Reinvention for Relevance | Mindset Monday
In today’s fast-moving world, relevance is critical. But gaining – and retaining – relevance requires effort. Is it time to reinvent who you are and what you have to offer? Find out in this week’s Mindset Monday.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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The whole game is about relevancy and understanding like what's happening in our culture, so as the world continues to shift and we continue to evolve, i think a lot about this phrase: cultural relevancy. What does it mean to be culturally relevant to understand, what's happening in the times whether it is to understand meme culture or nfts or blockchain, or just simply the power of video or or how influencers be are being created in business? Every single day, people like you and i just because of our willingness to put out content, the whole game is about relevancy and understanding like what's happening in our culture, what's happening in our society. So, as you think about this and you're starting out your week, i guess my challenge, for you is: where do you need to level up in? Maybe your modernism right, where, where you can identify hey i've been doing this game for a long time. It helped me establish my brand.

I've done really well with it, but it's probably time to upgrade like taking your phone and upgrading to the new ios right. You simply don't want to have anything in your business. That's running on microsoft! Dos, you might even have to google that, but think about it, like so culturally relevant across your entire business, but also in the way you think it's being open to new ideas, new approaches and not shutting things down, because hey i've had a lot of success. In this area of my life - and it's always kind of worked for me, but instead, like i'm open, i think about my mentor mike vance, the one of the most creative people on the planet.

You know worked with walt disney for the last eight or nine years of his life. Mentored people like jack, welch and steve jobs and was friends with mother teresa invented the salad bar. If you've been to a salad bar. I would literally i'd go to a restaurant.

I'd say this is a great salad bar i'd, say: you're welcome right. His whole thing was to understand that every 18 months we have to do some reinvention in our life. We have to do some reinvention in our life and then, if you look at the some of the great business philosophers of our time, they would always say the same thing like all businesses, innovation and marketing. But where does the innovation need to take place with us? That's the message of the day: where do you need to become more culturally relevant? Where do you need to maybe upgrade your iphone here and the way you view and think about your life and your business? Where do you need to become more of a modernist? That's really the question of the day go: go, try something new! You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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