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A full update on my full stock portfolio.
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Well, folks, it's time to talk about my portfolio and we're going to start off by saying sorry to all the weenie baby losers, who like to say, oh kevin, sold at the bottom and bought at the top. That's not what the chart says because see. If you go over here to the qqq, this is your technology index for the weenie babies. You'll see that i actually sold right here january 21st at market open yeah.

It was a red day missed the big old bottom over here missed the deeper bottom over here and we're still lower today than where i sold. In fact, in this video, i'm going to tell you exactly how much money i saved by selling and how i'm getting back in the market my strategy in terms of why this is perfect for a really big opportunity i have coming up, but before we get into That i just quickly want to shout out our sponsor extra. If you want to build your credit without having a credit card, make sure to go to extra to learn more about how you could have a debit card that almost acts like a credit card, except they reimburse themselves next business day with the money that you've Linked from an existing bank account that you have you don't even need to make a new bank account and boom and they report balances paid off to the credit bureaus and guess what your credit has the shot of going up, because now you're showing balances paid. Despite not even having a credit card learn more by going to extra okay, look you all know this.

I am long bullish, okay. I have always told you, though, that if i were to sell or short, i would be transparent about it. Every single course member knew exactly what my plan was as soon as i finished coming up with my plan, which was within 30 minutes, i was live. Here's my entire plan, all of my notes for it what i'm doing why i'm doing it and the very next day i made this public on youtube.

I fully and transparently told everyone. I am sitting out the market, probably until march 16th. Oh wow, it's march 4th and i'm already starting to get back in the market as promised once i believe that the federal reserve starts you turning or there's a catalyst for a fed u-turn, because if you recall the news we got on january 5th from the december 16Th fed meeting was a disaster. In fact, you could look it up.

You could see the panic in my face. I just wish. I realized it on january 5th and not on january 21st. It took me two weeks to realize this and put this all together.

My fault, oh well, i made a mistake but boy, oh boy, look this video up from january 5th on youtube, meet kevin worst report. Yet federal reserve watch that, and you will see a piece of history right there for this channel on what it's like to see. Data change in front of your eyes and what you probably want to react negatively or bearishly to now. Some people call me a flip-flopper, that's okay, at least i'm a transparent, flip-flopper and i'll.

Tell you about it. So, let's talk about the facts. The facts are i first and foremost highly encourage - and i specifically talk about this in the path to wealth course, which is a new course that i released you can check out a coupon code in the description. Prices did just go up a little bit as they always do they go up over time, but in this program i talk a lot about how you should not be picking stocks until you've done the following: no consumer debt.
You have a high paying job. We talk about how to get a higher paying job. We talk about how to get out of debt. Talk about how to get your first house.

We talk about how to max your retirement accounts, talk about how to negotiate better pay, and we talk about diversifying your portfolio and see. Number five is the most important now well, i can't give you personal financial advice, because i don't know your situation. Even if i did i'm not a financial advisor diversifying is so critical. I really don't think you should be picking stocks, maybe other than like qq and spy, throw up some fibonacci lines and play the fib game seriously.

It's not that hard! You want to jump over here. You want to play the fib game copy mine on the qqq. You want the spy pause. The video okay go copy him off of here no problem and throw make sure you throw in 430 on the spy as well, because that's another spot spy likes to hang out at okay, but diversify your portfolio into these bigger sort of funds.

Before you start picking stocks see some folks, they like to look at my stock portfolio and they forget that i'm diversified thanks to real estate and that's a big thing that people forget is that, because i buy wedge deals and half of my portfolio is in real Estate, i'm buying real estate deals below market value, insulating myself with real estate and credit lines. I've got so much access to capital through real estate that i can afford to take more risks than other individuals. And so, when you look at my portfolio and you hear some of the things that i've been investing in yeah, some of them worked out. Well, some didn't work out that well, but i took that risk knowing what the risk was and when i decided to make a move.

