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Holy smokes y'all, i just have to say i am utterly exhausted, with the idiocy of idiots, whatever the idiots that frequent the youtube or twitter comment section, it is utterly moronic, so listen very closely. I personally believe in the very following and i'll make this crystal clear, because a lot of people can't stand to get through even 60 seconds of a video before drawing dumb, idiotic conclusions number one and i've made this very clear. I believe you should get vaccinated. However, i believe that should be your choice.

Number two. I believe that omicron is mostly a nothing burger that it is being overblown by markets. However, number three: that does not mean that markets are not identifying holes in the data that we're getting and that we need to be aware of those holes in the market. Like my south africa, video that i just posted showing the three major issues we have with age, localization and prior immunity in south africa, and if you don't understand what those three things are, then you should watch the video on the real reason on why the market Is fearing omicron? The problem is only the smart intellectuals who actually care for additional insight.

Make it to the end of the video to understand a full context of what this actually means for investing in our portfolio. But here's our a clear crystal clear message to the idiots who just watched the first 60 seconds and they're like wait. A minute kevin you're, the one who said the omicron's, nothing burger now you're saying the market's overreacting off like holy they're, just some dumb people who don't watch the video and they leave comments like fudd or oh, you just want your puts to print or you just Want to sell your courses a bunch of blind, bumbling dummies who are unwilling to receive new information. It's literally like their brains.

Have this force field. That's like nope, nope, i'm not taking in new information, joe rogan said: that's fun, fight fight, fun! That's literally! The comment section when it comes to omicron data and if you don't want new omicron information, don't click on the goddamn video, it's not that hard jesus. So i want to be crystal freaking clear, i'm all in on this market. I believe this market is overreacting to omicron, build back better in the fed for the smart people who actually listen to my content.

All the way through you know that i believe inflation will come down. You know that i believe our economy will be the most resilient economy that we've ever seen we're going to have the most efficient tech companies the world has ever seen because we're becoming so freaking efficient at companies we have cleared this pandemic has cleared inefficiencies out of Tech companies - that's not to say they don't still exist, but this market has cleared inefficiencies out of tech companies and if you think tech companies are overvalued, you got another thing coming to you in the next decade. I don't really care it's fine make whatever bet you want, but to the idiots who write, fud or bullcrap comments in the sec in the comment section or whatever they're the same dummies who are just trying to get up votes, saying things like backed holdings to the Moon at fifty dollars or dwacked to the moon at 170, when i make videos saying it's a bubble and it's gon na crash they're the same people going. Oh that's just bird kevin, that's just fun! I literally said both of those would crash.
They crashed okay. It doesn't mean i'm perfect on everything. The point is the dumb emotion that you get in the comment section is so bloody dangerous. It like blinds people from actually trying to have their minds, be permeable to other perspectives, and it's this whole twitter and youtube comment.

Section. Culture, that's like toxic and keeps people dumb didn't even start, but anyway, i think i went through enough of that. Okay with all that said now, let's go ahead and hop into what is actually happening in the market, because the market is fearful and you have to respect that the market goes in cycles. That's the way it is so get over it; okay, so the dow's down one point: four: nine percent s p is down one point: three: seven percent the nasdaq's down one point: four: two percent: the russell's uh down one point: four: one percent: it's painful volatility is Up about nine percent, it's less volatility than what we had at uh the beginning of the day.

We went all the way up to about 50 in terms of uh uh, i'm sorry uh. We went up to about 14 15 earlier we went up to about 25 on the vix earlier, so we've seen some of the volatility. Some of that pain come down uh, so you got to be careful on that uh now uh. The reason i say that is because the best time in my opinion to buy is when volatility is at max.

Those are like the ideal times to go shopping. Not always, but frequently like that fear index goes up, especially when it went above 30. I think it was on december 6th. Those were some of the low prices which we've literally seen a revisit to.

Even though volatility has not gone back to 30, we've seen a lot of companies revisit those numbers, and it's specifically those bottoms that we keep talking about like the lemonade, donkey signs, sofi uh, cloudflare, enface, hood, matterport, piton, carnival cruise lines and firms these guys. These continue to hit bottoms uh in in terms of some of their prices, doesn't mean they can't go lower, but in my opinion, it's a good sign. It's also i'm gon na probably post a video either later today or tomorrow. We already talked about this in the course uh member live stream, but about this cat and mouse game.

That's actually happening with hedgies right now, uh you're gon na, if you're not subscribed yet you're gon na want to subscribe for that and watch for that. I'll probably put in the title uh something about cat and mouse, so watch for that video. That's gon na be a really important one on on something that i really think is happening in the market right now and uh. It's it's potentially gon na set up for some big moves in the first quarter of 2021 uh 2022 - that is anyway, so uh smp set for biggest three-day drop since may.
In my opinion, this is delicious uh. First of all, the reason i think this is delicious is because i'll tell you uh june july august september. I cannot tell you how many people were leaving again with the freaking comments: okay, but how many people were leaving comments going? Oh my gosh: if only we could go back to may 12th pricing. Everything was about go back to may 12th.

