Okay morning, so i am looking for momentum and sitting down here as always, looking at the gap, scanner and uh we'll start at the top before i do a reminder for those tuning in on youtube. In case you already know, trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money, so you should assume as a beginner, that you will lose money with that in mind. Don't trade money you can't afford to lose and do yourself a favor and trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line.

My results are not typical, so you should not try to blindly follow me or anyone else all right. So with that said, let's see we've got efoi has our leading gap where it's at 44, i'm not crazy about the daily chart. It has this descending resistance line here. Uh 358 is the 200 moving average, so it feels like just sort of a little pop off the low.

I'm not sure that we're gon na get a big turn around on it. It does have a history of popping and then not holding those gains, so we may see a pop today. Maybe we see move up to 358, but i don't know if it's going to hold that level. On the other hand, syta was sort of similar yesterday history of popping and fading on these candles.

It opened below the 200. It broke below broke above the 200 hit a high of 720, but then of course rolled over. So we don't have continuation on syta this morning, but syta gave a really nice gap and go trade and i underestimated a little bit, but that was clean. So if we back this up here for those that aren't familiar with that setup, let's see let me pull it up here good morning alex good morning.

Larissa hope you guys are doing well morning cigar, see um. So this setup um right here so gap and go chapter 7. We cover the break the pre-market pivot, which is exactly what you had right here. This is a strategy that i've traded for a long time years and years.

It's a well-defined pattern and you got it right there. It was almost picture perfect. This is the um part of the warrior pro class 101 376 slides in this deck. So that worked really well yesterday on syta efoy.

Maybe we can, you know if it ends up being the obvious gap, or maybe it is worth watching. So i decided to put on my rambo bandana today see if i could kind of maybe inspire myself to trade a little bit better and if i don't max out my buying power at least three times today, i don't even deserve to wear this bandana. So i'm looking for something i can go all in on all right, so efoi leading gapper free market high 301. So this is the routine every morning so for those tuning in maybe for the first time i pretty much have the same routine every day.

I look at the leading gappers and i go down the list if you're not familiar with some of the things i'm talking about flow relative volume, i would definitely encourage you, if you're over on youtube, to check out my free class, it's a replay of a class That i taught earlier this year, so you guys are welcome to check it out right there and that'll walk you through in a bit more detail kind of slowing down the process of how i find stocks to trade each morning. Let's see so efoi 283 5 million shares of volume floats 4.39. Relative volume is 2 212.. All of that is good.
The daily chart is not as not as good as i'd like it's below the 200, but so was syta yesterday and that one gave us some opportunities so i'll keep it on watch. But right now it doesn't feel like it's super exciting. So i think i'm going to hold off on it for maybe a moment and remember you know the small account uh challenge that i did this summer. One of the things that i said many times is one trade a day.

Is the small account way? So it's i think important to have that mentality as much as possible good for you. There you go so that one went without me up to three 310., so i'll i'll take a starter 307, given that it's moving higher and i'll add over 320. holding right now and looking to add. 320 321 target is 358.

That's the 200 moving average. So there's 18 adding there at 18 and 19. Looking for the squeeze through 25 high of this candle right, there is 24 new order, goes at 25., so we're up 63 percent and like uh syta yesterday, this is the most obvious stock. So now i'm going to look for the breakthrough 25.

and watch for dips first, candle first 1 minute setup after a fresh breakout like this is what i look for. The high is 24., so we're going to look for the breakthrough this level. My average is 11.. I'm holding 16 000 shares the first one-minute kill to make a new high is where i'll add so new order goes at 22., we've got 20 seconds left on this candle.

Add it at 15 to buy the dip. Candle's got eight seconds left and i'm looking for the break through 19 and then 21. there's 19., there's 20 on the ask: there's 21 22. didn't quite break through, but there's 20 000 share buyer at 15..

First, one minute candle didn't make a new high, yet holding nine thousand shares sizing down to twelve hundred we'll. Let it pull back again then we'll try to add back off. Of maybe 308 floats. 4.39 million shares good job.

