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Dmitry Medvedev's twitter predictions are insane and absurd. Here they are.
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The former President of Russia is predicting World War IV that Texas will secede from the Union, that Americans will finally be able to kick Californians butt in a civil war and that France and Germany will go to war together. There are so many wars that are being predicted, it almost feels like a parody. As The former President of Russia Dimitri Medvedev has a lot of predictions for just 2023.. hey, quick reminder to check out the coupon code expiring today for the programs on Educational Wealth Building link below.

So let's buckle up and listen to some of these insane and ludicrous predictions and add some commentary to them. Here we go. Welcome aboard to an official Russian government account Dimitri Medvedev It is certainly expressing his law Three speech on Twitter on New Year's Eve Everybody's into making predictions. Many come up with futuristic hypotheses as if competing to single out the wildest and even most absurd ones.

Here's our humble contribution: What can happen in 2023? All right? I've killed the accent now. All right. So here's their humble contribution to what they think could actually happen in 2023.: Oil prices rise to 150 per barrel. Gas price will top five dollars per barrel Uh or per Uh per a thousand cubic meters.

Okay So regarding oil, this is actually not that far-fetched. We previously were sitting around highs of around 130 during Uh some of the Uh oil shortages after the war with Ukraine it is possible Uh. However, it does seem unlikely that oil will actually reach 150. However, there is a big thesis that oil prices will rise substantially as China reopens, and this is one of the reasons, as we're seeing the market take a pretty good beating in in the stocks side of things, We're actually seeing both natural gas and oil rise.

In fact, Brent has gone up about ten dollars in just the last 30 days. Here, this is your international version of oil versus your WTI oil over here, which is the US version. A little bit of a spread between the two. Second prediction they make is that the United Kingdom will join the European union.

Now this is quite a bold prediction given that it took years for them to brexit or leave the European Union. They never adopted the Euro or the currency of the European Union. So given the lack of appetite for even adopting the currency when they were part of the EU and how long they struggled to and finally actually exited the EU, let's just say I see that as a very unlikely flip-flop by the British government, especially at a time where the United Kingdom has a substantially larger issues. Consider for example, their bond crisis debacle just a few months ago when Liz truss who lasted all but maybe 44 days one of the biggest flashes in the pans of a political career, when or her government suggested that they should stimulate businesses and cut taxes.

So in other words, print money and cut taxes during a time of massively High inflation leading the bond market to freak out and the Central Bank of Britain to or the bank of England right? The Central Bank the Bank of England it's known as coming out to have to basically promise unlimited Bond bailouts to prevent a collapse of the financial system in such an environment In such a Tinder Box I'm not exactly sure that the United Kingdom is prepared for any kind of uh political drama anymore, so I don't see that one happening uh as subsequently then a you EU collapse might occur after the United Kingdom's return and the EU will drop out of use as the former EU currency. So in other words, the death of the EU this has been speculated. Oops. This has been really speculated since Uh, the EU was was founded in the early 2000s, and it really the EU went through some terrible times during the austerity era of Uh approximately 20 around the 2014 era when you had the acronym the Pigs Portugal Italy Greece and Spain under substantial austerity.
Uh, and uh, and I mean you. You had stories running daily about how these countries uh, were so poor and that the EU was not supporting them because if they supported those countries, then countries like Germany or France more powerful countries would deserve more support. Whereas if Germany and France are going through austerity, then even the poorer Nations should. even if that means they can't even pay for trash service to come collect residential trash which was a problem in Greece and some of these other countries.

Uh, my point is, the Eu's been through some pretty nasty times. I I Don't know that at this point. Uh, even facing the high inflation the EU is and the likelihood of a recession, we're going to see the collapse of the EU So they do seem to be relatively uh, well, uh, coordinated. at least together in in their support for the policies of the EU.