Pricing may 12 pricing look mate, was freaking great uh tesla's, probably not the best example, but i'm just gon na go back to it. Anyway. Look at uh somewhere right around here may 12th right around here. There may 12 13.

This area here, cpi data just came out - i mean tesla - was at a close of 584.. Did it go a tiny bit further about to a may 19th, but this period of time, oh, my gosh people wanted to go back to that. So hardcore. Look at some of the other prices.

Okay - and this is really important because end phase folks look at end phase - may 12 108. It got so freaking low, so low that end phase itself started buying their own shares back like crazy, and it was so beautiful. It was so good uh and those are the kinds of things that you want to watch. So one of the things that i'm going to write down right now is you really want to watch for companies buying their own stock or insider transactions during this time? So i'm going to write down insider and buy backs, especially unannounced buybacks apple's been buying back their stock a lot, but that's different from unannounced buybacks, because the price is low, apple's just doing that as a way to return capital to shareholders.

Uh buybacks, in my opinion, are actually a much more efficient way of returning capital to shareholders compared to dividends. I think dividends are a curse, even though apple provides dividends as well. I sided with steve jobs on no dividends, because i, quite frankly i think dividends are stupid. If, if you want cash flow, sell your dumb stock right, uh it and sell it at long-term capital gains rates.

If you want uh, if you don't want the cash flow, then don't sell, but with dividends you kind of get forced the money on you right. So if you don't want it, i got ta, take it uh and then you pay taxes on it. So anyway uh. It's just a little bit of a rant there on on dividends versus uh uh share buybacks prefer share buybacks, but again that may 12th time frame is such a critical, critical uh juncture uh that we hit uh, because there was so much fear uh at that time.

Specifically in the larger companies that we had so, for example, and face, i believe, etsy was - was relatively low. Larger companies are going to be those over 10 billion dollars right. This is, you can see these bottoms here. Look at that end face bottom over here and i'm sorry.
This is etsy and look at how we actually channeled. We hit the bottom and then we channeled for a bit before we had our breakout. That's pretty critical right here. We want to watch for these sorts of things uh, and i think this is a very, very similar move that we can see over here.

Uh end phase is uh, not quite i'm sorry etsy. I keep saying this. Uh etsy is not quite yet ready to break its 200-day moving average, but it's heading there uh and that's what we saw in may as well. Breaking that 200-day moving average uh.

Those are those are big moments, so these are, in my opinion, opportunities. I love the fact that bloomberg is referring this as uh as a painful time come as as painful of a time as compared to the uh beginning of uh or middle of may. I think that's a really good thing: uh, that's great uh! Yes, i agree olympic fireball a lot of uh. Insiders are tax loss harvesting.

I don't, i wouldn't necessarily say insiders, maybe because insiders oftentimes have options, but i do think that there are a lot of people tax loss harvesting. So while i question the insider part uh, i do think there there are executives like zuckerberg and elon, who are selling for fears that uh taxes may be higher in 2022, so they may as well sell. Now. I agree with that uh, but uh yeah.

Definitely some uh potential issues there with tax loss, harvesting, absolutely agreed so uh, let's see here, quebec closes bars gyms. I think schools are getting closed in you quit back as well. Solar stocks fall after biden's plan fizzles. We i mean we're pretty familiar with this.

Already uh we've got uh. What else do we have here? Uh kathy woods, 40 return prediction draws rebukes, i mean no surprise. Everybody loves to bag on kathy. I don't uh, i you know.

I really kind of aligned. Probably 90, with her thesis as i broke down in my video this weekend. I guess i would be criticizing myself if i disagree too much but uh, but i also try to be realistic but anyway, so uh yeah. This is this is quite painful for certain stocks.

Here, look at this solar edge is another uh solar, inverter company kind of like uh enface. It just broke its 200-day moving average, it uh is, is substantially down from its 50-day moving average, something to keep an eye on uh. This is now dropping us 264.. You know we we've been at these prices, not that long ago, october, uh july, so it's not like it feels like this substantial deal that we're getting over here wow, i have to say i am surprised to see peloton uh.

Potentially it's not hitting a new floor. We have this floor around the 3642 over here, but i'm surprised to see peloton down 9.29 right now. That does beg the question as to maybe is there some additional news on piton and so we're going to find that out in just a second. At the same time, i think we've also yeah.
No we've got oil selling off as well. I generally don't get into the commodities. I don't think there's a competitive advantage, though i think commodities can be fun to trade, but i know oil's going down, which is honestly no surprise i mean. Would you think the global economy is expected to uh uh to grow at a substantially slower pace because of omicron and - and i think part of the market too is freaking out, because you you have this potential overreaction of governments like when you hear that quebec is Shutting down schools and all this stuff, it's like whoa! That's that's a lot of potential uh, a potential government overreaction right uh.

