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We're live everybody all right, i'm just gon na throw some tweets out. We got a couple minutes. Let's drop some uh questions in there we got small cap brackets on here. We've got some trading challenge.

Students on here just put a tweet out live again. This morning, bam: what's everyone's top watch out there and i got ta spread the news to their chat rooms, make sure everyone's we've got. Oh we're hearing myself twice bam bam all right, paste, okay, so with that we should be ready to rock and roll. So today, watching um i'll go over my top watches.

Ocg is probably my top top watch um. This one had this dump yesterday still the news event, but it recovered so huge, huge squeeze potential. There uh it's already trying to squeeze squeeze a bit pre-market. If we look your date, it's also a big breakout yeah.

It's run a lot, but we've also seen stocks like hx um. If i pull up like a six month on this, it's gotten crushed, but just keep squeezing and keep squeezing. So now that i think ocg on you know, maybe it could. I think it is setting up for a quote unquote.

Mother of all squeezes, so definitely gon na be watching this for a dip by the gate. Uh. The other interesting one was bbby, which is a bed bath and beyond. They must reported earnings, but this is a former wall street bat play.

It's got to be up 50, that's huge after it got crushed from it's like you know, probably got ta go back further. Now the initial wall street bet run so huge gap up. I probably won't be trading this one. I won't be surprised if this one just fades off uh, but bb bb, just like blackberry, also ran at the same time um.

So i'm watching that there's also costs koss uh. That's probably this one's always traded less volume than the others. It's always been kind of difficult to trade, but if this gets some traction, i'm going to keep it up because you can see after hours yesterday got a little spike um around that news, and i got abb: that's a classic. This one dumped yesterday with no bounce, probably gon na dump further, but i'm gon na keep watching it.

The other one is ind. This is an otc breakout that was a very slow grinder. Yesterday, probably he's got more in the tank, but it's on its third green day, we'll see how it opens. It's got a slight gap up today, which is always good to see.

You can see this gap up right there. So those are my watches um, i'm gon na try to put them in order ocg on first just left to right. Yeah small cap got some good details in here. If anyone's got questions on the chat, let me know let's keep it rolling, so i'm not going to spill my coffee today.

I learned my lesson last time, so the other one's kind of watching there some bitcoin plays i've, got a list of them, but bitcoin pulled a low this morning, but we're just keep flipping through them every day trying to see if any of them are setting up. Ocg though i like a lot good look, the other ones are yeah. That's pretty much. My main watches there.
Gaffy gfai did have a nice gap up um, but i'm not convinced what we got about a minute gaffy. I just never really had a run. I was so like it's already kind of getting clobbered it might spike to like 280. So, if you're into like a quick 30 cent share but like this just got destroyed, so i just don't think it's worth it on the daily chart for it to really.

You know because the theory being this traded 100 and something million shares like 115 million there's a bunch of bag holders in there from that day that are going to sell into any pop at all. So i just think the odds of it working are very, very slim. Cost bb bb has also got just a good daily chart like a breakout over 12.. This one, it's a large company, so historically it's gon na be slower mover, but some cute action there.

Here we go ocgn so with that i do have a mug today, thanks for commenting, because i spilled my everywhere last time, so lesson learned we're sending off to the side and we're not going to spill it all right. Am i growing gon na grow a beard like papa, i think papa's, the only man i know might be able to pull that beard off, so we're going to leave that to him and about 10 seconds. Let's get it good luck today. Everyone trade, your plan, trade, smart, do the right things: let's see jen some good volume coming in there.

I would love this to dip there. We go good tip um, let's see how it recovers. There bb not much costs volumes, prelight, ind, walking down pretty severe dip. There got one minute chart up.

Do you walk i'm seeing spike in a little bit oc jen is carolyn, is spiking to new highs, pretty close, we'll take after hours off it's pretty close ocgn. I'm going to nibble some very small about 500 shares for now just trying to get a feel of how this stock's going to trade, but that big dip in recovery leads me to believe something else is a as a cooking. So under lows, we'll just cut it move on, but i don't think it's done watching that, like 6 30 level, basically over highs, i'd be willing to double down, get like up to a thousand, because i think a squeeze would probably start happening around there all right. We added we have a thousand now again we'll be quick to cut if we're wrong, because it could very well stuff.

This is going to be a choppy one because of that action. Yesterday i could go look at like a five day here. You can see what happened yesterday, but faces being there's a lot of shorts, trapped, basically sub 16, so that dip basically held 16 16 30.. So i mean thought process being if you're a short seller.

