Here is the entire reveal of my $22 million dollar investment portfolio, exactly what I invest in, and how I diversify my investments every single year - Enjoy! DONATE TO TEAM SEAS: - Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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First: A single family rental property bought in 2012
This was purchased through several years of savings as a real estate agent, and purchased as a short sale near the bottom of the market
Second: Another single family rental property bought in 2012
This was also bought with savings while working as a real estate agent. It needed minor renovations.
Third: A triplex in the same area bought in 2012
This needed some work, but was in a great location - I sold my car to help fund this deal
Fourth: A Single Family Home bought in West Los Angeles in 2016
This was bought with several more years of savings as a real estate agent
Fifth: A duplex bought in mid-city in 2017
This was in a very central location, and is now known as “The $0 House” because I was able to cash out refinance my entire investment out from the property to re-invest elsewhere
Sixth: Another duplex bought in mid-city near Inglewood in 2018
This was bought because it was a great value, could be rented out with a possible 2nd bedroom, and was close to so many new developments and construction
Seventh: Another Duplex bought in West LA in 2020
This was a primary residence with detached guest house.
Eighth: A Single Family Home bought in Las Vegas in 2020
This is a primary residence beginning Jan 2021.
$7,000,000 Within SP500 Index Funds / Individual Stocks
$3,200,000 in CD's, Treasuries, Bonds, and Cash
$1,000,000 Split Between Bitcoin and Ethereum
3x Angel Investments
2005 Ford GT
Alternative "Investments"
That’s my entire investment portfolio, and I really hope this was able to give you some insight as to how I manage my money, what I look for, and how I invest. Because like I said, I find these types of videos incredibly valuable - and its my intention to continue being as open as possible, and showing you that you don’t need to start out with a whole bunch of money in order to build up a large investment portfolio by the time you get old…like me.
My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See

What's up duncan it's donuts here so almost a year ago i made a video breaking down in extreme detail every single one of my investments, how i started how i built them up how much money they make and the lessons i've learned along the way going from Zero all the way up to 13 million dollars. I really did my best to be as transparent and practical as possible when discussing my experiences, because i've always been the type who learns best by example, and when i'm able to see how other people do it. It gives me a more clear path to follow. Not to mention throughout the last two years quite a lot has changed.

My account's grown from six million dollars in november of 2019 to 13 million dollars in november of 2020 to now 22 million dollars in november of 2021. yeah. It's a lot of 20s and being able to track all of that publicly in real time, for everyone to see should help provide some more context into exactly how that happened and where i plan to invest in the future. So without further ado, here are the entire contents of my 22 million investment portfolio at 31 years old.

As always, my intention is to make these videos as insightful and educational as possible, because i know at least for myself, i really enjoy seeing how other people manage their money and i'm just kind of nosy, and i want to know where it all goes. So with that said, if you enjoy videos like this, it would help me out tremendously. If you gave the like button, a quick tap for the youtube algorithm. That's it.

It seriously makes a tremendous difference for my entire channel and it takes you just a split second like you would be done with it already. Had you already done that there we go so thank you guys so much and now here's my entire portfolio and how i was able to almost double it in a year, all right. So to give you some context about where it all started. I made my first major investment when i was 21 years old and i bought a single family rental property in san bernardino, california, for 59 500.

Now, in terms of where i was able to get 60 000 at 21 years old, it was really easy. My dad said he'd give me an early birthday present because i got such good grades at school just kidding. I got horrible grades at school. I was a c student at best and my parents didn't have any extra money to give me.

Instead, what actually happened is that when i was 18 years old, i found out that i was not getting into college because, honestly, i was a terrible student. I'd skip school as often as i could and i would go to work instead. I know it sounds odd, but i got a part-time job at a marine aquarium wholesaler who paid me under the table when i was doing that. I just couldn't sit through a class because i felt like i should be putting that time to a more productive use which, to me at the time, was just going and working and making money.

