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What’s the difference between a weak open red-to-green and the 9:45 dip and rip? Tim Bohen’s breaking down the many intricacies that differentiate these two trading patterns, plus… Learn his acronyms for these patterns, see a textbook example of both, and discover what you should do if a stock runs after you get stopped out.
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#StockMarket #TradingPatterns #DayTrading
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Let's get right into it pretty wild. Uh P-a-c-w How how a mate like, like how incompetent can can the management of these Banks be that every single time interest rates go up, one of them goes out of business. Um, interesting time I mean I mean it's just like, where does the management come from? Whether it be Silicon Valley or First Republic or tonight Pac-w It's like how absolutely incompetent can they be but I mean I Guess that's what happens when you know people get hired for reasons outside of their abilities or their skills. and and that's that's the world we're in.

But hey, it is what it is. That being said, Um, right off the bat. Zach uh Zach asked Is there a difference between the weak open red to green and the 945 dip and rip? Yes, many, many, many, many intricacies. Okay, now one of the things that I I constantly struggle with okay is like like I'm guessing Zach is probably on pre-market prep and he'll hear me say wake up and ready green and go to the next stop.

He'll see me, he'll I'll I'll go to the the next Doc and I'll say Buy in pre-selling free and go to the next stop and then I'll hit another one. I'll be like whoa whoa whoa, hold up 9. 45 Rule on this one. Okay, now it's it's it's and I Don't say this to complain, but but there is.

I I Use a lot of acronyms and and I call it like shorthand. Okay, I mean everyone knows what shorthand is right? So by naming these setups by giving them names, attaching times Etc it allows me to answer as many questions and go through as many tickers as possible. Now, what gets lost? Especially when you're here for the first time, You're like, well, wait, why was this one? Why did he relax the 945 rule on this one? Why did he say no hardened like like today 8 8 P.M Okay, if you remember this morning like and I know all of you aren't on pre-market prep, but please check it out. Please check it out.

Live every Day! So APM was an amazing example. Within a matter of minutes I went from that being the number one buy-in pre-selling pre get aggressive in pre-market to we put the brakes on Screech screeching halt with the brakes because of the chat pump. Okay, and right now, chat the chat guy. He's ice cold like like he single-handedly assassinated the Chinese low flow sector yesterday.

He comes in bleary-eyed wakes up at like 10 o'clock piles his sheep into every, and this is yesterday. Okay, Tuesday piles the Sheep into every single one of these and what happened, they all got destroyed. Now this is another intricacy thing, and that's that's why I think it's so important to be on pre-market prep because sometimes he's really hot. Okay, sometimes he's really hot and sometimes we're like oh boy.

Chat Pump in our number one Play Let's Go So understand two things there. There's a limit to how much I can do in a matter of minutes, matter of seconds. Now that's why I use the acronyms. That's why I use the shorthand.

Let's go back to the original question: Is there a differentiation between the weak open to red and green and 945 dipping rub? So understand: The biggest delineation is the weak. Open red to Green is a multi-day pattern? Okay, it's a multi-day pattern. The dip and rip is designed for day runners. okay, day winners.
And understand if if you join pre-market prep, you do get the ebook that lays all this out okay. and I get these questions a lot. That's why I wrote the ebook. it's it's incredible.

Check it out. Okay, but the the week open Ready Green is for is for multi-day moves. Okay, Adam Adam is a great example. What did Adam do today? Too many stops? Well Adam's and ah Adam Oh my gosh, foreign.

Check out the Weekend Watch list. Alex will probably link it to you. Um, the weekend watch list feature was Adam It's it's it's it's got to be on the YouTube It's on the YouTube Every single day. For a week, we've gone over the week open ready, Green on Adam Now Why? Why? Okay, it's an earnings winner.

It's a hot sector. It's a former Runner It's a Air Quotes quality stock. Oh my. God Look at that.

So it pulled to the low eights or mid eights right at the market open. went green at nine, Nine dollars a share at 9 45 A.M hit 10 13. and closed at 980 and it's gonna be. it's a week open, ready green again tomorrow.

