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What's up youtube stocks to trade viewers trader bryce here, let me get this tweeted out, quick, alrighty tweet it out tweet it out, yo alex checking in for power hour. What's up everybody, what's up rachel, what's up from fort worth, woo texas? When should you start paying yourself with a small account? Well, i wasn't planning on doing questions this early, but i mean the goal of a small account: isn't really to pay yourself, it's uh to grow to grow one. Obviously, you know to grow the account, but two to learn and grow as a trader. How do i do this? There we go what's up from miami thoughts on ensc, just a twitter pump, a crazy twitter pump.

Don't get me wrong, i won't trade, it it's uh. I think the only good spot i liked was like 250s um at 105 105 or is that 105 205 i'm an hour behind so like my so that would have been 1205. That was the only spot. I really liked it i'm an hour behind.

So, like my my charts and everything show uh like well an hour behind normal, so i just forget: it's like it was uh. Well, i don't know my brain is my brain is fried. This is why i can't do questions this early. That's why um! So what do i think i say, wants a three-day move like a third day search style thing.

Ah i mean i liked it. I actually forgot to check about that when i got here yeah, so it looked. Really, it looks really nice still. I just i don't really see a good spot to buy it, sadly which kind of sucks um, but that being said still looks nice as long as it holds this range.

Ideally, ideally, it can hold today's low of like 920s uh when it opens tomorrow and open up. You know anywhere between 10 and 12 that'd be great, a slight gap up would be nice. Ensc looks really nice right here, won't lie, i'm not going to take it, but it does look good. Let's get up, looks good, helped you up consolidated.

I like it that that fake, not fake stuff but the stuff and more or less recovery uh. My two favorite afternoon watches - i think today, though, are that of cpix uh, still quite red on the day overall. But the way this this structure is for me is beautiful, actually hit it from here to like 6 17., it was a nice trade, um, ah ahi. I, like a lot too another twitter pump, um, really unfortunate time.

I had to go to the bathroom this morning and didn't even see i mean i saw this, this action i wanted to buy it. I ran to the bathroom and by the time i came back, it was halted up, brutal excited to run all the way down my loft and then back and i'm gon na brush my teeth during that time too. But anyways uh held up all day held lows. Now, perking back up near fup and yeah see thoughts on a bus too large of a float for me, it moved really well that one day i did underestimate it, i won't, i won't lie but um i don't know, that's just not not necessarily the stock.

I personally like, but the type of stock i really like to trade. So how do i join small cap rockets um andrew? There should be like a link in the description right later uh and if you go back, i mean, if you go back to any of our other live trading. Videos um this is for is zzz fishing ice fishing. Maybe i got that right.
Um. You can check the description of any of our other live trading videos we normally have them in the small cap. Recap too right, yeah or if you want to check out the small cap recaps link. Is there um so yeah? I showed you my two top watches going in the end today right yeah.

Thank you, lance appreciate it cfvi look good again. Do you think i don't know it's like it doesn't look bad. I don't love it today. I'm hoping this structure can kind of hold into tomorrow, um.

I don't see anything that like just stands out to me, though that's the thing uh yeah, it's below view up right now. It looked really good earlier in the afternoon, and now it's just kind of uh. You know just kind of stop and just walk out brackets. Let's see we have someone mentioning ppsi and small cap rockets.

Let's see how it looks. I know that had it. Oh man that looks nice, that's uh, okay, that looks good um, the only it's just tough. I don't love this daily chart that much, but that intraday looks so nice, but i probably won't take it.

Um doesn't seem like one of those markets where i want to be here's what i mean. Let's go to a one year, we're just like. I guess we could have like a multi-day range break out here. You know what yeah, okay, okay, i don't see it breaking out, that's wrong! I don't see it like breaking out past 12 by any means um, but this this intraday look is really nice.

The problem is, the risk is a bit wide right now down at eight dollars a share. We got an hour left for power hour, so maybe you can set one more dip uh before like down even just like right here in, like the 820s eight tens, eight twenties, i don't really feel like risking 30 cents a share because i'm not gon na hold For i know for a fact, i'm not holding for 90 cents a share, so unless we can set a new low, maybe i'd take it for a really quick scalp like if i feel like i've got a really good read on the um the level two. This is definitely worth the watch thoughts on tests, it's just too slow of a mover um. As of now i'm just kind of waiting between these three to see.

If something can happen, ahi did kind of fall back down here. Um. Nothing crazy, but you know nothing. Great either, so, if you have any questions there, we go um for whoever was asking earlier for how to join small cap rockets.

That is posted right here in the live chat. Yeah keep loading me up on some questions between small cap and uh and youtube iowa and q. For now, i suppose i'll get rid of this yeah, not really a chart. I like, but uh the intraday looks good.

