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Another market closing live stream boy, oh boy. We had a little bit of a sell-off. It did bottom about 10 minutes ago. Just a heads up, if you are a by the dipper uh, take a peek at uh at the s p 500 and some of our favorite stocks is, they appear to be you turning right now here into the end of the day.

So do take a look at this here. You'll see, a u-turn is happening on the pain that we're experiencing right now, in the s p 500 we've got uh a u-turn happening in uh, a firm yeah. Look at that nice u-turn here off that support line. It's almost kind of expected at this point that things are just going to go back to our support lines, our old stuff, it's a little surprising that it went down this far, but i definitely definitely increased my position in a firm substantially.

Today we talked a lot about this in the course member live stream that just ended, but look at this a firm having a little bit of an end of the day. Rally push again. So i do think this bounce off of 92 here is is really welcomed. Did give me an opportunity to really get in a nice, a nice increase of position here uh today, i bought multiple different levels today, including here recently uh towards this bottom uh.

We actually, we were just on the course member live stream watching this u-turn is what we did, which of course, if you're not part of the course member live streams yet or you're, not part of the courses use the coupon code. Xmas price goes up at the end of the day, a christmas. That's december. 25Th.

You all know the drill. The price never gets cheaper, you just lock in access. So if you like the content you get here, i expect you'll also love the content that you get in the courses take a look, though you do have a volatility up 10, but roku pulling off about uh an eight percent gain. Today i did uh establish a good position in roku yesterday.

I want to say i'm somewhere in uh what like 240 240k or something into this one. So i did do a nice dip buy on this one when it was right at about 198 to like 201 right in that range. I bought a couple different times, and that was another one that we bought in the course yesterday that one's up 7.6 today but hey there are definitely some things well well, some things are up. Some things are down more broadly, the market is, is definitely feeling some pain today and there doesn't really feel like there's a good reason for the pain that's happening today.

It's more it's it's being defined as volatility before quadruple witching, it's being defined as as um. You know settling into the federal reserve, raising rates or whatever it's being described by so many as so many different things and, quite frankly, i think it's weird that look at that early santa claus rally: yeah oops, it's being described as just unclear in terms of why The market is really falling, but i also think it's very interesting that your 10 year continues to go down because a lot of people keep asking me like. Hey kevin, like mortgage rates, are going to go down right and that's not necessarily the case because look at the trend of of uh the ten year over the last six months and the ten year usually drives mortgage rates. So uh two year also continuing uh hold on this, should update this.
It's obviously it's. It should be that um 0.62 hold on a sec, the charts there we go see. Look at that. It's so weird that, after the fed meeting on the five day, where we're at really essentially lows uh, you know week a week's lows on the two-year, so the bond market is saying we're doing the right thing in terms of inflation.

The stock market is just confused. You're seeing some valuation compression without a doubt almost across the board uh some things are selling off for a reason like the dilution uh, the the newly registered shares at uh backed holdings, big problem, newer company, this sort of thing happens: uh the the consumer financial protection Bureau letter for companies like a farm and other buy now later place, which which honestly, i think, is nothing but fud. It's just really uh nonsensical uh, which is exactly why i've been buying the dip on it. I think the cfpb sending a letter about tila just truth and lending which keep in mind i study tila, to get my mls license, which is what you need to become a licensed lender, and it's not that big of a freaking deal so uh.

I i think uh it's a little excessive. Somebody here says a loving sponsor for 11 months. Well, thank you, prof wally. Do you see nfts as the next evolution of stock ownership? Um um? Well, i think you're there there could be two questions.

One you're asking either you're asking do. I think stocks are going to get settled on the blockchain in the future. The answer that is yes do. I think that nfts are like stocks.

No, i think stocks are uh. You know your percentage ownership in extremely valuable and uh powerful companies uh in america and throughout the world for broader extent, but uh shares of ownership in in tesla a firm, enfase, etsy apple amazon. These are these are assets the uh. Unfortunately, at this point and maybe it'll mature - but i think at this point the nft marketplace is one of uh.

