Matt and Bryce had a solid trading month. Though there's been a lack of follow through in the market, there's certainly movement. Will December be different? Tune in as the duo breaks down trades and charts on $NUZE, $PPSI, LGVN, and $CPIX... Don't miss the deets on Bryce's biggest red day EVER... And catch a brief message to the haters!
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I'm trying to play the drums because you have the guitar yeah yeah yeah i figured there. We go who's who's, our singer. We should add the lyrics into the intro song. I think what are you feeling? You know that truck commercial, that's the! We will rock you! No gmc because they have like hands: oh yeah, yeah yeah.

I saw that i did see that yeah. We could well hands free trading. It's a classic, though, like it's like synonymous with small cap recap now, so how cool would that be? If you had like a machine that connected to your head - and it was like - buy no slippage because you just like buy here, sell here, that's what i mean elon musk is making. That is he actually like the knurling thing.

That's got chimpanzees that uh play video games with their brains like pong. They can play pong with just their brains that he's gon na make something that like allows animals to talk to humans he's an alien i know dude. No. I saw that theory too.

On twitter. The other day - and it's like oh my gosh or maybe instagram wherever it was it's like - they probably saw our small cap recap and they did they must have. This is our first small cap recap in about a week now, because thanksgiving oh shoot, dang yeah. I know sorry for taking some it's the last day of november too yeah i know finally december can maybe bring a hot hot hot market.

Yeah yeah yeah one's over though i know we have a month left no, but the holidays always go so fast too. Like all of a sudden it'll just be like mid-january, we're like what happened, but it's weird, because i was home for thanksgiving talking to my family and like we were trying to you, know like when you bring up stories like oh yeah. You know how how long ago was that and we're like? Oh that must be like five years ago, and it was like two and a half years ago i feel like 2020 was like the longest year. It was long because they're all stuck inside there's like it was like nice, for everyone knows this.

It was like nice for a month, yep and then you're, like oh boy and like it was great for the market. You know, like a lot of a lot of traders, went parabolic. The market got super hot, like it was great and in the moment it felt like time flew, but i'm now looking back at it. That might have been the longest feeling year that it's because i did weak.

I have my hair because of it. I really do, though, like i won't take my head off but, like i literally, do have white hair. Now i have white hair, but it's because i got a birthmark on my head, so i can say it's because of the stress of 2020, but i would be lying to you um, but yeah. I know now.

2021 is coming to a close, hopefully 2022. To be. Oh man, if the beginning of 2022 can be as hot as the beginning of 2021 half as high even half as hot. Oh, my gosh like it'd, be crazy.

I'm, who knows no way to know i was kind of hoping the end of the month, would be a little hotter than than it was this week, but um definitely december. Normally, you know there's a good chance. We can get some sector momentum but yeah. I don't know we need like a brand new sector.
That's what we need, because all the bitcoin stocks are so beaten down. Evie, i guess, is still relatively new. Weed's been it's been a long time. I know yeah, we could we get a weed sector run byron.

What you don't watch, tick, tock! No! I don't watch tick tock these days in the united states byron. I don't know that. What does that? It's from uh there's a guy who walks around new york city and he like interviews, uh people, oh okay, and it's just like this crazy guy in like coney island, i'm gon na give byron a big old kiss. Why do i feel like i saw that? Oh, my gosh: what are you thankful for this thanksgiving beans? Rice, jesus christ, byron, okay, same guy? Maybe i didn't i just i feel like i saw a guy talking like i'm going to ki like i'm going to give.

I thought he said biden. Maybe not, it says, byron byron because he thinks it's biting. That's why it's funny! I i get! I get the joke, i'm trying to i'm trying byron, makes it legal yeah. Oh any we've been everyone's.

Every trader's been talking about this for years, like six or seven years now, when it happens, it's gon na be awesome, and it's like it's bound to happen at some point, i think i i mean i'd like to think that no it will. It truly is just a matter of when, but it could be five years like yeah. No, it's been five years since 20, 2017. 2014 was like the first weed run, and it was yeah 2017 2018 again, and it really hasn't happened.

Since. Can you imagine like people who are bagged from 2014 thinking like it's going to get legalized, they're still just bagged from eyes? There probably are people that are just averaging down 95. Since then, yeah the entire, like every weed stock, is like just till ray baby. I guess until ray i have a hundred till right, yeah down 55 on it on 100 shares congrats man.

Well, you can be the average and just start averaging down. No, i refuse why what if it gets legalized it's in my ira, so it's not really a bag. If it's in your ira exactly all right, let's talk about your trades, my trades, i had one very small trade. I've been trying not to trade.

It was on news, uh bryce can break it down, but i really was not trying to trade them bryce, who sits next to me all day and was like hey look at this and i bought some shares right there yeah like 460. and i sold up uh. I think like 76 or something i don't know or no no, i held to the 80s yeah. You did.

