over here, we'll uh see smile, direct smile. Direct in fairness did miss horribly, a big old, miss at uh smile direct, not not good at all, uh, all right. Let's look at the luminar. What do we got here? So i don't illuminarm! Okay! As of this morning, luminar wins nvidia business in self-driving deal wow luminar to supply laser sensors for nvidia using platform holy moly wow talk about uh, just an absolute incredible amount of uh opportunity that you have with nvidia, and this is this is something where.

How could you bet against a company that supplies chips for crypto mining that works in the metaverse that works in all uh, artificial intelligence that works in uh self-driving vehicles that works in 3d? Rendering i mean graphics, graphic scrap, it's! It's absolutely unreal uh how many different applications you have it's more than just having you know. Little pictures show up in your computer now uh, so uh you've got nvidia up five percent in pre-market right now. Absolutely incredible really really really incredible: uh ddd systems by the way 3d company here uh 3d printing services and that triple beat down 10 percent - very, very odd earnings. Yesterday, i'll tell you that i mean i was.
I was personally confused myself uh with uh how some of these earnings uh went. So it's uh, it's wild! All right. Give me a second here, okay, so then, let's see here what else so invite missed on earnings. We had 11.78 here to the downside.

Oh my gosh look at this. First of all, newegg is uh. Giving up some of its momentum from yesterday had about a 50. Almost a 59 run.

Look at paypal. I guess i'm going to be a proud owner of paypal. Soon i've got some big sold puts on this. One that'll be fun.

I think i they're probably what are they november's or no, i'm pretty sure the sold puts i have are for december or january, but uh yeah, i'm i'm going to be the proud father of some paypal stock here soon uh. Well, that's all right i'll, just wheel! It and uh, let's see here, paypal, paypal, paypal, oh february, oh okay, i'm not on the hook until february! Well, that's fine! A lot of things can change until february and paypal oh yeah, and then i have a 20 24 on top of that big deal uh. So anyway, yeah paypal getting wrecked down. Seven percent lemonade actually owned shares here and golly.

You know when they announced the car insurance product. I i knew that was going to that was going to be a time. The stock would get a lot of attention. It would be a positive day, very positive time for lemonade.

I was expecting this. I was waiting for this opportunity problem. Is they announced the car product? The thing ran to 79 sold back to like 73 dollars and then just slowly bled from there. It happened so fast, oh darn, you lemonade.

Now, uh earnings come out. They actually beat on earnings, but the market is not so happy about their all stock deal to acquire a car insurance provider, essentially which is really interesting, because the announcement that they're doing car insurance came out and that led the market to be so excited about. It was like oh yeah, a new product sweet but now they're acquiring another company in an all stock transaction and so the market's, like, ah a dilution, yeah, oh well, uh amc a little surprising here down five point: seven: nine percent and uh. You get some profit.

Taking after the little momentum run that we had at amc here, look at that amc ran up eight percent and you got some profit taking okay, let's uh take a look here: how, as our friend tesla tesla's up 0.84 at 11.72, we've got a firm uh only Down 1.38, after news that amazon is also partnering with venmo for uh check out with venmo services on amazon. Some folks recognize that venmo and paypal do have pay in four by now pay later services, not as ideal as what a firm can do with most merchants and products. I'm not heavily worried about that. Still very, very different products.
Remember if you're going to pay in four personally, i feel like you may as well just swipe your credit card, because you're, probably gon na, have uh pay in four weeks anyway, with zero interest. If you think about it, hmm all right uh, then we have etsy. Let's see here, etsy's up 1.36 wow, google up a third then uh. How about in phase how's that one doing and phase off 1.19 percent matter poured up 199 percent wow lots of everything kind of green today, with the exception of lemonade and uh? Well and then obviously, paypal but uh robinhood, robinhood down three point: three: four percent: after news of that uh data leak.

Folks, not too happy about robin hood and last thing: robin hood needs is more drama, but that's exactly what they're backing themselves into more drama. All right - let's listen to jim, he's, probably figured out what to do. He was concerned about omniverse and safety. Maybe he's figured that out.

That's important amd's get some of the omniverse platform, there's quite a day for those two companies. Oh yeah, talking about look at some of these other ones here. So, first of all, amd's right here up 2.72 percent uh, but then you also have lucid, is knocking on the door. Fifty dollars soon.

Folks, fifty dollars soon up three point: six: six percent holy moly coinbase global uh, four percent today, another five percent on nvidia. Could you not stand in the way of this stock? Uh cardano, real car, yeah cardano really started moving here. Two point: thirty: five dollar. Two point: thirty five dollars: that's right: uh, ethereum, forty, eight hundred and we'll see what voyager digital does today.

Uh got into voyager digital at about twelve dollars and thirty cents a week ago, uh sometimes i don't get around to making a video on it, but i did think it was gon na have the potential of running to twenty dollars. It's about 1889 right now. So nice nice moves there on voyager digital all right, so we are now 20 seconds away from the belt. Let's go up on over and do it about all right.

