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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are finishing the week: Friday up $568 This is not a home run trade. It wasn't a huge day I took I think it was only three individual trades I had one winner, one loser and then a small kind of $250 winner. So you know, not a lot of love in the market. Today it was just it was very slow.

but I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back because I didn't push it I didn't overstay my welcome I Responded to the market and it's very easy to say. Well I trade with 15,000 shares I'm gonna keep being aggressive, but today wasn't a day to be that aggressive. Today wasn't a day where we were seeing homeruns and if I had kept pushing I would have definitely finished in the red. and the same is true yesterday.

So two back-to-back days where I strengthen that muscle of discipline. remember that that that it's a muscle. It's not like you learn discipline, you have it forever. like learning to ride a bike.

You can have discipline for a period of time and then you can get really complacent and it's gone. so you know, constantly working to strengthen that muscle is important. And so these two days we're an opportunity for me to strengthen the muscle to be disciplined and it'll help me. You know, going into next week we'll see what the market has in store for us.

Maybe it'll continue to be slow, maybe a little bounce right back on Monday with some strong trading. So I'm up for whatever I just need to make sure I react to the market that we're in trade the market we're in, not the market I want to be it? Alright, so enjoy today's midday recap. Any questions, any comments? leave them below I'll come back through and answer them later this weekend. Enjoy! All right everyone.

So we're gonna go over our trades from this morning. I was gonna do I was trying to do a Facebook live but yeah I don't know. for some reason it didn't I'm gonna delete this for some reason. it's in I don't know.

stop broadcasting like halfway through. So yeah, that's the way it goes. We'll try it again another time. So anyways, this morning kind of a slow day really and you know, just not a lot of action in the market I Came in early I was here at 6:30 this morning I had some other projects I was working on and you know I was like alright I'll see what's looking good 7:30 nothing's on a scanner 8:30 not much, 9 o'clock not much 9:15 still not much on the scanners.

you know? time for the bell to ring and there just wasn't a lot to trade. Today was not different from any other day where you know it starts just by looking at the Gap scanner. It was just that. Today we didn't have a lot that look good we had SLS SAE X neither of these made big moves SLS I lost 700 bucks on I Jumped into this one for the break at 2.

It first hit up, popped up and hit 204 and then it faded. So I lost 700 bucks on that one so no follow-through there. MT SL this was continuation. so I was watching this to see if it would break over the high of 370 on the daily chart.
It popped up to a high of 354. Made a thousand bucks on it, but you know, not much to say. It didn't hold up and then the last one was see SL T which I shorted how rare right? I don't usually press the short button, but on this one it's a five cent tick stock. It popped up here.

it was doing a micro pullback and I just sort of expected it to fade and do a false breakout. So I shorted this one at five dollars and fifty cents right here and I covered it as it dropped down to 535 540. So a $240 winner there. and Jim you know, boom just like that.

five hundred and sixty eight dollars. so another. Green Day I'm happy with that, but you know today was just know, not a lot of follow-through So what I'm glad about is that I didn't overstay my welcome I didn't push it, you know I was very quick to say yeah, Market doesn't feel super hot today I'm gonna go easy. Five hundred dollars a day.

You know that's a that's a good day. Certainly not as good on Wednesday and 7,500 on Monday or 4300 on Tuesday But it's a good day and so right now I'm finishing the week up right around 20,000 bucks. Twenty thousand dollars in five days of trading. Can't complain about that.

So you know if I can keep that going next week I'm gonna be finishing July in really good shape I'm sitting right now around 40 I don't know 42,000 dollars or so on the month and the goal would still be to be around the fifty thousand dollar minimum this month. You know if I can get closer to 60, that'd be good. So I really only need to make another ten thousand dollars to hit my monthly minimum. And you know I know this probably seems crazy fifty thousand dollars a month with somatic this guy.

But you know the reality is, there was a time when my goal was a thousand a month and then it was three thousand a month and then five thousand a month. and then it was ten thousand a month. And then after a while I was consistently making ten thousand a month. So is twenty thousand a month.

