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What's going on, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back to your pre-market, live stream all righty, so we do have quite a couple things to talk about this morning, as we normally do so we're gon na get ready to rock and roll on that sorry for showing up A tad bit late here, but you know how it goes sometimes um so this morning, so far there's been a few penny stocks that have moved around. Let me just do one more thing, all right, so we're going to start here. Let me go back with sckt. So sckt obviously, is a stock that reported earnings yesterday and it's had a pretty phenomenal move so far right now, it's played it's trading at plus two deviation resistance.

Well, this was the plus 2 deviation resistance. So these two red lines, you see that's kind of the current resistance of the market we rejected. We came to the mean we bounced we're trying to get up and through that, so pretty much you're right at your breakout level, um with sckt. It's just a matter of getting it through.

Four, that's not even correct! I think that's supposed to be 1409, but anyways. You really got to get it up through 1480 and i'll show you here in just a second. So, if you're following sckt today, right now, my atmos target for it would be 17.13 to a price of hold on 18, the current resistance you have to get through in order to hit that price target, which was the at most price target. You got to go to the price of 14.78 and which i think we're already through this one, 14, 16 or so.

Okay, all right so you're breaking up into your resistance zone right now, you're almost at the top of the resistance zone. So once you snap through this successfully and if it's a successful breakout, you should uh, you know maybe look to get up to the next trending target, which would be 17 to 18 dollars. She already, oh, stretching awesome so that there, ladies and gentlemen, is sckt for you guys um now what i'll do is i'll pop on over to um snapchat, so snapchat reported earnings had a monster run to the upside. This is pretty strong.

Well had a strong move, so this is another one you should probably keep an eye on. Snapchat is very close to its previous all-time high. It might even be through it. It looks like snapchat put in a new previous all-time high this morning, so this is something that i kind of want to watch long bias, but really quickly.

If you look at the four hour chart you're gon na see that we have pushed right up to one deviation, okay and remember how i said once one level breaks. It normally goes to the next you'll see we broke the white line and then we ran right to the yellow right. Look at it like this, so we sold all the way down to the yellow. Then we bounced to the white through the white then to the yellow.

So in order for snapchat to continue moving higher, it needs to stay above the price of 73.58 and then we could see snapchat continue to move higher. If you start cracking below 73 60 yeah, you might see a little bit of weakness for the time being uh one more thing. I need to look at daily charts up to 87., 73.87. Okay, so in the event, snapchat has like a really really awesome day.
I think i would only be targeting up to about 80, so 80 would be the at most target for me on the day if, in the event snapchat holds at 73.60 and really explodes, i think you can hit a target of about 81, 80 and 90 cents. Excuse me: amc yeah. We can take a look at amc, so amc right now. My analysis is kind of like wishy-washy because um we aren't really on support.

So it's not typically a day where i would be like yeah, let's buy it, but it also doesn't really look like a day where i'm like yeah, i'm going to short it. So i'm kind of wishy-washy on my analysis here with this, but the last thing that we did touch on with amc was yesterday. Ideally, we said that this was the current support of the market, so this is the levels that would have to hold, or else you're going to see this continuing to sell, lower will see we started bearish. Then we went through like a little intermediate short squeeze to end up getting sold right back into and then eventually you will see that we cross those red lines again on the downside.

We bounce back up to that red line and then the market rejects it, and then we fade out for the remainder of the day. Now, realistically, on amc, i don't really have any trending support down until the price of about 13.29 to 31.51, so pretty much 31.51 to 32. Ish is where the current support for me is on the market. Now we do have a price action trend.

That's like this right, so let's say that this price action trend ends up holding the market, should move back up to prices of 40 and like 50 cents or something all right. So, ideally, this is the way i'm looking at the market. This is the current resistance. In the market that has to break for the market to go higher, so i can see this 40 to 40, 60 being a long target all right.

So this is kind of long target resistance and current long support doesn't exist down until 32 30.. So again, this is about you deciding whether or not the price action looks good enough to be long, biased, trying to push it to the next resistance, or you can wait for the market to try to run into resistance and then try to do a short play Here or if, in the event the market just falls apart and it gets extremely bearish, we can see a downswing that leads us all the way to 32 to 31. So again, those are kind of the two spots that i would really be focusing on. So this is sort of your dip by reversal point, and this is usually going to be your current resistance in the market, and so the reason i say that those are.