I would say: 95 speculation, uh even crypto, punks uh, a very high level of speculation which don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there's not money to be paid made there. I almost bought uh crypto punk, but i didn't want to tie up that much of my portfolio in ethereum. In the event there were larger market falls and um.

You know i've been able to take advantage of lowering my cost basis on all of the crypto that i own by selling uh. Almost all of my actually at one point i sold yeah. No, i almost sold all of my crypto because i had a little x axis left over almost sold everything uh, probably about a month ago. At this point you know, bitcoin was was closer to 60 000 and people got mad at me for selling and i'm like.
No, it's it's not that i'm anti-bitcoin, so i'm just going to buy back lower uh and fortunately that's what i've been able to do now. That's not to say that it can't go from 48 to 37 right, but uh. Fortunately, i've been able to lower my basis. There and i've been doing a similar thing on things like etsy or end phase uh now, with my whole position on those, but i probably sold about 20 percent of my etsy or end phase during the more euphoric times.

I wish i had sold closer to 50, but now i've re-bought those positions, so i'm just really trading to get a discount on those shares. Now it still makes your entire portfolio feel bad because it's kind of like oh no you're getting you know, uh your portfolio is going down, but really you're you're increasing the amount of shares you have for a lower cost basis. Let's uh take a listen to this. For a moment, information specifically on the ability for consumers to accumulate debt.

We know this is very popular with the younger generation when they're shopping and then, secondly, as well, data harvesting, and so because of that news, you're, seeing it way heavily on companies like a firm we're also seeing block there as well as paypal, paypal after pay. Zipco are companies that are being requested to provide information into this trend to the consumer financial protection girl back over to you, christina thanks, so much chef boring. I got ta. Take this off there we go.

I really see it as a beautiful fud dip. Oh, what's the news now hold on to have a preferential recommendation for the mrna vaccines, either pfizer or modernity over the johnson and johnson vaccine? This came after a meeting that started at noon today, where, primarily, the discussion was around the risk of the very rare blood clots that have been seen with the j j vaccine, also with the astrazeneca vaccine, which is the same technology. So here they are not limiting its use, but they are putting out a preference uh that the mrna vaccines be used because of that risk and suggesting uh education for folks who still prefer to take the j j shot. You're not seeing a huge reaction in j j stock over this.

They have pursued this vaccine on a not-for-profit basis during the pandemic, and it is of course, less used already than the mrna vaccines, but a change here in policy from this group guys back to you. Meg thanks so much much appreciated, uh straight ahead, we're gearing up for reports from phoenix, okay, interesting, okay, um! It's incredible that uh well yeah! It makes i suppose it makes sense that johnson johnson's not really moving on that uh, because it's for non-profit purposes but but still you'd, think that'd still be like a slap in the face for johnson johnson not to get that recommendation. But oh well so lots and lots of lots and lots of red uh. Let's see if anything is particularly sparking substantially towards the end of the day here, uh amc kind of flat towards the end of the day, i'm looking for the spark lines just to see an inflection here, volatility dropping towards the end of the day.
That's consistent with some of the in price increases that we're seeing as we go into the close as that by the dip continues. Hmm, let's see here, bitcoin holding on to that 48k. Barely docusign lemonade rotating up a little bit towards the end of the day. Here, carnival cruise lines down 2.1 percent gosh.

What is that carnival at now carnival now at 1750.? I i just want to reiterate: i'm i'm personally. This is not financial advice, i'm recommending to myself to stay away from the recovery stocks until we get to that critical point. If you have not watched my video yet on the convergence of what's going to happen, when delta crosses omicron highly encourage, you watch that just type in meet kevin uh, you know omicron and into youtube and you'll, see it from yesterday very very important, but so i'm Recommending uh myself stay away from from these. I don't make that recommendation to anyone else, because i'm not your financial advisor yeah.