I don't. First of all, i don't short really at all. I also don't really trade large caps, all that often so i'm i have no idea if docu is a good short. What are you doing now to keep yourself in the game of trading trading less, even though there have been runners lately, you know syta today, um ensc, uh isig yesterday, you know a lot of those like that, doesn't mean necessarily that the trades are easy, um and I've found that i am best off right now in this market, taking less trades, smaller size and just like really uh trying to keep keep myself from losing.
I would rather, i know this sounds. This is going to sound groundbreaking, but i'd rather keep myself in the position where, if i'm going to be taking losses to lose less um and this market hasn't been wildly easy for me, like i said so when i lose, it feels a lot better to lose. Like i have a thousand dollar red day versus you know: seven, eight, nine, ten nineteen thousand dollar red day um, so that's kind of what i'm doing now is just trading less waiting, preserving some mental, a lot of mental capital until the market gets hot hot. Where follow-through is abundant, where um entries are a bit easier, so that's what i'm doing uh, what dollar size would you take on a 40 000 account depends on the trade really depends on the trade.

I mean the the biggest risk right like so. As a short, you can blow up that. Can just go a hundred percent through your you know, i mean you: can you can be down more than a hundred percent three, if you don't get margin called or whatever um the the issue, the the scary part with being along for me, and it doesn't happen Very often, but if you get caught in a news pending halt and it opens up down like 90 percent lower, it doesn't matter what you were risking, you got screwed. You lost all your money that you had in that trade.

So you know, generally, i don't know it depends it really. It just depends. It depends on your risk, tolerance, um, there's. No one right answer for that.

Unfortunately, for me, you know i'm trading with like between. It depends on the depends on the week i wire money and wire money out, but you know sometimes between like a hundred and two hundred thousand dollar account and sometimes more sometimes less. But generally i don't like to take more, especially on small caps, like a thirty to forty thousand dollar position, unless the market's crazy. What helped you shorten your learning curve? This is gon na sound, so, like i don't mean it to sound, mean or anything, but just like my learning curve was shortened by sitting in front of the screens longer and getting in more screen time um it i mean it wasn't like uh four hours a Day kind of thing, it was like a 12 to 16 hour a day kind of thing, depending on the day, and so i put in a lot of time in a short span of time.

If that makes any sense - and that is basically what shortened my learning curve l i gen - i g e n or lgen - probably igen - i don't know i don't really trade otcs, so uh i treat options and okay, do you mind? Call options selling, i don't know, did i trade syta at the open? No, i didn't um. So dare is a news pending halt there you go hopefully right. Hopefully that opens up and does well, but if anything happens bad i mean it's a it's a biotech company, guys like it's a bioscience, whatever bio, whatever you want to call it like. Let's see um it's weird, though, at 12 40 it says they won fda approval, but it is a news pending halt.
So who knows, let's get back to ppsi, not you ppsi, replace, no um. So to stand to standing ask do you play hot stocks with most percent gainers, with volume on the day um, not usually like the top percent gainer. I personally just don't like trading the hottest stock of the day. That's not always true! If it's, i guess i avoid stocks that are up over a hundred percent for the most part, because the risk of pulls is, you know, pretty drastic.

So i personally just avoid playing them for the most part and focus on ones that are still strong on the day, have strong multi-day development um, but aren't up over a hundred percent. That's just what's worked for me. I just don't like the risk of pulls they're a lot harder for me to get reads on. It needs to be a longer term position, um or like a longer term trade more than you know a five minute trade, because the entries are harder.

So i have to have a wider risk, et cetera, et cetera and you're journaling as a beginner trader. What improvement did you see you needed to make after oh gotcha gotcha? After reviewing your journal, um cutting winners too quickly and you'll still see like i post charts on twitter and like a lot of times, i sell way early, but it's still justified under my risk reward parameters. So the problem is when i was first trading, i was taking full-size losses but because i was taking you know a lot of loss in the beginning. I didn't trust any winners.

So when i was green, i just sold, and i was wondering you know why isn't this working and how i found out that i just held my winners even a little bit longer, even a few more minutes, a lot of times that risk score would be justified. Braycito i like it to use the afternoon afternoon scanner like a vwopper small cap rockets uh. We do have an afternoon scanner um like an afternoon viewop scanner in small cap rockets, another one of those ones that mono trader built and um. He has it available for everybody there um, i used.

I mean i used a couple new, a couple scanners on stocks, trade all the time throughout the day, always checking out the top percentage scanner checking in the new highs scanner um. Those are my two favorites. I would say that i like to use, but we do have an afternoon v-op scanner, which is solid just waiting on something to happen here. Cpix is getting so tight.

I like a lot over six. The problem is, you do have to risk that poll area now. I suppose you could maybe even justify this base in the 580s or i i not you i um, let's see what do you recommend for someone working on growing a smaller account 10k to pc in this kind of marketing condition, taking it slow. That's like how i would do it.
You know i mean everyone's different again, like i'm, not gon na tell anyone how they should trade. I'm saying for me personally. The way i would grow a small account in this kind of market is really like. It's even how i'm growing my account now is again.

