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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #jack #real #fail ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Hey everyone meet Kevin here. Wanted to talk about fear, uncertainty, doubt, and life and trying to get ahead in this crazy world we live in. There's so many reasons to be fearful. I mean think about it.

Dollar crisis or China Taiwan It really reminds me of my childhood and really getting to where I am now. Uh, I mean when I was seven, my parents divorced, we lost our home, we had our car repossessed I went to seven different schools as a child. no consistency. we had seven to eleven twenty dollar bills left in the bank account I Know that because I wanted to buy a Bionicle and I'm like Dad it's 20 bucks.

Come on man, he's like dude I could only buy seven and then we're at zero. Then we go negative and I'm like I'm seven and I know this isn't good. This guy's seven. That's my guy.

He's seven. That's Jack I Hope he never has that experience in his life. but I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about risks and risk in life whether it's in stocks or real estate or just life and I thought I'd start a little bit with background. So when it comes to background, I always told myself as a child when we had nothing or very little that no matter what, I could always have a minimum wage job.

It's basically a social guarantee right that you can always have a minimum wage job and play World of Warcraft Plenty of really fun video games and I'll tell you the times that I played video games. Uh, really fun, you know and not necessarily that bad of a life. Uh, now. maybe not as fulfilling.

but uh then again, depends on your definition of fulfilling because either you're leveling up at a job or business or in video games, you want to feel like you're accomplishing something. And for a lot of my childhood that was slaying dragons and old school RuneScape or splinter cell or Age of Empires or even the days of Red Alert which was even before that calendar strike you name it. but I always think to myself, worst case scenario, if I reset I play video games minimum wage job no way. obviously I don't want that and I haven't played video games for probably about eight months now, which is wild because I used to play a lot but I mean I think back when I was in high school I was on a set path to be a lawn enforcement officer or work for the FBI 20-year pension.

Uh, back then is what our department was offering when I was a volunteer there. I could have started at 19, been retired by 39. in eight years I would have been retired with a pension. uh but instead I decided wow I met a girl in Paris I'm gonna leave Florida leave the chance to go to a four-year College here in Florida go to a community college in California finish High School in California for a girl So my risk was I could reset and totally go back to zero scary I had a lot of fear but I did it anyway I said you know what? I'm not gonna be afraid because worst case scenario, I'll just start a little later or I'll reset but resetting in a developed country.

As long as you're doing your best, you're full of integrity and you're trying to put one foot in front of the other by doing the right thing for people. You're leaving places better than you found them. You get ahead and you win. That's at least the goal you don't always win.
I've made plenty of mistakes for example, working at Hollister and manager. Let's just say cut my hours basically fired me to in college not getting the best of grades once I was at UCLA once I transferred from a community college to nearly quitting not finishing College to leaving my restaurant job a stable restaurant job that I had to become a realtor. It was a lot of fear and I every time I flip-flopped on whatever I was doing I was grateful I made the decision because ultimately so far at least it has always ended up leading to something better. That doesn't mean I didn't have setbacks.

always had setbacks in life. Life is literally always about two steps forward. one step back. Sometimes it's like three steps back and then it's like, all right, well that sucks Let's uh, let's get back on the path where we're going.

two forward, one back right. But it was the fear also of being a Realtor in 2010 and 11 and realizing damn, what if there is a double dip recession? Well what if I buy a house and you know, basically go into escrow on a house at 20 years old and convince other people to buy a home because it seemed like it was the right time in the market? You could literally borrow 100 and rent out the property for more than what all of your payments were. I'm like this doesn't make sense not to buy. So we Bond and we encouraged other people to buy and there was no double damn.

Things ended up working out and even had they not, well, I would have been back to minimum wage and uh, playing World of Warcraft But I did the same thing when I became a broker. I Took the risk to go on my own, become a broker, took the risk to make a TV commercial and go out on my own and spend 30 of my net worth on a TV commercial. Airing the TV commercial didn't make me money presenting it, listening presentations. did I think it had a positive Roi there? but I Flip flop on airing that on TV because it wasn't profitable.

You don't get people make fun of me for flip-flopping but I'm like dude, you have to flip-flop if you're driving and you're in a car with me. Well first of all, you're gonna go on a ride if you're on a car ride with me. a joyride, blue velvet references. But anyway, if what's in front of you changes on a road that's not mapped which our lives are not mapped, all we know is there's opportunity, then you have to flip-flop Don't be bound to something because you said you're going to commit to it.

