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I Feel so miserable for this person who was just on Caleb Hammer's show that I have to add my insight, especially since I highly disagree with Caleb Hammer's advice that he gives right here and then I'll fill you in on the situation. Very best Pain month. Your very best pain month you just break even MH just break even so in your you said you work 50 to 60 hours a week. Yeah he o o and we just like the episode that got uploaded today.

This might be the second time, the second time that bankruptcy might be considered. It won't touch a student loans, but the student loans are not my biggest concern here. Obviously your car, that's going to be a situation. you're going to have to figure that out.

MH And it's it's you. You see, you've you're You've been through the separation, you're going to go through the divorce and this bankruptcy can have a very similar emotional toll and so someone in your situation. That's that's why I Just don't really like talking about it here cuz any studies on you know, mental health when it comes to bankruptcy and everything concerned it's it's so rough. it's one of the worst things to go through.

So so this is a scenario where you have a police dispatcher his name is Raymond he makes about 20. Uh, let's just make it on a monthly figure. he's 20 years old. he makes about $3,600 per month meet Raymond Here he is again, he's a police dispatcher.

The problem is, he spends all of his money, which is actually not terribly surprising given that he's making $3,600 a month. He's barely making over $40,000 a a year after tax. And that doesn't leave you a lot of money, especially when your housing cost is somewhere around $900 uh, per month with utilities and other bills associated. and you've got to live.

You've got food, you've got debt payments, you've got a car payment, you've got student loans, you've got a $4,400 debt on a computer, a gaming PC you bought you've got $2,000 of another credit line. This is a terrible situation to be in and the poor individual just went through a freaking divorce. The problem is in my opinion and I am a licensed financial adviser. Problem in my opinion is Raymond Didn't get the advice that he needed in this video and that's okay because this is not a diss on.

Caleb Caleb Suggested You know what? We're going to send you to a financial advisor that you have connections with. whatever, but that is a great recommendation. but here is some free Insight from Meet Kevin Okay, number One: I Used to be a police explorer I Used to work in dispatch and on the road for thousands of hours and I'll tell you Police dispatch is a great foot in the door to actually starting working your way up the ladder. We have to start at the beginning.

We got to start getting that top line up. 36 $600 is not a enough. The problem is unfortunately what and and this is going to. This is the hardest thing to say, but somebody's got to say it.

Okay, it's hard to say this, but Raymond Raymond Okay, we are not going to be a very functional cop until we get in the shape that we need to be in to be a cop. I Don't care if this means hitting up our insurance to see if wig GOI or OIC or whatever is an option for us to get ahead. But what we got to do is now we got to make ourselves marketable. We got to make ourselves marketable in two ways: ASA Freaking Pee.
Number one, we got to make ourselves marketable to women. Number two: we got to make ourselves marketable to the jobs. Market Those two things are going to be what change your life. So how do we do that again? Number one: Getting in shape, weight loss, whatever it's going to take to make sure that we are fit to be able to actually compete in either of those markets.

That's step one. So step one: let's get to a doctor. Let's figure out a plan. Let's get to a nutritionist.

Let's figure out a plan. The downside is, when you're making $3,600 a month, the food that you're usually buying isn't fruit, vegetables, and nuts. It's usually to go food that's unhealthy, high and saturated fats. It makes us uh, function less appropriately.

During the day we feel more tight. Uh. nutrition is so important actually being able to function as an entrepreneur and most people screw that up. Okay, so that's number one.

now. we're more marketable to women and jobs, especially jobs that require physical rigor and not just sitting in a police dispatch chair for you to be able to get through the police academy if you get hired on. And there are a lot of openings at law enforcement. PDS Right now.

Why? Well look, 10 years ago you would have wait like 2 or 3 years to get into law enforcement. Today, law enforcement is so hated and know I Know this is like ironic. It's like get it, stay in the hated industry. It's so hated after what we saw during Uh BLM And and otherwise, law enforcement isn't really respected anymore.

