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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. Well, it looks like uh, we're coming up here to the top of the hour. so I don't have uh, you know a ton of things I'm looking at today, but I have a couple and I have three stocks. I've traded already and I've had small profits on those three so that's good.

Uh, you know, broken the ice. got some winners and I want to see if I can add a little bit more profit before. uh, you know before I throw in the towel and call it a day. Daily goal is still 5 000.

um, obviously shy on that right now and I've been shy on it most days in the last six weeks or so. But you know, as I say, some some days are going to be in, some months are going to be better than others, so to a certain extent it's uh, just. there's nothing I can do except for trade the opportunities that are in front of me. So this morning we have Tops and we had this one yesterday as well.

Uh, you know the thing with Tops, You got a nice move on it right here. Uh, you had previous days consolidation and ended up breaking out of that to the upside right. kind of broke over this pivot of like 350 yesterday. and then you got that nice, uh, squeeze.

a little interesting. Um, it's a stock that has a history. It's got a recent reverse split. Uh, it's got done so many reverse splits over the years.

You know they have a shelf registration so we could see a secondary offering on it. we saw a pretty big move on it a couple weeks ago. It almost felt like this is like a dead cap bounce to the original move, you know? But it has held up relatively well. So this morning kind of got a similar breakout right here.

Uh which. I had a really good entry on at about. Well, my entry was actually um, four dollars and 30 cents but I got stopped out a little early on that and then I got back in I made 500 and then got stopped out a second time. So I have two winners on it and I think two losers.

So sitting at only thirty dollars in profit total right now, I'm a little concerned because we've seen a couple of big red candles and we saw the same thing yesterday. So some of these big red candles, you know you don't love seeing them. Uh, and it shows that there's someone out there with some serious, uh, amount of shares that they're selling onto the market, so you know that's something to be certainly aware of. Um, and I think for the time being I'll just watch it and we'll see if it starts to open up and looks like it's going to give us some more opportunities.

So yeah, so that's kind of my plan right there on that. Um, there's the top of the hour. Avxl is our leading gapper. 75 million share float was starting to set up a five minute pattern.

False breakout sells off so you never gotta. You did not get a clean five minute pattern for a long. All you got was a one minute a breakout here. pull back, pull back.

That was it. Now it's a head and shoulders and it's coming back down. So this is a little disappointing when this happens because um, you know we would like to have multiple patterns. I Mean we would like to see clean one minute patterns clean five-minute patterns.
When you have stocks that go up this much and they don't give you a clean five minute setup, they just pull back. It's and it's a bit of a bummer. So head and shoulders one minute chart. I'll add that to the classes later.

Uh, all right. So anyways, that's ABX L Eating Gapper at 38 75 million share float rigl 94 cents too cheap for me, 150 million share float too high for me Tops is our third leading gapper. this one. you know.

Like I said, it's on. It's right around this five dollar level from yesterday where it struggled. So I don't know our Med got trade on that earlier. Um, we'll see whether or not it holds up.

It's holding up relatively well, but we'll see if it's able to hold up more. Um, let's see Rig alley up Too cheap our Med and then that's it. I mean these are all higher floats. so I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna look at them I'm just gonna I have no interest in them.

Um, so let's see. Um I'm going to put this up here. so if anyone sees something that you think looks good, definitely let me know. I I may well be missing a few so there's tops breaking out so your high is 23.

So in this kind of pattern I look at it. there's 25 and 30. yesterday's high was 581. The problem for me is that uh, given the rejections that we've had off of this level a couple times, you know you like that one and that one, that one and then this big one right here, you just kind of know like another one's coming now.

maybe it, maybe it goes a little farther before that happens. Um, but unfortunately it makes it a little harder I Think to manage downside risk on it. So the High: This candle is 35 as long as it holds this level. This is a micro pullback so you could take a trade at 35.

There there's 100, There's a 11 000 share seller, there's 35. there's 40. 40 on the ask 41. foreign.

so pretty good volume coming in on these candles. Solid. waiting for a pullback for a dip. So this area here is, um, you're in this little grind.

