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Ken Griffin is the NEW Modern Day Bernie Madoff
Bernie and Ken have TONS of striking similarities. Both generated insane profits. Bernie generated 15% annualised over 10+ years, which many calculated to be IMPOSSIBLE. However, Ken Griffin's returns put these to shame, generating 19.1% annualised over 30 years, 4x as profitable as Warren Buffett.
Both have secret proprietary trading strategies (aka, its a Ponzi scheme). Both advocate for Payment for Order Flow, both 'pay off congress' aka, make political payments/pay 'speaking fees' to politicians. Both have voiced their desire to work for the regulatory agencies, and many more.
Ken Griffin literally makes MORE MONEY than Bernie could ever dream of, so if Bernie's returns were IMPOSSIBLE, taking financial analysts only 4 minutes to decode that the returns were fraudulent... what planet is Ken on?!
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Inspired by Graham Stephan, Meet Kevin, Andrei Jikh, Stock Moe, My Financial Friend, Kenan Grace, Trey Trades, Matt Kohrs, the Masked Investor, Lou vs Wall Street and more.
#AMC #AMCStock #ShortSqueeze

Today I Want to talk about how Ken Griffin is the new modern day? Bernie Madoff I Want to explain the Striking similarities between Ken Griffin and his alleged fraud company Citadel Securities and Bernie Madoff and how they both escaped the SEC for years. So stay tuned and let's make some money. And now I'm gonna dive straight in with accumulation. So I Want to go through this checklist one by one and compare just how similar Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff really are.

First up on the list is the fact that Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff both generated insane profits and actually wouldn't believe it. But Ken Griffin's returns actually outstrip those of Bernie Madoff. So in terms of Bernie Madoff this article says what's more, these private accounts have produced compound average annual returns of 15 for more than a decade, and remarkably, some of the larger billion dollar made-off run funds have never, ever had a down year. Now generating at least 15 every single year for 10 years in a row, if not longer seemed very very fishy to some, and in 1999, financial analyst Harry had informed the SEC that he believed it was legally and mathematically impossible to achieve the gains made off claim to deliver.

It says, according to Harry Markopolis, it took him just four minutes to conclude that Madoff's numbers did not add up, and another singular minute to suspect that they were fraudulent. And after four hours of failed attempts to replicate Madoff's numbers Marco Polus believed he had mathematically proven that Madoff was a fraud. They may say Tom Surely, Ken Griffin doesn't generate large returns and especially not every single year. Well, I thought so too.

but actually I was wrong. This article from the Financial Times says that Citadel has converted a ten thousand dollar investment in 1990 into 1.3 million dollars and Ken Griffin's hedge funds annualized 19.1 returns since Inception outstrips Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. So hang on a second. It took just four minutes for a financial analyst to decipher that.

Bernie Madoff's 15 returns were instantly fraudulent. But yes, Ditto has been returning 19 at least since Inception and yet nobody's batting an eye. If you invested ten thousand dollars into Berkshire Hathaway you'd now only have three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, whereas investing with Ken Griffin would return you 1.3 million Ken Griffin is over four times as profitable as potentially the greatest investor to have ever lived Warren Buffett who has generated only 315 000 from a mere ten thousand dollar investment. Now you may say Tom Surely, Ken Griffin and Citadel have some losing years.

For example, 2022, right? For example, Tiger Global was down 54 4.7 This year, 2022 was the year where many hedge funds got absolutely destroyed. We also saw a light Street Capital falling 50 as well amid a tech stock plunge. Surely if this year, pretty much every single hedge fund is down, surely Ken Griffin said that our Securities are also down as well. What did Citadel for this year? Was it like 10 or 20 percent? Maybe 40 or 50 percent just like Tiger Global and Light Street Capital Partners Well actually the answer would be no.
During 2022, a terrible year for hedge funds said that was hedge funds still returned 28 billion dollars or a 38.1 return. And on top of that, their Market making firm also generated an additional 7.5 billion. So in a year when practically every single hedge fund is down on the year, some hedge funds down even 50 or more. So today is somehow on the other side of the fence up 38.1 percent.

Now second up on the list is that both Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff had very secretive strategies that they didn't want to tell anyone about. Obviously, Bernie Madoff didn't want to tell anyone about his secret strategy because it just didn't exist. Bernie Madoff wasn't ever trading actual money and never actually had a proper strategy. It was all a Ponzi scheme As this Baron's article.

States When Baron's ass made off on Friday how he accomplishes all of these returns, he said it's a proprietary strategy and he can't go into great detail. Bernie Madoff was obviously a very secretive guy because he didn't actually have a strategy. He just made everything up because it was a giant giant Ponzi scheme. Now you may be saying Tom Surely Citadel doesn't have a proprietary secret trading strategy and they tell everybody exactly how they make their money right? Also guys, if you haven't already, be sure to subscribe the channel.

drop a like down below and ding that notification Bell because that way you'll be alerted when I put a new video. Well, actually a few years ago Citadel was suing GSA Capital partners and five senior GSA Executives alleging they induced a Citadel employee to supply proprietary and highly confidential information to GSA. It says the secret information allegedly included details of a key Citadel trading strategy, which it says generates many millions of dollars each year. In a lawsuit filed at the High court in London Citadel says core features of its trading strategies include algorithms which invests vast sums in developing and which are highly confidential.

