Meanwhile, filings for unemployment insurance fell last week, holding near historic lows. Initial jobless claims, the most timely snapshot of the labor market, came in at 225,000 for the week ended Nov. 26, a decrease of 16,000 from the previous week's revised level, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.
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#PPIREPORT #fedmeeting #stockmarketcrash
Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, faces a challenging moment as inflation proves more durable than policymakers expected.
The Federal Reserve conducts the nation’s monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy; promotes the stability of the financial system and seeks to minimize and contain systemic risks through active monitoring and engagement in the U.S. and abroad; promotes the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions and monitors their impact on the financial system as a whole; fosters payment and settlement system safety and efficiency through services to the banking industry and the U.S. government that facilitate U.S.-dollar transactions and payments; and promotes consumer protection and community development through consumer-focused supervision and examination, research and analysis of emerging consumer issues and trends, community economic development activities, and the administration of consumer laws and regulations.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for select utility, automotive fuel, and food items are also available.
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Tests us one, two three, what's going on guys. it's Ricky with attack. but Solutions and we are live streaming the unemployment report. So non-farm payrolls unemployment report average work week.

These five different reports get released in four minutes. So 8 30 A.m Eastern Time 6 30 A.m uh Mountain Standard Time and he has absolutely killed it in yesterday's video. Um, yeah. so I definitely didn't feel the best to have to wake up.

Uh, but I'm glad we're able to do it though. So hope that we earned your thumbs up on this video. It looks like we got QQQ kind of trading sideways but a little bit more in the red. Uh, we have ask QQQ going up so remember as QQQ as a bear ETF it goes up when the NASDAQ Market drops.

So if we begin to see the NASDAQ Market drop, this could be you know, an outlet. And then there's QQQ Which when this goes up, so does Tqs right? So this is the bull. ETF What's up? What's up? Good morning, Good morning. Hope that you guys were all doing well.

Just make sure that you guys subscribe to the channel. If you guys want to participate in that live chat, all you need to do is subscribe. So all righty, what's going on? Bradley What's up? What's up? Good morning, Good Morning In La It's 5 27 a.m right? It's an early one for you. Okay, let's see which way we are going to go.

Um, the expectation very quickly. Uh, for non-farm payrolls is 200k, Prior is 261 and then prior is 233. So they are expecting it to go down. Remember, if it goes down more than expected, that's probably going to be a positive reaction from the overall.

Market We uh, average hourly, uh, earnings. We expect it to increase by 0.3 right? Uh, last increase was 0.4 So again, same thing there. Yeah, unemployment rate currently at 3.7 Being able to see that unemployment has increased would probably be a good thing. Last was 3.7 Expectation is 3.7.

So let's see again, if if unemployment is higher, that will probably cause the market to react in a positive way, right? The Federal Reserve wants the economy to feel the pressure with this higher unemployment. So it's like a backwards way of thinking. But it is what it is, right? They're raising interest rates. They want the economy to feel the pressure.

A way that the economy is feeling. the pressure is if more people are unemployed. So they have a goal for next year of 2023 to be somewhere around 4.1 to around 4.3 percent. So to take that into consideration too.

I Appreciate most of you guys. Uh, I Appreciate you guys waking up early enough. uh to join us for uh, this live session so we have one minute the market will react. One of the things that we always talk about is if you can't tolerate the movement that's about to happen, um, then you know you can stay cash.

You can reduce your position size, but do something now or forever. hold your peace so let's see which way we end up going. All right any second. Now, make sure you guys drop a thumbs up and make sure that you guys subscribe.
Here we go. we should see the market react and then we'll talk about what was actually reported. Sometimes people ask me why don't you see what is reported and then watch the Market's reaction because I can. kind of.

Well, at the end of the day, it only matters what the market and how the market reacts. right? Here it goes: 629 Again, we are down 0.22 percent. Uh for the NASDAQ Market Huge drop. Huge drop.

Look at that. 291 Down one percent Down 1.3 percent Wait wait wait wait wait Huge drop. 1.5 Big push for Sqq. That is not a good sign.

so um, not a good sign for uh, how do I say this for the unemployment report. This probably means that unemployment came in lower than expected. So uh, waiting for this thing to refresh. So non-farms uh, was 263.

A lot higher than expected. 5.5 percent Huge push. Look at this. Look at this: Wow.

Sqq Rising NASDAQ Market Dropping NASDAQ Market down two percent during that pre-market session. Instant reaction. So let's see, my thing still doesn't show up. So or we had 3.7 percent.

I Would have thought with that reaction, um that we would have came in a lot higher, right? That is, as expected: 3.7 percent. So thank you for your time and for helping new people. I'll give you a lot of credit I appreciate that. Thank you thank you.

All right that is a big pullback already down two percent Sqq is up six percent on the day. We'll see if that momentum continues. Remember any reaction can be viewed as an overreaction in the stock market and mine has still not moved. So there it goes.

It looks like as of now it shows that we are peaking. see see if that momentum continues. Just want to make sure that I pull it up for you guys here. Um before we close out the live right? So I just wanted to live stream this for you guys.

You guys killed it I Asked you guys to drop a like if you guys wanted me to go live and it looked like enough of you guys wanted to. So watching at the gym multitasking I like that Mr Moose Um, anybody in pre-market payroll came in higher than expected. Appreciate the live. Thank you thank you.

