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Hey, what's going on? Team? It's Ricky with tackled Solutions Hope that you guys are all having an amazing Sunday Let me go ahead and start sharing my screen so you guys could see exactly what it is that I'm looking at. Uh, so we got uh over on NASDAQ Market Pulling back right now during the extended hours off, but those are a little bit newer. uh Nasdaq Futures begin to trade pretty much midday on Sunday Uh, So this gives us a sense of direction of where the market. If the stock market were to open right now, uh, the NASDAQ Market would be down 0.3 Uh, one percent, right? So 0.31 That means that Ttq would be down one percent and Sqq would be up one percent, right? because they're triple leverage.

Uh, if you have any stock that you would like need to break down in this video, please feel free to share it in the live chat. Uh, Friendly reminder: You do have to be subscribed to the YouTube channel. um to participate in the live chat and again, uh, hopefully we can earn your thumbs up in this video and make sure that you guys subscribe but very quickly. I Just wanted to give a quick overall recap.

Uh, while you guys, uh, begin to share whatever stock you want me to break down. uh, on the four hour time frame. Overall: NASDAQ Market Still trading above the moving average? Still trading above the EMA One thing that I personally like to do is just again remind myself of that sense of direction of where the market currently is at. Looks like we've been struggling to make new highs for overall: NASDAQ Market Uh, We also did see that the NASDAQ or the overall Market is beginning to factor in a potential rate hike uh for the next Fomc meeting.

so it's going to be very interesting to see if we if we begin to enter a nice little pullback to the moving average on NASDAQ which would mean that if this actually begins to sell off towards the moving average, that means that there is a lot of growth potential for S Ktq if we get that confirmation right, because the NASDAQ Market was originally going up because they expected that the Federal Reserve is going to pause rate hikes, but now they're supposedly is a 93 probability that the Federal Reserve is going to announce a rate hike of a quarter of a basis point. So we'll just have to follow up and and check it out as time goes on, right? I Do want to remind you, uh, that again, we are running ourselves for LPB So if you want to be able to watch me trade live every single day as soon as tomorrow, I'm going to be going live right at Market open I'd love to have you watch me trade live and that's the second link in the description down below and that should automatically apply 175 off LBP 2.2 So let's go ahead and jump right into it. So I see a lot of people asking for me to break down Tesla Um, Overall, again, as of right now, just my two cents on this, uh, four hour time frame I Think that it's safe to say this overall rally that Tesla has had recently is insane. 85 based off of 151 and our current ties of nearly 300 a share.
Tesla is not necessarily showing any indication of a pullback just yet. We have been consolidating here, and normally when it consolidates right, uh, it's it's showing signs of a resistance. but we haven't confirmed that we're actually pulling on back or that we're breaking below the EMA line and then we're tracing back down to the moving average. So just like any strong rally pullbacks do happen along the way.

Again, it's just the way that I see it as a long-term investor. Um, it's just especially if I have no intention of selling Tesla anytime soon, then allow it to sell off and that's just a better price point that I can get it at. um, you know, for for the overall long term. So as right now, direction is very unclear.

We talk about this in Lpp where there's you know, clear Direction when it's very bullish. Uh, clear Direction when it's very bearish and then consolidation right now, it's still uncertain. So anytime something is uncertain, then again, I prefer to stay cash during that time, so there's that's just my two cents. Um, so let's go ahead and break down: Nvidia So you guys know my opinion on the video.

Ever since Nvidia announced their uh, quarterly earnings and talked about AI Nvidia gapped up like 300 billion dollars in market cap, right? Uh, putting it at that trillion dollar market cap. Uh, so again, it went from 300 now trading at 439 and honestly, it's been quite impressive how how well it's been holding. I Think it's going to be very interesting to see that if the NASDAQ Market does begin to sell off, nothing wrong with the video, right? But if the NASDAQ Market does begin to sell off, um, in response to a potential rate hike from the Federal Reserve to see how Nvidia if it ends up correcting itself just a little bit, still holding above the moving average or if it corrects itself enough and then it begins to gap down on everything that I gained from 300. But obviously, it's gained so much from 300 to now current highs of 425.

But again, there is no indication of a reversal. Just that, right? it's still holding above VMA It's still holding above the moving average. For me, it's a little bit too overbought for my taste, right? That's just my criteria. And because of that, I just would prefer, uh, not to trade something at these overbought levels because the risk to reward ratio risk is much greater than my potential reward.