It sounds so simple right just focus on the best trades but like literally though that's all i'm doing right now. Um is just focusing on the best i'm taking today. I've probably taken five or six trades, but even that is very, very a very low number for me, um i'm used to taking when the market's hot i'm taking 20 plus trades a day, and yesterday i think i took two trades uh friday i might have taken. Oh three, two or three so like it's really just about focusing on the best during a hot market.

On a long are you holding onto your losers a bit a little bit more for a possible game? No, actually, i'm not i'm cutting them just as quickly a lot of times. What happens in a hotter market for me is. I will end up um taking two or three small losses in a row on a stock that i am very convicted on and then once that, because i'll try to, i don't mind being a little bit early in a hot market, because then i can add. If i'm right and still have a better average a lot of times, what happens is i'll be a little too early i'll take two or three small paper cuts and then once it is further developed, i slap it with size um, which you know.

That is a benefit of being over the pdt. If i was not over the pdt the way i would do that is basically just well, then you, i guess i'd have two options. One take again, it's it's gon na differ. You'll see what i mean here in a second, but i would either wait for that.

Confirmation area take wider risk, accept a higher win rate and lower risk reward, or i would choose the other consistently where i'm getting in early. Actually, you know what no i'd do the first, because i'd be limited on day trades. That's what i would do. Here's the deal so yeah um small account paying for the stocks trade platform.

I mean here's the thing it it just. Obviously i i use stocks to trade regularly. I use all their tools, the scanners, the chat rooms. I think it's a great tool as a trader.

I think it's a great learning resource as a new trader it just it you're going to have to pay like it sucks, but you have to pay to learn and it's like it's part of anything, it's good. That is why you know this exists is because, like it helps speed up your learning process, so it depends on you as a person. You know what i mean like. Are you if you're like willing to put in the work and put in the time and everything you know that you know something like stocks trade can offer? Absolutely i think it's worth it, but you know, like you have to in the same breath if you're not you're, probably not motivated enough to be a successful trader.
You know what i mean. It takes a lot of time. It sucks, but it's how it is like up the stream. My dudes says sir rocco agreed like up the streets uh this, the stream, my dudes and dudettes.

When you say best trades, is this best risk reward um? It's a mix, it's ideally so here it depends because there are the best of the best of the best plays, have a high win rate and a high risk score. That's like your top tier, a plus setup. Those don't come around. Often it depends everyone's.

A plus trade is different right, like everyone's a plus setup is different, but what um? You know what what an a plus trade means for me is a highway. It's a high win rate trade with good risk reward um, because i know a lot of i have a couple setups that offer very high win rates. Low risk reward: that's where i'm tending to be more scalpy, so i don't use crazy size on those by any means. An a plus trade.

You should be able to use big size on expect to win and expect to have good risk reward um. So again, it's different for everybody, though. What's the difference between the steady trade team and tim sykes challenge, so basically the big difference is like your teachers right, steady trade team is going to be bowen teaching through his. I think he does.

I want to say two or three times a day, webinars um and with and it's more you're going to get a lot more focus on nasdaq listed names, whereas with sykes you're going to be more focused on the otc they're. Both it really depends on your style of trading um you're, going to get a lot of video lessons from sykes as well again, just more focused on the otc market. They're both great, i am part of the steady trade team as well. So i do a once.

A week webinar on wednesdays, for those of you who are in the study trade team, you know that how are you doing on the day legend, i'm doing all right, i'm doing well, today, um, i didn't really trade a whole lot. I i hit that cpix um, which was very nice, that that was a good good day for sure christy. I hear you all talking about risk ward, how's, it determined to use previous support and resistance levels depends on you as a trader um in theory a risk. Your risk to reward here's the thing when you enter, you should know your risk instantly.

The price you're going to cut under. I don't care if it's a discretionary level, if it's meaningful support resistance is or meaningful support is a long. It should mean meaningful support like if you're, just picking a random number on the chart, you're not really doing you're, not really giving yourself an edge um, but it is a level and the reward is determined by how many multiples of that risk. You you make off of the trade um and then the for me.
I determine potential risks reward because i don't know how high the stock is going to go. I just know where i'm going to get out if i'm wrong and if i start to be right: where am i going to start taking profits and so that kind of determines my risk reward? My potential risk reward. Sometimes it works better than expected. Sometimes it works worse than expected depends.

You know what i mean. How do you avoid getting caught in false breakdowns? Sometimes i'll see a great pattern get instantly smoked? I don't. I do not avoid that. I get caught in the false breakdown and re-enter when it reconfirms.

Do you do anything to actively work on your discipline yeah, but it's more so it's it's been hard trading. This is probably the most disciplined i've traded. I don't know if i can quite say ever i'm taking a starter long here on cpix uh 594. There we'll see i like that we had some volume starting to come in here breaking out of this little consolidation uh.

If we can break through six i'll, probably take one more ad worst case i'll risk. This poll see how it reacts, though, all right got one more add-on in there, but nothing crazy size. I i'd like to think it should just start working pretty pretty quick, so if it doesn't i'll, probably just cut, if we can break through six test, that previous uh previous high right there and set a new low i'd risk off that um anyways back to actively Working on discipline, one of the things that matters most to me is like being disciplined outside of trading. It helps me a lot to be disciplined when i am trading.