What's this name, i pressed them. Okay, what's green, i mean you're just refinancing. Well, the answer is it's backed up by the by the lincoln and ford evs, so that that, to me remember, uh, jim farley is revitalizing that whole line. This is there no longer no longer bankrupt, hurts uh over at the nasdaq.

Today, okay markets, a little more mixed today, i'd actually say it's about 60 red today, a little bit uh more red heavy than uh the normal. If we hop on to top of cnbc just to see how the indices are performing, we do have the dow slightly falling here. Dao futures, edge, lower after new highs ge jumps on news that it will split into three companies. That's actually probably a smart thing to do an actual split rather than a stock split.
Yeah ge gains five point: seven percent at open all right, we'll look at that in a moment. Okay, let's see how things are behaving so smile direct moving up on the open, invite that's a plummet on the open paypal plummeting on the open lemonade falling on the open amc. That's a fall on the open, probably going about to a 41 36 here. Oh, a firm somebody just put in a big fat, sell order on a firm.

This was down as much as four percent there for a hot minute uh. I just think some of the institutional investors are so dumb. Just don't don't seem to understand. There's a difference between paying for and pinel p later morons, whatever roblox look at that running at the open, yeah roblox uh and uh luminar kind of stable at the open here, atr falling a little bit lidar the other company ai, here kind of flat uh still Up seven percent on the day, though i mean news of the partnership in the industry - is incredible: uh nvidia, red on the open here, still up four percent on the day, but uh open right now is rotating down a bit, and so it's tesla.

It could just be everything: tesla's barely break even right now, uh nope, the spy appears to be doing decently. Okay, just individual stocks, all right so uh, let's uh. Let's listen in here again see what we got and then we'll pull up some uh headlines and see what else is going on. I think this guy's got, i think adam aaron is more up his sleeve.

I don't think this story's over and he's got something not just crypto crypto, okay and i'll, keep coming back to the fundamentals and just making the argument that there's nothing that makes sense in terms of trying to value the company on fundamentals. You've been saying that over and over and over again and i've been and i'm not right or wrong, but the market has certainly defied fundamentals. Well, okay, let's look at it this way how about he plays offense and he uses that market cap all right. Well, he changes the company all right, all right, let's go and pull off this.

Let's see uh, let's see what's going on here; okay, so uh. First things. First, let's go see what's going on with ge, so here we go bloomberg, reporting that ge will split into three units, ending the conglomerate for good conglomerate mix of a company that just does so many different things. One of the reasons that i've personally actually had issues investing in a company like ge is because it's too big, it's too big, i don't know all of the different units.

It has all the different things. It does it's way too much. So, honestly, three different companies not a bad idea, the company. By the way i did not know this was apparently founded by thomas edison wow, whose sprawling business once made it the world's most valuable company wow.
That's absolutely incredible. Ge will spin off its healthcare business in early 2023 and combine its renewable energy, fossil fuel and digital units into a single energy focused entity that will be spun off later. The remaining company will consist of ge aviation. It's jet division, wow jets.

Healthcare energy honestly makes sense it's kind of like vowing uh and face and then uh whatever a healthcare company. I'm i'm not yeah. You, you fill in the blank there. How about that one i'll! Let you pick that one ge shares up eight percent in pre-market trading.

After earlier storing as much as 17 wow, that's incredible yeah 20 years ago it was the world's largest company, with a market cap of 401 billion dollars. Five years ago was just barely hanging on to top 10, and as of monday, there were a dozen. There were. Actually, dozens comp of companies with bigger market caps than uh than ge wow that that used to be your go-to stock.

Isn't that incredible? Here's the interview all right! Let's talk a little bit about this fed chairperson interview, um right after a little bit of uh, cafe uh all right so yeah. I i mean i whatever, let's, let's see what it says and uh i'll um i'll comment after so a new federal reserve, chairperson, has potentially been interviewed here, or the interview happened. Um, potentially a one of the bank uh governors, leo brenard, was interviewed for the top job at the u.s central bank. When she visited the white house last week, it's incredible joe biden.

What are you doing? Jerome powell has a serious rival, as joe biden considers, who will lead the fed for the next four years. Powell and brenda were the only people who have publicly surfaced has been running for chair powell's current term in the post expires in february and biden said on november, 2nd that he'd make a decision quote fairly quickly, essentially on whether or not to replace drum powell. With someone else now, it's good that they're picking or potentially interviewing somebody from within the bank, because we have an idea as to what her interviews are like what her uh, you know, sort of uh attitude and demeanor is like towards inflation versus raising interest rates. We already have that that sort of expectation which i think is good the market's not going to like uncertainty, so uh all right.

