Alex Karp, the founder and CEO of Palantir Technologies, made some strong statements during a public appearance this week. Here are my thoughts about what he said.
0:00 - Intro.
0:08 - Alex Karp's statement.
2:09 - Commentary on Alex Karp's statements.
3:42 - Comparison of Alex Karp's statements with Elon Musk's recent comments.
6:08 - Analysis of the global geopolitical situation.
8:18 - Critique of the idea of a multi-polar world as Russian propaganda.
9:00 - Praise for Karp's stance and a personal reflection on investing in Palantir.

So Alex Karp just went on stage and left the entire audience speechless. Check it out. I am not a legislator, but I am running one of the coolest companies in the world. And I'm telling young people you are breathing the vapors of a dangerous new fake and uh, self-destructive religion when you were sitting at your Elite School pretending because you watched Tik Tock twice and got an A+ on some crazy paper because your professor couldn't get a job anywhere else that you actually understand the world and you're not welcome at my company.

And then he said this, it's like the polls are very good, but we in Corporate America we who are running public trade companies are an abysmal failure at standing up to people who are anti-American who are breathing the vapors of a thin new religion at Elite schools who actually believe it would be better to have the world run by China than by America and were silent. And then he actually said this. As far as I can tell, there are only three companies that have been publicly pro. Israel On October 7th, there's Bo Allen Sometimes we disagree with him.

there's Andrel and there's paler three companies. We have to do better And that's not a problem with the politicians. Of course, the politicians don't do enough. The corporate Elite of this country thinks, when it's time to make money, you stand up and when it's time to stand up, you go play golf and like, we got to change that.

If that wasn't enough, he also said this: there were unfortunately way too many people on October 7th who were happy and we have to acknowledge we have a huge problem in the Western World with anti-Semitism and we cannot. Not all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism but um a larger portion of it is than we realized. Again, most Americans who are not Elite institutions see this battle for what it is. You see a one side which are are is it is powered by terrorism that is using terrorist means and that will expand its footprint to the West if it's not push back.

Now what Alex Karp is talking about is very simple. When we were kids our parents would not tell us about how bad of sucessful the world they brought us into really is the crime, The murders, the rapes, the violence, all of this is spared from us. As kids we get this illusion this fantasy that the world is this beautiful place where everybody lives in Harmony and as long as our parents can keep this fantasy going as long as possible that fantasy remains our universe, our reality. But at some point we grow up and we understand how screwed up the world we're living in and in this little clip What? I Think Alex Carp is telling you is that look a lot of these college students.

A lot of this new generation is still living in this La La Land denial fantasy bubble in which they refuse to recognize the harsh realities of the world we live in Now the fact of the matter is that that created a whole scenario in which Corporate America is now playing ball and fully cooperating with anti-American actions. All of these ideas have now made their way into the mainstream media, into the woke mindset, into the campuses under the guise of oh yeah, that's just the new way of thinking about things. m Poal world, let's all coexist. The United States should not be the strongest country in the world.
We need to weaken the United States so that we all can play as equals. Now the sad part about what Alice Carp is talking about and I absolutely loved what he said and I want to tell you something here that I think he is on par with Elon Musk A few days ago we heard Elon Musk do the same thing where he said look, if you want to boycott me because of standing up for free speech for for being true to my beliefs, I'm not going to sell out I'd rather close the platform and stand for what I believe in so you can go f yourself That's what he said to Bob Iger from Disney and all these other wemind virus players who are advertising on Tik Tok the Chinese propaganda platform and not on X I'm not here to say that X is perfect I'm just saying that there's very few people left in this world who are so true to their beliefs that they're willing to lose money and willing to lose political correctness to be honest about the realities that we're living in. And by no accident, my biggest two possessions my biggest two stocks is paler and Tesla It's no accident that Elon Musk and Alex Karp have came out in a spread of what a week and basically did the same thing. Told the rest of the people who are trying to bully them into thinking a certain way: go yourself and I admire that and I appreciate that and people with balls is something I respect and look Alex Karp is goingon to lose a lot of fans by calling out these students and Elon Musk is going to lose a lot of advertisers by saying that he's not going to play ball, but at the end of the day, he's going to gain a lot of new followers.

A lot of new people who believe in what he's saying, who's loyal to this idea, and who are 100% behind the idea of America first and then Russia China Iran second and they're not going to be playing ball with this stuff now. I Completely agree with what saying Look at the end of the day what happened on October 7th in Israel is is a tragedy is a is a massacre of Unthinkable proportions. And to see Western Society on Tik Tok or on other social media somewhat celebrating promoting justifying that is just evidence of how deep this virus of anti-American anti-western culture have gone into our society. You remember how a few weeks ago the trend on Tik Tok was how the Bin Laden letter against America before the 911 attacks have basically opened their minds into what's really going on.