At that point i would be very nervous to say the least. So all right so far a bit of nothing not going to get too crazy size, letting it do its thing watching this low right here, 16, 30. and we'll cut it with no motion and just move on if we're wrong here on the trigger back over 17. That's good quick, look at bb bb, it did have a nice morning, spike cost no volume keeps holding.
The thing is at this point: if it gets below probably that 1670 level, we'll probably have a heart cracked a low day, which is fine just to be expected. But if we can get back over 17, especially 1750, we'll see a nice squeeze just chopping around key on. These is just respect your risk level and just let it chop and just know if your risk level comes you're going to cut and if it doesn't you're. Just going to stay in the trade, so only level, i'm focusing on is 16 30, which looks like we might get tested here.

Yep here comes crack cut it 1631. I just felt a bit premature but more safe than sorry all right. Nothing wrong with that. Stuck to our trade plan, bb is failing.

I think it looks really good. Indeed, does look pretty good. What's that daily, look like it's always just been such a slow mover, which one in d see that's why it's important to cut your loss there on ocgan all right, oh my keyboard's lagging a little bit abb harsh, pull bpy harsh pull ind does look the best Of all the setups out there, i'm going to be honest d walks moving costs, i'm going to take off my screen just looks like crap ocgn could still recover, but like i'm moving it over on my screen, because that's going to take a long time for it To be a play at this point, um, let's pull up fun. Phone phone is starting to crawl because d walks spiking.

This is what's paving the way there so 68. Yesterday's high is gon na, be pretty key on this one. We haven't had a crazy, strong bounce on this. Yet so, let's move this over.

That's like uh yeah i mean i like dmoc dmoc looks strong, looks healthy. I can't justify buying it up here, so i'm going to watch fun, which obviously has yesterday's resistance, but i went on a great rip over that 380 level. There's the main two, then we also had mark that ran with it see if that has anything at all. We ran yesterday with it probably gon na, be a similar story, yeah kind of bounceless.

So far mark i don't know it's the weakest of them all. All right small cap will be watching in here great community, great scanners, ptip ptpi. Let's look ptpi! Oh, that's a good spike there. It's got that chart to run to like four.

What's the flow low flow, let's go look at just intraday. Okay, that's a good looking chart ptpi! Let's do some research um. The ideal entry would have been like over this 220 level. For sure volume's coming in i'm not sure, there's a big cellular 240 doesn't seem to look like it.

Let's see if we can get a pullback healthy pullback like 225 might be a bit greedy, but it's got news. It's got room to run it's a low flow. It's got all the right elements to be around for today. Let's look at the news exclusive agreement with him and hers health 400 increase over here, good enough news.

I would have liked the bigger pullback there i'm gon na buy some just bought some there 240 i'll risk about 20 cents. A share down to like this level, see if we can't get a nice spike up to the high twos that'd be very nice. If it really starts running, looks like there's a it's fighting, some resistance volume is coming in over that breakout, but 250 was a tough one. So let me cautious there ocg, i'm just getting clobbered grassland shores out there.
There pby clobbered iron and d, nothing pby, fun, fun. Clobbered tpi is like the only thing holding up say: 250 over 250 very nice. I like how uh, even though it struggled it held and now it's pushed new highs. This is awesome good to see good to see.

I really do think it's got room to three dollars, i'm looking at like this level. I know there's no volume, but it looks pretty good. Some sellers are coming in. I got another level two over there see if i can pick them up on the screen for everybody see if they're still there.

What was the high 75 no surprise there, nice psychological number, i'm pretty sure they're at 274. So, let's see, if they're still there next time, we test some wild action on this low flow, to say the least. Good volume just rushed in there 275 there's that wall. I want to see it test one more time before i take any off in case we blow through it, but 275 was very thick there.

Oh there's some big sizes there 272 and unlock in half, but if we blow over 272 275 i'll keep holding and we're struggling, i'm going to lock it in better be safe than sorry. So i kind of let a test two three times there still might rock and roll over that, but that big seller there, if you were watching the ask on 272 there's like 60 000 shares 275, was actually a huge wall, not sure if you can see my Mouse on the live stream, but i'm highlighting over the ask it's still holding up, though so with that said, it's probably going to blow through it here, yep there it goes wow well taking the high 2 is just like. I thought like i was looking for, but i had a good trade roughly to where it was my first bill. Let's look at my executions.

235 was my best fell to 2 268. great trade i'll. Do that all day, every day, all day every day, so one winner, i definitely outweighed the loser today, let's uh see how much we made ptpi i'm doing something wrong, just hit three look at that: we'll keep it up on screen sick run. So i made about 4 000 on ptpi there and i locked in at 270..

It's at three: that's crazy, sick move, great job, small cap rockets who actually brought that up evilos. Oh, i was gon na tell a message and say great job great. I sick trade. 310.

again, the textbook entry would have been 225. I was a little late, so i got in on that pullback. Once i held up um, we struggled here 275, which i really should have only locked in half, but i ended up locking it all in that's. Fine uh the profit finger.