And then all of a sudden I realized I'm consistently doing thirty forty thousand a month. So you just keep. You know the bar just keeps going up. it's you know.

it's just that. That's the funny thing about trading. So you know once you get it, you get it. A lot of people learning to trade, they'll have this period where they're kind of struggling and it's kind of like, you know I'm at this point where you know my profits are like this.

You know it's just up and up and up and up. but for a long time traders will go through this sort of up and then back down and then up. and then back down. Up and down.

Up and down. Up and down. You know, just kind of doing this. basically going sideways for what can last for years.

I mean this is what it was like for me. I was going sideways for years until I figured out. You know what was holding me back and then I broke out and since then it's been. You know it's been up.
so the trick is trying to figure out. You know the difference between a trader who's consistently making money and the ones who are just going sideways. What am I doing wrong that? Well, you know what's holding me back. What was holding me back was mostly trading bad quality stocks.

You know? I would take 15 trades a day and of those 15, maybe 2 were good quality trades and the rest were junk. And so once I realized that I cut out all the junk and took just the two to three trades a day that were actually good quality. and suddenly my profits changed. Suddenly I started actually making money.

you know, even though I was only even though I was trading less I was trading better quality stocks and didn't mean I didn't have losses sometimes I still did, but my accuracy was higher and my profit loss ratios were better. And you know, trade the best. Leave the rest. Now today's a day where I didn't trade a lot, only 15 trades.

I had a day earlier this week where I had like a hundred and fifty trades so you know and I made eight thousand dollars on that day. That day there was a lot happening, but today the market was a little slower and so being able to have the discipline to adapt to that top type of market is also really important. You know if you try to force it on a bad day, you're gonna lose money. Today's a day where if I had kept trading I most likely would have lost money.

So I saw a couple other stocks hit the scanners what was the last one this lower float DC DHCP and let me pull this up. DHCP So let's look at that for a second. So this one hit the scanners and you know this made a pretty I Mean honestly, this is a pretty nice move from 550 up to 620 all the way up to 760. When this made the move I had already I pretty much already called it a day.

What time was this it was 11 17 when it took off. so at this point I was already done for the day. But you can see micro pullback, micro pullback, micro pullback, and then finally atop a false breakout and then it fade back down. so you've got one, two, the first and second pull backs.

Clean opportunities. The only thing that we made it would have made me a little nervous on this was that the volume was so light. You know it looks like it was halted on circuit breaker. It dropped back down, then it curled up and when it was halted, it probably only had like 50,000 shares of volume, but new traders came in for the high A daybreak.

it popped up to 650 Consolidation Consolidation popped up 666, 70, right? Nice big move there, so you know some nice opportunities on it, but you know you. For me, nothing indicated that we would have that type of opportunity today this morning. we didn't see hardly anything on the scanners. This was really the only stock that looks good.

Everything else just was slow. See: LST Not much there, so just kind of a slow day if you ended up sticking around and making some money on. DHCP you know a good job for that. I I'll EFT that one alone and I don't really regret it I think that was probably the right move.
So anyways, finishing the morning $568 another green day of trading up 42,000 on the month, over 350,000 on the year, and I'm sitting at six hundred and ninety four thousand dollars of profit in the account that I started with five hundred eighty three dollars a year and a half ago. So I am 69 percent of the way there to my 1 million dollar challenge I mean you think about that. it's it's like doing a master's degree, but it's like a two-year long journey and it's just it's such a commitment, just emotionally just to have such a long, you know, just set out I'm just gonna start with $583 and turn it into a million bucks. If anyone starts that today, they know they're starting out on a multi-year type of adventure and there's gonna be ups and there's gonna be downs.

But fortunately, we've had more ups than downs. so you know, continuing to make progress. Three hundred and six thousand dollars to go. So I'm hoping I can get get there by the end of this year.

My entry on Mt SLE I got in at let's see 38, 40, 41, 44 and added at 50. So I was buying as it was going up and then I sold half of 51 I wanted to sell 55 but I hit the bid I just sold half 51 and then I I just kept hitting the bid. it just it was sluggish. it wasn't really opening up.

so twelve thousand shares like nine cents of profit. You know this one had the potential I thought if it broke over the half dollar to break the pre-market high of 360, it needed to break 360. But it didn't. It kind of just was I don't know.

heavy right here. and then that for me was the writing on the wall to start unwinding that position. 370 was the daily breakout, but we needed to first break 360, then 370, then 80, then 90, then four dollars and then we had room back up to 645. So a good amount of potential on this one and maybe it'll be in play on Monday But today it just we just didn't have the momentum.

