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Cheers cheers we can officially tgif pgif double piston baby. This is the second week in row that brewski's won and it's just refreshing. I like i'm, not a pumpkin beer guy, but like the seasonal beers really just like it just gets you in the mood. I thought you're gon na try to say this is a seasonal beer.

Shiner is a texas classic, yes, it is, god bless america, texas is his own country. God bless the state of texas or is ted. Is a cult. I think it's a cult that i fully adopted, so it's cool yeah.

No, it's it's fine! It's fun like it's! It's it's! It's like freedom, but actually freedom. You know what i mean like. No, no! No, like i'm sorry. I came from new york state and it was it was kind of like it was a whole different vibe there.

It was tell me it wasn't i'm trying there's this movie scene. It's like, i can't think of it. It's like it's like discovering sliced bread before sliced bread, but it's not sliced bread, i'm trying to think of what it is. That's like the moment i just had.

Oh, that was the epiphany that just like yeah, i just couldn't think of it fast enough. What movie that was yeah, i couldn't tell you. Oh oh, it's like discovering the internet before the internet. What movie is it? You know it's it's like jonah hill says it or something.

Oh, my, oh wait! A minute. I've heard that quote before jonah that uh now that you said jonah hill, i hear that name voice the wolf of wall street. It's the wolf of wall street, we're idiots. Oh my god, that's where it came from! That's why it's top of mind.

We are idiots because, as soon as you sign, a sales call yeah yeah sales pitches yeah. Oh my what a great movie i might watch that tonight give me a little hyped up. It's a classic! That movie! I don't care you! Everyone makes memes about it. Like! Oh, it's a business student's homework.

It really is like i can. I can tell you from experience yeah from a business student talking directly to you. It's such a good movie, though, gets you hyped up crazy, all right anyway, um matt crushed it today, and i didn't so tell us about your day. Yes, so um, let's see yeah we'll pull up the charts, we'll just dive right into it um.

So it started out with s and dl, so this was a it's important man. This might keep running, though i know i didn't see how it closed it held. Really well, didn't it it's important to like i am freaking addicted. I am addicted.

God bless my girlfriend like fully tuned into the market so like i was just like chilling like watching tv, and i see this news on sndo because my phone is just like notifications, non-stop of news of the stock market. So i saw this news: 100 million dollar canadian dollar uh buyback program bought some shares right here, sold them into this gap uh. I think it ended up some. I don't know somewhere in here, i sold it at 90 cents i sold.

I must sold up in here. Maybe up in here i was going to say. Were you maybe? Oh that's what i was going to say. I definitely sold it at 90 cents.
I just couldn't figure out where uh yeah, so that was like 5k. Roughly, to start my day, all right peta, everybody filled it a dollar for a long. I didn't know they never saw it back all right. This might not be done.

That's pretty nice! That is because there were some other weed runners, uh kern. I think closed strong, or at least a lot of people were tweeting about kern. Well, if i spelled kern right, it'd probably be helpful. I think there's just some puppies total bumpers total.

What does that daily? Look like, though i know like a lot of these weed charts, do look like they're bottoming. Now i go to like you got ta, go to like a multi-year charcoal like a three-year chart. Kern never truly ran well nope. No.

What is this that must have been like an up listing or something that looks like yeah but like even earlier this year, never really yeah. It doesn't look that great hillary had some nice moves today, yeah anyways we'd run don't mind. My fidelity ira account where i hold like 150 shares of till right from like 30 dollars, hey it's the ira, like. I can't that money's a it's fugazi.

I think i bought right here or something no. It must have been on this breakout and it's like a hundred shares like it's me. Yeah, that's awesome. I just know one of these days.

It's gon na run it no. It is oh, my for those of you who worked around for the original till right pull up like an original tilray chart that was so bonkers. That was, i remember. We were in our dorm room in our hotel, our house yeah our house when that was happening.

Everyone was thinking, it was going to 300. textbook story. It was this day we were like, let's buy, puts, and we just we're too scared yep, because we were still new traders. This was 2018..

