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Hey everyone welcome back to another market, closing livestream well well! Well, we've got uh. We've got a little bit of uh recovery here towards the end of uh. What appears to be a mostly ugly day, uh, let's see here, okay, so uh yeah. Take a look at this.

We got a little bit of recovery here. The dow is almost flat. The s p is down about 0.54. The nasdaq is still down nearly one percent with russell down about half percent.

I did send quite a few buy, sell alerts uh earlier on on some dip buying that i was doing specifically when the dip was actually a lot lower than where it is right now, uh. Just to give you uh an example of where we have seen a recovery, this is no guarantees, i mean it fluctuates. We're already actually looks like slightly rotating back down here and then well right around. Here we had a nice buying opportunity and quite a few stocks earlier i mean look at here's a firm kind of with a middle day.

Lump here. Look at that lump there on tesla, i mean we're sitting at 961 right now. I do expect we're going to get an institutional sell-off again towards the closing, because there's going to be so much cash, heavy hedging for people being nervous about uh, tomorrow, uh and and that's uh - what i think is kind of insane. So you had a similar move here.

Look at this move here on robin hood folks from 1843 all-time freaking lows to uh up a dollar. I mean that's, that's a big swing! Intraday i mean. Obviously we can't go without mentioning amc. I mean look at where amc opened it opened at 20.

What is that 20 58, or something like that? It's essentially a 2450 right. Now i mean this is a 20 swing here, really incredible, but i i want to bring your attention to this. We had a long discussion, uh about uh, uh, about risk and and some portfolio strategies in the course member live stream this morning, specifically on, like weighting our portfolio, uh and some strategies for weighting our portfolio. But one thing that i think is just fair for me to mention to everyone is look at the pain you had on docusign and then look at how much pain you have you know you had this massive amount of pain.

Then you have all this pain in the market today, where the vix has fluctuated between. You know four and nine percent, but look at docusign, it's positive. It's up, four percent! Why? Because it's like there's only so much pain before before the stuff buys uh or before before the stuff tips up uh, not no guarantee, i mean. Obviously you know we could have a 20 hole off in the s p 500, which i think is relatively unlikely.

But look at this folks btc kind of bottomed here. Okay, look at that recovery on btc 47.8; look at that recovery on on cardano and we're not even we're not that far off the bottom i mean one and a quarter. This is these are some low figures here right, relatively low figures uh, i uh. What do we? What else do we have here? We've got dogecoin that's up uh.

It's 17 today had a lot more enthusiasm earlier uh in the day than we do right now. Gamestop up about eight percent, so we got some of that risk back in play. Recovery's coming back. It shows you it's very difficult for us to get dave buster's.
It just again reiterates it's some stocks. They go down, but they just don't stay under certain price thresholds. Dave and buster's under 30 dollars is really hard to come by i mean we were there for like 20 minutes uh. I think it was one like last monday or something like that, and and now we're back at 37.

It's it's incredible. I mean you could easily be swing trading, for example, dave and busters, sell it between 37 and 42 uh and then buy it. You know between 33 and i don't know - maybe maybe 30 and 34, or something like that. Just as an example right uh, you know end phase uh.

Obviously you get a little bit of a burn here: uh and rotation back down, uh cloud flare, you're. Finally, getting some discounting over here this one's run like crazy, uh, incredible stock has moved substantially what else we have here. In fact, uh. Let's see here yeah this is relative.

This is oh, it's on the minute chart. There we go there we go. This shows you uh cloudflare a little bit more, so i tried to throw up the trajectory here that kind of follows your 200-day moving average and you're almost back down to your 200-day moving average on on cloudflare, which is interesting. I mean you're clearly under the 20-day ema, but i mean at this point: that's that's like a joke: um dulla, uh, okay, so yeah.

I think there are some opportunities here. I do want to watch, though, how this, how everything involves going into the clothes? So that's something i'm going to keep a very, very close eye on and a shout out to the new folks who just joined here: jeff, dangerous tacos, thanks so much for joining joined today. Watch all your stuff. Thank you appreciate the support uh somebody here, veto verse.

What's up man so uh vetiver says investors will put their money back in the market before christmas break unless j-pal really messes up. I think folks are going to look at whatever j-pal says tomorrow with rose-colored glasses. That is uh. You know we're expecting him to be somewhat hawkish he's got ta appease joel biden, joe biden's gon na be listening very closely.