And at least that's the way that I see it right? Obviously, if your intention is a little bit different, right? If you intend to hold it for a long period of time, then that's up to you. I just wouldn't prefer um to get something for a deal and I just don't see no video at a deal at 425. But you guys let me know in the comments section or in the live chat. uh what you think about it.

So um, let's go ahead and move on to the next one. So again, if you want me to break down your top stock all I literally ask you to do is to type it in the live chat and just remember you do have to be subscribed to the channel to partake in the live chat. So all right, let's go ahead and talk about Baba So a lot of people are asking about Alibaba It looks like it's trying to Gap up. Uh, you guys let me know what you think, but it looks like almost every single time that it tries to Gap up it ends up getting rejected and it sells right.
Back down, right. A strong rally, A strong dip, Strong rally, strong dip. So I don't know if this is just you know a common pattern for Alibaba I Haven't traded Alibaba in a while, but it looks like it doesn't hold very well at overbought levels, right? and it's very easy to see that. So the way that I would see this is, you know I missed the I missed the push right? and now we're going back to retest previous highs.

It's not that it can't continue to indicate signs of an uptrend, as anything can continue to happen, right, but it's overbought enough that again, the risk to a reward ratio. For me, it's too overbought. It doesn't meet my criteria, and based off of previous patterns, it tends to pull back. And because of that, you know I'm taking that risk into consideration.

I would have to hold back from buying something like Alibaba as of right now, but let me know in the comment section real quick. Alrighty, Okay, so it sounds like Alibaba Recently had great news. Okay, let's get to here. Uh, let's go ahead and do tea.

Yeah, I've been done. Uh. breakdown on T in a while so this is a T. Um, Okay, so it looks like 18t recently has been a strong, consistent descending pattern.

It's showing a lot of signs of consolidation here, which normally is showing signs of a potential support, but because it's been so bearish again, you guys let me know in the comment section. But to me anytime that I see this much consolidation and it's coming from a descending pattern, To me, it's just. it's not worth the risk, right? Uh, direction is not favorable, right? We use this analogy with our Lpp: Traders Imagine yourself trying to swim back to Short right in the ocean. Do you want the current of the waves to be against you? or with you right? It's still going to be challenging regardless of which way you choose, but it's going to be much more challenging if the current of the waves are against you, right? The same thing with this: it's still going to be challenging to trade.

But if direction is in your favor and it's actually indicating signs of an uptrend, you're at least again, making it easier on yourself. Still challenging, but definitely much easier when direction is favorable and direction is clear. So because of that ATT just wouldn't meet my criteria as of right now. Let's go ahead and do CRM What's going on I Appreciate you taking time um, and asking for me to break this down.
So this would be quite the opposite of a T. It's been extremely bullish, so I see why you're painting? Uh, paying attention to this. Based off of recent patterns, it went from lows of 126 currently at highs of 200. My only thing now is that it's showing so much signs of consolidation for the past couple of weeks.

at least for me. That's just not something that I want to have an open position on. It's not super bullish. it's not super bearish based off of recent patterns.

And because of that, I Just I don't want to be caught in the middle of something that might pop off or might actually begin to sell off I would like direction to be a little bit more clear and because of that I personally would not partake in Uh CRM So so the stock market is dropping. Are you saying that it's going to drop tomorrow? So quirky. Uh, we just cover Nasdaq futures. Uh, which again, trade their trading right now and Nasdaq futures are where the current market is right now.

and NASDAQ Market is down to Uh 0.28 So that means that Tqq if the market were to open right now, it would be down about one percent. So thank you for asking. Um, Enph, Yeah, let's go ahead and break that one down. E-n-p-h I Appreciate you asking me to break this one down.

we've got. Uh Jesus appreciate that. So based off of recent patterns: consistent lower highs, lower lows I mean very easy to see. Um, very easy to see how this thing hasn't been indicating any signs of an overall uptrend.

I mean I can set my alert for the for the sake of it, but if if it's been doing one thing good that's losing money right from overall highs of 335, consistent lower highs, lower lows again I Don't feel like my job should be to predict the future, my job should be just to react. And when I have confirmation an indication of an uptrend again, making sure that I make the conditions that I choose to trade in easier for myself. right? And because of that you guys can see that I have Um, you know I can just keep my alerts there. If it actually begins to indicate signs of an uptrend on the day chart, then I can revisit this.