You have the right to change your mind. Look at the world of opportunity we have out here. Look at this. Flip this around.

look out there, look how much land there is out there, how much opportunity there is out there. There is an abundance of opportunity and it's never too late to start. If I thought it was too late to start I would tell Jack hey man, why bother trying right? I mean think about it. let me ask him.
hey Jack Do you think you're ever going to run out of opportunities to make money in life? There are always going to be jobs and and things available for you to make sure you could succeed in life. Like will there always be options for that? Or do you think there are dead ends and you just might not be able to get ahead? Or do you think you'll always be able to find a way to get ahead? I Think there will be a way to get ahead. Why do you think that? Because um, there's like easy jobs. Yeah, you want an easy job? Yeah, so you could.

All What you're saying is you could always fall back to an easy job, right? Yeah, But do you always want to do an easy job or what kind of jobs do you want to do I Wanna I'm thinking about being a YouTuber too. That's awesome dude. that's awesome. So either way, point point being.

uh I always look at life and suggest okay, hey, if something doesn't work flip-flop but no shortage of opportunities Jack wants to be a YouTuber try it if it doesn't work flip-flop Plenty of fallbacks like even Jack said look, you can get an easy job and flip flop back onto something easy. There's always an option. It's actually interesting for him to say that because he had no idea he was just about to ask him a question. But I think about that as he's got a really good point.

I mean that reiterates the idea that there is always something available for you, which is kind of cool. but I Also, think about the risks that I took of quitting real estate uh, as a salesperson to do YouTube full-time I didn't know it would ever turn into what it did today I Feel so blessed and lucky that it did I Really do and it gave me the opportunities to keep taking risks. And I think that's what happens in life is you get presented with opportunities and they really create other opportunities. For example, last year I became a financial advisor and signed up for the 500 000 a year risk of running an ETF That's a lot.

That's scary and it could fail I'm now literally mistaking I'm putting my money where my mouth is and when I say hey I like a certain subsect of socks I'm basically committing to that publicly. but I'm willing to do that I'm willing to take that risk like I said I could always flip-flop I don't expect I will because well, first of all, the ETF is doing well I don't want to start talking about performance because then I'll get in trouble with the SEC Uh, go to meet Kevin.com and you can see all the information on links to my affiliate programs, my courses on building your wealth, the coupon code, the fact that my licensed real estate agent licensed financial advisor this is not personalized Financial advice and you can see a link to my ETF We'll leave it there for that. but I Also started a real estate startup myself and my wife borrowed to buy this plane so that we could be the best. Executives For our real estate startup, our real estate startup has not paid a single dime towards this plane.
Not a single dime. It's all on us. But we're doing that because we really believe in the long-term success of this company. This is not like a oh, let's you know, get in, get out kind of thing.

You know? It's also really hard to mess up with. um, with with starting a real estate business because you're buying real assets. The question then is, what can you scale it into and that's what we're really excited about. But look, getting to the next level and and doing all these things and taking these risks to me is enjoyable.

but it doesn't mean it has to be for everyone. Let me switch hands for a second. There we go. taking risks and thinking about what's next could be as simple as do we want to have a child.

Do we want to invest in socks? Do we want to buy a rental property? And hopefully the answer to all those things is yes. I mean I'm not your advisor I Can't tell you what to do, but I'm a big fan of focus on quality and ignore the noise. Look, I'm a big fan of covering news whether it's the noise of politics or the noise of stocks and all of the uncertainties that happen. but there are always going to be fears and uncertainties.

and I've just found it's better to try and flip-flop than to have never tried at all now. JK Rowling Talks about that. You know it is better to have tried and than to have never tried at all. I Prefer the it's better to try and flip-flop if you don't like it because again you can always flip-flop back to an easy job.

that minimum wage job. You always have a safety net. but in the meantime you may as well try to go for something like Jack It's like hey, you can always go to an easy job. come on man, of course there are plenty of opportunities out there.