It's a mindset thing rediscipline is 100 mindset. Um, and you know you. I am a firm believer. You can't have a good trading mindset without having a good like life mindset.

Um, that's that's my belief whether or not you know you believe that, or everyone's different might not be the same for everyone. It's just what works for me so by working on discipline in areas outside of trading helps me be a more disciplined trader. How how do you cut a trade when it flushed or squeezed does just cut right away since risk is already broken exactly? That is true. I do not buy into twitter pumps.

Well i mean it depends honestly, if i'm it depends on the setup, i'm not buying, with the expectation like i'm not going in and buying because of the twitter pump like. If someone says you know cei's going to ten dollars. I'm not buying it. Man, oh well, this guy said it's got to go to 10 um, i'm i'll tr i'll trade, a low float! If it, you know, if it's being pumped on twitter and i see a justifiable entry spot with good risk reward, but yeah i'm not going and buying, because the pumper is saying how magical this trade could be or something like that all right, let's see if we Can't hold this six dollar level on cpix now that we're trying to break through it.

I, like this setup, a lot. I do it's this uh, it's again it's down a bit on the day, but the multi-day is really nice, hovering above vbop. At the end of the day, that's soaked right. There, um relative, i'm not going to call it low volume by any means, it's not a low volume trade, but it's not like hundreds of thousands of shares every minute um.
I personally like these, though these ones where it gets spikes of interest right where you know it traded 120 000 shares here at the peak, then the volume tapered off, but it's still held up because then i it's a lot easier to spot volume coming in once That volume has faded off for an extended period of time. You know where something like syt is trading millions of shares a minute, or i think i think i'm right on that. Don't quote me: yeah millions of shares a minute easier to spot volume coming in um. In something like this, in my opinion, but again nothing is guaranteed.

How do you stay motivated after not seeing any consistency for two years? You got that's 100 personal mental battle. It's and it's like anything right. It's i'm trying to think of you know a good comparison. I always compare working out trading, it's the same thing right, like most people give up on the dieting and the consistent gym activity after you know two weeks because they don't see any results.

Um and trading is going to take even longer to see those results. Um and for me, when i first started, you know i'm not like a massive guy or anything, but you know i went through a period um during college. I called it the sophomore 60, where i gained 60 pounds in about three months, and it's because i was so used to playing basketball every day. You know i was, i played basketball back in college and then i broke my foot and when i stopped playing i kept eating like i was playing.

I was eating six seven thousand calories a day and that added up so fast and for me that i had to have a motivation now to lose that weight. I was like okay now i have to go to the gym. On my own terms. I've got to eat better this and that it took me, and i got down to like 15 pounds pretty quick, but i had to find that like mental um motivation like okay, why do i want to lose weight? Why do i want to be healthy? Why do i want this, and you know again, i'm not saying i'm this massive guy now, but i'm in good shape, and now it's just become a routine, but it at first when i was like okay, i need to do this consistently.

How do i do it? The way i did it was setting small goals that eventually added up to bigger ones, so i knew i was going to make mistakes. You know when i was when i was trying to eat better trying to work out. I knew there would be days where i ate like crap. I knew there would be days when i missed the gym, but if i could just keep those small goals rolling, it made it a lot easier.

I i personally just work better, focusing on shorter term things. That's why i day trade instead of swing, trade, right um and it's the same way in trading, so for me it wouldn't be like a money goal that kept me going. It was you know. What can i do this month that will make me a better trader and little by little, seeing those goals get hit, even though i might not have been consistent? Did i practice better risk management? Did i practice better entries, better exits, et cetera, et cetera? They added up and turned into consistency without me, even knowing it.
What routines would you get in the habit of doing aftermarket other than going over trades to help improve yourself as a trader? Reviewing charts tracking data um? There's i mean there's so many things, there's so many ways. You know watching videos watching recording tape and re-watching it uh in level two um reviewing trades that you should have taken but didn't reviewing trades that you did take, but shouldn't have. It comes down to screen time like there's no other way around it. It's just.

How do you want to spend that screen time um and everyone will have a different, a different way of doing it, that's more effective for them, but you know that it just comes down to that. Really. What do i think of jumia bummer ppsis, failing hi, looking kind of decent jmia, the good old jumia? No range, not enough range for me, looks fine, just consolidating, but just not enough range. Where did you learn about risk management uh? A lot of that was um through sciences challenge the traitors that i've met through sykes's challenge, um and what's awesome about trading is there's no one correct way to manage risk.

It's just you have to manage risk period. You just have to do it somehow um. You know being having been a ch when starting off as a channel student, i was just always ingrained with the cut losses, quickly, cut losses, quickly, um and so that's what's worked for me, but i know people who trade very similarly to me that have a completely Different style of risk management, which is cool to see you know what i mean, definitely cool to see, cpix, i'm digging this. This would be cool if we can just keep holding up.