So trade the market you're in, not the market you want to be in and that's the way to do it. How many orders to accumulate? 12,500 shares? Five orders I do five. Every size is 2500 shares. so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? All right.

So 5 orders for 2500 shares. Now it's not to say that you couldn't type in. you know, 5,000 shares you could I just choose to use smaller orders and as I'm watching the level 2, if I'm seeing the stock moving up I'll keep adding because here's the thing. There have been times where we see a hidden cellar.

so if I press a 12,000 share order and I realize that there's a hidden cellar right here on the ask. I am going to get crushed I'm gonna lose 10 cents I mean it almost definitely. I'm gonna lose 10 to 15 cents. So I add I make sure there's not hidden sellers I Want to see the time and sales is flowing I want to see the stock moving towards the breakout spot and as long as it still looks good I keep adding if it's gonna go into a halt, I'll add into the halt that for me, it just always worked really well.
The downside is the Commission's right here. The upside is that this for me is a strategy that generates really good profit. So you know commissions are just the cost of doing business and I just don't I don't worry about them. All that all right? So yeah, that's about it for me.

it going in the weekend feeling good? No. so when I'm selling I'm using my hotkeys. So I this year was a hot key to sell half of my position. so it's 50% of my position, whatever my position is.

and then this hot key here was to sell again half. So I sold half of 12,500 which was 60 to 50 and then I sold half of 60 to 50 which was 31 25 and then I sold. but I only filled 2200 shares. so then I had a full position of 1,900 shares left.

So I tried to sell it all I only got a partial fill and so I sold the rest. See, that's the thing that's interesting is this does the math for me. That's the advantage of the hockey. I Don't have to think, oh, how many pennies shares do I have.

Oh jeez, I've got two thousand, two hundred and seventy filled. So I've got three thousand, one hundred twenty-five left. You know by the time you you do that, look, you got typos and then that's when you get into trouble. So let the computer handle that for you.

It's good at math. so I just let it handle 50% of the position. 25% of position, whatever it is. So Devon So what causes a stock to go into a halt? Generally when a stock squeezes up more than 10% within five minutes, it can get halted.

Now that's true, especially from 9:45 until 3:45 the first 15 minutes, those circuit breakers are doubled. so instead 10% is 20% so stock has to go up 20% in basically less than 5 minutes, almost immediately spike up and then a stock can get halted. So that's what happened on DHCP it spiked up. If we go back to the one-minute chart, you'll see that basically in one candle and this is always a little suspicious.

but in one candle, it spiked from 5 dollars and 60 cents all the way up to $6.24 Ok, so more than 10% Its halted for 5 minutes. It resumes trading at 1124 and it hits a high of 630 and then it drops to 610. But it does If it dropped 10, it would have gotten halted going down. But it didn't.

It dropped just a little bit and then it curls back up. blast through the high over 630. That's where fresh buyers come in. That's where short sellers cover it, squeeze it up to a high of 650 little pullback.

Then it keeps going. keeps going now, even though it kept moving. Remember, it has to go 10 percent from the average price of the last 5 minutes. So the average price from the last 5 minutes is one, two, three, four, five.
The average price is like right here. So now it needs to go up ten percent from here. Alright, so it didn't do it, and then by the time it hit it right here. Well now it's the average price in the last five minutes.

So the average is now right here. So it needs to go here. so you see how the average price keeps moving up. So it really needs to go almost straight up in order to get halted.

So we don't. You know, we don't see them on every type of on every stock, or every momentum trade. so there's not really a technical indicator on our charts for when a stock will get halted. And what's also? You know, this kind of throws a wrench into things.

There are times where we think a stock probably should get halted or will get halted. and then it doesn't. It squeezes up. You know, 50 percent and it's not halted.

and we're just scratching our heads Like you know how we know what's what's going on. So it's a little bit of a mystery. But generally speaking, around 20, around 10 percent to 20 percent is where we can see circuit-breaker hauls. All right.