You know joe biden's gon na be sitting there like this or like this, but either way he'll be sitting there supposedly listening and uh and uh jerome powell is going to have to perform to that standard as to why he kept his job uh but uh yeah. I i really think that uh, you know beyond that, where the market's going to be looking for the silver lining in what powell's saying, and that is what they're looking for, is how much longer j-pal are we going to see inflation go down before you are forced To raise rates, that's what we want to know. That's the big question you want to write anything down from this. Live stream.
Write that question down. Will inflation fall not go to zero? Just fall, just go down. That's all we want is go down before rates need to go up. That's what we're looking for tomorrow so uh plenty of opportunities here to go shopping today, and even if you haven't oh wow, so far actually went green, even if you didn't already buy some of the dip.

These prices are still freaking low. I mean sofi is still under its 1470 support. Uh, you know dave and busters, no, no, damn buster's! Okay, oh david buster's, fine! It is uh. Look at that charge! Point under 20! That's right at support! Adobe! I haven't actually done much ta on adobe, mostly because it's it's done very well uh.

You know we had a larger fall here in october, but i mean look at what this thing has done this year. Uh oops, just uh collapsed this a little bit here for a moment. Look at how adobe did nothing for the longest period of time and then all of a sudden took off. You know what that reminds me of it actually kind of reminds me of amazon.

You have this long channel of doing nothing. Yeah, look at that! Look at that channel there on amazon and you're, getting a very soft breakout on amazon. If you look at apple apple, had the same early channel but really blew up recently yeah yeah. You could see that breakout out of that channel over here, but you have that similar channel.

So let me go. Somebody said there was something about lucid. Let me see here really quick. There we go.

What is this um tesla lucid ceo says he was a model s chief engineer, acclaimed elon musk yeah. This is isn't this old news. I thought this was old news about him being an engineer and elon musk disputing that. I will check that out.

I appreciate you bringing that to my attention again, i'm just gon na minimize that for right. Now, though, i don't think it's worth us going deep on right now, but i'm curious to check it out all right, so uh, okay, when i made my initial play in tesla, how much of my total portfolio was? It probably 50 because i had about 500k in apple, and i uh just probably like 10 times, bought 50k doses of tesla up to about 500k. That's probably my original build and i had very few stocks when i first started like i have way more stocks. Now, if i look at my holdings now i'll tell you so i've got so i've this spreadsheet, that all the course members have access to apple's.

At two point: eight two percent: a firm five point: five, nine amazon: two six: six, i'm not going to go through this whole thing, but let me just count the stocks that are over a two percent allocation: uh, one, two: three: here's a seven percenter, that's end Phase four: five: six: seven, eight, nine ten, eleven twelve thirteen, that's tesla! Fourteen fourteen, i have fourteen that are above a two percent allocation and uh over four percent. One two i'll include that one three, four, five: five, that are over four percent, so you can see like the the first five in my portfolio are like. Oh that's, like 65 percent of it. It's not as diversified as it should be, but it's be.
It's become more diversified and i've been working on balancing it out more. I don't really want more than like eight to 15 core stocks, though it's too much to keep track of, and - and i like to read so imagine - for people who don't like to read keeping track of this stuff and then, of course you could always you could Build different pies, like i'm a big fan like this one of the things i like about thematic etfs like honestly, what kathy does one of the things that i like about that is, you could get this you just say like okay, i want. I want a 20 allocation to genomics. Okay, you guys do the picking you know and if genomics are down the genomics you down, but if it's up then it's up.

You know that i think one of the arc people just tweeted about how uh. Let me see if i can find it something about how they thought that uh arc or genomics was gon na, go from like 160 billion to a trillion dollar industry, or something like that. I mean that's pretty much what it was. I don't think i'm gon na be able to find it whatever.

I don't really care anyway. Uh, yes steven, if you're having issues getting set up, why don't you just email kathy, send her an email at kevin, she'll, take care of you all right, i'll get you taken care of so not sure how rising rates foreshadows more government spending? Oh, you guys are talking to each other. Oh i see. Okay, oh oh! Oh i i think he there okay.

