In this choppy market, Bryce is having a difficult time spotting and nailing plays. His losses are too big for the market condition and somethings gotta give... Tune in as his explains how he plans to protect his capital and recover. And catch the chart breakdowns on $PMCB, $VRPX, $SGOC, and $AHPI.
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Welcome back to small cap recap: everybody trader bryce, here a little bit uh! Well, allergies are just they suck. My head's pounding. I had a slight red day today lost about sixteen hundred dollars um. It was definitely a choppy day for me overstayed.

My welcome my plan was to leave early and, of course, i stayed all day because why else um and yeah just today was definitely a tougher one. You know. Yesterday we had vrpx, which heated back up the small cap mark or, like you know, small caps. In theory - but i don't know if i mentioned this yesterday, you know generally when we do have one of those hot runners.

Everyone wants the next the next vrpx and it generally does not work as well as vrbx. Did it's more choppy, more crowded, uh a lot? A lot more traps, um and basically that plate of today was pmcb and don't get me wrong. It was there were great opportunities on it um, but i just really. I had a hard time finding something that i really liked today.

Um - and you know it is what it is: um yeah, no just a tough, still kind of a tough market. For me, i'm definitely going to be sizing down. I'm taking money. Out of my account to force me to size down.

My losses are just too big for the current market, condition um and right now, it's less about for me less about making down making back my downswing and more about staying consistent, protecting my capital until that uh until the market comes back until the setups that i, Like to play are really, you know back and uh back in full effect, so yeah, that's! My goal is just to size down and i i find it hard to size down when you have the ability to size up and right now. I've got enough money. In my account, where i can take size and be in too many positions so to be more selective to size down, i will be taking money out of my account the next few days, but yeah. That's basically about it.

Let's get into some uh some charts from throughout the day today, we'll actually start with pmcb here uh, so you know low float, low, float runner of the day. It was a you know, biostock pretty nice gap up. I didn't play it out of the open, and i was too scared to play it right here. After it's set in this higher low and broke trend did end up working though um i started buying in in this area, and then i cut for basically break even once it looked really stuffy.

It looked really trappy. I talked about this in small cap rockets that this seemed like a trap, broke out instantly dumped, and this was the area that was a bit more appealing to me down in here looked a bit more similar to vrpx. So i did take some at 7 40 selling up into here when it was getting really toppy uh between. I think i think i sold it eight and the rest like 8 15 or something like that didn't re-enter here, which i i wish i did um, but after after this dumped again it just, it seemed a little too.

Actually, no, that's all i did re-enter. I re-entered right here uh right on this candle er once here at eight and the other here at 8, 15 give or take uh, and we have this big spike up to 840 instant pullback down to eight, and i got scared out for a small gain here. At like 8 11 - but you know it ended up working out after that, going to 11 after hours now fading off. Quite a bit off highs, not sure what this will bring tomorrow.
But hopefully you know some of these will be easier to play. Uh vrpx offered a pretty nice scalp for me at the end of the day here where it was down trending all day very far under view op and eventually shorts is kind of the short turn the cover broke. This trend took 1500 shares at 22.60 and sold up into this 25 area re-bought here, with 500 shares at 24. I think 2440 and sold up into the 25.

So it was you know, good trade. There good scalp opportunities. Sgoc, though, did chop me up a little bit. This is a bounce play idea where really nice curl from you know the fours up to the eights, and you know i i took some right here after it held view up and it ended up.

Failing on me. Excuse me, allergies, man and then once it just kept down trending for some, this was really weird right. It broke lows halted up and i did end up nailing uh, not nailing, but hitting it starting in here in the 620s, adding right here, six thirty uh five. I think six, three three, two six thirty five summing up into the view out push tried it again once more here stopped out for a small loss, and then i took it once more through this v-wap push and honestly sold it way early.

I think like low 690s, that was about it on it, nothing too crazy. Again there. There were some really good opportunities today, but i, i think, they're kind of hard to hit hard to really uh hard to find more or less. And if you weren't right on top of them, you were probably risking being a chaser and oh, that was actually one that happened with hpi.

Let me pull that up real quick. I was looking for so this bounce started and i ended up taking some here in the i think. 10.79 uh. I think i was gon na perk back and try to break through high day stopped at 11.

sold for a loss down here. You know i chased the entry was really right here above view, op. 10. 40S.

10. 50S, and you know if you chase you, you get punished for it. So moving forward again, so that i can't chase. I have to be more selective, um and i have to take smaller size.