But the result was that once the company sold off and shut down - and i was graduating high school - i didn't have the grades or the credentials to get into college, so i decided to go and get my real estate license to get some work experience instead. Now, at the time it was 2008 and the real estate market had literally just peaked. The bubble was over and i started my career right at the height of everything, just as prices were starting to crumble down. But for me i didn't mind.
I had no reference to what a good real estate market even looked like so foreclosures short sales and bank-owned properties on every single block, just kind of seemed normal, but there was a bit of a problem. In 2008, very few people were buying properties, since the market was dropping so fast, and on top of that not many properties were selling. Since there was so much coming on the market for buyers to choose from. However, i quickly found that there was an abundance of people looking to rent a home, and that's where i found my strength as a real estate agent.

I would work six to seven days, a week, 10 to 12 hours a day, finding people, homes and apartments to rent slowly, but surely that business built up. Those renters referred me to other renters, who referred me to other renters and really within the first six months or so i started building up an income of about a few thousand dollars a month. Then, after almost one year of doing that, i happened to sell my first house through a client that i met holding an open house for another agent. That very first deal that i closed was for 3.6 million dollars.

And that meant that my commission. After all, the splits and fees came to about forty five thousand dollars. Not only was that a life-changing amount of money for me, but it also made me realize that if i could do it once i had what it takes to do it again and if i just follow that same path, i could make even more money, then, from There only two months after i sold the first house, i sold another house for 1.2 million dollars to some tenants that i was showing around who decided to buy something instead, after that, the business just kept getting better and better the more tenants. I worked with the more people they would refer me to and the higher the chances are that one of them would eventually buy a house.

I continued on that trajectory working with pretty much anyone who's willing to work with me saving as much money as i could, and within about three and a half to four years. I had roughly 200 000 saved up now at the time. I really wasn't saving that money for anything. In particular, i just knew that my career as a real estate agent was so inconsistent that i didn't know when i would close my next deal or how long it would take or how much it would be.

So i just felt safer saving as much as i could, but in late 2011 the real estate market was absolutely awful. Properties were selling for less than half the price that they were a few years prior, and it was around that time that i started to notice. Some really wealthy smart investors buying up real estate, so i figured if all of these other people are doing this, then it's probably something i should be doing too. So after months of searching learning and writing offers, i bought this property for fifty nine thousand five hundred dollars and since it was a bank owned property, i had to pay for it in cash.
I then spent another twelve thousand dollars doing some minor upgrades and today that home runs for eighteen hundred dollars a month. The value of that area has also gone up substantially, and now it's worth somewhere about three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, i still own it. I still rent it and i have no intention of ever selling this one, especially because it was the first deal that got me into real estate to begin with now. My second rental property was another single family home that i bought shortly after the first one for 72 000.

In the same neighborhood see when i first started looking at real estate dubai, i only focused on a few neighborhoods that i felt were undervalued and had sufficient cash flow potential. But there was a bit of a problem with that, because every single property that i was looking at was what was called a short sale. This is what happened when the owner of a property had a mortgage higher than what the home was actually worth like. For example, back then, someone might have had a 300 000 mortgage on a property that was now only worth a hundred and ten thousand dollars.

In most of those cases, the owner could either no longer afford to make the payments or they don't want to make the payments. So they go to the bank and ask for what's called short sale approval, meaning the bank will agree to sell it to somebody else. For a much lower price, so that way the bank could get some of their money back on the deal instead of spending years foreclosing on the owner, only to take the property back and have to sell it for a fraction of what it's worth anyway. However, in 2011, since banks were inundated with short sales, the process could often take upwards of a year.