For those of you guys that got in at 295 right here right in this area for the breakthrough three, you got a better entry than i did so. Here's 309 added at 310 bought the dip looking for the break back through 3, 17, 3, 18 and 3 20.. First one minute candle to make a new high we've got 30 seconds left on this current candle. The high is 18 new order, is at 20., we'll see if we get the squeeze through 324.

nine seconds left on this candle. There's 18 there's 19 there's 20. a little unsure. We, this candle, hasn't uh closed.

Yet the high now is 20.. It took a little profit new orders at 22., there's a seller at 20.. It's not a bad looking one minute setup but kind of what i thought it would have broken 20 right there, so add it at 20. Now i want to see if we squeeze up to 24.
so 18 on the bid 19 on the ask back to flat at 20. hesitated there for a little bit too long. So now, since the first one minute, candle isn't um breaking, i there is 22.. Let it pull back and see if we get a five minute setup.

Oh there we go nice, look at that up through 24.. The high now is 30., so watching a dip added to 29. Now, looking for 35 next ad is 35 for a move up to 40., there's 33 34 added at 35.. So looking for the squeeze up to 40, we're up 69 right now, so we're moving pretty nicely here.

There's 33 on the ass 29 on the bed. Nice break from 24 up to 35. watching to buy the dip. Add it to 29 first 1 minute candle to make a new high is over 31.

The high is 36. see if we break through 335 30 on the bid 32 on the ask. So this is a 10 second abcd pattern with the high of 33. there's 32.

there's 33 there's 34, looking for 35 and 36. back to flat at 28 small loss. So lee says he on youtube, blew up his small account yesterday by doing everything you taught me not to do been doing so good the last few weeks, so i'm working on a a new class um, which is going to be a trader rehab class it'll, be A new course added to the warrior pro curriculum and um listen. I can tell you from experience that what you're going through is you're not alone.

A lot of beginner traders go through that experience. In fact i mean you, don't start if you start trading and you make money, it's dumb luck. It's just luck. You got lucky and some are fortunate enough that they have that, but most who start with a lucky win.

It's because they were too naive to know the risk of what they were doing. They held something overnight and ended up working out really well for them, and most likely the lucky win is going to go away, they're going to lose it so most beginner traders when they sit down they're, going to start losing money. So how much do you lose before you start to turn it around? There's, no one that i i don't know anyone that would just sit down and start making money immediately. I mean, even if you trade in a simulator and you practice still, the transition to live trading.

Real money is with small share size. Your commissions are going to be high and you're going to be read initially. So what happens for a lot of beginner traders is once you start to turn the corner. You might have three or four good days, and then you have a big blowout red day.

Then you have three or four good days and then another big blowout red day and that's part of the journey. At least that was the journey that i went on, so you know it would feel like three four good weeks and then one day i give it all back and then another three four good weeks and then sure enough another day where i'd give it all back. So um i i just you know you have to make the decision of when enough is enough, but it sounds like uh knowing you're, not following the rules and that's that's such a hard thing. Um having the discipline to follow the rules is very, very challenging and for some, an inability to ever really get that dialed in will be the reason they don't succeed.
You have to be able to have discipline. I know that it's hard, i know it's easier said than done 100, but you have to have discipline. So if you are not a disciplined person, if you fall into these um, you know and rod, i'm not going to disagree that i've had times where i've been aggressive or i've revenge traded or where i have not followed the rules. It's not i'm not immune to any of that.

I'm really not i've had all of those things happen to me. Even in the last year, i've had days where i really fell off the wagon, and that's because having discipline isn't something that you just get like a car and then you have it forever. It's something more like a muscle that you constantly have to be exercising and in touch with, and if you start to slack, then all of a sudden. It won't be there when you need it.

You get complacent and you can very easily in a moment of emotional pressure and frustration. Talk yourself into taking. You know a high-risk trade, and so i think a big part of success is that emotional component. That's why i have ted and diane doing two sessions a week for you guys, that's why they were.

