Elon Musk tweets that Autopilot had not been enabled as Tesla crash is the main story of the day again, with claims that autopilot or FSD was engaged during the crash. In a tweet he posted, Elon Musk said “Data logs recovered so far show Autopilot was not enabled & this car did not purchase FSD [Full Self-Driving]. Moreover, standard Autopilot would require lane lines to turn on, which this street did not have.”
As for the 4 hour fire claims, Palmer Buck, fire chief for The Woodlands Township Fire Department, said: “With respect to the fire fight, unfortunately, those rumors grew out way of control. It did not take us four hours to put out the blaze. Our guys got there and put down the fire within two to three minutes, enough to see the vehicle had occupants,” Buck said of inaccurate claims the vehicle burned for hours. “After that, it was simply cooling the car as the batteries continued to have a chain reaction due to damage.”
Elon Musk SHOCKING Response to Tesla “Autopilot” Crash | Local Fire Chief Says Media Lying re Fire
Link to the Article from the Houston Chronicle with the Fire Department Chief Interview:
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Oh, my goodness, the whole tesla story out of texas is getting wilder by the second. We have some news from the actual fire chief working on this scene. Actually disputing a lot of the stuff you heard in mainstream media. We also have elon musk, actually coming out and letting us know what the service show as far as what the car was doing, a lot of news a lot to cover today.

This is going to be a bumpy ride. If this is your first time here, we move a little bit fast. You'll get used to the charge shell of the 2019 tesla model. S is what's left after the uncontrollable fire burned from saturday night into the early morning, hours of sunday buck, the chief of the woodlands township fire department.

By the way his name is phenomenal. He sounds like you know, catches fish with his bare hands. Paul burbaki said she said the testifier was an example of how we need to keep up with technology great. I agree, but look what he said.

A second later buck also said that, contrary to some reports in the media, the tesla involved in the crash april 17th, fire did not burn out of control for four hours. Lies fod, bs, mainstream media. He also said that no one from the township fire department called tesla asking for help with the blaze, noting that he is not even aware of the company having such a service lies fund, mainstream media debacle. What the hell is going on.

We got the chief of the fire department, basically saying that this whole nonsense in mainstream media is a bunch of bs with respect to the firefight. Unfortunately, those rumors grew way out of control. It did not take us four hours to put out the blaze. Our guys got there and put down the fire within two or three minutes minutes three minutes, not three hours: mainstream media you're, a bunch of liars.

How can you report this nonsense? Only the houston chronicle has enough huevos to actually talk about the where's. All of these other guys apologizing now now that it matters, you really did the damage. Even if you do apologize or correct yourself, the damage has been done, which is the sad part. If i was elon, i would sue every single media outlet that published this nonsense.

I swear to god precinct for constable mark herman, says investigators do not believe anyone was driving the car. They are 100 percent certain that no one was in the past, the driver's seat driving that vehicle at the time of impact they're positive this afternoon, tesla founder elon musk sent a tweet which reads in part: quote: data logs recovered so far show autopilot was not enabled And this car did not purchase fsd fsd is an acronym for fully self driving tonight. Constable herman says the company will be served with search warrants tomorrow to obtain those data logs, as you heard, mainstream media there's a few things that they've put in there that are complete nonsense, goggle garbage, first of all, they automatically assumed it was an autopilot or a Full self-driving accident, which has not been confirmed by anybody yet but mainstream media, is quick on that horse, giddy up and also they're talking about the fact that this car was burning for four hours, they're also talking about the car, the firefighters were so lost. They literally had to call tesla.
Oh what do we do tesla? What do we do? We can't put out the fire we're clueless. This is what what's going on this is inferno. Oh, my god, this story is a lot different than what mainstream media is trying to tell you and it's mind-blowing to me that a lot of good news outlets is falling in this same trap. Now i'm used to it from cnbs, but the other outlets.

Oh, my goodness, we have some respectable people reporting this nonsense, so elon musk, first fire chief, later pretty much. Every single claim you hear in mainstream media is about to get destroyed check this out. So elon musk went on twitter and this is what he said. Some guy said this doesn't make sense.