All right there goes new highs 6.7 touching seven percent on the day for ask you Here it goes: Non-farm payroll is coming in at 263k. Expected was 200k. That's going to be the big discrepancy. So non-farm payrolls and non-farm private payrolls came in much hotter than expected.

Uh, we had the expectation of our average hourly earnings uh is expected to be 0.3 percent Actually came in a lot higher than expected. It's not a good thing. Unemployment report came in as expected at 3.7 percent just like the prior 3.7 That's what I thought to be the most important, but it looks like these were just so off. Um, that it was not good.

The only thing that looks to be positive is the average work week has gone down from expected 34.5 to now 34.4 So higher Highs are four Main Sqq is rising 7.5 on the day during that pre-market session and we'll see if it continues to Valley It looks like it's literally trying to cover the Gap that it filled or got filled. from the speech, right? We know that when Jerome Powell spoke, it was a very significant topic of unemployment and what the unemployment rate is. Um, it's crazy to see. It makes no sense.
Yeah, it does, but you know what doesn't make sense. We have non-farm payrolls that came in so much higher than expected. That's not a good thing, right? We want the economy to feel the pressure, but if we see that they're actually not lowering that, they're actually increasing. That is not a good thing, right? We've talked about this so many times, so that should not be a surprise that if something comes in higher than expected, that the market actually drops.

It's very common sense as of right now. Three stages of a reversal. Yes, normally Sinclair but one of the things that you want to take into consideration is that there's so much momentum and this news is so relevant that this thing could continue to draw. Yes, of course it could pull on back, but you never want to get into something that's aggressively pumping because direction is not in your favor, right? This would be a super risky short or super risky reversal trade when there's no confirmation of this thing actually pulling back.

So Wicked thank you for showing up. You are a legend. Pain is gay and homeboy I Like that. so expect unemployment rate to go up after.

February I Just hired five employees I Like that guy Gabriel Congratulations on the expansion of your business! So we want to see people on unemployment. Yeah, I Mean we want to see higher unemployment, right? It's not we. It's the Federal Reserve it's not I don't I do not care, right? It has nothing to do with me, but it's all about expectation and Market wants unemployment to be higher. but the only thing that came in higher is non-farm payrolls and that's not a good thing.

so we're still holding up here. It looks like it is beginning to slow down if you wanted to trade this during the pre-market session. I I Mean if anything, right? If you're If you got in and you're shorting the market and this you know you're you're up on this position. I would just follow at a distance, right if there's a break-up pattern, you're gonna have to lock in profits with the limit order because there's no such thing as a stop loss or stop limit during the extended hours.

So please make sure that you take that into consideration. Okay, all right, so as of right now, it's still holding up the change of direction would be. You know it breaks below something like 43 70 and it begins to give back what it gained right at that point. Okay, you know you want to do something about being able to lock in your profits.
But as of right now, there's a thing called our concept called of letting your winners run right. There's no break of pattern, it's pulling back or it's consolidating a little bit. But there's no break if pattern, right? Still trying to make higher highs and higher lows, and who knows, it's starting at seven percent. So far pre-market it could hit 10, it could hit 12 right? It can still continue to Rally.

So uh, the idea of following at a distance normally is with like a stop loss or a trailing stop loss. But you can't do that during the pre-market session. so you just have to hold yourself accountable and follow with you know, a limit order that if it breaks below a specific price point, you will automatically get out. So always a pleasure to listen to your rookies.

See you around. Sounds good so thank you for introducing me to Ricky Appreciate that guys! It looks like we got some extra nice people today and it does look like like it is beginning to struggle and showing signs of higher Highs But we'll see right? so I'll keep you guys up to date if you're part of our Learn Plan Profit group. I'll see you in right under an hour. We're going to be going live right at Market Open if you're not part of our Lpp group just yet.

The second link in the description of this video is our Lpp team and it's uh, 150 off. So if you want to take advantage of that sale, it's the second link in the description and you can watch me trade live as soon as this morning at Market open. So again, it's a one-time payment. lifetime access.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a direct message via Discord or via Instagram and everything that's Linked In the description. Appreciate your time like always. Let's make sure that we end the year on a green note. Take it easy team.

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10 thoughts on “live now unemployment job report live-stream”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ Calio says:

    Thanks for the recommendations, I was able to grow up to $60K in the past few months, and I'm more concerned on what strategies to apply now to maximize better profit please clues and tips will be highly appreciated.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald George says:

    It is better to invest now. You will never be younger than you are today and there will never be a perfect time to invest. Due to compounding, which Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world, you can get rich slowly from investing if you do it from a young enough age. Big thanks to JOSEFTRADE

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Rivera says:

    Shout out to everyone who found a job last month🎉🎉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan White says:

    Thank you man

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Isid Desi says:

    Thanks Ricky. See you soon!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MOHAMMAD MUSTAFA says:

    Thanks Ricky for all you do helping others god bless you

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmanxoom says:

    No Sean huevones… Drink coffee

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R N says:

    Appreciate the live stream Ricky!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aicethegamer says:

    Great analysis! Now I know how unemployment can change the markets

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aicethegamer says:

    “They want the economy to feel the pressure” = they want us to struggle and they want to increase the wealth gap

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