They joined me in chapter 14 of the starter class and they joined again through the pro classes to help reiterate the importance of finding your emotional center. While you trade, it's a really big one and i know there's some people that might underestimate it's. Ah, that's that's silly stuff! I don't! I don't need to do that stuff. Well, you know if you're struggling, it might not be a bad idea to try it so um watching efoy had it back at 29, 12 000 shares see if it breaks through 35 and then goes up to 45.55.

So you've got the high there of 34.. So when we get false breakout candles like that, i try to unwind it in the middle of the spread or on the ask, so i lost a thousand on it with 1200 shares about 10 cents, you can see how that candle popped up and then reverse. So it's a false breakout candle. We didn't have multi-time frame alignment quite yet, but it could have been first, five minute kill to make a new high.

So it was worth a stab big red candles on the daily make bpth hard to trust lex below v. Wap jason great question are my results, typical and i'd love to be the first to tell you that they are not typical. Most beginner traders will lose money and even experienced traders. Even with years and years of experience, i can still run into these struggles so slow.

It down do yourself, a favor trade in a simulator remember that trading is very risky, so you know that's a little annoying um, but it's good to see it's holding up so good job for anyone that bought the dip on that false breakout, dips down to 16 And then it rips up to 43. right idea wrong timing, but it is the leading gapper so keep an eye on it. Hmm! Well, if i stop right now, i did better than i did yesterday, but still well off my daily goal, all right there we go, so i just did a donation there for roberto or the work he's doing in guatemala. So i guess i can do it on my computer made me: do it on my phone, so i donated 2500.
So i'm back to up only 130 on the day. That was the link that roberto gave me is donating risky. Well, that's a great question. You should be careful uh, donating money that you can't afford to donate.

You could donate in a simulator practice. Your donations before you do it with real money. Blindly, donating is a bit risky and my donation amounts are not typical, so the high is 3 45. earlier.

In the year i did some thankful, thursday donations um. When i crossed over a million dollars in uh charitable, giving where i would trade and then, when i finished trading, i would donate everything that i had made on that day to a charity. You can see some of those videos on youtube, not seeing anything hitting the scanners right now. Xcla is a little cheap.

I can check the float. It's 160 million share floats a little high um this one i had mentioned as a wild card stock. It went from you know: 40 cents to 850. pulled back about a 50 retracement down to four is now basing at that level, so there there could be an opportunity on it, but you know the risk is high, uh, yesterday's high, if you're going to go for.

First, daily candle to make a new high is like 7 18.. So that's a ways off, but an entry off the 50 retracement with a stop below the low here of 4 22 could make sense, but the volume is very light. It's not on the gap scanner. So therefore, there's not a lot of traders that are probably watching it right now, it's better to trade, the most obvious stocks that have higher relative volume.

So i have it up on a monitor just in case it starts to pop up, and if it did, then that would be fine, but right now it's it's not there. I think the float on it is like 60 million shares as well. I don't you know. Robert it's so robert was commenting on how i was pumping gas at the sunoco station uh in the winter after i had dropped out of college.

When my dad had gotten diagnosed with cancer yeah, i was living at home. I was pumping at the sunoco station and um. You know what separates me. You know from the other kids who are pumping gas at the same time.

You know how many of us have become millionaire traders and of that group. I'm have lost touch with them, but i don't think that any of them have done this. So i think, there's a lot of variables, no doubt about it, there's a lot of variables that what makes someone more likely to find success and what might not starting when i was younger was probably important for me, because i had less financial responsibilities and less pressure. Uh so that afforded me a longer learning curve, because my you know i didn't have kids, i didn't have very high cost of living and in those um early years my peers were definitely surpassing me as they finished.
You know grad school and were going on to get great jobs, and i was you know, just kind of fiddling around trying to figure out how to be a day trader. So i didn't really start to find success until a little bit later, and you know that was a time where i felt like. I was really behind the curve with some of my peers, having you know past their bar and becoming a lawyer, or you know going into like i don't know getting started with. You know their medical getting their phds or whatever, and here i was with really nothing to show for it so uh, but i think that the financial ability to keep pursuing it uh for years while i was learning uh - is probably the biggest one, because i think For a lot of people, they just wouldn't be able to afford to stay in the market that long without producing a small uh, some type of profit.