There are safety measures in place with the autopilot seat weighted. To make sure there is a driver, hands must be on the steering wheel, every 10 seconds or it disengages autopilot does not go over. The speed limit over the speed limit is impossible. Research please now, essentially what this nice gentleman is saying.

Ahmad aid, a lot is essentially that you can't get off your seat. A lot of people have been commenting in my video, essentially saying. Well, you can buckle the seat belt, sit on top of the seat belt and just move to the back seat. There's a weighted system on your seat.

I even have it on my ass russian car. It's a freaking tesla! You can't just giddy up to the back seat and the car will just keep driving it's a freaking tesla. It knows it has sensors. Even my car has them come on now.

Elon's response is actually extremely interesting check. This out, your research as a private individual is better than professionals at wall street journal exclamation mark we don't get better data logs recovered, so far show autopilot was not enabled, and this car did not purchase full self driving. Let me explain what the sentence means. It means that the car owner did not turn his autopilot on and there was no full self-driving service for this car whatsoever.

The reason elon knows this is because every single tesla is reporting to the mothership on the server every single. Second, every little piece of data. You can imagine where the pedal is where the seatbelt is, how fast the car is moving the brakes. Every little piece of information is there for every goddamn.

Second, so this car will let you know exactly what went on yesterday. I told you we don't know, we have to wait for the data out of tesla and now elon just confirmed it not a pilot, no full self-driving. It was not engaged, it was not purchased now check this out. Moreover, this is the mind-bending standard.

Autopilot would require lane lines to turn on which this trade did not have. Now. This is a cul-de-sac where they were driving and again a tragic accident, my condolences to the family, it might have been a malfunction. I don't know exactly what happened, but this was definitely not full self driving, because this cul-de-sac does not have lane separators.
You can't engage autopilot now. Here's the thing these guys were extremely close to the residential area, so they probably just traveled a couple hundred meters or a couple hundred feet depends on where you are in the world and then they crashed into a tree. Unfortunately, so it's not like they came in from the highway and then the car went on the cul-de-sac and then went to the trees. So you have elon musk, pretty much saying hey the data on our server, which the car itself sent to us indicates.

There is no autopilot engaged, there is no full step driving for this car, and a lot of people will say well. Elon, probably is lying well how the guys are going to subpoena the fbi is going to take a look at this. The ntsb then nh sta, whatever the they're called, i don't give a the people who are responsible to investigate this accident, are gon na. Take a look at this data.

He can't just fabricate whatever the hell he wants. It doesn't work like that people are going to slip into this. He can't just go into it and say it. I mean this is ridiculous.

No ellen is basically saying well, our data contradicts what mainstream media is saying. It is not an fool's driving or autopilot accident. Now this, for me is 100 proof that this was not an autopilot accident. This was not a full self-driving accident.

I don't know exactly what happened whether there was a third driver, whether they somehow got thrusted to the backseat, whether they moved on purpose, whether somehow they did something. I don't know whether it was malfunction. I don't know, but it's definitely not. Two people riding in a freaking robot, actually slamming into a tree like a makeshift robotics right.

This is not what happened and i've seen a lot of you in my comment, section basically saying: well, they probably disengaged the autopilot safety measures and moved to the back seat. Dude we're talking about two elderly gentlemen. In their 60s one was a doctor, i believe, doing gymnastics inside a car in a cul-de-sac. This sounds like a freaking movie, a fellini movie.

That cannot happen in real life. This thing does not add up. I honestly don't understand what is going on here, but it sounds to me that this is a hundred percent proof that this is not an autopilot induced accident. Now we really got ta find out what the hell happened.

There i'd love to hear some actual investigation reports on this, because mainstream media has watched this completely. So here you go, ladies and gentlemen, bunch of lies in mainstream media about autopilot about full self driving four hours, a hundred thousand gallons. They didn't know what to do. They called up tesla.
You got the chief of the firefighting department in the actual location, saying that this is nonsense, calling out mainstream media, not even inland, then you got elon pulling data from the server. Basically saying guys. This never happened. They never had autopilot on they.