Until then, I would rather not touch something that again, is not indicating signs of an uptrend. So let's go ahead and break down: Amazon this is from Austin Austin I Appreciate you taking time and tuning on in. here we go. So Amazon based off of recent patterns, obviously a very strong Rally From lows of 81 dollars to current highs of around 130, a lot of consolidation just like the rest of the NASDAQ Market If the NASDAQ Market begins to sell off, most likely Amazon will as well.

Um, do I feel like this rally has been missed? Well again, it all depends on what NASDAQ Market begins to do. If they begin to factor in a new rate hike and then the NASDAQ Market begins to sell off because it expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates on the next Fomc meeting, then yes, I do believe that Amazon could potentially pull on back. So why would I buy at 129? If I could potentially buy at a better price point, That's the way that I look at it. So as of right now, it's rallied enough and it's overbought enough that for me, it just doesn't meet my criteria up here and you're going to hear a lot of that for most of tech right now, it's just too overbought for my taste that I would like to see the market correct itself a little bit and then revisit the idea of what stocks I actually want to buy into even trade and or invest long term when they're a little bit cheaper.
right when they actually begin to correct themselves a little bit. So let me go ahead and do uh, two more stocks I'll break down and um, we'll We'll leave it at that. So again, we will be trading live tomorrow. right at Market open and if you want to tune to tomorrow's live trading session, just a friendly reminder.

it is going to be the second link in the description down below. So isn't there a CPI data report coming soon that is correct. It's this week I will be live streaming it I Know I'm going to be live streaming it for the Lpp team. Uh, and it's going to be on July 12th.

So um I think it's Tuesday or Wednesday of this upcoming week. Um, so in just a couple of days. So it's going to be uh Wednesday of this week at 8 30 a.m Uh, which is one hour before the Market opens. So great question.

Uh, which Again, that will overall most likely influence the Uh Market depending on if inflation is coming in hotter um, higher right or lower than expected. So very excited to follow up. So can you break down more? Of course, what's going on? Alexis Let's go ahead and break that one down. So Mara based off of recent patterns, looks like it's had a nice little rally.

Mara if I'm not mistaken, has been a stock that gets really hyped up right? Yeah, if I remember correctly. I Remember this was like a pump and dump. I Personally, don't trade these I have found myself to get more burned on these. kind of like lower cap stocks.

They're extremely volatile, so if you suck at locking in profits or if you suck at risk management I Mean in my opinion, this is not something that you would probably want to partake in. but again, it's all up to you. It looks like every time that it rallies, it pumps right back down. And as you can see based off of recent patterns, every time that it rallies, it, dumps, rallies, dumps, rallies, dumps.

So because of that again, if you're green and or if you're you know in the green with this I I Personally, would not hesitate. Um, you know to take the risk of holding something longer than you know based off previous patterns that it's done before. but again, it's all up to you. I Ultimately, just prefer not to trade stocks like this.

It doesn't meet my risk to reward ratio that it's too risky for me. But I know a lot of people that do choose to trade stocks like this. so if that's something you want to do all power to you. To me, it's just too risky.
Uh, and that's just my opinion. So let me go ahead and just do one more breakdown and then we will call it, um, a live I actually want to follow up I Like that you asked me to break down TGT Um, after its backlash, right? Uh, TGT has sold off through. Uh, after that controversial uh section that I think they had in stores, uh, it looks like it still has not been able to recover. It's still trading below.

Uh, the EMA and my I mean first off, in my opinion, uh, TGT hasn't even been trading the best based off of recent patterns, right at a really strong performance for 2020 and 2021. But it looks based off of recent patterns, it's been selling off and forming lower highs and lower lows. So even with what just recently happened I don't think it's too significant. but I have my alert set if this thing actually begins to indicate signs of reversal.

I Would love to revisit that idea, but as of right now, the cheap can always get cheaper. This thing can continue to sell off. And why would I try to predict or find the bottom of something that might not have even bottomed out yet, right? And that's just from my experience. I Make this mistake so often and I'm not here to pretend like I don't and I'm just sharing it because I know probably a lot of you make the same mistake as well and it's the bad habit of always trying to buy at the lowest price point, but then the cheap just always gets cheaper.