So i that was probably a a big differentiator. I i think that you could probably say, there's just natural aptitude, that maybe i have that it lends itself to trading. I was already really good on the computer. I had built a ton of websites very dialed in on you know, sort of somewhat techy stuff.

Not like you know anything like what you know. I built the first warrior trading website and then i've since had people build it for me because they're so much better than me. So, let's see if this breaks through 50., i took my trade there watching for an ad over uh 348 350.. So we're coming up to the half dollar.

I want to see if we break through this level, there's 50 on the ask thinning out and there's 52. I pop out for about 1200 of profit, put the new order at the high that's a little flat top breakout high is 52. new order goes at 56.. It's got ta hold over that level, definitely watching for news here at 9am, so you know i already had a bunch of spare laptops uh lying around.

I had to borrow one that was windows from a friend, because mine were apples and i needed to run windows trading software, but you know i played video games when i was younger, so i guess good hand-eye coordination can type without looking at the keys. So i didn't have any of those burdens to overcome that some aspiring traders might have okay so that popped, flash to 55. That looks like maybe a market order, then pulled back. There's a bid at 22.

we're extended on the 5.. Sometimes you think. Well, maybe this will start to pull away and it could, but we still have the 200 moving average up here and we've got the descending resistance above that dlpn enters ready to drink cocktail market with ownership, steak and craft house cocktails. I'm going to pass on that efoi, adding here, because now it's holding 50.
so looking for 57 and then squeeze up to 60. there's sixty on the ask watching for an ad over sixty for sixty five added there at sixty there's sixty two taking some profit at Sixty one holding two thousand three hundred seventy five shares - this is putting me on the leaderboard today. Nothing impressive, but uh just doing the best i can volume is increasing, which is good high is our 200 is right here, but just like syta yesterday syta was able to break through the 200., so we may see some shorting against this level. I'm going to go flat at 61 and look for the next opportunity added 67 and i'll add 75 for a strong break through the 200..

It seems like we're doing something similar to syta yesterday, so added there now looking for the move up in the 80s holding at 72 average. This is one unfortunately, of a bit of fighting for pennies, taking some profit at 77. uh. By fighting for pennies, i mean that um, the gains are five cents, 3 cents, 8 cents with 15 000 shares those can add up.

But so now it's pulling back a little bit. I'm going to dip trade at 68., there's a bid at 70. holding right now at 70., going back to flat at 69., so yeah. This is interesting.

Fray has got a ev battery sponsorship or partnership with volkswagen. However, we can check the float it's hired. 116 million shares the stock is easy to borrow it's a nicey stock, i think probably not worth watching so. The efo pattern right now bit of a topping tail there up to 79.

still certainly has shown some good strength. Hmm, so our high there is 79. i'll. Take a starter: at 70., the height of this candle is 72., we'll see if we break through 75.

out flat 71, maybe a 40 winner on uh. However, many shares 4 000 shares nice jefferson, good job. A thousand dollars well done. Good observation, ryan, very good yeah.

So 350 could be a spot to watch. I think it's just the fans that i have running on my computers, so those tuning in on youtube, i hope you're enjoying the morning show if you enjoy it would love for you to hit the thumbs up. This is a free broadcast, so this broadcast is for educational purposes only. I hope you do find it educational and helpful in your endeavor to learn more about the markets.

I want to remind you, as always, that my results are not typical. However, it is important for you to see my results to protect you as a consumer to know that the person that you're learning from is actually a profitable trader, i'm not trading in a simulator. This is real money broker. Statements are on the website.

So, if you're curious about how much i make you can see that in my broker statements on the website, this is where i sit today at about 10 past nine, so i've been trading for about 45 minutes or so so starter there. For me, 73. Looking for the break through 79 and then look for ads at 85 and 95 and we'll see if we get a squeeze up towards four dollars watching 75 and 76, nice big bid there at 72, so adding at 75 there's 76 looking for 77 78, our double Top that we want to break is 79., let's see watching for an ad 73.74 added there, 74.. Looking for the breakthrough, 75 and 76., there's 76 reducing size doesn't seem like it wants to break.
Yet i'm gon na have to try again let it pull back for a second attempt. Let's check isig click long there. For me, there's news on this. It looks like um just checking to see where that's coming from add is 12.25, adding right there.