The two points is because those are most likely where algorithms and high frequency trading machines will come in as around these points, not necessarily not only, but these are very, very common statistical levels where we should see good trading action off of so resistance area. 40. 38. 39.85 uh reversal dip by support zone at 32, 34 to 31 57..
All right cool, uh e-y-e-s ended up popping up yesterday, i believe um so that one popped pre-market, then it faded. All the way out so looks like e-y-e-s is probably done so again. If you look at e-y-e-s right yesterday well past couple weeks, it was down right and then it ended up breaking up squeezing and then it just sold all the way back down to that trend. So there probably isn't too much more downside with e-y-e-s.

Like you most of your aggressive selling is done because most of the aggressive selling will happen right after volatility, so you had a big volatility spike. It ended up crashing all the way down the same move. It made up so you're gon na go back into slower trading range now the fact that eys has sold off, but i don't see it really as a big long bias trader. It's probably just gon na, be pretty nonchalant for now, okay, uh yeah.

Did anybody. Remember yesterday, on neuro the suggestion on neuro was you'd. Look long through kind of the pre-market high and go for the gap fill up to 33. It ended up spiking all the way to 40, and then it crashed, but so yeah the trade recommendation for neuro was was right, just not entirely so that ended up working.

Hopefully some people caught a piece of that uh, mr montero awesome uh srpt yeah. Let's take a look at that one, so that was the er sprt sprt, i believe, is what you're referring to yeah, so sprt had a big move. Yesterday um. This was something that i actually saw yesterday when we were trading - and i mentioned to our premium group that this is going to continue to be along, and i was like i guarantee this is going to go higher than this point on the day and ended up Hitting 6.95 kind of thought it might work as a swing.

Trade move ended up happening, intraday, so be it, but it did end up going higher than that previous high, so srpt, i do believe, hit some resistance, but arguably still kind of looks strong. Like i don't look at this and say: oh yeah, i want to sell that or i think that's going to break down, or i want to short that so looking at srpt, currently uh or sprt, there's nothing. It really suggests to me like. Oh, we should be betting.

Bearishness like this is supposed to go down like it just no, so i would still be on the long side of sprt for right now, but do be mindful of the fact yesterday it pretty much hit three deviations. So arguably, this thing might might actually be done in the sense that we already kind of did this little flag cup and handle breakout in that breakout yesterday led us all the way to a high of 6.99 three deviations at 7. 17.. So again, it already kind of blew up yesterday, um right and if you look at here on this time frame you'll see the green lines right at 680.

So you know when you look at where we got to yesterday i mean this price up. Here was a resistance right, so if you would have mapped out the plus two and the plus three deviation zone, you would have came up with the resistance for sprt on the day of right there, and then you can see that's where it tops and it sells Down off of so i'm not bearish, nor am i too bullish sprt um, but i would i think you should still watch this slightly longer bias. I can't really give too crazy of analysis, though, but i would probably stay on the long side of this um yeah. Your resistance point is like 6 11., so, if sprt is going to put in a good day, it's got to get up through 611..
If it gets through 611, you might be able to re-tag 695 or so any future for works um. I guess i'll take a little gander all right, so this was just from a couple how long ago that happened, um yeah! So no, not really um! I mean you might get like a little baby bounce, but you shouldn't expect to be getting any sort of big move like this big movie. Solon works from a dollar. Seventy all the way up to four um.

That was a really good move. You should not expect that you're gon na see a move like that anytime soon, um and you're back down at the mean, so you can see we're back down at the white line, so you're, basically at to normal trend. Until you get below the white line, you haven't really gone on sale on sale, so i would recommend if you're watching works, you might look for us to continue lower and then, as the prices get to below the mean and start nearing negative one deviations, then you Can consider buying this for maybe a swing long, but i don't expect that works is going to recover any of this loss that it's put in over the past couple days anytime soon, whoo yeah ipa, we could look at ipa. Ipa was a mover yesterday again.