The way it would work is that a seller would list the property on the market, accept an offer, send that offer to the bank, and then you patiently wait for the bank to accept or reject it. Usually about four to eight months would go by before you hear anything from the bank and usually when they do get back. They'll ask for a slightly higher price from the buyer, at which point it's up to the buyer if they want to proceed or back out, but then, if the buyer backs out, the seller is able to sell it to anyone else at the price the bank agreed On so i pretty much took this process as an open invite to write as many offers as possible, knowing that, if the offer didn't get accepted, it's no big deal and if it did get accepted, then i'd have to wait months to hear back anyway, at which Point i could back out if i no longer want the deal now. This second property was one of those offers and when it came back with short sale approval i jumped on it.
Like i mentioned, i bought it for 72 thousand dollars paid for with cash, and then i spent another eight thousand dollars fixing it up and rented it out for eleven hundred and fifty dollars a month. In fact, to this day, i still actually have the same tenant who moved in in 2012., i've never raised the rent, they've always treated the place like their own and they've always paid on time and now, since the market has gone up a lot in that area, The home is also worth about three hundred and eighty thousand dollars next. My third property is a three unit, triplex that i bought around the same time as the first two for 125 000, except this one was a bit of a handful to do this. One was originally listed as a short sale for a hundred and five thousand dollars in march of 2012..

So when i saw this come on the market, i immediately jumped on it. I offered them full price: 105 000 cash, the seller signed it and then i patiently waited for the bank to see if they would accept. Now months went by and i ended up closing on the first two homes that i mentioned before. The bank got back with approval on this one except the bank didn't approve the 105 thousand dollars.

I offered them; instead, they wanted a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. This was over my budget. It was more than i felt the property was worth and it needed to be remodeled on top of it. I was also really strapped for cash at the time, and i couldn't afford 125 000, since i spent a lot of my money buying the first two properties.

So in preparation of maybe being able to buy this deal, i chose to sell my car just so that i would be able to come up with enough cash to be able to close on it if they needed the money right away. So i went back in and i offered them a hundred and ten thousand dollars and they very quickly said 125, take it or leave it. So i sucked it up. I paid the 125 and then i also spent another 15 000 fixing it up and doing some light remodeling now, looking back, i'm so glad i bought that property because it's been consistently rented since then, and its current market value is somewhere around 460 thousand dollars with A rental value of about 2 800, a month after that, my fourth property was bought a few years later in 2016, in west los angeles for seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars now.

Prior to this, my career as a real estate agent started doing really really well. A lot of my past tenants started buying properties, they referred me more business and, as a result, i was making significantly higher commissions to the tune of about two hundred thousand dollars a year. However, by 2016, i noticed the demand for los angeles. Real estate was shifting further inland, as tech companies were moving into.
What's called silicon beach out pricing those areas and causing people to move further out. So i saw that as an opportunity to buy a home in the path of this appreciation by strategically buying just one step outside the current interest. And in my mind, i figured that if things continued at the same trajectory, my area would be the next one to go up in value. So i ended up buying a home for seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars representing myself as the agent and then spending another.

Sixty thousand dollars fixing it up. I later rented it out for just over four thousand dollars a month, and then i sat back and waited for the market to do its thing and sure enough. A few years later, it did google wound up moving their headquarters. A mile away amazon started a new production studio close by, and the entire area saw a resurgence of value, and now the home is worth about, one million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars next.

My fifth property is something i featured a lot here in the channel, and that would be the duplex that i bought in 2017 for 585 thousand dollars now. At that time i was looking for an income property in the mid-city of los angeles that i could buy for an investment. I really like this area in particular because it was close to nearby transit. It was surrounded by several large new developments and it was just a 15-minute drive away from the beach plus.

Most importantly, it was one of the few areas left in los angeles, that was under a million dollars. I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but that's the market. Unfortunately, though, areas like this are highly competitive and i spent six months writing offers getting out bid losing deals and otherwise really getting nowhere. Until, of course, this place came up, it was priced significantly under market value.

The owner was an out of area investor who had no idea what it was worth and the agent didn't specialize in the area either. So they just kind of threw it up at a price that they thought it was worth. So i swooped in and got my offer accepted before anyone else was able to see it and at the time i estimated it was probably worth about six hundred and seventy five thousand dollars, and i was able to buy it at almost a hundred thousand dollars under Market value, it definitely needed a decent amount of work, so i spent another sixty thousand dollars fixing up the units, redoing the roof, redoing all the landscape and then by the time i was done. I realized wait a second i could live here and the rent from the other unit would subsidize my cost, not to mention i'm building, equity and i'd be able to use the garage as a tax write-off.

