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Trump removed from Colorado ballot; Supreme Court
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Whoa! Holy smokers, this is something else. Uh, Colorado Supreme Court Actually just disagreed with a lower Court ruling that Donald Trump should not be removed the lower court and I'll go into details here, but just to catch you up, the lower court in Colorado The District Court decided that Donald Trump had committed an insurrectionist act via January 6th which I covered in in full that entire day 10hour long live stream. Okay, the lower court decided Donald Trump did conduct an Insurrection, but they refused to remove him from the ballot because they assume that a particular section of the 14th Amendment Section 3 did not apply to the president. The Supreme Court of Colorado said we agree that Donald Trump committed an Insurrection, but we disagree with your interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th and we actually believe he should be removed moved from the ballot.

Now this Supreme Court decision was a 4 to3 decision five Democrats two Republicans Now, this is not exactly Uh. probably necessary for Donald Trump to win Colorado Anyway, he doesn't need Colorado He didn't need Colorado in in Prior elections to win either. Uh, but it could set a precedent for how other states judges may end up interpreting case law, especially. as with this as a precedent.

So let's understand for a moment what was actually in the opinion from the Colorado Supreme Court this is it. December 19th. This is the entire opinion, case or or opinion. the majority opinion.

Basically, there's a dissenting opinion in here as well. and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to highlight some of the important items The court found by clear and convincing evidence that President Trump engaged in Insurrection as those terms are used in section three of that 14th. This is after a 5-day trial, mind you, but the District court concluded that section 3 did not apply to the president. Therefore, that lower court denied the PE petition we affirm in part and reverse in part.

and this is where the Supreme Court of Colorado basically says, look, we agree about the Insurrection part, but we also think he should be removed from the ballot. Okay, so now why why do they agree this? Uh, or agree with this? Well, so what we're going to do is we're going to look at their exact opinion I Have this to really get to the meat of the matter? you have to go to about page 104 of the opinion I've been reading this. it's it's pretty intense. Uh, and there's a lot of information here, so we're going to try to provide it as quickly as we can and it is unbiased as a man manner as possible.

All right. ready for this. Here is a citation to an 1807 set of case law where Chief Justice Marshall explained that quote and this becomes important if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of affecting by force a treasonable purpose All those who performed any part how ever minute, however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy are to be considered traitors. So here's a reference to an 1807 case law that argues and this is uh, ex parte Bowman This argues that even if you're not at the Insurrection if you had a part in something that is deemed an Insurrection, you are a traitor.
That is the argument of Uh The or the foundation the court sets here. They continue to say it is not necessary to prove that the individual accused was a direct personal actor in the violence. If he was present, directing, aiding, abetting, counseling, or otherwise, he is in law guilty of the same forcible act. So in other words, you don't actually have to be there.

Because guess what they say in treason. There are no accessories. You're not like an accessory to a crime. You are just as guilty as the actual perpetrator.

It's kind of like you know, somebody takes a gun and shoots somebody. The person who shot the person is the perpetrator, the criminal. The person who maybe drove the murderer away could be an accessory after the fact or whatever right, or during the fact or whatever. However, in treason, based on the case law that this court is citing quote, there are no accessories.

Okay, interesting. so let's keep looking here. The question remains whether the record supported the District Courts finding that President Trump engaged in Insurrection on J6 by acting overtly and voluntarily with the intent of aiding or furthering the insurrectionist common unlawful SPAC uh, uh uh purposes. So this is really interesting because what we have here is a core.

That's basically it's it's a majority of Democrats right? And this was this was a close ruling. But what they're doing is they're going into case law and uh, basically arguing that even if you're remotely correct, connected to what's deemed to be an Insurrection, you are also an insurrectionist. Okay, so how do they argue that Donald Trump was involved in Insurrection Well, this is how they do it. They say President Trump was laying the groundwork for a claim that the election was ragged.

For example, at an August 17th 2020 campaign rally, he said, the only way we are going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. That's the only way we're going to lose the election. They quote him as saying moreover, on a September 23rd press briefing asked whether or not Donald Trump would commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Donald Trump refused to do so.

So in other words, here, they're laying this groundwork to say look, Donald Trump questioned the election even before it occurred. He didn't agree to a peaceful transfer power and instead argued that he would wait to see the result of the election. And then the court argues that Donald Trump was propelling the Stop The Steel movement uh, across the country leading up to January 6th proliferating President Trump's election disinformation and recruiting attendees. This is what the court is saying in their in their ruling here with full knowledge of these sometimes violent events and they're referring to these other violent events that previously had occurred such as Uh Here they say again as relevant to president Trump's intent here after the November rally turned violent, President Trump acknowledged the violence, but Justified it as self-defense against antifa scum.
So in other words they're saying look, Donald Trump is promoting violent protests at other demonstrations and so now with full knowledge that sometimes protests were turning violent after Donald Trump Uh Lost President Trump sent the following tweet on December 19th 2020 urging his supporters to travel to Janu Uh, Washington DC on January 6th And this is a big line right here. Quote: statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 election. Big protest in DC on January 6th Be there will be wild At this point, the record established that President's Trump President Trump's plan was that when Congress met to certify the election results on January 6th Vice President Pence could reject the true electors who voted for President Biden and certify a slate of fake electors supporting Trump or he could return the slates to the states for further further proceedings. This is important as I keep going here.

