There’s no question listings are at a premium right now.
And how’s that make you feel?
Does it feel good to have no listings and no clue where the next one will come from?
No. It’s uncomfortable at best.
Considering you’re already outside your comfort zone, why not stay there to overcome that challenge?
In today’s #TomFerryShow, I’ve got one simple idea you might find “uncomfortable,” but it will help resolve the “no listings” dilemma you’re already in.
Wanna know what it is? Click the link below.
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Listings listings listings listings: do you need listings? If the answer is yes, it might be time to do something. A little uncomfortable, hey! Welcome back to the tom ferry show. Last week i was talking to you about making your calls tell me that you're doing the thing and you're giving yourself the power and if you haven't started, promise yourself today, if you're truly committed to your business, truly committed to serving your clients. You'll start making the calls because remember every day making your calls matters and if you don't do it, don't worry, someone else is going to market to your database and they're going to do it in a beautiful way.

And can you live with that? Can you live with someone else doing a better job in taking you out of the equation, creating a little fear and anxiety? I hope so. If that gets you off your you-know-what and into action, i've done my job well. Today i want to talk to you about listings, so obviously here we are almost at the nine month mark of the year we got, you know, call it 93 97 days left between now and the end of the year, and my question for you is um. Have you heard this yet there's not enough listings in the marketplace, and i understand why right what i know is this play along with me just for a second, you ready uh if you were to hold a golf club as an example right, so actually do this Right now i mean, unless you're, watching on your iphone and you're driving.

Please don't do that right. So if you hold the golf club like this right and you swing the club, if you've ever done this before you're, probably going to hit the ball and it's going to go to the right and the reason why is you're holding your hands in a comfortable position? Every golfer knows, if i just go like this, all of a sudden, that little slight edge difference that little adjustment. Now it's a little uncomfortable and just like that, i hit the ball straighter and i hit the ball down the middle. It's a metaphor for life and it's a metaphor for business.

If we're only doing what makes us comfortable, we don't do that. Well, but the second we get a little uncomfortable. We start doing things that we know work, but it's a little uncomfortable in the beginning. We make that the new way and we win.

So let's talk about a source of business that might be a little uncomfortable, but it's going to help you win, probably not the one you're thinking about it, but if you're in the u.s with call it 128 million homes about 16.6 percent are investment properties. We would call them non-owner occupied if you're up in the beautiful country of canada, with like 15.4 million houses, 4 million are investment properties. What is that 26? Almost one out of every well over one out of every four houses, is an investment property to me. What that says, when you're an environment like this, where there's not enough inventory, you got buyers that are coming in the marketplace: they're desperate to buy a house, and there simply aren't enough homes.
We need to reach out to these people that have been maybe sitting on these investment properties for two years, five years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years 40 years and say to them: hey, have you guys had any thoughts of trading up trading down selling this property? It really is that simple here's what i want you to do. I want you to go into your mls or, however, you get the data on your business and figure out how many non-owner occupied there are in your marketplace. That's the first thing. Secondly, i would tell you to export that entire list and put it into your database right.

Have it as this new list called opportunities or non-owner occupied, and if you really really really are committed to finding more listings this year and in 2021, you're gon na, say to yourself, okay, who's most likely to move who's most likely to sell this property move is Actually, the wrong word who's most likely to sell this property. What's on the minds of someone that owns a bunch of units toilets tenants, you know, oh this just broke that just broke. Oh, my goodness, i'm breaking even on that property, i'm not even making any money and then all of a sudden. You call me and say: hey, mr ferry, so you got a property over there in costa mesa.

Do you guys have any thoughts of trading up trading down on that i'm like as a matter of fact, i am, and you and i both know it's not an emotional conversation to talk to me if you called me and said how many thoughts of selling the Home that you and your wife just built i'd, be, like i, don't know her garden this, that their mom, the puppy, oh, the kids, and we always wanted to it's an emotional thing. But if you call me about an investment property, it's math, it's math, it's math! Do you get that it's numbers? What am i going to do with that cash? Can i 1031 exchanges something bigger, better, faster, different state, different part? Whatever here's my point to you, are you comfortable with the number of listings that you're getting or can we get a little uncomfortable and go after a news source having a different kind of conversation with an investor about an asset that it might just be time to Trade, i shared this story uh last week on a live, webinar, uh, cute story. I married my little sister a couple weeks ago and i'm married to this wonderful guy, colin who's, a commercial real estate broker who specializes in selling hospitals, but that's his new specialty. When we first met him, he was just selling a lot of commercial real estate right working for a commercial, real estate brokerage, and one day he called an investor happened to be my mom, and he said you know, mrs ferry.

I see that you have this property at one, two, three four banana and i'm just curious. If you've got any thoughts of trading up trading down, they have a little dialogue, she's a bit of a deal junkie, sorry mom, just keeping it real and guess what they start talking and talking and talking and next you know she says you know you sound kind Of handsome, are you single and he goes well as a matter of fact, i am and he's a very you know, calling if you're watching right right, a little intense and uh. She says: well, you sound cute. Why don't you send me a photo and he's like? Are you seriously like yeah, send me a photo, he texts her a photo.
She goes you're pretty handsome. Let me text you a photo of my daughter. I just married them from a cold call on an investment property. My point to you is this: good things happen when you make these calls good things happen.