Looking for 1250 1260 holding 9000 shares wednesday december 8th review of strategic alternatives. New orders 1250 average is 11.82. So this i found right off. The scanners holding 1100 shares high.

This candle is 12.57. Yesterday's high was 12.79 we're only up 20, i'm taking a little more profit off the table. I'm going to look for dip entries. I was 1275.

new order. Is 12.75 yeah. It's not breaking news, it's news from today, but it was from uh earlier the high this candle 10, the lows 1008, the highest 12.75. You know i've had trades like that, where they rip four or five dollars a share, and just like that, with 10 000 share position.

I'm up you know 30 40 grand i've had some really really good ones. This one is up only 20 on the day. 1571. is the spot to kind of watch, but that's a nice move there from 10 to 12 50.

hi that candle spot to watch still holding 885 shares at 1182. Now that's interesting, it looks like the headline here is wednesday. The date is wednesday, the 8th, but then the headline here is december 6., so this may just be technical. Is that the same exact news from monday looks like it is so this is a technical breakout, i'm still, okay with trading it because of the former momo.

This is on the continuation scan isig watching for possible dip trades added there 28 we'll see if it breaks over 58 and 68 and then we'll see if we get every test of 1275 added to 56 next ad will be 66 and then 76 and then looking For a move up to 13., we've got about 13 minutes to the bell. There's 37 on the bid 46 on the ask blad at 25, taking a small loss on that should have broken through 75 right away watching for dips, efoi still on watch. I have that on my side chart here, the high was 83., so it went a little bit higher before pulling back. Isig would want to see it break through 1279, which is today's basically the highest candle and then for a move up towards 1571..

As far as gappers go, it's only up 16 percent, so we'll see. Thank you, timothy, nice, good job cigar, very good up. Four thousand eight hundred seventy eight dollars. Looking good, i do get slippage.

No, i definitely get slippage. Different stocks will be better and worse, but i i definitely have slippage low down. There is 86. bought the dip at 86 on isig, see if we got ta pop back up to 12.05, a 3000 share starter, i'm wondering if this will give us more opportunities going into the open taking some profit.
95. 97. So we've got ten minutes to the bell here, still holding small size from 1186. First one minute: candle making new highs back over 12.

five minute candle closed with higher volume, higher red volume, but on the one minute all the high volume candles are are green. So that's actually good topping tails up in this area above 50, wasn't able to close above that level at any time. So this down in this area is a good spot for be looking to be looking at dip trades, then, with profit targets through the high still hold small size. From that last dip, efoi is pulling back a little bit back down towards 350..

The the v-wap is at 329 on efoil yeah cpix. The daily set up the high yesterday was 6 30.. So i see it the float um, not sure it's not gapping up significantly right. Now, it's an 8 million share, float isig, since it had this parabolic move.

Just on monday, i think, makes sense to be watching break through 1279, then room up to 14 break through 14, and then you know potentially more, but it doesn't have a fresh catalyst. It doesn't seem looks like this is a rehashing of the previous headline. So added back at 86 and 98 on isig, looking for the break through 12 14., but technical breakouts are valid so uh. They certainly are added there.

12 13.. Now looking for 12, 25., so there's 12 11 on the bid. We want to see this pull away from the view app up towards 12 25. there's 20 good holding 600 shares took a little profit there on that break.

Efoi is at 342. sold the rest of isig we'll look to get back in etpi. Let me look so it's a cheaper stock news at 9 15, which i didn't see. Let's check the float do 12 million shares.

I would be a buyer if it broke over the high of 12 of 272.. The 200 moving average is at 75, but if it could break through that level, that would be better. So with about five minutes to the bell watch list going into the open efo, i still on watch it's not a break of the pre-market pivot. This one just kind of was grinding higher and it's now back below the 200 moving average.