Let's see, i want to look at apple, some of the megas, so apple back to 173, still, a luxurious price for for apple honestly, uh goog goog's been pretty much hanging out at these levels here. Somebody here says they got an offer to buy block fi. So i actually own uh some block five, so uh. I don't think i can in a non-biased way um answer that question for you.

Let me try to give you my generic response to private equity. I think most private equity is substantially overpriced these days uh. So i'm not the biggest enthusiast for private equity right now, especially when we have larger discounts here and more mature stocks, where you're going to have more liquidity. That said, if you get in early enough on some of these rounds, i don't know what valuation they're talking about there robert.

So maybe maybe let me know what valuation you're thinking but uh look. I think block five makes a lot of money. They provide a lot of liquidity to institutions. They make a lot of money doing that uh.

You know, i think, they're a phenomenal platform. I don't love the spreads, but then again i don't love the spreads over at voyager either. You know anyone would snap calls be a good idea. You know calls are very risky in this environment.

I would say call options are pure yolos. It's very important to know that i i do own call options uh here, i'll tell you one sec. I have my um portfolio sheet. I have as a percentage of my portfolio right now, just under a million dollars in options.

Some of those are sold, puts some of those are um which which are upside down at this point, or some of them are call options. So, as a percentage of my portfolio, uh, definitely upside down on my my recent option, plays they have substantial potential but um, but yeah i mean the potential will only become realized in a market drawing so oh, let's see, let's add those together. There we go anyway. Okay, going back to the weebs, what do we have? We have 11 minutes to go.
Okay. Somebody says they have 16k left after buying the dip yesterday um and then somebody asked it also was asking about avax i actually bought avax. Yesterday i sent that alert out to course members, but uh yeah uh me personally, i've gone into margin a little bit uh. Now i do think, there's always the potential that the s p 500 ends up going through a rate tantrum and that we get something more in line with a 10 s.

P selloff entirely possible. So i'm not going to go all in on margin, because i do want to preserve some in the event that something like that happens. That way, i have access to some margin. In the event, the market just goes like ape to the downside and uh.

What i'd? Probably do with that case is if we had a 10 10 20 selloff in the s p 500 i'd probably preserve somewhere around 10 percent of my margin and wait for as much as i could uh. What would it feel like max, payne and then just buy? Call options which is insane uh but probably is potentially what i would do. It depends what the volatility is on the individual stocks be careful call option is a great way to lose all your money, but they can be very, very, very profitable. If you hit the timing right uh, so that's also why i'm hoping for a rally going into the new year here, because i've got some nice call options that are waiting for some love, but oh well, the best time to buy those is when there's pain, though Right, that's and that's always the hard part.

It's always the hard part. So a firm is uh almost fully recovering uh from its from its second dip of the day. So here's your first step and then this was the second dip and it's kind of fully recovered. The first step, i'm sorry, the second dip, which is nice c3ai's, still getting burned, adobe yeah nice rally of firm into the clothes i'm glad.

I was able to really add here robin hood's at 1818, which i just keep in mind. The options that i bought on robinhood, i want to see what their pricing looks like now at least some of the options, because i have a few different options on robinhood, but look at how ridiculous this was so robinhood said: 1818 right, okay watch this. I thought this was so ridiculous. See these 10 options right here.

Look at this! These are january call options for robinhood, okay, robin hood right now. Folks is trading for 18 and 80 cents. A robin hood call option with a strike of ten dollars is going to cost me eight dollars and twenty cents, which means my break even is literally what the share price is right now or or maybe you're paying like a 10 premium or something so like. I thought to myself yesterday and i still think that way to myself, i'm like i'm basically getting like if i'm gon na buy shares of robinhood i may as well just buy the freaking calls, because i'm paying zero extrinsic value essentially for those shares, which is insane That means you're getting basically free leverage uh, so so it was just.
It was too good to be true uh. It's still that way right now, but anyway, it just gives you an exam. These are the kinds of things i look for, there's no guarantee that that option is going to do well right, there's no guarantee of that. But let me give you a comparison: let's, let's go! Let's - and i haven't looked at this before so we're gon na just do this raw we're gon na.

