AMC Nextt Bounce Level?
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody boys and girls welcome back to your pre-market live stream. What do you say about that? So in other news, there's been a couple penny stocks that have moved today. There have been that's pretty much it and then we have oh. My am mick sizzle, so we will get started here in just a second and we're definitely going to be covering um amc.

Of course, why? Not? So yesterday we had mentioned that the long zone that you would be looking at yesterday for amc was going to be. It's a little different now, but it was pretty much here. Let me just draw it and re-highlight it for you guys and it properties rectangle one boom boom really odd. The chat's, not loading.

Once again, you guys are probably saying hi good morning, but still the chat's not loading properly this morning. Once again, so there we go um yeah. Yesterday we had mentioned that this was going to be your dip by zone this green box on the day. So we mentioned as you get into this green zone.

This is where you would look to do the reversal dip buy for the day, and that was pretty much the analysis other than obviously you had to go higher and hit resistance, but anyways amc has dropped back down to its desired price targets from yesterday. Now, to be honest, it's a little tricky because we bounced here like when i say we bounced. Here i mean we shouldn't have bounced there. We should have bounced down here.

You guys remember from past couple weeks before we got this big bounce just a couple days back on amc. On that day, we recommended that you wanted to buy amc down at, like i think it might have been like 37. We were off by about a dollar or maybe two dollars a share at the time, and the problem is is since it bounced before that anybody who dip bought this day is now stopping out creating more selling pressure in this area to break this trend, see stocks, Always have the best support and the best resistance when it's their first attempt. Theoretically, this would be a second attempt at support for amc and we didn't even touch the support last time we bounced before it, which creates buying pressure before the actual support so think about it.

If support is here - and everyone starts buying here and it bounces, and then it comes back down, everybody who bought here will start selling and support is really just below that. So then everyone starts selling right now right at support, and it makes it easier for support to break same concept with resistance when a stock stops below a resistance point and it doesn't fully get there. Sometimes people will add a short position. Thinking it's going to be the top when in reality it's not and those short sellers are actually what's used to break the stock up to the actual resistance point so in and break through it in this instance, it would be people dip bought before support now they're.

Stopping out right when we're actually getting on to support which might then break at this time. So i will say this since we are actually on support. I got ta say you first look for a long. You will see that the long is already starting the recommended.
Long bounce price reversal that you should have been buying into was again here. Let me just draw a box around it. This is pretty much where you're supposed to be buying. We identified that yesterday pre-market so the lowest risk possible entry for this bounce move has already happened.

It happened in the box, so i will say you want to stay long bias on amc today only because we did get down to support, but do note that i did tell you. There is still a strong chance. You can break support more so than if it was the first attempt today. So in a nutshell, what we're really watching is how the price of amc moves and or trades around these two specific levels today, which will probably update at market open.

So this is the best most realistic analysis. I can give you until market open so for right now these two lines are the support. So as long as amc stays above these you can see the markets move higher if amc starts to get weakness and come below these, that's where you can continue to see weakness so again, just map off the price levels from 37.60 to 3813 and just know that That's your current support in the market and, if that fails, market should continue lower on amc alrighty on to the next couple that we'll talk about, which is ox vr oxbr was a stock today that ran up uh, pretty much ended up doing a short trade here And bringing it down i'll explain this: you see these lines on my chart really quickly, one second, i'm going to make these and i'm going to put them in boxes really quickly, because it makes it kind of cool for the purposes of our stream. So we'll do that, so this one will be purple, and this is only because this is just how i chose to color code, my chart, the blue and the purple.

You know the color doesn't really mean anything. It's just how i like to see it on my chart is all okay, so one second, so today on oxbr. What is that? That's a green all right so today on oxbr long story, short um yesterday it gets remembered that blue's overbought, purple's extremely overbought. So again, yesterday we break up to the green.

Green is also slightly overbought, but anyways we break through the green, and you can see how this all works right. You can see what i'm trying to show you is that the markets move in in functions of deviations right. So once one deviations level has successfully broke, then the trending move will be to the next deviation. So for those of you that have trouble picking price targets or how far a stock's going to move, how long it's going to go, you can forget about all that because i'm showing you how to do it all right so, for example, um just know that each One of these zones is a deviation mark when we break it, we'll trend to the next deviation zone and so on.
So you can see we get to the green and i'll walk you through this for every bit right, so look we squeeze up. We stop at the green, we pull back to the low of the green we break up over the green. We pull back, we hold the low of the green we'd, eventually get up and over hold like a retest we break out. Where do we go to? We go to this blue one and then we go to the top blue.

