Keep Moving Forward | Mindset Monday
Challenges are going to arise. People are going to leave. Clients are going to ghost you. When these things happen, do you take it personally and let it derail you? Or do you stay on your path and keep moving forward? Let’s agree to respect the journey people are on... and remain focused on your own.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Your kids are going to go away to college you're going to hire someone, and you know what they're going to leave. What i'm constantly reminding myself is people are doing the best they can with what they got. So there's this great old statement - and it goes something like this - it's easier to leave than it is to be left, think about it. The person that says i'm ending this relationship, they've got a plan.

They've got a commitment. They've got something they want to do. Maybe they're running from something more than likely they're going somewhere, where the person that is quote unquote being left is feeling like wait a minute. What did i do wrong? Can i get better and they usually go in their head, but you know what it's easier to leave than it is to be left.

I call bs. The person that is left then has to ask themselves what am i committed to that's. One thought. The second thing they've got to say to themselves is the acknowledgement that we don't own anybody.

Your kids are going to go away to college you're going to hire someone, and you know what they're gon na leave. What i'm constantly reminding myself is people are doing the best they can with what they got and we own no one everyone's job on this planet. In my opinion is to figure out who you are, what you're committed to and go do that so for you and i as business leaders. What do we need to do? Empower the people around us empower our kids to go out and do the best they can? Our teammates, like brian behind the camera, to go, be the best brian he can be so.

My advice, for you is stop taking it personally. If a lead doesn't call you back, if a person decides to go dark on you or if someone on your team decides to leave, keep moving forward, you do you they're gon na. Do them and everybody's gon na be happy, make sense. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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