So there is this argument that some folks are making that if we raise rates too fast uh, you could potentially uh damage the market and then require stimulus to get it started again. Financial times arc related funds to launch in europe offering leveraged and inverse exposure are being launched just as kathy woods, funds start to creak arc related funds offering leveraged and inverse exposure interesting kelly sent to heart. Well, thanks for the heart kelly, do you think bitcoin will still fall? You know we are who knows, but right now we're seeing fear reverse a little bit on bitcoin. So i'm happy about this fear reversal that we have right now in bitcoin.

This is uh today. Today is the beginning of this fear reversal here on bitcoin, so i think that's actually very uh bullish you're, seeing that same reversal here on ethereum uh. I'm happy about this. I don't think this is.

This is terrible at all uh, so uh. I like this. A lot all right, let me let's listen into cnbc for like a minute here, i'm going to reply to this really quick begin to sell off like this and distinguish one from the other all right. Speaking of digging in here, tesla's staging a bit of a rebound today, but still lower on the session as elon musk continues to sell shares.
Robert frank has those details? Do we know that elon's still selling shares is that true, elon musk selling another 900 million dollars of tesla shares yesterday? That brings his total. That was yesterday. We don't know about today he has another 5 billion or so to go to get that target in his twitter poll and to pay his taxes, which means he could end the year selling about 18 billion dollars in shares. In total.

Now of that amount about 12 billion will go to pay taxes both to the irs and the state of california. For that huge options package now the other six billion dollars or so will be for his own pocket. He will likely come out of this whole process with a higher stake in tesla and he is still the world's richest man, with 250 billion dollars, guys lost track of all the zeros robert frank. I mean joe terranova i'll, throw this one to you.

Tesla has been in a near-term momentum. Downtrend. Is this a stock that you'd like to buy on the dip? Well, it's first of all it's a stock that uh i own in the joe t etf. So the answer to that is i'm already there.

I'm already invested in it, but i think the actions of elon musk dom they're, indicative overall of an investor who certainly might have a higher income threshold that would be exposed to a tax consequence in 2022. That's far more significant than in 2021. So i think where i'm going with this is a lot of the selling that you're seeing is in the hyper growth stocks, where their stocks are down significantly year to date. So you've got this tax loss harvesting before the end of the year, because we still don't know what the tax structure is going to look like incomes above five million dollars.

Is there gon na be an added tax for capital gains? Is there gon na be another? Three to eight percent: that's still up in the air, so i think you sell now when you have the constant of what the tax structure is in 2021 and then reassess and basically reestablish positioning at a higher cost basis, interesting stuff, the tax planning that goes into All of these investment decisions towards this time of year as well, uber yeah - i mean that that's true, too, there's so much uh. You know this is what we were talking about. Oh, i wanted to write that down the ceo selling right so much ceo selling uh, and a lot of that is happening because of this uh uncertainty that we're seeing it with with what's gon na happen. What's what's what's his face, gon na do what's the buildback better plan gon na, do you know joe biden and and congress? So it's it's kind of interesting uh, i'm watching it.

I'm definitely watching it closely. So, okay, let's hop back on over to the sticks here. Okay, so oh i like sofi under 15. um.

Where is where are we sitting with sophie now yeah? Are we? Are we having a sell-off into the clothes yet a little bit? Let's look at this spy. Okay, just in case i see something i wan na. Take my phone out again, i must about to meet kevin uh yeah. If you haven't yet take advantage of that uh the christmas discount code linked down below you, get all my alerts, no guarantees you're gon na make money or lose money.
I just you just get to see where my head is like when i'm buying just know my head is stuck in the screen like i thought i was like what am i like? What have i become? I was sitting at breakfast with lauren and uh as we went to breakfast, and i have one of my phones: has the spy open and the other phone has uh, the uh has tesla or or like end phase or whatever. I was switching it to open and both of them were sitting there and you're. Just seeing like the tickers and lauren's like looks like a red day and i'm like hell yeah, it was great um she's like well. I know you like red days, i'm like yeah.

I do everybody gets so scared, uh, okay, i just want to have this open just in case. I want to buy something. Okay, i can't buy on weeble anymore, because i got no money in weeble. I've uh too many cash secured, puts short puts, which means they're long positions actually uh, but uh yeah.

I just keep dumping money into uh little falling knives that i see i love them. I love getting stabbed so uh. What? Where else do we want to get stabbed, let's see here, sun run and sun power getting smoked 10 to 15 percent uh. This is your solar industry getting whacked on lower guidance personally, if the market's gon na discount this much these are gon na start getting juicy.