So yeah, good question there. All right. Dan How do I recognize a hidden cellar? So the way I can usually recognize, let's look. Just look at this stock here.

See it. 28. You see it. Okay, so this one's okay.

but if we see a lot of right now, this shows a hundred shares. Or you know, fifteen hundred shares. So if you saw a ten thousand share buy order go through and it's still showing fifteen hundred shares, that tells you this is a hidden cellar because even though someone just bought ten thousand shares, it didn't buy up the shares that are visible for sale. So that's when we know there's a hidden cellar.

We're seeing the buying going through. But the price isn't moving. So all that green there. no hidden cellar because the price just moved up.

So that's fine. we're sitting at 30. That's I mean that's what you like to see. No issue there.

But when the price, when there's lots of green going through and the price isn't moving, that's a hidden cellar actually I have Well, hmm, that's not actually a good example. Um I was gonna say I I I Can show you this example of a trade from the other day. This isn't actually an example of a hidden cellar, but it's kind of similar. Hang on, let me just drag this up here.

So this is we're gonna walk more. Let's see, we're gonna be watching em. TSL And you're gonna notice there's we come up to 350 that there's a big seller. Alright, so I'm up 7400 on the day here, so see, it's popping up, hopping up, looks good.

whatever. I'd like screw up something there with the window by accident. So I add going into the half dollar and then it dips down. A little false attempt.

Okay, so watch what happens at the half dollar. Okay, so that's that's obviously a really big seller. Someone is selling a hundred thousand shares. so it's not a hidden cellar in this case, right? A hidden cellar is when you see all the buying that we're gonna see in a second.
But the price doesn't move so it's just showing. Let's say 700 shares. It's not showing. You know, seven seventy thousand and you're like, why isn't the price going up There's all these orders going through, but the price isn't going up, it's someone's hiding the share.

Now the only reason to me someone would actually show a hundred thousand shares is if they're trying to scare the market and get people to I Don't not buy or bail out because showing a fifty thousand or a hundred thousand share sale order creates a clear level of resistance. I Mean usually people don't buy into it now I did because look, what happens. You know when it goes down five, four, three, two one, it'll snap. That almost always happens.

So that's what I was playing off of is that this would snap and that if perhaps this was someone shorting the stock and trying to be like super bearish that maybe they would get squeezed and they would have to cover if this thing squeezed up to break the high the previous day which was in the 70s. But we ended up hitting resistance at 70 which was the level we still couldn't break today. So watch this. 41.

All right. So 41 38:31 18 Boom boom boom See how fast that breaks? just like that and boom it's up $0.10 So I Always try to sell just really quickly, like that and capitalize on that quick breakout. it's it's a setup. We see a lot, but a hidden cellar would be where you see all that buying that you're seeing right here.

But the price isn't breaking and you're not seeing the seller here. so you're just seeing all the buying. But you're like you know what's going on. That's when you know there's a hidden cellar so you know a hidden cellar eventually will break.

It's just a matter of are there enough buyers to buy up those shares because sometimes there are, sometimes there aren't I would say in the last couple of weeks I Don't know if my average winners are smaller or not I mean today? Yeah, definitely and yesterday for sure. But in general over the last couple weeks I don't know we've seen, we've seen a couple really nice winners like that. $8,000 day I Needed some big winners to get there, so no I think we've been seeing still pretty good winners I Don't know I mean it has been a little choppy on some days. So anyways and that's about it for today.

midday Market recap you know another another. Green Day Feel good about that and we back at it first thing Monday morning pre market analysis around 9:00 9:15 So I encourage you guys to study up this weekend. study the big momentum trades from this week. Go re-watch the midday market recaps from the whole week.