It's a tough business to be in. That's actually create an opportunity though, because it's out easier to get a job as a cop. Okay, you're already in the world. You know your 10 codes.

You know your dispatch codes. You know how to communicate on the radio. You know how many of the cops on the road don't have good radio etiquette? Of course you do because you're the dispatcher and have to deal with it. So I Want to shake you and go, bro.

let's get marketable to both of these. You just went through a divorce. It's freaking terrible. But let's not stay in the hole.

let's climb our way out. You can do this. You can I Know you can do it and somebody's just got to get to tough Man I Feel bad, but we can't Feeling bad doesn't get us anywhere. So we get marketable on women.

We get marketable on the job. That's too birds with one stone right there. Cuz now you can get through the police academy. Now you bump your income now as your income goes up.
And if you can't get the police officer job, maybe you're also applying for firefighter jobs. Or you're applying for whatever other jobs you can. You leverage your skill set in to make more than $3,600 a month. I Guarantee you the jobs are out there.

You've got to get into a marketable place. Now you don't have to go bankrupt because if you go bankrupt, you're not going to be able to buy house for the next 7 years. Potentially there's some uh FHA 4year programs where you can get back into housing and I know some people are like, what, how could you even think about buying a house? You can't right now But you want to potentially destroy your chance of being able to do that over the next seven years? No, of course not. What if there's a housing crash and prices come down and uh, then all of a sudden you have a better opportunity to to buy real estate? Uh, and at the same time as your income goes up, your income goes up, You're much more capable of actually making your payments on time.

You're not worried about late payments. You don't have to feel bad. You get your act together now. obviously since this is a reaction video I Encourage you to go check out Caleb's ham Hammer video.

It's 56 minutes long. You can see the whole reaction. But in my opinion, this right here is exactly the advice that was missing I Don't know if Caleb just wanted to be nice to the guy. Whatever.

I Feel bad I Breaks my heart to hear he went through divorce. My parents went through divorce multiple times and it was one of the most challenging times of my childhood. Not only did my parents go through divorce, but then the.com bubble happened. We lost my childh at home.

Everything was a complete disaster. This is bad. Okay, Divorce bad. High Debt bad.

These are things we got to solve. But these two things that I've recommended starting with making yourself marketable will help you get out of this hole. And you could do it even in this economy. In fact, government jobs are much more plentiful in a late cycle of an economic development in in like plain.

English It's easier to get good government jobs that actually pay really well. certainly more than $3,600 a month in hard. Economic Times So use those things to your advantage. You can do it.

I Have faith, good luck. Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it. Go Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you.

people look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber Meet Kevin Always great to get your take now I Have to read you a legal disclaimer: Even though I'm a licensed a financial adviser, licensed real estate broker and becoming a stock broker, this video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal, or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you. This video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary. Any third party content I Show should not be deemed endorsed by me.
This video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient for the purposes of evaluating a security or investment decision. Any links to promoted products are either paid affiliations or products or service we may benefit from like my courses or my actively managed ETF which you can learn all about at Meetkevin.com I Do personally manage an ETF and I do hold various long positions including those potentially made in this video. However, I have no relationship to any issuers nor am I presently acting as a market maker.

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34 thoughts on “No, no, no!!! caleb hammer encourages bankruptcy financial audit reaction.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Little Kim says:

    Kevin you are sooo amazing that you are giving him the real advice. There are some parents not even will to give their own children advice or speak the truth to their kids.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tactileslut says:

    He's giving less than a quarter of his income for shelter (rent and utilities together, if you math that way) so that's good. $350/mo on groceries? I feed myself and the cat on less than that, and kitty eats better than I do. Being a fat fuck is expensive.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HibachiOG says:

    Unnecessary video

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le0 says:

    kev trying to catch another train for clicks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lena Hedger says:

    Kevin your not wrong however having just gone through a divorce, maybe Caleb thinks a fresh starts is best. Lol it’s harder to loose weight when you are so in debt.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Marquis says:

    Yeah, cops don’t double 3600/mo.