Let's see here bloomberg news has previously reported that brennan was under consideration for the position white house and fed declined to comment biden's scope to reshape the leadership of the fed wide uh widened further on monday, when uh another governor announced he would step down before the End of the year uh, his 10 years, vice chair, expired in october. In addition to another seat, vacated uh clarida uh has a position that expires in january. Remember we had a few resignations. Clearly, just one of those are the earlier retirements after the trading nonsense.
Large majority of economists pulled by bloomberg, expect biden will re-nominate powell. That is what a lot of people expect, but the white house has raised the possibility with some senate banking committee members that powell might not be reappointed discussing the chairmanship with bernard could signify that the biden team is weighing how to break with powell and how that Might advance their goals yeah. That's also true. You got to think uh for political purposes.

What's joe biden looking for what's in his best interests? Well, probably, a lower rate environment for longer, but anyway uh, let's uh, let's see here and uh, that's it and actually not not too much uh, not too much provided here. Okay, so fine! Then, let's uh, you know what, let's, let's do a pull up uh one of her latest interviews and we could get a little bit of a feel for her bernard all right so a year ago, seven months ago, no we need something from like within the last Uh, certainly within the last month, uh no uh jeez. Are there really no interviews we can find of her within the last bit? Here i mean that's shocking. That's within the last month, i am blown away yeah.

Well, i mean here's one from seven months. This is seven months old, though it's not ideal, there is what you've been hearing from members of the fomc, which is the outlook. Uh has brightened considerably uh on the back of the vaccinations and uh substantial fiscal support. This is in april, by the way consumers have acute that is going to depend on how rapidly we see improvement.

So what you see in um, the scp, the forecast is uh considerably better outcomes both on uh growth uh, as well as on employment and inflation. But again, that's an outlook. Uh we're gon na have to actually see that in the data. When you look, i like jerome powell, better for guidance uh on our asset purchases and our uh rape, uh policy as well um and uh.

They are supporting clearly supporting um. A a a stronger recovery - if you look at the data that's out today on consumer credit, uh also uh really strong there uh, so i would say all right, yeah, oh so i mean so far what we can tell here very data driven very in in many Ways similar to jerome powell uh in that regard, uh jerome very, very well. We're gon na wait for the data to come in wait for the data to come in right, so uh all right, we'll we'll we'll see so uh. What do we got over here? Uh fed warns ailing china real estate sector poses risk to u.s economy straight out of their fed report.

Here, let's go ahead and take a peek at this here, so the federal reserve warned monday that stresses in the chinese real estate sector posed some risk to the u.s financial system, pointing to the heavily indebted property companies such as evergrand as a potential source of contagion. Given the size of china's economy and the financial system, as well as its extensive trade linkages with the rest of the world financial stresses in china, could strain global financial markets through a deterioration of risk sentiment on the domestic front. The fed also warned that our seep rise in interest rates could lead to a large correction in risky assets, in addition to a reduction in housing demand that could lead to lower home prices. Yeah i mean they.
They do this report annually. I'll probably do a full uh video on on the fed report. It's like 88 pages long, so not exactly through that yet but uh anyway, okay, so barclays to name uh. Okay, all right yeah review might be tomorrow by the way, so i got ta get that riven video out today, uh anyway, uh.

Let's go ahead and take a look at how some other things are moving here. So a firm down about 2.4 recovering after a sale. There you've got a larger kind of book sale at the start. Smile direct tried to recover did not work out smile direct now down 22.9 percent got in vitae sitting at 14.1 dd systems 13.

lemonade. Look at that bleed out that disgusting nasty bleed out of horribleness uh down uh 11 11. Now wow uh market, not happy it's kind of like markets like wait. You announced car insurance.

What do you need to buy a car insurance company for, and why do you got to delude us huh? Well, i mean fairness. Kind of makes sense. Oh look at that another little sale here, it's free falling where's. What's what's the song um, we have a song for this.

So let's see here, oh yeah, this one - i don't think i oh i've played this before on the channel. I don't think i'd be able to get to the right part. Come experience, no ads. Why am i not signed into youtube premium? You have youtube premium by the way you don't uh, you don't get these ads.

Uh ads are the worst. It's uh, i don't know. I mean you're too premium. You pay, you pay once and you just don't uh all right anyway, so uh yeah uh! Here it is it's it's right here, all right.

Let's get back to stocks, so uh all right. What do we have? We have? Oh gosh lemonade is just it's just falling off the chart. Uh, it's it's falling off the chart here, uh down uh 13.2 percent. Here, look at that.

You had to scroll down here to to see how bad lemonade is falling and paypal is just getting destroyed as well uh. It's not getting any better for uh for paypal. Here, oh yeah, yeah, all right, so uh roblox softening a little bit still up 28 cardano at 2.36, cinemark 5 nvidia 366 softening a little bit there on nvidia pinterest moving up a tiny little bit. You've got arcimoto 1.67 build.com 1.36 netflix one one home depot point: seven: nine activision up six one got darden cheesecake target adobe, some of the others here, modestly moving up along with peloton fractionally back up here uh and to the downside, of course, you've got uh.
Oh look at that. You actually got a matterport rotating the downside down about point. Seven three, along with cloud flare about point, eight percent disney point: eight six tesla tesla down down another percent. The sell-off begins lemonade down.