I almost sold there because it hesitated for a while, and i sold the 80s made like uh 1300 bucks on that trade had another small trade in there and the day of 2000, and that was literally just my day. Like i, i was in trades for like seven minutes today we were, we were talking right before matt got in this trade, and we were just talking about perspective and you know how one to two thousand dollars a day is 250 to 500 000 a year in The market, it's insane, which is insane matt and i were like yo news - looks pretty good. Let's just go for a little small trade on yeah. I was in this trade for literally six minutes and then another trade i made like 700 bucks on for, like seven minutes or for like another minute, so like total trade sales and for seven minutes yeah.
That was it's crazy. Now. Can you zoom out of this real quick, so i'm gon na talk about news yeah, so news had a slight thank you. News had a slight gap up this morning.

I was looking at it for first green day. I was very annoyed. I bought it here, uh. Looking for that first green day, pop and sold for basically break even right here and, of course it had to go from lows on no volume to the exact move.

I was looking for out of the gate so that pissed me off. That was all sorts of tilted, because i was a little bit red on the day from now get over to another one, but then basically yeah so we saw here they had this fake breakdown, which you talked about a lot recovery up to vwop nice little consolidation. I think matt and i both bought like here, like 459 460. uh sold into matt, and i basically had like these same trade on this sold into the 480s.

I personally took it again. Actually, we both took it again, uh right here at like 450s, i held into after hours so and i'll go over that real, quick and actually this will be perfect, because this trade annoys me too so uh ppsi, nearly identical daily chart right to oh, probably, should Throw up the daily chart, so you can see that very similar daily chart to ppsi, where it had that big run came awful lows of this like weird little consolidation and then ppsi just had a massive gap up to test the breakout. So i was like i'll give this a shot into after hours that held up held view op all day, so i took 7 500 shares here at 455. I think best sell up here at 570, uh sold from 510 up to 570, which was a nice trade and a good example, because yes, so yesterday i had my biggest red day ever um and i was actually i was looking through back through the trades, and I was actually happy with just about every trade i took i over traded a little bit but kept risk under control.

I just simply took 13 straight losses, which is brutal, brutal um, but i was happy. I looked at the charts and that was actually what made me money last week, um but anyways. What i was saying is my goal today was just really to take less trades if the market remained to be choppy, which this right here lows to the break, that that to me is like a not a predictable move, a bit choppier so and a lot of Stocks looked a lot like that today, except they broke down further. So i was like you know what less trades focus on the best ones looked good there and took that.

But what really really really irked me today was ppsi, so i actually was long from here at 8.85 and i was like yeah it's a choppy market sold at 903. sold at 903. Let me i sold that two dollars a share early, just because, like i'm scalping everything today um, but you know again so there were. There were some signs of life in the afternoon.
Just weird ones. They weren't, like stocks that were holding up news, was probably the best example, but they weren't stocks they were holding up and that's why i want to bring up lgbn too. Let's throw up view up quick um. These are stocks, were just kind of at lowe's, then went to highs.

They were they're tougher today, um and yesterday, and i know a lot of traders on twitter, who've kind of been talking about this entire november being a bit choppy. I know a lot of longs who lost some money into a lot of shorts, who lost some money just because the markets again you get. This is a short right if you're short this even from that pop-up to view-op you're you're screwed, if you're long this from i mean it's down like from 45, the other day like it's, it's just grind down and there's one spot to get an entry today on That and other than that you're kind of it's just tough um. So there's movement in the market, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's like the wildest hottest market.

Yet but hopefully you know i liked last week i know not, everyone did if we can just kind of get that into december, with some more continuation. Some more follow-through, ideally right, like on a chart like this, i'm just going to give like an example. I suppose that's a great and that's a great end-of-day move, but like matt, and i were kind of talking last when the market was hotter last year. Right, like these were stocks that were green on the day near a breakout holding overview up, not underview up and then making that more predictable move.

That's a much less predictable move. In my opinion, they also did drop news, which was a big part of that yeah. But you know you get what i'm saying matt. Do you want to kind of talk about real, quick just because we're ending the month we're doing the month? The end of month recap the guy the difference between like this market now, for especially for new traders in like a hotter market, like we saw in the beginning of 2021 yeah, it's just the follow through like stuff holds up um and we're not we're not seeing That, like you just described it perfectly, you see this random from lowe's two highs under v-op they're, not like predictable patterns at all, where, like in a hot, what i'd call it even healthier market, like you get these stocks that run they consolidate all day, and then They break out in the afternoon and might run for a day or two and then like we'll, have a natural pullback.