We have resistance. We pull back to the bottom of the blue slightly under we hold consolidation in the blue and then where do we go? And then we break up and out of the blue and we go to the first level of the purple. So we go to the purple and then we break back down and sell off. Why? Because the purple and the blue are overbought.

So these are people late to the party trying to get the last bit of that move on oxbr before it's extremely overbought and then they get sold into market sells all the way down from four to three to two, two being green, so we're at two deviations. In the green market holds support, market breaks up. Where does it end up going to you can see the market ends up breaking up pushes to the blue and actually breaks through the blue goes up to the purple. We start to sell back down in the purple.

We consolidate in between the purple and the blue. You will see when we break down. You see we break down we're re-testing, the blue, the blue, the blue, the blue. We spike up, we re-test the purple back down to the blue re-test blah blah blah.

We eventually break the support, that's been created, trying to hold the blue, then we swing through the blue, and where do we go down to well? We almost went down to the green. This is where we covered our short this morning, summoned to this drop and then sum it to this drop and then look at what's happening when it's bouncing. You see where it's going back up to it's bouncing and it's going right back to the blue and right back to the blue, so anyways, that's oxbr, we're not really crazy about it. We don't think it's going to trade that good, probably going to continue watching that stock short bias, because if we look at the long term chart overall, you will see that we are over bought.

So if we're lucky, it keeps going higher. Who knows we're just going to follow it though alrighty next one list we'll talk about is jzxn which actually chopped me up this morning. I did okay on it, but didn't do okay, i lost money on it, but we ended up watching it right here. We went long, we traded all the way up to here.

Try to take another long loss, then i went short too late got popped and just basically traded like a jackass this morning, and it's all because i was trying too hard to make sure it got to my desired price target, ideally uh when we started breaking up Here, pre-market on jzxn: today we picked a price target of 820. We only got to 780., so on this breakout we got up to 780, which was re-testing a previous high, that it couldn't break blah blah blah. We were trying to go to 820. um.
I thought it was going to 820, so i ended up buying in this top, even though i shouldn't the ttm was blue. Try to force it lost, doesn't matter um, but end of the day, we're probably not going to be doing a whole lot of trading with jzxn at this point, because i just feel like it's going to continue selling down so with jzxn we're expecting. This is probably going to continue moving lower and just because i'll give you one more price level to follow on this if you're trading it. So if i are looking at jzxn you're going to watch for this thing to pull back, probably to 584 or 563., just how it's moving, i would say this has a good chance of getting into this zone and then that's where you're going to look for a Dip buy reversal, and this is going to be the mean, so this price level is going to be the mean all right, so we might see this decrease all the way down to here.

This is where it slowed down. Maybe give you a little pop all right and those are really just kind of a couple ones. We've been messing around with this morning um, but i want to make sure i definitely take a look at what you guys are watching. Can you um? Can we take? Oh by the way, this is really just.

This is just me tooting, my own horn right, so this is from yesterday. So if you guys remember from yesterday pre-market nasdaq and the spy everybody was asked about the market, we recommended that you wanted to dip by the market at this price, so that was our um. That was our recommended buy point for the market yesterday down at 360 77 that was on the nasdaq um. The recommended long price for the spy yesterday was at 4, 35 40..

So we recommended this as your long price yesterday and the other one accused, and then you can see we ended up ripping up but anyways, and this also plays into what i just told you. This would be a first attempt at support. Look at how good the bounce was. This would be the market coming back down to retest that support.

As a second attempt, you can see it kind of got sluggish and also remember when a market comes down to support. Remember that the red line would support yesterday. In the spy look how it came down, it got close it bounced and then it got taken out and then it bounced close and then it got taken out. That's the same concept that i'm talking about with amc, where the market comes down close to support people buy it, but it's not quite at support, which then creates the selling pressure to keep kind of taking out those lows until we get there all right, um now, We'll take a look uh, let's see xela, that was a mover from yesterday, so that got all the way up to 498.

We ended up trading this one long yesterday too, but didn't get all of it. It's definitely still got some strength. I just know that resistance for now on x, ela, is at about 5. 47..
That's annoying! 5. 490.. All right, so i should color code this for you, because it just looks so much better. So give me like what time is it? 8.

45. Give me a couple seconds: we're going to color code, this bad boy and everyone's going to be just dandy, ready and i'm not going to do the half deviations, because that takes quite a bit of time. I'm just going to do uh the solids right now and we're only going to go down to the plus 2 there, because that's going to give us the data from like the past couple trees, jesus, that's annoying we're going to shut that bad boy off all righty. So that's purple, i didn't color code them, but i do remember so this would be green cool.