However, crazy things do happen in recessions, and this is going to be the Eu's second big recession and it happens to be at the same time as there's war on the border of the European Union, right? So interesting. Then we've got uh Poland and Hungary will occupy the Western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine. Now, this is actually not so terribly, uh, obscene. I I Obviously think that Ukraine will prevail in the war, but I Do think that Eastern countries within Europe will substantially help in the rebuilding effort of Ukraine while also basically making investments into Ukraine right? I Mean, think about it.

From sort of a capitalistic point of view, you a real estate developer after war ends, going into Ukraine might be able to buy land for pennies on the dollar and uh, hopefully win in that they rebuild in areas that become popular, right? So that sort of capitalistic speculation is likely to happen from countries nearby. Ukraine So that doesn't that actually is not that far-fetched at. the fourth right will be created. Okay, so remember, the third right was like the Uh economic and political engine of uh, the Hitler government in World War II The fourth Reich is is kind of suggesting there'll be another rise to power after the collapse of the EU.
And and often you do have that occur after the collapse of a uh, You know, a large power. A powerful vacuum is left, and therefore you have the rise of potential a dictate a potentially a dictator or some form of fascist leader. However, Dimitri's prediction here is that the fourth Reich will be created out of Germany Poland The Baltic states chechnya. uh, Slovakia Kiev Republic That's interesting.

This is sort of a a redefined Ukraine, maybe a smaller version and other outcasts now. I Think this is an interesting argument given that Germany has really strong relations with with countries like France and uh yeah, Switzerland and um, Holland. You know, the Netherlands and other countries uh, bordering Germany. So the suggestion that Germany would rather than partnering with those immediately near it like Belgium even and partnering with those in Eastern Europe I find a interesting I think they're They're suggesting that maybe Germany would be powerful enough to move into a power vacuum in this region after potentially the Russian's belief that there will be a fall of Ukraine.

However, this seems pretty wild as well. War will break out between France and the fourth Reich. So this is a little bit of a problem because Germany and France have substantially increasing trade between the two countries. uh I feel like they're they're more allies than they've ever been in the past.

and both Schultz uh, Chancellor, Schultz and macron from France, they're kind of like pacifists. So much so that Germany literally has reportedly two days of ammunition. NATO requires that countries that are part of NATO have 30 days of ammunition in the event of a war. Germany only has two.

They don't even have enough ammunition to properly do or conduct military drills. Meanwhile, they're sending plenty of rockets and defensive weapons over to Ukraine, but they don't have enough ammunition for themselves. Interesting. Uh, So needless to say, I I don't think it is likely that Germany is even capable of engaging in a war at this point.

Uh, all right, Northern Ireland will separate from the United Kingdom and join the Republic of Ireland. Now this is the point where I I kind of start wondering if if all of this is just ludicrous parody. Uh, to try to bring attention to his his account, as if the whole like establishment of the fourth Reich after UK rejoining the EU isn't clear enough. It all seems like a massive joke.

but you never know. I mean sometimes you get like a disillusioned Russian president who's fallen from favor who actually or maybe not necessarily fallen from favor, but fallen from the public eye. Really? Uh, who actually believes that some of these things can happen? It just it seems wild. Like, look at this one: Civil War will break out in the United States Uh, specifically California and Texas will become independent states as a result, and Texas and Mexico will form an Allied state.
Okay, yeah, this after uh, the Mexico invasion of San Antonio and the Alamo I think there's so much history between Mexico and Texas itself that I have a hard time seeing that. I mean we're making some of the most ludicrous connections here. Uh, Mr Medvedev And uh, California has now flipped to a budget deficit because you've got a of a government who can't even help homeless people on the streets because he's an idiot. and I could say that because I ran against him for governor and got nearly a million votes to get the loser out of office.

but unfortunately I didn't get enough votes to actually get him out of office. Um, okay, pretty remarkable. Pretty wild. I don't think California can afford it I think taxes would ream California it's not good I would not want to fight against the Texans if I were in California if I were in California hmm Elon Musk will win the presidential election in a number of states which after a new civil War's end will have been given to the GOP.

