Objection Handling with Dignity and the 6 P's of First Impressions
How many reasons have you heard for someone not wanting to sell their home? How many reasons have people had for going with other agents? People have tons of excuses, but YOU DON’T, because Phil Jones is here to give you Exactly What to Say.
Phil is the author of that phenomenal book I’ve been raving about for months and also the keynote speaker at our upcoming Success Summit! You’re going to learn how to handle just about any objection, stand out on your website and in your marketing, and you’ll get to watch us do some crazy inspiring role plays.
So, yeah… this is a must-watch or listen. And remember, this is only a taste of what Phil is going to be offering at Summit.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – Intro/About Phil
03:57 – What the clients’ questions are actually asking
07:46 – Role play #1
11:26 – Destroying the option of “no”
13:54 – The second mouse gets the cheese
18:00 – Control the breakup email | Role play #2
23:34 – About Success Summit
27:08 – The 6 P’s of standing out in a sea of sameness
35:32 – Narrow your aim
40:46 – You want me to discount my price?
48:33 – Reach out to Phil
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey welcome back to the podcast. I am so excited to have the one and only phil jones, if you're like me, and you want to know exactly what to say. This is probably one of those podcasts. You listen to multiple times phil, thanks for coming to the show man a real pleasure to be here thanks for having me so so for the i don't know, six people that don't know who you are.

Could you give a little context into who you are in the work that you do in this extraordinary book and others sure i'm not sure how far to go back, but i've been in business for like forever, so i started when i was 14 years of age Started knocking on the doors of my neighbors, asking them kind of politely whether they wanted their cars washed yeah. Some said. Yes, if you said no most just asked me how much i would charge, which is pretty quickly realized meant they were kind of interested. Yes, i did, okay with that little car cleaning business and to the point that by the age of 15 i wasn't going to school anywhere near as often as i should remember, being invited in by my school teachers.

Questioning me saying phil. Why did you come to class, to which i had to respond with a question? The question i'd respond with was was sir, how much money are you making yeah school teacher refused to tell me, but my little car cleaning business was delivering me around sort of five. Six thousand dollars a month about four thousand pounds at the time i didn't go to school as much as i should, because i had customers that needed servicing and staff that needed direction and that kind of stuff and i've been building businesses ever since um worked with Some of the world's biggest brands head of retail for two premier league soccer clubs um, but the one consistency that's run through all of my work. Even now, following the books and the the organizations that we coach and consult to, is that the difference between those that do good and those that do great are the ones that do great.

They know the importance of the critical conversations they bump into. They know the importance of finding the right words at the right time to be able to get there, and that's really where my body of work is now found itself around. Is helping people have more impact in the critical conversations that really matter being able to show up to those moments and get higher levels of conversion, and do it in a way that is just laced with integrity, as opposed to the sleazy sliminess, that's often associated with Sales and real estate and much of the same, like nobody, needs to be closed right. Nobody wants to right, nobody wants to feel like they were pressured into anything and - and you know in the world of sales, they've often said like: oh, they could sell ice to or they could still send to etc.

Like it's a good thing and yeah and those people don't wake up today feeling good about the decision they made yesterday. If that's the case - and we live in a world where so much transparency right now, the the people need to feel good about the decision they make today tomorrow, six months 24 months into the future and that's the world that we now live in and i try And power people the skills to be able to do that and ethically influence. Yes, in a way where both parties win doesn't have to be a winner and a loser right right, both parties can come out and say that felt good, so uh so for the people. Listening right now are watching, however, you're uh, you know consuming this content phil and i struck a little partnership and - and the reason why this for me is so right is i've always been called the intel chip for a lot of great real estate.
Brokerages teams mortgage companies, tech companies are like fairy like we're, not gon na. Do everything you say but, like you just make everything a little faster, a little better. You know we get there sooner and the reason why i'm so excited about this partnership is you. Do the same right, you have that same mentality of you're, not the hero, i'm not the hero, the client is the hero or their client is the hero, and if we could speed everything up to help him get there, everybody wins exactly that and i think, from A sales point of view is: is we forget that our primary role is not embellishing products or services with features of benefits? It's our job is to be like a professional mind maker upper.

Yes, we're decision catalysts, we're that's a professional mind maker. I've heard you say that so many times, and i just but i love that phrase professional mind maker upper put that on your business card. Yes, i'm not sure the client would get it, but i think it's like a self-taught job description right right right. Actually, you know, the funny thing is, i think, in the in the u.s specifically like if a real estate agent put it on their card, somebody would laugh and go you're, my guy right you're, my guy just just because it's because they couldn't it's like versus, like Hey i'm number two right because everyone says they're number one right so so phil i think there are.

I know, there's a lot of problems that uh my listener right now faces and uh for the individual right now. That's that's knee-deep, like okay, like i've heard about this guy like oh, maybe i have had access to his book. I heard he's speaking at your summit. Whatever it may be, the three problems i would love for us to just play around with and we're just going to go rapid fire.