I was just a little heavy there, so locked it all in at that when it was struggling there. What was my best feel like 269? I ended up filling on the ask: that's fine and then we broke through those big sellers. I said i should test it three times. I let it has like two and a half, but all things considered good trade.
So my loser today was about twelve hundred winners. It was four thousand two hundred which puts me up about 3 000 on the day, one winner, one loser, that's the value of risk reward you're. You got to make sure your risk that you're going to take losses, but you got to make sure it's smaller. So, for me, i lost thousand bucks whether you were risking 100 bucks or 50 bucks or whatever you risk on trade.

You want your winners to be three times larger than your losers, at least so, in this case, this winner for me, was four times larger than my loser, which is awesome. D watt crush man. It's just tough to see everything crushed. What else were they missing? Ipix? I still like bbe fun, crushed ptpi hit new highs, there, 13 13..

Aren't you getting any of that or what don't have any body power? No buying power tonight just broke them up to 313, though yeah i know, that's crazy was one ipix. Is that one looking good, probably was out of the gate, still going? Huh 320s new highs, when i start struggling at highs like this, i tend to get nervous and if i had any and i'd still be locked in, but if you held that whole move, you were able to catch it, especially that initial 225 entry, like hats off To you, that's it that's a textbook trade. When you get time to answer some questions, i'm out of all my trades. Let's answer some um yesterday you talked about each a pro having a way to sell the bid and ask: could you possibly show that live um? How can i do that without showing my account number? I don't know if i can do that, but right so imagine this is etrade pro.

You can like just double click on the bin and ask i'm like pretending to click on the bin. Ask and it'll update your order and then like from there. You don't have to like manually type anything in it. Just like share size puts the price at the bid, and then all you got to do is click the sell button.

So, like a lot of times, what i'll do, depending on the stock, because i'll, like double click on the bid flip over to like a lot of times, i have a market order, um, even like something. Like p t p, i here i was still just using market orders at that point. Um and i just like would click and then like mark it by so what level was i risking on ptp? That's crazy. This these dips keep holding like this is probably a squeeze um.

I was risking um, basically a failed breakout which would have been down to like 210 or so that's what i would consider lose around ptpi. I would. I would keep your eye on ind later i'll. Keep watching i and i i n m d - it's just a slow mover.

I just got ta like adjust my expectations there. How many shares did i end up having i ended up about 10 000 shares definitely wish i would have held them. Wbx wbx is in new york stock exchange, probably gon na move slower. I mean that chart.
Is this um? Don't enough history kind of looks like a spec. That's a good good daily breakout chart like to be honest, like it's curling up very nice um. It definitely looks like, though, on a one day like it's like a pretty slow mover, so it's probably more of like a swing trade idea than the day trade idea, wbx ilus, um iu. This is a former runner.

Is it getting close to the breakout? Again? That's pretty wild we'll set an alert over over that 40 level. It's crazy! This is still up here. Ptpi like no pullbacks interesting. I can't buy it up there.

The risk reward is way off, but i, like your base, hats who needs scanners when you have evilos yeah, exactly that's the value of small cap rockets. That's why small cap rock is so awesome because, like if you missed something like you got a whole community of people looking for great trading opportunities and that's what we saw. How do you know when deciding your positions? The loser is less than a winner. You have to know that when you enter the trade like ocgn, like i knew, was a spec speculative early entry.

So because of that, i took 500 shares and that's why. I add like very aggressively to a winner, but going in you have to be like i'm risking whatever 100 bucks. I know i could make 300 if this works, like you have to put yourself in those situations because there's plenty of situations you're, like i don't know it's. 50.

50.. That's not going to work long term. You need to be like good risk reward situations. Do i have hot keys, i don't have hot keys.

I really probably should so. I can just be like bam. Bam bam, bye, bye, bye. That would be like way faster than clicking a button is the low flow strategy you explain summer to go.

Roland's gavin crap um, probably similar, probably because it's the same like core trading fundamentals: good, like techniques, low flow with news, yadda, yadda roland's, i think slightly different. I think he waits a little longer to get in um, but he's very, very good strategy either way um. But it's got the same good fundamental things: good chart good volume, good news, low flow, you name. It indeed does look good mark by the way i'm not gon na pretty well yeah.