I remember people posting twitter charts and you saw the people who blew up and then the people were like i top ticked in it's like okay, wait a minute. We only see the executions of like the 280 fills. That was that was one of the wildest runs of that year. I mean that was what that was peak of the weed mark.

The only one that's crazier than this, since we're going over some supernova highlights is: oh, my god elephant it's. I look at this. It's that true yeah: it's do they even have a full chart. History of this - oh, i guess so yeah, oh my god.

This was back in 2017, ipo uh bitcoin play. It went from six bucks to 140 in three days. You know. What's funny, though, is like that chart isn't uncommon anymore, and then it was a total scam and now dude those poor people.

There's no there's, probably someone who bought this over a hundred and it's at point: zero: zero, zero one yeah! You were down you're down, 99.999 percent, just add bro, not even 99, like you're, like as close to 100 down in your position as possible as possible. Can you oh see? This is why you do not bag hold? This is why like this is. This is why i just sell if i'm wrong, because this scares me, though right absolutely. That was my main lesson of my re live trading.
Yesterday yep i lost like 37 or something and the lesson was when you're wrong just get out, because then you lose 37 dollars instead of like five grand. What like i mean, i have been in so many trades where i really didn't want to cut and i lost like two grand on it, maybe a bigger loss than normal. I really you don't want to cut it because you still believe in it, but the chart isn't right. It's not doing what you want it to do and if i had held even like, even if i had gotten billed at my stop, would have caught massive slippage, because you know how those like low floats can just slam through it when, like an eight or nine Thousand dollar loss: that's why i'm just so big on, like i know, you're big on it too.

We've talked about this before, like if you're, just not the trade, isn't working the way you expected it to get out right and it now elephant. What do you say to those people who say when you're drinking claws, though there are no laws? There are no laws when you're drinking the claws. That is correct, um, but that's not a law. It's uh! It's a law, it's a law! Well, it's! No! It's my rule.

There are no laws. No, but there are rules. It's like because, like to start we're talking about stock market laws, we're talking about stock market laws, i'm talking about the rules that will help you win actually or just lose less money put out a tweet. The other day i found the key to winning is just not to lose it's big brain sure.

It's big brain right there, that's what happens when you drink a white cloth. My other good trade was dewok this one - i i you know you can say good timing, but i've looked at this for the past geez. I don't know 10 days waiting for this to have a first green day. This is my number one watch going into next week.

Still former monster runner. This is trump's social media company. It is getting so tight in a tight range. I wouldn't be surprised if we have some shakeout or something i'm expecting it, but it's just getting tighter and tighter and tighter and like when it pops out of this range, 75.

80. 85, like very, very, very, very possible. What's that uh? What's that resistance like right now well yeah that, but i was thinking that that double the double bottom there it's like support - turn resistance. 83 yeah.

I completely see that as a real possibility. I do, i don't think it'll be a one. I doubt i think enough. People are looking at this right now, it probably won't be a one day.

Move it'll, probably like have a really nice spike in the gap in the day it happens. I totally agree. There's such a big following here so anyways, my trade on it um remember last week i said i think, on friday i wasn't trading options. Well, i had some options on this because i was trying to swing it.
They were not options expiring. This friday, lessons have been learned, oh good job. I actually thought they were, i think, um they weren't end of the month. They were like the next.

They were like two three weeks out and i bought 60 calls because i thought you know when it starts running. You go to 75. today, uh it started running i slapped out. I had some shares as well.

I started buying in this consolidation in anticipation of this happening uh, and i was just chilling at my desk and i saw it spiking and i was like it's a friday, we're just gon na lock this in i'm not gon na. Like push my luck on a friday, i don't wan na ruin the weekend. This is like a twenty four thousand dollar trade for me. So all in all, i'm not like twenty twenty eight twenty seven was my actual number beautiful, twenty seven.

Twenty eight thousand seven hundred dollars today, which is most of my week, that's literally over a hundred percent. My week, i had a couple red days this week, but i'm getting the week up about 25k, mostly because of today boom. So that is why we broke open a shiner, because you know stocks and brewskis are just for the boys and the gals and all the traders out there respect to all of you for listening to us. It's it's pretty surreal.

