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The next president of the United States might come from Florida We've got to talk a little bit about Ron DeSantis But also, there's a bill now apparently in Florida's legislature that might end up Banning bloggers unless they register with the state if they even so much as mentioned politicians or the governor. Now Twitter is generally a terrible place for actually getting a deep information on what's going on. but Mr Nude was trending yesterday here for his tweet where he wrote: the idea that bloggers criticizing a politician should register with the government is insane. It is an embarrassment that it is a Republican state legislator legislature in Florida legislator in Florida who introduced the bill to that effect he should withdraw it immediately.

And then of course there's a lot of lashing out against Newt Gingrich A lot of people saying things like hey, well, you're the reason that the Republican party is like this and you should take responsibility. You're basically embarrassed to yourself. You get a lot of that sort of drama. So what what I like to do is I like to go right to the source and I think that's often actually almost always what's missing from Twitter Uh, yeah.

so jumping right into the source and then we'll talk about what Mr DeSantis is up to take a look at this. There actually is a bill and it's called the ACT relating to information dissemination and basically it would require bloggers to register with the Office of Legislative Services or the Commission of Ethics requiring bloggers file monthly reports with the appropriate office by a certain date. Now there's some details here that suggest. Basically, if you're a blogger who gets paid, you're required to to a register.

So they Define here. What? A blogger is someone who frequently updates, uh, opinion commentary or business content. A blogger means any person who submits a blog post which is published Okay, great. and it has to be Four Compensation: Asian But this is pretty broad here.

Compensation includes anything of value provided to the Blogger in exchange for a blog post or series of blog posts. Now that's really interesting because I mean in theory, you could say making a YouTube video is for compensation, right? Because you get Ad Revenue You post a an article on the medium, you get ad Revenue Now YouTube didn't go to me or the medium doesn't go to people and say please make an article or a video about DeSantis and then we'll pay you, right? So this is a pretty vaguely written bill because it doesn't clarify that and it could potentially mean anyone. And obviously technically Florida only has jurisdiction over Florida. But they don't say if you don't reside in Florida you're exempt from this now.

Obviously the reach of their power, their policing power would not exceed past Florida. But what if what if you make videos about the scientists in California and then you go visit Florida You know, are you now? We're gonna get fined because because you're you're somebody who has blogged and not reported potentially in Florida's world. It's sort of interesting, and so it's It's raising a lot of eyebrows about the idea that, hey, like if compensation is so broad, what you're basically saying is anybody who even talks about State uh, Representatives uh or the governor needs to register with the state of Florida and it's really starting to feel a little sort of anti-free speech-esque which is really odd because generally it's been the Republican party over the last few years who's been sort of clamoring for for free speech. Uh, and then while I don't think anybody really is anti-free speech, the big divisiveness of on one side, it's hey, we got to control this and misinformation, right? And on the other side, it's no, just let everything free, everything be free, right? That's been a pretty political, uh, and uh, politically divisive talking point.
and so the idea that Ron DeSantis government, who's potentially going to do whatever he needs to get done over this next year. At least that's what sort of researchers political researchers are saying that Florida's legislature basically wants to prop up Ron Santos to potentially become governor because it would be good for all of the people in the legislature. if he becomes president. he might pick from that legislature to to have have sort of a cabinet or build out a cabinet if he were to become uh president.

So it's really interesting that uh, you've got on one hand a lot of this talk about Free Speech But now you're basically censoring free speech by forcing monthly reports on people for any basically reason for posting a Blog Simply if you comment on the Governor or represented that, that seems a little odd. At the same time, you have Ron DeSantis who just visited and this comes after CPAC by the way, which was this weekend where uh Donald Trump won sort of the straw poll. but but you know that somewhat seemed uh to be a little bit more uh of a Trump-attended event Ron DeSantis wasn't there instead Ronda Santos was actually in California he was actually in my hometown here in Simi Valley and I thought that was very interesting. uh Rhonda Santis went to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library sold about 1300 tickets and he talked about this great American Exodus from States governed by leftist politicians and how people are voting with their feet.