I would like it. I would like it what things you spend time working on, that you wish spent less time as they led you in the wrong direction. What things oh did did i spend time on? No there's nothing. I would change because it's i i hate you know.

I i understand, like everyone, should learn through the mistakes of other people, but there are probably really weird things i picked up on through um making those mistakes of spending time on the wrong things like you're always going to be learning. It comes down to an efficiency standpoint, but you can't get there without kind of going through the crap. First, like okay, you know what what are the wrong things. What are the right things? You can't get there without going through the wrong things first and then you'll learn what's right, because every trader is different um, but i do wish one thing i didn't spend enough time on was journaling in the beginning.
That was one thing i wish. I had spent more time on right out of the gates was journaling. My trades um like a deep journal, a deep, deep, deep journal of my trades. We have volume picking up on cpix here, not a lot of movement, though, given that volume that so it does sketch me out a little bit, but it's nothing to make me sell yet um and now, if it just instantly rejected after trading all that volume yeah.

I'm probably gon na cut it, but nothing nothing to scare me to shake me out. Yet all right now we're getting a lot of selling pressure kind of caught in a range we're getting a lot of volume, a lot of volume coming in. I don't know it's really struggling to move, i'm cutting here. That is a lot of volume coming in and it cannot break through.

I i sold just to be safe, yep wow, and that is exactly what i mean that wow. What a good example there so um! Basically, what what happened there is you see all this volume coming in, yet the stock is failing to move in the direction that it was pushing um and when that happens, that's never a good sign. That means one of two things: um one. It means that actually, i guess it really means one thing: if you looked at the level two there, if you're watching the level two, you likely saw that the bids and the asks weren't that large and if you didn't see that i'd, encourage you to go re-watch That level two action um, but what that indicates again sorry to get off track.

Um is one large seller, who's, hiding their size so or or a large bitter, that's hiding their size and a short is shorting into that um, and given how i mean that was the most volume, i believe it's traded all day today in one single candle and It couldn't move yeah, it was um and and now we're right back up in the 590s. It actually did hold that support level. So now this can get interesting. If we get back up here, it gets a bit clearer, but that to me now i'm not going to necessarily say it's in a void for me, but it's certainly if i'm gon na get back in that i'm using small size um but and that's another reason.

I noticed this to happen on stocks that are either very overextended or beaten down. On the day i mean this is down 15 percent on the day. Still, you know, even though it looked really nice hovering over vuop. There was a big seller there.

So that's that's. Where level two reading tape, recognition, um and just recognition of volume relative like relative to where how it should be coming in um for that set pattern yo we we're testing that trend break right there and notice. That's right where the volume came in was at that trend. Break too.

That was a really cool little example there um, but for now it's a no touch for me. Let's go back into chat, see what we got here, going back to the 60 pound, damn dominoes! Oh, oh monotrader, asking: what shampoo do you use very? That is a very important question that is very related to this um uh. What do i use? I use this i'm using this weird one that i bought from the grocery store right now and i don't like it um. You know actually matt your uh last time.
I i visited you, you know this too. You know this. I visited you um you and your girlfriend put me onto this. Really nice, shampoo and conditioner.

I can't remember the name of it, but i'm gon na buy it because i liked it a lot that was when you lived in a different state to be fair. So i mean last time i visited you um in a different state. How do i re-watch level two uh? There are different platforms. Um, let's see, that's one, why i'm always a fan of recording the screen for a trade that i'm in um or watching? Because then, i can go back and watch it um.

I know think or someone's like on demand, which isn't the greatest for like the lie. It's very chunky and choppy when it moves around um, but i'm always trying to record screens, especially when i'm trying to learn and see different things. Now. At this point, i don't record as much anymore, because i mean i reacted to that, because i've gotten trapped in something like that before met multiple times um.

I think i actually got out of that for a profit i won't lie. I did made a few hundred bucks on that um, but yeah. No, i'm always trying to record. Let's see oh good question, how are i was able to find a healthy balance between being a student trading? I didn't i ditched class all the time.

I was an awful student. I dropped out of college, so i didn't find the best balance, but there definitely were ways to do it. I just sucked with time management. I was a really really bad at managing my time.

Uh. Do you track your levels of motions or actions, sequences that may potentially put you on tilt yep journaling? My twitter is, i think, it's just at trader bryce. What was the most ideal, a plus plus chart you ever traded good question, um the most ideal, a plus plus chart i ever traded correctly or that i traded knew it was an a plus plus setup and still didn't hold on to it. Um, the two that come to mind for me are neg and btx.