Sometimes i sit there and i think about it. I'm like man, people like watch our show. I know it is kind of cool, isn't it like it's actually very cool and uh. I know we have a couple haters.

That's you kraka brewski, enjoy your friday study. Some of these charts and if you lost crack brewski, i'm kidding, we don't need to talk about that this guy. He has such good lines and then he walks them back the way you maneuvered, my white claw comment was phenomenal and then you just closed on that. Like all the goodness i didn't i didn't was gone, i didn't finish the sentence: what's the sentence, i'm not gon na say it.

Oh, my goodness i was gon na say, drink away, the pain, but no embrace the pain, embrace the pain and learn from it. Yes, pain was my biggest teacher straight up like i started 2017 and like by the end of 2018. I was like i am so goddamn sick of losing i'm gon na do something about it. Bryce and i started to be on the pdt podcast like a month later and the rest is history yeah? No, it really is well, that's a throwback hashtag.

It throwback friday, flashback friday, flashback friday. I was like wrong wrong choice of words there today. Today, i've been really close to the mark, like we're just missing. I know the wolf of wall street the flashback friday we're just slightly missing the mark.

We're close, though you tried yeah, you tried your best. Clothes is only what horseshoes and hand grenades. Oh yeah, that's where someone plays close matters. Almost i've never heard that, but i love it.
What that's like a classic close, only accounts and horseshoes and hand grenades huh. I like that a lot. Actually, that's really funny, never heard that. I'm sorry i've pretty much dominated this show.

So i've been uh. Now it's bryce's turn, so i unfortunately did not have the uh the same glory as matt did today i actually started the daytime. Quite red um didn't start off all that bad was. I was watching.

Cyto out of the gates - and this generally breaks my rules of something i would use a lot of size on um. Generally speaking, so let me pull up you op, quick. We were talking about this live um, pulled that daily chart first, so definitely it was a former runner gap up today had trading a lot of volume. Last time it traded this much volume, not quite as much.

I suppose we had that massive run from 1.50 to 670, or something like that. So today i figured there was a lot of potential range um. I started in right here on this: buy risking this low sold a couple shares like 305 and then as soon as this happened, i was actually still holding and when we recovered and then broke this high. That's generally pretty traditional sign like okay yeah for sure.

Why did you take that entry trend break right here? Yeah trend break, so we had. Let me just draw that line to make it because someone was actually asking this in small cap rockets trying to explain it to them, but a lot easier said than done right. There so - or maybe i took it here - no, i did. I definitely started in here.

I added here. That's what happened. I did end up adding here. Uh took some off into this pop.

It was just. There was a big seller at 310 broke through slammed down, but again when we're just as just mentioning here generally, when you have this big slam down and hold and instant recover breaks over, i actually added here too, that's typically a squeeze. It really is yeah. That's a very good sign, so i added had a lot of size, uh and unfortunately, just got chopped up in here and sold on this dip re-bought on this pop sold back on this dip, um started the day down about seven grand after that those biotechs therapeutics Stuff like that, i've never really traded them that well they're, always this choppy.

If you can't tell by this uh all this action, there is a big refresh seller here and what that means is that basically you'll see a big seller on the level two it'll get taken out and then instantly. It goes right back and it just wasn't stopping that should have been my sign right there, like all right, let's get out yeah whether it's insider dumping, just a massive short order. Who knows what it was that that should have been my sign like okay? I was gambling at that point, just hoping that if it broke through that seller we would have a push through like 330s and get up into the 350s um. But again, that's that lost about, i think five or six grand on this trade.
Oh then, i lost like another thousand bucks on what agc for the breakout continuation that didn't come tough morning. Um made a lot of it back on mram. Here took this long right. Let me get a view up there too.

This was an earnings winner trade, so we had this. This view. Op hold area. Uh took 7 500 shares right here at 944, sold up into the tens and then took it again, uh right here at 9, 55 and then sold into this push into the 990s uh, which recovered most of my day had a couple.

I actually did take a lot of other trades today, but they were just small 500 000. Once i think i made about five grand back on this, i personally am the day down three hundred dollars um. It is what i took a couple. I took a couple good trades on d walk well, actually, no.