What are you talking about Dad But in the meantime I'm gonna go try to do something I'm gonna go make a YouTube channel. We should make a YouTube channel sooner Jack You should make a YouTube channel sooner. Yeah Anyway, you know I remember being in in high school and thinking man I wish I asked or even a middle school man I wish I asked more girls out on dates or whatever and now the first girl that actually successfully asked out on a date I ended up marrying and having two kids with Jack happens to be number one but um, you know, like people always make fun of me for flip-flopping. but I think the best thing you can do is make a decision and if it doesn't work out adjust it's okay but not making or taking the leap of faith.

I think is the worst thing to do in life because again if you reset it's not that bad and if you don't reset things could be really good. Now one of the crazy things that I'll say is I would say the happiest point in my life when is really what I was working minimum wage at Jamba Juice with like no responsibilities the next 10 years were really difficult, really stressful, really hard. A lot of anxiety. used to have an anxiety problem so far in 2023.
I'm happier than I was then and I have a lot of responsibilities now. But I don't have anxiety anymore. but I will say they would I go back and not have taken the risks because of the fear of that anxiety. Absolutely not.

And I encourage everybody to think about what can I do to get ahead now. I'll give you a quick little preview about stocks and real estate. but again, I want you to look out. Look at this.

I Want you to think about this. Look at this. There's endless opportunity out there. Endless.

There is zero shortage. Anybody who tells you there's a shortage of opportunity hasn't tried themselves. So to wrap this up, let's talk about my thoughts. Do I really care about the inverted yield curve? Do I really care about Taiwan the dollar crisis or all these things? No.

I will cover it and people are going to make fun of me every single day for having titles that are a little exciting because somebody's like oh, the Market's gonna drop 20 and I'm like that's a good title I'll respond to it because I don't actually think that I'm gonna do that. Maybe I'll flip-flop on that. but I'm going to keep providing value every single day And that's my goal Because really I think we're We're going to be facing deflation in the next 10 years and the inverted yield curve is actually inverting more than it historically has. Over the last 20 years, the twos tens trend has been more and more inverted.

and I think the reason for that is simple: we're trending towards deflation, but more on that in a different video. When it comes to stocks, though, real estate, and investing, I Think you can make your life very easy by focusing on quality Quality stocks, Quality Pricing Power stocks, Quality Properties Quality Real estate. You know a lot of people are like oh, but Kevin I want I want cash flow. You know the highest cash flow.

Properties can have the biggest headaches. the absolute biggest headaches. And we think about it, the higher the cash flow. Likely you know the people are like oh, it's 10 cap or 20 cap or whatever.

A lot of these properties are like dude, you have to collect rent with a gun, you're dealing with hoarders and evictions all the time and it's complete disaster. and Nightmare somehow you are paying for the pain. Now for some people, it makes sense and I'm gonna try to bag on that. but in my opinion I look at it and go look If I can't do a Craigslist transaction somewhere at eight o'clock at night I don't want to be there and I certainly don't want to buy there So I encourage you to focus on quality and focus on quality throughout your life.
Maybe not for like all the little junk that doesn't matter, like you don't need the highest quality washing machine or dishwasher or microwave or coffee maker. you know, get stuff that gets the job done. But when it comes to quality in your career, you don't actually have to move around a lot. You just have to always be thinking to yourself, what's next, what can I do to invest to get to the next level or or Advance my career to get to the next level.

Those are big goals and uh, that's a sign. We're coming in for a landing so uh I think that's time to go anyway? Look I wish you all the best I love you! thank you so much for uh being a subscriber and uh, we'll see you in the next one. Jack You want to say bye bye guys.

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34 thoughts on “Lessons from a multi-millionaire startup founder.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Comment says:

    I think Jack needs some challenges in his life.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VICTOR B says:

    you re the man Kevin

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IT Work says:

    Best video you have done. Success is 99% failure. It’s in our DNA. To ride a bike you have to fail first. It’s how things work.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars levalivet69 says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The ReRe says:

    Time to graduate and write a book.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Jourdan says:

    where is Florida real estate market/drive around check out houses vid?!!?!?!?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Ali Albadri says:

    That Eminem song in the first half really fit your message perfectly 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tlr racer says:

    Flop that shit hard I got money to buy the dip

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah B says:

    I MISSED THE 2% RUNUP TODAY BC I sold off 90% of my folio after yesterday's downturn!! Stocks were supposed to go up a lot yesterday but fell a lot. ouch !!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    Kev – Flip flops are OK under many circumstances. They are not OK under some. Make better decisions ahead of time & flip flops will be minimized….
    Frame the Decision

    To decide is to commit to a course of action. Frame your decision as a simple question answerable yes or no regarding some course of action (e.g., "Should I seek new employment?").