So so that's a risk. So, okay, let's see here, uh yeah. If you just read the title: go watch the first like two three minutes or whatever. Okay, let's go ahead and find out what we got going on with piton here so piton, okay, so uh and i think no okay, never mind.

I was going to look at the short interest on piton, but i don't think that's so terribly important right now, because i think it's actually relatively low looks like we have a peloton shareholder alert by former louisiana attorney general uh, um, okay class action laws uh. This is just a reiteration of class action lawsuit. I actually know notifies investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed. Ah, okay, okay, so it's a new lawsuit, yeah, okay! Well that happens.

The stocks go down and then they get beat to the ground by the short sellers by the short selling attorneys. That unfortunately happens frequently. Okay - let's see here so pelton solars rivien down at 89 uh i mean this is one of those that that does have some good risk in it. But i do think there there is going to become a cheap point where it makes sense to buy this one.

If you have not yet watched my video on uh rivian, i highly encourage you watch the rivian video. Do read the pinned comment, though, because there's this minor revision doesn't make a big difference to the broader uh valuation, uh or evaluation of the company so watch my rivian video just type into youtube: meet kevin rivian, okay, carvana uh, seven point: eight: six percent: you know Carvana this used to be a lot higher. Now i haven't been paying attention to carbon yeah. Look at that.

It was almost 400 folks. Look at that absolute destruction in the valuation of carvan. Just ridiculous. I mean ludicrous destruction there.

Carvana's evaluation was actually one of the reasons i originally invested in shift technologies. I did close my position and shift technologies mostly because we're having this dramatic downturn in the small caps, which i think will set up for a 2022 reversal, but exactly when that reversal is going to set up for the smaller caps, that's tbd. Unfortunately, so then we've got uh. Oh my gosh api, oh wow, they're at 16 holy moly okay.
So this peak right here happened when elon musk went on to talk to vlad on clubhouse right after the gamestop crisis. So the game like clubhouse, was really getting a lot of attraction during this uh and attention during the gamestop crisis. But then, when elon musk went to go talk to vlad this thing, freaking exploded because it's like the backbone of clubhouse holy moly. That momentum has absolutely absolutely gotten destroyed wow.

I have not paid attention to that one in a while, i'm not in it but wow. Oh, my gosh moderna actually turned red. Now, one of the reasons - and i speculated about this earlier - i i was not very happy about the modern results, because the modern results with the antibody increase on on their booster shot were really only results after 29 days, which i understand, okay, 29 days like come On you know, we got to give them some time to do their studies and stuff, but you can find people who are like 60 90 days past and and i imagine uh conduct some form of a study for omicron exposure. Uh and antibody reactions once you're a longer term past.

I don't know so maybe i'm wrong about that. But when i see like the newspapers and the mainstream media they're like oh moderna, yay 80 fold increase with the full booster shot or whatever. If you get the full dose of the booster and i'm like wait a minute, the press release on modernis says that's only 29 days after getting the booster. Of course, your antibodies are going to be higher 21 days after, but i want to know three months after four months after like does this go back down the toilet right, the antibodies are the most fleeting thing with these vaccines, but also antibodies are relatively fleeting with Prior illness, what what tends to last or the is that t cell response and that's actually really critical for preventing that severe disease so especially with omicron uh, okay, so uh neo down to 28 25..

You know, i feel bad for neil. I love neo uh. I really do i want to visit them in norway, uh, but uh. You know, i'm look.

Let me put this away, i'm very glad they're expanding outside of the chinese market. They uh they need to get away from the chinese consumer and their chinese company, which i know is kind of crazy to say, but uh you have uh. They have more info six uh, where where's that hawkman, if you have that data, is that in the press release because i was reading in the press release and i didn't see that are you saying they will have more or they already do. Maybe give me a clarification on that, but anyway uh yeah neo.

It's good that they're trying to expand to europe because they really need to. I did see the et5 release. I think it's awesome, especially that battery pack. I actually think it's unbelievable uh.