This is going to be green as well cool. This is going to be blue cool. This is going to be blue and these are going to be purple all right and once we go back and look at the chart, it's all going to make perfect sense. You're going to see these levels play perfectly and then the market moves through them as it should.

Oh, i forgot to color code them the way i wanted to mer. Oh, i forgot to do the boxes hold on one second, one. Second, we're almost there kids and it might not. It might not be exactly perfect because i'm leaving out the half deviation marks, but for the time being this will be uh.

This will be fine, oh wait! There we go damn it. What did i do that for there we go and green okay, all right now, we're done okay, so now, um and again, these levels change a little bit but you'll see we consolidated in the green and then when we broke from the green, we ran into the Blue and then we broke from the blue, we ran to the start of the purple sold down, got to the high of the purple here at 545, sold down back to the beginning of the blue. Then we bounced up and did something random. Then we swung down to the bottom of the blues and then we bounced and then we broke the blue.

We kind of consolidated below then you'll see this morning pre-market we break up straight to the top of the blue, consolidate over it and then, when we break the blue, we run into the purple, and so what i was going to tell you was for now. My max price target that i would be looking for is going to be up to 546 right now on on the stock. I know that's kind of a lot. It might be seem confusing, but it's it's not all that confusing all right all right.

Now, i'm just going to be running straight through your guys's stocks and i'm not going to be doing as in depth for everything uh dtss wow. That's up, uh, pretty decent right. Now a um so look at look at this ready. We are right on resistance, okay, and so, let's see if it, if it, it looks strong to me almost like it's gon na break, but look at where we're at i'm going to color code this to green.

So you can see that right now the candle is right at a plus two deviation mark and the daily chart. One was right here, so this was the daily, so we'll probably see some sort of interesting interaction here. Okay, so that's strong we're breaking right through that's good, all right! We're gon na go up one more here, and this is literally what i do during the day too, when i'm trading, this is exactly. I find a stock do my analysis and then we go from there all right, so this would be plus three yeah so for dtss um.
It got through plus two. Now the move is probably going to plus three, which is 490 to 520, can't guarantee it. But that's the way it appears and when we get to here this is where you should start to see. Some selling pressure occur on the market with dtss all right, so you're, seeing the move up on dtss right now, we've almost gotten to the blue marks.

We've gotten to 478, so we're pretty close looks like there is some news on this wholly owned: subsidiary entered into several purchase and distribution agreements and further enhanced 5g messaging product availability in china, and so that's damn and let me just double check. Something else really quickly is this the sort of stock that has the strength to go more than plus three, though that's the question, so the question would be: is this going to be strong enough to actually break through five to 520 or the seller is going to Be strong enough to actually smack it down in this location is really the question for debate right now. So, let's see how this uh this, how this trades here 485 again up to 513 or so all right, i'm going to use the screen on the right to continue the analysis here. Um sn, dl sure i'll.

Take a quick peek at that sndl still downtrending. In order for that to really pop you're going to have to get the price back up and over the of 94 cents, which is pretty much the high from yesterday, but the reason the high was there was because we had a half deviation resistance price. So you can see, we've almost tagged, the first blue line and the market's starting to pull back here on dtss, which really isn't like anything too crazy, and we could still go up to the high of 514. Just because we're pulling back here doesn't guarantee that it's going to be the top.

We still haven't even entered that blue zone, so we'll see i've never used fidelities from i've, never even used fidelity to begin with, but never from my phone too um. We already went over xela, oh look at the drop common from our friend dtss. I mean how is it possible that we could possibly predict this would kind of be the start of the selling zone? It just must be: oh by the way this pullback we're seeing from dtss would probably come back to wait um. That can't be so.

We went to the blue, so watch what happens when i put a line there. Let's see if that boom. Look at that, you see that bam. Look where the bottom of that candle went right to that red line that i put on the chart and that comes from the daily chart.
Half deviation. So you see this right here. This line watch this i'll put dtss on the screen on the right watch. This look at the screen on the right: okay, um.

So we're going to delete the red level on the left so watch what happens when we delete that gone? Look! What happens when we put it back? Look at the right screen now: oh i'm doing a box one second yeah! So now you look at the screen on the right one minute chart boom. So, in this instance, what's happening is we went to the blue line and now we're pulling back halfway from the green to the blue? So you can see right. We have the blue up here the green's down here and that red line, which is actually that dotted white line, is the halfway mark from the blue to the green. So we've made it 0.5 deviations is what that kind of means, but anyways just trying to show you how accurate the system can be, but anyways good, old, dtss starting to uh swing lower.