The problem for me right now is there's not a great risk reward ratio on an entry up here because it's too extended. All right. So it's about ten past nine here, so you've got a pretty high of two. high volume Candles there on tops your daily level.

Uh, yesterday we had a high of 581 so there's a little bit of resistance up in that area. Oh well. I've got my charts up here. we're going back and forth.

We're beta testing them still. So yep, the warrior charts are here. The the Dev team has some notes from me that they're working on. so I don't have anything that I am really needing to test on it today.

They they know what they need to work on foreign so they're not released yet or for for members. So once we're at a place where I'm happy with them, then we'll release them to members and this is what I'll be using as my primary platform platform for. uh, charting. Nice on Tops.
Nice squeeze. So that was a one minute pullback, but it wasn't a five minute. Five minute was still a little extended but nice. Breakout So your high is 634.

We've got about 15 minutes to the opening bell. Okay So this low 590 so we're gonna pull back right here. I Took a starter at 5.99 watching for an Ad 610 so looking for first one minute candle to make a new high and see if we squeeze back up to 6 15.. add it at 6 10.

There small trade there's 625. hi this candle is 634. A little bit of profit up there for me. just a small scalp off of support Pi is 634 so can it hold six? Tie: That candle was 625 low is about 590 of this pullback pattern.

It's a red candle. pretty high volume on it. Reminder for those: Uh, tuning in on YouTube In case you forgot, trading is risky and my results aren't typical. so make sure you take it slow and practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line because there's no guarantee you'll find success.

Whether you trade on your own, you'll learn from me. Foreign. So yesterday, uh, Tops had a pretty nasty rejection candle and we've already had a couple today. So you know you had this big sell-off right there and there and you had another one right here.

This was a really bad one yesterday. That false breakout right there went up to 525 and then dropped to five. uh, 445.. So unfortunately, um, when I'm seeing that kind of pattern now I know the stock has a history of doing that.

so I'm going to be cautious on it. My job is to manage risk I Want to try to find opportunities for profit, but I have to manage risk. and if I can't manage risk effectively on a stock, then I shouldn't Trade It So this morning I'm sitting at Seventeen hundred dollars which is a Green Day Managing Risk trading tops Rmad and Ktra small winners on all of them. Right now, Tops also has a shelf registration, which means they could do a secondary offering and I think that's something that many Traders are aware of.

Thank you! All right? Okay, let's see. Um, we have a special guest today. Hamang is going to join us and give us a little insight into what he's looking at today. So what's on? Good morning? What's on your watch list? Hey good morning everyone! Uh, today I'm watching Tops for sure.

You know for that. Friday squeeze that we get every now and then. so hoping for some momentum this morning. Okay, but yeah, that's that's my.

that's my watch. that's pretty much. uh I might be watching. uh uh.

you know our continuation stocks like here and there? Uh, neon is there. and then some of the neon neon balances. Yeah, some of the Dead Cat bounces. Uh, also Ktra.

Hopefully we get some sort of a volume in there. It's been moving, but just without any volume. Yep, yep, yeah. I Saw Ktra I Got trade on that earlier, but um, yeah it it's I'm not sure if it's gonna hold up.
it pulled back too much. Hey Danny good morning guys. All right. Uh, let's see.

So Danny you have anything you're watching today. mainly Tops I did pretty well on it yesterday. just a couple trades. nice good for you.

Um so I think that I uh kind of get how it likes to be traded. Okay, so I'm gonna I'm just gonna be watching Tops. um what else man, you has been moving Well, um, but it's not really in play today. it looks like yeah I haven't traded that one.

The float's a little higher. yeah, do you see Ev? uh, Avxl Avxl Yeah, it's a higher foot also. okay I see that I don't know I I'm not brought up earlier? Yeah yeah. Nice move earlier to a couple of really nice one minute pullbacks and then it got a little choppy again.