Where now you get this insane choppiness like look at this, how do i switch it? Oh delene, look at this guy where you get stocks like this, like okay, decent morning, move on that right, around 10 30. yeah. But even look at that even like slammed down and then back yeah. It held the level it's a risk level, but it would have probably scared me out, and then it like fades off only for it to basically close at highs.
Like one looks so hard to trade. This is basically the same pattern. We were looking at on nuze a little choppier, but then it dumped to broke low of day or tested whatever. Then back up to highs, it's just so hard to trade.

Yeah, it's yeah! It starts it's tough matt! You didn't! You didn't trade a whole lot this month. I didn't i'm trying to total it up. I literally i don't. I placed one trade on like monday last week.

That was it. I got some cryptos going on. I've been trading pretty good at crypto, so i'm trying to total it all up. I'm probably down a little bit.

I'm estimating like five six k um in the stock market, but i'm up 20 30k over there in crypto land, so we're healthily green on the month. Uh stock market was just choppy and, like i had a couple good trades like req, do crypto rocket people know what's up over the weekend. That was savage. That was a savage trade um and like that was most of my month right there yeah! No and that's you had a good healthy month.

Yeah. I made um a banger last week that well then it reminds me a lot of my october, like my october, was so boring and then the last week october we just murdered it well, and i did basically and a lot a lot. That's i feel like that's. How a lot of traders kind of go? The goal when the market isn't in your favor is to just survive to protect the capital, no big losses, no big wins, ideally slow up trend and then, when the market is in your favor, you crush it.

Uh kyle williams is really good at that very, very good. He does it all the time he'll make his whole month in a day or two. It kills me because i'm super competitive, i know i know all of a sudden he'll have a dare too i'm like i'll, be down like five 10 grand in the month. Then all of a sudden he's like i'm up 200k man.

No, but it's just a lot of traders, you know, that's that's. In my opinion, the sign of good trading is when you're able to when the market is not in your favor. You just preserve um and that's basically, what happened most of my month was last week and a little bit of the end of the previous week, but you know even so my record red day. Yes yesterday, i just need to stop trading the days.

I travel. That really is what it is. Yes and it's like i, but i didn't even leave until 7 pm, but i think i just knew it's the mental any time i have a big like life event or my day is super busy. I know if i trade, i will lose money yeah, it's not even a question yep, but so yesterday i lost just under 18 000 still ending the month up.

68 000 um sup baby. Take me out to dinner. I don't know, though, oh my god, i'm the same guy. Oh it's the same guy i wouldn't know.
I don't watch the i don't waste my time on tick. Tock, like you youngsters, i can't even i just go on to talk it's like 100 videos in a row. I know well. My problem is when i get on tick tock, it's like i.

I seldom watch it, but when i hop on i'm on for two hours, it's true it's it's interesting yeah! It's a death trap, that's not chewy, but yeah! No overall, you know what does that put us up on the month well, between crypto and just about a hundred thousand dollars this month between the both of us. Probably right under you were green and crypto weren't, you first time ever probably yes, oh my god wait. If we total that together, i'm probably, i think i made about eight or nine thousand crypto this month. Finally, baby bryce is my uh sell indicator for the money, not anymore, not anymore, this guy, but he's figured it out.

I figured it out. I figured the difference. Is - and it's really nice, though, because he'll text me i'll be like hey just wan na, let you know i bought and i'm like. Okay.

Thank you. I do a really good job too. Do you actually have you ever sold when i text you that no, but every time i regret not selling? No, the the my? What i have found in crypto to be true is there's a lot more range, a lot more, a lot more scary, yeah. It's so beautiful.

What i just have done is sized down widened the risk, because when the move works you get, those req is like 500 mover right, uh yeah. It was from like top to bottom. It was impossible to nail the top realistically. It was like a 300 percent right.

Realistic lockable in trade was about 300, just just think about those words. You had realistically about 300 percent like that, because that's what's crazy in crypto, like my best percentage gain trade in the stock, like i think, was actually like an otc swing this month, which otcs are you know they do? Give you a little bit more percent like higher percentage gains but they're harder to trade, they're less liquid or not harder to trade, just less liquid, so but it was like probably 70 or 80 percent, and i unlisted my my best on a great day is: like 10, so that was the big difference with my realization: okay, stop putting my full account on one crypto, getting scared on one dip and then watching it run after um. I don't know why i decided to go into that tangent about my learnings of the crypto market, but if any of you are wanting to learn to trade crypto, this guy taught me well. I try we'll include a link below check it out.

Yeah we'll include a link below while you're down there like subscribe, share and comment and comment and comment comment. Something nice, though not me. It's probably pretty close to our six month anniversary of this. Oh, it's cute best friends, best friend, i'm not that one.

