Another analyst sees Tesla stock going to $1,000 target price, this time because of energy business and this changes everything. Canaccord Genuity analyst Jed Dorsheimer joined Wedbush and others who believe TSLA stock target price will go past $1,000 mainly to the energy technology.
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I hold a long position in Tesla.
00:00 New Tesla Target Price
03:30 Coinbase IPO
07:00 ANT Group Restructuring Imposed
09:00 The Problem with the Buffett Indicator
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

We're actually seeing a target price: that's over one trillion dollar based strictly on energy, if you notice that, even if you take a look at the kathy wood and the whole arc, invest hey! What's up everybody, what's up ben, what's up and hey brian, what's up jj! So if you take a look at the arc, invest model and you see the valuation there is extremely high, but that valuation is almost entirely based on the automotive industry and robo taxes. This is one of the first ones, that's based on a trillion-dollar evaluation, but going just strictly on energy check this out. So this is from a a can, of course, genuity, and this is from doris heimer. I hope i didn't butcher his name, so he writes while rich.

We also believe tesla holds a several year lead and is now expanding aggressively into storage and thus feel our multiple is warranted. Now check this out. We believe large cap investments to increase battery production capacity. Will begin to pay off in 2022 as gigatectus and berlin sub production starts tesla positioned itself as the brand in energy, which is, i agree, 100, and as its solar and energy storage products and supply constraints are removed, consumers will be able to become more entrenched in Its electric electrification ecosystem so essentially a lot of a lot of verbiage there.

But let me just summarize that in simple english, for you guys, so because i wanted to keep this video to 10 minutes max what this valuation, what the story, price, whatever you want to call it by this company saying, is something extremely simple: they're saying that tesla Is a one trillion dollar company based solely on their energy business? Essentially, what they're saying here is that tesla is so far ahead in storage, distribution and even production, even though i'll give you the fact that solar panels are still not there yet, but they're so far ahead of everybody else. As far as cracking and creating like an ecosystem with network effects with their energy business, and if you don't believe me just ask apple who just bought their stuff for their solar farm, i mean apple, have just pretty much admitted that this is true. So tesla is so far ahead in the energy business. Imagine if you are a homeowner right now you can get their stuff and reduce your electricity bill as simple as that, you know, produce electricity at night, use it at peak hours.

That's that's doable today! That's why they're growing over 100 quarter of a quarter with the sales of the uh of the of the residential products, but this is just another proof that tesla is so much undervalued. If you take into consideration the fact that their energy business is the biggest multiple uh way way beyond what they can actually achieve in cars, i think in the energy business they're going to disrupt the entire industry. I completely agree hey good morning everybody, and so i really like this uh, i'm gon na put the link in the description of the video once i post it for this article, and i agree, but for me just like hey welcome to the party we've been here For a good part, i wan na say two: two and a half years we've been talking about tesla energy and now more mainstream outlets. More more mainstream.
Analysts are joining the party so welcome, but we knew this all along so good to hear other accomplished. People actually talking about tesla energy. The other part i want to talk to you about is what's going on with coinbase now coinbase is ipoing. I believe tomorrow - and this is really interesting - i'm about to share this article from seeking alpha.

I want you guys to check it out: hey drago, what's up what's up mark, so i want to show you something interesting. This is an article from seeking alpha, and this shows that the futures that currently are trading and for the coinbase ipo tomorrow, showing that the evaluation of the company is probably going to be around 150 billion dollars. Yeah and that's basically an estimate at this point. But just to give you some points of consideration, if you take a look at this here, um, basically based on the deals that were done privately for the past 30 days between current shareholders, they were selling at about 300 a pop and that's representing a 67 billion Valuation, so the evaluation of coinbase is essentially that's what this article is saying: the evaluation of coinbase went from 68 billion to 150 billion in two weeks.

Now i don't completely disagree with the fact that coinbase is a really great company with a really great idea. It's the future. It's innovative! I absolutely love coinbase, but for me personally, it's a little bit scary when they see something goes from not from 10 to 20 goes from 68 to 150 billion in two weeks, with nothing fundamentally changing it's a little bit intimidating. It's a little bit frothy to me.

I'm not saying coinbase is bad and you shouldn't buy. That's your own thing. Do whatever you want, but i'm saying it kind of feels a little bit. Frothy um! It's including this story.

Also, i'm going to show you another article from seeking alpha and you know me i'm a bull i like bitcoin, but here's this other article from seeking alpha that bitcoin just went up to 63 000 three thousand dollars for bitcoin um. That's a that's a four percent in the day in a day um. So here's the thing - and i spoke about this on my live stream yesterday and again, i'm extremely bullish on bitcoin. I think bitcoin will eventually go into the hundreds, um 150 200.