Do it live uh? Okay, what are you doing? Weeble, let's go to options on tesla, let's go to what are at the money options here: um, okay! So so look at this or or go go go down to like 800 okay. So so you go down to like an 800 uh dollar option here, you're paying a 25 extrinsic value right. You see this 820 here or sorry. 800..

I'm paying 155 here we're at 9.25 so that that actually means i'm paying about 25 26 of extrinsic value at robinhood. It was like zero, that's crazy, so uh! Let me let me look at lucid, just as an example get something deep in the money here. Let me go uh, oh, go thirty dollars, i'm paying see even over here, i'm paying a buck 50 as an extrinsic value over here. A buck 50 to about a buck 60.

50 to a buck. 60 is what you're paying for a 30 uh and uh. If you go deeper, though even deeper, it gets a little juicier see. Look at this see these these 20s over here, where you've got a good amount of open interest where you go deeper in the money.

That's where your ex gets really really tight, and i like that uh you're you're, paying about here it looks like you're gon na be paying about 50 cents of premium. If you get them for about yeah about 50 cents, probably depending on where you can get them. If you can get them for roughly where the market is right, now, maybe you're getting them pretty close, but anyway, those were. Those were interesting for me and you'd have to be wanting to buy those shares uh as a worst case of course, because if you're going to trade the option, the market's still down you're going to get screwed if the market runs you're going to do very well, That's the nature of investing.

You make a bet uh. Then, let's see here what else yeah dave and buster's back down. What did i say about dave and busters? The other day was at 37 and i'm like this is the stock that always goes between like 30 and 38, and just back and forth back and forth, it's happening again, uh hippo. I think this is an all-time low for hippo yeah.

We talked about back no um, it was lower. It was at 250, not that long ago. Oh, what's your spark down over here! Oh no! Okay! I think they're glitched uh cardano 126. No, that's not that bad okay volatility hanging out at eight percent purple's back up 15, that's sold down so much.
I mean even now, i'm gon na look at purple again here. Look at this, so purple sold down to eight dollars and 79 cents. Now it's 11! Now, but let me see something: i'm gon na look really quickly what their expected earnings are. So if i look at purple, which is a ticker symbol, that's really close to paypal.

Okay, here we go so purple is expecting uh, almost a dollar of eps in 2025.. Wow, that means you're paying uh you're, paying about probably 13 14 times forward, earnings for purple right now and they're still expecting to grow 15 to 25 percent over the next four years. It's not bad yeah, there's just another one! That's gotten got in the world of hurt: okay, okay, so we talked about backed talked about a firm in the firm recovery adobe's slightly recovering wayfair at 190. It's also kind of crazy robin hood 1818 video back to 280 485-ish and face still sitting at that 190 level.

So 5, 14. 31. Again under that uh 1470 line cloudflare was 129 for a while today, it's 132., it's still pretty decent. Oh tesla fell a little bit more here into the close, oh our rivian earnings today.

Is that true, oh look at that. We just recently just during our stream. I missed it, not that i would have done anything. It felt a 922 uh.

Let me see here: earnings calendar fedex, steel case and rivien. Oh very nice. Okay, two minutes for that. Okay, let's log in here we go again.

New york city shows canceled cases rise office is empty. This is gon na be this is the time to load the boat. That's what i'm doing you know, i feel so bad for me. You know why i feel bad for me, because i always got to be the guy that when the market's zooming like it was uh, you know a month ago, i'm the guy who's like guy guys too much euphoria, i'm selling i'm shorting arc, i'm selling i'm putting Some cash on the side.