No! I thought you were actually doing something i thought you were being nice. I thought you were actually nice. I didn't realize i sat next to a boomer. I i live under a rock apparently so apparently so uh, but anyways yeah great month here between everything, we're gon na call it like 100k.
This month. Oh, i bet you well i'll finish. Totaling it up, but combined we're over six figures. Let's go! Let's go all you haters out there that are still watching us yeah.

I know what oh boy, if we had a rough september, i won't say any mean words, because we're ending on a good note, positive vibes only state what i'm glad they stayed. They haters honestly, if you're still watching and you're a hater from september. There are like one or two people that every now and then will comment to hate, comment, yeah and they're the same people so you're still watching, and you know you love us deep down, yeah exactly you know, you love us, get a little hug anyways i'll close! This out now for real. Thank you guys, for always, like kind of being a part of you know, helping us out.

We see a lot of you guys, uh the same people commenting on us like supporting us means a ton to us and we hope you're. This helps you in some way. You know even just reviewing some of our best and worst trades um. I think there's a lot of value there and you know i hope you see the same.

Thank you guys for supporting like matt, said comment like subscribe turn on post notifications and andrew. How are we doing real quick? How are we doing on our goal? Uh we're at 93 000 right now. We need more. We need more.

That means, if you are watching this and you're not subscribed, please hit the subscribe button. We will see you back here tomorrow for the first official day of december no record red days for this guy tomorrow. That's i'm not how i'm starting the month. Let's get it guys thanks for watching, see you tomorrow.

I hope you all enjoyed that video thanks for watching the whole thing and being part of the stock straight community. We wouldn't be here without all of you, so if you have not already make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel, our goal at stockstraight is to reach 100 000 youtube subscribers by the end of the year. So if you like the content, we're putting out - and you want to hear more - please please hit the subscribe button and i will see you in the next video.

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28 thoughts on “Small cap recap: $100k trading month will december offer more continuation?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elisa Rosenlund says:

    Love these recaps! Especially when Bryce is wearing his Oregon State shirt. Thanks guys!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Quenzel says:

    You guys are fun to watch. Hope I could trade with you one day

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dillon Sheeley says:

    lol im still playin REQ great call

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anestis says:

    haters gonna hate…great job boys!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Merrigan says:

    you both are always good always learn something new

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yeou Ling says:

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  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Baur says:

    You guys always teach me something

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Green says:

    Yes missing the live trading in the morning!
    Great work as always.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ch-Julio95❤️‍🔥 says:

    What HAPPENED for the morning small cap Recap ??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegalPimp Trading says:

    I love the small cap recap! Don’t quit. I always recommend it to my newbie friends that think they wanna trade cause they see me makin money

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryce Reynolds says:

    Thanks fellas. Videos are great ! Really enjoy the live trading videos !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A R C A N E says:

    Terrible month for me. Trying new things so i guess it happens

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed S says:

    "Something else" How's that? 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Ferreira says:

    thank you for reviewing the market!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Gritzke says:

    Great job. Great encouragement. Keep the cryptos coming!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jack rennert says:

    Thanks guys, appreciate your knowledge

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    if you had your knowledge and only a 2k account could you do well in this market or would it be too tough and better to just wait for that eventual heat up?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lopezkc1 says:

    Where can I get that @stockstotrade sticker on your laptop?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Dynamic duo is at it again. Keep it up guys! 👌

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UKFANforLiFe says:

    Made a second account to help the sub goal. Love the recaps

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael B says:

    great show – you guys definitely have helped me with my trading

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorshhh says:

    Intro song is so lame… it’s gotten old

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triple B (Bikes, BBQ and rockin Beats) says:

    What program are you guys using to check these charts?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EYE SO SORRY says:

    Glad bryce had a better day today. PSFW PART DEUX and these recaps, have helped me so much. Its also dope when the same plays you guys trade are on my watchlist. Observing for now, but hopefully next year i can execute. cograts on the month, keep it going 💯💯💯💯

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luca Gheorghe says:

    I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Anderson says:

    These recap videos are awesome! Getting to hear your thought process and review of trades is extremely helpful! Matt, you have really helped me a lot between these Small Cap Recaps/live trading, the 30 Day Bootcamp, and all the TWIST episodes you put out! Anyone that hasn't reviewed those I would highly recommend going back and watching all 60+ TWIST videos, they are amazing! I really appreciate all the content you have put out! I really appreciate your time with all these recent videos too, Bryce, and I look forward to seeing you hit that milly goal! You two are great and I look forward to following along on your journeys while I continue to progress in mine! Thank you two again!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Tonni says:

    This is a hard market for a new guy like me. Just gonna keep at it and stay safe.

    Matt, I have Binance and Coinbase. Is there another platform that I can find more alt coins on?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julien says:

    Good stuff! Definitely choppy market!

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