I mean look at the solar stocks here holy smokes. Oh my gosh you're at july of 2020 pricing on sunrun holy smoke. I'm writing that down. I'm not going to buy it right now, but i'm going to look into their reports a little bit uh because i know some of these companies don't know about that.

I mean some of them were scumbags, like i hate vivint, solar, for example, but that's just because they're trying to get you on those 20-year leases that screw you. When you try to sell. Oh owlette got whacked what happened. It was doing okay for a little bit of time.

Oh well, uh! Oh, have you all seen this i traded purple. I bought them at like 18. I didn't sell them at the tippy top i stole like 31, or something like that. I think they ran up yeah, they ran up to like 41.

It was crazy, but this is sad. I haven't looked into their earnings, but oh my gosh. I stopped paying attention to them when i sold them, but she whiz look at that double crash. There i mean that almost makes me wonder, like what's going on at purple.

I'm gon na write that down, because that that's almost going to start looking like a value penny stock play here and phase 202 going. The weakness build trade desk went down to 85 this morning and honestly even 88 is not bad and look. We do these look at these trends that we do at trade desk right. We channel we channel we're kind of doing that right now, we're st it's not as clear, definitely not as clear of a channel down so so that could mean we have a little bit more to go to complete that channel, but we'll see if that ends up Being true fuel cell price gouging, over inflation fears will set first to quarter sky high taper day rates day doing push-ups in the parking lot uh.
Let's see, let's see, let's see, cnbc we're predicting three hikes in 2022. That's a that's a bump! Wait! What bank of america oh to roll out by now pay later perfect? Let's take a look at what's happening right now, because we've just got about a minute and a half into the closing bell here for regular where's. Sarah, we want sarah get out of here. No, it's okay! I i wanted to hear about the buy now pay later stuff.

They were gon na complain about, but they didn't. They didn't tell us anymore. Who cares bank of america they're not going to do it as well as a firm yeah firm's? Getting it's going back down into the clothes here. We got one minute, one minute: is there anything you could buy into the clothes or just wait for the morning? You know when, when we reopen look at that the spy fall, let's look at arc.

You've got an ark sell-off into the close. Let's look at apple apple sell-off into the close. These are your classic sell-off into the closes institutional weenie babies. It's not necessarily that they want to sell it, sometimes that they just have to right, because you get you get fund withdrawals it's like i'm sure kathy doesn't want to sell tesla all the time.

It's just performing way better than a lot of the other stuff and then, when you have withdrawals, what are you gon na? Do bank of america thinks they're a tech company. That's funny. Apps is pretty cheap compared i'll check them out hood with a leap you could get smoked in the short term, but i mean i'm optimistic, no guarantees, let's listen to so, as you can see there closing bells happening at the nyc and the nasdaq overall we're gon Na finish down, but off the session lows, this is the closing bell. Let's send it back down to the phone, it's not as fun.

It's like, as you could see there, the closing bell happening, i'm like yeah, you're right. I i can see that anyway. Dow's down point three smp down point: seven: four: nasdaq technology is getting hit, the worst down 1.14 russell's down point nine six. We have clean spark, reporting earnings now.

Oh, that means i had to pull the terminal, but yeah folks take a look at some of just the the first of all the floor that we've been feeling on crypto worth paying attention to that floor. It's very very interesting to me that we're seeing that a little bit right now no guarantees but uh, definitely seeing a little bit of that. Then you've got what day is today's tuesday? Okay uh? I don't know why, but it feels like tuesday. Nights are funny on uh.
When will i ring the bell? That's a that's! A nice dream. Uh, i don't know. Maybe that could be part of the five-year goal. That's uh.

Yeah there'd have to be a lot of work to go in between now and then, though, to make anything like that ever happen, you'd have to have a you'd have to have something: ipo, hey. Maybe you ipo was back. No, i don't know why. But for me this spack world has felt a little on the side, no no dis on spax, but they they've had a little bit of uh.

You know their share of criticism here. Okay, clean spark, clean, clean spark. Why do i not even remember what they do? Maybe because i never invested in them, they develop renewable energy projects. The company manages constructs installs and maintains power plan projects yeah.

I i don't even know what that is, uh financial analysis. What do we got here? This is well, they got a lot of growth, but their tiny company, 400 million dollar enterprise value revenue, 45 million dollars this year. That's freaking tiny, holy crap. This is a tiny, tiny, teeny, tiny company uh expecting to have wow but they're expecting to have an eps of 3.61 in uh in in 2025 12..