Oh my gosh, bring up the chart pattern of atom atom. Going back to last week when earnings got released and this is like about as perfect of a week open red degrees again. Now the difference. The Dip and Rip is specifically designed for air quotes.

The worst stocks in the world. Okay, and the reason we trade that pattern is when the stock runs up and pulls at the open. That's where the shorts Pile in. Okay, every dip and rip is designed for the worst stocks in the world.

Please write that down. Okay, these are not swing trades like an atom. These are not even like all-day holds. These are like quick in and out based on key levels.

and the reason that pattern plays out is because Shorts Pile in when the stock pulls at the open. Okay, and they feel safe as long as the stock is below the pre-market High Okay, the significance of the pre-market high is that's their risk level. Okay, that that's the point where they're gonna stop out and they're gonna Panic by now. If this terrible, disgusting stock pulls at the open, loads them up and then bases, and then starts trickling back towards the high of the day, we know they're going to exit at the height of the day if they're smart.

and we also know breakout buyers are together. And we also know that fans of the Dip and Rep which hopefully all of you are going to be in as well. So think about what is happening right there. This is It's a term I use which is a little bit of hyperbole.

Okay, but when we talk about the the the entry on the dip and rip the concept is air codes. Everyone is buying like everyone's buying. Okay, the the the the shorts are buying because they're buying the cover. Remember remember if you're short of stock you have to buy to close your position.
they're probably buying with Market orders because they want out. Uh, breakout buyers are buying dipping rip buyers are buying people that just see some big percent Gainer hitting their scan thereby so it's like everybody's buying. So one of the biggest things I constantly teach and preach is understand how to recognize supply and demand imbalances. and when you got a dipping rip and some crappy disgusting piece of trash low float stock they don't all work but this and you know.

but when they do, when they work oh man it's straight up and just makes it so easy to exit. So um hopefully that helped. Um Jay says I traded E-v-l-o Wednesday morning No better way to avoid this. Okay, so Evlo last Wednesday 25 I got in about 25 cents with a 24.95 stop loss.

So that would have been about 9 45. Well done. Okay so I'm guessing what you're asking and I'm doing this on the Fly I'm guessing what you're asking is like you you stopped out and then the trade ultimately worked because I'm I'm assuming you took it at 9 45. it pulled back, stopped you out, and then It ultimately worked okay and and this is always where and I get this question a lot and and it's a it's a good question but like the struggle is, listen, Evlo is absolutely trash.

You have to respect your stop and I understand I Understand guys. it's very frustrating to to take the stop and then it rips to 32 cents. But what was the name? Um Jay Jay Look at where it closed the day. Okay, it closed the day at 18 cents, the next day it was at 14 cents and then the day after that it was at 11 cents and then it was at.

So so this will constantly haunt you and it haunts me to this day. Nothing. Well, there's a lot of things that are frustrating, but one of the most frustrating things is to is to do your due diligence, follow your process, do all of your analysis, pick your levels, plan the trade, execute the trade actually, enter, get stopped out, and then see the stock explode. What? Eight cents on a 25? 30 percent higher.

But you have to understand you can't play this. Coulda Woulda Shoulda Gained and sure you could have broken your stop and waited and then it spikes to 32 cents and you'd be so happy. but vice versa you could have broken that stop and the stock could have collapsed at the same time. and it you know again after hours that day it was at 14 15 cents so you would have been staring at like a 50 drop had the stock done exactly what it did into the close.