I Mean this is old news. We've been using that phrase for, you know, since, for a while for probably for decades, quite frankly, but but really heavily since the pandemic. It's hard to argue though that you know people are solely voting with their feet because of politics. California has gotten really expensive, and in part because you know California is really beautiful in terms of like, physically.

uh, you know people are awesome, the weather's cool, but the politicians are loony. Okay, so we know that well. But the Wall Street Journal for example alleges yeah, there's probably a good chance people are leaving California the ones who are because of a lack of affordable housing and hybrid work setups that really allow you to go from like a three and two here to like a six bedroom mansion in Texas Uh, or even Florida right? So, but anyway, Rhonda Santos at his event at Simi Uh, Simi Valley talked about of course, having empowered people uh, to make a choice as to whether or not they want to take the vaccine, not enforcing mandates. And this is interesting because early in the pandemic Rhonda Santis was actually a big proponent of getting vaccinated, but now he's sort of trying to back that away by saying hey, but I was super anti-mandate and my schools were open over here, right? And the Washington Post interviewed some attendees at the event who described themselves as trumpers, but they responded and said you know, Ron DeSantis seems like Trump but less divisive and potentially with a brain Now that I thought that maybe that obviously that was potentially, you know they picked that one quote because it's a little extreme.
Uh, but uh, but uh, but this idea that maybe Ron DeSantis would be like the diet version of Donald Trump and maybe a little less divisive is really interesting because you know it does seem like there's a chance you'll have a Ron DeSantis V Trump primary and then on the other side you might have. If Biden runs, you'll probably just have Biden. If Biden doesn't run, you'll probably have like a new sum slash combo runoff. So so we'll see.

Uh, but anyway, what's also very interesting? It kind of goes back to sort of how this is all piecing together is Rhonda Sanders trying to create The Narrative of everyone fleeing California which again to some regards is true, but on the other hand, it's really pro-free speech while you see at the same time. Also, this sort of almost anti-free speeches bill in Florida. But it's not just that, it's also what's going on with Disney and how Disney is kind of being used as a pawn here for Desantis's efforts. So here's actually an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal by the man himself Ron DeSantis himself and he talks about how on Monday he signed a law ending Disney self-governing status of over 43 square miles Disney no longer has its own government And and really, this is starting to make people reiterate the idea that man on one hand Ron DeSantis is all like hey, Free Speech Free Speech Free Speech But then why is your legislature putting together something that kind of potentially restricts Free Speech requiring this registration? It's basically burden.

Right when you put a burden on speech, you essentially restrict it. It's kind of like like hey, you know what we want you to put these gloves on while you're writing your paper. It's just another step. We're not stopping you from writing, but we want you to go through another step.
And if the more steps we put on you, then the more inconvenient it is, the less likely you produce content, right? That's usually how it works. So it's not really eliminating the opportunity to speak, but it is restricting that someone. And a lot of this drama we're seeing about Disney is also about Free Speech see Disney and and Ronda Santos obviously talks about this in here and I'll go a little bit into more depth. But basically he talks about how, hey, look, uh, if you go whoa, go broke, go to Florida uh and and Wokeness dies Like Florida is the place where Wokeness goes to die is essentially what Ron DeSantis argues and uh, he says it here.

we are making Florida the state where the economy flourishes because we are the state where Woke goes to die And he makes this argument that corporations should not involve themselves in politics and that basically Disney uh ended up uh, you know we're challenging this idea. Uh, that uh, that Florida was going to put up the essentially don't say gay bill Now that phrase is not actually in the bill, it's just how everybody knows it. That's the politically popular way of talking about it. Basically says, hey, we don't want sexual education for people under a certain age Children under a certain age.

like five-year-olds shouldn't be talked to about basically sexual education or gender orientation or gender identity and Disney had long been silent on that. Uh, but uh, generally what you find is silence these days and 2023 is deemed to be sort of permission. Uh, and so this is where Rhonda Santos argues. Look, they took a stand.

They took a stand that was anti-mybill and now we're punishing them for that. Now in my opinion, that's somewhat slamming Disney from a free speech point of view, right? Like if corporations are allowed to have a voice, which they are allowed to have a voice, obviously, then they should be able to speak freely without fear of punishment. The idea that that, then, uh, you know, potentially Rhonda Santa starts restricting rights from the same. I think is somewhat interesting because it basically sends a signal to any business in Florida Hey, if you don't align with our policies, we'll find a way to screw you.