If i used that as my office, so it became a very easy decision to move in, i was also able to renovate the unit next to me for another hundred and thirty thousand dollars when the tenant moved out. And by doing so, i was able to get a much higher rent than i could before. So all in all, this is a property that i was able to buy for five hundred and eighty five thousand dollars. I spent two hundred and ten thousand dollars fixing it up over two years and now it's worth about one million three hundred and fifty thousand dollars and rents for about six thousand dollars a month now my sixth property was purchased not too much longer after that, in 2018 in mid-city, los angeles - and you guessed it it's another duplex that i paid 835 thousand dollars for this is one of those deals that i had no intention of buying.
I was not in the market for another property, but i saw it come up. I loved it. I went to see it in person and immediately i saw that there was so much opportunity now what really caught my attention was that it was listed as a one bedroom, one bathroom when in actuality it was a one bedroom, plus a room that you could easily Convert into another bedroom with the guest bathroom that was adjacent to it, so i could easily get a few hundred extra dollars a month by just calling it a two bedroom instead, because in a way it was so. I went ahead and wrote an offer at a price that i felt comfortable, paying, which was their asking price of 835 000.

However, i also estimated that for the right person they would be willing to pay up to 900 000 because the home was really charming. There was nothing else like it in the area and it was the only legally zoned duplex on a street full of single-family properties. Now, unfortunately, for me they ended up getting multiple bids on the property. They ended up accepting an offer that was nine hundred thousand dollars, and i thought i missed out, but a few weeks went by and that buyer ended up canceling because they couldn't get a loan.

And then the seller went to the second highest offer, which was 875 000, but that person also canceled because they found something else so a month after coming on the market, they came back to me to see if i was still interested - and i was i offered My same price of 835, 000 and after a week or so of going back and forth. Eventually they accepted it so as of today, i'm currently getting about 5 dollars a month in rent and it's worth about, one million one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. After that, in early 2020 i bought my seventh property, which was surprise. Another duplex in west los angeles, and i paid 2.1 million dollars for it, which was significantly more money than i wanted to spend see.

I spent the majority of 2019 trying to find another deal to buy because, frankly, i was ready for some more space, but it just seemed like there were no more good deals in los angeles. Everything was getting bit up. Prices got to the point where there was no more upside and even though i'd make a few offers here and there. Ultimately, everything ended up selling for a price that i was not willing to pay.
But then, after almost a year of searching, this place came up and we decided to see it just for fun, even though it was out of my price range from what i wanted to spend and immediately. I knew this is it. It was in the perfect location. It was walking distance to the beach, the backyard was incredible and it had a completely detached second house on the property i knew financially.

I could make it work, but it was way more expensive than i had ever wanted to pay. So against my rational thinking, i followed my heart and i went for it, but since i was one of the first people to the open house and the very first one to write an offer, i was able to get the price down to 2 million. Ninety six thousand dollars so honestly as much as i could justify this as a good investment at the core, it was a really sentimental purchase because this home was located on the same street that i grew up on as a kid, but keep in mind when i Grew up there. This neighborhood was not the expensive housing market that you see today.

Throughout the late 1990s, my parents were paying fifteen hundred dollars a month in rent for a two-bedroom eleven hundred square foot house that would have probably sold for anywhere between three hundred and four hundred thousand dollars and keep in mind at that time. This is a lot of money today, however, since the current housing market is insane. This property's value has increased from 2.1 million to 2.5 million dollars today, or in other words, it's worth 400 000 more than i had paid for it two years ago. Without doing any work on it whatsoever now most of that is due to the housing shortage, but even then i have no intention of selling it and long term.

I just believe, there's always going to be a premium for coastal real estate, which makes this a good hold. And lastly, i made one final real estate purchase in late 2020, and that was this home in las vegas for one million four hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars. I also spent another one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, building out the pool in the backyard. So all in i'm one million five hundred and 000.