Any gg and btx is probably the one of the better ones i've traded with the right mindset. Although i didn't use as big a size as i should have um, i don't remember the exact day. It was i'll try to go through and find that at some point, probably not during this webinar but um i took smaller size and held for like a twelve dollar a share move um btx, i sized in heavy, knowing how good the setup was and sold into Like a dollar and a half a share, push made like seven or eight grand i was stoked, but i had failed to remember how nice that big picture chart was, and it ended up going up another like eight dollars a share after i sold um. Let's see another good one for me was that i traded well with seed back in the day for the third day surge bounce um, any g third day surge failed breakout.
I have a personal youtube video that, on my trader, bryce youtube channel. How i prepared for that level, two um, i traded that really well ahpi, really beautiful, a plus multi-day setup, and i traded it i perfectly just about. I could have held a little longer, but that was my biggest trade of all time for about thirty three thousand dollars. What is a pirate's favorite letter r? What do you use for screen? Recording, i think uh screencast-o-matic is what i've been looking at.

Uh, usually news tomorrow, daily, looks nice and uze is the question i'm actually watching it today, um, you know i, this is one, you know, and this is nuz i'll pull it up and just show you kind of like what oh hi that still looks. Nice cpix low key, still looks nice. Ppsi also loki still looks nice um. So here i trade a lot of these like i need ze, but the problem is, i can't even bring this up.

I'm not going to alert this because the volume's so low. I don't. I would not there's a few things one i it's just simply too low volume um, you know. If oh man, i say, looks nice um, but average is everything on a low volume trade.

The way that i trade them and even missing it by a second can get you so much slippage. So it's it's a very it's a level two based slash chart setup. The level two is so important that it's it's something you have to learn on your own. No, it's the c, clever, clever, clever, hovering rod view up after yeah.

No isig looks really good, really good. It actually looks pretty good right now. Um, i won't lie ugh. I really don't want to take it with only 20 minutes left in the day.

Here's kind of how i'm looking at it, so i'm going to get rid of this, obviously we'll go over to isig, so hovering on view up all day. It is down 30, but after yesterday's massive runner, i'm just seeing this big all-day trend that we're coming up on. It's just there's such a little time left in the day that it's tough, it's just a toughy. How do you identify profit targets on breakouts previous resistance range, yeah, mainly based on range, and then, if i see we're coming up into previous resistance, take it off into that? That's how i do it.

What kinds of things do you look for pre-market other than news and gap? Ups, certain type of news lately, i have hardly even been showing up to free market. I won't lie because the best trades have presented themselves in the afternoon after those um after those runners have, you know, established themselves so like that's, but normally i'm looking for price action, pre-market price action, um, and i don't really care too much about the news. Unless the market's hot and there's a certain type of news that is working very well day in and day out, um, but yeah, just really price action like bitters. Where are the bidders at? Are they pulling the bids? Are they purposefully walking up the bids and dropping them off after the price is up a lot um which normally just make it harder for short to cover in a low volume period? Stuff like that is apvo toast? Sadly, it seems like it.
I i know, i wouldn't say toast actually wow that got up to nine. I was brutal. No, it's not toast. It's just like a.

It looks like it's just gon na be a slow bouncer which are tough to play. The slow bounces are really difficult to play. Getting stuck holding bags in the new trailer learning lesson the hard way at what point you decide to just cut it and move on. I don't i i don't know how you mean it like.

I don't get caught in bags anymore, because i just cut them instantly. If i know again, i'm never in a bag anymore, but when the what turned me around from that was, if i called myself well, if i called the trade i was in a bag, instant cut, instant cut like i never want to be a bag holder. Ever it sucks it's the easiest way to lose all your money. Let's go back to chat here, i'm gon na be uh.

I am gon na be cutting this off here in a few minutes, um p70k cj in small cap asks you scalp a lot. What is your win? Percentage depends um generally between 50 and 60 um, and i here's the thing scalp is like definitely a relative term generally, because i don't every set of mine, isn't a scalp um, so i tend to scalp when the market is more uh indecisive. I guess would be the right word um, that's not! My win percentage is a bit higher than it's probably closer to 70 to 75 percent, but even when i scalp like a lot of times i'll sell and consider it a loss. Even though i had a small win, it just didn't do what i wanted it to do.

It's like i'll i'll cut the trade, but it's actually still a win um or, more importantly, is when i lose it's so small that it doesn't really matter right like that. So yeah, my win percentage might be lower than your average scalper, but that those losses are just tiny. That's the thing i mean my whole journey trading journey has been built on just cutting those losses so fast, um, and that took time because again, the issue then was that i wasn't holding on to winners long enough, whereas if you're used to taking a wider risk Approach, you know you have to go for a wider reward um, so that i mean it's not yeah yeah anyways, i'm not gon na keep going on that. Thank you, i'm so glad you enjoyed.

My pirate voice means so much. This is kind of cool, maybe i'll, become like a pirate or something if i uh, if i ever want to uh like go into acting or whatever, who was it? Was it johnny depp that played uh pirates of the caribbean yeah? I you heard it here. First in the small cap rockets live trading, bryce tui is the next johnny depp um. Let's see, can you probably taking two to one risk reward with a sixty percent win rate yeah, you can be you're breaking i mean if here's the thing: here's, how you remember this you're a break even trader and a one-to-one risk reward at a 50 win rate.
So any win rate over that with a one to one you're profitable. Any risk reward um higher than one to one with a 50 win rate is profitable. Do you ever take profits just to buy shampoo? Yes, just kidding um. How much time do you spend trading tracking journaling now as compared to when you first started? I spend a lot less time, journaling and track.