This becomes really important. Why this becomes important is they end up using this as a way to argue that Donald Trump Uh, let's there we go. Get that coloring right. That basically Donald Trump interfered with a lawful act of Congress and by interfering with a lawful act of Congress, they argue that he was committing Insurrection.

Okay, Uh, and so they argue here that Farri extremists and militias such as The Proud Boys Oathkeepers and Three Percenters viewed president Trump's December 19th 2020 tweet as a call to arms and they began a plot or began to plot activities to disrupt the January 6th Joint Session of Congress that disruption of Congress being an act of insurrection that this court is arguing Donald Trump perpetuated so that even though he wasn't part of the Insurrection because there is in their view, no accessory to treason, they suggest that Donald Trump was indeed involved in Insurrection and therefore disqualified from the Uh 2024 ballot. Let's keep reading here some of their arguments: December 26th President Trump Tweeted If a Democrat presidential candidate had an election rigged and stolen with proof of such acts at a level never seen before, the Democrat Senators would consider it an act Act of war and fight to the death. This phrase right here about act to the war and fight to the death. That actually becomes very important because it's a way that this court is trying to argue that Donald Trump basically encouraged his supporters to fight to the death and that through Donald Trump's tweets and and motivations and references to you know how historically people who honored their country would fight to the death.
This court is essentially trying to suggest that Donald Trump was saying hey, you should go fight for me to the death and he's making this comparison to Mitch McConnell saying Mitch and the Republicans do nothing, just want to let it pass. No fight And this reference to fighting is being used by this particular Colorado Supreme Court Uh as a way of suggesting oh, Donald Trump wants us to fight. That's how they're trying to argue that Donald Trump was encouraging Insurrection Now obviously all of this is going to end up going likely before the United States Supreme Court which Donald Trump actually had a pretty heavy hand in electing or I should say appointing is the better Uh view of this. Uh, the United States Supreme Court Remember Donald Trump was responsible for a lot of the justices we had uh Chief Justice John uh John Roberts was already there.

Uh, but what's worth remembering is the people that were nominated by Trump are Amy Con: Barrett she was nominated as an associate Justice by Donald Trump uh and she took her seat on October 27th. You had Brett Kavanau who took his seat on October 6th, 2018 22 for I'm sorry 2020 for Amy K Cody Barrett Uh and then Neil Gorsuch who took his seat April 10th 2017 And so what you actually have now is a Supreme Court that probably or or at least potentially leans more towards Donald Trump. But remember this case right here is not a Uh A A a Supreme Court that was affected by Donald Trump This is the Colorado Supreme Court. So these are the opinions of a Colorado Supreme Court which leans more Democrat It's a Democrat majority F roughly 5 to2 uh in this seven seat Supreme Court that is moving for the removal of Donald Trump from the ballot.

Now keep in mind Donald Trump won't actually be removed from the ballot. This case is currently stayed until January 4th to allow the President to appeal and potentially the United States Supreme Court to step in. So really, what the Colorado Supreme Court just did is the Colorado Supreme Court just came out and said hey yo US Supreme Court enjoy your Christmas boom deal with this case Anyway, continuing with with some of the Colorado commentary here so we could see what the Colorado Supreme Court is saying. uh and it's an interesting argument to follow along just to see what their point of view is.

This is what the US Supreme Court will have to deal with. Uh, but uh, We see here on January 1st, 2021 President Trump repeated a post from Kylie Kremer an organizer of the J6 March for Trump movement and stated that the Calvary is coming President Mr President January 6th, Washington DC President Trump then retweeted this and added a great honor. This is how the Colorado Supreme Court is basically trying to argue that Donald Trump is an insurrectionist. Now what I've done is Uh with the team is we've gone ahead and updated eack.
If you're not familiar yet with Ehack, you could go to and this is where you can. I'm going to review some of these items here, but I'm also going to put this entire all of these notes that I have I'm going to link them on here. Give me a couple minutes I'll get those up on here. So you actually have the same document that I'm looking at.

but I want you to see some of the notes that we have here? This was a 43 decision. The Court presently Uh, as far as we could tell, Uh consists of a Justice uh setup that is five Democrats and uh, you have Uh two Republicans Five out of seven of them were appointed by the same person. John Hickin Looper John Hickin Looper Uh is also a Democrat Uh. So you know there's probably some political skew here.

but anyway, Trump lost Colorado in 2020 and Uh Donald Trump did not lead and and does not lead. Uh, need the state to actually win Uh in this cycle here. and this is of uh, this is just the first by the way of dozens of lawsuits Uh against Donald Trump to try to disqualify Donald Trump So this is this is happening in: Mass throughout Uh, the country, in various different states. I'm going to again uh, this.