Who knows where it's going to stop, but it's going to be a very bumpy, very long ride. So i love bitcoin. I think it's going way higher eventually and there might be a a bad winter for for bitcoin. Who knows - and it's going to be extremely bumpy.

But when i see this, it kind of reminds me of the conversation i had with trade telly yesterday, which is essentially that we're having this greater full theory inside bitcoin, because, unlike a company when you hold a share of tesla, for example, that's a company - that's producing Some sort of a service or product right bitcoin isn't really producing anything. The only reason you would buy bitcoin is because you would think somebody else will buy it off you at a higher price. So that's essentially, the whole business model is based on the greater full theory. However, if i want to counter that argument and defend bitcoin, i'm just going to say something very simple, same thing with art: why do people buy expensive art? You know just based on the hopes of somebody else will repurchase it at a higher price in 10 or 15 years now with art.
You actually can enjoy and appreciate the painting, but most of these rich guys also buy these paintings. They keep them in the safe. They don't enjoy these, so you know, say whatever it is. You want to buy bitcoin.

I believe it's a little bit overvalued. It needs a little bit of correction. The coinbase ipo is completely out of control, but it's a good industry. It's the future.

It's eventually going way higher, so i wouldn't be extremely terrified, but i believe a correction for bitcoin is in the cards. Uh, hey shout out for croatia, um somebody saying bitcoin bit connect. I don't think it's a scam to be honest. Um also.

I want to show you something else and you guys hate it when i say i told you so, but if you remember the alibaba story, when it came out, i told you that the next move it ain't over. In my video about alibaba, i told you hey guys this alibaba thing isn't over yet, and the next move is essentially going to be uh. The chinese government telling and group to basically dismantle so in this article they're talking about something really simple. So i'm not going to go through this entire verbiage, but essentially what the chinese authorities are asking alibaba an and group is to essentially subject and group completely restructure and group and subject it to regulation under the chinese government as a financial institution, which is what jack Ma was fighting against so hey kay.

Thank you so much for being purposely awake. I appreciate it and thank you so much for that. So i just want to tell you guys that i anticipated this. I told you that essentially, what's going to happen, the chinese government are not done with alibaba they're going to carve out ant.

I said in my video three or four days ago and now it's announced yesterday, so i don't want to say i told you so, but i told you so, but it doesn't seem to affect the alibaba stock at all. The alibaba stock is soaring all the way. I don't know where it's going to stop. I have my own moral issues of investing in chinese companies, which i don't want to do personally, but i think alibaba is on the way up.

It might hit 260 to 70 to 80. Who knows at this point wow, and nobody knows - thank you so much love your channel tom, like what you and stuff thank you for that. I tried to do that less now for the final story of the day. I want to give you guys a little bit explanation about the warren buffett indicator.
There's been a lot of talk about the warren buffett indicator now, for those of you are not familiar about what the warren buffett indicator is. I'm going to give you a quick introduction and then i'm going to explain to you what this thing really means, and is it actually that bad? So let me explain: i'm going to pull myself back on the screen again so check this out. The warren buffett indicator, which everybody now is talking about because of elon and kathy. It's now in the news, it's a very simple, comparable.

It's it's like a it's a ratio, it's a ratio that compares what the total valuation of the entire u.s public companies, which is something very high compared to the entire that the u.s economy generates as far as services and goods, and that comparable in itself is meaningless Because it doesn't really say anything, but if you go back in time and you compare what the ratio was 5 years - 10 years 15 20 years 30 years ago. Theoretically, you can see when the market is overvalued based on previous historical ratios. So, for example, if we used to make pretty much one-to-one goods and services versus the stock market valuation of the indirect companies one to one and now we're two to one. Basically, it means that, right now we can infer that the market is overvalued.

That's the theory of this um. Now you can call it the warren buffett indicator. You can call it there's a lot of names for this. It's nothing new.

However, i want to make an argument here, which i really want to explain here. I don't feel i did a good job of it in my previous video why this indicator is no longer relevant and why this overvaluation isn't as bad as the indicator makes people think now i'll give you the fact that the market is overvalued, that the stocks are Extremely high and, however, it's not as bad as the warren buffett indicated, shows and i'll explain in a minute and then we're going to wrap up the video. Why so here's the thing when you compare the gdp that we have today, which is the gross domestic product which is goods and services that we generate in the u.s to what we generated in 1985? It's not the same number because in 1985 all u.s companies were essentially keeping their gdp in the u.s. How do you know how much gdp we have? We know it based on the tax reporting system.