Now How Whether or not you agree with the don't say gay does not matter here. Like don't get me wrong, I got a five and seven year old and they don't need to hear about gender identity or gay or or or anything. They're way too young for that. Okay, five and seven year old? No? Okay, let's wait until like at least fifth grade police or like middle school or you know.

High School Obviously is just fine, but but like young children? no uh so so again, I'm not making a a sand here that Ron DeSantis and the don't say gay bill is wrong or right. It's not the case at all, if anything I think it makes a lot of sense, but the idea that DeSantis is sort of building his campaign on to some degree silencing some form of speech in my opinion, sort of runs counter to the Republican ideal of no, no, no, all free speech, right? Because in essence, you're trying to restrict bloggers and in essence, you are trying to restrict businesses from taking a stand. Now of course you might say oh well, Disney has no place to be taking a stand, but wait, isn't that restricting Free Speech right? So uh, Now what I also think is very interesting is Rhonda Santis goes on to say the following here: Disney's special Arrangement which dates back to 1967, was an indefensible example of corporate welfare. Now this I think is remarkable, indefensible example of corporate welfare.
I'll let him keep going and then I'll respond to that. It provided the company with favorable tax treatment, including the ability to assess its own property valuations and enjoy benefits of regional infrastructure improvements without paying taxes towards the project it Exempted Disney from Florida's building and Fire Prevention codes. it even allowed Disney to build a nuclear power plant and to use eminent domain to seize property outside the district's boundaries. While the districts are common in, Florida, Disney's deal was conspicuous and the massive benefits and cons it conferred.

Okay, so first of all, it's really worth understanding what happened here. Okay, because this right here makes it sound like the scientist is coming in on on you know, basically a white horse and saying how dare Disney wield all this power. We will take it back. But you have to remember what Orlando was before 1967.

folks, it was nothing. It was swampland. That's it. In fact, much of Florida still today is swamp.

and that's not a distant. Florida I Spent 16 years growing up in Florida I Love Florida I'll actually be at Florida later this week. But this idea that oh uh, you know, you know we got to take back all that was given to Disney Disney created Orlando Disney built its own fire department, police station. It built its uh, the parks.

And this idea that Disney used its eminent domain to seize private property. Let's hold on for a moment. Disney's eminent domain power actually LED Disney to preserve a lot of the natural forestry that's around Disney because they wanted that that on purpose to make the whole Disney World area feel as sort of natural as possible. Now don't get me wrong, yeah, there are going to be cases where certain land was transformed into potentially a parking lot duh.

but then again, it was all a swamp. But when you go to Disney World or even you fly into Orlando, you're like damn a lot of trees over here. It's not like Disney leveled everything. Also this idea that Disney uh, you know was allowed to build a nuclear reactor.

That's true because Disney takes a lot of power, but they never ended up building their own nuclear reactor. and even if they did, that would be better than what we have today, which is a natural gas power plant instead of a nuclear reactor. Now Florida does have its own nuclear reactors, which is great, but remember what Disney was supposed to be? Disney was supposed to be the experimental prototype community of tomorrow that stands for Epcot right? It was supposed to be a futuristic city that would be home to 20 000 residents in an area that they're never there. Never used to be people.
So Disney World needed to move fast. They needed to build roads. Emergency Services you utilities Disney did that. they built the levees, they built the drainage system.

Yes, did other parts of Florida end up hooking up to those projects and benefit from that economic impact of course. But Rhonda Santis I mean we got to look at the numbers I wrote down some of them over here. Disney is Disney's a huge part of Florida I mean look at Oxford Econ Oxford economics from I used before the pandemic just because of the some of the 2022 numbers aren't available uh yet. And if you go into 21 in 2020, things are very skewed by the pandemic.

So I just wanted to look at 2019 since we're likely to Trend Back to that Trend as most things are in business, but look at 2019 Disney World had a 75.2 billion dollar economic impact on Florida Florida's GDP is just under 1 trillion dollars. That means Disney World itself sets up about 7.7 percent of Florida's entire GDP 4.5 percent of the people who work in Florida work for Disney World or are somehow employed as a contractor by Disney or work for Disney in in some regard and 5.8 billion dollars of Florida's tax revenue or 15.9 percent comes from Disney World. So I find it really interesting and and I kind of have a a conclusion to all of this. So so first of all, you have this this uh uh, you know the speech bill right restricting a speech in Florida Then you have this sort of Disney removing basically their policing Powers which policing powers include building and safety and infrastructure and everything blah blah blah right? So you have the speech build and you have Disney Uh, then you have this idea of uh Woke goes to die in Florida So my take on this my take uh is that right now in society we do have a very split United States Right now on one hand, we have this idea that uh, everything has turned woke.

