If Objection handling is part of the real estate game, why would anyone need a full-service broker when they could just sell their home by themselves? Because that would be a bad idea! Going with a smart agent (like you) is the best decision they could possibly make to maximize their money. Need irrefutable proof?
That’s what Tom Toole is here for. On this week’s Confidence & Conversation, Tom shares the market knowledge that will get sellers off the fence and how to use it with confidence.
If you ever feel uncertain about objection handling or don’t know what to say in the moment, these six minutes of sales wisdom are for you. After you watch or listen, I’d get to tuning up your scripts right away!
In this episode, we discuss…
0:00 – Are they comfortable leaving money on the table?
0:34 – 17%... You’ll want to remember that
1:20 – The 3-point-plan isn’t working
2:28 – Prelaunch plan
3:06 – What could you lose in a day?
4:05 – Practice for confidence
5:17 – A formula for objection handling
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Welcome back to confidence conversion once again, the legend tom toole tom. Let's handle another objection, you know the market's so hot, i you know, i know your guys brand. It's obvious, you guys, sell a lot of houses, but the market is so hot. I just feel like.

I can put a sign in front of my house and it would sell so i'm i'm looking at all these discount companies. I don't want a full service program. I don't think i need a full service broker in this market. Well, you're right, you could put up a sign and your home would sell.

The question is: are you leaving money on the table and and here's what i know has anyone shared with you? The bright mls statistics about off-market sales? No so bright did a study all along the eastern seaboard, and this your mls has this stuff too. So bright did bright, did a study all along the eastern seaboard. It includes philadelphia, dc, baltimore, virginia and homes that weren't on the mls sold just below 17. Less than the homes that did sell on the mls, so i get that you could sell the home on your own.

I just don't want to see you leave that kind of money on the table. Do you want me 17? Can you send me that report i i'll send it to you right now. What's your email, and then i mean it's: it's literally like right on bright, so i would, i would be that's one way to handle it, okay, so what about uh? So i mean like i think everybody watching was like okay hold on i'm, going to rewind that write that one down: okay, good, okay, but let's all right well that totally makes sense. But then then i'm looking at this discount company! You know this.

Guy literally said he put it put in the mls for 500 dollars. He'd do it for one percent. He did sure you know whatever whatever the number is like those people. So what about you guys so so, can i tell you why it makes me nervous that you're talking to discount brokers, tom nervous, here's what makes me nervous.

I see this all the time. People don't have a plan to launch the listing. They just put it on the mls. They hope somebody's going to show up.

That's what most agents do when they put a sign in the yard. It's the typical three-point plan right. What i know is that there's what do you mean the three-point plan, what they put a sign up, they put it on the internet and they wait for somebody to show up and buy it. That's the three points got it, which is similar to what you talked about by putting a sign up.

What i know is that there's so much demand out there right now. People have things going on in their lives. They can't get into homes like that day or the next day, and some buyers they're going to be fast. They may not be the best buyer for your home and we want to create a bidding war.

We want multiple options to look at. What are the contingencies? Are there inspections who's willing to escalate the price who has enough cash on hand to make up an appraisal deficit if it sells way above where the appraised values are because there's not a lot of there's, not a lot of sales data right now to support that? So we have a pre-launch plan where we start marketing the property a week two weeks three weeks before 21 days is the max we're allowed to do so that we can get people so interested. So frothy they're like foaming at the mouth, coming to look at your home and then we let them duke it out. We give it some time we let it breathe, because we have seen time and time again.
This just happened to an agent on our team, and i got a real life case study for you i'll give you in a second, where they're accepting the first offer, which is a great offer, there's better offers out there that haven't come in yet because one you Can't have overlapping appointments anymore. That's that's a covet 19 restriction that we have and two maybe the buyer had something going on. They have kids activities, they weren't in town. We don't know recently, one of our agents on our team.

He wrote an offer on a property. Was listed at 900., his client was ready to pay a million for it. They set a deadline of saturday night after listing it on friday. I don't know about you.

I got other things going on saturday, night right and the home sold for 960., so the seller lost 40 000 by not waiting a day two days and the agent thought it was a great idea if i'm, that seller, i'm pretty ticked off - that i lost 40 Grand because my agent didn't give me the right advice and didn't have the right plan. Do you want the right plan or do you want the plan? That's going to maximize your proceeds, i mean you make a very compelling point, but at the end of the day like we really need to net as much out of this property as we can so i mean, do you have a do? You have just a lower commission rate that you offer people like myself. Well, i'm not going to charge charging more. If i sell it for more right, i'm going to charge the same amount.

Well, no matter what price we sell it for. So why don't? We just sit down and go over the plan and see what it looks like and if you can see value there and you feel good about it, i feel good about it. Then we can make the right decision. That's awesome, that's awesome.

What's your advice for the person that uh just heard this and maybe has listened to it now, six or seven times like how do they get um this confident, because that's the whole goal of the show confidence and conversion, so you got to practice, i mean it's: It's i when i started coaching with my first coach that i had he's literally, he sent me an email at like the re max conference or something he goes. You need to roleplay every day and i'm like okay cause. I'm mr forrest gump here yeah and i said, okay and i started role playing and literally just practicing this every day, because some of these things are hard to say to people. Yes, i mean i the first time i gave an objection handle like that.
I was nervous, i'm like, oh god, i can't believe. I just said that once you say it once it gets easier. The first time you do something: it's always the hardest. It's going to get easier and easier, and you want to practice with someone.

That's going to be really hard on you because odds are when you're, giving these presentations or having these conversations with people they're not going to be as hard on you as the person. That knows it's coming and knows what you're going to say and that's going to make it easier yeah it is uh. It is shocking to me that we all you know for most of us that have kids like we said you got to practice. You got to do your homework, you got it and then you get into a professional sport where you can get paid millions of dollars a year called real estate and they don't practice yep.

So i'm not rousing you because you're you're, watching this show so clearly you're one of the good ones that are absolutely doing totally agree. Uh. Is there one hack you have that you found beyond role-playing with somebody. That's going to be hard on you, another hack that you found that makes people better at role-playing.

So in the moment of truth bam they can deliver. There's a formula for objection, handling! Yeah! You heard me ask the question: can i tell you why it makes me nervous, or can i share a concern, so you don't want to argue with the people up front. You want to get alignment yeah, you say, hey. I hear you tom yeah, i get it.

I would feel the same way if i was you give them some sort of agreement, because you start arguing with them. Guess what they're going to check out mentally immediately so agree hey. Can i tell you why it makes me nervous? Can i share a concern because then, when you're showing actually care about them, because that's what we that's what we're doing here, then you handle the objection and you tell them what's going on and then you kind of tie it down. It's old-school, nlp! So hey! Knowing that's the case, you don't want to leave money on the table.

Do you tom? No, so it's there really is a formula there and if you follow the form that makes it a little easier than just right, laying some objection handler on them. That's kind of blunt and to the point yeah asking that question goes a long way yeah. I agree, hey tom thanks, so much for being on the show. I know we got a bunch of these, so hey confidence and conversion follow this guy but most importantly, keep practicing and watch this show six or seven times and probably send it to a friend or two thanks man.


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3 thoughts on “Objection handling with extreme confidence”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Margaret says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DESIGNBUILDLA says:

    morning 5am crew 😄

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pavel.Murza. says:

    Me#1!lord bless you all

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