12 can't have these things going on forever. S p 500, just turn negative yeah uh is this. Is this the beginning, the beginning of drama and uh fear in the market? You know it's interesting. I mentioned i had a video uh.

The next market crash catalyst was the video and it talked all about this uncertainty around the federal reserve uh and how uncertainty around the federal reserve could potentially lead to a to a market correction and uh there's. So many f. Well, i shouldn't say so many, but there were a handful of folks who uh were super super uh. You know what should i say: um uh like oh.

Why would we talk about a market crash, the market's rallying and i'm thinking to myself? Hey you know what we've made a lot of money: paying attention to market crash catalysts and being disciplined to not just try to rush out and buy everything, but to buy the dip when, when you actually get for your catalyst and uh, look at this sure enough. One of the first days it looks like we might be going red and sort of breaking the streak of the stock market run here and we'll see how we end up. But uh. If you know dow ends up red and s p ends up red, then uh, then it's entirely possible that uh.

It was because of the drama today with uh the announcement that the federal reserve is potentially getting a new chairperson in february. We'll see it's gon na. I think lead to a lot of uh drama all right. So, let's see here hard all right, so we have uh roblox uh roblox bobbing around thirty percent.

Uh trade deaths gon na head to a hundred here and very nice up eight percent, but even poshmark is coming back in this market. Nvidia 3.8 percent very nice wayfarer, 279. uh coinbase coinbase doing well here. 2.12 docusign 2.02.

Nice moves on docusign uh. I wonder how hippo's doing now that lemonade's down like 11, probably not that great yeah? No, how could you they rubber band together as one becomes cheaper? The other looks: uh uh looks like less of a good deal. Neo down 2.38 you've got robinhood down three percent hippo three point: five: seven percent yikes lemonade, uh 11.25 whoof trying to slowly bounce right now. I didn't think that deal was gon na be so hated but uh.

I guess it kind of makes sense lucid what happened to lucid, lucid was what the hell, what wasn't lucid up, like seven percent, am i seeing this right hold on click there we go uh, so yesterday lucid closed at 45.09. Okay. 4509. Yesterday, today, we opened at a 47.

45.09 uh 47. up about 4.2, and then there were pennies in there as well so say about five percent. Now, folks, the stock is down four percent. I mean this.
This market is incredibly interested in taking profits incredibly interested in taking profits, and this is something that we're seeing over and over and over again in different stocks. I mean look at this: you get profits of eight percent or whatever you get an eight percent run in amc. People are taking profits, it's profits, profits, profits all right. We can't really blame it.

You know what they say. You can't go broke, taking a profit, uh voyager digital, oh my gosh, it is almost at 20. This is incredible, so bought it at 12 and 30 cents. I was expecting the thing to go to 20.

I honestly did not think it would go there within like a week and a half but i'll take it. That's that's wild. Absolutely wild is an otc stock, though so you got, ta have money at uh, another brokerage can't uh use, uh, weeble or robinhood or whatever. Unfortunately, all right, wayfair, 2.33 percent.

What else do we have here? Nordstrom 2.31 zoom 1.57 home depot? Okay, all right! These are sort of more modest moves over here. Oh the ge, chair. Oh really, let's listen in from capital flowing in to the energy space. Just look at what we've heard the last 10 days out of class gal.

No business is better positioned than ge to help our customers and help governments around the world meet the challenge of climate right, be it wind, onshore and offshore, be it gas and we'll be full-throated in our supported gas and the role it plays in the energy transition. As well as what we do with grid, particularly in digitizing the grid, we need a modernized grid to take on all the renewables that we will see both in terms of wind and solar over time. This is a business that will not only attract capital but, as we perform better, i think demonstrate that we have an important role to play in a darn, interesting, okay, uh. Let's go ahead and go back to the stocks here, so uh wow look at talent here.

All of a sudden down nine percent as well clove down seven percent. What is happening to the market? The market is turning red, uh firm down four point: four: six percent holy moly uh tesla down 3; the rally's over; take tendees and bail; omg, wow, uh; okay, so uh yeah, voyager digital of 5.88; very cool uh in nvidia, 9, 2.9 cool; and what else here? Wayfair up uh 2.2 wayfarers, actually up wow coinbase only up about 1.8 mar which is kind of interesting, because crypto did move up, but coinbase is still giving up a little bit here. I wonder if that's just because of indicy pressure, yeah look at this spy folks! This is uh. This is turning into a a a die by the dip potential here, because we're we're actually starting to get some red, uh good, decent red here, decent reds uh end phase also falling.