Okay, one is clearly the market is changing right now, yeah and if i know what to say to be appropriate to be the right educator, whether it's with my mom who's concerned or a cold prospect, i met or sending an email response to someone that just maybe Came in as an inbound lead, if i know what to say a, i feel better yeah right b, i'm gon na have higher conversion right, of course, doing it the right way. So i would love to hear like from your standpoint, the market's changing many consumers. When you talk about the real estate market, changing the stock market going a little crazy right now they immediately associate it with 2007 8, 9 10 right and there is so much emotional pain associated for a lot of people around the world. Because of that time now i can sit here and say the data says we stopped selling bad mortgage products a long time ago right and i could even show you a graph that says even those bad mortgage products that people still retained have all but evaporated, because The world refinanced everything and there's so much equity, but it's still polarizing for people right and it's polarizing in some cases for the agent that's listening right now! So if you were, if you're recommending to an agent, hey you're standing in front of a couple of your friends and they say i'm nervous about the market, changing phil, what would you ask them to to think about or more importantly, exactly what to say? I mean every set of circumstances is different, of course, and think the mistake that many of us make is to think we have to have a universal answer to a universal question.
Isn't the reality. The state of the market is irrelevant to any one individual. The state of the market and its impact it has on that one person's goals, aspirations desires. What they're looking to try and get done is the only thing that matters and your ability to give an answer to that question.

Before you understand, the question is actually going to trip you up. The most important thing when you're being questioned around the market right now is to understand the reason why they're asking the question give me an example. Well, if you're being asked questions about how's the market, the person didn't actually want to answer that question. What they're actually saying is i'm thinking of selling my house i'm thinking of buying something new, i'm thinking of investing right now, that's what they were trying to float with you to say.

I want to have a conversation with you about real estate, so i think, if you've got the emotional intelligence to understand that, when somebody's asking you about the market, they are looking to have a bigger conversation. Give them permission to have that bigger conversation and allow it to be able to expand on what their real fears reservations challenges, opportunities threats might be. So how would you do that is they're asking you like? What do you think about the interest rates right now? What do you think about the lack of inventory? What do you think about yada yada they're, asking how's the market? You say the market's the most interesting i've seen in a long time. Yes, why would i choose the word interesting because they say well? Why do you say that? Well, it's interesting for a lot of reasons, but what is it about your circumstances that has you interested about real estate right now? What are you thinking that you might want to be able to do yes? Well, you know what is is like my daughter's looking to be able to go to a new school and we're thinking.
We want to move together to get closer to her and i'm just worried about whether now's the right time to be at a cell or whether now is the right time to be able to buy. Hmm, that's a fair reservation to have right and what people are looking for is some confidence looking for some reassurance, i believe that, right now, if you are a professional, real estate agent, there is never a better time ever in the history of your career to get Rewarded for being a professional real estate agent, because we've lived through periods of time where you've got a license and a pulse and you've got access to the mls. You can get paid the same money as everybody else right, but right now we need good ones to earn their money. Why? Because the job is to help people through complex decisions.

So the answer isn't: hey! Here's a one-size-fits-all script. The answer is care enough about. Why? They're asking so: let's roleplay, okay, let's do it so so you're the agent - and i say you know phil, we, you know we were looking for a while, but you know with the stock market the way it is with everything i'm reading the newspapers. I i just.

I feel like just the entire world's about to implode, so i think at this point i think we're just going to kind of put things on hold, really yeah. Why that? Well i mean you know my portfolio is down by you know. 35 percent and interest rates are up and inflation is very real. The cost of everything is skyrocketing, and it just it just i mean i'm i'm struggling, i mean i i i love the thought of the new house.

I love the thought of downsizing out of this big place, but i think i think it's probably just in our best interest to wait a little tad and just kind of just see what happens in the market. So how certain are you? That's the right idea for you and your family, i'm pretty certain, because it's kind of the only thought i have it's it's it's. You know my wife and i've discussed it a bunch. I've asked a few friends and and that's an interesting question i yeah.

I think i might have talked myself into it: okay, okay being very candid having some self-awareness, but but no i mean you know like you just you read the tea leaves and it just feels like the world's falling apart. Okay. Well, help me understand this is, is from your point of view, do you think people are going to want to live in houses in the future? Always i think housing will always be in vogue. Let's also just take.

Another point of view is, is when has the real estate market not been changing? Well, it could be changing going up, it could be changing being flat, it could be changing going down and - and i keep hearing home prices are up, but that's got to eventually end. So how? How likely are you to be able to in the real estate market, be able to you know, buy at the lowest rate and sell at the highest price and you'll be able to like maximize on on both of those extreme? How likely is that to happen? I i learned a long time ago that that's almost impossible with the stock market or real estate, so yeah, i'm with you, so this is less about the market and more about what you and your wife want to do over the next 12. 18. 20.
36 months. Yeah and and and wanting obviously to time it correctly, okay to the best of our ability. Sure so tell me why now is not a good time for you just just get clear on that. Why is now definitely the wrong time? Well, um, you know, we've been trying to find an alternative, a place to move into and that's been challenging sure um.