My my goal is just to wire down that account and protect protect the money that i've made in that account uh and yeah. Hopefully you know hopefully next month or you know it could be a few months. The market does start to heat up a little bit, but for now i'm not going to be overly focused on making money just really working on going through the past months. Worth of data that i have and gathering information as to, why i'm not doing well - and i i know what it is but seeing it again and again and again is what drills it in to make you better in the long term.
And that's what i need to do and you know just continuing to gather more data on trades that i'm going to be taking now in the near future to start recovering out of this downswing. I'm not i'm not concerned yet about any uh, any downswing that i'm i've gone through. It's just gon na be a matter of slowly building back that consistency, so anyways with that being said, i need to go. Take a nap.

My head is pounding, so i will see you guys back here tomorrow on small cab recap. What's more thursday, yeah thursday i'll see you back here on thursday for small cap recap, guys uh until then peace. We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks. So much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel.

If you haven't already. Our goal is to 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Small cap recap: -$1.6k | bryce’s current trading goal”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Black says:

    Bio stocks suck

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Black says:

    SFOR is primed and ready for a new OTC run.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G R says:

    Thanks Bryce, Great recap!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oceancaldera207 says:

    Bryce, you're helping me out a lot with the SC Recap. I'm getting my feet wet with long only intraday small caps in this really tough market condition and I really appreciate seeing how you adapt position size and risk management accordingly. I had a break even day but between your insights and tons of screen time I feel like I'm finally turning the corner and hope to be completely dialed in when the small caps come back. Much much appreciated.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Schmitz says:

    you should wire out every week your profits to make the money to be real to you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Racz says:

    This made me feel a lot better. Did well on SOGC long and short and NRXP short but got chopped up on PMCB as it seems a lot of people did. Those random spikes raided my stops on a few occasions, so tough to read

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aure Sobanski says:

    Great review Bryce!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen D'hooge says:

    Thx again bro for the recap!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike The Stock Impaler says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ha says:

    What is this chart platform you used?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    Stay chill. Study hard.

    You're the one who inspired me to trade with around $10.00.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu Clott says:

    Love your recap! Bryce you rock! Keep up the good work! I admire your resilience through your down swings.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZbGb says:

    Definitely tough entries lately, a lot of high risk, high reward setups. Today I really liked PMCB's major slap down at the 8.30's, seemed extreme and the heavy vol that quickly could lead to solid support. I've seen that kind of extreme selloff on former low floats that I've gotten myself stuck in haha. I remember Steven Dux saying that overcrowding can screw up shorts as well and PMCB was trading crazy vol at that low of a float. Swung 3 different trades with the idea of it squeezing through that 8.30 lvl late day as it was following my indicators really well. Was risky, but my biggest trade to date.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S F says:

    Thank you for your honesty!!!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaisedOnMetal says:

    do a 48 water fast (black coffee is ok). see how your allergies are after that…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Humes says:

    Dude. PMCB was so choppy crowded and trappy. Freaking tough stock for me today too.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tayronachan says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faulk Smash says:

    Big Brain Bryce being honest with himself is incredibly inspiring. All the successful student's seem to have this mentality and have 0 problem admitting their mistakes regardless of how big or small.

    When I stop being a panzy and pull the trigger on my first trade (it's just embarrassing at this point, I feel like I've been saying this for like 2 years), I expect to have this mindset myself… Although, as we all (hopefully) know, what you think you're going to do is very different from what may actually happen.

    Like the "People prepare for getting in the ring for years and when it actually happens, someone gets knocked out" analogy (… something along those lines, lol) in Tim Sykes' "The Complete Penny Stock Course" book.

    My brain is mush after a 12 hour work day (still going), so forgive my lack of togetherness in this comment lmao. Typing on my phone while on the road (not driving).

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    Yeah once red/green or vwap breaks its quite hard for longs to get back above water :/ just market condition rn

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dovahkiin says:

    100% on that AHPI, similar play 11 got stuffed, cut quick then it did a quick bounce to my breakeven entry after my cut, pure rigged game.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Yeah it fast moving to and volume is iffy. Waiting for sure shots only. Take it easy.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Mizell says:

    Thanks Bryce!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic says:

    No plays today.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Kirk says:

    Appreciate these videos Bryce😁🤝💯

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Da Calvary says:

    Come back to OTC land

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Ruf says:

    Keep at it man. Small caps will reverse soon 🚀

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicholas morello says:

    Allergies, head pounding, raspy voice …. covid?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donte Crawford says:

    I chased like a EFIN idiot today! Was green, ended red. SMH!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hero Wars Strategy says:

    Short all small caps

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