I told you about it and that's the only thing i can promise. Is that i'll tell you about it. So here's the fact had i not sold tesla. I would have been down nearly an additional three million dollars.

Had i not sold matterport, i would have been down almost another million dollars. Had i now sold a firm, i would have been down another seven hundred thousand dollars. Had i not sold paypal, i would have been down well paypal square and some others. I would have been down another million dollars.

I would have been down another five to six million dollars had i not sold, fortunately, because i sold more than 30 days ago, i can now re-buy these stocks at substantial and massive discounts, avoiding five to six million dollars of losses and walking back into the market. Where the fed is beginning to u-turn, now some people like to say: oh, you just got lucky because of war. No, if there wasn't a war, we would have had a federal reserve rug poll and we would probably force the recession to fight this insane inflation that we're fighting. Of course, the fed has become more dovish, but, quite frankly, we've talked about that in other videos, and even this morning we talked about the new reality of the wage price spiral, which is a really important video that you should check out.
It's actually titled good news, extremely good news. You should watch that video if you have not yet, but let's make this clear talking or taking into account taxes and the money that i would have lost everything considered, selling saved me five million dollars and i'm already considering taxes, people like to say that, oh well, What about all the taxes you got? Ta pay, i had lots of gains, but i also had some short-term losses that i was able to wash a lot of gains out with. I will be paying some taxes, but it's okay, because i saved a whole lot more than i will have to pay in taxes, and so there are a few great opportunities that came out of this. First obviously, i say five to six million dollars.

Two. I bought the dip on february 24th and i'll show some numbers on this, and i made about seven hundred thousand dollars from buying that dip. I also now have cleansed my stocks of taxable gains and losses that have already been washed for 30 days. Why is this beautiful, because now it gives me the opportunity to invest in other opportunities without having to be worried about taxable gains? You know how sometimes you're, like oh, my gosh like there's an opportunity or maybe you're not i mean it depends sometimes a lot of times.

I see people they're like oh man. I really want to invest. I don't know just an example: a hundred thousand dollars into that startup or into that new company or into you, know whatever right, but i don't really want to sell this because i'll have to pay taxes. I don't have to think like that anymore.

I got a little fresh restart here and that works really great, because i'm launching something and we're not 100 certain exactly how we're going to set this up yet, but i'm launching something that you could learn more about by going to met. Kevin.Com, slash series a check. This out throw your information on this. The first people who are going to be able to invest in this are going to be course, members.

So course members are going to get the first shot at investing in this and then the uh second set of people who are going to be able to invest are going to be people who fill out the their information on the sheet. It's not a mailing list. Don't worry it's not like i'm going to spam you five times a week or whatever honestly, we haven't sent a single email to anybody on that list, so throw your information here, series a if you want to learn more course. Members will be able to potentially invest in this first and then we'll move on to other folks on this sheet.
But the cool thing is now that i've washed my larger portfolio, my stock portfolio of taxes, and now i could throw my entire portfolio. If i want into this new opportunity - which i think is absolutely going to be amazing, once we determine exactly our strategy and how we're going to structure what we're doing so, i'm really excited about that. That's a big benefit! So not only did i prevent lots of losses, not only did i make money buying the dip, but now because i've cleansed my portfolio of gains and losses in 30 days have gone by and prices are lower. Now i can buy back in lower and i have the opportunity to go shopping with this new opportunity.

If i want - and so now for before, i show some pictures here of my portfolio. Please cover your children's ears because there's been something that i've been wanting to say to all the people who think i'm just a flip-flopping speculating traitor. You i just saved over five to six million dollars so suck it. But look that doesn't mean i escaped unscathed and rebuilding is the hard part repositioning in this market, where the spy is down 10.

This year, qqq's down 16 arc is down 37.9 just this year alone. All before you know the feds started. U-Turning we've got war, we've got china slowing down, we've got disasters every freaking, where what do we do now? And this is the hard part, but before i show the hard part, let me go ahead and show my portfolio or the jpmorgan return sheet here. Just so you could see it yourself.