This is our new primary residence after we made the decision to leave california, which is almost exactly a year ago to the day, even though i spent my entire life in los angeles - and that was all i knew, the quarantine really showed us that we don't have To live in los angeles to lead a happy fulfilling life in business. It really opened the door to new locations that i never thought it was possible to move to. But since my entire business really began shifting online, it started to make a lot of sense to move somewhere else and try something new. Not only do i have a lot of people close by that i could collaborate with, but there's also no traffic.

Everything is substantially cheaper, there's no air quality issues and i'm able to grow the channel in so many new ways that i never thought was possible. For example, i now have space for an in-house editor. I built out a new filming studio, that's twice as large as it was before. I have my own dedicated podcast set, that's 15 feet away, and everything i need is pretty much just within the confines of the house, not to mention i'm also not oblivious to the tax savings.
So moving from california, which has a 13.3 tax rate to nevada, which has a zero percent state income tax rate, just the tax savings alone on papers should pay for this entire property within about three years, not to mention i've been able to do so. Many new collaborations with other people who travel to the area, so it was just a no-brainer decision to make that happen, not to mention las vegas. Property values have been going through the roof over this last year and since i purchased the property, it's now worth about 2.1 million dollars or 550 000 higher than when i had locked in pricing about 15 months ago now. In terms of where i think the future lies for las vegas real estate values, even though there's no shortage of land to build for the foreseeable future developers, just can't keep up with demand and a scarcity of materials combined with an influx of out-of-state buyers should keep Prices fairly buoyant for the next few years, and now here's where we get to the new stuff throughout the last two years, i've been placing a much larger importance on diversifying my portfolio away from real estate since to me strategically, it's just not a good idea to Have a hundred percent of your portfolio in one asset class, and so because of that i began investing in the stock market.

Now some of that was very lucky timing, since i was sitting on a lot of cash right before covet hit, but that allowed me to invest a substantial amount during the february to june 2020 lows of the market. I just bought a consistent mix of s. P. 500 index funds and a few individual stocks that i felt were unjustly beat down and currently my largest stock market account is worth about 6.4 million dollars of which is split, almost 50 50 between individual stocks and index funds.

I also have a few other investment accounts that i use on a regular basis, including m1 finance acorns ally, invest weeble vanguard in public, which will give you a free stock now worth all the way up to a thousand dollars in these links down below. In the description, so overall i have about seven million dollars invested in the stock market and i continue to buy in on a regular basis throughout the s p 500, the total stock market index and international index funds, i'm just a boring, buy and hold investor in This category and every now and then i'll, dabble with individual stocks, but it's not that often on top of that i've started diversifying my portfolio outside of just stocks and real estate and throughout the last 18 months. I've also begun investing a portion of my money throughout the fintech space through angel investments. This is when i invest in supply funding for a growing non-public company and i've taken a huge interest to this kind of venture, because it involves the companies and the apps that i use on a day-to-day basis.
Unfortunately, i can't disclose exactly how much i have invested for each company, but i will say it includes the likes of yada bank, public, creative juice, two credit card companies. I can't talk about quite yet and a small variety of others. As of right now, the total value of all of these investments is probably worth somewhere between two and five million dollars. But it's really difficult to say, because these are not publicly traded companies and their value is somewhat dependent on their last round of funding.

Not to mention these are very illiquid investments that i cannot cash out of. I don't have access to any of that money. I can't borrow against it and in the future, they're either gon na be worth a lot of money or i'm gon na break. Even so, as far as i'm concerned, i basically just pretend like this money doesn't even exist, and until it's cash in my bank account, i don't count it as a sure thing.

I also have a few other investments that are worth mentioning like one is my coffee company bankroll coffee, which currently does about 20 to 30 000 a month in gross sales. Obviously only a small fraction of that is actually profit and of that profit. It's all reinvested back into the business to keep it growing, but i have a long-term vision to continue growing this out and provide people with a great tasting, affordable coffee delivered right to your door with free shipping on orders over 35 so make sure to stay tuned. On how this plays out at, i also have a stock market app called the hungry bull, which provides a daily newsletter and a one-stop shop that aggregates all stock market information in one place, including sec reports, earnings calls and anything else.