You know there is a few more you know. Properties are hitting the market, but nothing that you know really has us wowed by it. Um. Everyone tells us, you know, i mean you've been inside our place, yes, you've seen it, i mean, i think we do a nice job, keeping it keeping it up and it looks great show ready.

So i'm not worried about selling my house right. I am still worried about finding that that that ideal property for us to move into um, so that has me a little hesitant and okay. So yeah i mean that's just kind of where we're at do. You want to stay in the house that you're living in now for the rest of ever - oh, no, no, definitely not.

Okay and the marketplace. We're in right now is particularly strong. If you have real estate to be able to sell correct no doubt, and if we wait for a point in time in the future, you might not be able to sell that house that yeah. That could happen.

But right now you can sell the house and you don't want to do that together, sell it. Maybe we would sell it for less okay. It doesn't sound all that great, but right now you could sell it for a good price. You could put some money in your pocket and you're in a strong position where you could perhaps find something else new.

Yes, so why are we talking about not selling you're hard to uh role, play and do objections with? This is really good. There was like seven moments inside there that either i got blushy or started smiling. There's a lesson in that, though right and one of the biggest lessons is posture. Yes, the posture needs to be like i've not got this witty one-liner, that's going to turn you around.

Now it's i got posture that we need to explore this possibility. That means that you're going to box off every version of we shouldn't do this, leaving the only answer, as we probably should yes see, people think success in selling is about embellishing the option of yes. It's not it's about destroying the option of no yes, destroy. Phil say that again, success in selling is not about embellishing the option of yes, it's about destroying the option of no, but what about the yes set closes, and what about all the you know get him to say? Yes, yes, yes, nine times in a row and then you got him ah jeez.
What up what? What year are we wait? Yeah, thank you and you know there's a time and a place for that right. If, if what you are is you're in the you're in foot, locker and you're, trying to get somebody to buy the sneakers yeah, and it's like why you want a pair of fresh kicks, yes and and - and you want to look good at the good good at That let me fly right, right, yeah, yeah and, and - and you wanted to like you yeah like like sure, if we're selling a pair of 90 kicks fine. But if you're asking somebody to go through the disruption which it is like buying and selling houses is hard. It is and there's lots of times you can jump off the wagon you've got to be brave enough to be able to say my job is to help somebody through this decision-making process, and this is what back to the point i made earlier is if you're a Pro in this - and you hold the emotional intelligence to say i get - this is complicated.

I get this is tough. I get that this isn't the easiest decision of you being how to make, but it's an important decision and i'm going to write it with you not by telling you what to do but creating the space and asking you the questions to help. You find confidence on what you truly want to do. People are like you're, my girl you're, my guy, like we're going to do this, i'm going to do it together and they're going to be happy to write your check out they're going to be happy at the end of it.

When, when you ask for more money than somebody else, they're going to be like, i get it now and my mother-in-law's a real estate agent, and she once was complaining to me four or five years ago about like the situation with a client that wasn't going well. I said you do remember and realize that this is what you actually make your money for, right and and if it wasn't for the sake of problems and difficulties and challenges, there'd be no four: five, six, seven, eight percents right, there'd, be transaction fees and the whole Thing would be done so be grateful of the problems be grateful of the difficulties, because that's where the money is made, i would like that clip on instagram in case anybody's wondering got that kitty. Okay, thank you very much. Okay.

So the things that i was watching was, as i was trying to be a seller which was challenging because i'm also being the observer was, was no reaction right, like no reaction, didn't matter what i said like and and inside of no reaction was this innate curiosity Right, not oftentimes. I find people feel myself included right that we've heard this before. So we jump to the conclusion and we start to go into our thing. How do you stay in that non-reaction stay in that sort of curious nature when it feels like there's so much at stake? Potentially, i was sitting in a um in a cocktail bar in boston with a dear friend of mine, and we were talking about analogies.
We were talking about. You know the ability to be able to shortcut information through an analogies and, and tom says to me. My favorite analogy of all time is that the second mouse gets the cheese and i've sat with that for a long time and i've just thought about the literacy of it of like how literal that is, is if there's a mousetrap with cheese in it and you're. The first one to be able to run in there to try and be able to win likelihood you get caught in the trap, whereas, if you're just patient enough to be the second mouse, you just get to be able to walk straight up and take the price That you wanted for yes, and i think that's what you need when i talk about posture in these negotiations and in these sales conversations you've got to be like.

I know where this is going to go. I know where this is going to end up and we might get there in three minutes. We might get there in 33 minutes. I don't mind how long it's going to take, but what's important is not me telling you, but you figuring this out.