I just got a notification and face down three percent. In an hour yeah i mean from from the top here yeah absolutely wow see i have a covered call on end phase and tesla and uh. This is great uh. Now, unfortunately, i do also have sold, puts and call options which are more bullish and don't do as well.
But that's all right! You know balanced portfolio, uh, okay, wow, well, some drama here uh and face now down two percent. So far down about uh two to three percent matterport about three percent. Well, we could be getting ourselves a little bit of a start to a red season. Maybe especially, i mean it's no surprise that you kind of have this.

Oh wow look at tesla just getting destroyed. Oh tesla's melting, it's almost down five percent! Oh my gosh! It's gon na be under a thousand soon, at this rate, uh airbnb uh down five point: four percent, all of a sudden folks. What is happening to the market, the market, all of a sudden, is panicking. The market's like, oh, my gosh, so yeah people are taking attendees they're taking attendees where there was attendees to be taken.

Things that have run are now getting their attendees taken out. Look at lemonade, 10.3 percent to the downside, uh 3d systems triple beat down 16 makes sense to me. Uh. Oh pounds here did report.

I believe it was this morning. Actually, that's probably why they're known uh and uh somebody asked me how i thought: paluteau earnings were gon na do yesterday, and i mentioned that i think palantir is heavily misunderstood and it's very likely that whatever they say, people aren't going to understand, it's not going to Be good and uh. What do we have? Let's see here pound here, pal tier shares fall after forecasting, smaller operating margin. Hmm pal tier saw revenue of 392 million dollars loss per share coming in at 5 cents, um sees annual revenue, growth of 30 or more between 2021 and 2025.

It's pretty good, clear growth company, but yeah wow, some some pain there on the stock, all right what holy crap? Oh, i thought i was there. Oh gosh uh! I i had my mouse hovered over pound here at eight percent and then i saw the airbnb trout. I'm like what i mean. I know it was down, but i didn't think it was down that much it's down like five percent right yeah, it's down.

Five percent - oh, but so is tesla tesla, just getting murked absolutely getting marked yeah five percent here, lucid down about six percent and uh. This is why people you know i regularly was getting asked when uh when tesla was running like oh, should i just buy tesla. Now, even if it's at all-time highs, it's like not really, you should uh. You know realize that there will always be uh a um.

What's it called uh, there will always be a down time in the market, always always always uh wow. Look at it. Just free fall, holy moly come elon shares. Oh my gosh 7.5.

This is going to be a 10 day on tessa. It's elon's shares are getting dubbed. You know. I was in my tesla video that i made this weekend.

I was expecting tesla to fall somewhere around 20. I think we might get that. I think we could go sub a thousand and, as i'm saying that it's down nine percent uh wow there's so much selling pressure coming in right now it is insane. Uh looks like there is some by the dip moving happening here.
These are probably elon's chairs, honestly right now, it's so weird or it's an anticipation of paypal, lemonade down 11 absolute disaster, uh the market's just freaking, and it's so crazy. They get so many uh, like nonsensical comments from let's see here, meet kevin uh. What do i want to do? Meet kevin market crash catalyst? There we go meet kevin market crash catalyst uh here the coming market crash catalyst. Three days ago.

I posted this, which bear in mind that's saturday right uh. It was saturday or late friday, but anyway, the coming market crash catalyst and it was about the federal reserve, chairperson, potentially getting replaced. Look at this headline news today: the federal reserve chairperson, potentially getting replaced uh the market crash catalyst. Folks, they're, really important videos to watch uh, really important videos to watch so uh.

You know they give us they give us the heads up when garbage like this is uh potentially going to happen, and obviously uh talked a lot about tesla over the weekend here. So it's not a shocker at all. I was more surprised yesterday that tesla was honestly only down four percent. That seemed like nonsense, and then this morning it was up one percent, it's like really.

It barely moved. Where's where's, the big correction to the downside. Here it is welcome uh, big old volume coming through here. Look at that 306 000 shares almost a million shares 1.2 million shares 1.1 million shares uh, keep in mind, you got to get about 40.

Oh, is it about? No, it's probably closer to like 25 million shares that uh that elon's got ta uh liquidate here, uh, but anyway, you're definitely seeing some some massive volatility here. Tesla fell to as low as uh one thousand thirty two dollars uh now back to 1075 smile direct down 25 in vitae imploding, down 17 lemonade, getting wrecked down 12 roblox down 26 voyager digital, absolutely killing it. Yes, uh uh! Almost i mean we're. This is gon na be double uh.

This is incredible. Incredible incredible. This is gon na be a double uh on the shares that i have in here, which is uh, i mean hey i'll, take it uh in in voyager. This is great, so it'll make up for uh for some of the uh.