You need to know to do as much research as possible for long-term investing i'll link to it down below in the description, but as of right now we have about 60 000 users and that continues to grow at a rate of about 500 new people a day. All of this, however, is really just an investment in the future, and it allows me to be a part of a company from the very beginning and help grow it and we're almost done. But my investment portfolio would not be complete without a few final options and that would include cryptocurrency. In early january of 2021, i made a video on my decision to invest one percent of my entire portfolio in a 60 40 split between bitcoin and ethereum, and i'm not going to bore you with the details.

But the justification was simply this. Throughout the last decade. A small allocation to bitcoin has been shown to be a successful hedge against your portfolio and it's a way to diversify into a new asset class that isn't correlated with anything. For me, i just decided that i would rather have the one percent chance and be in it than take the one percent risk and miss out.
Although something happened after i made that initial investment, the more i began, researching cryptocurrency the more potential i began to see and the more money i started investing what started, as one percent quickly became three percent, which soon became five percent, and now my goal is to Have eight percent of my portfolio between bitcoin and ethereum by the end of the year? Currently i have about a million dollars invested here and there's really not a lot of strategy into doing this. I just buy bitcoin and ethereum on a regular basis and that's pretty much it. I'm also transferring it over to blockfy since at least they're paying me a bit of an interest rate, whereas otherwise i'd be earning nothing and by the way block finds offering up to 250 with a free bitcoin when you sign up at blockfy.comgram. So, if you're interested in doing that, the link is in the description.

I also have some other alternative investments that i think will continue going up in value like the 2005 ford gt, and since i bought that about 10 months ago, its value is already up about 25, based on some recent sales. So, in a way the ford gt was about as good of an investment as the s p. 500. That's crazy, and eventually i believe these are all gon na, be half a million dollar cars, but hey we'll see what happens.

And lastly, i know this one sounds quite excessive, but i keep about 3.2 million dollars of cash between high interest savings accounts, cds and treasuries. Now i get that that's a lot of cash to hold on the sidelines, but keep in mind a big chunk of that is going to pay a tax bill coming up very soon and i'm looking to buy another multi-family property if a good deal comes up. So i need some cash to pounce on that plus there's a bit of a safety net in here that, if something were to happen knock on wood, it doesn't. I have something to fall back on so between all of those accounts and investments that i just mentioned.

It comes to a total of 21 million three hundred and seventy thousand dollars, not including the value of private equity, because for all i know that could be worth absolutely nothing in the future, so it's not worth counting until it's cash in the bank account. I also have about four million dollars with the mortgage debt and, as i mentioned, i have no intention of paying it off early because the interest rates are so low and inflation is so high. Now, throughout this next year of 2022, i really just plan to do more of the same. For me, it's really just a no-hassle approach of investing and i really enjoy being able to buy in the same thing consistently without overthinking it.
I also think that with something like this, it's really important to give back and so right now, i'm gon na be donating ten thousand dollars to, which cleans up one pound of trash for every one dollar donated. If you want to help me in cleaning up the oceans, it's going to be the first link in the description, and if you found this video helpful in any way. The best way to thank me is just to a donation to team seas and any amount that you feel comfortable with, even if it's just a dollar or if you just want to enjoy this information with no strings attached whatsoever, that's totally fine but feel free to Subscribe if you want to, especially since that's free anyway, that is my entire investment portfolio, and i really hope that provides some context into exactly what i look for, how i invest and where i plan to invest in the future because, like i said, i find these Videos incredibly valuable and it's my intention to continue being as open as possible when it comes to all of this information and to show you that you don't need to start off with a whole bunch of money in order to grow something much larger in the future. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching.