So actually Citadel also has these same secretive trading strategies that they don't tell anyone about. and if anyone tries to figure out what those secret strategies are, they get sued. Okay, so that's both Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff generating insane profits with very secretive strategies that they won't tell anyone about. Now, you may know that Bernie Madoff had both a hedge fund and a market making armed to his company and at one point was processing 10 of all trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange.

Well again, Ken Griffin has not only a hedge fund and a market making arm, but also a dark ball as well and it uses that to process 40 of all my market trading volume. So we can see that actually both Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff supposedly had a hedge fund and a market-making arm and was supposedly processing 40 or 10 of all market trading volume. Now the next part around, payment for order flow is actually where it gets really, really interesting. Bernie Madoff obviously was the founder of Payment for Order Flow now right now in 2022 with Ken Griffin's alleged fraud business.
that our Securities Ken Griffin very much advocates for Payment for Order Flow and thinks it's a brilliant idea and anyone that disagrees with payment for Order Flow will be voted against in Congress. But actually interestingly enough, it wasn't always like this. At one point back in 2004, Ken Griffin believed that payment for order Flow was terrible for the market and even urged the SEC to ban payment for order flow. I Think maybe similarly to Bernie Madoff At one point Ken Griffin was actually a legit man running a legit business.

but then somewhere along the line something changed and Ken Griffin also turned to a life of crime that is very similar or potentially very similar to Bernie Madoff. Many believe that back in the 70s, Bernie Madoff was making money in a legit way, but then at some point during the 90s turned a crime. Now you may say Tom What could possibly happen that could cause Ken Griffin to change his mind about payment for Order flow and could cause him to return to a life of crime. Well actually, back in 2008, Ken Griffin did have one singular losing year and hedge fund.

Titan Ken Griffin described the incredibly humiliating moment his firm nearly went under back in 2008. Ken Griffin spoke on how he was trying to survive one more day during the 2008 financial crisis and was this close to going bankrupt. Ken Griffin described that moment as incredibly humiliating and interestingly back in 2004. Ken Griffin hated payment for order flow, but now absolutely loves payment for order flow, especially after this loss that he took back in 2008.

I Believe this incredibly humiliating loss changed Ken Griffin's mind and he decided that if he changes to a life of crime, he never has to have a similarly humiliating moment. If Ken Griffin just changes and simply doesn't ever lose any money, then he won't ever be humiliated. How's best not to lose money, ever? crime. So we're now starting to see there's actually a lot of similarities between Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff, but actually, the list doesn't end there.

Next up on our list is the fact that both Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff of both paid off Congress or have made significant donations to Congressional parties. For example, if we start with Bernie Madoff from 1991 to 2008, but in Emery's Madoff contributed around 240 thousand dollars to Federal candidates parties and committees including twenty five thousand dollars a year from 2005 through to 2008 to the Democratic Campaign Committee. Now, if we look at Ken Griffin on the other hand, he actually has a whole wave of political contributions spanning from 2010 all the way so far to 2020.. Ken Griffin has been donating to the Republicans in massive, massive amounts.
Three million dollars here, three million There, another two million 500, 000 a million and the list goes on. This I think was really key to both the Bernie Madoff and to the Ken Griffin fraud. If they both continue to donate to Congress, they never, ever were investigated. Obviously, the SEC, the Department of Justice, the FBI and Congress believe that Bernie Madoff could never commit fraud because he liked us and donated us so much money.

and Ken Griffin does the exact same thing now. I Think this is now more relevant than ever when you factor in the Sam Bankman Freeman fraud. Sam obviously donated tons of money to these political campaigns and was never ever investigated. And in fact, if anything, Gary Gensler and Sam Bankman Freed are actually best friends.

Gary Genser was even trying to find a way for Sam Bang Freed to have a regulatory Monopoly. Obviously the answer is to never get investigated for committing any crimes. All you have to do is just pay off Congress or make some political contributions. It was working perfectly for Sam Bachmann Freed until FDX collapse.

It was working perfectly for Bernie Madoff until his sons turned him in and it's still working perfectly for Ken Griffin Because surely nobody that donates money to Congress or to political parties could ever be doing anything wrong and should never deserve an investigation just like Jeffrey Epstein Oh, hang on a second. Yeah, he actually did tons and tons of stuff wrong. Now last on the list: I've written down FCC involvement and it's not specifically SEC involvement. it's more like regulatory involvement or potential regulatory appointments.