This is on my jpmorgan account and i'll show my weeble here in just a second as well. It shows you my return compared to the s p. 500. You can see since the end of 2020.

I've been kicking the s ps, but uh. Actually i think this goes back to about the mid. No, it goes back to october 14th, 2020. There we go uh, and so in this account i've been kicking the s, p's butt uh, doubling it, but you can see it's really volatile, like the s.

P is flat, but look the last time i did a portfolio. Video was kind of uh more where the portfolio i'm going to show that in just a sec, more like around there november 30th see november 30th. Here i mean my portfolio was beating the s p by like a hundred and thirty i'm sorry by well. It was a hundred and thirteen percent.

The s p was up thirty percent right, thirty three percent, and then it went down to sixty percent versus the twenty seven percent on sap. So like that huge hump there that hurt. That was a big old l like looking back. I wish i sold then i still came out ahead with gains great gains.

I have taxable gains for 2022 taxable gains for 2021.. I'm gon na be paying taxes hey, but i'm okay. With that, i wish i again. I had sold at the top, but you know what hindsight's 20 20.
and it sucks and now we're at a crappy market, but i'm in it with you, i'm about 70 in the market. Right now take a look at this uh. This is uh money. That is just in my jpm account, so in total, we'll look at my portfolio in just a moment, but it's probably sitting somewhere around 22 23 for like crypto and and other assets and other investments not including real estate.

But if you look at this, obviously today was a red day it's down about almost about one percent or so so, somewhere around 166, 000 and uh. You can see, though, i'm up 755 thousand dollars that actually doesn't even include my uh. My gain on gold, which was about seventy thousand dollars but uh. This is just money that i put in the market uh over the let's see of 16.7 about 6.1 in this account is cash, so it's about 10.6 million dollars.

That's in right now in this account and it's up about 755k. This was money that had mostly the most of this money went into the market on feb 24th, which was the beginning of the invasion. That day, one tesla was like 700, so that was, i think, well played so i i know people are always gon na, say yeah. You just get lucky like all right.

Whatever man i'm tired of this crap, you always hear this kind of crap uh and then i do want to just show the weeble account here, because i promised i would look. I really underperformed there uh between february uh and then that the bottom there that dead bottom is uh may of 2021. That was terrible and you could see the explosion uh and then i did a brokerage transfer and stuff of of some of the portfolio transferred some money out. Prices also went down really fast.

It was crazy there on the right side, but anyway you can see the trading p. L down there, 1.3 mil like hey i'll, take it. You know i uh p l 1.3 uh. I i wish it were more.

It was more at one point. It was like two and a half at one point, but you know it's kind of like going to vegas and you're up money and it's like oh man, but my stack used to be so much bigger, yeah. Well, it ain't it ain't. So you can't really think.

Like that so uh, okay, let me show you uh my portfolio. I think the only thing missing on this is a couple call options and then what i'll do is i want to talk a little bit about strategy going forward just briefly, but uh. Here's just an update: we've got uh tesla here at 79, 69 shares nvidia 7000 shares goog 406 and face 15 000 disney 2000 amc 2100 see, unlike other people. I actually follow through with my promises and if i say i'm going to keep a stock for a year, i'm going to keep a stock for a year.

That's amc. I've got a little sexy trade going on. We got some affirms some matterport here. I am actually short some treasuries here, so this is a.

This is actually a short position. Then we've got a little bit of ada and if we kind of compare this to cash available and the portfolio it puts me about 70 in the market about 6.6 cash ready to go so 22.4 in equities crypto. And some of this is in other things like uh private investments, uh coin. Actually, no, what is it? Uh? Yeah we've got a little bit over here in public.
Some retirement accounts, some money that i invested in private equity in public or block fire things like that. So then, we've got net worth and real estate just net worth in general here, which has obviously moved a bit but hey even if i sold at top, i would have paid 50 in taxes uh. So you know this is this i think was like 42. Now.