The losses uh on lemonade actually it'll make a well well make up for the loss of the lemonade it'll make up for some of the losses of tesla, but anyway, uh nvidia. Also rotating down nvidia went euphoric this morning in the pre market, uh went to 327 per share uh, and so much of me looks at that. It's like, oh, i just i got ta, i've been video, just buy it and it's like no kevin. We do not buy at all-time highs and i'm grateful for that, because i know that there will always be another chance.
It's important to remember that there's always going to be another chance and looks like we might have a lot of that other chance happening right now. So uh again the market crash catalyst that we were expecting to be a negative catalyst for the market did end up coming true and it came true within three days but then again, that's why you subscribe to the stock doc. So look at this folks. Every single indicee has now turned red.

You've got the dow, the s p, the nasdaq, all that and the russell all down, almost four tenths of a percent. This is a complete u-turn from the full green that we had this morning. You have uh bonds, uh the uh ten year treasury down as well. It's actually not spiking up on this on this volatility, which volatility is up five point: four percent: now you got some drama uh.

You do have the cpi data tomorrow, uh, you do have cpi coming out tomorrow. That is true, yeah wow, what a shocker all right, so uh, nvidia bouncing off a 308 you've got uh lemonade still about down 12 tesla's down about 9. Here, bobbing along the floor right here, big old pain here on tesla, you have a trade desk trade desk uh up at 6.25 percent to the upside here, 94. still doing pretty well as lo as well as lidar, but also rotating down here.

Lidar uh. Moving error. Sorry uh the lidar company luminar uh, moving down uh within the uh day here still up, but it's starting to move down. Uh hive looks like it's moving down domino or riot blockchain moving down as well.

Crypto is moving down one percent uh on nvidia. Down from that four or five percent we had earlier, expi is still slightly positive. Here, peloton going negative square going negative. You have to host uh what else coinbase down one and a half percent zillow's down one and a half percent disney one point: eight percent etsy two percent here comes the pain shift, uh down about three percent and phase end phase good old end phase down three Point three: four percent uh: you have neo neo down 4.5 back to 41 airbnb 5.1 percent uh charge.

Point 5.71 percent of the downside, lucid group down 6.2 percent tesla down 8.4. I think it's safe to say that elon musk has crashed the entire market. Basically, i i think, that's that's the conclusion. It's all elon musk's fault, if you're wondering why the market's selling off it's all elon's fault there.

I said it. It's that simple, not that hard, even crypto's, starting to sell down a little bit get some more coffee here. Oh yeah yeah all right so uh tesla sitting at uh 1060 right now. Let's see how the chart is.

Looking, oh yeah, i mean look at the elevated volume over here bouncing along the bottom over here yeah. It's all twitter's fault yep. This is true. Also not a surprise, though, if twitter has the choice of making for a bad time in the stock market, twitter will do that because screw those investor type people say twitter.
Well, everyone on twitter should have the stocks in psychology of money course. So should you link down below use that coupon code and join me private live streams every day, the market's open lifetime, access to the lectures and unlimited access to all new lectures for the course all right, so uh definitely some pain here in the market. Let's uh. Let's see what bloomberg's saying about this, let me go to uh.

The market live blog here, yeah, let's see what they're saying: okay earning show firms past margin, test unscathed, true workers in short supply. Yes, okay, should uscpi exceed consensus on wednesday bloomberg economics suggests rates should continue to rise. Well, we'll see rates right now have come down a good chunk, so it'll be very interesting to see tomorrow morning at 5 30 a.m. What happens with cpi data so make sure you're there be there be square 5 30 a.m for uh.

For that, good old cpi data release all right what else pal tier amc down a full 10 uh paypal down, uh, 11.4 now and 12 on lemonade? It's got uh tesla, yeah, tesla, really 7.6 to the downside, still a little too early to actually say like. Oh, my gosh buy the dip, but uh hey market definitely had a little dose of uncertainty. Today. That's for sure it's uh, you know it's a nice noodle dip, it's a little baby dip.

Can you give us uh? Can you give us some real red? So we could actually buy the dip yeah get give it to us. Give us give us some real red, uh, so uh anyway. Okay, let's see if there are any other headlines because other other than the indices falling here and individual stocks falling we're not really seeing many headlines yet. Uh dow jones down four three s: p down: four: six: nasdaq: seven, eight ouch and russell down five, eight! Okay! So we talked about the market crash.

Catalyst talked about the fed, all right, um, okay, bitcoin ethereum, hit records mid-brought a crypto rally; yes, uh, okay, why 310 of robin hood seven million cyber attack victims should be really quite worried. Wow um! I would like to know. Okay, it's of particular concern to 300 or so customers who suffered the worst privacy compromise 300 had birthday zip code as well as full, user's, full name: okay, uh yeah. I guess no social security bank account.

Okay, attributes like birthdays and physical addresses, are difficult to change and are commonly used as verification checks. Ah, okay, that's interesting. Well, they should have uh, better verification checks, uh all right, so market not happy. Let's look at spy, oh mr markets, being a little bit of a weenie right now.