So i'm not sure that's going to work strn this one that they were talking about yesterday, 21 million private placement. That's why we don't hold and hope on these cpi x. Yeah 630 is a maybe isig, we'll keep it on watch in case it opens up, but i'm not sure that it will. Volume has still been better on the green candles, but needs to open up a bit so game plan at the open, we'll be watching efo isig ptpi impp that one's a sort of unlikely one, but because it made that big move.

It's important just to keep an eye on it in case it starts to do something like that again, so i have that one uh up on another chart. Yesterday's high was seven dollars and eighteen cents. It did about a fifty percent retracement from initially forty cents up to eight thirty pulled back to about four dollars. So this is a fifty percent retracement uh line here.
So there there's some reasoning for being a buyer in the fours, with a stop around four. Dare is pulled back too much. Efoi needs to get back above the 20 on the one minute. So it's been a couple days since we had you know kind of like a big um.

Isig was really the last big move we had and you can see how it's popping back up, even here i'll, add back it 1202 as a starter, bottoming tails like that are very bullish. If it can break through 21, then i'll add added right there. Now. Looking for the squeeze up to 1250, this one might give us that trade into the open.

So let's watch over 12 45 for the next ad, then 12, 55 and 12.65 target is 75. added at 45. Next ad is 65, not selling, yet still adding for the breakthrough 79. So now watching up to 13.

watch over 79, then 85 added 75 right there. So on something like this, i try to be aggressive for the squeeze through the high holding 11 000 shares watching for the break through 75 dip trade here added at 55.. First pullback, then the breakthrough 78, 88 and 98. So my thinking on this is a squeeze over 13 into the open.

I think we have a good chance at that. There's 74. Looking for 75 there's 80 good, holding 3000 shares back to flat. For now, new order goes at 13.

that candle should have gone right to 13. It hit a high of 1290. New order goes at 13. hi.

This candle is 1290 watching diptrade at 51 bought the dip there. Looking for the retest of 75, one minute to the bell, so my back of mind: uh potential on this would be a squeeze into a halt. We've got room from 1279 up to 1571 on the daily, so this is the one that i'm going to be focusing on at the open, we'll see if we get some more opportunities on it, those on youtube and facebook. If you want to tune in and watch me while i'm trading, you got to be a member warrior pro student, so i'm going to end the free broadcast now and keep streaming for warrior pro students.

Let's see if we get the move up to 13.

By Stock Chat

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14 thoughts on “Live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baja Express says:

    When you do your small account challenge. You should try it on a mobile device. A lot of new traders these days do that and it would be interesting to see how well you did. Just a thought. But I bet it'd be fun to watch.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Erickson says:

    Ross what is the blue flashing stock on your left side..? and on your right side the yellow lines is that articles for the stock it’s self that you can press and get the information from it…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All We Do is Twin! says:

    Thank you sir

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhoan Camargo says:

    you are one of the best!!!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deborah Thompson says:

    the first time i ever watched ross trade was the day DWAC exploded!! I was like i can never day trade that was too fast and intimidating. Glad I tuned in on other days when there were no trades. I have learned a lot since then. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Erickson says:

    Good morning Ross,Question of the day, How much can you write off with your donations in one year, and be able to write that off on your business in day trading.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huncho Dreams says:

    Love day trading and warrior trading taught me some new things thanks my man keep killing it 💪

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Kisudi says:

    Hi Ross,
    I really like your passion and all the hard you are putting in and sharing with us. I would like to find someone just like you but for swing trading. Someone who shows how he or she works life! How to select the right stocks for swing trades. You would really help me Ross, because its very hard to find someone as open and real as you, out here in brazil or in germany. Please help me Ross

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Allen says:

    Thanks for sharing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K K says:

    Good morning sir, how do you figure out which stocks will have these momentum gains, and what is the best way organized them?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars morearty says:

    Hi, thank you for the live today, I am studying the course at WT website (very didactic). Also, I tune in every morning to pick a real life experience. I would like to extend the gratitude to the WT community at the live chat for keeping it very professional.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonel Flores says:

    Good morning. first time here

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 17946tjm says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Florenz says:

    What charting program do you use or recommend?

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