We know this number, not because companies volunteer to. Let us know it's because they file tax returns and from these tax returns, the irs can generate the gdp numbers so back in the 80s. What companies used to do they either would pay tax in the us on their entire global income, or they would cheat and lie, and you know, put stuff in cayman islands offshore and nonsense like this. That was very binary now what happened in the last 15 years and, moreover, in the last 10 years, corporations have developed a legal loophole, a legal system to drive profits outside the u.s to other countries.
That is called transfer pricing, essentially what companies would do and i'm talking about massive companies - google, facebook, amazon apple, all of the huge companies all of the medium-sized companies, what they would do and they've been doing this actually for the last 15 years. They would set up a company in in a country with a better tax system. Let's say ireland, switzerland, there's a lot of examples right and they would actually set up a company there buy buildings hire employees do a lot of activity in this country. I'm not saying they're faking it by no means they really set up massive operations in this company and what they do.

They would transfer their intellectual property and to say well we're selling it to this irish company right now or we're selling it to the swiss company. So now our brains, the main profit generator for our company, is located somewhere in switzerland or in ireland right. That's why we, the u.s company, should be paying a small percentage of the entire revenues, because the revenues should be attributable to that company in switzerland, ireland that now owns our ip and we actually validate it with transfer pricing studies that support that. So basically, i would say, according to my own estimates, we're probably looking at 30 to 40 of us gdp erosion that went overseas in the past 15 years, so the gdp numbers we're having now are completely uncomparable to the gdp numbers we had in 1984 85.

So you can't compare that and basically say well look at the gdp numbers to a market cap right now, they're insane. No, it's a complete! It's like comparing apples and oranges or much rather apples and cars, no relation whatsoever and that's kind of the point i wanted to make because a lot of um a lot of you have been asking me. What do i mean by transfer pricing? So i want to explain um why a lot of u.s companies basically have completely skewed the gdp numbers, because a lot of u.s tax dollars are going overseas for the past 15 years legally and there's been a lot of attempts to stop it by virus legislation such As the beps or reps, basically saying well um we'll look at the actual place where you actually generate most of your profits and whatever, but it for the most part. It has not been successful.

We still have a lot of offshore and and and external outside us profit centers that actually drive a lot of these gdp numbers, and so i just wanted to explain that to you guys, um. Thank you lorenzo appreciate it. It's tough! It's a tough point to to to clarify um, but i just wanted to make sure that you guys understand um the actual the actual numbers here. So i don't to keep this video more than 15 minutes long.
I just want to give you the main news: the test evaluation number is coming out: the alibaba and ant news, the coinbase, the bitcoin and, of course, the warren buffett indicator. Thank you so much for everybody for waking up so early, shout out to the 800 people in the chat right now. I can't believe it. It's so early uh if you're watching this on the replay.

Thank you so much don't smash laughing, don't hit nothing! Don't like nothing, just watch the video and enjoy and i'll see you guys in the next video see you later.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “New tesla stock target price. the coinbase ipo price projections. alibaba faces more scrutiny”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cssaarr says:

    I canΒ΄t find the upload dates of the uploads of your videos and is driving me crazy !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atomtll says:

    I can't help myself from hitting the like button

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kathrine Leff says:

    Same story on this site and the market continues to climb despite. The more the call for some sort of crash the more the market goes up. I actually think is way more like how you trade

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francois R Bosse says:

    Chart analysis says classic double-top and 500 B$ valuation by December. We shall see.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Richard says:

    I am long both TSLA (Elon Musk) and PLTR but I dont see Neuralink and Palantir merging in any capacity but I would love to be wrong. Elon Musk has the smartest people in the world working for him and I would imagine that they would create there own tech. Elon is big on vertical integration

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Batista says:

    I will start by saying that Tesla is a great company. That said, people believe whatever thay want to believe. People will justify Tesla edge in the EV space with how long they have been doing it and because they don't have the ICE baggage like the other automakers. Yet, in terms of what actually matters, mi/KWh, it's a wash. Self driving integration, yes, they are ahead, but let's not forget that this is not beyond what others can do. Think Waymo. I'll give them points there regardless though. Let's talk energy now. Applying the same argument, (been in the game longer), then we have to concede that dedicated solar companies are not to ignore. In fact, solar panels efficiency is also a wash among the main players. Tesla's revenue from energy is only 6%. In either business, there's no moat. Alleged supremacy does not exist, except in fan fervor. I am not a Tesla hater. It's just reality.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Sanchez says:

