Only Feedback Exists | Mindset Monday
Failure is only as real as you make it. That’s not some corny line; it’s a fact. You can choose to see failure or choose to see feedback. When you choose feedback, failure isn’t even an option.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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There is no such thing as failure. Only feedback exists. So how do you react when you screw up? How do you act when you fail? When you make a mistake, when things don't go your way, you didn't get the appointment, you didn't get the date. You got.

The no right you didn't get the yes like. How do you react in that moment? How do you feel about yourself in that moment? I would argue that the vast majority of people won't even make the phone call. They won't even ask the person for a date. They won't even go for it because they're so caught up in this failure.

Loop that i'm gon na feel bad. Like i talked about him in my second book right. Every action is six moves from death and dying. The reason why it isn't for me, in the early days of my life, i was very fortunate to be introduced to what someone called the science of neuro-linguistic programming, nlp and inside of nlp, there's basically 16 presuppositions like.

So if you were going to be a therapist as an example or a coach, there's 16 things, we need to presuppose about human beings and number three, and i want to read it exactly. Is there is no such thing as failure? Only feedback exists. There's no such thing as failure. Only feedback exists, think about it.

Thomas edison invented the light bulb. What he got was 9999 pieces of feedback to tell him how to not create a light bulb. I would ask you to consider: you need to start associating failure as feedback mistakes as opportunities for growth. How do you become wise? How, where does wisdom come from? It comes from experience? Generally speaking, most people will tell you, experience is making mistakes is screwing up? I think of the first time i did direct mail.

I was inspired by my mentor at the time jay abraham and i convinced my business partner that we should mail at 150, 000, mailers, the first time, first class stamp, first class mailer and guess what zero sales? No response: we got a lot of feedback. We learned that things like running it through the machine wasn't as good as hand-addressed and stamped as an example. I also got the feedback that i've discovered. Maybe we should start with a hundred or a thousand see it's all about getting feedback.

Are you listening to the feedback of the failures? Are you listening to the feedback of the failures? The thought i want you to get today above and beyond. Everything else. Is you want to become wise? You want to become extraordinary, you need to fail your face off and you got to listen to the feedback when you do that. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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