Okay, so so Elon Musk will be part president of the United States. Okay, all right, all of the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the U.S and Europe and move to Asia. So that way Dimitri Medvedev can suggest that it is either located in Russia or China And of course, they're strong allies. Interesting.

Even though Russia has been condemned by China for their war in Um in Ukraine initially they were silent, but I've turned around. Then the Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. The Euron dollar will stop circulating AS Global Reserve currencies digital Fiat currencies will be actively used instead. Now here's another wild one because Russia actually used to ban Bitcoin mining or or threaten to ban Bitcoin coin mining because they thought that was too threatening to monetary stability.

You now with the volatility of the Russian Drupal Russia is actually considering legalizing cryptocurrencies in January for international trade because they realize their currency is not something that people want to use to trade. so maybe people will be more inclined to trade in. let's say Bitcoin or Ethereum which is great for blockchain but shows you the convenient U-turn by Russia that after their currency starts getting slammed. Oh okay, well now we love crypto even though before we hated it.

And in the meantime now let's poop on the Euro and the dollar some more. The Bretton Woods monetary system. Look, this is this is. a 1944 agreement establishing sort of monetary framework to establish some kind of balance between the value of Fiat currencies.

Uh, before even they became Fiat, it was really designed to help prevent countries from needing to competitively devalue their own currencies to get investment into their countries. Remember if the value of someone's currency Falls it actually attracts. It makes it cheaper to do business with that country because you could buy more stuff from the country, right? Uh, it's something that that you know we've regularly seen with China although they've recently pegged their currency to the dollar to try to prevent that crazy devaluation. although they they tend to enjoy doing that because again, it makes it more desirable to do trade with China.
But anyway, Dimitri is basically saying what is now basically just the the way of describing the World Order of Monetary policy: Think: uh, International Monetary Fund think ECB European Central Bank think Fed think Bank of England All of that will just collapse and and currencies will will be worthless. With of course, the exception of the Russian Rupal and the crypto they're using seasons greetings uh to all to which of course Elon Musk has replied: epic Thread: Uh, 18 hours ago, he did come out and clarify that these are absolutely some of the most absurd predictions I've ever heard. Which is funny because it kind of shows that like four hours after he said this thread was epic, he had to come out and clarify that like hey, I don't actually think that these are like real predictions, right? Like these are absurd. Um, it's kind of funny because people bag on Elon a lot.

So people take what he says as out of context. They're like oh, Elon Musk Now loves the Russians and agrees that we're going to have World War four. Kind of remarkable. Anyway, this gives you a little insight into Dimitri Medvedev if you'd like to take advantage of the coupon codes linked Down Below on educational courses on perspective for Building Wealth and real estate stocks or Shadow me for a day as we go hunt for Real Estate Check out the link down below where you can do exactly that.

Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one. Goodbye.

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31 thoughts on “President of russia predicts world war 4 musk presidency.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EARTHLING 2215 says:

    Great material for a movie

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Boggs says:

    I'd love more to hear the counter arguments rather than Kevin. Kevin is wrong often. He just sounds good with all the smart sounding things he says. He is definitely a natural politician.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernest Parker says:

    Elon’s not American, who’s voting him in?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AutomaGiclly says:

    Brexit was really inflationary,not counting the problems all countries were experiencing,reducing trade with Europe rose prices,reducing immigration(that usually helps to lower salaries) started a wage price spiral,brexit it's also a cause of the UK double digit inflation

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tafkas Miregal says:

    I've always thought that medwedev is a direct descendant of rasputin. The Tsar Whisperer 😂🫣

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    I think that Russia doesn't understand the rest of the world just like the rest of the world doesn't understand Russia. I think that Russia is going to be proven wrong in their prediction just like the rest of the world that is talking about a weak and failing Russia and predicting a Ukraine victory will be proven wrong.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Mallm says:

    Let's de-escalate: I suggest that we award this Putin Buddy with 2023 Nobel Prize for Peace, he deserves it………😎

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Aimless says:

    When did we have WW3?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shovel says:

    i wanna hear Trump's predictions he's been more often right than wrong.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Thomas says:

    The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WingofTech says:

    It’s funny how these Russian officials seems to love shouting the opposite of what happens.