Oh Aviation that looks pretty much yeah. If I can get over the pivot, it's back. Overview app right now if we get over 1285, but the float 75 million shares. I'm just not sure if it's gonna be a super clean one.

Tops is pulling back right now. Third red five minute candle. um 20 moving average on the one is around 580. but it's a little extended still on the five minute chart tops, it's coming on the 9.

EMA So I might take a starter here I need me on the five minute? So yeah, 9 EMA on on the one minute you're looking at 9am on the five minute see that's interesting. Um I have the 9 EMA on the five a ways below that at 5 50. yeah I have it at 5 59. yeah oh really.

uh I gotta check then maybe my my indicators and stuff so hold on. uh are you looking at a different line I mean I Like the setup off the five off the one minute. it's a 20 average pullback. For some reason, it's turned on to the five.

EMA Okay, let me let me take my trade off here before. I Get hammered Honestly though it's not, but you're right, it's It's a big send it off the nine, so that's the promise. It's kind of floating up here a little high. um what could happen, especially given it's extended is we could get a first five minute candle making you high and then it flushes down.

so I don't trust it well enough to you know take a big position here. Yeah, rookie move on my part. it was the 5V I mean not the 9 EMA That's okay, everyone makes mistakes. It's Friday how's your week been so far? Oh I've been well read for the most part, but I was green yesterday.

Small green like okay, 700 bucks. Okay, you said you were in a drawdown earlier this week. Yeah, uh. the end of November I think I'm down like seven eight grand so far.

like uh in a probably more uh from uh overall Jordan I have I really haven't looked at my numbers anymore because I'm like you know what now uh I need to change my the goal post has changed I think it's it's it's uh I just want to be green. That's when I finish green too. Yep, no that's I Mean that's the thing is like after like four or five days of finishing small green you start to feel like you know you're back in the driver's seat. Just psychologically you feel like okay, I'm Yep, yeah, get my confidence back.
So yeah, just being green because you know continued red days even if it's only like 500 or a thousand. It just makes you feel like wow, what am I doing here? So yeah, I get that, that's good. Uh, let's see Okay So we've got about uh two. well actually a minute to the opening bell so Warrior members will keep going with the morning show today with some guests.

Next week we're gonna have uh, another trading Summit So I'll be trading uh in my office with um five, six other uh Traders and we'll be streaming that from the morning when we start all through doing after late morning and afternoon Mentor sessions live streaming for you guys so you guys can look forward to that next week and um, those on YouTube will probably give you guys um, a little. you know we'll do our morning show routine and we'll see if we can give you a little sneak preview of that Summit as well so you can attend virtually if you want. All right, So that's the game plan. Thanks um for those tuning in on YouTube We'll see you back here on Monday morning and Warrior Members Day trade Dash Members We're gonna keep trading.

By the way, today's the last day to use the coupon code Friday 30 on day trade Dash So if you guys want to use that just for my stream and my scanners and news, you don't want the classes, you can do that. All right, that's the game plan. Reminder is always. trading is risky, my results aren't typical, and there's no guarantee you'll find success.

We've got 10 seconds to the open some tops here. I Think uh, it was at the pivot? Yeah.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

5 thoughts on “live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slydon75 says:

    You know what I loved about this video? Tops was going and Ross showed how NOT to just jump in because of fomo!
    Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Federico Stoppo says:

    Hi, I think there is something wrong with the channel. I cannot see the last uploaded videos. I know that Ross streamed a class which was about 40min long but I cannot see it. Could you please have a look on it?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twist Plus Friends says:

    Thanks for the stream! Quick question, why does it seem like EVERY trader that gives youtube advice focuses on shorting stocks instead of buying low? Isn't that way riskier? I understand how to identify potential short opportunities, but I don't have the capital to risk.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir Christopher says:

    Does warrior trading ever short stocks?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gspears says:

    Love Ross. That said, this strategy in this cold market makes it VERY easy to lose $1K -$ 5K and win $50 – $200. To be clear, it's a great strategy in a hot market. And I don't fault Ross for this market.

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