So foreign. One of the biggest things that you that that that that that is very difficult to accept is you can make the right decision and you can make the right execution and you can trade the right stock. and sometimes price action just stops you out. It's like it's a lot I always I Always gambling analogy analogies with stocks because I I think trading if you're doing it the right way is a lot different than than gambling but like sometimes man you're just sitting there and I'm I I don't I don't gamble.
Okay so I'm gonna screw this up I've been to Vegas like 15 times in the last decade and I've never gambled once. Okay, it's not my thing, but like I have a basic understanding of blackjack but it's like you're sitting there with a 20. and you're like hey man, money in the bank and the dealer hits and he has a 21. Okay and now you can do two things.

at that point you can have like this perfect hand and you lose. So you can do one of two things you can like flip over the table you know, start throwing things at the at the at the dealer and punch in the waitress. you know and and like smashing things. or you can recognize that you know what? I had a good hand, he had a better hand and I can recognize that much like in gambling as in trading that losing is built in and even Sports Okay I went with the gambling analogy tonight.

most of the time I go with sports analogies because I I always hate comparing trading to gambling because again, I if you're doing it the right way, you're not gambling. But like the sports analogy is, if you strike out at baseball, what do you do? Do you like punch the Umpire throw your bat at the pitcher, you'll run in the stands and start throwing down with the crowd because they're like loser. Okay I kind of like that. That'd be pretty cool actually.

But or or basketball. if you miss a shot, then you just like walk off the court, just walk. You're like I'm done I missed the shot. No in sports in in so many things you understand that missed shots and strikeouts they're They're part of the game now how you react to those moments of adversity or those or those bad things is what gets you to the point where you're successful over time yo there's that Michael Jordan quote.

Okay the Michael Jordan quote is I missed 9 000 shots 22 times I got trusted to win the game and so so I'm kind of rambling a little bit but I think this is just so important that I look at this chart last Thursday and I look at your time of day and I look at your entry and I can't find any faults I and I look at your stop like listen I look at your stop and I'm like he took a good stop now it ripped back but hey and I wish like like I wish I could tell you Jay that there was like some like little hidden bit like I wish I could give you some Secret like there was some Secret that would have told you oh no not this time oh I'm not gonna take my stop this time in a whole little longer. it's not there. Okay, it's a very Sim discussion and it sucks. Okay this is the last point.

It sucks losing money but it's built in. It's built into trading. Okay and if if this is the last point and I will move on, you have to just understand that you will lose money. Now your job is to keep those losses small so that then when you nail the next one you make back your losses and then some.
That's risk management. I See people trading low floaters only five hundred thousand around? No um no. Kieran ah it I mean like I don't care what the stock is and and we had a lot of those today. like like Kiran I'm guessing you saw that there was what did we have, We had like two or three very low volume Runners today and they all gave back.

like the whole move. Like Hcdi right? Yeah, Hcdi. Now now. listen I Understand yo Hcdi ended up trading some volume, but like it goes from four to nine low volume Yanks back to six spikes to 14, drops to nine, spikes to 14.

again drops to six and you know now it's at like 681. So that kind of liquidity man I Don't care if you're trading 10 shares, it is impossible to trade something like Hcdi. now. listen I'm sure there's people that got lucky.

Okay and and if if you bought Hcdi at seven and you sold it 13.50 Congrats I Tip my hat to you, but it's just like you in the in a halted, halted up, halted down. So that's why I will constantly constantly constantly tell you you have to trade liquid stocks like I mean again Hcdi and there was like there were more. There was like three of them today. Like I mean okay, great if you did well, but good luck repeating that tomorrow and that that's that's.

kind of one of the biggest things that when I talk about these chart patterns, you know the the top 11 chart patterns. My ebook is the top 10 trading patterns, but the day three Surge is kind of in the addendum. okay I need to relaunch the ebook the top 11 patterns. But like all every single one of the patterns in that book in that webinar in The Core Curriculum of what I teach every single day, there's one or two stocks that fit those patterns.

Okay, okay, and that that is what allows you to become. you know, a consistently profitable trade. but like something like Hcdi, it's just like every once in a while it comes along and you know you do well today. But you can't trade this liquidity.

It's a mess. It's a mess. I Mean you're probably gonna get stopped getting money. You're probably out lucky.

no offense. Liquid stocks, Liquid stocks, Liquid stocks Imgn. Imgn was my number one stock this morning. Sent out um, in pre-market to the 11 level for the entry.

we talked about 12 plus for the goal. Actually let me, uh, bring it up 9 34 Am GN signal 11 Target 12 plus stop loss of 1049. So right there we got three to one risk to reward. I Then break it down in thesis: a leader in the expanding field, the antibody drug Kanju Gates I'm too dumb for the treatment of cancer.