Although the idea of woke has really become extreme, right? woke used to just be awareness, right? It used to be uh, aware. so you were sort of aware. Maybe of privileges or differences, right? This has now gone to the extreme right? So there's the extreme version and then there's sort of the the normal version of this. Uh, and then what you have happening in Florida is really you've gone to the anti uh, Woke extreme And so that's really the fight of what I think is the 2024 election and what we're going to see a lot of.
You're going to basically have an argument of the extreme versus the extreme Now personally, I hate that because I think the vast majority of Americans sort of sit in the middle like yeah, look, some things over here make sense. Some things over here make sense. That doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense. and I personally think that Disney and the speech Bill have really just sort of become pawns to the idea of reiterating this extreme because that seems to be what's probably most popular for Republican uh candidates right now.

and so I don't actually think anything practically is going to change at Disney. In fact, Disney World Florida has a board that controls the sort of the Reedy Creek district and Rhonda Santis can now sort of put his puppets on that board, but the reality is Florida probably or Disney World kind of is already built out what they're going to build out right now. That's not to say that. Well, they won't want to continue to develop.

but like these special powers really mattered when they were going from Swamp to something. now it doesn't matter so much anymore. So in my opinion, both of these things aren't really going to change anything. they're just examples of what DeSantis is trying to use to build up his platform to really fight.

Donald Trump So I think that's very interesting. Uh, you know somebody here uh Brett says anti-woke equals let me continue being a bigot. No. I I don't agree with that, you know I I Think if if somebody I mean like maybe we say the uh, anti-extreme would be the more the better way to put that right.

like I don't think somebody is a bigot for saying I don't want my five-year-old uh to be taught about gender identity right? I don't think that's uh, being a bigot I think that's you know, trying to be reasonable. but of course we could go down the Spectrum and go well at some point. Uh, we probably all agree with things. you know, it's it's funny.

like I I'll have I'll have a drink where the people of totally random and totally different political ideologies you know, extreme uh, people on like the Super Super Far Left or the Super Far Right or Super Libertarian or or whatever and I'll tell you. we usually even though people identify as potentially Super One Thing most people are relatively reasonable. It's surprising. I'm not saying everyone don't get me wrong, right? Uh, but uh, it.

It is really, really interesting. I Think that's fascinating. So uh, this election cycle is going to be incredible. Somebody here says Kevin contradicts himself.

He says that this is an example of anti-working extremism in one breath and it says won't really matter in the big picture. How is that extreme? Okay, so what I'm saying is so I'm not contradicting myself. Actually, you're just reiterating what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, anti-woke Extremism is punishing Disney's free speech and taking away, uh, their policing.
Powers Really, that's that's the way it's being put up on a pedestal. Oh, you go woke, you go broke. But the reality is, this probably isn't going to affect Disney at all. In fact, I would not be surprised if Ron DeSantis picked up the phone, talked to Bob Iger who just took over a CEO again said look man, I'm gonna put some puppets in you guys just keep doing you.

but I'm gonna go I'm gonna go use this as a political tool to show everybody that you don't mess with Ron DeSantis You know that's what I'm saying. So uh, so maybe there's just a misunderstanding in how I explained that, but uh, you know I I don't think uh I think it's almost a little bit like a Florida style virtue signaling dare I say right? like it's not really going to make a difference to Disney World but it does help a sort of prop up his game. Now don't get me wrong, I don't dis I Want to be very clear here because sometimes I make these these videos and people think oh so you hate DeSantis No, it's not what I'm saying like personally from what I'm seeing. I would probably much prefer a DeSantis over like a Gavin Newsom who gives stimulus checks during an inflationary era and can't save homeless people or contribute to mental health for the life of them and doesn't seem to care about financial education in schools in fact Rob DeSantis Past it was one of the first States and one of the first Governors to pass a bill demand a requiring Financial Fitness Basically Financial education in schools.