I mean i still track um, but i i know my current setup so well like off the back of my hand that the only times i really dig into journaling now - and i should be doing it more this - it's it's kind of a poor, excuse um, but Is when i'm going through really rough stretches, then i then i dissect everything i'm doing wrong um. I probably should spend more time tracking again what i'm doing right. The thing is, i know what i'm doing right um overall, but there are little nuances that i'm sure i'm doing well and don't even realize it that i could capitalize on who's playing ping pong in the background uh. That would be.

Oh. We actually have matt monaco playing some ping pong and um a guy from one of our one of our other guys from out of town. We have some people visiting the office today, um they're they're playing they're in a very heated. What looks to be a pretty heated ping-pong match? Oh no way did matt lose.

Oh, no, he didn't lose. Sorry i had to check in. Can they see the the ping pong going on? Oh, he probably saw the paddle there um watching not trade is actually teaching me a lot about holding out for the safest and best place yeah. I know for sure, and that's like been my biggest problem and that's why i say i'm trading more discipline than others because, like i just i should say, the lack of training i'm doing is more disciplined than ever because, like i don't really care, i'm just i'd.

Rather, just uh um not lose money. I've gone through it enough times where the market is like this and i just lose so it's like. Do i really want to keep putting myself through that, and the answer is no: oh, we got a. We got some good questions here: do you use head and shoulder shampoo and a cup and handle for your toothbrush, clever? That was clever.

I actually don't use a cup, though, for my toothbrush and toothpaste, although i've used head and shoulders before, but i hated it because i'm a long, biased trader um, what was your day-to-day when learning how to trade? What do you mean? What videos would you watch? How long would you watch videos? How long would you watch the market stuff like that? I almost always watched the market all day every day like throughout the entire day, the market was open. I was almost always watching it um. This was basically my daily routine. When i was really getting into learning the markets when it really started being like okay, i really want this.
I really want this because i went through a lot of phases where i was like. I really care about this. No, i don't i'm never trading again. I really care about this.

No i'm never trading again um, but when i was like getting serious about it, this was basically how it went. So i would wake up five o'clock every morning, get to the gym by 5, 30 get home, eat breakfast shower, and i'd be done with that by about 7 45, then i would take a nap because i ate massive breakfasts i'd go into a food coma from About 8 to 8 30. um, then during the next hour i would start getting pre-market stuff ready like watching pre-market. I watched the market for the whole day and sometimes i went to class and whatnot um.

I also was working outside of this, so you know i was multitasking. You know between trying to do class trade, a wire slash, watch the market work. Then the market would close. If i had a night class to go to my night class um, i would look at all the trades i had taken and really just kind of say.

What did i do right? What did i do wrong um, even if it wasn't an in-depth journal and then, when i didn't have class during the summer a lot of times? What was big for me is i'd: go on a 45-minute, walk outside and kind of reflect on everything from the day. How do i pull up the 52-week high scan? I don't know if i've ever used the 52-week high scan i'll get on that later and try to find that out for you right so uh. Here we go when you track your sets for each setup. You trade is there ever an overlap and you're journaling and not sure which one it goes under yeah yeah.

That does happen um. So i would just write out the setup that it was and if it was kind of an overlap um, i would classify it as both. But what helped me was kind of a lot of times. I'd noticed that there was a daily pattern.

I was playing and an intraday pattern. I was playing if they're, both different. Then i started categorizing it that way. What is my favorite food stake? Uh for those of you asking to visit the office um, we uh more on that later we're trying to work out.

Some kind of meetup or something in the future, but that's that's a little ways to come, but we'll keep you updated. If anything happens, the small cap meetup, can we short ups for messing up my home gym set order. Oh another week. Oh, i there's there's a if that were the case.

I would i'd be heavily short a lot of these shippers or these uh, not shippers, they're, not shippers, um, these uh logistics and logistic companies, because they're they're screwing me right now all right. How do i'm gon na i'm gon na wrap this up here, uh like two or three more minutes for questions to come in? If i didn't see one of your questions, i apologize you can re-ask it though detaching money and focusing on the process size down. So much to where it doesn't matter laptop question, more performance, more question, more for performance, running slippage, speed, etc. Oh i don't know, i don't really trade on a laptop um, so i couldn't i'm not a big help.
There favorite price range to trade five to ten dollar stocks. What is the new live trading time frame? You'll do any trades while live today, uh yeah i mean we had cpix live and it was a pretty good lesson that was a that was a good little live trading, lesson for sure um, but uh, j, benj brain fart generally now we're kind of doing just Afternoon, depending on the time um i traded from home for most the day today was in small cap rockets from home. So i came to the office and um later so, but sometimes it could be any time between like 2 and 3 30. should i join small cap or psych's mentorship it just.