Um excuse me so yesterday ipa breaks through the mean, that's where the big breakouts happen. It goes from the mean all the way up to plus one, and then it goes to plus two. So ideally, what's gon na happen is these levels might be slightly off, but what we're gon na do is we're. Gon na overlap a bunch of lines on all these important lines and then we're going to look at the one minute chart and then you're going to see that, in fact, the price of the stock trades to all of those levels has a little bit of interaction.

Then it breaks through. So you know by doing what i'm showing you to do on this you're, basically going to find all the resistance points, you're going to know exactly why stocks run and they start to pull back where they pull back. You know and that's at like a very beginner level, very beginner level. People look at a stock and it goes up and they're like all right.

It's going good, it's going good and they see a little bit of selling pressure and it goes red and they're, like. Oh, why is it going red? Well, this system should answer all those questions for you for the most part, all right, so you got that there and then yeah no still same thing all right, so let's go back a little bit all right. So this is the first level we put on the chart this one um yeah that guy that white wait that red line down there so that red line is the long term mean you'll see we ran up to it sold down. Then we came back up broke.
It then it had a big run. Um these levels changed a little bit but you'll see we kind of ran close to the next support. Not quite that's not a good example, but i know they updated and sold off. Then you'll see as we cross kind of through those red line zones, we get another big breakout with a gap and then, if we zoom up a little bit more, the price of this move almost reaches this red line, and then we bounce and try to tag It there and then we sell down and again these levels changed slightly.

So yesterday they're a little bit more accurate, but you can see almost every spot that we have those red lines. You get a lot of interaction, you get a breakout, you get another breakout and then, as you near up to the top of the resistance you sell down, and then you consolidate in those two red lines which eventually leads to a breakdown um. So with ipa today um, i don't really care for it on the long side, yet i would probably be more bearish ipa yeah. I would say that the resistance on the day for ipas in the 1260s a potential target on the downsides all the way back to 838.

But if you're looking for a big long move, you'd have to get up to the prices of 1267. In order to make it a bigger move, all right really quickly we're going to touch on the market. So yesterday, oh excuse me: uh yeah hold on something's a little off here. That does not look right, but it is oh odd.

No, no we're right! So yesterday i was wrong again. I said i didn't think it was going to be a really big day. I kind of thought we were going to have hesitation around to 362.94. So ideally, yesterday pre-market when the nasdaq was here, we said that the resistance on the day would be this red line.

We figured it would probably hit resistance there and then it would have more of a sideways day, not too big, of a gain. Well, we were wrong. You can see. We ran up to the line okay, so we ran up to that red line down bounce back to the red line down push up to the red line.

Flag pattern on the red line break above swing up market pulls right back down to the red line slightly below bounces above and then you can see as it starts to swing down through it. You get a big selling spike. There's enough buyers in the market to support it. We move back up above the red line and trend very nicely, and the market breaks away all right so this morning we're up to 366 for the most part, that was the high, which puts us right back at the all-time high.

So i would expect today we're going to have a little hesitation, we'll see if i'm right about that. So i think today you're going to see some hesitation on the market um and then once we actually break out of the high, i would probably just be targeting up to your next deviation, which is 368., i'm not crazy about buying the market. Long, i'm not saying you should be a long, biased, buyer. At this point, i just think the markets can still move up a little bit after we pull back a little bit, but nonetheless the recommended buy for the nasdaq was pretty much just to put it.
It was the low of that candle. This was the recommended, buy price for the nasdaq, so we are not suggesting you should be buying long or anything like that. We're just suggesting pull back and still moving long entry price should have been back there at literally 352-ish 17., so anyways uh, nothing too crazy in the market. Today i don't think alrighty.

Let's take a look so that stock sold down went all the way up to 20, which means it's at resistance. I can almost guarantee you watch. I can just put this line here. Watch what happens when i put this along i'm just guessing.

I have no idea, but i just put a red line there. So when we go back and look at the long term chart most likely, it means it ran into resistance there. It's almost guaranteed um, oh yeah duck's done left ready. Let's see how accurate it is.