Colorado Supreme Court uh ruling from today I'm going to have that uploaded in just a moment so you can actually see the the full document and you can see yourself and we'll keep going through some of the pieces here. But uh, this is just the first of dozens of these lawsuits and the concerns that people have who support Donald Trump or that this will be used as a precedent in other Cas cases against Donald Trump uh, in other cases, to potentially remove him from the ballot. Uh, and so those are the concerns that people have that this is just the beginning of what some people refer to as true election interference. People who are supporters of Donald Trump see this as real election interference.

Uh, and they believe that uh, this is what rigging an election actually looks like. Supreme Court Ruling Okay, perfect. I Got the ruling link here so we're going to throw this up. We have responses from other folks as well and we'll keep going through the court ruling here.

Uh, there's a lot there, a lot of various different responses we have, so we're going to go through uh, these together here. I'm going going to keep updating information here on eack as well so you have those up to date. but uh, let's go jump into I I Want you to see Vies response to what's going on here and then we'll go through uh, this again a little bit more. So uh.

first take a look at VI's response here. This is what an actual attack on Democracy looks like in an unamerican, unconstitutional and unprecedented decision. A cabal of democrat judges remember 5 to S here, right? nominated by Mr Hen Looper a Democrat uh and uh, that? that is 5 to S here. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate President Trump from running in this election, the bipartisan establishment is now deploying a new tactic to Bar him from ever holding office again the 14th.
Amendment Now when he says bipartisan, it's worth remembering that a lot of the judges that actually uh or I'm sorry, not a lot of the judges. A lot of the plaintiffs in this case are Republicans uh And so you have Republicans trying to get Donald Trump removed as well and that's creating some additional tension obviously in this case. So uh, the V here pledges to withdraw from the Colorado GOP Primary quote unless Trump is also allowed to be on the state's ballot and I demand that Ronda Santis, Chris Christie and Nikki Haley do the same immediately or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country. Consequences for our country.

Today's decision. Again, this is V Take here. today's decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents in swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats want to put up this time by depriving Americans of the right to vote for their candidate of choice. Keep in mind, it is a very common argument.

It's actually an argument that I've made as well myself, is that let the people decide so to speak. That is, let the election decide. let people decide for themselves what they want to vote for, what they want to support. Uh, And this is a pretty popular opinion by many, though not everybody holds that same belief and that's okay.

Everybody can have a different opinion. Uh, the 14th Amendment Here Viv goes on was part of the Reconstruction amendments that were ratified following the Civil War. It was passed on to prohibit former Confederate military and political leaders uh from holding High office or federal office. These men had clearly taken a part in a rebellion against the US uh, the United States the Civil War.

That makes it all the more absurd that the leftwing, a left-wing group in Colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the 45th President on the same ground, equating his speech to Rebellion against the United States Stes. Well, let's clarify this a little bit because when we actually understand and read the Colorado ruling, Colorado is actually making this argument and it all starts right here on page 104 105 of the ruling, they argue that it's not them making the decision, they're actually arguing that no, no, no, no, it is. actually. In 1807, we had a a essentially legal precedent that says if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of affecting a treasonable purpose, all who are a part of it, however minute, however remote from the scene of action, are actually leagued in the general conspiracy and are considered to be traitors.

So really, what you have is this response from the the courts saying look, we're not here to try to say that uh, uh, You know Donald Trump uh shouldn't be on the ballot because of Politics The court is trying to say we're saying Trump in accordance with legal precedent had a minute role in basically being a traitor by having or being engaged in this conspiracy to stop Uh, the certification of the election on January 6th as a result, and because of case law, that again, as we see right here, says in treason, there are no accessories. Per this opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court Donald Trump was deemed to be considered part of the Insurrection. Now let's keep looking at some of the other arguments that they make here. We've gone through quite a bit of this already.
I'd like to see a little bit more here. the Cavalry is coming. That's where we left off. Uh, and right here.

The foregoing evidence established that President Trump's messages were a call to his supporters to fight and that his supporters responded to the call, Further supporting such a conclusion was the fact that multiple federal agencies, including the Secret Service identified significant threats of violence leading up to January 6th. The threats were made openly online and were widely reported. The domestic violent extremists planned for violence on January 6th with weapons including firearms and enough ammunition to quote win a small war And here they kind of cherry-pick a quote from the FBI suggesting that Uh somebody submitted this tip saying they think they will have a large number of individuals to march on DC armed and will outnumber the police so they can't be stopped and their goal is to overtake the government during this coup. No Us laws apply to them, their plan is to literally kill.