It depends on your style of learning right. We at small cap rockets. We are very, very, very focused on real time learning real time teaching. You know like that live trade example.

I mean i didn't go into today. You know saying all right: i'm gon na i'm gon na find a dump midday or like a fake breakout, midday or end today and show you like it's just real time. As it happens, if you like listed stocks, small cap is probably your better option. If you're learning nasdaq nyse stuff, like that um, we have three very, very, very great teachers.

In my opinion, myself included pat myself in the back a little bit, but matt and john papa are great traders um that and we all have just a slightly different style. So, even if one of ours doesn't resonate with you another one of those, might we all trade? Similarly, but it's different enough, where you notice the differences and the types of stocks we trade, the entries, we take the exits, we take yadda yadda yadda. How do i approach sizing up in a systematic way? Yes, systematic for the most part um, you know if i'm going to increase size 10 to 20 percent, when the market heats up, sometimes i'll increase it up to 50. Depending on my confidence in the setup, i treat different setups differently with different size, so i'll size up differently for each setup, profitly or twitter.

I don't know what you mean, i don't i don't get the i don't get the question when you use a stop loss on the nasdaq. Do you stop limit? Stop market stop market? For me, thank y'all for showing love to small cap. I personally, like i mean i it's hard, you know i'm a challenge too. I learned the beginning, like the the in the beginning from sykes and so like that, oh um, but you know now, that's i'm teaching my very own unique style.

Sykes is trading. Slash, teaching style is very different now from the style that i trade and teach so it is just it just is 100 dependent on the way you want to trade. You guys have seen my live streams. You know you've seen my small cap recaps.
You understand the types of tickers, i'm trading, you see the way, i'm trading them, so you should have a decent idea of the way i trade. Would you be worried about what i worried about be? What uh would i be worried? Learning in a market like this worried, the market won't come back any time soon the market's not dead. You know what i mean like it's, not wildly hot, it's the slower, it's the slowest it's been in a while. Although this you know this week, we've had a couple hundred percent runners, um, there's, never a wrong market to learn in the most exponential style, like the most exponential personal learning you will go through is going to be during a hot market and then you're going to Learn why you need to have rules in a slow market so starting off in a slow market, you're going to learn to trade, more conservative, and that might hurt you a little in a hot market.

But it will also keep you safe when the market slows back down, there's there's advantages and disadvantages to each. Do i always respect my stop? Yes, do i ever hide size? No, what do you think you're? Do you think your hair is your power likes? My hair is my power and my height. Those are the only two things i got going for me was participating in psych trading trading challenge a big turning point: your education trading. I know the dvds and webinars must be a huge game.

Changer yeah just having the video lessons and really the biggest thing that stuck with me from sykes, is cut losses quickly like even though i'm not big on otc trading and everything. I still learned a lot there um. It gave me a lot of fundamental knowledge on the market that i still use to this day, but the biggest probably takeaway for me was just understanding how important it is to cut losses quickly. You can hear it a million times, but until you actually implement it, you know uh that it won't be changed all righty guys.

I am going to hop off here. This is a long one man i still haven't eaten today. Crap. I knew i've got to do something i need to go.

Do that um, i'm going to hop off here. Thank you for tuning in we'll be back here tomorrow. At some point, one of these days hold on. Can i say it loud enough for matt to hear me: probably not could yell really loud, but then it would hurt.

Your guy's ears would hurt. Andrew's ears probably hurt some people's ears that are sitting right outside of this office, so i'm gon na choose not to do it, but one of these days i'm gon na get monaco to to do a live stream. He's been slacking on me um, but yeah. Oh one last point: i'd like to bring up so okay, we just very interesting, but last thing i'm going to say.

I absolutely think i res respecting, but the way i see not respecting to stop is holding after the the loss is hit. The stop is hit i'll just get back in. If the trade's gon na work, i still have the same risk level, which i will respect different style of trading anyways, i'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz. Actually, i'm off about to go film.
A small cap recap, so thanks for tuning in small cap recap, will be up like in probably a few hours two two hours three hours - maybe i don't know um so, oh last thing hit the like button hit. The subscribe button turn on your post notifications. How many p, how many likes we have i'm counting it 134, how many people are watching i'm off? Let's see! Oh, let's get that up to like 200 for me, guys anyways, i'm actually out. Now, though, market closes in five minutes.

Sayonara have a good.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “Small cap rockets – live trading – 12/07/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    if u hold ur winners tho, it would just spike dwn really fast though

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Now HIRING! CLICK to know more! says:

    No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Nardella says:

    Wow! That CPIX trade might not have been the best, but it sure did teach me a lot with that simple trade. Thank you Bryce

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gillian Degrotte says:

    Thanks Bryce, appreciate the effort to help us

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kandy Thomas says:

    That trade i $CPIX was unbelievable. Helped to hear your analysis while watching the actual trade. Learned something! Thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tzena Smith says:

    Fascinating! Great answers to questions!! Thank you!!

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