I took this trade here from 61.60 sold most in 63 other half break, even i actually just got caught up in this chop here. At the end of the day, i was looking at this all day trend break, hoping that we could get a push back up into view. Op, like 61-62 area didn't happen, just got chopped up on the spread. I was caught a little too much size, and that was basically what put me red.

I was like green 500 bucks at one point, but quite a battle. I guess, if you look at it one way, i made seven thousand dollars from lowe's. If you look at it the other way, i lost 300 on the day, um. No, i'm joking! That's never had a look at it uh just choppy day.

For me this guy, this guy, you got, i got a drink in me. I got a drink or two in me now some of the youngins call that a double fisting they do double fisting sweet. Lord, i apologize for his behavior. Do you want to close this out any any other wisdomous words from bryce dewey on this wonderful friday? I believe you mean momentous momentous is a real world word, fun fact: yeah, fun, fun.

Fact. We got into quite an argument over this like very moment like uh, it's like the verb adverb of momentum yeah. So it's a real word yeah. That was so funny.

That was how many years ago was that now, probably five or five years ago wow, i was gon na, say four, four, four five for sure man matt and i have gone way back, um and honestly, that's probably i'll end it on like really not a story, But just like just something cool that i think it's a good lesson for everybody and we've talked we've talked about this before i'm sure but matt and i obviously go way back. You know we met. Was it fresh now we might like yeah freshman year college college. We met yeah um and then we became really good friends.

Sophomore year, when i transferred into the same college, ended up becoming roommates and i feel like it's a very you know, weird story to kind of have two just normal kids like very unprofitable or unprofitable um and we've grown together, and we grew like not separately, but Together, you know what i mean like we have our header podcast, but like had very different trading styles, this is romantic. I know it's getting deep here, um, no and it's, but it's a great. You know. I think this has been like a really the past.
However, many years have been trading together, it's been really good because trading is lonely, um, and so for those of you who are not, who don't have somebody like the internet is a great place to do it. You know what i mean like matt and i have been very. I don't know if i'm your best friend but we've been very close. No, i don't know if no, i don't know if i'm your best friend, like maybe you've, got a better friend than me.

You have your girlfriend, who has to be your best friend. You know what i mean. Oh you, don't yeah don't mess this one up on camera. She said she's watching i i was gon na say has to is relative - is best friend no, but i'd call you best friend, ballad, okay, yeah, like matt, and i have just been best friends for so long and it's been great um, but i've also we've also Both met a bunch of other traders who have really helped us kind of get to where we are so.

I know this is not necessarily relevant to the episode today, but for those of you that might be alone trading, like don't, don't feel like scared to reach out to traders on the internet, people who were in your same shoes man. I were the same shoes for, however many years we were unprofitable together and we grew together. You was like use any of your resources around you. There's no better time to meet people than today.

There's twitter, instagram, facebook groups. You know what i mean like just meet like-minded people, because i'm not going to say like if you put in the work, if you guys put in the work together like there's so much potential, it's really cool, absolutely really fun. Little friday. Uplifting story cheers to that.

Now we have a romantic dinner date, so click that like subscribe stock share, is a great community of wonderful traders as well. If you don't know where to start, i mean this channel. Look at the comments. There's gon na be a ton of comments like reach out to someone start.

There share this with a friend share this with your family members. Thanks for watching us and wait one last thing: yep, if you know, if you want feel free to come check out small cap rockets, we've got a pretty great trading community, like all everything else, aside, really great trading community of people who are show up every day. I mean we know the names of the people in there now. It's like we're very tight-knit.

So if you guys are looking for a trading community to kind of learn the style that matt and i trade and papa john feel free to check us out, we have a trial right boom click that link we'll include it below yeah. We'll include that below absolutely yeah, like matt said, like comment subscribe turn on the post notifications too. I went live this morning for those of you that didn't watch and matt has gone live every other morning that i've been sick. So he almost took his shirt off for the crowd.
It was close yeah it was. It was close dude how many likes we got on that andrew. Do you know me likes? We ended up. There he's checking real quick, but we were gon na go when we left it was like 503..