This is just a miscellaneous tweet this C or sorry a a tip the FBI receiv received that the court is using Uh in their decision making. January 6th Arrived in the early morning. President Trump tweeted if Vice President Mike Pence comes through for us, we will win the presidency. Many states want to desertify the mistake they made in certifying Incorrect and even fraudulent numbers in a process not approved by their state legislatures.

Mike can send it back He later followed this tweet with another saying all Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States and we win. Do it Mike This time for extreme courage. These tweets had the obvious effect of putting a significant Target on vice President's Pence's back, focusing president Trump's supporters on the vice President's role in overseeing the counting of the electoral votes, in certifying the election to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. At about the same time, tens of thousands of President Trump supporters had been gathering around the ellipse for his speech.

To enter the ellipse itself, attendees were required to pass through me uh, basically metal detectors from approximately 28,000 attendees who passed through these security checkpoints. The Secret Service confiscated hundreds of weapons and other prohibited items including knives or blades, pepper sprays, brass knuckles, tasers, body armor, gas masks, batons, and blunt instruments. Approximately 25 additional thousand attendees remained outside the Secret Service perimeter, the, thus avoiding the metal detectors. Really, what what you've got here is you've got a court trying to say hey, look, Trump Pre-plotted that this would be violent.
He knew that these protests had become violent in the past and it was likely that they were going to be violent again in the future, and therefore he took part in Uh. in in essentially plotting the Insurrection And because case law suggests that no matter how small the part is in an Insurrection you are an Insurrection L insurrectionist, uh, Donald Trump should be removed from the ballot. basically. Now again, they're staying their decision until January 4th.

You could see that and this ruling that we're reading from right here on That's where we're posting our research and our links and and information. Uh, from now until January 4th he will be kept on the ballot assuming that there'll be a coming appeal from Trump that could end up getting pushed up to the US Supreme Court Keep in mind this: Supreme Court ruling is only the Colorado ruling so if you want a copy of those 213 pages with some of my highlighting, you could see that at here. President Trump then gave a speech in which he literally exhorted, uh, exhorted his supporters to fight at the capital. President Trump said we are gathered together in the heart of the nation's capital for one very basic reason to support our democracy, to save our democracy Republicans Are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back.

It's like a boxer and we want to be so nice. We want to be respectful to everyone including bad people and we're going to have to fight much much harder. This is Donald Trump's uh, this is what what the court here is quoting from. Donald Trump They say now it's up to Congress to confront this egregious, egregious assault on our democracy.

we're going to walk down the capital or to the capital. Uh, and uh. basically when you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules. We fight, We fight like hell.

And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. These are quotes from Trump Notice that they don't actually mention the peaceful protest part in here. Uh, so I'm going to write notice the absent peaceful uh part we. We don't see that quote in here I Want to take a brief look just to see what what do we have? Okay, this is just market look I was I thought we're going to I might want to I'm probably going to jump in just a moment and we'll take a look at uh, what Fox or or some of the other uh media have to say about this so we'll explore that in just a moment.
Uh, but uh, it is really interesting to see uh, what the actual Court believes of uh, this case and so far the Colorado Supreme Court again, a majority of Democrats Uh is is putting together the groundwork for what could be used in other cases throughout the country for potentially removing Donald Trump from uh, the ballot. Chris here writes Patriots stand against Trump to save our nation from the corrupt, deranged traitor who only ran to avoid prison for his crimes of treason. So that's uh, that's one take. Uh, let's take a listen here.

Hold on a sec, there is a let's pull this up. They say this isn't going to get better. This guy doesn't know how to make it better. All he know.

this is about biomics here. Okay, so we don't have anything here. We do have it looks like a statement from Donald Trump We have a Trump Campaign response here. Let's take a look at this right here: Trump Campaign statement on the Colorado Supreme Court Ruling: Uh, Unsurprisingly, all.

Uh, the All Democrat appointed. Well, that's true. A Democrat did appoint all of the seats, but they're not all Democrats So that's a difference. It's uh, small difference, but it's worth noting they're not all Democrats So a little bit of a difference there.

But anyway. Uh, unsurprisingly, the All Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President Trump by removing president Trump's name from the ballot and eliminating the rights of Colorado voters to vote for the cand their candidate of choice. Democratic Party Leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing dominant lead president. Trump has amassed in the polls.

They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to stop American voters from throwing them out of office next. November The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal in the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request to stay uh of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence the US Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor to finally put put an end to these unamerican lawsuits. So that's another thing.

the Supreme Court does not necessarily have to rule on this right away. What they could just decide to do is stay this for the future, not only to get through obviously the holidays here, but uh, to to essentially take their time with this. Uh, I'm sure they saw this coming, so there's probably some uh, already lead in uh expectation by the Supreme Court that this is coming. Uh, and so uh, we.

we keep observing some of the changes, that or or some of the statements that are being made here. Let's listen briefly here. he's not one of them. All right? Let's see if they have anything to say about this.