    Is this Russian ex-president closely linked to Putin somehow? Could it be they are using an opponent of Putin for some Reverse-Reverse Psychology.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThaConnectedOne says:

    I like how the click bait title says President OF Russia and Has Putins Face on the thumb..But your quoting the FORMER president of Russia's statments …MEET KAREN AT IT AGAIN🤣…PURE GRIFTING ENGAGEMENT FARMER

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Princess Tiarra says:

    Russia is after Ukraines lithium and Ukraine is rich in it and Putin needs it because you need it for Teslas and for solar panels so Musk needs that lithium and Musk wants to do that business with Putin and so does Trump they are heavily invested in Tesla and Solar panels it will make them billions however I don't think Musk is the only one in America who has an interest in the lithium and some would prefer to deal with Zelensky than Putin I think their are many people who don't really want to drive cars or purchase solar panels from the deaths of Ukraines just my opinion and Musk as president that's rather laughable don't see that happening at all.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    I mean Germany did almost nearly have a fascist coup like 2 months ago. And a real one not the great capitol walk through. Zeihan said similar things about Germany and he's very anti russian so I don't think it's just Medvedev taking too much vodka and krokodil

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    Dmitrydamus for 2023. Soon to be on the cover of the National Examiner.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Stapler says:

    imo most of the predictions that Medvedev makes will happen BUT they will happen to Russia. Russia will break up. There will new alliances in the Russian sphere. Various parts (not of Europe or the USA) but of Russia will be fighting each other. Russia proper will have a civil war or at least a bloody power struggle. Russian Manchuria will rejoin China. Ukraine may very well occupy a little bit of Russia. The Russian Ruble (not the Euro) will collapse.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Brosky says:

    World war 4 will be decided by a tik tok dance off tournament in the metaverse.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soloveich says:

    When he's talking about Hungary and Poland getting a piece of Ukraine, he means territories that were added to Ukraine by USSR after WW2 historically belonging to the mentioned two. Hungarian side of Ukraine had pretty strong separatist sentiment for a while, having to go through all the same struggles that sparked rebellion in Russian regions. They also have pretty strong integration with Hungarian institutions. Previously polish territories don't really have that level of separatism and institution integrations. In fact, that area is the most nationalistic in the country and they hate Polish almost as much as they hate Russians. But lately, there was a lot of reclaiming historic land rhetoric coming from as high as polish president. And if Russian army manages to break through the defences, Poland may step in under whatever pretences they feel work.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyons Carver says:

    Elon has always loved the Russians, he is a right winger after all

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyons Carver says:

    This crazy man needs to stop his delusional self from himself ASAP

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LavarBall🌈🐻 says:

    I really like you but its obvious that you dont know much about history. One of the reasons the now called eu exists is to make germany and france dependent on eachother. They always had border problems with eachother and fought wars in 1870 / first and second world war. If there is no EU there would definitely at least be more tensions between the two parties. Is it likely to happen? No not at all😁

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Sm says:

    USA gave $110 B to Ukraine. All of Europe (UK, Ger, Fr, etc) has only given $7 B. Ridiculously unfair to the USA for a war in Europe. Europe needs to pay their fair share.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    If Elon is president usa is a complete facking circus smh

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J T says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott thompson says:

    classic stoking of division and planting seeds by russia.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars piligrimius82 says:

    I keep noticing how Kevin keeps leaning towards restating Russian narratives. I think FBI needs to take a closer look at this guy.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Cann says:

    Elon can’t be president.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mihai Bucico says:

    Medvedev is a drunk clown 🤡
    So do not be scarred 😂

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Fernandes says:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 TROLLING 👍

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Valentine says:

    Musk can’t run for president. He wasn’t born in the US.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brinstar says:

    I do sort of wonder why Elon comments in positive (initially) ways on … less than credible accounts.

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