So again, how can we fix that? We just try to work on building healthy habits, right instead of trying to find the bottom of something. I would rather be late to a rally than early to a sell-off. That's the best example that I could give you that. I Always try to preach to our Lpp team right? and it's just working on being aware of what those bad habits are that you tend to implement.

and I know for me that was one I know when I first got started so let me know what you guys think about that. but other than that again, I don't want to take too much of you guys time. I'd love to have you for tomorrow's live trading session if you want to tune on in. it's the second link in the description down below to one time payment lifetime access.

it's 175 off. There will not be a bigger discount than that so just a little heads up on that and also anything when it comes down to your trading tees. Anything when it comes down to Walmart for your trading office and or mouse pads and accessories is all available at or the fourth Link in the description down below I Do want to remind you that if you place your first order and use promo code hustle, it will get you an additional 15 off. So I Really do appreciate you guys this time I Hope and wish you guys an amazing Sunday I Hope that you guys had an amazing weekend I Just sent out a little message to the Lpp team an effort to prepare for tomorrow's live trading session.
So if you end up joining our team or if you're part of Lpp, set your alarms for Market Open tomorrow! I Will be going live and I Hope to see you there and again. It's just second link in the description down below. Appreciate your time like always! Let's make sure that we're in the year.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Stock market is dropping top 10 stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leptó Machaíri says:

    I love selloffs. Easy money with Puts.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coco says:

    You are awesome

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coco says:

    NVDA can drop to 276

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coco says:

    No one believes me that we will have recession in 24 if not late 23.That’s the time to buy and hold.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coco says:

    I think nasdaq is rebalancing.I want to buy VV or QQQ in Jan 24.Recession will hit S&P will drop to 3600.Whoknows I may buy QQQ at 264 .May be VV in 24 maybe 160.I am a perma bear.I will stay in treasuries till then.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emre says:

    Given the current economic difficulties that the country is experiencing in 2023, how can we enhance our earnings during this period of adjustment? I cannot let my $680k savings vanish after putting in so much effort to accumulate them.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aslan müzik says:

    Very true, people downplay advisors role, until burnt by their mistakes. I remember just after my layoff early 2020 amidst covid outbreak, I needed to stay afloat, hence researched for license advisors. Thankfully, I came across someone of practical knowledge, and decades of experience, my stagnant reserve of $225K has yielded nearly $1m after subsequent investments so far

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BÆÝRƏX says:

    Global stocks headed for their biggest weekly decline in more than three months. European shares fluctuated, with a record 36% drop in Siemens Energy AG’s shares after a profit warning dragging on the broader market. US index futures fell. According to chief economist at UBS Global Wealth Management “Financial markets have had one of those switches in the narrative that happen occasionally, and are starting to worry about higher interest rates driving recessions,” I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $300k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of the market?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars animeci tarih anlatıyor says:

    Nice video

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sıraç tokgöz says:

    Nice video

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legendary_noob says:

    Nice video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanessa✨ says:

    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly—which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stocck portfolio

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omarfutbolxxx says:

    Nice video

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars will g says:

    Videos seem to be getting more useful last week or so. Keep it up

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIGMoe says:

    Wverytime i see him post market going down i bet up and i been making money 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ana Bochorishvili says:

    What you think about SPDR?
    Thank you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Frederiksen says:

    How many times have you called for the market to crash and been wrong? is it 90% of the time? 🙂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars beezy says:

    16 minutes of ricky telling yall not to invest in these unsure stocks but 80% of viewers gonna open some contracts at open 😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hıyar sulu says:

    AWSTR6 is a beast but not talked about much.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buraj Bagli says:

    You have a gun to your head and HAVE to choose between AWSTR6 and HBAR….which do you choose? I;m going for the former.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustafa Can says:

    Everything is a gamble. I'll put my money down on casper and let it roll. Strong utility wins.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulut Gamer says:

    I've got 15-20K AWSTR6. Will add more over the next 12 months.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dasdfas says:

    AWSTR6 is definitely moving to the top of my list for assets to accumulate more of….. love your content brother look forward to it everyday 💯

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firdevs Uyanık says:

    Love the AWSTR6 content. I think this project is just as essential as HBAR and they both will be great movers

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