So the growth is plummeting. That's a forward pe of like 3.3 wow. That's very interesting all right i'll pull them up to see what their uh earnings are going to look like all right. Their earnings should be out in what 7 20 tonight.

Oh, i guess we're not gon na see that tonight all right well i'll see, maybe sometimes that's a mistake and i actually mean five minutes after, but that sounds crazy. That was sweet, okay, cool uh all right anyway. So options imply a 12.4 move on clean spark by the way, the implication all right. Uh things close.

Let's see, that's really it in terms of earnings uh. We do have the hud 8 interview, ipo the stocks and psychology of money. Spec, that's funny! Oh, that's a reminder to use the christmas code. Link down below uh powell in californians is now trending on twitter, um, that's normal anyway.

All right, so purple got smoked. Carvada, oh cravat is finally coming down from the heavens. No, let's look at that. Oh wow, yeah carvanak went up to 376., you got ta, be kidding me it's coming back almost down to the may 12th pricing wow and what's the gain today, dogecoin beyond meat has been rebounding beyond meets rebounding game.

Stop 7.7 volatility, seven backed holdings. Just does this ten percent daily thing amc being up 20 today is great, especially given all the pain that it had uh or up five percent. I mean twenty percent from the bottom, five percent actual that's because of the pre-market fall docusign 3.36 hippos up wow. It's it shows you like.

There's got to be a floor right, i mean not necessarily but anyway so pallent, here, 1864 dix, 106, fisker, 17, nvidia 283. All right, okay, chivo is over here. Okay, cool! Well, uh yeah! I mean, i have to say it's um. It's kind of exciting i, like the discounts.
I like the discounts, i'm excited for jaypal tomorrow and uh called the weenie baby hedge funds right hot aid interview. It's uh it's at three, california time so about what couple hours and uh you know what we should do in in discord. Maybe we should do like a little q, a thing and we'll do that. Why don't we do a section just a little temporary thread: okay, uh temp thread on hud 8 and then create thread.

Temp thread hut 8, my name q, a there. We go ask questions here, uh. So that way, you all can throw in some of your questions that you might have for hud 8 and i can read from there so that is today. Don't leave me behind j pal right yeah.

Why don't we play in halo? I know love to play some halo, i'm worried about my algo government's lock-up is over at the end of this month and i see a lot of selling coming once that's freed up. I mean that's what happened at uh that lemonade and um robin hood get to the end of the up, so you get some pain. Hood acquired a crypto platform. I didn't hear that uh robin hood acquisition.

Oh robin hood, acquires cove markets robin hood. We're excited to share that cove markets is joining robin hood cross exchange trading platform that makes it easier for people to manage their crypto accounts, huh wow, making cryptocurrency simpler, lower cost. I wonder if they do wallets. That's interesting.

Cove markets need a better trading platform. Oh really, that's smart yeah! Look at here i'll, pull this up. Look at this access. More coins invest in a portfolio of coins, kind of like they have pies save money.

Trade, smarter, few steps create fun, account open a free cove markets account and connect exchange. Api keys, but that makes it sound, complicated, connect up to seven exchanges. Oh that's interesting, easy to use platform, invest in portfolio. Of course.

Oh that's coming soon. Okay, so they haven't done that yeah trade! Smarter! You stop! Well! Okay! I mean everybody. Has that? That's! That's! No big deal, none of that seems really like proprietary and they don't even have the portfolio thing yet. I think the cross exchange thing is interesting, where, where, basically, you can trade between coinbase crack and bitfinex, because that that helps you play arbitrage.

If you wanted to that really seems to be the benefit there. I don't imagine their platforms, anything substantially unique, but that's an interesting idea. If you can, if you can play market. Yes, you look at that.

Then you can access all these different coins huh. So somehow they're able to access these other all these exchanges and robin hood has now gotten this opportunity, but it'll probably take him like two years to actually implement because robin is so slow but uh. That's interesting! That's a good one! It's a good share! Thank you for that. Zoom chart comparison overlapping of zoom and peloton saw it in the new york times almost identical i'll.
Try that really quick uh! Actually, no, i do want to put them over each other. I can't put them over each other in the overlap. I'm gon na write that down okay. So if i do, let me see if i can get you a screenshot of that i might be able to okay compare quicker yeah here we go.