It's like 33., so i was like ah dang it. There goes nine mil, but again, even if i sold at the top half of that would have gone to taxes. So it's a difference of like four and a half, whereas now i've cleansed a lot of taxes which is really cool, uh and uh yeah yeah. This just gives you a transparent update on what's going on.

Oh, it does look like on the sheet here. For some reason, disney's not actually populating as a value, so i have to put that in there so that changes you know about 300k or whatever, but okay, i need to finish updating that spreadsheet anywho. This spreadsheet is also available to all the course members and do make sure to check out extra go to extra. Oh, and i just realized, i forgot to say what my plans are going forward.

I do want to be very transparent about this. I actually think we're probably gon na be in the sideways weird trading market for quite a while, so selling two to three week calls okay premium for those of you who made it to the end of the video like freebie on us here. Okay, like i, don't think we're going to the moon anytime really soon here uh, you know and it wouldn't go like a hundred percent like oh, i sold all my positions with covered calls or whatever, like no no uh, but the premiums are insane and you should Be a seller of options in this kind of market, not financial advice. If you like the way, i think remember, series a all right thanks, so much folks, bye,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Revealing the truth about my portfolio after i sold.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Nooning says:

    Dude, ur a decent swing trader. Why don’t you trade the inverse leveraged indexes and volatility proxies like VXX, VIXY, UVXS, etc? They are the best plays when it’s bearish.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred Donald says:

    The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and the loss of job caused by covid pandemic is enough to push people into financial ventures. I'm taking a trip into investing because I lost so much during this pandemic. Multi creation of wealth is the best strategy to ensure financial sustainability.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edson says:

    Kevin looking like a young king in that thumbnail

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derrick Weil says:

    You did not predict this, just got lucky. conformation bias.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Criss says:

    People are probably fuming right that you made the right decision. Good job Kevin!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnyhollywood says:

    You actually saved me money on your content on your Fed fears and macro info, Kevin. Sorry I gave you shit. Keep up the good work, man. You rock.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars howtowhat says:

    The weenie baby king returns!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Thrives says:

    Weenie baby, bayyyyybeeee

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minh Nguyen says:

    Putin was the strategy

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Fair says:

    Wish I had follow that advise before my comrades suddenly passed – do it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrewCollege says:

    Pls make a open and closing livestream public to all 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Commy Comentor!!! says:

    Waaaaaaay to soon for a victory lap chief.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Fair says:

    I learning first time at 50y/o and your the primary teacher. I’m learning from a millennial 👍👍 as a point of advise from an old guy, mend up with the other three and have a friendly debate and move on. In the end- family and friends. That’s it 🤷🏼‍♂️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Robertson says:

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Lowther says:

    You’ve resorted to qqq? I’m buying it all.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeetha Mama🔥 says:

    Get a skin fade MK?!!! It’ll suit you!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ariolas Ele says:

    Weenie babies do not have a plan 🦁

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elon’s Muskstache says:

    Kevin buys at the literal bottom and trolls still can’t stop🙄

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheIndywatch says:

    Kevin is the man!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deadcatlives says:

    😂 I can’t even watch

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Talesfromthecrypto says:

    Kevin took it so personal. Lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Lowther says:

    Are you talking about a week ago?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Clark says:

    Lets get it! We will all prosper over time hang in there!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Nice! Congrats Kevin. Great timing

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Ross says:

    let's talk about your flipolio!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheEternalTimeTravel says:

    Sorry weeny babie! 😅

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jett-Rampart Flyer says:

    Hell yeah, I be the one.
    I like to collect photos of Weenie Babies.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Drip says:

    Just gotta be patient and stay the course

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deadcatlives says:

    😂 I can’t even watch.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerrick says:

    I'm addicted to your videos. Please keep em coming

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRealDyscyples says:

    Not the first comment

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YPYT says:

    Thanks for the update

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