Friday No, they're going straight to commercial. Okay, wow, that's just bad timing. Okay, no problem. So uh, we.
we'll keep an eye on this. Let's go. I Want to get some other reaction here from what's going on? So uh, else we have Donald Trump disqualified according to Uh, the Supreme Court of Colorado barred from from the presidential primary ball ballot Colorado Supreme Court issued the ruling today to pause its effect to allow time for Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court which obviously they're going to do. Uh.

President Trump Directed direct and express efforts over several months, exhorting his supporters to M march on the capital and prevent what he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud on the people's country were indisputably overt and voluntary according to the ruling. Remember that Donald Trump appointed Uh, three of the Supreme Court Justices that are on the US Supreme Court Uh And so it's entirely possible that uh, they will have some sympathy for Donald Trump Uh and it is a republican majority on the Supreme Court Remember abortion rulings. Uh, it is entirely possible that you'll see some Uh willingness for Uh for that Supreme Court to rule favorably for Donald Trump Again, if you're just now joining uh, go to and you could get a link to the actual ruling. And if you go, uh, if you want just a quick synopsis, you go to page 104.

You could see where this ruling gets serious. Where they basically make the argument that it doesn't matter, like how you are involved in the level of treason. It is that just that if you are involved at any level in treason against Congress being able to function, or the country being able to function, you are a traiter yourself that there is no Uh accessory in treason is their argument. Uh, and they continue to give examples of how Donald Trump basically uh, aided or motivated the coordination of Uh the January 6th Insurrection Now of course, uh, supporters of Donald Trump look at this and say this was not an Insurrection Uh, this was a freedom Rally or uh.

However, else this was an opportunity for Uh for folks to express their disat, dissatisfaction and peacefully protest on the capital. Uh, these are the arguments that are of course being made. We have uh, multiple different trending headlines from 14th Amendment to uh, you know Colorado's uh, uh, you know Insurrection Flip Here We have another headline trending that's Trump is Hitler So obviously you're getting uh angles from both sides here. You also have people like, uh, let's take a look here.

There are multiple actually video reactions. Now that we have, let's try to get some more reactions up here. Uh, and so we'll pull some of them. Let's see what some folks are saying.

Yeah, here is uh, here's a Jones statement. Let's take a brief listen in to see what uh, what he has to say. Stole the 2024 election long before the polls opened. The Supreme Court Court of Colorado in a 4-3 decision without Trump ever being convicted of January 6 or any of that other garbage just said Trump is off the ballot in the primary so you can't vote for him to be president and they say other states will follow.
We've seen Jack Smith the politically motivated operations we've seen trials in New York without juries against Trump This is criminal activity in front of everyone. This is the oligarchy that's hijacked our country, setting up a totalitarian dictatorship in our face. The Supreme Court must act quickly to overturn this. But you see the incredible pressure going on against the US Supreme Court right now by the media, the attacks on Clarence Thomas and more.

This is a dark day for our Republic they're making. So This is a reference by the way, it's worth noting this: this attack on the Supreme Court against Clarence Thompson this is really a reference to Clarence Thompson receiving a vacation ations Hotel States private jet trips from private Republican donors and he's making the argument that Democrats are trying everything they can in their power to discredit the Supreme Court because they're upset potentially either at NOS that the allegations might be true or that it's a republican controlled Supreme Court and the Republican controlled Supreme Court has for example, uh overthrown Roie Wade just a perfect example of of some of the things that have uh upset a lot of folks who believe that that was almost an Untouchable legal precedent. The throwing back of Roie Wade to the states uh, absolutely uh has led to the the increase of animosity for the Supreme Court by those on the left. Uh, and then of course, now there's the belief that is potentially our US Supreme Court going to be weaponized against Uh Donald Trump to prevent him uh from from running for president.

And so far it appears that Uh Colorado is trying to take the first step. Uh, they're talking Epstein here on Laura Ingram So let's go ahead and keep listening over here for a moment. Indictments of Trump blew up in their face and made his approval rating go up even higher. 10 15 points about Biden They didn't stop.

So now they're moving and have been successful in Colorado to take him off the ballot so you can't vote for him. The definition of stealing an election. We'll be covering this all. Live tomorrow at 11:00 A.m.

Central On the Alex Jones Show at show, you can follow us right here at X But this is incredible And and look, it shows what tyrants do throughout history when they're cornered when a bureaucracy when a coup is exposed. it digs in and it goes for broke. And this has happened right now. Remember, they've indicted him federally for saying the election was stolen in 2020 when there's massive evidence.