    15year veteran here. And I make just a little over 3600

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Braun says:

    Come on Kev no offense to this dude but part of his career plan can’t be relying on physical ability. Health plan yeah but loosing 250 lbs is a multi year process.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robyn Hood says:

    Fantastic video Kevin 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam D says:

    Is that guy trying to be the next Dave Ramsey? 😅😅😅

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bellshazar says:

    I imagine most of the problems are the result of this divorce which probably cost him huge amounts just to get there.
    Imagine spending 50k on a wedding, 7k on a fancy honeymoon, buying a 700k oversized house, 2 60k plus SUV's, then suddenly your wife you just spent all this money marrying wants a divorce so that's another say 15k.
    Here are some things this guy should learn: don't get married, be happy with what you have, you don't need a massive house or a giant car, and trying to live this imagined american lifestyle will fuck you over.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Forrest Pearson says:

    saying the hard advice people need to hear! keep preaching kevin! couldn't agree more!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Lasater says:

    Good advice!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Miller says:

    I watch Caleb often. He made it very clear in this video that he would get additional advice from others for this guy and bankruptcy would be the absolute last choice. Only if another alternative was not available. If you watch Caleb consistently, you realize there's a fair amount of drama in his videos for entertainment factor.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars djericbecker says:

    Lovely hair.. setting a good example for your kid?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tirthb says:

    Great advice Kevin

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilmer D'Parranda says:

    Damn Kevin is trying to steal Graham's videos

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Honest Lawn care says:

    I'm with you Kevin. Mental and physical health are one in the same and highly desirable qualities. (You seem to possess both these qualities with a good dose of enthusiasm for life.) When is it okay to offer unsolicited advice?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Davidson says:

    Did you even watch the video? The guy had weight loss surgery in Mexico.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt burns says:

    he went mexico for gastric bypass

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirDusk28 says:

    Caleb's plan is a 1 to 2 year plan, your plan is a 5 year plan. He needs to survive in the short term, before he can go long term goals.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timm says:

    I love how all my favorite YouTubers are cross examining each other. 😂😂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Payne says:

    The collapse has already started. And it's going to get much worse in the next 6 months.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoutureShimmer says:

    Not Kevin acting like the guy can just drop 100 pounds overnight 😂 This advice is just as useless

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Tran says:

    Disagree with you on women. They usually drain your finances.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benzandmoney420 says:

    depends how you do a bankruptcy. I mention before about selling car parts. My company filling bankruptcy. Have to, to protect what assets we have. Kevin your good guy with good advice and your trying to stay positive. But lets be real. This economy is doomed. We are in a great depression. But its like a magic show, a smoke show. No one paying attention. And just like every other depression everyone thinks things are fine. And over night it will come crashing down. Not all bankruptcy means your actually filling against debt. Am not in debt. It just to protect my assets for whats about to come.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    Caleb went to college for music composition n thought financial auditing is fun and can compare to creating music….his words

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaemikaizen says:

    Great advice, sometimes you need a friend to believe in you to strive to be the best version of yourself. Nice that you took the time to give him some free advice.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Reyes says:

    Peter Griffin in real life

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HappyCat8983 says:

    If you already have a house is it an ok idea ? Anyone know

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars End of Quote Repeat the Line says:

    Sorry, but he’s never gonna be in shape to start to be a cop…the fat cops we see got fat after years of being on the force…it’s beyond me how they aren’t required to stay in shape over the years

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 87elky383able says:

    I can’t agree with step two…… not needed you got hands and they can blow you and your money just the same too😂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miki S says:

    He just needs to eat a little less and invest the cash he saves on burgers 💡

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Hart says:

    Great advice Kevin. Finally someone that speaks the truth. Yes he needs to lose weight

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tdawg coolgirl says:

    Ozempic is extremely dangerous, and quick wait loss is dangerous. There's a contraption you can put in your stomach that they crank down each month to lose weight gradually. Also, he will have more loose skin with fast weight loss.

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