    Tom, you’re an entertaining financial and economics lesson in easy to digest segments. You damn well know I’m gonna smash that like button.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Bearman says:

    Smashing it, loving the recent videos and patreon content πŸ‘πŸΌ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Decebal825 says:

    btw really thank you for explaining transfer pricing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKarea51 says:

    LOLOLOL haven't been here for a while. People wake up, look at Elon's Las Vegas "Hyperloop", are you so delusional, robo taxis? he cannot make an autonomous driving in a wormhole tunnel… Please take a red pill this is ridiculous…. 3 out of 5 thumbnails = Elon/Tesla. Tom you are a sellout, there are no real news about Tesla, if then negative, but you keep pimping up the stock!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Almasri says:

    "Apples and cars" I see what you did there Tom 😏

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xerostomia says:

    The evaluation comes from coinbase doing more revenue this first quarter than all of last year. (From what I heard)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K S says:

    The problem with Tesla solar is the following. Tesla has a good battery storage but the solar panels r installed by 3rd party company. If you dig deep, you will see that Walmart sued Tesla because couple of their stores caught on fire. So the panels r not Tesla…also panels r not profitable so I don’t think Tesla will invest in changing this predicament.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat miwaka says:

    Payback period for any solar panels is too long . The amount of panels you would need to charge your ev would be expensive . Electricity is cheap .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jak Mert says:

    Hey Tom, I just brought up my position of PLTR to 5% of my holdings, my average price is USD $22.71. Am I crazy???

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LS BR says:

    Tom the US GNP per GDP ratio is 101.3% compared to 100% in 1980 so setting up a few companies in tax heavens is negligible to the US GDP.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darko LeskovΕ‘ek says:

    I don't know man. I'm not paying $300 a share for COIN. I'm gonna sit this one out I think.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduardo Vega says:

    Instead of using GDP you could use GNP. Which is gross national product, which includes all US companies regardless of where they’re located.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tradefish says:

    Hey tom what do you think of the economic implications if China invades Taiwan, how will it affect supply lines? And tech industries thrust for micro chips?
    I feel that this is the economic shoe drop the world is not factoring in the analysis?
    Am I wrong?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Low Down says:

    I just bought some GRAB spac see if it drops and will buy some more

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toast01 says:

    Thanks for explaining the Buffet Indicator. Am quite new to the stock market so hearing that most companies are overvalued does seem like a nightmare scenario if things were to go horribly wrong. Buffet indicator is in need of a serious overhaul then if it's not working as intended.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macio Luko says:

    Hate to say I toe da so, but I toe da so!! I f@cken toe da so!!!

    – Ricky

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sagig72 says:

    Good video Tom. Hey, can you look into Voyager? I suppose you saw Jeremy from Financial Education is talking about it a lot, and many other you-tubers. If you can do a stock analysis or even just an overview of Voyager, I think it'll be great and help your channel. Specifically, some comparison between Voyager and Coinbase – will certainly be helpful. Thanks man. Love this channel.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mellowyellow8888 says:

    Problem with coinbase is their revenue is entirely tied to the price of the coins.. since they take 2.5% cut for every transaction.. when prices are high.. people all cluster in at BTC.. when prices low.. we expect them to fall back to earth.. This might be a short term play here to make money…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Douglas says:

    Applause Tom for not wanting to invest in any Chinese company. A man with ethics unlike most who only have dollar signs for eyes and couldn't give a toss what the vile Chinese Communist Party are up to.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joel schwarzbart says:

    Love your channel Tom but I think you need to spend a little more time understanding what Cathie means when she says innovation is deflationary.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tappman Collective says:

    Smash that like button for producing solar energy at night

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris parsons says:

    How do you feel about the big rise in price solar roof customer’s already in contract?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Champoux says:

    Please look at FUV, it's being manipulated down and hit with scummy hit piece, best value evs out there! It looks like it's reaching it's bottom and could have a short squeeze.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _DIMA_RIGA_ says:

    Tom you are proper Наш !!!
    Thanks a lot for your videos !!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars faramarz mokri says:

    Cathie wood/Ark invest did not include Tesla’s energy revenue in their forecast so they could to increase their valuation for their 2022 forecast !
    She will have another 30 to 35% increase to their base case currently at $3000 by 2025 .

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chandrahas M says:

    Maybe Buffet ratio should be modified to cash flows to account for transfer pricing

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