Yes, so i've got to be patient to allow that to be able to come, come to light people. Think an expert's job is to be able to tell somebody where they're wrong. Tell somebody where they're right deliver advice. It's not yeah to be able to create a safe space for people to figure things out for themselves right right, so it's taking that role and we could have took 45 minutes to get there.

But if i'm going to make 80 grand on a real estate transaction, i don't mind taking 45 minutes for you to find certainty. Yes, not here's three good reasons why you should sell right now. It's here's one good reason why we um, we don't want to stay in this house a day longer than we need to. Yes, so talk about you mentioned and i think it's a strategy boxing out the no right so so is that a tactic is there? A is there a play that i could run if you know for the listener.

Right now who was like yeah you kept getting, the the only answer was yeah. Of course, we should do it if there was a if there was a like a mindset thing around this. If anyone's ever seen, the movie eight mile with eminem yeah is in that movie there's a rap battle scene where eminem is so fearful about the fact that the guy's gon na pull up all this trash about him from his past and he's going to leave him With nothing to be able to say so what he does by alternative is he takes all of that bad news. He puts it out front, he owns it and the result is the creation of a mic drop moment right.

If i ask a real estate agent like like what exactly, should you say in this scenario, they look at me in blank faces. If i say what are all the things that other people say to you that they wish they wouldn't then like here comes the list. They are scripted perfectly with everything that they, the buyer or seller, or anybody else could say they don't like what if they just took that same work and same intentionality and said, i got ready to be able to steer these conversations, so they couldn't say that not When they say that i say this instead is how do i have a more meaningful conversation to say that they cannot say that one thing. So if i'm fearful in the fact that somebody is not going to list their house right now, because they can't find somewhere new to be able to live, i have to explore the conversation to say, hypothetically speaking, if we sell you a house for a great price, We sell it for a hundred grand more than you want and you take the money and you believe that you're looking into the market to be able to find something new, but you don't find perfect.
What are you going to do? Yeah right, i guess i'll. Just rent for 12 months, all right yeah, do you have a plan b right yeah. I love it so so so when you stare the monster in the face, the monster isn't ugly, yes, they're like actually no, i i can deal with that and i think so many people are scared of a worst case scenario that isn't that bad. You just said the phrase that so much one of my mentors would always say you always want to get to the worst case scenario because from there, if they can accept the worst case scenario, everything else is easy.

So it's all like. Yes, we'll gravy from there right. So so, let's play a game. Let's stay on that same note, let's say: uh the agent.

That's listening right now just got an email and it wasn't a phone call. It was just you know: hey phil. We've made the decision based upon the stock market and what we're seeing in the market that we're gon na put selling our home on hold. So let's assume that yep, i was gon na list and i haven't okay.

So so i was gon na list, but you know: we've just decided based on what we're seeing in the stock market and everything we're reading in the news that right now, it's just time for us to be on hold. But you know when we're ready, you're our guy, we'll reach out to you, send okay um, i mean that's the worst email in the in the world to receive receivers. It's like because, because for most agents like i got the listing, you've already decided like how much commission that's going to be you've hypothetically spent the money many have actually physically spent. The money uh because, like the listing, is the key to the like yeah, so yeah they've told everybody they've made this money and now all of a sudden, it's been whipped away.

Yes, here's what i wouldn't do is i wouldn't reply with an email, because what i need to do is to be able to control this conversation. I need to be able to steer the tone of what happens on from here if they send the email in and i say, send the email back, i'm still playing in their backyard. Yes, so what would i do? Is i'd probably send a text message and the text message i'd say is hey you got, you got a minute something as short, and you know brief as that yep something that there is. No, you know ambiguity around.
Not not. You know i'd like to talk to you about your decision. A lot. You know just hey, you got a minute yep and i'd play the conversation a similar way.

Hey. I got your email. I understand entirely why you might be thinking that right now. No, the word might what am i doing.

I mean certain curiosity into the conversation. What happened? What happened to move you from you thought this was a good idea. It's not such a good idea. Yeah - and you know, like i said in the email you know with the stock market being down and so much of my portfolio being down and and the truth is we've been looking online and there's just nothing available and yes, there's some houses, but not the kind Of house that i can move my wife into like not the thing that i would be proud of, and you know we're selling the trophy property we're cashing out and and we want to go, buy something great, that's going to be smaller, but but it's still got To be great and there's just no grade available right now, so you think this is going to get easier in the future.

I hope so or you think so you hope so it's. It's probably some think and hope i mean you know. Market cycles, i mean, you know, i'm 50. We we've seen these.

You know we've seen these things before right right, so my you know my hallucination is that you know in the future there's going to be more inventory in the future. There's going to be some more opportunities, and you know sometimes rudy's read the tea leaves and make good decisions at least the best decision we can, but you're, definitely still in the plan that you want to move at some point you want to downsize. You want to release some of the equity. You have some 100 100, so help me understand this.