Never purchased full step driving. So what the hell happened there did. We have a third driver. Did we have some sort of a thrust when one of them got thrown to the other seat? Did we have some sort of a weird freak accident? I don't know, but it definitely does not look like an autopilot or full self-driving accident and it definitely don't take them four hours to extinguish the car.

Let's keep calm and actually consume news where they give us the data, not the fud, not the fluff, not the mainstream media bs. Thank you for being with me. If you want to support the channel, the link to our patreon is going to be below. It's greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the channel members, the patrons everybody. Thank you for the tesla community. Thank you i'll see you in the next video.

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36 thoughts on “Proof that tesla “autopilot” crash story is completely false (elon musk debunks autopilot/fsd crash)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis Johnson says:

    Headline should have been. Tragic accident could have been avoided if driver used autopilot.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars legal pitbull says:

    Musk proved nothing without showing the actual company records. You also proved nothing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A C says:

    Muskivites.. Why didn't the Tesla Super Ultra Extra Maximum Safety System prevent hitting a fucking tree?
    … WIth nobody in the drivers seat. I can tell you my 6-speed manual Kia, or my 2016 E Class won't let me hit a tree from the back seat.. Mostly because the accelerator pedal is necessary to accelerate.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uhohhotdog Gaming says:

    The car can go far over the limit if the car has the wrong speed limit set which is very possible

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Harrison says:

    The news nowadays = fake news.
    They're in it only for profit.

    Sad, but need to stick to real people on social media. Like Tom Nash, Philip DeFranco.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin says:

    These electric cars are a bomb on wheels. If the battery isn’t handled properly it will explode like a car bomb. In China a Tesla was just parked in a big garage. And the bottom just started smoking for about 5 min. And Then it blew and damaged cars around it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golden Shadow says:

    Respect for exposing this! Ever since Elon tweeted to take the red pill, msm has targeted him. They no longer report the truth.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Tsai says:

    How MSM covered $GME and $AMC “short squeeze prove that they don’t know 💩, and have no problem pushing their preferred narrative that suits their boomer ownership’s agenda. Hell, wild speculation of this eventually ending up as a murder investigation OR hackers remote controlling the car in the crash have a higher degree of probability of turning out to be true than the BS that has been peddled by MSM. Tesla should sue them all for slander and give out a special dividend to the shareholders of record at the day the MSM report came out that tanked the stock.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lip Gloss Laxative says:

    Big oil isn't trying to let electric vehicles dominate the auto industry here. They're going to find anyway they can to discredit Elon.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CL says:

    While the media certainly deserves some blame for this, it's worth noting that the main source of the misinformation came from the police chief during that press conference. He told the press very confidently that "we are absolutely certain nobody was in the drivers seat at the time of impact." I wouldn't be surprised if the misinformation about the fire came from them as well.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Bouquin says:

    Thanks Tom! Figures… knew there was more to the story. Early news reports = FUD at its best.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zcribe says:

    Should rename this channel to Tesla channel. That seems to be 90% of the content.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seven Costanza says:

    I read that autopilot was not even on, but the fire is scary.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaDonFather says:

    Sounds like it may be the work of none other than……Ray Donovan.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theluckyman74 says:

    I am Fellinis Ghost, and I am very interested into turning this, into the ultimate Bullshit Film. And, that will be the title of course.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LightSpirit24 says:

    Could the driver be drunk and decided to pull a stunt and attempt drive from the passenger seat?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalyn Nason says:

    A long fire would not leave rubber on the tire. my guess

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Mullen says:

    Tom, the key to understanding what happened here is the large white stripe on the big tree in front of the car. This is where the bark was scraped off the tree by the car. Also, the second witness to call the fire in said they could see "a car in a tree". This implies part or all of the car was hung up in the tree. How could this happen?