We go to like a two day over this two four, like i nd i'll, be ready just in case. It's definitely a slow mover though so, like my i'm gon na have to buy it. Knowing that this is gon na be like in all day, are you trying to get into it right now? No yeah. Are you just? Are you waiting for it to pop over to four before you do that yeah? I want this over two four in the d over two four, because to me that means the trend is continuing.
Bb, very nice. What's bb trading at ptti, still just consulting that's pretty just mind-blowing to me. Talk about selling early, like my trade on that was like roughly this pullback to like here, which is like a good trade, but man, it's probably gon na, go higher because it keeps consolidating and then d uh again, i'm waiting on that, like roughly this 2-4 level. Over that i'd, consider it a good buy.

Look at this! That's crazy, yeah! It's probably gon na go higher here too too. Tough for me to want to buy it, but good trade user. 50. 81.9.

You got ta change your username if you actually just like right click on your username, you can like well, i have like superpowers, i'm not gon na. Do that, but you can change your username. So would i re-enter this? I would but i would want like a stronger pullback, like where's view up on this at this point, yeah. So, like honestly, a dip to like that 275 level, especially because we know it struggled there or i just drew that line and if it can hold that it would definitely make me interested in rebuying at some point.

Ind is starting to curl up. It's probably getting pretty close to buy some decent size on the ask. Still, though, you want to loan me 500, so i can get into it. No well, i'm gon na answer a couple more questions, but that's pretty much it for the live today glad we got a couple of trades on here, always good to catch.

Some trades live to see like what people think when they're in a trade. Indeed, i'm gon na buy some we're gon na start buying some here, i'm going to let small cap know buying. I know most you are on this live stream, but just let you know and then we'll follow up after this fine. Indeed, 2 4.

I just got filled some there risking down to roughly 2 3. looking for new highs on this breakout chart. Well guys um. I know there's a ton of people on youtube now uh getting small cap rockets, that's where you want to be.

That's where you get all the real information, i'm glad i can give you some very briefly in the morning, but the real value, it's crazy. This is holding. We might see a pole. Finally, here uh is in small cap rockets, great spike over that level.

Just like i was looking for again small cap rockets and also um, i'm gon na invite everyone, because clearly the you guys are dedicated, there's gon na be um a link. I just dropped in chat i'll, actually pull it up. Let me pull it up. Real quick, we'll close on this note doing a totally live free training.

I think everyone can see that. Let me just make sure free training. I'm gon na drop a link uh it's tomorrow, night, uh, 8 p.m. Eastern just put it put your email and get in it's the only way you can be invited to the event and it's free um.

I know crypto is really hot. I know people have a lot of questions in crypto, so make sure you check it out. Uh getting in on that um come join me if you like. This live stream, this one's gon na be next level.
I actually got like a whole crew helping me out, so it's like really really good setup, so i dropped the link in youtube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

17 thoughts on “Small cap rockets – live trading – 11/3/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zarols 94 says:

    Thanks Matt ! Great vid again – You're a great teacher my friend – Registered to your Crypt Moon Jumps ! – Can't wait πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    u put your drink on another chair that has a flat surface, there fore if u spil it, it wont go on ur computer

    also keep the chair away from the wire on the floor
    thats wat I do

    also dont drink stuff while ur waatching funny stuff, coz ull spit at the monitor when u hear something funny, or just kinda look half way to the side while ur saying or watching funny stuff

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    How can u knw if PTPI was going to just crck dwn 40 cents a share in like 1 second
    because thats been hapenning alot, it starts going up, then just goes down a dollar a share in one second

    how do u knw when u were in ptpi, u said it was holding near the highs, but yeah lately, when its doing that, it woukld go dwn alot in one second

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khyle and Ashley says:

    Please, please, please keep doing these! They are so extremely helpful

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Lopez says:

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madison Hopkins says:

    Thanks for the video!!!
    Any thoughts on ARTL?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    Will be working, but I hope I can catch the stream when I get home tomorrow night!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    Thank you sir!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elisa Rosenlund says:

    I love these live streams! Thanks for doing them for non-small cap subscribers. I hope to subscribe in the future when I start making more money trading.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carlos ay says:

    Ahhh i missed PTPI!! Literally soon as I was putting in my order it started spiking in the morning and I got scared I was gonna start chasing, this helped a lot for the future πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jett says:

    Didn’t take a single trade today. Just focused on my swings.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptic Wealth says:

    Awesome live stream! You can learn a lot from these.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Cameron says:

    Today was easy

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUG A VET says:

    Do not think you can do this without years of practice. I lost everything jumping in too soon. Nothing will prepare you for losing 30k in one day. Now I hate trading. I can't believe what I just did. I was hijacked by My emotions. Uncontrolled pressing of buttons just get green. I don't sleep or eat anymore. Poor choices are always hindsight. I didn't listen to my broker and tried this anyway. I am an ass.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irwin Larrison says:

    Anyone know where to find that moon jumps link??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sai krishna Vangari says:

    BBBY please let me know

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Franny L says:

    love these

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