Oh i'm wrong. Maybe i don't know i got ta change the time frame, but you can see there's a dotted white line that comes into play right there, so my prediction was wrong so far. What happens when we go to the daily chart when we go to the daily chart? We have a level up to 27 there so we'll see, but which one did i put on. I think i put this one, so that's got ta be wrong alright, so this is where the i'm gon na change it to white and i'll change it to dotted.

So that is where the half deviation price comes into on the long term chart. So it's not the biggest resistance, but we did in fact run into one starting at the price of 23.66. We crept over a little bit here and there, but we did so. Nonetheless, we ran up so i think uh today for me, if this continues moving along the at most price target, i would look for is 27.

now, if you can get through 27, you can have another big move, but for now it really only target to a High of 27, and if it really really pulls back, then we could target down to 17.50 yeah. What about this? One, though oh we're on it, yeah here's another thing: look at this ready watch: okay, let's go back and look at ready watch! This go back! Look at the uh daily chart you're gon na look at the daily chart. You see that, oh you know you won't. You see this dotted line.

Look at this. This dotted line ready, we're gon na change. It we're gon na put a dotted line there and then we're going to edit it we're just going to make it white, then we're going to make it a dotted line and then ready watch this now, let's go look at the one minute chart. Let's see where the stock's bottoming pre-market right on the dotted white line, and i mean just kind of get a round of applause - maybe just a little little golf, clap just uh, just a little tickle.
So um again, that's so if you're ever wondering how a pre-market resistance and how a pre-market support is created in the first place. That's how so, when you wake up in the morning, and you wonder why the stock dropped to five bucks and bounced or why it ran to 35 and stopped it's because of standard deviation uh. What video i mean, there's videos on my channel one of these days. I really just got ta like just get all the links and post them in here, but i haven't done that, but uh yeah, what is this mystical magic? The mystical magic you are seeing is just typically what most people i don't know.

I have no idea. I don't i don't know, i i don't see a whole lot of trading videos on the internet or anything investing related around this topic um. So i'm not sure um, it's not mystical magic. It sure seems like it at times, but uh.

Nonetheless, i'm not quite sure your grandma's clapping hell yeah, graham old grandma, susie's clapping for her boy connor got ta love. It got to love it. Can you explain what scanners you use focus on the most find stocks you will trade with yeah? I can't give me like three seconds here and i will do that for you by the way. Ladies and gentlemen, we are expediting me getting on to youtube.

I know i've been talking about that recently, so we were looking at coming on september 1st, but it looks like that's going to be sooner wait. August first, wait september yeah, so i said september 1st, but really it's probably going to end up being more. Like august 1st hold on, i know i got it somewhere where to go where to go there. It is perfect copy, okay, so for the person who just asked so yes, so the person who just asked about the scanners, i am posting a link.

Go there subscribe. Please, okay, i really don't need to subscribe that bad, but seriously. I just posted that link. You go there.

Oh wait! No! That's a video! Sorry! I thought that was a stream but anyways that video link, i just posted, will discuss most of the scanners. I use what they do and kind of how you can use them, and then that will also take you to another youtube channel called trading clips. It's a secondary channel. I started just to stream scanners for people to use um so that video will show you how to use scanners, what ones i use and then we'll also direct you to another youtube channel.

So you can use those scanners every single day for free, rather than going to spend a couple hundred bucks yourself every single month. It's been ziggy and trade ideas. She shout out to your mustache man i haven't had. I haven't rocked a mustache in a while, maybe i'll have to bring it back um the context for the next video i am doing so.
The next video that i am going to do is going to be um. It's going to be titled how you can learn to day trade in a month, which is totally click baiters, because there's no way you could actually learn to day trade in a month all right. So if there's any video on the internet, that says that it's pretty much click beta's, so my objective here is that my next video i make will be titled literally. I have it written down here.