I do that and then all the comments are like. Oh here's, dr fudd, here's dr fudd he's just trying to get a discount on his portfolio. What in oswe bay there's dr fudd, then the market falls and i'm like all right. This is why we saved up cash.

This is this, is it this is the time to buy, let's go and then all the comments are man that idiot's catching a in life. Look at that dumb ass! That's why most investors lose money, though, and that is why i feel bad for me. Oh it's great! Okay! So today steel case, oh oh, if you want to buy a put on steel case, you got 10 seconds to do it. Uh steel case is office.

Furniture. How do you think that one's gon na what do you think they're gon na forecast watch it go up anyway, though, including dow utilities average, as we've seen a more defensive tone to this market in terms of what has been outperforming a record high there. For example? Oh look at them with their napa champagne or wine. I guess that's, not champagne! That was wine.
How cute okay, dow was down 0.09 percent s p down point eight: eight percent, uh nasdaq down two point: four: seven percent russell down one point: nine: five percent: those wine people can go drink their wine now because the market's so down all right honestly, i will Feel so bad if i ever ring the bell and it's a red day, although, although maybe maybe then you just have to wear the by the dip shirt, you know but like it's so much more exciting when everything's green, like everybody's happy, except the short sellers. Okay, steel case fedex rivien. We got five minutes for them. Ah, all right, those are the ones that we're going to cover a rivien options are implying a 9.2 move.

Fedex options are implying a 6.5 move, uh steel case. I don't have the answer on that, but i can find out steel case. Let me see here really quick. Steel case is implying a six point.

Eight percent move, so rivian's got the a nine point. Two percent move riven's got the big move that we're expecting here. All right, let's see here where, where where is anything moving in the aftermarket yet no too early to say other than wayfair gosh wayfare's, gotten smoked. Okay, look at the day, though purple up 16 big u-turn, there roku good seven percent united wholesale mortgage company.

Okay. Why? Other than the idea of rates going up which which lowers refinancing and loan activity, the united wholesale and these companies have sold off like crazy, i mean they almost look like value place, uh kevin. When would you tell someone just not to trade just not to trade? Like to trade stocks or not to get into the stock market well, when things are at all-time euphoric highs, you probably don't want to buy call options right, uh. Yet people do all the time anyway, because of fomo so price target cut by wed bush on united wholesale mortgage co.

I interviewed their ceo. I, like the company price target, announced 6.5 by piper sandler upgraded to outperform after selloff at wedbush, multiple different ratings here; really: okay, so right, right: okay, uh, two minutes for earnings; folks we're going to get rivian we're going to get fedex and steel case. Theoretically, all at the same time, peloton going up another little sign that maybe we're going to have uh some of that kova drop. This can't just be an omicron sell-off, though i mean it's, it's probably going to be the most amount of cases where i think we're all going to get it.

I told lauren, i think, there's a 95 chance that our uh, our our three-year-old, gets omicron before the end of january 95, chance he gets omicron by the end of january um. In other words, i've resigned to that. You know the three-year-olds. Don't wear, masks uh.

I think they start masks at like four, even if they did honestly probably still get it. I mean they're children with slobbery gross children. I love children, don't get me wrong, but they're definitely still slobbery and gross um anyway, tesla down a full five percent. Today, good old pain, uh rivien was down five percent today, leading into earnings as well.
Cloudflare talked about them. If you haven't seen the cloudflare cloud 4j or the log4j video, you should watch that. Will you buy lauren house if you're wrong, oh and he doesn't well the problem? Is we don't have a house to buy? There's nothing, there's nothing. We want on the market.

You test your family, often at home for coven. We do. We do uh, but it's a requirement of our school anytime. They show symptoms and, and so we test early, we just want to do the right thing.

You know if you're sick, you should get tested. I know it's inconvenient and a hassle, but it's it's not fair to other people: okay, uh, rivien, uh, okay, there's an 8k oh wait. Hold on fedex is out. Fedex comes out with operating income of 1.6 billion.