What are the odds, so i would expect um, you know, given the way it's moving, there's a great chance. We can see dtss trying to get back into the plus two area, and then this might be where we try to actually bounce the market so to speak. Bbby sure, let's take a look uh, so bbby had a spike. Yesterday then sold off.

You will notice watch what happens when we zoom in look at where the high of the day was yesterday on bbby. It was right off of the mean, so we spiked up to the mean and sold down so pretty much. What that means is that you have to get over 3151 on bbby for it to really make you know like a bigger jump for you, that you'd be able to profit on c, is running. Let's see, citigroup! That's going up, you're, probably late to that move.

A little bit, but it's also coming from a bottom yeah, so you're going to look for a price target of citigroup back to 70 dollars and 18 cents for the time being uh. What time do we got 8.55 we'll go back, take a peek at dtss, just because you know it's something, we're watching. You know here and now for the most part, so look at the spike move up there from dtss, so we got to 490, which is a three deviation mark. The question is: will we break that and go to the high of that zone, which is 516.

so, like i said dtss here, if you get lucky enough to get it through 490. That's where you look for pop to about 513.. What else we got here, expr um so again with expr uh, it's following kind of the suit of amc. So unless amc has like a big good day, then you should just expect that am or expr is going to trade pretty poorly.

So you need to have a really good day for uh amc in order to see expr have a really good day too. Hmm! Well all right, ladies and gentlemen, we know i'm going to call it a little early here. Um keep watching dtss like i said, the 490 is kind of a resistance point. Anyways um we've gone over x ela.

We only see a little bit more upside for that stock unless it breaks through four deviations, which could be pretty hard to get that stock. To do so for the time being, um watch dtss keep an eye on and maybe oxbr, but i think that's going to continue to trade bearer, so probably not um, but yeah keep an eye on your dtss for the time being, uh, that's kind of the recommendation. I would have for you with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, i am going to see you guys tomorrow morning, back bright and early other than that guys have a great day.

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13 thoughts on “Oh my amc!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rainititan at gmail. Com says:

    Invest in a secure platform and broker where you will not lose your funds. I'm new to trading, but I met Mr. Raini Titan here on YouTube where he teaches people to trade forex and stocks. which he guides me with a super platform and amazing strategy. I thought it was a scam, but finally I cashed my first $ 57,000 profit last week, he is very reliable and honest, he always tells me the actual time of buying and selling with 100 profit from his one-on-one master training…..Stay bless

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gomofit says:

    Just say it…its over fing SOLD. Just bought more 🤙🏼

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Pham says:

    my wife just left me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ponce Ponce says:

    I read a VPA book, and your commentary helps connect the dots.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin G says:

    I have 20 shares of AMC and at 35 and I’m afraid i will loose my life savings

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nostrabotus the Stock God says:

    Bro what did I tell buddy yesterday about amc going to 34 🤣🤣🤣 next stop 28.60

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Smith says:

    This is the best place to learn day trading on the internet by far. It is so awesome to study market movements down to the most fundamental level and literally be able to predict its movement being able to use psychology (what would you be planning to do in opposing traders shoes) and spot on tools for excellent statistical advantages. As a beginner I was basically clueless, 90% of what I know about day trading is from your hard earned experience and genius analysis. U a MFn goat! The strategies and explanations have been extremely helpful to understand more about whats going on and being able to watch live trading with the methods being explained and practiced for real. Its a huge game changer. Before, I only knew basic tools (ema, vwap, rsi, vol.) and just studied past charts for hours not knowing anything about resistance points, let alone deviation lines. Cant wait to get the custom volume scanner btw! Another game changer to take movement prediction to another level!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jjanevski says:

    Thanks for your continued converge of AMC! You're the only person I will even remotely consider listening to about AMC. I'm still waiting for a clear trend reversal still. Outside factors are causing the price to still tick down.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Davis says:

    Amazing information and conveyance. Thanks

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G G says:

    I have 20,600 shares of AMC 😂 Thank you for covering this stock

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. Truong says:

    I LOVE how your analysis on AMC isn't very bias, but rather, very informative. Thank you Brother for your knowledge. It's always a treat to check out ur vids in the morning.

    Hodling the line with my fellow Apes

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HalvinAlvin says:

    He even educates with the deviation zone the goat

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The COVID-19 Coronavirus says:

    I’m here

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