What happens if your dream home comes available this afternoon, we'd be having a different conversation and you haven't sold true, and there are three five people who are in a situation holding cash ready to buy the house. That is of your dream house, the one you want to retire in the one that you want to be able to spend the next 20 30 years. In what happens, if that happens, i mean that's a good hypothetical. I i think i'd probably go to my bank and see if i can take some cash out, maybe do a quick refi.

We, you know we would probably take our best stab. It's still writing an offer to get it okay, and how likely are you to get that offer based on the fact that you need those terms up against what you could well be up against in this current market? Yeah yeah that'd be challenging right and you know what happens if you're stuck in this house for the next 20, it's just too much house. Okay, you know i'm tired of lawns and guys coming to my house and all that stuff, i'm i'm ready for a simpler life. Okay, so that that's not an option.
I just just i just wow just play with me for a second yes as well and yeah like on a scale of one to ten, with ten being like this needs to happen, and, and one being i'm like flirting with the idea. How important is it to you at some point in the next 12 18 24 months, you get moved into something that's more manageable. If my wife is on the phone, she'd say it's a 10, i'm probably a solid seven. Okay, so is this about you pleasing yourself or pleasing your wife? I haven't thought about that.

Probably a little bit about i mean we both need to be happy. I mean ultimately happy wife happy life. So yes, so she wants moved yeah and here's. A very, very important reality to consider is as much as it's difficult right now.

There's no guarantee it's gon na get easier at any point in the foreseeable future. If i look at the data, one of the things that is continually true to me is that we have a housing crisis in the united states of america. We have more people wanting to buy houses than houses that are available and that doesn't look like it's going to change in the foreseeable future. I agree and historically like if you could get a mortgage or that you've got some money, you can go buy yourself.

A house and this utopian dream of the fact that we can find perfect and we can pay for perfect at the perfect time. It's something we've all been sold, but the reality of it is. Is it ain't that easy yeah, if you're committed to the fact that you want a different lifestyle than when you're living right now and that's important to you, i'm confused why you wouldn't look to take advantage of this market right now, where your house is worth the Most money that it's ever been worth, particularly given your decision to move into something smaller, so just just help me understand like why you wouldn't take your shot right now, yeah, it's too good. So everybody knows that the market's adjusting and the question is: what do you do when the market adjusts? I would argue, there's four things.

The first is you're gon na have to change your work. Ethic you're gon na have to do a little more work to get the results you want. Second, you better improve your mindset. Your perspective about this market.

Is the world falling apart, or is this the opportunity for you to grow? The third thing, of course, is the place that you're running from a marketing lead generation standpoint, which we all get we're gon na, have to do more in this market to get the same results or greater, but the last one is knowing exactly what to say, which Is exactly why i've asked the phil jones to come work with us at this year's success summit so phil? Thank you, my pleasure, i'm pumped to be there. I think it's going to be a great time when we look at that list of four things. I couldn't agree with you more right. This idea that we need to work a little harder yep, because i haven't met anybody.
Who's been successful. Anything that didn't get there from just being a bit grittier being prepared to go the extra mile being prepared to push a little harder than others. That is a necessary agreement. I can't teach any of that.

I think people are going to be inspired by the folks. They meet yes, they're going to see versions of themselves or a step ahead of them, a mile ahead of them and then further on from there, and they can learn from that. But looking at these other areas about mindset and marketing and skills in all those areas, they lead to conversations right. Conversations with yourself is in that mindset area and yes, much of my work around exactly what to say is looking at those sales based conversations, but the sale you make up here about what you're going to choose to do day in day out.

That's right! That is something that's critical and i think we're going to get a chance to play with some of that stuff. We're also going to look at saying. Okay, the marketing works to a point. It brings somebody through the door, somebody filled in a form somebody showed up and said: hey, i'm interested in abc main street or i'm interested in being able to work with you or i want to join your team.

But now what and the days of being able to show up and throw up those days are over and if there's anything, i've learned from working with well now, over 2 million sales professionals around the world is the difference between those that do pretty good and the Ones that really crush it is the ones that crush it know exactly what to say when to say and how to make it count, and that's exactly why i want you here so phil: what's what's one thing someone can do between now and the event between now? The time they join us is it is it buying the book which i strongly recommend. I like i like books by the way that are short and sweet and you open it up and you go. I can use that right now, that's right straight to the money stuff right. So what's one thing that they should do to get themselves ready for your presentation at the summit.