You know, like tbd i'll, probably make a video on it, but i mean that that range that they're talking about, i think, is insane uh if they can pull that off. That's that that is actually huge. So a matterpor palantir, look at that pounce here back under. I think we're seeing relatively similar floors here sitting at 18 again on robin hood, but these are such similar numbers that we keep seeing over and over again in phase right around 180 sitting at 178.: hey it's two buck discount to that 180 level.
Fine uh lucid, also kind of hitting a floor around that 36 to 38 level. You know those are the kind of floors that you want to be looking for like okay, maybe we buy the dip. Maybe we buy the dip right. Those are the things that i'm looking for uh, so docusign still above its floor level as well sitting at 148.

expi stuck at 33.. Well, you know we keep seeing all this red, but it comes after these little brief moments of green. I think uh tesla's, probably the largest one, getting hit here at uh sitting in about 900 uh and going into elon, potentially well, not having fully finished selling but potentially being done for 2021. Is it? Are we already at the bell? Oh my gosh dang.

It hold on making new lows, so you see that now around 23., so a net positive tone in the last few hours of trading right here as the s p finishes down just over one percent. The dow down 437 was down almost 700 at the peak. The nasdaq is also lower on the day, but also not really underperforming, as we hit uh the close s, p 45 to 16., okay uh. We have micron technology reporting.

Today we have nike reporting today, 15 minutes after the bell, so we're waiting for micron actually potentially right away. We do have the dow down a one point. Two three percent s p down one point: one: four: nasdaq down one point: two four russell down one point: five, seven uh that move on micron micron should already be out uh. Let's see if i can find it here.

Mu is the ticker symbol and uh not out yet so we are awaiting micron and we are awaiting nike i'm going to have both of those pulled up, so we can find out what those earnings are as soon as they come through. The tape mikey is expecting a 6.8 move in after hours and micron is expecting a a 7.8 move in the after hours. Okay, so let's uh, let's see what we got here. We have let's go back here there we go uh, okay, so lots of red.

Obviously, as draftkings had to hit a floor, yet that would be interesting. Somebody else says emu's at 405.. Okay, so you have a different resource than i do, but that apparently you appear to be right since uh we're a little bit behind. Oh there.

It is it just came in it. Just came in uh, okay, micron comes in with that's a miss on cash flow, adjusted eps comes in with a beat, though that's a beat. Uh 216 adjusted eps versus 212 tiny beat there. Cash flow from operations came in at 294 versus 4.07 bill and uh net came in at 231, 2.31 billion uh total revenue came in at 7.69 billion and unadjusted eps coming in at 2.04.
It is a beat on adjusted eps, but a miss there on cash flow, which i wonder why they're just particularly reporting that metric here looking at mu, it actually appears to be peaking in the after hours on on that little beat there uh about four to five Percent up right now, though, it's fluctuating okay, here we go revenue. Oh good, we have a forecast. That's beating forecast was 7.32 midpoint on the forecast is actually at 7.45 billion for q2 revenue. That's a beat uh for forecast revenue, that's good or forecast revenue or forecast.

Who cares uh four to five percent? That's that's exciting, uh! So good good job micron there uh now up about five percent in the after hours. We are waiting for nike to come through. Nike is uh, historically a a big big, big big indicator for consumers. I think that this nike earnings report is going to be much uh very critical for outlook wise.

We want to know uh what the outlook is for the preview here, uh in the next quarter, if we end up getting a bad guide for the first quarter of next year or or even this, this last quarter. This quarter that we're in here because right now, they're going to report to the september 30th, we want to know hey, wait, a minute or so yeah september 30th. We want to know hey how was the last quarter of 2021, but also, what's your outlook for the beginning of next year, uh that that could be pretty big. So we'll see what happens here with nike, but otherwise uh we've got micron doing very well.

Uh nike coming out soon, so here's uh draftkings, unfortunately draftkings still struggling to find a bottom here on draftkings you've got somebody says: look at crypto, okay, i will then i will do as you say: oh dude, thanks for the uh five dollars, marcus appreciate it. What is this? Oh look at that, it's literally playing our lines again on the one minute you can't make this stuff up. We draw these lines every single. Well, actually, we look at the lines every single day, the draw the lines have been here for months.

We've not moved this channel over here in a very, very long time, uh. Actually, i don't think we've ever moved our channel we've. We just had it here and we keep hitting this floor over here, which is very interesting. How we bounced off of this today, uh.

So i'm i'm a little skeptical to draw a line yet here, but i'm watching this, so we've had had some quite a few over cells here. So there's something going on around that mid 45 5 level. But it's good to see crypto going right back into its channel where it belongs. Uh.

Look at this perfect freaking bounce on ethereum. You cannot make this up geez! Look at that from this morning, perfect freaking bounce off gee. I wonder if it's gon na bounce off the top again, you know it's just over and over again uh, but anyway good good good. What uh? How did firm finish up the day? Let's take a look here, so a firm uh ends up at 96.27, pretty close to our support over here we have.
Oh, let's see what did well today, uh big digital actually went up today, probably as uh crypto started recovering, we started seeing a little bit of recovery here and i think they almost kind of get forgotten. Sometimes uh is cnbc really just now reporting micron hold on who are they reporting on its bottom line 2.16? That is ahead of wall street expectations? We reported micron like four minutes ago how? How does it? How does it all right? We beat that one a while ago, uh the year is 2045 kevin, still can't believe every time his ta works. That's funny. I know uh all right, so carnival.