    Look at all the saplings around the forest, everywhere except the circle burned by the fire where the car came to rest. I think it's highly likely the car hit smaller, flexible green saplings before the main impact. This caused the nose of the car to rise up such that when it hit the large tree it presented the belly of the car to the tree. This also explains the damage to the battery pack that caused the fire. Green saplings can be very strong and they probably held the car in a vertical position as the fire broke out. The car was caught in a thicket of small trees and branches. The occupants were likely not seriously injured but could not open the doors due to the weight of the doors coupled with the cars vertical orientation. There were also probably green saplings under tension preventing the doors from opening. When green wood is heated it's loses it's strength and turns very flexible. The fire caused the car to fall out of the tree and back onto it's whees at the base of the large tree as the fire burned. But not before the driver had climbed or fallen into the back seat in an attempt to exit the burning vehicle.

    This explains everything.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Brooker says:

    ask the question Where is the driver? Who was driving where is the owner? Looks to me that te driver left the scene. that's the only logical conclusion you can make.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manny Saraiva says:

    I wonder if someone joined them or they were carjacked and was driving then he/she took off. A cabin camera would have come in handy here.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Språkdoktorn says:

    As every Tesla owner knows, Autopilot can't be engaged if there are no lane lines or driver's safety belt unbuckled. No need to subpoena the car or allege Elon to be lying for that fact.
    If the driver's seat belt was unbuckled in this case, I can see only one plausible scenario: The driver survived and ran away. Probably a close relative, probably drunk enough to do such a stupid thing, and probably protected by his other relatives and neighbours, viz. the eye witnesses that told the policeman that noone was driving. Because if the driver was caught hell would break out and the family would have to pay for the whole thing!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hershey Kiss says:

    you know what else the media propagandizes about? election fraud

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Precy J says:

    Investigator might also look on the asset of the family involved I hope there is no foul play on this accident.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert scholl says:

    One logical possibility is that they were both in the front seat when it crashed, and they couldn't open the doors, so the driver climbed into the back seat to try to escape and still became trapped. Just because they found the driver in the back seat doesn't mean he wasn't driving when it crashed.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Speedntktz Lastname says:

    Car didn’t burn for 4 hours? Not much left for a car that burned for 2-3 minutes. Fanboy alert.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Perri says:

    Maybe these two guys were done they wanted to check out, and the best plan was to get in the backseat and … Godspeed, maybe they didn’t understand interface 🤷🏼‍♀️🕵️Godspeed boy oh boy

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neville Taylor says:

    Maybe the driver thought he had full self driving service, tragic

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shuriken48 says:

    This is your mistake to begin with, you think that there are still reliable journalists in mainstream media. All the people that I have seen do good reporting are on Youtube or independent journalists.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars southrichmondtofl says:

    Took 2 DAYS to put one out that caught on fire here – fire department had to come back to the junlk yard twice in 2 days

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E F says:

    @TriTexan on twitter has got the scoop! That acct broke the story on the fake 4 hour fire and LOTS more. Give him a follow!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lifestyle4Dividends says:

    Thats why we got you Nash!! Always spitting the truth brother. Keep your quality content coming 🚀

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravencroft says:

    Although I love Tesla……like Elon hasn't lied in the past? Trevor Milton lied every day, still rich and running around free as a bird.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Chughtai says:

    Unfortunately suing the media is going to get dismissed instantly, is all they have to say is whoops must have made a mistake. The legal bar is just too high. I would not be opposed to making it easier to sue the media for this kind of egregious misreporting that happens with almost every story.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T F says:

    mainstream journalism has been dead for a while now … Nobody should trust these "reporters" to have any idea what "jounalism" would require of them if they ever attempted it.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Foster says:

    Tom I'm a fan and patreon member but find your populist style media bashing to be a bit over the top and beneath you. The mainstream media is not generally speaking willfully distorting or exaggerating. Sometimes they make an honest mistake, and correct it.
    They are generally operating in good faith. Except the right wing media, which is the obvious exception. That is a bleak landscape where willful distortion, delusional hyping of nutty conspiracy theories, perpetuating the Big Lie about the so called "stolen election," etc. is their deeply cynical stock in trade. They have "created a market for crazy," to quote the former PM of Australia. But painting all mainstream media with this same black brush is simply inaccurate and ultimately harmful to democratic institutions.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aramis says:

    😐😐 the car was driving itself 🤔?
    This case is turning very mysterious 😐

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