Study those charts because Monday Morning will be here before you know it and you want to make sure you can capitalize on the opportunities. Alright, so I'll see you guys all back here first thing on Monday morning. Enjoy the weekend if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. Why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.
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34 thoughts on “One of those blah trading days ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Wow Ross , I love the old doors t shirt !!!! Isnt that one super antique?? I love it !!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brightboy says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deyan Zdravkov says:

    I am here just to say thank you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J B says:

    Great Shirt!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KF_oreginal shorts says:

    Why is there a hidden seller sometimes what is he/she trying to achieve by hiding their pos?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zac Talley JD, LL.M says:

    I don’t know a thing about trading but I’m thinking about getting into it. I’ve been following you for about 2 weeks and am thinking about doing your beginner course.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Medvedev says:

    Keep it up love these videos, learn a lot!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Wortsman says:

    Hi Ross. Why don’t you trade pre-market hours ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Mitchell says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Fogel says:

    Hey Ross, it says on Tradezeros website that they do not accept US residents. Do you know if there is a way to get around this since I live in the US? Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas McCloughan says:

    Ross, a question not addressed in your book. I understand the basis for the pre-market gap and go or red-to-green plays. But when you talk about open hours momentum (your recommendation of today its looking for the MOMO trade) what is your basis for entering these that how up on your MOMO scan? There are many stocks that show up during the day on the MOMO scan… what factor do you look at in these? (is there news, is it a technical chart based play etc)… thanks for all you do and have a great weekend

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Miracle says:

    When you are buying/selling a breakout do you typically find yourself using limit orders or market orders? (it's hard to tell for sure since you usually use hotkeys)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blink blink says:

    Blah days are sometimes the best days

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jana Mel says:

    Hey Ross as a Warrior Trading starter student will I get a $2.50 commission on Lightspeed broker?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    I'm debating switching my account from TD to Suretrader. Curious how many of you traders use Suretrader? I'm a little skeptical.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fraser says:

    Hi Ross, I understand the concept of hidden sellers and how they affect sp but I do not understand how to be a hidden seller? Are they just not using "limit" transactions?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bhushan Bakal says:

    Ross that's my monthly salary 😂😥😥

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaias Mateo Aguas says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    the light are green haha

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheEasyInvestor says:

    Hey Ross you could’ve shorted mtsl !!! And sAex

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karthick says:

    Hii why u don't do positional trading or swing trading??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pressure Washing Specialist says:

    ross shorted some shit wtf lmao great video tho keep them up this knowledge is power thanks

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Haire says:

    Just think Ross. Your profits today are equal to your starting balance in Jan 2017 (20$ or so). So this is like a 100% day for back then. It's really pretty awesome as you think about what you've done and what you are learning and sharing. 〰

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Official Username says:

    Are you going to do an office tour video?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusty Hill says:

    Hi Ross, have enjoyed your videos and webinar. Do the strategies you explain in this video work for trading OTC stocks, as well? I have not yet started trading… doing my research first.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuin Z says:

    Awesome video brother! My wife and I have been watching your vids and learning a lot from you! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and techniques! I think you played it safe today good work! When you grew a $500something portfolio into the thousands using sure trade since it is outside us not susceptible to PDT rules? May I ask what sure trade charges per month or as Commission? That would be pretty phenomenal if you have unlimited day trades with only 500 dollars in your account! Thanks again keep up the good work thanks again keep up the good work 🙂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yinakaa B says:

    I would be super happy to make $568.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhamal Brown says:

    Hi Ross. How are you able to tell if there are hidden sellers?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serge A says:

    Hi Ross, which "hot keys" you used for your $CSLT short position ? ))

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zeppelin says:

    Noob question..Does the hotkey is set on limit order or sell the bid?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bacon says:

    Ross can you explain shorts and covering, or point us to a video that explains it for us newbies? I have tried and tried to understand, but the dots are not connecting. I need an explanation that is set for dummies.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kazman20 says:

    So slow today. Small account. Tiny loss. Saw the writing on the wall and stayed away. Stay green. Love the videos.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco D'anconia says:

    Ross when he asked you how to find a hidden seller you gave him the wrong answer. You were supposed to tell him that he's an idiot and that he needs to watch your DVDs, and then drive off in your Lamborghini LOL

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seven day options says:

    Trade a pink sheet. I heard of a trader who shorted a pink sheet stocks and it exploded up like 10 times its value in a matter of seconds, known as a super nova move. And he ended up owing hundreds of thousands to his brokerage firm due to a margin call.

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