Look at that almost back to 19. This morning we actually opened uh a pretty low this one. What was the low this morning pretty sure our low was in like the 17s this morning or something relatively low uh that was oh yeah yeah. Look at that open this morning.

Folks, oh yeah, we opened around the 1760s on carnival this morning, so nice recovery on carnival, which is somewhat surprising, is nvidia. Moving with micron, that's great nvidia's had a little bit of a deal spawn as well. Let's take a look here at nvidia, nvidia yeah a little bit of sympathy. There point eight percent i'll all agree with that: uh still 277 for a company like nvidia uh juicy.

I, like it uh i've liked nvidia for a long time we're finally getting some softness and we really seem to be hitting a potential soft floor in these 270 to 280 range somewhere around here. We'll see, i really hope at some point as well. We hit a floor for neo, but i'm just not seeing it yet. We just continue to trend down palantir.

It's been bobbing around that 18 level. It's really trying to go lower, but fortunately it has hasn't been so we'll watch this okay. So, let's see here to the basement, we go. Oh, no any reason you prefer carnival cruise lines over norwegian cruise lines, not really, i think it's just uh for whatever reason at the beginning of the pandemic, i i made my bets on carnival instead of the other ones, and i had my reasons then, and i Think i've kind of just become more attached and familiar with carnival.

I don't have anything bad to say about norwegian. If you are going to invest in the recoveries, i would wait for that peak inflection, which i think uh i mean not financial advice might end up coming in january. It could it could come sooner though, so you really want to pay attention to those omicron updates. Uh, whether it's from me or other people, but uh, omicron's, gon na be a big one, so we're awaiting nike earnings here and the nike earnings, i think, are going to be critical, uh to uh, to uh regarding forecasting our economy and what we could expect for Consumer stocks going forward big big potential risks so we'll see any other reason they can find out why moderna went down as much as it did today.
Let's take a look here, i'll. Take a quick, peek mrna, let's see, what's going on, welcome tanner, okay, so hmm carnival carnival carnival. That's a comment on the experience, something like. Oh the experience me or i, oh, are you asking me about the experience i don't know.

I don't even know if i've been on november. I think i've been on norwegian once in carnival like two or three times disney was awesome but disney's just too expensive, they're cruises anyway uh. I don't see a particular other reason why moderna would be selling off. I think if anything, yeah uh falls despite despite booster shot, blah blah blah blah new zealand says a man's death may be linked to pfizer that could have helped push a u-turn anytime.

You link a death to a vaccine. You have potential issues right that that's no bueno, so health officials in new zealand believe a 26 year old man's death may be linked to the pfizer vaccine. The man died within two weeks after his first vaccine dose according to bloomberg news. An earlier review showed that the probable cause was myocarditis yeah, that is, that is a known side effect.

Most of that inflammation. The heart muscle passes and most people recover within three months. Sometimes they have lingering symptoms, but uh yeah. That's not good.

With the current available information, the board has considered that myocarditis would probably do the vaccination in the individual. The board said the covet infection. Uh can itself be the cause of myocarditis, as well as other severe illness, and it remains safer to be vaccinated than to be infected with the virus. The man's death marks the second in new zealand that may be linked to covet vaccines.

Late august, a woman died from myocarditis, which the board said was likely due to vaccination. Two other people, a 13 year old man and a man in his 60s, have also died with potential myocarditis, though they may not have been related to vaccination, and then, of course, they get into benefits, outrage, the risks and so on, and so on. That could be another potential reason. You saw a modern fall today.

This is a webmd piece, and this was published today, new zealand says man's death may be linked to phaser vaccine yeah. That could lead to some pain for the vac stocks for sure, okay yeah. That is true, no vaccine is perfect. You know one of the things they say that actually can potentially lead to that myocarditis is, is the way it's at potentially administered if it's administered in such a way that it hits potentially a vein which is weird given the injection site usually, but if it does Uh then, then it could potentially deliver the the uh mrna vaccine, essentially directly to your heart and lead to an increased chance of this myocarditis inflammatory reaction, sad uh, but anyway, okay.
So we are waiting for nike, uh, nike earnings. These are gon na, be critical uh for the market, i believe, and they should come out within the next three minutes. Muscles are highly vascular, so it's not weird. Well, all right, they're supposed to aspirate before ejecting yeah hold on a sec, uh yeah, i won't say: okay, sorry, oh no! My wife just got out of the hospital after having a baby and got tested now they say she has the virus.