Let's add piton, oh yeah. If you go to the one year, that's quite interesting, so um, okay, they said i was allowed to share individual screenshots. If i mentioned that bloomberg uh shout out to bloomberg, but anyway, yeah. Look at that zoom is the white here and blue is peloton.

Look at that. That is incredible. That's a really good comparison! That's cool! If the new york times had that that's really cool good job, oh covet case counts to a specific chart. I don't even know man can i do that covet cases yeah, you can do that in in certain places.

Um. It's not ideal, though. Oh no, that see that's total case count. You want you're talking like daily case count covet cases.

No, that's that's. I'd have to play with that. That's an interesting idea, though, anyway cool awesome! Well, folks, thanks so much for being here, come by for the hot eight uh mining interview in like an hour and a half and uh yeah check out the courses linked down below on building your wealth thanks again goodbye folks.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Rough day stocks gone wild”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lalit Hemrajani says:

    What’s your recent thoughts on AFRM? Thank you in advance.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Stunna says:

    The markets going back up if it goes down more it will crash

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Barrett says:

    Who’s building empires off this guy’s knowledge???

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damien Roblow says:

    Are you still holding SFT for the long term?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rufus says:

    Zero mention about Lucid being the only EV well in the green today. Why is that Kevin?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin S says:

    Made a quick 140% on amd calls today. Amd and pfizer almost guaranteed winners.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael streed says:

    january 12.50 puts on SOFI are juicy. you can sell them for .66 each!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. Wilkerson says:

    The "king" of ugly sweaters, Lauren have a hand in this???

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan H says:

    there's a bug on binance with exchange rate, i posted a videoo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cobrauf says:

    I wanna see some tops come off them stocks 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Hanlin says:

    Since when does Coinbase or voyager have stop losses for crypto?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Garza says:

    Meet Kevin is a pump and dump artist which is why he and Jordan Belfort get along so well 😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A2DAZ GOD says:

    Mr. Kevin does not believe that the real estate market in the bubble, he does not believe that real estate is overpriced. Of course you are in the 1%. Guys like you are the one pumping the price up. Guys like you are the only one that can afford a million dollar mortgage. Get out of your bubble and see the world as it really is.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth James says:

    My Bitcoin ticker screenshot went to BTC @ 22 million % up

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Dingus says:

    Racked out on all the value stocks today

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomas Vargas says:

    You're not going to talk about the volume for AMC???? Really!!! 100 million in one day. You don’t think this is important ???? You don't think this means something???

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floyd Mora says:

    Shmp , low cost, great technology for in land based shrimp production with out the use of chemicals. The 🔥 fire destroyed thier last plant and they used the money to build a bigger better plant in 3 locations across USA. Productions just started to go out.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Becker says:

    I been buying its around a buck. I'm loading up from 1.03 to .90

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omgdannie2 says:

    Soft breakout for amazon? Like a 6 month break out?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EUIV ETS2 says:

    That guy should've become Governor

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live Aboard Sailor says:

    I am adding TLRY like crazy – they’re building a mini “THC Constellation” based on Craft beer/Spirits with very strong distribution growth & buzz in the US. I spent 23 years in the alcohol space & the weird, fractured distribution system we inherited from failed prohibition skews heavily towards strength on the distribution side. They’re building a very nice book, and are an insanely cheap LTP!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PumaBloc says:

    You should short lucid, im sure youll win LOTS of money , and get a 2 week call on tesla im sure there wont be any more pain for them 🙂

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Dz says:

    Holy logjams batman, Bitcoin crashed 30% in one minute! Think it will recover fast?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savvy Money Show says:

    The Scottish mortgage Trust already mimics ARK funds

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demetrius G says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Williams says:

    Tax sell offs are still coming, aren't they?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carolyn vice says:

    $ 120,000 just in two weeks Mrs Grace Evelyn Lena you are so amazing

  28. Hi Kevin – I purchase the stocks and psychology of money and wondering where to access those wonderful buy sell alerts ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Too bad that Kelly didn't realize that Kevin belongs to Veronica, and Veronica belongs to Kevin, poor thing, feel sorry for her, I lied, what's mine is mine, right boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kelly kittson says:

    Thank you for everything you've taught me since the beginning of COVID, hence the ❤!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr says:

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