For example, members of the Madoff family have served as Leaders on the Securities Industry and Financial markets Association the primary Securities industry organization Bernie Madoff actually served on the board of directors of Sifma and was chairman of its trading committee, and he was also a founding board member of the Dtcc subsidiary in London Now, Bernie Madoff was obviously very involved in this regulatory oversight and therefore nobody thought he could possibly be doing anything wrong because he loved regulations right and again, we also have Ken Griffin who wants to be U.S Treasurer If DeSantis wins his 2024 bid for U.S presidency and it says Griffin said he will definitely be involved in the presidential race and won't rule out and move to Washington if called upon. particularly if the U.S is in a recession. he's prepared to join the cabinet of the santis whom he first met in Citadel Chicago office during his initial gubernatorial run. And it says one option maybe Treasury Secretary if Griffin runs to be the treasure History secretary.
Surely nobody is going to suspect him of committing fraud or running a Ponzi scheme. So I think it's actually scary just how many similarities there are between Ken Griffin and Burn Madoff And if anything, Ken Griffin is even worse generating even more insane profits than Bernie was back in the day and at the same time, many of Ken Griffin's profits came at the exact time as Bernie Madoffs as well. Obviously, Bernie was committing fraud through the 90s up until around 2009 2010. Ken Griffin's fund said that our Securities started at the very beginning of the 90s as well.

Therefore, Ken Griffin and Bernie Madoff were going neck to neck in terms of returns and Ken Griffin was actually making even more money, but many thought the money that Bernie was making was physically impossible. But seemingly everybody this entire time has been turning a blind eye to Ken Griffin the real fraudster. But guys, be sure to let me know what you think down in the comments below. And as always, guys, be sure to ding that notification Bell because that way you'll be alerted when I'll put a new video.

Cheers is.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Ken griffin is the new bernie madoff!! – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Won Hur says:

    Is this a good time to buy stocks/crypto in the Europe? I know everyone is saying stocks are at a discount and all, but just how long will It take for us to recover, obviously there are strategies to manoeuvre in this present market but these strategies doesn't come common to the average folk, or am I better off putting my money elsewhere.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Calloway says:

    Needing liquidity pumping the hell outta Bitcoin running outta ways to pay the high interest rates thiet days are numbered

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yahshua11 says:

    The reason they chose crime is GREED

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory says:

    Pretty much and he will eventually fall likewise.
    All those plans to build skyscrapers in NYC and Florida will fail because he will be exposed

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Porfirio Beltre says:

    Put that garbage in jail

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ima Pseudonym says:

    Both AMC and APE are now penny stocks. Face it kids, we were played like a cheap fiddle. Adam will walk away laughing with tens of millions, the HF's will walk away laughing with billions, and we will get a bag to hold, and a stab wound in the back.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shplendiddan says:

    Can’t want to see you disappear like Lou and finance news hahah.
    DRS GNE🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RunCarSnowPenn says:

    Selling Billions of Synthetic shares to the market and naked shorting without buying anything back. Creating fake shares > Sells them to customers and gain money, thats like selling something on the internet to quadrillion people but nver ever giving them anything other than a Number in their account.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PedroE Castillo7 says:

    I always skip watching your videos just because of how you move your hands

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark cloud says:

    I'm in my late 20s and I'm working my ass off, just so I could retire at 40, been reading about people that grew a profit of $150K-$380k within 2months and I'd like to know how I can outperform the market and make better profit.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Brungart says:

    Thom as always great content Thanks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adeyemo Jumoke says:

    Mrs Moraine the bitcoin trader is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martial Arts says:

    TIMING! Why Adam created APE and proposed two votes while AMC CTB and SI at all time high??? It is because he wants to rescue his hedge fund partners while we are closer to the squeeze! Wake up people! !!! Sell APE buy AMC, Vote NO! Ask yourself, why NOW?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiseblood2012 says:

    The gravest threat to the right of people to vote leaders into office is Personhood for corporations. By granting personhood to corporations corporations could donate to candidates. However a real person is limited to $ 2,500 of donation to a candidate. A corporation has no cap on its donating power aside from assets and profits. Now politicians are puppets of companies and not representatives of their actual constituents.

    You don't have to look any further than congressional hearings involving billion dollar companies CEOs lying to congress. Which is a crime that congress won't see prosecuted.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry McGuire says:

    Most people are taught that "you only need a good job to become rich".{These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike veraguas says:

    I think this p.o.s. needs to be fed to a pack of lions, And Publicly have everyone watch it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dabartman2 says:

    Thomas I enjoy your videos and like reviewing the comments however its hatd to read them with the fake comments with multiple replies telling how much they made with certain person(s). I report them when I can. Is there anything you can do yo stop them?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shiner Gold Pomade says:

    I can't take the spazz arm actions it's to much

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Monteon says:

    Exact the same thing😮

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Monteon says:

    You best man

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GApeach1313 says:

    Great video!!! 😊

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NAVSO FOUR says:

    This looks like financial terrorism.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hamza Rorick says:

    Maddoff is.a.saint compaired to griffen.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas James - Investing says:

    Do you think Ken Griffin is the new Bernie Madoff?

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