If there's one thing that, i think would be, the biggest thing to focus on is to remember the worst time to think about the thing you're going to say is in the moment when you're saying it and if an agent a broker any real estate professional, could Just focus and say: well what are the three most critical conversations that matter most to me in my world right now and be brave enough to rank yourself on it and say: am i a 10 out of 10 of this because if you think that's true you're A liar um, but where are you in in reality on that and give yourself some room to play? Give yourself some room to grow and get clarity on saying these three conversations matter more to me than any other conversations right now. So when you get to summit, you know what you're working on this isn't just betterment for the sake of better it's. If i could just get better at those three conversations, my world would change. I love the precision of that walk in and say.
Is it about introducing yourself introducing your services? Is it about making that presentation and having someone say i choose you versus somebody else and we both talked about sort of likability and some of the things, but i'll save that for later so phil. I'm so excited to have you if you're watching this video. You understand our work if you're looking to take a part of your business to a whole new level. If you just want to get more competitive, the success summit this year is your best option, so we hope to see you there and we'll see you soon.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, try role-playing with this guy. Okay. So so let me go a different direction with you, because you we kind of touched on interest rates and i know that's a thing for a lot of people, but i want to go a totally different direction. Phil, i think someone with your skill set.

I watch people all day, long botch their introduction botch their connection with people yeah they're shot like we talked about earlier, like don't save your best for last yeah, give it right up front yeah. If, if an agent was watching this right now - and you said, i want you to shoot an introduction video, that would be the first thing somebody saw on their website right or that could become an ad that you run to you know like attracts like to see, If you find more people that are like there's something about that message or that his smiling eyes he's got glasses, i got glasses whatever it is. Ultimately, what i want is every one of my listeners to be chosen more often, okay in a sea of sameness, yeah. What would you recommend for that video on their website or that ad that they could run? I mean it's a big question: i'm trying i love putting you on the spot, i'll try and give a give a short answer to it in the best way i can is, is if you're looking to be able to win trust through video you're, looking to be Able to create some form of promo introduction correct is you've, got to give consideration to the fact.

There's a button that exists inside the head of just about every decision maker on the planet and the button that exists inside the head of every decision maker on the planet is a button. I call the show me that you know me, but your failure to hit the show me that you know me button is going to create friction through that entire experience, so the quicker you can get to that, the quicker you get to trust the quicker you get To like the quicker we're going to be able to do some business, so i would i'd build a script that focuses on the fact that i want to be able to empathize with the key person who's the other side of this. So i'd get crystal clear on who's. The person that i want, and if that person is everybody you're, shooting the wrong video, then i would lean on a framework that i've been leaning on for years to be able to produce sales letters to be able to produce web copy to be able to produce Video scripts to be able to produce just about anything where there is a persuasive outcome in mind that stops me getting straight to the please buy from me statement right, something that purposefully slows down.
If the job is to be able to create empathy, then the thing that i have to remember is that you've got great content, but content before context is noise and we live in a world where it's already noisy enough, so i've got to create context. The framework i have is simple: is they all start with the letter p, i like trying to make things that are more easy to remember. So, if i'm building a video script for this is the first thing i do is i build some perspective? If i'm building perspective, i'd probably lead in with some words like you know how you know how some people, you know how many people, you know how most people is, what could that look like if this is an intro video is and it's on your site? Is you know how many people find themselves needing to be able to sell their home looking to be able to buy a new home and they're wondering who to trust right straight up piece of perspective? That says, that's me, that's why i'm here i'm on a website, because i'm wondering why you, as opposed to the next guy, yep, what i then say that intro one more time. That was a really good perspective.

I can't remember it right because it was just off the top of the bat but um. Well, you know how many people, when they're looking to be able to buy a home or a seller home, is you know, they're, exploring the market wondering who to trust like we just called out the very fact as to why somebody was there right. I was referred to you, i'm looking at you, i googled you he's talking to me. Is people thinking in an intro video or on a on a homepage of a website you're trying to convince somebody to buy a home or sell? Oh you're not they're, already convinced they got there right, they're saying why you as opposed to somebody else.

So let's call that out as perspective. I know why you're here, because you're trying to say, should i work with you, mr ferry, or should i work with her? Ms, so, and so right like like that's what people are trying to decide so call that out what it is and then what we're gon na do is we're gon na amplify that perspective, just by introducing a problem and the difficulty is with so many real estate Agents out there in this world right now, it's difficult to know what even to look for who to pick or what might be the right person for you right, some form of problem that says. Ah, this is complicated. What i'm then gon na do is i'm gon na amplify that, by attaching a bit of pain to it, so i've got perspective problem pain? What is the pain, the po? The pain is the kind of which means that to the problem.
You know, which means that you might pick the easiest choice, the most convenient choice or perhaps even look for the cheapest choice, all of which are likely to be the wrong choice. Right so therefore got you know, we've got perspective, we've got problem, we've got some pain. What i'm going to now map out is some possibilities which are choices yeah, so some form of options that you might have is is obviously what you can do is you can keep shopping around for eternity trying to find the perfect real estate agent and, in all My years in this industry, i'm not sure they exist or what you could do is is you could decide to take the cheapest option and that you're the best real estate agent to be able to do this from a for sale by owner point of view or, Alternatively, you could look at a possibility like working with the most trusted, long-standing professional team of real estate agents here in dallas that in the last 12 months, so they'll help over 350 families not only find the perfect home, but do it in the most convenient easy. Simple straightforward way, holding their hand every step of the way with the evidence and the proof to be able to you know to deliver upon that.