I am terribly sorry like that is a that is probably like the worst time to honestly get covered is like right after you just delivered like you're dead, like you feel dead, no for not that i've ever delivered baby. Just remembering lord, that that sucks, i'm sorry for y'all, that's uh! Well, hopefully it's it's mild and you all get through it, but uh, okay, so um next nike earnings, two minutes, two minutes, nike uh! She has no symptoms. I think that's what i mean no symptoms that stay six, we're both not vaccinated. We both don't have symptoms.

That's good uh, remember one of the ways, in my opinion, the i the most ideal way, not that anybody wants to catch coping. But in my opinion, the most ideal way to get covid is to get exposed with a very low dose of coven, because the lower exposure you have to coven the less your body. Uh needs to fight covid because you, you have a smaller initial attack, and so it allows your body to mount an appropriate defense without overreacting, and so that's why a lot of us can be asymptomatic when we get exposed to covet. So, for example, if somebody with coven like looked at your face and just like sneezed your face and breathed on you for for minutes, let's just say like highly infectious person talking to you face to face or like yelling or shouting at you, you'd probably get a Terrible terribly high dose of coven uh and, and you probably have a horrible illness, if you weren't, you know either vaccinated or had prior illness uh, whereas, like let's say you walk past someone on the subway and and uh, you walk through their their coveted cloud or Whatever briefly - and you got this minor exposure, you could be asymptomatic, so i think it's really neat how the level of your exposure can also determine uh how sick you get with covid.

I think this is where you get these anecdotal stories about people. That'll say like. Oh well, i took vitamin c or i took vitamin d or i took this that or whatever, when really it's, it's quite hard to isolate, why you were asymptomatic and some people like, oh well, my immune system's just good, not necessarily you could have been exposed to A low dose uh anyway uh, but but no no, i look when i hear people are asymptomatic. Honestly, i think that's that's the best way to go.

It's like oh wow, really i got covered like i don't feel anything that is oh nike's out hold on uh. That is the best okay, so nike comes in. Oh that's a beat uh 83 cents versus 70 uh eight cents a year over, wait hold on that's the year over year, hold on hold on a second that's the year-over-year estimate. Wait: wait, wait a minute greater china revenue came in lower gross margin, beat gross margin, beat no it's a meat estimate.
Okay gross margin hits 45.9 percent. The estimate was 44.2, that's a beat. That's great. Greater china revenue came in with a miss 1.84.

The estimate was 2.14, so china is slowing down. There's your neo, those chinese consumers are getting hurt, but neo's total revenues beat 11.36 billion versus 11.26. That is excellent. Inventory came in slightly lower than expected, which honestly is probably not a terrible thing.

We want inventory off the shelf. We want inventory in the customer's hands. Uh you've got apparel revenue coming in 3.65, north american revenue 4.48. So if you want exposure exposure to an international market you're only getting about 33 of your north uh, your revenue at nike from north america, the rest is coming from around the world.

That's actually really good: greater china revenue down 20 folks. That is bad, so uh, that that is a big chinese, consumer, whack and and nike is evidencing this. I bet yeah that uh uh, that earnings call at nike is not going to be happy about uh about china uh. This could be interesting.

This could be possible. This is true: chinese customers are pivoting to other brands, don't slander the country not trying to slander the country but uh. That's an anecdote. Uh we'll see we'll see about that.

Uh we'll see what uh the earnings calls show and if that ends up being true at other consumer brands in china, uh nike right now only up one point: one percent: it's only about a one percent uh in the after hours. Right now, despite beating eps eps, coming in at 83, uh versus a 63 cents, so uh that is very, very interesting. Nike report: okay, yeah, i'm trying to see what the forecast is going to be nike up, maybe about two percent on reading. I'm really looking for forecasts, asia, pacific and latin - also down about eight percent.

I really think america is going to be the killer in 2022, like america is going to run and the rest of the world is going to suffer and that's not to try to be like home bias or like elitist or something like that. It's just. I think america has the strongest econ uh to get through this, but that's interesting, negative 20 in china, negative eight percent in latin uh. That's quite interesting! Yeah we'll have to watch that earnings call to see what for more details there.

Ah, let's see somebody says: webster changed the definition if you're anti-mandates you're now anti-vaxxed - i i think, that's probably a joke, but uh yeah - that i saw that a lot during the election cycle here in california as well like i was four people having choice and i Wasn't for all these like insane mandates, i think people should get vaccinated, but i'm that's just my opinion. I don't want to like hold somebody down and force them to take a vaccine uh, but um uh yeah, like i would say that during the campaign and people like what are you anti-vaccine like no, like literally just said, i think you should get, but it's just Like politics sucks anyway, uh nike's, actually running now now it's up about four percent on this beat so uh cnbc is, is covering it. So it seems like once cnbc covers it. It starts moving.
It was only up about one percent. Once we covered the earnings, but uh yeah, really it's it seems like it was a beat in north america and i'm trying to see what the expectation was for north america. Oh north american revenue was up 12, that's great. Now the question is: what's the forecast? Is that going to continue and that's going to be your consumer guide? I still don't have a forecast here.