Look at that. Mr mark. Look at that curve! Just yeah! I'm sad! All right! Okay, hop on over here! Okay, here we go so u.s treasuries rose and equities fell as investors speculated about a change in leadership in the federal reserve. Folks, you can't make this up right here.
The coming market crash catalyst and i still have people i mean i think often people are pretty supportive in the comments, but i still have people disliking the video which i should like it myself, because they're like. Oh i'm, tired about hearing about the market crash. Uh, usually not the top comments, but you do you do get it sometimes uh yeah i mean i, i see him kevin is holding bags of cash waiting for you to sell out. Well, i mean that that yeah, i'm not holding bags of cash, but i i am definitely looking for dibs uh.

The top comments actually aren't that bad comment comments are actually pretty good uh but uh. I guess i see all the comments that come up and uh they're always they're, always those individual comments he's like oh, my gosh, why? Why are you always talking about market crash catalyst? It's like! Well, that's how you make money. You pay attention to things that could make the market fall and then, when those things occur, you know why the market's falling and then you don't freak out. Then you're not running around like a chicken with your head color.

Oh my gosh, what's happening. This is going to lead to broad-based uncertainty, and, and so now we have to look forward uh and uh. You know until joe biden makes a decision here. I do think the market is going to be a little bit on pins and needles.

When what do we know when the interview was because, i would say, you'd probably be looking at an announcement within within a few days to certainly within a week? Okay, so she visited the white house last week. Hold on biden meets with powell bernard at white house. Uh on thursday, okay, so you know what like, if, if i were biden, i probably would wait for the cpi data and then i would evaluate the cpi data and probably try to fit the the federal reserve chair person to uh the cpi report. In essence, if i thought one person was going to be better at handling a certain type of inflation versus another, i would want this last report.

I would want to look at it understand it digest it. Compare what i thought both of the individuals would do. In response - and so my guess, is you probably have some form of answer from joe biden on thursday or friday? Okay, you heard it here. First, that's just my prediction, so i predict biden, uh picks, says a person by friday, we'll see all right.

So prediction: it's tuesday november 9th prediction is joe biden, picks a fed person, a new person or jerome powell redominates by friday, and that's because he's going to wait for the cpi report to come out on wednesday digest that wednesday thursday mostly read it, because it's really Boring and takes time to read it and then digest it. Uh then we'll have. We could have uncertainty for both of the days well, i would expect uncertainty today in the market, we're obviously seeing that the market's selling off. I would expect uncertainty tomorrow in the market.
That's uh wednesday, cpi data release day, especially if the numbers don't come in super hot, then i would expect uncertainty thursday day after cpi and if jerome powell is renominated on let's say friday. I wouldn't be shocked if they announced that after the market closed and then potentially, we went back to an end of the year rally continuing next week until we get to our next set of negative catalysts, which would really be things like congress. The debt ceiling the budget, all that nonsense again, so uh that that's just my guess, it's obviously possible that uh, you know, biden ends up delaying us, usually when he speaks. He makes us wait anyway for him to uh come up, but anyway s, p 500 is rebounding a little bit voyager digital sitting at eight percent slowing down a little bit went up to about 20 88 as a high here, you've got arrival, smile direct new egg.

Invite lemonade paypal, blink, mind, medicine, pound here and amc all getting absolutely wrecked. Tesla look at tesla people buying the dip on tesla folks, tesla dropping all the way down to 10 32 and uh now rebounding sitting at about 1100 right now so far at uh. So far, right now sitting at 2.59, draftkings at 2.46. Definitely some some drama here.

Yikes eevee go up 21, though roblox still holding on to that 28 in full, not giving up on that as well as at all, even though we do have some crypto beginning to rotate to the downside, tomorrow's cpi, release day it's a big day for crypto, we'll See what happens tomorrow, united wholesale up two percent ubiquity one point: four: nine percent and see three eyes at point: nine pinterest is up fractionally as well all right, wow jeez. What what a maddening market? That's! That's all i can say, uh yeah, look at that buy the good old buy the dip in there on tesla yeah s p, slowly recovering here, 0.3 right now, what a dip that was! Let's go! Look at the other indices here. The other other indices are also slightly recovering, with the exception of the russell down almost one percent yikes all right. What's what's the uh breaking news book online summit with our own andrew ross, sorkin take a listen.

One of the big people. App store is increasing business opportunities for developers. Really, that's that's the breaking news. Stop wholesale prices rose 8.6 year over year in october, tied for the highest ever wow wow wow.