The uh narrows their fiscal year, eps to 18.25 to 1925. That's down from the consensus of 19.64. The adjusted eps was a big beat, though adjusting dps comes in at 4.83 versus 4.26, so eps beat at fedex, but guidance was low. You had a reduced guidance.

No surprise at steel case revenue miss at steel case so steel case misses guidance and um. What did i say it was like hey. You got 10 minutes left to buy, puts on steel case, because what do you think they're going to do with guidance? Sure enough comes in lower, but then again sometimes the things go up anyway. Now so steel case is going down right now, although it's it's fluctuating in the after hours, we'll see not a lot of volume in the after hours.

Let's try fedex and let's see what rivien reported fedex with that big beat, even though they lowered guidance that big beat on eps they're up five percent really good and then rivien is up 1.5 percent of the after hours. We only have an 8k for them, which i'm going to pull up now, yeah, i'm trying to see if i can get a summary of information on what's in ribbians, but it appears i might have to look at it myself now. Just take a second okay: here we go so, let's see here: okay, 8k, here it is current report. Let's get it out there we go see what their 8k is.

Can i get this press release? Okay, this is just telling us when their earnings call is going to be so. That's boring, rivian the full text of the press, release and shareholder letter, oh shareholder letter here we go. Okay key highlights 71 000 pre-orders estimated annual capacity. The plan georgia facility 400k 200k for normal illinois they're, reiterating the uh hundred thousand pre-order there from amazon raised 13.7 billion in their ipo okay.

This is motor trend award. Remember this is supposed to be a sales pitch trying to it'd be nice to have some updated guidance on on how much they actually think they're going to deliver when we generated negative gross profit of 82 million as we began manufacturing the r1t, the negative gross profit Relates primarily to significant labor and overhead costs from the large-scale normal factory. However, given that we just started the ramp of the production site, the facility produced limited quantity of pure vehicles in the period in the near term. We expect this dynamic of the vehicle production to be significantly less than our manufacturing capacity, and it will continue to have a negative drag.
This is expected that is that's very, very normal operating expenses, increased makes sense. R d was 400 was almost twice what it was. Last year, sg a was oh, my gosh, 253 million compared to 68 million for the third quarter of 2020, why? Oh they're scaling their sales operation, commercial offices and okay? Well, that makes sense scaling up to actually start selling tremendous opportunity for us to help drive the future of the transportation market. However, building out our organization and infrastructure to support our growth requires significant investment.

Well, again, that's why they ipo. That makes a lot of sense. The funds we raise will help us accelerate they're going to have the conference call, i think, is going to be the most interesting part, forward-looking statements. This is just a disclaimer, so no no guidance, as at least that we could see here as to when they're going to deliver their first vehicle.

Although they've already sold some vehicles, i know that, but when they're gon na, like start rolling some more off the line here, first mile demo, uh 60 mobile by the end of december, we plan to have over 60 mobile service vans and eight service centers. These service centers will be in california, colorado, illinois, new york, utah washington, 24 7 customer support. Okay, 2024. They want to get to 400k vehicles, cool, that's lofty, that's pre-orders, pre-orders pre-orders pre-orders mean nothing nothing.

They gave us no, no updated guidance in this document for rivian. On uh on what we think in terms of deliveries and somewhat upsetting the market, i mean the darn things down. One point: one: it's like one percent, i mean this is now it's down zero. So the market's digesting this.

But this is this: isn't this is just a sales pitch letter right here? Unfortunately, no don't get me wrong. I like rivian. I want rivien to succeed it's just too early for me to invest in these, because i highly expect rivien and lucid to substantially miss on delivery numbers which the markets are going to be very upset about um and then it's it's. Those fear dips that i want to buy in the meantime uh in the after hours.