That's the last number i saw, but i'm sure it's higher now yeah. I think i don't know if we broke 600, if we, if our live video broke 700 likes before this. I was going to take my shirt off on camera, but please don't save the audience. Yeah we're at 582, 582, wonderful, yeah, you're, lucky all right guys - and i say bye to everyone thanks for watching everyone enjoy your friday study this weekend, spend some time with family just have a great time and make sure sunday night you make it plan because it's Called hashtag moneymonday for a reason and cheers to that cheers to that.

Thanks guys have a good one. We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goals did a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Small cap recap – $dwac – cocktail friday with the duo”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eroll Potter says:

    Lol watching on a Sunday. Keep it real

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Jennings says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars His telegram name is KEITHJERRY says:

    <I see BTC at $75K by end of this year but Will always let anyone know to forget predictions and start making good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. The market is very unstable and you can't tell if it's going bearish or bullish. While myself and others are trading without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 21 bTC in just September from implementin trades with tips and info from keith Brian Jerry

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Stern says:

    < I believe I’ve listened to at least half of all the youtubers who talk about crypto. You are easily the best most knowledgeable one. Your information is priceless and I find it truly baffling as youtubers completely look at TA and ignore the bigger narrative of why there is a pump. Btc pumped due to the future ETF release, it’s kind of irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peak of BTC. The entire space has always been volatile that’s why we always back up our crypto so that you do not have to be bothered when it goes bearish. I have always played safe in the space with a less talked about medium, tra ding, rather than buying the dip and waiting for a pump, I just get to trade my assets with insight and signal provision from Bruce Olsen… I have made over 12 btc in October.He can easily be reached on Telegram@(Bruce_trades),.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal Rose says:

    What news notifications do you subscribe to?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Carver says:

    Love the recaps fellas. Keep up the great work always inspirational and informative.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Raider says:

    Will you be looking at AQST?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cormac Trades Stocks says:

    'Embrace the pain' πŸ”₯πŸ”₯✌
    Losing is the best teacher for sure

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XxHitmanxXpro says:

    Love watching the duo everyday, seem like regulat guys like most retail traders are which is relatable. Do you think you can do a full video of matt and Bryce explaining how they got into trading and the journey they took to get where they are today? Including how long it took them to be profitable, etc? Thanks!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Hernandez says:

    Love the energy and the trading recaps

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    Thanks guy's! Your great
    Keep it comin πŸ™‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alen adahoo says:

    T:2:33 how do you get notifications of market news on your phone?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Baur says:

    Guys go back to the bio run up presentation on tge framework DVD. Many times I find that these biotechs will pop pre market and fade all day as big holders are taking profits

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Kian says:

    "It's like getting in on sunlight before there was even sunlight…" Donnie Azoff VP. Stratton Oakmont. Wolf of Wallstreet

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Anthony says:

    Matt, what specific stock market notifications do you get on your phone that you find helps keep you the most informed and tuned into the market?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramon Veltmeijer says:

    Making money and having fun. The dream will all want to live and you guys are helping us do the same. Thanks!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Miller says:

    thinking about switching to dropshipping/ecommerce ngl boys

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seekingbuddha says:

    Pls get some decent music guy to make one for your show

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mack Jewell says:

    Love it… Very educational as well πŸŒπŸΏβ€β™€οΈπŸš€

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Merrigan says:

    really enjoy this all of the recaps,learning a ton thanks

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Ladaslav says:

    Love the content! Keep up the great work!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunkyTime says:

    It’s always entertaining watching you guys, great chemistry together

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Vandezande says:

    Don't drink and trade

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Freedom as in lower taxes I bet. Woohoo! Plus Elons moving Headquarters to Texas too.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Hart says:

    You guys are such an inspiration. Keep the recaps coming.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom Always says:

    Guys please make a whole show on trend line / trend break.
    Ah needs ta know!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Rodriguez says:

    Do you guys have as a rule trading pre market??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MC G says:

    Red state vs Blue state. Are you seeing a trend here yet?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Salo says:

    Good to see you guys enjoying yourself, keep up the good work!!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark M says:

    I made it here. Drink water

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