That's something that I ran a campaign on for governor in 2020. So completely agree. By the way, I think so I think it's very, very interesting. Uh, very very interesting and definitely worth talking about.

So those are some of my thoughts. but hey, I'll look for your thoughts in the comments. somebody here writes: people are fact phobic. Well that's honestly I think you watching videos on Twitter is extremely smart like like me or hate me you watching videos on uh if I said Twitter I'm on YouTube you watching videos on YouTube is extremely smart because this is where you can actually have more of a dialogue and get deeper into topics whereas on Twitter I mean go go back to what we saw with the the Newt Gingrich stuff or whatever.

The the stuff is just extreme. Like, absolutely extreme people. like the messaging doesn't really tell you anything about what's going on, right? I mean we just made you know a 10 15 minute segment here on Florida Politics where Newt makes one comment and people bash them like crazy. Uh, and nobody actually knows what's going on, right? So I I'm a big fan of that sort of perspective, but uh, you have to sort of seek that out.

Otherwise, you kind of stay. Uh, you stay uninformed. Hey, thanks so much for watching and subscribing as well as sharing the videos in case you've enjoyed it. Make sure to consider getting more perspective via the links: Down Below In In Becoming a Millionaire through Real Estate Investing is one of our most popular courses zero to millionaire real estate Investing that is often bundled with the Stocks and Psychology of Money Group or the do-it-yourself Property Management and Rental Renovations guide.
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26 thoughts on “Ron desantis is coming the wild strategy he’s using.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moses Valenzuela says:

    Just because legislation was written doesn't mean the governor wrote it. He opposes the legislation of licensing journalists.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    "Free Speech for me but not for thee"

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Kuehne says:

    Leaving to flee the blight of liberalism

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amit says:

    I was starting to like this guy, this rule is beyond the lgbt or gun or voting rights legislations, this one is more dictatorship
    If Trump loses primary to him, he will make sure he loses the President race.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redbill21 says:

    Do you think Robert F Kennedy Jr. will run?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Garza says:

    Brilliant "hidden" motivation of DeSantis' "secret" dealing with Disney concerning his messaging.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    If algos and msm are taking society to those extremes when being aware witch is a good thing goes to an extreme like that, and the same happening on the "other side" and people getting divided and conquered like that, just imagine what AI is going to do to the world if it doesn't help us to find balance and a middle ground! Or maybe AI is the one doing that and dividing us to the point of civil war and just waiting for us to destroy ourselves instead of having to crush 8 billion skulls!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Smith says:

    Alright I'm out if you're gonna spend your time I want to use more on people keep electing and given up their own power

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adalberto rivera says:

    Use a VPN

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Freeman says:

    He better not run; the “right” needs to get behind ONE person, and one person only… NOT be divided.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jariel Music says:

    This is something they will try to speak pass through something other Bs .. this vid should hv more views

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oshitt1 says:

    Ron DeSantis doesn't have a chance against Trump oh, I hope he doesn't go up against trump it will ruin him for life

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bu Tu says:

    Another red day in P*do P*tes economy. You still democrat kevin?🤡🤡🤡

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Trombley says:

    Used to love your videos
    Now all you do is talk about yourself, your dumbass charter service (jet) and you even show us how superior you are.. by cleaning your Fing fingernails like the QUEEN OF ENGLAND.
    YOU NEED PR because you are AWFUL

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YK says:

    What are Florida famous for besides Disney and sunshine (which is free, not established by Floridian)? Curious questions…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zerdo says:

    Its called communism. Republican = Communism

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe T says:

    No way Desantis beats Trump after this Jan 6 disaster came out.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    It's all culture war with meatball Ron. Disney has a gay 2 second scene and Ronny wants to dismantle his economy

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Kevin, come back to the left. Pay a little more taxes and use your natural kindness in a much better way than whitewashing the right.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Considering how pro life republicans are, you would think they would support sex education in school to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Strange dynamic.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Kevin Jesus Christ this is annoying

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Should we ban male teachers from speaking a single word about his wife?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Desantis is just pure evil. Trump is just in it for his own personal gain.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    Desantis is nothing new. All republican governors are the same. Do you see now the free speech warriors are not quite down for what they claim

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirRipsAlot says:

    What is a single policy difference between trump and his rivals? Nothing. Republicans are all the same.

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