Let me see if i can get it from there 8k. Let's do it together here: okay, politics, a waste of time! Yeah tell me about it. Uh! I just feel bad, it's just the the politicians. We have broadly suck all right.

Let me see if i can get the last report here yeah here. We go all right. Let's see, if i'm looking for a forecast here, give me a forecast. Would you so we already went through the earnings? We just won a forecast, despite continued inventory constraints led by north america's 30 percent growth in north america record black friday week results.

Oh, that's an interesting phraseology here. Black friday wasn't great. It was black friday week, nike brand digital, delivered strong revenue, growth led by double digit growth in north america, offset by a decline in china. This is going to be a very interesting earnings call where's the forecast come on y'all uh 15 bill in cash.

My goodness conference call really rally no no forecast jerks largely do second quarter. Okay, second quarter revenues flat on a currency neutral basis, largely due to lower available inventory, blah blah blah no forecast. That's bizarre, but okay, uh wow, geez er registered nurse got kovid july 20th. Been on a heart failure, medic medication: since march yikes nah, everyone has risk factors, that's a good way to put it everyone's got risk factors: okay, uh yeah, where i okay, the no forecast bothers me a little bit.

I want to see if their advertising is going up, though that's going to be a big big one as well, so revs off selling not really uh. What is that 18 15, or something like that? I mean yeah, it's gone up, it's gone up. What am i saying, let's see here, actually actually relative to those revenues? Wait a second here folks, look at this year. Over year, their advertising and administration has gone up 15, but their revenue only went up one percent now their profit margin has gone up.

So they've probably raised prices, meaning they're, making more on what they're selling but they're, not actually bringing in that much more top-line, rev and they're having to advertise more to get it. That's what i'm talking about it's in my opinion. I got to read more about this, but advertising 2022 count me in. Where do i sign up please? Where does nike advertise and that's where i want to be? In fact, let me see if i can find that really quickly because for giggles, i'm here uh and we don't have the - i doubt they're going to talk about it.
If i were an analyst, i would ask in the earnings call, but i'm not so advert. Do we have the word advert in here see sometimes they'll mention like their partners and stuff like where they're advertising uh increased reliance. Oh see, look at this look at this uh. In addition, our success in the in maintaining extending and expanding our brand image depends on our ability to adapt and rapidly change to rapidly changing media environments, including our increasing reliance on social media and digital dissemination of advertising campaigns through and through our digital experiences.

That's money right there right there. This is telling you facebook, snapchat twitter, youtube uh, which is google right. That's increasing, reliance, that's big! This is from their annual report, which their annual report was actually done. Annual reports, usually we're going to get this kind of stuff.

This was, i think, earlier this year, like march, or something like that, or was it wait? Where was it more recently hold on annual 10k? 10K. 10K. 10K. 10K see they.

I think they have a weird year end. I don't. I don't really know what it was. Whatever it doesn't matter, i want to read more about the advertising.

There should be a date up here. Why is there no date uh as of july? Oh there we go october, 6th, oh okay, that's recent! That's good! That's their! That was their last report was their annual. Oh. In addition, we market proper uh products globally through a diverse spectrum of advertising and promotional campaigns, including social media, mobile applications.

There you go online advertising, yes, mobile, right, big, big, important talent, look they're spending 15 percent more on advertising to get one percent more revenue. I i mean i can't i can't beat this horse enough. It's advertising! It's going to be the year of 2022. you're, going to see more and more of this crap uh okay, mr brown demand creation, expense decreased primarily due to lower marketing advertising expenses for our brand events and retail operations, as well as lower sports marketing expenses.

As sports events were postponed to the covid okay uh, this was in the last one, but they've gone up since then. Demand creation, expense, advertising. That's decreased primarily due to brand events, okay, so less events because of delta. This would have been because of delta.

Okay, we understand so they had to decrease. Then they ramped it up. I want to see more about where they're advertising, advertising tv, digital print, advertising, media costs, brand events, advertising media costs. I wish they would tell us like their partners.
Oh that'd be so money like we advertised on youtube right, that'd, just be too good to be true, i mean we can guess where they advertise. Like honestly, you, you should pay more attention to the ads as an investor really good idea. Uh, that's the downside of having youtube premium. I don't see any of the ads.

I should probably start paying attention to them, like turn youtube premium or just log out uh. First time: advertising, media, okay! This is just accounting purposes: cooperative programs, blah blah blah; okay, all right, but it's good to note that they're going increasingly digital, that's really the takeaway of this annual. Let's see what happens with consumer demand going into that earnings call that i think is going to be very interesting. Yes, snapchat, absolutely what's up b um looking over here, i see facebook ads on about nike.