I mean these are the fuckups we have to deal with. sorry I know Alex didn't go that far and didn't say well these are the fuckups but I'm saying it. these are the fuckups we have to deal with Now look at the end of the day, what we thought was a legitimate you know, a kind of anti-israeli stance by a lot of people I think October 7th and the war in Israel right now have basically exposed as a little bit more anti-semitic driven than what we initially thought. They're using the anti-semitic undercurrents in the western culture which they do exist in order to indoctrinate these people into their way of thinking.
and this is what Aris Carp is fighting for. I mean the idea is like oh yeah, you're going to get your nice little life in Europe back. There's not going to be any more stabbings or you know we're not going to do horrible things to your country if you just let us have Israel That's obviously a lie because these guys the Muslim Brotherhood the Islamists. They have no respect.

Not for the Western way of life and not for the Western borders. They see all these borders. all these countries European countries. All of them have been drawn on the map by a white person and these maps are meaningless.

Isis Was not an accident. President Erdogan from Turkey who's a member of NATO NATO member was standing on stage a month ago saying that Turkey will regain control one day of all the Otan empire lands. Now obviously there was a bunch of horse manure because this mother lover can't even pay for food for his own people and his econom is collapsing. But the idea here.

You have to understand that this expansionist mindset is not on the western side. it's on the other side and this is just the start. I Think that the the idea here is look Israel is one Battleground where this fight has begun. but it's not going to be the last.

Alex Carp is trying to wake people up and tell them look Israel is just the first place. It's a proxy war which is happening right now between the US and China Russia Iran but it's going to happen in multiple other places. And if you're going to support the other guys, just understand that you're destroying. You're literally cutting off the branch on which you're sitting on.

So if you want to be a useful idiot, go right ahead. You're being used. It's the same idea. You know when the aliens invade and they take over Humanity which humans are going to volunteer to help them? These are the same people.

Another thing he said which I absolutely love is this whole idea of multi-polar world is an absolute Russian propaganda. They're pushing for this: oh, let's all be equals one at one table Russia Does not want equal China Does not want equal. They want dominance so they want to bring down the US so they can dominate. Nobody wants equal and they're preaching all this crap to these kids who don't understand better.

They don't understand. This is literally jail house rules and the strong Dominate and the weak get dominated into submission. They don't understand that they're being used and Karp is saying look, if you don't get it if you don't understand I Don't want shot my company because my company is fighting for the future of the Western World Could not agree more. Now Look, hearing Karp speak made me proud of being an investor in Paler.
Just as much as hearing Elon Musk speak made me proud of being Tesla investor just about a week ago I Think Karp is an actual Legend and I Love the fact that him and Nean have chosen their morals over money and selling out Peace out.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “Palantir ceo alex karp leaves the audience speechless”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @billnipp says:

    Agree 100% with your commentary👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Wirmish says:

    Palantir is CIA-Funded and it is EVIL.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lmay1466 says:

    He's correct.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @titussteenhuisen8864 says:

    Good speech, Aliens are already on earth in human bodies, it’s the mindset they propagate, harmony is the goal not submission or domination, anti aggression I am. Butcher knives are from the Beast the future anti christ.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johnc1848 says:

    What is the deal with the desk slapping? Every video?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithforbes8482 says:

    You speak about Oct 7 as if 1948 and 1967 never happened.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AWOL_ODST says:

    Another proud PLTR investor here too. Will be adding more soon.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davidradtke160 says:

    Naw Elon sold out to China and Russia. He is right about TikTok, but he isn’t honest about China or Russia.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rogernew821 says:

    I do see your point of view too, I have the same two share with Tesla and Palantir too. Feeling exactly like how you said it. Totally agree with you.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikekolbeck7575 says:

    Love what you said!!!❤❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikekolbeck7575 says:

    I’m all in brother!!!❤❤❤

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheHumanSpirit says:

    How much do these two companies interact in the world of business, if at all? If not at all, any potential areas for cooperation?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @samurai10000bc says:

    The US should bring back mandatory military service

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @magusto627 says:

    Does this explained the 8% drop?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @miroslavkrajcovic6792 says:

    Tom, you nailed it. I admire your stand and I agree with it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @garybarrett4881 says:

    Incoherent reasoning. 2+2=5. Being against the killing of Palestinians is not being anti-Semitic.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TMacFPV says:

    Mic drop 🎤

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cathy349 says:

    Was hoping to hear more about why the stock was down today..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mjh1706 says:

    Well said.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JF-bf7ck says:

    I think most of the people believe the same if not today they will realize it tomorrow.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MarcioNovelli says:

    Is this why PLTR is falling rapidly? Let it fall hard so we can buy.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gustavotejada607 says:

    I love Palentir !

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bookzdotmedia says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mruler360 says:

    Karp is having an Elon moment 🤣

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BWowed says:

    There are not enough people left in this country with balls.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @leadingwolf369 says:

    He is just Cutting off the rot

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GodotOfficial says:

    Salute to Alex Karp, he stands up for America and against anti-Semitism whereas it feels like Sleepy Joe Biden and the other liberals are actively working against this country

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Cizzy-rq8un says:

    Love it!!!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sebastian-di6sj says:

    Tom pls rethink Musk..

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dafish1982 says:

    The thing is Elon is that he has sold out to China, exactly what Karp was talking about.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @That_Cyber_Dude says:

    He had them speechless! Well played sir!

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