You meet investors, guess what usually those investors, they don't know just one property, they own five, six, eight 10, 15, 20 properties and they know other people that own a bunch of investment properties - and you just might be the one that makes that good impression right. That delivers value two years ago at the summit i said to people you should go after this list, but what you should do is you should bring them a ton of value first, rather than just saying, hey thinking about selling, which is okay. Maybe you do a little research and you figure out every property. They have that's more more than 10 years old and in the us that means they probably use the depreciation rules to depreciate that asset, so they're not getting the tax benefits anymore.

So it might just be time to trade that property, so all of a sudden, now they're doing cmas beautifully done on those properties. Maybe they don't know the you know the net ordinary income based on the rents, but they can make an estimation and say your property value is about x based upon the columns and then they would send that in a beautiful non-descript envelope, hand the dress hand stamped To the person's primary residence, with a sticky note saying: congratulations on what you've done with this property. I'm just curious. I put together a whole bunch of information.

Here's the values. I noticed you on these three other ones. I put those inside there as well they're over delivering, and then you make the phone call they're over delivering and then they make the phone call now you're still watching comfortable, uncomfortable ready, comfortable, which means you're not making a lot of money. I'm sorry you're not getting a ton of listings, that's the reality, doing things that make you a little uncomfortable and just like that, you're in the real game, you're acting like a professional who sees the market, the opportunities understands their problems and works to solve them every Day, so what do i want you to do download the list? Get it inside your database decide on a direct mail campaign start with.

What's the first thing i want to send them. Maybe it's a hand address hand stamp note that just says i was doing some research looking at some properties in the marketplace that are owned as investments. We know that there's basically two types of investors in our town right, the big box sort of you know industrial investors that own hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of units and then the people like myself that owned you know mom and pop five, six, eight ten. I noticed you own three here inside you know this specific city and i'm just curious.
Has anybody taken the time to do an evaluation to talk to you about rents, to see what's going on in the marketplace, because i'd love to deliver that value? Could we spend 15 minutes on the phone or in zoom and have a conversation right? A soft gentle ask acknowledging what they're doing and then follow the phone call, and if not, that letter something else. My point to you is this: when i chat with agents all over north america, i hear the same thing over and over again, there's just not enough inventory and my question for you is with 97 or 93 days left. What are you going to do about it? You're going to sit on that buy side and be like, oh i'm so frustrated, i feel so bad for my buyers. Or are you going to start finding the opportunities in your marketplace getting a little bit uncomfortable to hit the ball right down the middle and win more listings? Let me know in the comments i want to know.

There's all kinds of things you can do. You can still grab the summit, notes everything. Is there the letter, the scripting? It's all there for you, you just got ta decide. Are you gon na? Do it or not? Let me know and i'll see you next week you.

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26 thoughts on “One ‘uncomfortable’ idea to generate more listings now | #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars #kaimoonrealtor says:

    How can we find none owner occupied properties on the MLS?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Life With Julian says:

    Hi Tom! I know this video is a few months old but I could definitely use some assistance. I've pulled up non owner occupied list through MLS. My only concern is anything through MLS is listed through some broker, how do I get in contact with these investors without getting in trouble?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ Soucy says:

    This is freaken Genius. I’ve only gone after distressed homes lately. I got my work cut out for me this week – thank you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nancy says:

    You are so Great! I listen to you every day

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muldoon Associates, Inc. says:

    Truly valuable information Tom! Thanks for taking the time to put out awesome content 👏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Pena says:

    yessss!! Focusing now!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Moore says:

    Is cold calling even allowed right now with covid?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mascottie says:

    Most investors already have real estate agents that they have worked with forever. What are some tips on converting them to working with me instead?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ellie K says:

    How to get the non owners phone numbers ?? Easier said than done? Any suggestions?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Givens says:

    can you balance your audio? Your intro is blaring and then you are super quiet

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryon Bertrim says:

    This is great. To my knowledge, there is no real way to find the nonowner occupied properties vis title search, I've even spent weeks and $$ door knocking and leaving packages at multi-tenant buildings and there most never get to the owner. It is possible to research title and get an owners name or numbered company if you have an address but not easily outsourced. Open to ideas

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharma Ferrugia says:

    Love the golf analogy ! Won’t forget it !

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Khouri says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Warner says:

    @TomFerry WOW…this is some great stuff. Brand new to the Real Estate game and loving it all! Thanks for all the info

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephanie sanzotta says:

    Calls are great unless you live in NY where they are banned right now

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Police Tube says:

    Your desk is still very loose
    very wobbly
    If you want, I can come sure that up for you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gp94403 says:

    Be well versed in tax-deferred exchanges to boost your credibility.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonia Pagan-Lopez says:

    Honestly, my fear is calling someone on the DO NOT CALL LIST! And no, broker doesn't have one…But will be doing everything else and hope someone will call me.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael totten says:

    How would you find the list of non owner occupied in your cities ?

    I am in houston.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Edgardo Palomo says:

    ok, I will do the uncomfortable to get more listing. Thanks Tom

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Moore- Realtor- eXp Realty LLC says:

    Great suggestion Tom. Thanks for all you do.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Kurkin says:

    "if you don't call your data base, don't worry
    Someone else will "
    @tom ferry
    LOVE IT 😜

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yolande Barradas says:

    Brilliant!! Thank you Tom👏🏻 Starting TODAY 💪🏻💪🏻👊🏻👩🏼‍💻🤳🏻

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Davis says:

    Love your videos! And no-one should be watching videos while driving lol just listen.

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  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thetruth 1 says:

    First comment to the early riser

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