This was actually like a brief little um. Like a brief little script, i was writing down actually yesterday of kind of how i want to do this video, so this is just like a starting. Sometimes i do this just write down a couple ideas of things that need to be discussed, and so you can see the title there how you can learn to day trade in a month um. So that's a complete lie, but the objective is: is that it's going to be click-baitish, hopefully so that people who actually think they can trade within a month are going to click on it and then they're going to get hit with just a flavor blast of knowledge? That they weren't expecting to get so.

The objective is really to use a clickbaitish title to hopefully track a big mass of people into a video. That's actually going to be probably their best straightforward, gunshot, buckshot bam, approach to day trading as quickly as possible, so they won't have to go through 67 000 youtube videos to get all the tools that they need right away to do their trading so basically going to Give them pretty much all the important stuff that they need to have brokers to use and then how you can get started right away and that should alleviate them. Having to watch 16 million youtube videos so we'll see how it goes so that one will uh we'll be talking about brokers, standard deviation, we're going to be going through. I think the top 20 most patterns as uh, i think we're gon na go to top 20 patterns, as recommended by bulkowski, which is someone who, back in, like things like the 70s or some back in the 70s, did a lot of research on patterns to find.

If there actually was a statistical edge that could be predictable using patterns which there kind of is, but really there isn't enough studies to actually prove that patterns can be consistently profitable over a longer period of time. But there is data to suggest that if you're, comparing one pattern to the next um, there are higher probabilities of pad of some patterns working uh better than others. So that's another thing: we're going to post in that video is sort of the most profitable pattern so that people aren't watching a video on youtube thinking. It's the most profitable pattern when it's actually not because there are 20, most profitable patterns that we can go over.

That does have some research to back, so that will be mentioned in that video as well, but i'm also going to be providing a trading view script so that people in europe, germany, canada, could also use standard deviation similar to the way we do on tos. So the video should be able to be used by the entire world right and most of the videos that i do. Only people like in the united states can use because a lot of stuff we use is on tos and that's only a lot for people in united states. So the video i'm going to make should hopefully grasp a wide audience of people.
We'll see we'll see how youtube likes it and if they promote it, they probably won't knowing my channel but we'll see you know, um porn, stash, lego, the one i did with the bank yeah, so that was uh, so yeah that was on. That was a that was a pretty good video i mean editing was pretty good. We got minimal views, but that's typically how it goes um. So again, like i said, i'm gon na be really impressed to see how this next video um does, because i have seen another video on the internet.

That's titled the exact same um with like, like six million views so, and that was over the course of a couple years. So i'm just thinking i'm like, i know more than that guy. So as long as i can pretty much do everything he did in that video and more with decent editing, it should work and then, if it doesn't, then again the odds must be against me. I have no idea already guys uh with that being said.

I appreciate you guys tuning in uh. I will see everybody on the next stream, which will be on monday morning. All right guys! Oh wait! No! I won't well. No.

I will be streaming monday morning, but next week i will not be streaming because i'm having surgery so i'll be out for a couple days. So that being said, i'll catch you guys uh monday morning, everybody take care, have a great rest.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

11 thoughts on “Penny stocks are booming”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Champzilla says:

    CWGYF 👊🏼long hold

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lazaro perez says:

    How the fuck can you trade with all those lines on your screen.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Wright says:

    Where do you all trade penny stocks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Drumm says:

    How do you get your volume to display like that ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moore Snibblegoober says:

    I think we need more stocks to thrive through this dip. Any suggestions on how to make huge returns even in this market dip?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The COVID-19 Coronavirus says:

    I’ve been all over FERN too

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch Spicer says:

    You mention here about international traders being able to use standard deviation. First, the information about SD that I have learned from you has been invaluable so far. Would love a proper Trading View script for SD! As a Canadian, I cannot open a TOS account, but as a workaround, I started a paper trading account and use the TOS platform in paper mode with standard deviation channels to find swing trades or stocks in position to watch for the next day. Unfortunately I can't use live data without a proper, funded account, but this has still been helpful. Just wanted to drop this here in case it can help anyone out!

    I love the UI of TOS and really hope the day comes that Canadian users are allowed again. Thanks Connor and GL everyone.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    Guys what is next?😎 Which Stock?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Dreher says:

    Thanks for another get vid!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    How about XBIO?😎

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    Hi guys,

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