So what am i doing is i'm presenting three options, but i'm lacing the one that says: here's the smart choice right and people want to feel smart, capable and good times and web store cheaper teachers that so right like that's where people want to land and then What i do in this same intro video is i'm going to finish the whole piece by saying well. Well, if you do that, here's the pleasure like as in here's, the upshot that comes from it and then i'm going to map out a plan and the plan is going to be really simple. The plan is going to be the exact thing i want them to do next and that's going to be the you know, click the form below to get a you know, market appraisal or it's going to be, you know, send a text to so we can start A conversation to help you on your home search, but something very specific, not choose us because we're awesome, that's not a plan. A plan is, do this very specific action.

We have a seven step plan, yeah right. The first thing is to schedule an appointment, so we can take that right or no, but the first thing is not to schedule an appointment. Okay, and i think these are the mistakes that we make. That's why i'm asking is, is schedule appointment he's like yeah, but how right? What would be better to say is look.

The first step is for us to be able to get to know each other better is send a text to boom click. This phone one, two one, two whatever it is something that is just do this yeah and you know you knew when you get to you know to start a relationship with. What's now your wife or you're out there and you're dating and you said, hey, let's meet for a drink. Both parties knew that it wasn't the beverage, that's not what we were meeting for.
We weren't thirsty yeah. We wanted something else, and i think sometimes what we've got to do is to create very clear instructions that says, if we're gon na flirt and then we're gon na dance and then we're gon na go on a date. What's the first action yeah and in the world of real estate? What so many people forget is just because you do this every day doesn't mean the people you're looking to help, do it every day, and they don't know what normal looks like. Yes - and this is still why people have three real estate agents - come to be able to provide them three market appraisals to sit through three listing appraisals, uh listing presentations, because somebody told them that's what normal is.

Yes, we can rewrite what normal is normal could just be like who's. The best person for the job come out. Tell me what you think: we're gon na market build me a marketing plan, let's get to work and be able to get this done. That's a possibility! If you recreate normal - and we just have to better, say here's the first step so give us the the six p's one more time for the person.

That's listening to this so perspective perspective and it starts with well. You know how most people, you know how some people, you know how many people it doesn't have to start there. That's just a phrase something people in the game. We're going to take perspective to problem, then we're going to add pain and all the pain is.

Is the which means that yeah, it's the other side of that, then we're going to present some possibilities, i'm going to show them. We know they have choice, yeah, we're going to present them. Probably three choices. The third of those choices is going to be the one that we really want them to pick and that one we're going to go bigger.

It's going to feel like a third or third a third, but it really isn't it's 10. 10. 80. Yes, in the way that stacked, then behind that what we're going to provide is the pleasure of picking that third choice and then we're going to give them the plan that says: here's what you need to do to be able to come dance.

Here's how you step on the dance floor. I love it um, you said uh, you know if you're creating this video and you want everybody, you're gon na lose but see everyone listening probably broke down this like, but but phil. I do want everybody i mean they were referred to me. They came to my site, you know i want them to like me.

I want them to choose me. Are you asking me to narrow my focus? Are you asking me to like less people and have less people like me like? What does that mean um? Have you ever played the game of darts, of course, if you're playing darts and you're looking to get maximum score with the first start, what are you aiming at uh, bullseye, bullseye's 50, but like i'll, give you this close. It's triple 20 is what we're really hitting, which is 60.. This is this is from an englishman who plays a lot of darts.
Ladies and gentlemen, obviously i'm just trying to mess with your touch um but you're going to aim for that bullseye right you're, going to aim for that trouble, 20., yeah and what's going to happen, is if you're anything like me at darts you're, not very good yeah And you're going to miss and you're gon na land, it in 17 or four or seven or nine or anywhere else around that board you're gon na land. It it's highly unlikely to land in the bullseye, it's highly unlikely to land in the treble 20. Yet still every time you throw you're still aiming at the same thing, but you miss you miss you miss you miss and every time you miss, you still contribute to your score. Yeah.

If you didn't choose the avatar of what you're aiming at. If you didn't choose to aim at the bullseye, where might that dart have gone? I don't know well, here's where it might have gone. If you weren't aiming at the bullseye, it could have gone on the ceiling. Okay, could it hit? The bar mate sure could have gone on the floor.

Yep could have gone all over the place, but the fact that you said i'm aiming at that at least every time you missed. You still landed in the board. Yes and the same thing is true: when you're choosing who's the other side of this video who's. The other side of this conversation is i'm aiming very specifically that this is you know, first-time buyer, that is giving a consideration to the fact that they're going to move from a rental into their first home and i'm producing the video for them.

Yes or this. Video is because of the fact that what i'd love to be able to do is i'd love to try and help people who are downsizing that are moving from their prestigious family home to be able to move into some lifestyle. Better price point lower, but it gives them maybe some more freedom, it's for them, and the reality of it is is that i'll bump into people. That would be like well, if you're good enough for them you're good enough for me right like if you are the world's best locally, at helping first-time buyers find their first home.