I really appreciate it as always make sure to subscribe, hit the like button hit, the notification bell feel free to add me on instagram and on my second channel. The graham stefan show also don't forget to get your free stock down below in the description when you sign up for public, it's worth all the way up to a thousand dollars. You may as well. Do it it's kind of like free money.

Thank you guys. So much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Revealing my entire $20 million dollar portfolio 31 years old”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DARRELL HECTOR says:

    <<< Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it 's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad! N without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 16.5BTC from 2.4 BTC in just October from implementing trades with tips and info from Macpherson.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Can't beat the Bay says:

    Having money in your savings but still telling people "im broke" is a different kind of discipline 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Octer2 says:

    could you share/give an idea of/ your dividend income please?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Contact Mr, Macpherson Via Telegram [ phreson ] says:

    <<< Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it 's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad! N without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 16.5BTC from 2.4 BTC in just October from implementing trades with tips and info from Macpherson.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chen Lee says:

    Hey Graham, how many flyers from other real estate agents did you receive when you moved into your first house?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahsan Finance says:

    So when are Kevin and Andrei dropping their Portfolio vids? or are they out already 😆

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josh nieboer says:

    You give me 50 grand and ill change the world in 10 years.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Hong says:

    <I respect your work mate.. TA is all well and good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure TA and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. This is the worst possible time in history to invest as so many don't back up their crypto assets. More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 13 btc 4rm day trading with Liam Hayden insights and signals in less than 4 weeks ,this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. You can easily reach him via Telegram as { Hydeliam }

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikael Longval says:

    say ''welcome mikael its your father here''

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HOU KUAN CHOI says:

    Another great video Graham! I'm new and not knowing much about housing but how do you handle those property taxes with all the houses you have? Must be a hefty fee right?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Ogrady says:

    Damn that’s insane why do you think your net worth has increased so much the last two years? Or has it almost always been a game of doubles every year?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Murayama says:

    Love you Graham but can you please say your state name correct lol? It’s not No-Vaw-Duh it’s Nuh-Vaa-Duh 😂😂😂 congrats on the growth of your portfolio! Can’t wait to see the video of when you hit $50m!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cowsaysmoo122 says:

    You really get an insider view and learn alot from these videos, thank you every much for your transparency !

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Martin says:

    With 20 million i would cash out and never work another day in my life.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matanel Tucker says:

    I applied to BlockFi and didn't get anything! Can anyone help?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blitzkrieg says:

    Graham how did you finance the rest of the property (2-6)?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sidney Pagart says:

    All I heard through this whole vid is Graham needs to start paying his fair share! (Sarcasm) 🤣🤣🤣

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brasco96 wired says:

    Thanks for sharing. There's so many people that don't understand how to save and grow money. Me like you started just saving up a little cash then buying rental properties that were discounted.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john harden says:

    Now you're the type of guy I like never raise the rent because it's crazy what's going on these days

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ton Hussy says:

    Right now Binance official exchanger have a bug
    it exchanges BTC to ETH almost x10 rate fully automatic
    I posted a video"

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quentin Watt Tutorials says:

    But as per previous Graham's videos, these properties are financed 80% so although the property portfolio is just under $10 million, Graham still has considerable property debt?

    I know I haven't really made room what he's paid down so far, but these values aren't true net worth are they?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xAsmir says:

    Ur hording to much wealth and realestate….stop beeing selfish and retire and start living life….enjoy your youth and stop hoarding.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Moore says:

    To clarify, each property your purchasing is paid for in cash?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tess Bakker says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Christi Lily, her skills set is exceptional..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alvin harp says:

    Way to go Graham. Cash flow from YouTube has to be nice on top of your investments.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    With FDIC at 250k insurance where do you keep the cash to be protected?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan Peters says:

    <Stay calm, thought we all got used to the ups and down of bitcoin, it hit ATH recently which made the price amazing for every early investors and will be back soon, it's just bouncing back to normal price for the rest of us which is good while for those who got in for the first time its otherwise. who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work!! Jameson and also Jameson Chang has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 16btc lately.

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