But regardless, what we think about that evidence, this is open election medling. This is saying you can't vote for who you want to and they just did it last year. in Brazil When Balcaro questioned the election, the State Department went down there and got their government to pass a law saying Bonaro can't run for president either. That's what they're doing.
They're telling you who you can and can't vote for Tomorrow's news today. The tyrants are up your grill. But the good news is Humanity's awakened and it's not going along with this. But 2024 just days away is going to be spectacularly crazy.

As Dorothy says in The Wizard of Oz Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. All other networks lie to you. Okay, so that gives you a bit of the sort of Alex Jones perspective. We' have seen the Donald Trump perspective.

We've we've seen the Vi perspective. We've seen the perspective of the Uh Colorado Supreme Court. We've also got more reaction here. Like here's one that suggest: Donald Trump has never been found guilty of quote any crime ever.

Most certainly he's never been convicted of an Insurrection And so this is where it's worth adding the context that while Donald Trump has lost civil cases, his criminal cases are still ongoing. Whether it was the alleged misconduct with a female in a department store whe it was stormmy Daniels and having to reimburse her for legal fees uh, or whatever. uh, civil. And of course, there even more civil cases still ongoing.

Uh, Donald Trump's criminal cases have not actually come to an end yet. So that that true statement uh, the Colorado Supreme Court again citing the 14th Amendment uh is uh, sitting about 52 In terms of Democrats, you're going to hear this phrase a lot democratically appointed. That's because the person who appointed all of these judges uh, or the individuals who appointed all of the judges were Democrats even though two of them are Republicans Uh, this is uh, leading to a lot of calls on the Supreme Court uh to make a ruling. obviously.

uh, let's take a look what's going on over here as well. Uh, obviously there is. uh, there is hope that the Supreme Court will make a ruling before any kind of uh, you know, primaries. I'm trying to see if I can get actually get some more coverage on this, but right now it seems like both Fox and CNN are not deciding to discuss this.

Let's see. Okay, here we go. Let's listen into this one. Prosecutors anyone he feels grieved by their names are out and obviously the judges three you know it was a it was a 4-3 decision.

The Justice on the Supreme Court Um, so this is means that they're all going to need more security indeed and we don't have a gag order in this case. and I think it's unlikely we'll see one because this is going straight to the Supreme Court is is my my impression and they're unlikely to gag a candidate for president. uh frankf for gloy. Thank you very much on very short notice.

Really appreciate you being here. That is tonight's readout. All in with Chris hay starts right now. Okay, yeah so uh.
all right so we'll We'll take a peek and and we'll watch and we'll keep monitoring here. Uh, I'm also looking for more reaction. It looks like uh, we have a quote potentially here from Donald Trump that I'd like to listen to Donald Trump was supposed to go out on stage just minutes before this ruling came out. Looks like we've got about a 30 second clip here.

Let's listen to this for just a moment. Okay, here we go. rig the Presidential election of 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the Presidential election of 2024. We're not going to allow every time The Radical Left Democrats Marxist Communist and Fascists indict me I consider it actually a great badge of honor.

thank you very much I appreciate it. thank you very much cuz I'm being indicted for you. Never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. It's very simple.

I'm not going to let them do it. The Radical Left. Democrats So let's uh, let's see here. we can actually probably get a little bit more from.

Trump uh I think he just came out on stage not long ago so we could catch up on this and uh, we can add commentary as it uh comes up. he uh looks like yeah, we we have footage of this. it looks like he came out. let's see.

oh not that long ago. so let's catch up on it and we are uh, he's he's been talking for quite a while. Uh, we'll skip around and see what we can listen to, uh to to anything that relates to uh, this case. So I'm going to pull this up and again, we're going to bounce around to try to see what we can get uh related to this case.

So let's listen in. What about what I say? We got to get the waterl. So here we are and I'm thrilled to be back in your incredible State You know 4 500 people run into them, grab everything, run out. Nothing happens because our law enforcements not allowed to do their job.

They're great. They're not allowed to do their job so they have other problems too. but they say Merry Christmas Now at leats rig the presal 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig. Hold on a second.

I think I have a double Loop playing there. my fault. sorry about that. That was definitely my fault.

Okay, sorry one sec. she stepped up very early and very strong and she's highly respected. I Think who's fantastic by the way, his father's his father's fantastic. Really, it's a disaster.

It's not even believable. What's happened to our country in a period of three years, powered by the momentum of our historic Victory by Christmas of next year, it's a couple of months later. by Christmas of next year, the economy will be roaring back. Energy Prices will be plummeting, the hordes of people charging across our border will have totally ended, the invasion will have stopped, World will be safer and more peaceful because everyone will know that the days of by then why would you vote for a Democrat A new report from the house Judiciary Committee proves that the Biden FBI actually targeted Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.
You believe this communist and fascists indict me. I Consider it actually a great badge of honor. Thank you very much. I Appreciate thank you very much.