    List the Pros and Cons

    Brainstorm or jot down an initial set of pros and cons. Don't rush through the process. Take time to reflect on the decision facing you and add to (or subtract from) the Pros and Cons.

    Assess the Importance of the Pros and the Cons

    A simple rating scale of 1 to 10 works well here. Extremely important would rate a 10; moderately important would rate a 5 and not especially important would rate a 1.

    Assess the Probability of the Pros and the Cons

    In some cases, a Pro or a Con is certain; it rates a 10. In other cases, a Pro or Con might be viewed as likely but not certain; it rates a 5. And, a Pro or Con might be viewed as possible but remote; it rates a 1.

    Weight the Pros and the Cons

    Multiply the rating for Importance times the rating for Probability. A Pro that is extremely important (10) and is likely to be realized (5) yields a weight of 50. A Con of extremely high importance (10) but a remote possibility (1) yields a weight of 10.

    Review and Reflect

    Review the factors you have listed, their ratings, their weightings and take stock of what they tell you about the decision.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    Kev – The flip-flopping isn't the problem it's the symptom. You are smart, so smart you tend to rationalize poor decisions effectively. To yourself & to others.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KC STORYTIME says:

    Thank you Kevin for this video. It encouraged me today.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MLS says:

    Me playing the world's smallest violin for Kevin's sob story 🎻 Hey Jack, I'm a beta dad that is ok with you mutilating yourself when you turn 18, please say what I want you to say about money 😅… Been unsubscribed, my greed ain't enough to follow this unstable, alcohol addicted, YouTuber.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Astronaut? Nah! YOUTUBE! lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    I bet you played Tibia! Didn't you?

    Or was it too hardcore for you? 😈

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HIT DESTROY says:

    Thanks for the reminder that inaction is just as much of a risk as action.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalton Davis says:

    not afraid in the background fits this video perfectly

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalib Ervin says:

    The Eminem in the background is killing me 😂. Great video Kevin love your perspectives

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sutton says:

    One of your best videos. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron ___ says:

    Is he listening to Nightwish and Eminem? Good dude.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Benmbark.Realtor says:

    This heart to heart would have been so much better without the handheld mic. 🎤

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stochastic says:

    I just think it's funny how you talk about all this stuff, but doesn't most of your money come from YouTube? If it didn't you wouldn't be a slave to it on vacations lol.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Payo Molina says:

    FKN RED ALERT thats a throw back. Feels like those time are coming around with the whole russia/china fears of war. Cold wars going hot.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aurelian Spodarec says:

    Show more outside the window, sit in different seats, show a bit of wing, show a bit of the cockpit as you talk etc…. one reason why this video was good is because ti was in the plane 😀 But also great advice, something I'm going though now myself.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thisisnotapublictoilet says:

    what a flex

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hockeyhalod says:

    Gaming is such a good way to save money, but it is also a time sync that loses money. What a crazy world to live in.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tanner Sorenson says:

    Great heartfelt video, Kevin. Keep it up.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Klaiman says:

    Eminem is gonna demonetize you

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C D says:

    Kevin really needs to stop flying around on private jets near the top of the everything bubble.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff2209 says:

    What is the name of the opera song playing in the background in near the end of the video?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NGC 7635 says:

    I'm a gamer and even though the games are all scripted for you to be the victorious hero, I still look back at the game I've played through as fond memories. They were fun experiences, just like anything else fun you do in the real world. Doesn't feel like wasted time. Not very productive of course, but I'm more of a Diogenes type than an Alexander the Great type.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taner Yakut says:

    Honestly, I like to deposit my BTC and ETH on PapayaHub platform. I'm getting 25-30% per month thanks to the fast-growing webcam market.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xitmetli Xitmetovlud says:

    I don't get the point of discussing ICOs or cryptocurrency arbitrage when there's an opportunity to invest in the webcam industry with PapayaHub! It skyrocketed after the pandemic!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toby Cox says:

    This video was great and Kevin you should deffo do more life advice like this. I am 19 and feel the world is crumbling down on me and I feel I am running out of time, things can change in 10 years, 5 years or even 6 months. Comparison is the thief of joy and people should focus on what feels right for them. Great video

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