All the time awesome good to know. Nike we advertise on me yeah, right um, why didn't plus kennedy is to advertise who advertising for? Oh, why widen, widen, plus kennedy? Who that an independent creative network? I wonder who they use, save your everyone? Oh so they might do like the the actual brand or like what the ad is going to be, but then the question is: where do they distribute to? That's always the the tricky thing is trying to figure out what what i care about is the distribution, because i can't necessarily invest in a private companies like like the the content creators like widen or whatever it's a good reference, though it'd be worth looking to see. Where they advertise uh, okay, let's see here, i work in advertising. I should ask for more money this year, in this case yeah pretty much.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Let's see here, companies will have to spend more advertising to achieve growth.

Forecasts completely agree with you. We need more memes, pretty much use a doctor. Oh that's from earlier. Thank you for that.

Uh, let's see here. When can you buy the dip on the choruses any time before the price goes up? I appreciate you saying that uh, but it doesn't go lower it. It goes up uh over time. Okay, cool, that's the advertising agency.

Okay! Well, look at that! Thank you for that. Okay, folks! Oh it's on wikipedia! Thank you for that all right! Thank you! So much. I appreciate y'all being here very interesting. Uh live stream here, we'll.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “**rant warning*** nothing burger covid idiots”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Staryouth Bowman says:

    Don't let get to Kevin. You doing a great job. And most of us understand

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Broughton says:

    Kevin I'm on of those who watches all your videos to the end, and I also commented on a recent video to remind you that you called Omicron a nothing burger. I did that because the video sounded like you had become more fearful of it.

    If just felt like you told me to F off. I'm going to keep watching.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Pitts says:

    By far the angriest I've heard Kevin. He needed to get that out before he exploded 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Williams says:

    Can you please stop spreading FUD about my Lord and Savior Joe Rogan the man has spent his life studying both markets and biology And the fact that he is perfectly in line with all the memes my grandparents share on Facebook is about all the proof I need. Rogan/ Don Jr for prez 2022

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake T. says:

    So many people have developed a serious cranial rectal inversion when it comes to this market.
    Thank you for all your hard work and intelligent perspective, Kevin. Its greatly appreciated.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J D says:

    Trading full time it's like absorbing million bits of unorganized information, like garbage bag of shredded paper. Then forming a organized direction from the random bits.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Destiny Audinett says:

    I love it when Kevin comes down on the idiocy. These are my favorite videos.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tracy Schultz says:

    Just gotta say the pink hair is pure FUD, (Fun Unusual Dye)! Keep it up Kevin and take heart that there are those who appreciate a new view point whether we agree or not.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milad George says:

    Cuz youtube remove dislike so some bad people only option to comment crap

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominik Panufnik says:

    Kev, you're the smartest and hardest working guy around. There's a lot more people watching that don't comment who appreciate the fuck out of you. Thank you!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Kimmell says:

    My man Kevin. Finally let it all out. Don’t be afraid to say fuck more often 😜😂💎🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mastr ill says:

    🔥 Love the rant! Sometimes people can’t take advice or LISTEN to the knowledge that is provided, they’d rather do the easier thing to do which is Hate on the stock doc!Thou shall never question the stock doc! 🙏

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Hackworth says:

    Lol….I think most of the comments you talk about are young immature people.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SGonzalez24 says:

    You sound like a weenie baby. Maybe you ain’t built for this after all

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dyna Lowrider says:

    You can't fix stupid. I've tried….you're trying. It just doesn't work. Keep on keeping it real, Kevin.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ekryth says:

    Dang I wasn't expecting the fire when I clicked on this vid Monday lmao

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Pitre says:

    [ P H I L ] 8–K $5 BILLION. LOAN ! Asian DIAMOND Exchange & HUGE. SHARE BUY BACK$ ?? 💎

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XpertTrading says:

    😯 whoever is triggering Kevin in the comments… we’ll done 🤣👌 nice rant kev

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akaar al-nemri says:

    I love your channel very much. Don't pay those attention at all as most of them are losers

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoboAlexandroP DumaleJr says:

    Ohh Noo! Dr. Stock is not Happy!😭😢😂🤣😂. Sister and brother did a Bubu! 💵💸💰💰💰💰
    Let's Make Money Money Money 💲💲💲

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Amos says:

    Just lost me as a subscriber due to your vulgarity. Your super smart and normally professional. Good luck

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Business Interesi says:

    I love it when he loses it – the guy is alive and real and gives a crap, instead of just releasing content to make more $$$

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Escobar says:

    He said, “ some people’s brains have a force field.” LMFAO!!!!! I love it!

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