CU I'm being indicted for you Never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. It's very simple: I'm not going to let them do it. they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end, they're not after me there after you I just happen to be standing in their way and I always will stand in their way. And you know I've been saying this a lot lately because I see the kind of crowds we go up to these, uh, large areas.

We come out to the rural areas no matter where we go, we have packed houses, packed houses. some of them. We filled up an arena last time a massive Arena We had thousands of people outside. economy in history.

We're just about set. and then we hit Co Let's drive there. How many times would you have to stop? about 9 have to walk a little bit further out. We're going to add another 200 and then what happened is uh, all right.

Uh, we're going to pull off this. So Donald Trump's clip on he has not actually made a statement during the speech from anything that I could see uh Beyond his argument that he sees it as an honor. uh. and then of course, if you go to you can see his full statement.

Eack is where we are putting all of our research and all of our news that we're doing. Uh well. As much as we can post on here, we've got even more research that we do, but we're putting a lot on here and so everything we can get in terms of quotes or facts or information we're throwing on you can look at the Uh Trump campaign response which I have as a screenshot here as well. We've got the Colorado Supreme Court ruling.

It's important to remember that you need to go to about page 104 to 105 to actually understand what the Colorado Supreme Court believes when they argue that Donald Trump quote engaged in treason and that this treason is actually what Uh is what is leading Donald Trump to be removed from the ballot in Colorado. This is of course going to be pushed up to the US Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court will have an opportunity to either uh, stay this further than January 4th or it's entirely possible that the Supreme Court could just end this entirely. So there are a lot of Uh potential Uh things that can happen if the Supreme Court does nothing.

That's one choice. The Supreme Court could do nothing of the United States and then Donald Trump would be removed from the Colorado ballot. The Supreme Court could hear Donald Trump's appeal and prosecute or or investigate rather, Uh or the Supreme Court of the United States could just reject the appeal. uh, leaving Donald Trump off The Ballot Or they could extend the stay allowing Donald Trump to stay on the ballot.
So everything's going to end up resting with the US Supreme cour Court here. So whether or not Donald Trump will be able to actually run will ultimately come down to the power of the United States Supreme Court. That's really where we're going to go with this and that's intense because it'll be the first time I think ever that a the Supreme Court has had to basically decide should Trump run like should a president run or not. What's really interesting about that is it takes some of that Well, it basically takes all of the Power away from the electorate.

It takes the power away from you and I to have the right to vote. Now some say, well, I mean if somebody has committed crimes, they you know who's to say uh or or they should be disqualified rather from from running. But then others say, but if that crime is not a clear-cut crime, then is it just your side that enforces it as a crime when it's convenient? Uh, and is it not a crime when you do it because it'd be inconvenient? That is what we are expecting to hear from the Supreme Court of the United States on I would say probably we could end up seeing a quick ruling from the United States Supreme Court. Uh, if they've already been preparing for this, Uh, the we do still have this as a working week I Believe for uh, the Supreme Court Calendar Let me check.

So I have the Supreme Court calendar. If we go out to December we have uh December uh, 25th. Uh, Christmas obviously is a holiday. Uh and uh, we do not have really anything on the Supreme Court calendar for the 18th to the 22nd which would be now uh, in terms of whether they're argument days or non-argument days or conference days.

Uh, the next conference day or argument day is really not until January 5th. So it is possible that the Supreme Court could come together on some sort of emergency ruling over these days or that they end up waiting for the first real business week of January which for the Supreme Court looks like it would be the 8th, 9th, and 10th for argument days where they could hear arguments uh from, uh, potentially Donald Trump's uh, attorneys. So again, see our outline on this uh and some facts and data and resources. As always at Uh, it is my way of bringing you news on uh, on a sort of a quick feed manner.

That way, if you're looking for information on what's going on in the Middle East regarding this red disaster or you're looking for Federal Reserve updates or you're looking for uh, you know, Tesla updates or stock updates or what's Kevin shorting or long on whatever. You can see that all at this is my distillation of what's going on and again. This is specifically everything I'm trying to present here is designed to be completely unbiased to the extent that that's possible. and uh, really, just look at what's Trump saying What's the court saying what treason is is what the standards are uh, what the rulings are and then obviously you can make your own decision.
What I would like to do before I close up is I'd like to run a poll and I want to see what you all think about this. so get ready if you don't mind to vote in this poll. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to write uh, a simple poll H Do you agree? Uh Donald Trump should be removed from the ballot. That's going to be the poll.

Okay, do you agree Trump should be removed from the ballot? Yes, Removed, No not removed. Okay, those are going to be the choices and uh Let's See How They Roll In over the next uh minute or so here poll is live now. Very curious to see how how the poll moves. Uh, we got our first 100 votes in.

uh looks like right now there's about a uh 1 to four spread. Uh I guess it'd be more like one to three. So like one vote to three votes is is about where things sit right now. Give it a vote there if you haven't yet.