It's cancer. Okay, they announced a positive Top Line data for 5-3 or phase three compromary Mirasol trial. Okay anyway about 10 minutes later, rights there Imgn broke 11 and went to 1330. a dollar plus a share past the goal and guess what and actually this is a so write down.
imgn. Go! I'm gonna end the webinar as I begin this is um I always like to not I I try and avoid using like perfect or like you know that's why I Always say like textbook you want a weak, open, ready green you gotta stock with very positive news. ridiculous volume. The average volume is three million shares a day.

Traded a hundred and five million shares a day and this is a 13 stock. Think about that. I mean this is I mean it's like I mean like we see one dollar stocks that trade 100 million shares. This is a 13 stock that traded a hundred and five million shares today.

Also, it's full of shorts and I I am baffled. So I've been lurking in some of these short seller rooms lately. It's like the Mob Man I'll find it and like this thing's at five year highs. Price upgrades across like like there's all day long analyst upgrades, five-year highs.

Cancer news trending up all day and people are guessing the tops on this thing I'm like what and when I say guessing the tops, they're shorting this I'm like what of of all the stocks of all the 19 000 stocks you're shorting a cancer play at Five year highs trading like 50 times average volume and it's just grinding higher all day long. Like what are you? what are you like Short: M-u-l-n Okay, Muln announced a reverse split today. There's like 18 videos on the stock straight YouTube of me begging people that M-u-l-n-m-u-l-n Mullen Automotive is the worst stock in the world. but people are guessing the tops on a cancer play and five-year highs trading 50x volume.

that's getting analyst upgrades all day long holding P-wave It's like it's the worst short setup in the world. And guess what? It closes at the high of the day. And guess what you want? A weak open ready Green Tomorrow it is Imgn and it could probably listen. I Think that if this thing gaps down tomorrow, if it gaps down tomorrow and attracts even more shorts, you're talking all-time highs baby.

All-time high is 20 bucks. Yeah, 2006. So there's your weak Open readygrade. Okay, second check out Pre-market prep.

We'd love to see you in the morning. We're going to be talking every single dip and rip. Okay, so what's great about the week? Open Ready Green. It is a multi-day pattern.

You can be in it, ready in advance, Atom and Imgm dip and rips are day winners. Okay, day wonders means we got to be get together and we got to be on the webinar together.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

18 thoughts on “Market maverick: day oners vs multi-day trading patterns”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Killian says:

    Who is the “chat pump” guy? Is it Ross Cameron?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maurice419 says:

    Thanks Tim! You’re the only one on YouTube that gives actionable information! I have learned a ton from your videos!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y G says:

    You answered most of my questions with out asking thanks.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Instant $740 Daily With Olivia says:

    "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." –Walt Disney

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Perfect information, this Team is the Team for day trading and understanding penny stocks! Period!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Torres says:

    Great breakdown.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maurice419 says:

    Tim, good info!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    how does one determine profit targets without Oracle?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DannyEJ TV says:

    Can you make a video on the most consistent pattern you’ve seen since you first started trading?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Back Kile says:

    Your are right. People get hired for reasons outside for of their capability.When you go to Harvard, you learn how to be a "Harvard student" and sell the Harvard "brand". Of course you will get a job easily from the who-you-know alumni network. Same with many prestigeous school. Ask Rob the attorney 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Hardwick says:

    Awesome video, much to learn about trading. Knowledge is key, thanks Tim Bohen

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harinder Jhajj says:

    Thanks for teaching free good work

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShikhaRouf says:

    Thanks so much my mentor! 🙌

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uilium Powell says:

    What is a good book that tells you what is behind price action like EVLO there? It goes way below previous support but then goes way above and now its way below again. Who is trading it like that and why?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uilium Powell says:

    Is the "dip and rip" the same as a "micro pullback"?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GlubHouse says:

    Nice content inside

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrMastic says:

    god bless you tim thank you

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Green says:


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