Fedex is continuing to move it's now up: uh 8.1 percent house steel case uh steel case. Oh my gosh, oh wow. Now i wish i bought the puts man, but i only gave us 10 seconds in fairness, i'm like hey. You got 10 seconds to buy, puts on steel case.
What do you think they're gon na guide? Well, i would have been right on that one, but you know with earnings: i've just learned not to have somo, because it's so hit or miss with earnings. Hmm okay, anyway, yeah rivian at sixty dollars starts getting sexy like that that i would like uh. You know reviewing at substantially lower lower valuations and again i'm not trying to poop on it. I'm excited about rivien, but yeah.

I thought their ipo was a high valuation. We're going to wait on that one, okay, anything else. What else uh fedex running? We actually have rivien up a couple percent right now in the afters, but it's it's fluctuating a lot fluctuating between one and negative one and that sometimes there you go it's a little too early in pre-market or after market to tell no real big movement to the Downside looks like we had most of our downside during the day, so we'll see how this develops their uh conference call could be very exciting, though, especially if they can give us some guide on how many deliveries they think they can get out in 2022. That'll be really cool, how's, lucid moving on this, oh elsa, i'll, set up point two yeah.

I see the comment here. Somebody says smart not to give guidance, otherwise you'll get sued, yeah, honestly, probably true, it's just what the market's gon na want, but yeah nice sell-offs on a lot of things today, big old sell-off on a lot of things today, cool by the dip opportunity, sofi tesla End phase uh a firm and then some of the big ones too, if you're, if you're into that flavor, still staying away from recovery and yeah. Let's look at that look at the front page here of bloomberg for a moment. Yeah, the unemployment numbers are a little bit of an issue.

I agree with you: okay, so uh new york, a covet case rise, called alarming. You've got uh citadel black work, allow rock remote work again: you've got new york city seas, offices, empty shows, canceled, as covid wave sweeps in yikes all right. Well, people who work at rivian said they are having major supply issues and are shutting down the main assembly lines daily. Well, yeah, it's probably to be expected.

I um, i mean it's a crappy time right now. You know i mean like one of the most frustrating things i've ever i could imagine, for a company would be having customers who want your product having the employees to make the product, but then not being able to get aluminum or or steel or chips. For your stupid computers, you know like it's so so sad, uh the supply shortages, it's just it's dumb. The good news is: there's no lack of supply like supply shortages, don't affect my ability to bring you beautiful courses on building your wealth, i'm not affected by those supply shortages.

So you can take advantage of that xmas code as much as you want link down below. There's no way lucid is pumping out 80 cars a day, there's no way zero chance. Okay, i'll give it a one percent chance, but i think it's next to zero. Okay, folks, i think that's pretty good! Thank you.
So much for being here i got ta go appreciate. Y'All love, y'all stay strong. The time to buy is when everybody else is bitchin. Remember that.

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bluebird2220 says:

    People need to understand that there is a massive tech sell-off currently. This doesn't mean you made a bad investment, hold it for 10 years and it'll turn into a great investment. Stop day trading you idiots.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIKE PALOMBI says:

    is it rotation time Kevin? Im hearing low multiple value is going to be the trend in inflationary environment. whet do you think

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tila Garcia says:

    Kevin please have Jeff Booth as your guest on your show. Will blow your mind

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    Hedgies generating cash to cover for the MOASS?! Why Tesla falling with good news?!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura says:

    Why is everyone complaining about Kevin’s advice & strategy ? This is a crazy unpredictable market- and NOBODY can call it right 24/7. This market is filled with manipulations from Hedge Fund & politicians. Kevin has been a solid voice for information immediately and great advice on companies. (29 yrs old..incredible!!)
    Thank you Kevin ..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Venkat R says:

    wherever market goes, he will claim that he is winning…so that can get more people buy the courses with non-ending coupon codes ….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kokmeng ng says:

    Hi Kelvin, can extend the coupon code till 31 Dec 2021. Would like to subscribe once getting my pay check. Thanks

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars little indian says:

    trump wants to debate, the election. Kevin, would you debate; it would be free publicity. see on FrankSpeech .