So just so we can get sort of a quick little read here on uh, what the audience thinks. keep in mind that uh. we also, uh, have a beautiful House Hack. Update: If you want to know a little bit more about my real estate startup, you can go to the uh uh description Down Below in the description down below.

you'll see the link for the House Hack Homes YouTube channel. it's under eack there and and uh and you could see the latest valuation update on House Hack. Okay, so we're at roughly 500 votes there in about a minute. Uh, it looks like right now.

Uh, and then we're going to end the poll. Here we're at about 72% No, Donald Trump should not be removed I'm going to end the poll. Uh Donald Trump should not be removed At now a 71% vote? Uh, 28% Yes, Donald Trump should be removed removed. Uh, so that gives you a little bit of uh of of a breakdown here.

Looking at some of the comments we have here, we have $2 from Joe The election was rigged. Uh Boyd of Zin retweets are now punishable I Voted for Joe but someone named Adolf in 1940s Germany would be proud of this. Uh Chris $4.99 Patriots Stand against Trump to save our nation from the corrupt and deranged Traiter who only ran to avoid prison. uh Lola Talked about Donald Trump being on Fox News That's that's when they briefly cut in on right side.

Uh, where Donald Trump is doing his regular campaign rally. Uh, briefly mentioned that he feels empowered every time he gets voted against. taking people's right away to choose what they want to vote for is how dictatorships start. This is what Democrats want somebody else suggests.

Can you suggest study material for the Siie Kapl? I don't know. STC STC is probably better pass. Perfect's good. Now it goes to Scottus and Thomas is just laying in the cut waiting for Revenge Ooh ooh against that would be revenge against the Democrats uh is the argument there Who are coming after Clarence for um, uh for for potentially uh, extravagant gifts or private jet flights or otherwise.
So uh, there you have it. Thank you so much for watching this. Hopefully you like this breakdown and we'll see.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “President trump removed from the ballot colorado”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thedannygarciashow4756 says:

    If you thought your vote actually mattered before this, I don’t know how you could still believe that to be the case. Whoever the establishment wishes to be in power will win.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PonchoPeter says:

    Yes let the people decide and get rid of the dam electoral college

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fearlesscaper says:

    It is irreverent to the case as the 14th Amendment was written in reference to the Confederates not a 3 hr protest. Demofuks hate the US. Plain and simple . Also the 14th Amendment was written in 1866 .

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @OutdoorsAmplified says:

    Basically they just sealed trumps win.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PonchoPeter says:

    Kevin I understand you are trying to stay neutral but Trump did actually try to overthrow the USA government, all the facts are there. Very dangerous situation, unless you want to live in a world with “king Trump”. I do not understand what there is to even debate.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DemocratsElectionInterference says:

    Democrats: “We love Democracy!”

    Also Democrats: “Yay! Someone we don’t like was removed from the ballot!”

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DonesdeMotivacion says:

    Trump 2024 babee! Drill baby drill!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-kf8ld8ro7o says:

    This shouldn’t even be a question. He most certainly was trying to overturn the election and should be removed. Fake electors, find me votes “rally” at the capital. Yeah, he’s a traitor.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jordankimball2104 says:

    Democrats hate America

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jordankimball2104 says:

    Democrats don’t believe in the principles of America.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dan-codes says:

    Colorado was destroyed by Californians.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @matthewmason5875 says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @swp says:

    Good. Draining the swamp has never looked better.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @forester057 says:

    This is just distraction from the Epstein client list. If I can’t vote for who I want then I won’t be paying taxes to a corrupt illegal government. Supreme court will overturn and this fight will just make Trump more popular. America wants Trump to clean house hard.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chakra74 says:

    Trump tried to overthrow democracy. How anyone can support him is mind boggling.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @pwells10 says:

    We have sanctioned other countries for similar election interference laws.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @breaktide251 says:

    Love to see it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jerrym6350 says:

    Libs can try all dirty tricks but people will still select D Trump

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cryptodump1153 says:

    There's just far too many powerful people working against Trump, it's like highschool basketball player playing against a full team of NBA players.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tylerm2676 says:

    Smells like Anarchy in the Air !!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @floridaman7 says:

    Why not just remove all the republicans? oh because the ones on the ballet are controlled by our oligarchs.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thegoodchad3578 says:

    democrats claim HE would end democracy as THEY end democracy

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @randuthayne says:

    One could also argue that by certifying the election in 2021 that Congress was committing treason

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @randuthayne says:

    Trump has never even been charged with treason or leading an insurrection. I wonder if by their own definition, the court is aware that they Are in fact committing treason. The courts or a threat to democracy

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:


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