You can probably help me find my second yes, yes right, but the point is, if you say you're for everybody you're for nobody, bingo and and that's the hard part for people, it's really the same market for the most part and i'm not i'm not busting your Jobs here, but the vast majority of people taught like try and get everybody versus niche to reach right. If you it's too rich, if you wanted to open a tin of beans a can of beans, what would you look for a can? Opener, not a swiss army knife yeah. Thank you right, not a swiss army knife. Nobody is ever like.

Hey get me a swiss army knife. I need to open these now. You might use a swiss army knife. Yes, but you still wanted a can.

Opener yep and you've got to decide. Are you the can opener? Are you the phillips screwdriver? Are you the tweezers? Are you the nail file like get crystal clearer which of those swiss army knife devices? Are you in a primary position right and then have the rest in your back pocket as you need them? It's so interesting. A friend of mine started a a mortgage company recently and he's identified his ideal customer and everything about his product, and his service is focused on that yeah, including saying things like we're not going to do refi's, which say that to most people in mortgage through what They went through the last 24 months, like you're insane he's like, but there's two trillion dollars in mortgages available every single year. I don't need to get all of it right.
I just want a nice chunk of it and then narrow it down to i've really identified that my my perfect client is probably something a little more technical right. Maybe an engineer, maybe someone - that's super tech savvy - doesn't want to talk to anybody and there's a lot of those people like. Are we saying to go that nichey or could they have an introduction, video that says and if you think about buying click there? Everything about selling click here i think, if you're a renter do, would you drive them all over or try and synthesize it on that one, the beautiful thing about being an entrepreneur running your own business? Is you don't need anybody to tell you you can decide, you can choose test, you just have pros and cons yes like like you can be for everybody and then you can enjoy. You know running around with lots of keys, opening lots of doors spending a lot of time with people who aren't necessarily the people you're looking to try and help.

Yes, you can get so laser focused on the fact that you're fishing in a marketplace of one and you need seven transactions a month to be able to actually try and get the money that you want. So you can get too narrow that it doesn't exist. But i think, as as consumers get more and more educated, which is only going to become more true, is people are looking for more specialisms. They want to know who's the right person, not who's a person yeah, and if you don't have clear clarity on what that specialism is why somebody should choose you where you have an edge over somebody else and where you're a heck.

No, then chances are your vanilla ice cream, which most people are happy with unless they're looking to be able to have the birthday of their dreams. Yes right and then they want rum raisin or they want like cookie dough, or they want chocolate chips, but like i'm with you, i love it, but it's a specific all right, so i'm gon na go last last direction. Last point: okay, um! This has been super fun so far. I can already tell like every time we roll play.

It's gon na be magical. I'm gon na have to get like. I need some chills here who can just really just hammer you um, so a lot of people listening right now, the the individual right now listening is saying themselves. Okay, i've been in that situation before, where i i go in, i present to somebody, and they say to me: phil i met with someone else yeah.
They promised me a higher price and a lower fee. Okay and if you'd be willing to list the property at a higher price, i know the markets, the market, they told me with their marketing secret sauce, they could get me a higher price and they would even do it for less okay. How do you manage that scenario? They promised you that they promised me that promised they did wow wow they promised and - and they got crystal balls - i i don't think so, but they said the market's hot and and other agents have a tendency to price things too. Low okay, so why might they have said that? That really is the question because they wanted to entice me to list the house with them: okay, they're gon na say because they saw the magnificence of my home, i mean phil.

We must have spent four hours right walking through my house. I showed them every detail, everything about it. They were blown away. The fact that my wife spent years carefully curating every single thing inside this home.

They saw it and i guess for us we're just we're. Looking for someone that believes in our home the way we believe in our home, you bet you bet and you're looking for the best deal and, of course, yeah we're looking for a deal okay, and do you want to list it with them? Well, we're talking with you because of your track record, and you know you had also worked with tyrese, who you know said you did a magnificent job, it's just when i saw your price and your fee, i was you know i was a little taken back. Okay, so if our price was the same price as theirs, and our fee was the same fee as theirs is you'd rather list with us. Yes, if all things were equal, yes, so given that, then what is it about us that makes you think that if everything else was equal, that you'd rather choose to be able to do business with us? Well again, as i mentioned, tyrese is a is a dear friend and he was said he was blown away.

Actually, i read the review that he wrote about you guys on google, which i thought was incredible and then i called him and said you really worked with phil and he said yes and he kind of told me about the experience he said what stood out was Your communication and the way you guys marketed the house he felt was second to none. And yet i hear agents saying you don't really need to do a lot of marketing these days because you know properties just sell so quickly, um but yeah. It was mostly that okay and you don't think that's worth paying a little extra for i'd, rather not, of course not, but you don't think it's worth it well, i think it depends.

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