Oh, look at this pregnancy test. Sales are rising, a sign that uh there uh there could be a baby boom coming. A millennial baby boom could start this year and boost food and baby merchandise sales. Maybe that's good for walmart and target and costco, but don't forget who does buy now pay later for target and walmart firm, oh wow, interesting, look at this a millennial, fueled baby boom appears to be on its way and could lift sales for retailers.
Birth rates are up, more pregnancy, tests are being sold and more couples say they're trying to have a baby. The company's researchers show wow predict a baby boom could start this year and millennials have surpassed baby boomers to become the largest generation in the country. According to the u.s census, bureau made up of 72.1 million people in ages, ranging from 25 to 40.. Hey, that's a lot of us.

One of the leading indicators of the potential millennial baby boom is elevated sales of pregnancy tests. Sales of preg tests are have grown by an average of 13 percent this year. Wow, that's incredible! If this plays out, it would reverse a decline in births during the pandemic live births, increased 3.3 in june 2021, the highest level of growth. Seen since 2013..

Wow, that's cool uh, that's that's awesome, uh, wow, all right, very cool uh and the s p. 500. Doesn't care smp rotates back down? Uh yeah, the pregnancy test, inflation? Oh dear okay, pain subsiding slightly in the market, tesla uh down about 5.4 percent here sitting at 10.99, crazy dip. We had there for a moment, lemonade 12.48 to the downside, big pain there, paypal, okay, everything else so far, relatively stable, wow, okay! Well, it is time for the course member live stream which, if you want to join me on those daily when the market is open, click the link down below use that coupon code stock, doc save yourself some money when you check out - and i will see you All in the next one thanks so much for being here and goodbye i'll do the course member live stream right away by the way.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura WrinkleBrain says:

    Don’t be a bitch and buy the AMC dips! This is a bad ass play. Keep buying and HOLD until 3, 5 or 6 digits apes! 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Miller says:

    Is anyone still holding Hippo stock. Been sagging since I got it.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeroen Beltman says:

    Mr. Musk is a very clever man. He didn't have to sell to get the market down. He knows pretty well his influence on the market, remember BTC tweets, SHIB tweets, DOGE tweets. They all had their big impact on rates. His tax duties were just smokescreening his real intentions.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameh Abuerreish says:

    Lemonade is garbage .
    I tried to use it . Did not see any difference from all state .
    In fact all state is cheaper and you can get the sane online services !!!
    So I don’t see how this is even a viable company

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ezra says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HigherScores says:

    Biden's wokeness will replace Powell because wamen

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Smith says:

    Kevin: There will always be another chance.
    Me: Checks purchase target for Tesla
    Purchase Target: $50….
    Kevin: The split will be your chance!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AtleeYarrow says:

    AOC replaces JPOW, BTC goes to one million dollars each overnight.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Moreno says:

    Brainard: And a um, and um, and a, um, and em, a em, and um…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Mark says:

    Starting early is the best way of getting ahead of to build wealth, investing remain a priority with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Cos says:

    Kevin says "That's Incredible" I'm like that's an 80s TV show lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PumpNDump says:

    Here comes Biden again to destroy our gains…. God I absolutely hate this dude.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Gwatkin says:

    You all realize Joe was interviewing a woman to make it look politically correct. This is no different than the Rooney Rule in the NFL. You have to go through the motions….

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walt Howard says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucian C says:

    Do you all really think that joe biden, or any other potus, really has the "power" or guts to change the fed chairperson, as they please? LOL! The fed, a private bank, printing the dollars and running the whole show, being under the control of biden is just hilarious

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    When are you going to take another ride on your very cool go cart boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace S says:

    Is the stimulus bill gonna just send us up again and only make us think the market is crashing again….???

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maggie Sugar says:

    Kev it would be great if you could do a few videos on the UK market!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bjarke la Cour says:

    How favourable is the market now. I want to invest in cryptocurrency?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandan A says:

    Use ad blocker and you don't gotta buy premium…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Weekend Home Projects says:

    Today's stocks are like Rahman when he fought Holyfield…knot a good day so far.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerome’s Bowell movements 100x longrrr says:

    PayPal is a scam, they’re an antiquated company opposed to innovation just like visa and the banks.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerome’s Bowell movements 100x longrrr says:

    The Biden administration has lost its common sense, Biden isn’t even steering the ship, a communist is. No proposal from them is out of the question.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt spain says:

    All 3 could be true and a qualified woman getting a job isn't just optics could just be a good hire

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars giedryztube says:

    Yesterday when someone’s asked if should sell TSLA with cost basis around $300 and answer was something like “ why would you do that” Today: “run is over take tendies (in somewhat sarcastic tone). Dude🤦‍♂️

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaidensworth says:

    The next market catalyst: Elon Musk: Okay everyone, I'm done selling 10% of my $TSLA

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konstantinos says:

    sell your Tesla and buy ETON US , approved FDA equity yesterday.! you will double your capital. in a week.!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael H says:

    Oh good I thought I had missed my last chance to get a discounted course member rate. it must be a miracle that has brought back the coupon code thank heavens

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