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tralfaz says:

    I worried about Omicron. May be terrible in the school systems. We are lucky to have vaccines available for anyone that wants one now. The Omicron is 70x more contagious and vaccinated people are getting it and are asymptomatic and giving it to unvaccinated people so they say.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Lovevon says:

    Kevin still lost asf. He really has no idea what's going on. No wonder he's losing money.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Somebody says:

    Buying the Dip was also known as cost averaging down. Do this and you will stay poor. IMHO

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tralfaz says:

    Kevin. I love you because you are so real. Even with pink hair. You are not alone. I'm getting burned.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    I've got tons of people trying to get me in options – no. The banks are doing good. I have SACH. It was down earlier. It pays 9.06%. Pretty easy to get a lot of shares.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Satish Soni says:

    Buyings calls on margin is the worst advice I have heard. Thats a sure way of going bankrupt.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    A lot of medical companies went up. Given the garbage that the Democrats put out., medical went up. Pfe went up. All of them except J&J. I hacve s\aome MPW. It has been doing well before this drop and is still doing well. MPW has a 5% dividend. All of these are dividend stocks. I backed off about $5,000.00. I needed it. Meanwhile I'm getting $50.00 a month, I lost one day, held to a $5.45 loss today.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L F says:

    Obsessed with the stock market casino? You've put yourself in a prison guarded by your own dopamine

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    Kevin. The market went down for a reason. The big boys are taking profits before the end of the year. I've bought some Dow stocks Divo went up. KO went up.,GS went up,. WPC went up. Gild went up. Jepi went up. Food stocks went up. I had just started rotating to that sector Tech stocks got slaughtered because they went up so much. Profit taking.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GeoffreyHiggs says:

    Powell is going to raise the rates once or twice…crash the market, then have to reverse course. Just like 2018. Long term the fed is not going to raise rates…because it can't. As Peter Schiff says, if your serious about stopping inflation, you stop pouring gasoline on the fire, not just slow down your rate of pour. Fed does not appear to be interested in really stopping inflation.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dharmesh Paldiya says:

    Maybe Now it's time to change your hair color to "HOT RED."🎅

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mainchain says:

    Well Kevin, The leverage goes both ways. The market is probably pricing them just above their value as They might expect hood to crash further, imagine selling the calls if You expect it to crash that far, You get to keep The shares if hood actually goes below 10 by then & keep the shares, and You get to sell at current prices now (kind Of) or is atleast compensated right away.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 350zLeMans says:

    I'm not panic selling or buying yet let it keep dipping so we can buy more seems to me like funds are moving into stocks like ATT and Pepsi more value safer stocks

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George R says:

    It’s called waves and you getting caught in that trap fool . They toying with y’all 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seascape Feedback says:

    WSJ posted:
    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Probing ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Companies, Including Affirm, Klarna
    Consumer bureau seeks information on $55 billion installment-plan sector popular with online merchants

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George R says:

    How many of y’all got caught in that 😂.. more down side coming again 😂 be ready

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stang says:

    Kevin is all over the place !! never really posts his sales ! even on the pay for psy/stock course

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Pizarro says:

    I had no clue the market was going to collapse today, it bounced back yesterday. Whats up Kev. You cant warn a bro.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pres Rangelov says:

    if you follow this guy for stocks you really hate your money 🤦🏼‍♂️

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le bûcheron says:

    If Kevin is not allowed to give financial advice, how can he have a paid course on investing and trading? 🤔

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars threshaserus rex says:

    No good reason for the markets to dip maybe billions less being pumped into the highly over leveraged economy I will eat my shoes if the fed manages to shrink there balance sheet and raise rates past 2 percent without the markets collapsing

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anders Niemi says:

    Markets: crashes
    Me: Laughs in long term investor

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trucker2b says:

    Kevin sum guy is upset with you…. He picked all ur stocks and they doped to his testimony…. Plz urgently tell ppl to do there own research….

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